1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 -- Code generator utilities; mostly monadic
5 -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006
7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 emitDataLits, emitRODataLits, emitIf, emitIfThenElse,
13 emitRtsCall, emitRtsCallWithVols, emitRtsCallWithResult,
16 emitSwitch, emitLitSwitch,
19 cmmAndWord, cmmOrWord, cmmNegate, cmmEqWord, cmmNeWord,
20 cmmOffsetExprW, cmmOffsetExprB,
21 cmmRegOffW, cmmRegOffB,
22 cmmLabelOffW, cmmLabelOffB,
23 cmmOffsetW, cmmOffsetB,
24 cmmOffsetLitW, cmmOffsetLitB,
34 #include "HsVersions.h"
41 import PprCmm ( {- instances -} )
61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 -- Random small functions
65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 addIdReps :: [Id] -> [(CgRep, Id)]
68 addIdReps ids = [(idCgRep id, id) | id <- ids]
70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 cgLit :: Literal -> FCode CmmLit
77 cgLit (MachStr s) = mkByteStringCLit (bytesFS s)
78 -- not unpackFS; we want the UTF-8 byte stream.
79 cgLit other_lit = return (mkSimpleLit other_lit)
81 mkSimpleLit :: Literal -> CmmLit
82 mkSimpleLit (MachChar c) = CmmInt (fromIntegral (ord c)) wordRep
83 mkSimpleLit MachNullAddr = zeroCLit
84 mkSimpleLit (MachInt i) = CmmInt i wordRep
85 mkSimpleLit (MachInt64 i) = CmmInt i I64
86 mkSimpleLit (MachWord i) = CmmInt i wordRep
87 mkSimpleLit (MachWord64 i) = CmmInt i I64
88 mkSimpleLit (MachFloat r) = CmmFloat r F32
89 mkSimpleLit (MachDouble r) = CmmFloat r F64
90 mkSimpleLit (MachLabel fs ms) = CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel fs ms is_dyn)
92 is_dyn = False -- ToDo: fix me
94 mkLtOp :: Literal -> MachOp
95 -- On signed literals we must do a signed comparison
96 mkLtOp (MachInt _) = MO_S_Lt wordRep
97 mkLtOp (MachFloat _) = MO_S_Lt F32
98 mkLtOp (MachDouble _) = MO_S_Lt F64
99 mkLtOp lit = MO_U_Lt (cmmLitRep (mkSimpleLit lit))
102 ---------------------------------------------------
104 -- Cmm data type functions
106 ---------------------------------------------------
108 -----------------------
109 -- The "B" variants take byte offsets
110 cmmRegOffB :: CmmReg -> ByteOff -> CmmExpr
111 cmmRegOffB = cmmRegOff
113 cmmOffsetB :: CmmExpr -> ByteOff -> CmmExpr
114 cmmOffsetB = cmmOffset
116 cmmOffsetExprB :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
117 cmmOffsetExprB = cmmOffsetExpr
119 cmmLabelOffB :: CLabel -> ByteOff -> CmmLit
120 cmmLabelOffB = cmmLabelOff
122 cmmOffsetLitB :: CmmLit -> ByteOff -> CmmLit
123 cmmOffsetLitB = cmmOffsetLit
125 -----------------------
126 -- The "W" variants take word offsets
127 cmmOffsetExprW :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
128 -- The second arg is a *word* offset; need to change it to bytes
129 cmmOffsetExprW e (CmmLit (CmmInt n _)) = cmmOffsetW e (fromInteger n)
130 cmmOffsetExprW e wd_off = cmmIndexExpr wordRep e wd_off
132 cmmOffsetW :: CmmExpr -> WordOff -> CmmExpr
133 cmmOffsetW e n = cmmOffsetB e (wORD_SIZE * n)
135 cmmRegOffW :: CmmReg -> WordOff -> CmmExpr
136 cmmRegOffW reg wd_off = cmmRegOffB reg (wd_off * wORD_SIZE)
138 cmmOffsetLitW :: CmmLit -> WordOff -> CmmLit
139 cmmOffsetLitW lit wd_off = cmmOffsetLitB lit (wORD_SIZE * wd_off)
141 cmmLabelOffW :: CLabel -> WordOff -> CmmLit
142 cmmLabelOffW lbl wd_off = cmmLabelOffB lbl (wORD_SIZE * wd_off)
