2 % (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
3 % (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
6 Desugaring exporessions.
9 {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
10 -- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
11 -- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
12 -- any warnings in the module. See
13 -- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings
16 module DsExpr ( dsExpr, dsLExpr, dsLocalBinds, dsValBinds, dsLit ) where
18 #include "HsVersions.h"
33 -- Template Haskell stuff iff bootstrapped
40 -- NB: The desugarer, which straddles the source and Core worlds, sometimes
41 -- needs to see source types
67 %************************************************************************
69 dsLocalBinds, dsValBinds
71 %************************************************************************
74 dsLocalBinds :: HsLocalBinds Id -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
75 dsLocalBinds EmptyLocalBinds body = return body
76 dsLocalBinds (HsValBinds binds) body = dsValBinds binds body
77 dsLocalBinds (HsIPBinds binds) body = dsIPBinds binds body
79 -------------------------
80 dsValBinds :: HsValBinds Id -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
81 dsValBinds (ValBindsOut binds _) body = foldrM ds_val_bind body binds
83 -------------------------
84 dsIPBinds :: HsIPBinds Id -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
85 dsIPBinds (IPBinds ip_binds dict_binds) body
86 = do { prs <- dsLHsBinds dict_binds
87 ; let inner = Let (Rec prs) body
88 -- The dict bindings may not be in
89 -- dependency order; hence Rec
90 ; foldrM ds_ip_bind inner ip_binds }
92 ds_ip_bind (L _ (IPBind n e)) body
94 return (Let (NonRec (ipNameName n) e') body)
96 -------------------------
97 ds_val_bind :: (RecFlag, LHsBinds Id) -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
98 -- Special case for bindings which bind unlifted variables
99 -- We need to do a case right away, rather than building
100 -- a tuple and doing selections.
101 -- Silently ignore INLINE and SPECIALISE pragmas...
102 ds_val_bind (NonRecursive, hsbinds) body
103 | [L _ (AbsBinds [] [] exports binds)] <- bagToList hsbinds,
104 (L loc bind : null_binds) <- bagToList binds,
106 || isUnboxedTupleBind bind
107 || or [isUnLiftedType (idType g) | (_, g, _, _) <- exports]
109 body_w_exports = foldr bind_export body exports
110 bind_export (tvs, g, l, _) body = ASSERT( null tvs )
111 bindNonRec g (Var l) body
113 ASSERT (null null_binds)
114 -- Non-recursive, non-overloaded bindings only come in ones
115 -- ToDo: in some bizarre case it's conceivable that there
116 -- could be dict binds in the 'binds'. (See the notes
117 -- below. Then pattern-match would fail. Urk.)
120 FunBind { fun_id = L _ fun, fun_matches = matches, fun_co_fn = co_fn,
121 fun_tick = tick, fun_infix = inf }
122 -> do (args, rhs) <- matchWrapper (FunRhs (idName fun ) inf) matches
123 MASSERT( null args ) -- Functions aren't lifted
124 MASSERT( isIdHsWrapper co_fn )
125 rhs' <- mkOptTickBox tick rhs
126 return (bindNonRec fun rhs' body_w_exports)
128 PatBind {pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss, pat_rhs_ty = ty }
129 -> -- let C x# y# = rhs in body
130 -- ==> case rhs of C x# y# -> body
132 do { rhs <- dsGuarded grhss ty
133 ; let upat = unLoc pat
134 eqn = EqnInfo { eqn_pats = [upat],
135 eqn_rhs = cantFailMatchResult body_w_exports }
136 ; var <- selectMatchVar upat
137 ; result <- matchEquations PatBindRhs [var] [eqn] (exprType body)
138 ; return (scrungleMatch var rhs result) }
140 _ -> pprPanic "dsLet: unlifted" (pprLHsBinds hsbinds $$ ppr body)
143 -- Ordinary case for bindings; none should be unlifted
144 ds_val_bind (_is_rec, binds) body
145 = do { prs <- dsLHsBinds binds
146 ; ASSERT( not (any (isUnLiftedType . idType . fst) prs) )
149 _ -> return (Let (Rec prs) body) }
150 -- Use a Rec regardless of is_rec.
151 -- Why? Because it allows the binds to be all
152 -- mixed up, which is what happens in one rare case
153 -- Namely, for an AbsBind with no tyvars and no dicts,
154 -- but which does have dictionary bindings.
