Don't look for actual OldException.Exception exceptions
[ghc-base.git] / base.cabal
1 name:           base
2 version:        4.0
3 license:        BSD3
4 license-file:   LICENSE
5 maintainer:
6 synopsis:       Basic libraries
7 description:
8     This package contains the Prelude and its support libraries,
9     and a large collection of useful libraries ranging from data
10     structures to parsing combinators and debugging utilities.
11 cabal-version:  >=1.2
12 build-type: Configure
13 extra-tmp-files:
14                 config.log config.status autom4te.cache
15                 include/HsBaseConfig.h
16 extra-source-files:
17                 config.guess config.sub install-sh
18                 aclocal.m4 configure
19                 include/CTypes.h
21 Library {
22     if impl(ghc) {
23         build-depends: rts, ghc-prim, integer
24         exposed-modules:
25             Foreign.Concurrent,
26             GHC.Arr,
27             GHC.Base,
28             GHC.Classes,
29             GHC.Conc,
30             GHC.ConsoleHandler,
31             GHC.Desugar,
32             GHC.Enum,
33             GHC.Environment,
34             GHC.Err,
35             GHC.Exception,
36             GHC.Exts,
37             GHC.Float,
38             GHC.ForeignPtr,
39             GHC.Handle,
40             GHC.IO,
41             GHC.IOBase,
42             GHC.Int,
43             GHC.List,
44             GHC.Num,
45             GHC.PArr,
46             GHC.Pack,
47             GHC.Ptr,
48             GHC.Read,
49             GHC.Real,
50             GHC.ST,
51             GHC.STRef,
52             GHC.Show,
53             GHC.Stable,
54             GHC.Storable,
55             GHC.TopHandler,
56             GHC.Unicode,
57             GHC.Weak,
58             GHC.Word
59         extensions: MagicHash, ExistentialQuantification, Rank2Types,
60                     ScopedTypeVariables, UnboxedTuples,
61                     ForeignFunctionInterface, UnliftedFFITypes,
62                     DeriveDataTypeable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
63                     FlexibleInstances, PatternSignatures, StandaloneDeriving,
64                     PatternGuards, EmptyDataDecls
65     }
66     exposed-modules:
67         Control.Applicative,
68         Control.Arrow,
69         Control.Category,
70         Control.Exception,
71         Control.Exception.Base
72         Control.OldException,
73         Control.Monad,
74         Control.Monad.Fix,
75         Control.Monad.Instances,
76         Data.Bits,
77         Data.Bool,
78         Data.Char,
79         Data.Complex,
80         Data.Dynamic,
81         Data.Either,
82         Data.Eq,
83         Data.Fixed,
84         Data.Foldable
85         Data.Function,
86         Data.HashTable,
87         Data.IORef,
88         Data.Int,
89         Data.Ix,
90         Data.List,
91         Data.Maybe,
92         Data.Monoid,
93         Data.Ord,
94         Data.Ratio,
95         Data.String,
96         Data.Traversable
97         Data.Tuple,
98         Data.Typeable,
99         Data.Version,
100         Data.Word,
101         Debug.Trace,
102         Foreign,
103         Foreign.C,
104         Foreign.C.Error,
105         Foreign.C.String,
106         Foreign.C.Types,
107         Foreign.ForeignPtr,
108         Foreign.Marshal,
109         Foreign.Marshal.Alloc,
110         Foreign.Marshal.Array,
111         Foreign.Marshal.Error,
112         Foreign.Marshal.Pool,
113         Foreign.Marshal.Utils,
114         Foreign.Ptr,
115         Foreign.StablePtr,
116         Foreign.Storable,
117         Numeric,
118         Prelude,
119         System.CPUTime,
120         System.Environment,
121         System.Exit,
122         System.IO,
123         System.IO.Error,
124         System.IO.Unsafe,
125         System.Info,
126         System.Mem,
127         System.Mem.StableName,
128         System.Mem.Weak,
129         System.Posix.Internals,
130         System.Posix.Types,
131         Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP,
132         Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec,
133         Text.Printf,
134         Text.Read,
135         Text.Read.Lex,
136         Text.Show,
137         Text.Show.Functions
138         Unsafe.Coerce
139     c-sources:
140         cbits/PrelIOUtils.c
141         cbits/WCsubst.c
142         cbits/Win32Utils.c
143         cbits/consUtils.c
144         cbits/dirUtils.c
145         cbits/inputReady.c
146         cbits/selectUtils.c
147     include-dirs: include
148     includes:    HsBase.h
149     install-includes:    HsBase.h HsBaseConfig.h WCsubst.h dirUtils.h consUtils.h Typeable.h
150     if os(windows) {
151         extra-libraries: wsock32, msvcrt, kernel32, user32, shell32
152     }
153     extensions: CPP
154     -- We need to set the package name to base (without a version number)
155     -- as it's magic.
156     ghc-options: -package-name base
157     nhc98-options: -H4M -K3M
158 }