144 cmmLoadIndexW :: CmmExpr -> Int -> CmmExpr
145 cmmLoadIndexW base off
146 = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetW base off) wordRep
148 -----------------------
149 cmmNeWord, cmmEqWord, cmmOrWord, cmmAndWord :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
150 cmmOrWord e1 e2 = CmmMachOp mo_wordOr [e1, e2]
151 cmmAndWord e1 e2 = CmmMachOp mo_wordAnd [e1, e2]
152 cmmNeWord e1 e2 = CmmMachOp mo_wordNe [e1, e2]
153 cmmEqWord e1 e2 = CmmMachOp mo_wordEq [e1, e2]
154 cmmULtWord e1 e2 = CmmMachOp mo_wordULt [e1, e2]
155 cmmUGeWord e1 e2 = CmmMachOp mo_wordUGe [e1, e2]
156 cmmUGtWord e1 e2 = CmmMachOp mo_wordUGt [e1, e2]
158 cmmNegate :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
159 cmmNegate (CmmLit (CmmInt n rep)) = CmmLit (CmmInt (-n) rep)
160 cmmNegate e = CmmMachOp (MO_S_Neg (cmmExprRep e)) [e]
162 blankWord :: CmmStatic
163 blankWord = CmmUninitialised wORD_SIZE
165 -----------------------
168 mkWordCLit :: StgWord -> CmmLit
169 mkWordCLit wd = CmmInt (fromIntegral wd) wordRep
171 packHalfWordsCLit :: (Integral a, Integral b) => a -> b -> CmmLit
172 -- Make a single word literal in which the lower_half_word is
173 -- at the lower address, and the upper_half_word is at the
175 -- ToDo: consider using half-word lits instead
176 -- but be careful: that's vulnerable when reversed
177 packHalfWordsCLit lower_half_word upper_half_word
179 = mkWordCLit ((fromIntegral lower_half_word `shiftL` hALF_WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS)
180 .|. fromIntegral upper_half_word)
182 = mkWordCLit ((fromIntegral lower_half_word)
183 .|. (fromIntegral upper_half_word `shiftL` hALF_WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS))
186 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
188 -- Incrementing a memory location
190 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 addToMem :: MachRep -- rep of the counter
193 -> CmmExpr -- Address
194 -> Int -- What to add (a word)
196 addToMem rep ptr n = addToMemE rep ptr (CmmLit (CmmInt (toInteger n) rep))
198 addToMemE :: MachRep -- rep of the counter
199 -> CmmExpr -- Address
200 -> CmmExpr -- What to add (a word-typed expression)
203 = CmmStore ptr (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep) [CmmLoad ptr rep, n])
205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
207 -- Converting a closure tag to a closure for enumeration types
208 -- (this is the implementation of tagToEnum#).
210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 tagToClosure :: PackageId -> TyCon -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
213 tagToClosure this_pkg tycon tag
214 = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetExprW closure_tbl tag) wordRep
215 where closure_tbl = CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)
216 lbl = mkClosureTableLabel this_pkg (tyConName tycon)
218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
220 -- Conditionals and rts calls
222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
224 emitIf :: CmmExpr -- Boolean
227 -- Emit (if e then x)
228 -- ToDo: reverse the condition to avoid the extra branch instruction if possible
229 -- (some conditionals aren't reversible. eg. floating point comparisons cannot
230 -- be inverted because there exist some values for which both comparisons
231 -- return False, such as NaN.)