155 -- See notes with TcSimplify.inferLoop [NO TYVARS]
156 -- It turned out that wrapping a Rec here was the easiest solution
158 -- NB The previous case dealt with unlifted bindings, so we
159 -- only have to deal with lifted ones now; so Rec is ok
161 isUnboxedTupleBind :: HsBind Id -> Bool
162 isUnboxedTupleBind (PatBind { pat_rhs_ty = ty }) = isUnboxedTupleType ty
163 isUnboxedTupleBind _ = False
165 scrungleMatch :: Id -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
166 -- Returns something like (let var = scrut in body)
167 -- but if var is an unboxed-tuple type, it inlines it in a fragile way
168 -- Special case to handle unboxed tuple patterns; they can't appear nested
170 -- case e of (# p1, p2 #) -> rhs
172 -- case e of (# x1, x2 #) -> ... match p1, p2 ...
174 -- let x = e in case x of ....
176 -- But there may be a big
177 -- let fail = ... in case e of ...
178 -- wrapping the whole case, which complicates matters slightly
179 -- It all seems a bit fragile. Test is dsrun013.
181 scrungleMatch var scrut body
182 | isUnboxedTupleType (idType var) = scrungle body
183 | otherwise = bindNonRec var scrut body
185 scrungle (Case (Var x) bndr ty alts)
186 | x == var = Case scrut bndr ty alts
187 scrungle (Let binds body) = Let binds (scrungle body)
188 scrungle other = panic ("scrungleMatch: tuple pattern:\n" ++ showSDoc (ppr other))
192 %************************************************************************
194 \subsection[DsExpr-vars-and-cons]{Variables, constructors, literals}
196 %************************************************************************
199 dsLExpr :: LHsExpr Id -> DsM CoreExpr
201 dsLExpr (L loc e) = putSrcSpanDs loc $ dsExpr e
203 dsExpr :: HsExpr Id -> DsM CoreExpr
204 dsExpr (HsPar e) = dsLExpr e
205 dsExpr (ExprWithTySigOut e _) = dsLExpr e
206 dsExpr (HsVar var) = return (Var var)
207 dsExpr (HsIPVar ip) = return (Var (ipNameName ip))
208 dsExpr (HsLit lit) = dsLit lit
209 dsExpr (HsOverLit lit) = dsOverLit lit
210 dsExpr (HsWrap co_fn e) = dsCoercion co_fn (dsExpr e)
212 dsExpr (NegApp expr neg_expr)
213 = App <$> dsExpr neg_expr <*> dsLExpr expr
215 dsExpr (HsLam a_Match)
216 = uncurry mkLams <$> matchWrapper LambdaExpr a_Match
218 dsExpr (HsApp fun arg)
219 = mkCoreAppDs <$> dsLExpr fun <*> dsLExpr arg
222 Operator sections. At first it looks as if we can convert
231 But no! expr might be a redex, and we can lose laziness badly this
236 for example. So we convert instead to
238 let y = expr in \x -> op y x
240 If \tr{expr} is actually just a variable, say, then the simplifier
244 dsExpr (OpApp e1 op _ e2)
245 = -- for the type of y, we need the type of op's 2nd argument
246 mkCoreAppsDs <$> dsLExpr op <*> mapM dsLExpr [e1, e2]
248 dsExpr (SectionL expr op) -- Desugar (e !) to ((!) e)
249 = mkCoreAppDs <$> dsLExpr op <*> dsLExpr expr
251 -- dsLExpr (SectionR op expr) -- \ x -> op x expr
252 dsExpr (SectionR op expr) = do
253 core_op <- dsLExpr op
254 -- for the type of x, we need the type of op's 2nd argument
255 let (x_ty:y_ty:_, _) = splitFunTys (exprType core_op)
256 -- See comment with SectionL
257 y_core <- dsLExpr expr
258 x_id <- newSysLocalDs x_ty
259 y_id <- newSysLocalDs y_ty
260 return (bindNonRec y_id y_core $
261 Lam x_id (mkCoreAppsDs core_op [Var x_id, Var y_id]))
263 dsExpr (HsSCC cc expr) = do
264 mod_name <- getModuleDs
265 Note (SCC (mkUserCC cc mod_name)) <$> dsLExpr expr
268 -- hdaume: core annotation
270 dsExpr (HsCoreAnn fs expr)
271 = Note (CoreNote $ unpackFS fs) <$> dsLExpr expr
273 dsExpr (HsCase discrim matches@(MatchGroup _ rhs_ty))
274 | isEmptyMatchGroup matches -- A Core 'case' is always non-empty
275 = -- So desugar empty HsCase to error call
276 mkErrorAppDs pAT_ERROR_ID (funResultTy rhs_ty) (ptext (sLit "case"))
279 = do { core_discrim <- dsLExpr discrim
280 ; ([discrim_var], matching_code) <- matchWrapper CaseAlt matches
281 ; return (scrungleMatch discrim_var core_discrim matching_code) }
283 -- Pepe: The binds are in scope in the body but NOT in the binding group
284 -- This is to avoid silliness in breakpoints
285 dsExpr (HsLet binds body) = do
286 body' <- dsLExpr body
287 dsLocalBinds binds body'
289 -- We need the `ListComp' form to use `deListComp' (rather than the "do" form)
290 -- because the interpretation of `stmts' depends on what sort of thing it is.
