1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 -- Code generation for foreign calls.
5 -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006
7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 cgForeignCall, loadThreadState, saveThreadState,
11 emitPrimCall, emitCCall,
12 emitSaveThreadState, -- will be needed by the Cmm parser
13 emitLoadThreadState, -- ditto
17 #include "HsVersions.h"
29 import MkZipCfgCmm hiding (CmmAGraph)
44 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 -- Code generation for Foreign Calls
46 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 cgForeignCall :: [LocalReg] -- r1,r2 where to put the results
50 -> ForeignCall -- the op
51 -> [StgArg] -- x,y arguments
53 -- Emits code for an unsafe foreign call: r1, r2 = foo( x, y, z )
55 cgForeignCall results result_hints (CCall (CCallSpec target cconv safety)) stg_args
56 = do { cmm_args <- getFCallArgs stg_args
57 ; let ((call_args, arg_hints), cmm_target)
59 StaticTarget lbl mPkgId
62 Nothing -> ForeignLabelInThisPackage
63 Just pkgId -> ForeignLabelInPackage pkgId
64 size = call_size cmm_args
67 (mkForeignLabel lbl size labelSource IsFunction)))
69 DynamicTarget -> case cmm_args of
70 (fn,_):rest -> (unzip rest, fn)
71 [] -> panic "cgForeignCall []"
72 fc = ForeignConvention cconv arg_hints result_hints
73 call_target = ForeignTarget cmm_target fc
75 ; srt <- getSRTInfo NoSRT -- SLPJ: Not sure what SRT
77 -- JD: Does it matter in the new codegen?
78 ; emitForeignCall safety results call_target call_args srt CmmMayReturn }
80 -- in the stdcall calling convention, the symbol needs @size appended
81 -- to it, where size is the total number of bytes of arguments. We
82 -- attach this info to the CLabel here, and the CLabel pretty printer
83 -- will generate the suffix when the label is printed.
85 | StdCallConv <- cconv = Just (sum (map arg_size args))
88 -- ToDo: this might not be correct for 64-bit API
89 arg_size (arg, _) = max (widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ cmmExprType arg) wORD_SIZE
91 emitCCall :: [(CmmFormal,ForeignHint)]
93 -> [(CmmActual,ForeignHint)]
95 emitCCall hinted_results fn hinted_args
96 = emitForeignCall PlayRisky results target args
97 NoC_SRT -- No SRT b/c we PlayRisky
100 (args, arg_hints) = unzip hinted_args
101 (results, result_hints) = unzip hinted_results
102 target = ForeignTarget fn fc
103 fc = ForeignConvention CCallConv arg_hints result_hints
106 emitPrimCall :: CmmFormals -> CallishMachOp -> CmmActuals -> FCode ()
107 emitPrimCall res op args
108 = emitForeignCall PlayRisky res (PrimTarget op) args NoC_SRT CmmMayReturn
110 -- alternative entry point, used by CmmParse
113 -> CmmFormals -- where to put the results
114 -> MidCallTarget -- the op
115 -> CmmActuals -- arguments
116 -> C_SRT -- the SRT of the calls continuation
117 -> CmmReturnInfo -- This can say "never returns"
118 -- only RTS procedures do this
120 emitForeignCall safety results target args _srt _ret
121 | not (playSafe safety) = do
122 let (caller_save, caller_load) = callerSaveVolatileRegs
124 emit $ mkUnsafeCall target results args
128 updfr_off <- getUpdFrameOff
129 temp_target <- load_target_into_temp target
130 emit $ mkSafeCall temp_target results args updfr_off
134 -- THINK ABOUT THIS (used to happen)
135 -- we might need to load arguments into temporaries before
136 -- making the call, because certain global registers might
137 -- overlap with registers that the C calling convention uses
138 -- for passing arguments.
140 -- This is a HACK; really it should be done in the back end, but
141 -- it's easier to generate the temporaries here.
142 load_args_into_temps = mapM arg_assign_temp
143 where arg_assign_temp (e,hint) = do
144 tmp <- maybe_assign_temp e
148 load_target_into_temp :: MidCallTarget -> FCode MidCallTarget
149 load_target_into_temp (ForeignTarget expr conv) = do
150 tmp <- maybe_assign_temp expr
151 return (ForeignTarget tmp conv)
152 load_target_into_temp other_target@(PrimTarget _) =
155 maybe_assign_temp :: CmmExpr -> FCode CmmExpr
157 | hasNoGlobalRegs e = return e
159 -- don't use assignTemp, it uses its own notion of "trivial"
160 -- expressions, which are wrong here.
161 -- this is a NonPtr because it only duplicates an existing
162 reg <- newTemp (cmmExprType e) --TODO FIXME NOW
163 emit (mkAssign (CmmLocal reg) e)
164 return (CmmReg (CmmLocal reg))
166 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
167 -- Save/restore the thread state in the TSO
169 -- This stuff can't be done in suspendThread/resumeThread, because it
170 -- refers to global registers which aren't available in the C world.