232 emitIf cond then_part
233 = do { then_id <- newLabelC
234 ; join_id <- newLabelC
235 ; stmtC (CmmCondBranch cond then_id)
236 ; stmtC (CmmBranch join_id)
242 emitIfThenElse :: CmmExpr -- Boolean
246 -- Emit (if e then x else y)
247 emitIfThenElse cond then_part else_part
248 = do { then_id <- newLabelC
249 ; else_id <- newLabelC
250 ; join_id <- newLabelC
251 ; stmtC (CmmCondBranch cond then_id)
253 ; stmtC (CmmBranch join_id)
259 emitRtsCall :: LitString -> [(CmmExpr,MachHint)] -> Code
260 emitRtsCall fun args = emitRtsCall' [] fun args Nothing
261 -- The 'Nothing' says "save all global registers"
263 emitRtsCallWithVols :: LitString -> [(CmmExpr,MachHint)] -> [GlobalReg] -> Code
264 emitRtsCallWithVols fun args vols
265 = emitRtsCall' [] fun args (Just vols)
267 emitRtsCallWithResult :: CmmReg -> MachHint -> LitString
268 -> [(CmmExpr,MachHint)] -> Code
269 emitRtsCallWithResult res hint fun args
270 = emitRtsCall' [(res,hint)] fun args Nothing
272 -- Make a call to an RTS C procedure
274 :: [(CmmReg,MachHint)]
276 -> [(CmmExpr,MachHint)]
279 emitRtsCall' res fun args vols = stmtC (CmmCall target res args vols)
281 target = CmmForeignCall fun_expr CCallConv
282 fun_expr = mkLblExpr (mkRtsCodeLabel fun)
285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
287 -- Strings gnerate a top-level data block
289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
291 emitDataLits :: CLabel -> [CmmLit] -> Code
292 -- Emit a data-segment data block
293 emitDataLits lbl lits
294 = emitData Data (CmmDataLabel lbl : map CmmStaticLit lits)
296 emitRODataLits :: CLabel -> [CmmLit] -> Code
297 -- Emit a read-only data block
298 emitRODataLits lbl lits
299 = emitData section (CmmDataLabel lbl : map CmmStaticLit lits)
300 where section | any needsRelocation lits = RelocatableReadOnlyData
301 | otherwise = ReadOnlyData
302 needsRelocation (CmmLabel _) = True
303 needsRelocation (CmmLabelOff _ _) = True
304 needsRelocation _ = False
306 mkStringCLit :: String -> FCode CmmLit
307 -- Make a global definition for the string,
308 -- and return its label
309 mkStringCLit str = mkByteStringCLit (map (fromIntegral.ord) str)
311 mkByteStringCLit :: [Word8] -> FCode CmmLit
312 mkByteStringCLit bytes
313 = do { uniq <- newUnique
314 ; let lbl = mkStringLitLabel uniq
315 ; emitData ReadOnlyData [CmmDataLabel lbl, CmmString bytes]
316 ; return (CmmLabel lbl) }
318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
320 -- Assigning expressions to temporaries
322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
324 assignTemp :: CmmExpr -> FCode CmmExpr
325 -- For a non-trivial expression, e, create a local
326 -- variable and assign the expression to it
328 | isTrivialCmmExpr e = return e
329 | otherwise = do { reg <- newTemp (cmmExprRep e)
330 ; stmtC (CmmAssign reg e)
331 ; return (CmmReg reg) }
334 newTemp :: MachRep -> FCode CmmReg
335 newTemp rep = do { uniq <- newUnique; return (CmmLocal (LocalReg uniq rep)) }
338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
340 -- Building case analysis
342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
345 :: CmmExpr -- Tag to switch on
346 -> [(ConTagZ, CgStmts)] -- Tagged branches
347 -> Maybe CgStmts -- Default branch (if any)
348 -> ConTagZ -> ConTagZ -- Min and Max possible values; behaviour
349 -- outside this range is undefined
352 -- ONLY A DEFAULT BRANCH: no case analysis to do
353 emitSwitch tag_expr [] (Just stmts) _ _
357 emitSwitch tag_expr branches mb_deflt lo_tag hi_tag
358 = -- Just sort the branches before calling mk_sritch
361 Nothing -> return Nothing
362 Just stmts -> do id <- forkCgStmts stmts; return (Just id)
364 ; dflags <- getDynFlags
365 ; let via_C | HscC <- hscTarget dflags = True
368 ; stmts <- mk_switch tag_expr (sortLe le branches)
369 mb_deflt_id lo_tag hi_tag via_C
373 (t1,_) `le` (t2,_) = t1 <= t2
376 mk_switch :: CmmExpr -> [(ConTagZ, CgStmts)]
377 -> Maybe BlockId -> ConTagZ -> ConTagZ -> Bool
380 -- SINGLETON TAG RANGE: no case analysis to do
381 mk_switch tag_expr [(tag,stmts)] _ lo_tag hi_tag via_C
383 = ASSERT( tag == lo_tag )
386 -- SINGLETON BRANCH, NO DEFUALT: no case analysis to do
387 mk_switch tag_expr [(tag,stmts)] Nothing lo_tag hi_tag via_C
389 -- The simplifier might have eliminated a case
390 -- so we may have e.g. case xs of
392 -- In that situation we can be sure the (:) case
393 -- can't happen, so no need to test
395 -- SINGLETON BRANCH: one equality check to do
396 mk_switch tag_expr [(tag,stmts)] (Just deflt) lo_tag hi_tag via_C
397 = return (CmmCondBranch cond deflt `consCgStmt` stmts)
399 cond = cmmNeWord tag_expr (CmmLit (mkIntCLit tag))
400 -- We have lo_tag < hi_tag, but there's only one branch,
401 -- so there must be a default
403 -- ToDo: we might want to check for the two branch case, where one of
404 -- the branches is the tag 0, because comparing '== 0' is likely to be
405 -- more efficient than other kinds of comparison.