292 dsExpr (HsDo ListComp stmts body result_ty)
293 = -- Special case for list comprehensions
294 dsListComp stmts body elt_ty
296 [elt_ty] = tcTyConAppArgs result_ty
298 dsExpr (HsDo DoExpr stmts body result_ty)
299 = dsDo stmts body result_ty
301 dsExpr (HsDo (MDoExpr tbl) stmts body result_ty)
302 = dsMDo tbl stmts body result_ty
304 dsExpr (HsDo PArrComp stmts body result_ty)
305 = -- Special case for array comprehensions
306 dsPArrComp (map unLoc stmts) body elt_ty
308 [elt_ty] = tcTyConAppArgs result_ty
310 dsExpr (HsIf guard_expr then_expr else_expr)
311 = mkIfThenElse <$> dsLExpr guard_expr <*> dsLExpr then_expr <*> dsLExpr else_expr
316 \underline{\bf Various data construction things}
317 % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
319 dsExpr (ExplicitList elt_ty xs)
320 = dsExplicitList elt_ty xs
322 -- We desugar [:x1, ..., xn:] as
323 -- singletonP x1 +:+ ... +:+ singletonP xn
325 dsExpr (ExplicitPArr ty []) = do
326 emptyP <- dsLookupGlobalId emptyPName
327 return (Var emptyP `App` Type ty)
328 dsExpr (ExplicitPArr ty xs) = do
329 singletonP <- dsLookupGlobalId singletonPName
330 appP <- dsLookupGlobalId appPName
331 xs' <- mapM dsLExpr xs
332 return . foldr1 (binary appP) $ map (unary singletonP) xs'
334 unary fn x = mkApps (Var fn) [Type ty, x]
335 binary fn x y = mkApps (Var fn) [Type ty, x, y]
337 dsExpr (ExplicitTuple expr_list boxity) = do
338 core_exprs <- mapM dsLExpr expr_list
339 return (mkConApp (tupleCon boxity (length expr_list))
340 (map (Type . exprType) core_exprs ++ core_exprs))
342 dsExpr (ArithSeq expr (From from))
343 = App <$> dsExpr expr <*> dsLExpr from
345 dsExpr (ArithSeq expr (FromTo from to))
346 = mkApps <$> dsExpr expr <*> mapM dsLExpr [from, to]
348 dsExpr (ArithSeq expr (FromThen from thn))
349 = mkApps <$> dsExpr expr <*> mapM dsLExpr [from, thn]
351 dsExpr (ArithSeq expr (FromThenTo from thn to))
352 = mkApps <$> dsExpr expr <*> mapM dsLExpr [from, thn, to]
354 dsExpr (PArrSeq expr (FromTo from to))
355 = mkApps <$> dsExpr expr <*> mapM dsLExpr [from, to]
357 dsExpr (PArrSeq expr (FromThenTo from thn to))
358 = mkApps <$> dsExpr expr <*> mapM dsLExpr [from, thn, to]
361 = panic "DsExpr.dsExpr: Infinite parallel array!"
362 -- the parser shouldn't have generated it and the renamer and typechecker
363 -- shouldn't have let it through
367 \underline{\bf Record construction and update}
368 % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
369 For record construction we do this (assuming T has three arguments)
373 let err = /\a -> recConErr a
374 T (recConErr t1 "M.lhs/230/op1")
376 (recConErr t1 "M.lhs/230/op3")
378 @recConErr@ then converts its arugment string into a proper message
379 before printing it as
381 M.lhs, line 230: missing field op1 was evaluated
384 We also handle @C{}@ as valid construction syntax for an unlabelled
385 constructor @C@, setting all of @C@'s fields to bottom.