172 saveThreadState :: CmmAGraph
174 -- CurrentTSO->sp = Sp;
175 mkStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_SP) stgSp
177 -- and save the current cost centre stack in the TSO when profiling:
178 <*> if opt_SccProfilingOn then
179 mkStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_CCCS) curCCS
182 emitSaveThreadState :: BlockId -> FCode ()
183 emitSaveThreadState bid = do
184 -- CurrentTSO->sp = Sp;
185 emit $ mkStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_SP)
186 (CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young bid)) (widthInBytes (typeWidth gcWord)))
188 -- and save the current cost centre stack in the TSO when profiling:
189 when opt_SccProfilingOn $
190 emit (mkStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_CCCS) curCCS)
192 -- CurrentNursery->free = Hp+1;
193 closeNursery :: CmmAGraph
194 closeNursery = mkStore nursery_bdescr_free (cmmOffsetW stgHp 1)
196 loadThreadState :: LocalReg -> CmmAGraph
197 loadThreadState tso = do
198 -- tso <- newTemp gcWord -- TODO FIXME NOW
201 mkAssign (CmmLocal tso) stgCurrentTSO,
203 mkAssign sp (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_SP)
205 -- SpLim = tso->stack + RESERVED_STACK_WORDS;
206 mkAssign spLim (cmmOffsetW (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_STACK)
209 -- and load the current cost centre stack from the TSO when profiling:
210 if opt_SccProfilingOn then
212 (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_CCCS) ccsType)
214 emitLoadThreadState :: LocalReg -> FCode ()
215 emitLoadThreadState tso = emit $ loadThreadState tso
217 openNursery :: CmmAGraph
218 openNursery = catAGraphs [
219 -- Hp = CurrentNursery->free - 1;
220 mkAssign hp (cmmOffsetW (CmmLoad nursery_bdescr_free bWord) (-1)),
222 -- HpLim = CurrentNursery->start +
223 -- CurrentNursery->blocks*BLOCK_SIZE_W - 1;
226 (CmmLoad nursery_bdescr_start bWord)
228 (CmmMachOp mo_wordMul [
229 CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv W32 wordWidth)
230 [CmmLoad nursery_bdescr_blocks b32],
231 CmmLit (mkIntCLit bLOCK_SIZE)
237 emitOpenNursery :: FCode ()
238 emitOpenNursery = emit openNursery
240 nursery_bdescr_free, nursery_bdescr_start, nursery_bdescr_blocks :: CmmExpr
241 nursery_bdescr_free = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_free
242 nursery_bdescr_start = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_start
243 nursery_bdescr_blocks = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_blocks
245 tso_SP, tso_STACK, tso_CCCS :: ByteOff
246 tso_SP = tsoFieldB oFFSET_StgTSO_sp
247 tso_STACK = tsoFieldB oFFSET_StgTSO_stack
248 tso_CCCS = tsoProfFieldB oFFSET_StgTSO_CCCS
250 -- The TSO struct has a variable header, and an optional StgTSOProfInfo in
251 -- the middle. The fields we're interested in are after the StgTSOProfInfo.
252 tsoFieldB :: ByteOff -> ByteOff
254 | opt_SccProfilingOn = off + sIZEOF_StgTSOProfInfo + fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE
255 | otherwise = off + fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE
257 tsoProfFieldB :: ByteOff -> ByteOff
258 tsoProfFieldB off = off + fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE
260 stgSp, stgHp, stgCurrentTSO, stgCurrentNursery :: CmmExpr
263 stgCurrentTSO = CmmReg currentTSO
264 stgCurrentNursery = CmmReg currentNursery
266 sp, spLim, hp, hpLim, currentTSO, currentNursery :: CmmReg
268 spLim = CmmGlobal SpLim
270 hpLim = CmmGlobal HpLim
271 currentTSO = CmmGlobal CurrentTSO
272 currentNursery = CmmGlobal CurrentNursery
274 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 -- For certain types passed to foreign calls, we adjust the actual
276 -- value passed to the call. For ByteArray#/Array# we pass the
277 -- address of the actual array, not the address of the heap object.
279 getFCallArgs :: [StgArg] -> FCode [(CmmExpr, ForeignHint)]
280 -- (a) Drop void args
281 -- (b) Add foreign-call shim code
282 -- It's (b) that makes this differ from getNonVoidArgAmodes
285 = do { mb_cmms <- mapM get args
286 ; return (catMaybes mb_cmms) }
288 get arg | isVoidRep arg_rep
291 = do { cmm <- getArgAmode (NonVoid arg)
292 ; return (Just (add_shim arg_ty cmm, hint)) }
294 arg_ty = stgArgType arg
295 arg_rep = typePrimRep arg_ty
296 hint = typeForeignHint arg_ty
298 add_shim :: Type -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
300 | tycon == arrayPrimTyCon || tycon == mutableArrayPrimTyCon
301 = cmmOffsetB expr arrPtrsHdrSize
303 | tycon == byteArrayPrimTyCon || tycon == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
304 = cmmOffsetB expr arrWordsHdrSize
308 tycon = tyConAppTyCon (repType arg_ty)
309 -- should be a tycon app, since this is a foreign call