407 -- DENSE TAG RANGE: use a switch statment.
409 -- We also use a switch uncoditionally when compiling via C, because
410 -- this will get emitted as a C switch statement and the C compiler
411 -- should do a good job of optimising it. Also, older GCC versions
412 -- (2.95 in particular) have problems compiling the complicated
413 -- if-trees generated by this code, so compiling to a switch every
414 -- time works around that problem.
416 mk_switch tag_expr branches mb_deflt lo_tag hi_tag via_C
417 | use_switch -- Use a switch
418 = do { branch_ids <- mapM forkCgStmts (map snd branches)
420 tagged_blk_ids = zip (map fst branches) (map Just branch_ids)
422 find_branch :: ConTagZ -> Maybe BlockId
423 find_branch i = assocDefault mb_deflt tagged_blk_ids i
425 -- NB. we have eliminated impossible branches at
426 -- either end of the range (see below), so the first
427 -- tag of a real branch is real_lo_tag (not lo_tag).
428 arms = [ find_branch i | i <- [real_lo_tag..real_hi_tag]]
430 switch_stmt = CmmSwitch (cmmOffset tag_expr (- real_lo_tag)) arms
432 ; ASSERT(not (all isNothing arms))
433 return (oneCgStmt switch_stmt)
436 -- if we can knock off a bunch of default cases with one if, then do so
437 | Just deflt <- mb_deflt, (lowest_branch - lo_tag) >= n_branches
438 = do { (assign_tag, tag_expr') <- assignTemp' tag_expr
439 ; let cond = cmmULtWord tag_expr' (CmmLit (mkIntCLit lowest_branch))
440 branch = CmmCondBranch cond deflt
441 ; stmts <- mk_switch tag_expr' branches mb_deflt
442 lowest_branch hi_tag via_C
443 ; return (assign_tag `consCgStmt` (branch `consCgStmt` stmts))
446 | Just deflt <- mb_deflt, (hi_tag - highest_branch) >= n_branches
447 = do { (assign_tag, tag_expr') <- assignTemp' tag_expr
448 ; let cond = cmmUGtWord tag_expr' (CmmLit (mkIntCLit highest_branch))
449 branch = CmmCondBranch cond deflt
450 ; stmts <- mk_switch tag_expr' branches mb_deflt
451 lo_tag highest_branch via_C
452 ; return (assign_tag `consCgStmt` (branch `consCgStmt` stmts))
455 | otherwise -- Use an if-tree
456 = do { (assign_tag, tag_expr') <- assignTemp' tag_expr
457 -- To avoid duplication
458 ; lo_stmts <- mk_switch tag_expr' lo_branches mb_deflt
459 lo_tag (mid_tag-1) via_C
460 ; hi_stmts <- mk_switch tag_expr' hi_branches mb_deflt
462 ; hi_id <- forkCgStmts hi_stmts
463 ; let cond = cmmUGeWord tag_expr' (CmmLit (mkIntCLit mid_tag))
464 branch_stmt = CmmCondBranch cond hi_id
465 ; return (assign_tag `consCgStmt` (branch_stmt `consCgStmt` lo_stmts))
467 -- we test (e >= mid_tag) rather than (e < mid_tag), because
468 -- the former works better when e is a comparison, and there
469 -- are two tags 0 & 1 (mid_tag == 1). In this case, the code
470 -- generator can reduce the condition to e itself without
471 -- having to reverse the sense of the comparison: comparisons
472 -- can't always be easily reversed (eg. floating
475 use_switch = {- pprTrace "mk_switch" (
476 ppr tag_expr <+> text "n_tags:" <+> int n_tags <+>
477 text "branches:" <+> ppr (map fst branches) <+>
478 text "n_branches:" <+> int n_branches <+>
479 text "lo_tag:" <+> int lo_tag <+>
480 text "hi_tag:" <+> int hi_tag <+>
481 text "real_lo_tag:" <+> int real_lo_tag <+>
482 text "real_hi_tag:" <+> int real_hi_tag) $ -}
483 ASSERT( n_branches > 1 && n_tags > 1 )
484 n_tags > 2 && (via_C || (dense && big_enough))
485 -- up to 4 branches we use a decision tree, otherwise
486 -- a switch (== jump table in the NCG). This seems to be
487 -- optimal, and corresponds with what gcc does.