388 dsExpr (RecordCon (L _ data_con_id) con_expr rbinds) = do
389 con_expr' <- dsExpr con_expr
391 (arg_tys, _) = tcSplitFunTys (exprType con_expr')
392 -- A newtype in the corner should be opaque;
393 -- hence TcType.tcSplitFunTys
395 mk_arg (arg_ty, lbl) -- Selector id has the field label as its name
396 = case findField (rec_flds rbinds) lbl of
397 (rhs:rhss) -> ASSERT( null rhss )
399 [] -> mkErrorAppDs rEC_CON_ERROR_ID arg_ty (ppr lbl)
400 unlabelled_bottom arg_ty = mkErrorAppDs rEC_CON_ERROR_ID arg_ty empty
402 labels = dataConFieldLabels (idDataCon data_con_id)
403 -- The data_con_id is guaranteed to be the wrapper id of the constructor
405 con_args <- if null labels
406 then mapM unlabelled_bottom arg_tys
407 else mapM mk_arg (zipEqual "dsExpr:RecordCon" arg_tys labels)
409 return (mkApps con_expr' con_args)
412 Record update is a little harder. Suppose we have the decl:
414 data T = T1 {op1, op2, op3 :: Int}
415 | T2 {op4, op2 :: Int}
418 Then we translate as follows:
424 T1 op1 _ op3 -> T1 op1 op2 op3
425 T2 op4 _ -> T2 op4 op2
426 other -> recUpdError "M.lhs/230"
428 It's important that we use the constructor Ids for @T1@, @T2@ etc on the
429 RHSs, and do not generate a Core constructor application directly, because the constructor
430 might do some argument-evaluation first; and may have to throw away some
433 Note [Update for GADTs]
434 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
437 T1 { f1 :: a } :: T a Int
439 Then the wrapper function for T1 has type
441 But if x::T a b, then
442 x { f1 = v } :: T a b (not T a Int!)
443 So we need to cast (T a Int) to (T a b). Sigh.
446 dsExpr expr@(RecordUpd record_expr (HsRecFields { rec_flds = fields })
447 cons_to_upd in_inst_tys out_inst_tys)
449 = dsLExpr record_expr
451 = ASSERT2( notNull cons_to_upd, ppr expr )
453 do { record_expr' <- dsLExpr record_expr
454 ; field_binds' <- mapM ds_field fields
455 ; let upd_fld_env :: NameEnv Id -- Maps field name to the LocalId of the field binding
456 upd_fld_env = mkNameEnv [(f,l) | (f,l,_) <- field_binds']
458 -- It's important to generate the match with matchWrapper,
459 -- and the right hand sides with applications of the wrapper Id
460 -- so that everything works when we are doing fancy unboxing on the
461 -- constructor aguments.
462 ; alts <- mapM (mk_alt upd_fld_env) cons_to_upd
463 ; ([discrim_var], matching_code)
464 <- matchWrapper RecUpd (MatchGroup alts in_out_ty)
466 ; return (add_field_binds field_binds' $
467 bindNonRec discrim_var record_expr' matching_code) }
469 ds_field :: HsRecField Id (LHsExpr Id) -> DsM (Name, Id, CoreExpr)
470 -- Clone the Id in the HsRecField, because its Name is that
471 -- of the record selector, and we must not make that a lcoal binder
472 -- else we shadow other uses of the record selector
473 -- Hence 'lcl_id'. Cf Trac #2735
474 ds_field rec_field = do { rhs <- dsLExpr (hsRecFieldArg rec_field)
475 ; let fld_id = unLoc (hsRecFieldId rec_field)
476 ; lcl_id <- newSysLocalDs (idType fld_id)
477 ; return (idName fld_id, lcl_id, rhs) }
479 add_field_binds [] expr = expr
480 add_field_binds ((_,b,r):bs) expr = bindNonRec b r (add_field_binds bs expr)
482 -- Awkwardly, for families, the match goes
483 -- from instance type to family type
484 tycon = dataConTyCon (head cons_to_upd)
485 in_ty = mkTyConApp tycon in_inst_tys
486 in_out_ty = mkFunTy in_ty (mkFamilyTyConApp tycon out_inst_tys)
488 mk_alt upd_fld_env con
489 = do { let (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec,
490 eq_theta, dict_theta, arg_tys, _) = dataConFullSig con
491 subst = mkTopTvSubst (univ_tvs `zip` in_inst_tys)
493 -- I'm not bothering to clone the ex_tvs
494 ; eqs_vars <- mapM newPredVarDs (substTheta subst (eqSpecPreds eq_spec))
495 ; theta_vars <- mapM newPredVarDs (substTheta subst (eq_theta ++ dict_theta))
496 ; arg_ids <- newSysLocalsDs (substTys subst arg_tys)
497 ; let val_args = zipWithEqual "dsExpr:RecordUpd" mk_val_arg
498 (dataConFieldLabels con) arg_ids
499 mk_val_arg field_name pat_arg_id
500 = nlHsVar (lookupNameEnv upd_fld_env field_name `orElse` pat_arg_id)
501 inst_con = noLoc $ HsWrap wrap (HsVar (dataConWrapId con))
502 -- Reconstruct with the WrapId so that unpacking happens
503 wrap = mkWpApps theta_vars `WpCompose`
504 mkWpTyApps (mkTyVarTys ex_tvs) `WpCompose`
505 mkWpTyApps [ty | (tv, ty) <- univ_tvs `zip` out_inst_tys
506 , isNothing (lookupTyVar wrap_subst tv) ]
507 rhs = foldl (\a b -> nlHsApp a b) inst_con val_args
509 -- Tediously wrap the application in a cast
510 -- Note [Update for GADTs]
511 wrapped_rhs | null eq_spec = rhs
512 | otherwise = mkLHsWrap (WpCast wrap_co) rhs
513 wrap_co = mkTyConApp tycon [ lookup tv ty
514 | (tv,ty) <- univ_tvs `zip` out_inst_tys]
515 lookup univ_tv ty = case lookupTyVar wrap_subst univ_tv of
518 wrap_subst = mkTopTvSubst [ (tv,mkSymCoercion (mkTyVarTy co_var))
519 | ((tv,_),co_var) <- eq_spec `zip` eqs_vars ]
521 pat = noLoc $ ConPatOut { pat_con = noLoc con, pat_tvs = ex_tvs
522 , pat_dicts = eqs_vars ++ theta_vars
523 , pat_binds = emptyLHsBinds
524 , pat_args = PrefixCon $ map nlVarPat arg_ids
526 ; return (mkSimpleMatch [pat] wrapped_rhs) }
530 Here is where we desugar the Template Haskell brackets and escapes
533 -- Template Haskell stuff
535 #ifdef GHCI /* Only if bootstrapping */
536 dsExpr (HsBracketOut x ps) = dsBracket x ps
537 dsExpr (HsSpliceE s) = pprPanic "dsExpr:splice" (ppr s)
540 -- Arrow notation extension
541 dsExpr (HsProc pat cmd) = dsProcExpr pat cmd
547 dsExpr (HsTick ix vars e) = do
551 -- There is a problem here. The then and else branches
552 -- have no free variables, so they are open to lifting.
553 -- We need someway of stopping this.
554 -- This will make no difference to binary coverage
555 -- (did you go here: YES or NO), but will effect accurate
558 dsExpr (HsBinTick ixT ixF e) = do
560 do { ASSERT(exprType e2 `coreEqType` boolTy)
561 mkBinaryTickBox ixT ixF e2
567 -- HsSyn constructs that just shouldn't be here:
568 dsExpr (ExprWithTySig _ _) = panic "dsExpr:ExprWithTySig"
571 findField :: [HsRecField Id arg] -> Name -> [arg]
573 = [rhs | HsRecField { hsRecFieldId = id, hsRecFieldArg = rhs } <- rbinds
574 , lbl == idName (unLoc id) ]
577 %--------------------------------------------------------------------
579 Note [Desugaring explicit lists]
580 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
581 Explicit lists are desugared in a cleverer way to prevent some
582 fruitless allocations. Essentially, whenever we see a list literal
585 1. Find the tail of the list that can be allocated statically (say
586 [x_k, ..., x_n]) by later stages and ensure we desugar that
587 normally: this makes sure that we don't cause a code size increase
588 by having the cons in that expression fused (see later) and hence
589 being unable to statically allocate any more
591 2. For the prefix of the list which cannot be allocated statically,
592 say [x_1, ..., x_(k-1)], we turn it into an expression involving
593 build so that if we find any foldrs over it it will fuse away
596 So in this example we will desugar to:
597 build (\c n -> x_1 `c` x_2 `c` .... `c` foldr c n [x_k, ..., x_n]
599 If fusion fails to occur then build will get inlined and (since we
600 defined a RULE for foldr (:) []) we will get back exactly the
601 normal desugaring for an explicit list.