488 big_enough = n_branches > 4
489 dense = n_branches > (n_tags `div` 2)
490 n_branches = length branches
492 -- ignore default slots at each end of the range if there's
493 -- no default branch defined.
494 lowest_branch = fst (head branches)
495 highest_branch = fst (last branches)
498 | isNothing mb_deflt = lowest_branch
502 | isNothing mb_deflt = highest_branch
505 n_tags = real_hi_tag - real_lo_tag + 1
507 -- INVARIANT: Provided hi_tag > lo_tag (which is true)
508 -- lo_tag <= mid_tag < hi_tag
509 -- lo_branches have tags < mid_tag
510 -- hi_branches have tags >= mid_tag
512 (mid_tag,_) = branches !! (n_branches `div` 2)
513 -- 2 branches => n_branches `div` 2 = 1
514 -- => branches !! 1 give the *second* tag
515 -- There are always at least 2 branches here
517 (lo_branches, hi_branches) = span is_lo branches
518 is_lo (t,_) = t < mid_tag
522 | isTrivialCmmExpr e = return (CmmNop, e)
523 | otherwise = do { reg <- newTemp (cmmExprRep e)
524 ; return (CmmAssign reg e, CmmReg reg) }
527 emitLitSwitch :: CmmExpr -- Tag to switch on
528 -> [(Literal, CgStmts)] -- Tagged branches
529 -> CgStmts -- Default branch (always)
530 -> Code -- Emit the code
531 -- Used for general literals, whose size might not be a word,
532 -- where there is always a default case, and where we don't know
533 -- the range of values for certain. For simplicity we always generate a tree.
535 -- ToDo: for integers we could do better here, perhaps by generalising
536 -- mk_switch and using that. --SDM 15/09/2004
537 emitLitSwitch scrut [] deflt
539 emitLitSwitch scrut branches deflt_blk
540 = do { scrut' <- assignTemp scrut
541 ; deflt_blk_id <- forkCgStmts deflt_blk
542 ; blk <- mk_lit_switch scrut' deflt_blk_id (sortLe le branches)
545 le (t1,_) (t2,_) = t1 <= t2
547 mk_lit_switch :: CmmExpr -> BlockId
548 -> [(Literal,CgStmts)]
550 mk_lit_switch scrut deflt_blk_id [(lit,blk)]
551 = return (consCgStmt if_stmt blk)
553 cmm_lit = mkSimpleLit lit
554 rep = cmmLitRep cmm_lit
555 cond = CmmMachOp (MO_Ne rep) [scrut, CmmLit cmm_lit]
556 if_stmt = CmmCondBranch cond deflt_blk_id
558 mk_lit_switch scrut deflt_blk_id branches
559 = do { hi_blk <- mk_lit_switch scrut deflt_blk_id hi_branches
560 ; lo_blk <- mk_lit_switch scrut deflt_blk_id lo_branches
561 ; lo_blk_id <- forkCgStmts lo_blk
562 ; let if_stmt = CmmCondBranch cond lo_blk_id
563 ; return (if_stmt `consCgStmt` hi_blk) }
565 n_branches = length branches
566 (mid_lit,_) = branches !! (n_branches `div` 2)
567 -- See notes above re mid_tag
569 (lo_branches, hi_branches) = span is_lo branches
570 is_lo (t,_) = t < mid_lit
572 cond = CmmMachOp (mkLtOp mid_lit)
573 [scrut, CmmLit (mkSimpleLit mid_lit)]
575 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
577 -- Simultaneous assignment
579 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
582 emitSimultaneously :: CmmStmts -> Code
583 -- Emit code to perform the assignments in the
584 -- input simultaneously, using temporary variables when necessary.