603 This optimisation can be worth a lot: up to 25% of the total
604 allocation in some nofib programs. Specifically
606 Program Size Allocs Runtime CompTime
607 rewrite +0.0% -26.3% 0.02 -1.8%
608 ansi -0.3% -13.8% 0.00 +0.0%
609 lift +0.0% -8.7% 0.00 -2.3%
611 Of course, if rules aren't turned on then there is pretty much no
612 point doing this fancy stuff, and it may even be harmful.
614 =======> Note by SLPJ Dec 08.
616 I'm unconvinced that we should *ever* generate a build for an explicit
617 list. See the comments in GHC.Base about the foldr/cons rule, which
618 points out that (foldr k z [a,b,c]) may generate *much* less code than
619 (a `k` b `k` c `k` z).
621 Furthermore generating builds messes up the LHS of RULES.
622 Example: the foldr/single rule in GHC.Base
624 We do not want to generate a build invocation on the LHS of this RULE!
626 To test this I've added a (static) flag -fsimple-list-literals, which
627 makes all list literals be generated via the simple route.
632 dsExplicitList :: PostTcType -> [LHsExpr Id] -> DsM CoreExpr
633 -- See Note [Desugaring explicit lists]
634 dsExplicitList elt_ty xs = do
636 xs' <- mapM dsLExpr xs
637 if opt_SimpleListLiterals || not (dopt Opt_EnableRewriteRules dflags)
638 then return $ mkListExpr elt_ty xs'
639 else mkBuildExpr elt_ty (mkSplitExplicitList (thisPackage dflags) xs')
641 mkSplitExplicitList this_package xs' (c, _) (n, n_ty) = do
642 let (dynamic_prefix, static_suffix) = spanTail (rhsIsStatic this_package) xs'
643 static_suffix' = mkListExpr elt_ty static_suffix
645 folded_static_suffix <- mkFoldrExpr elt_ty n_ty (Var c) (Var n) static_suffix'
646 let build_body = foldr (App . App (Var c)) folded_static_suffix dynamic_prefix
649 spanTail :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
650 spanTail f xs = (reverse rejected, reverse satisfying)
651 where (satisfying, rejected) = span f $ reverse xs
654 Desugar 'do' and 'mdo' expressions (NOT list comprehensions, they're
655 handled in DsListComp). Basically does the translation given in the
661 -> Type -- Type of the whole expression
664 dsDo stmts body _result_ty
665 = go (map unLoc stmts)
669 go (ExprStmt rhs then_expr _ : stmts)
670 = do { rhs2 <- dsLExpr rhs
671 ; then_expr2 <- dsExpr then_expr
673 ; return (mkApps then_expr2 [rhs2, rest]) }
675 go (LetStmt binds : stmts)
676 = do { rest <- go stmts
677 ; dsLocalBinds binds rest }
679 go (BindStmt pat rhs bind_op fail_op : stmts)
681 do { body <- go stmts
682 ; rhs' <- dsLExpr rhs
683 ; bind_op' <- dsExpr bind_op
684 ; var <- selectSimpleMatchVarL pat
685 ; let bind_ty = exprType bind_op' -- rhs -> (pat -> res1) -> res2
686 res1_ty = funResultTy (funArgTy (funResultTy bind_ty))
687 ; match <- matchSinglePat (Var var) (StmtCtxt DoExpr) pat
688 res1_ty (cantFailMatchResult body)
689 ; match_code <- handle_failure pat match fail_op
690 ; return (mkApps bind_op' [rhs', Lam var match_code]) }
692 -- In a do expression, pattern-match failure just calls
693 -- the monadic 'fail' rather than throwing an exception
694 handle_failure pat match fail_op
696 = do { fail_op' <- dsExpr fail_op
697 ; fail_msg <- mkStringExpr (mk_fail_msg pat)
698 ; extractMatchResult match (App fail_op' fail_msg) }
700 = extractMatchResult match (error "It can't fail")
702 mk_fail_msg :: Located e -> String
703 mk_fail_msg pat = "Pattern match failure in do expression at " ++
704 showSDoc (ppr (getLoc pat))
707 Translation for RecStmt's:
708 -----------------------------
709 We turn (RecStmt [v1,..vn] stmts) into:
711 (v1,..,vn) <- mfix (\~(v1,..vn). do stmts
718 -> Type -- Type of the whole expression
721 dsMDo tbl stmts body result_ty
722 = go (map unLoc stmts)
724 (m_ty, b_ty) = tcSplitAppTy result_ty -- result_ty must be of the form (m b)
725 mfix_id = lookupEvidence tbl mfixName
726 return_id = lookupEvidence tbl returnMName
727 bind_id = lookupEvidence tbl bindMName
728 then_id = lookupEvidence tbl thenMName
729 fail_id = lookupEvidence tbl failMName
734 go (LetStmt binds : stmts)
735 = do { rest <- go stmts
736 ; dsLocalBinds binds rest }
738 go (ExprStmt rhs _ rhs_ty : stmts)
739 = do { rhs2 <- dsLExpr rhs
741 ; return (mkApps (Var then_id) [Type rhs_ty, Type b_ty, rhs2, rest]) }
743 go (BindStmt pat rhs _ _ : stmts)
744 = do { body <- go stmts
745 ; var <- selectSimpleMatchVarL pat
746 ; match <- matchSinglePat (Var var) (StmtCtxt ctxt) pat
747 result_ty (cantFailMatchResult body)
748 ; fail_msg <- mkStringExpr (mk_fail_msg pat)
749 ; let fail_expr = mkApps (Var fail_id) [Type b_ty, fail_msg]
750 ; match_code <- extractMatchResult match fail_expr
752 ; rhs' <- dsLExpr rhs
753 ; return (mkApps (Var bind_id) [Type (hsLPatType pat), Type b_ty,
754 rhs', Lam var match_code]) }
756 go (RecStmt rec_stmts later_ids rec_ids rec_rets binds : stmts)
757 = ASSERT( length rec_ids > 0 )
758 ASSERT( length rec_ids == length rec_rets )
759 go (new_bind_stmt : let_stmt : stmts)
761 new_bind_stmt = mkBindStmt (mk_tup_pat later_pats) mfix_app
762 let_stmt = LetStmt (HsValBinds (ValBindsOut [(Recursive, binds)] []))
765 -- Remove the later_ids that appear (without fancy coercions)
766 -- in rec_rets, because there's no need to knot-tie them separately
767 -- See Note [RecStmt] in HsExpr
768 later_ids' = filter (`notElem` mono_rec_ids) later_ids
769 mono_rec_ids = [ id | HsVar id <- rec_rets ]
771 mfix_app = nlHsApp (nlHsTyApp mfix_id [tup_ty]) mfix_arg
772 mfix_arg = noLoc $ HsLam (MatchGroup [mkSimpleMatch [mfix_pat] body]
773 (mkFunTy tup_ty body_ty))
775 -- The rec_tup_pat must bind the rec_ids only; remember that the
776 -- trimmed_laters may share the same Names
777 -- Meanwhile, the later_pats must bind the later_vars
778 rec_tup_pats = map mk_wild_pat later_ids' ++ map nlVarPat rec_ids
779 later_pats = map nlVarPat later_ids' ++ map mk_later_pat rec_ids
780 rets = map nlHsVar later_ids' ++ map noLoc rec_rets
782 mfix_pat = noLoc $ LazyPat $ mk_tup_pat rec_tup_pats
783 body = noLoc $ HsDo ctxt rec_stmts return_app body_ty
784 body_ty = mkAppTy m_ty tup_ty
785 tup_ty = mkCoreTupTy (map idType (later_ids' ++ rec_ids))
786 -- mkCoreTupTy deals with singleton case
788 return_app = nlHsApp (nlHsTyApp return_id [tup_ty])
791 mk_wild_pat :: Id -> LPat Id
792 mk_wild_pat v = noLoc $ WildPat $ idType v
794 mk_later_pat :: Id -> LPat Id
795 mk_later_pat v | v `elem` later_ids' = mk_wild_pat v
796 | otherwise = nlVarPat v
798 mk_tup_pat :: [LPat Id] -> LPat Id
800 mk_tup_pat ps = noLoc $ mkVanillaTuplePat ps Boxed
802 mk_ret_tup :: [LHsExpr Id] -> LHsExpr Id
804 mk_ret_tup rs = noLoc $ ExplicitTuple rs Boxed