586 -- The Stmts must be:
587 -- CmmNop, CmmComment, CmmAssign, CmmStore
591 -- We use the strongly-connected component algorithm, in which
592 -- * the vertices are the statements
593 -- * an edge goes from s1 to s2 iff
594 -- s1 assigns to something s2 uses
595 -- that is, if s1 should *follow* s2 in the final order
597 type CVertex = (Int, CmmStmt) -- Give each vertex a unique number,
598 -- for fast comparison
600 emitSimultaneously stmts
602 case filterOut isNopStmt (stmtList stmts) of
605 [stmt] -> stmtC stmt -- It's often just one stmt
606 stmt_list -> doSimultaneously1 (zip [(1::Int)..] stmt_list)
608 doSimultaneously1 :: [CVertex] -> Code
609 doSimultaneously1 vertices
611 edges = [ (vertex, key1, edges_from stmt1)
612 | vertex@(key1, stmt1) <- vertices
614 edges_from stmt1 = [ key2 | (key2, stmt2) <- vertices,
615 stmt1 `mustFollow` stmt2
617 components = stronglyConnComp edges
619 -- do_components deal with one strongly-connected component
620 -- Not cyclic, or singleton? Just do it
621 do_component (AcyclicSCC (n,stmt)) = stmtC stmt
622 do_component (CyclicSCC [(n,stmt)]) = stmtC stmt
624 -- Cyclic? Then go via temporaries. Pick one to
625 -- break the loop and try again with the rest.
626 do_component (CyclicSCC ((n,first_stmt) : rest))
627 = do { from_temp <- go_via_temp first_stmt
628 ; doSimultaneously1 rest
631 go_via_temp (CmmAssign dest src)
632 = do { tmp <- newTemp (cmmRegRep dest)
633 ; stmtC (CmmAssign tmp src)
634 ; return (CmmAssign dest (CmmReg tmp)) }
635 go_via_temp (CmmStore dest src)
636 = do { tmp <- newTemp (cmmExprRep src)
637 ; stmtC (CmmAssign tmp src)
638 ; return (CmmStore dest (CmmReg tmp)) }
640 mapCs do_component components
642 mustFollow :: CmmStmt -> CmmStmt -> Bool
643 CmmAssign reg _ `mustFollow` stmt = anySrc (reg `regUsedIn`) stmt
644 CmmStore loc e `mustFollow` stmt = anySrc (locUsedIn loc (cmmExprRep e)) stmt
645 CmmNop `mustFollow` stmt = False
646 CmmComment _ `mustFollow` stmt = False
649 anySrc :: (CmmExpr -> Bool) -> CmmStmt -> Bool
650 -- True if the fn is true of any input of the stmt
651 anySrc p (CmmAssign _ e) = p e
652 anySrc p (CmmStore e1 e2) = p e1 || p e2 -- Might be used in either side
653 anySrc p (CmmComment _) = False
654 anySrc p CmmNop = False
655 anySrc p other = True -- Conservative
657 regUsedIn :: CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> Bool
658 reg `regUsedIn` CmmLit _ = False
659 reg `regUsedIn` CmmLoad e _ = reg `regUsedIn` e
660 reg `regUsedIn` CmmReg reg' = reg == reg'
661 reg `regUsedIn` CmmRegOff reg' _ = reg == reg'
662 reg `regUsedIn` CmmMachOp _ es = any (reg `regUsedIn`) es
664 locUsedIn :: CmmExpr -> MachRep -> CmmExpr -> Bool
665 -- (locUsedIn a r e) checks whether writing to r[a] could affect the value of
666 -- 'e'. Returns True if it's not sure.
667 locUsedIn loc rep (CmmLit _) = False
668 locUsedIn loc rep (CmmLoad e ld_rep) = possiblySameLoc loc rep e ld_rep
669 locUsedIn loc rep (CmmReg reg') = False
670 locUsedIn loc rep (CmmRegOff reg' _) = False
671 locUsedIn loc rep (CmmMachOp _ es) = any (locUsedIn loc rep) es
673 possiblySameLoc :: CmmExpr -> MachRep -> CmmExpr -> MachRep -> Bool
674 -- Assumes that distinct registers (eg Hp, Sp) do not
675 -- point to the same location, nor any offset thereof.
676 possiblySameLoc (CmmReg r1) rep1 (CmmReg r2) rep2 = r1==r2
677 possiblySameLoc (CmmReg r1) rep1 (CmmRegOff r2 0) rep2 = r1==r2
678 possiblySameLoc (CmmRegOff r1 0) rep1 (CmmReg r2) rep2 = r1==r2
679 possiblySameLoc (CmmRegOff r1 start1) rep1 (CmmRegOff r2 start2) rep2
680 = r1==r2 && end1 > start2 && end2 > start1
682 end1 = start1 + machRepByteWidth rep1
683 end2 = start2 + machRepByteWidth rep2
685 possiblySameLoc l1 rep1 (CmmLit _) rep2 = False
686 possiblySameLoc l1 rep1 l2 rep2 = True -- Conservative