1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 -- $Id: DriverPhases.hs,v 1.38 2005/05/17 11:01:59 simonmar Exp $
6 -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 HscSource(..), isHsBoot, hscSourceString,
13 happensBefore, eqPhase, anyHsc, isStopLn,
14 startPhase, -- :: String -> Phase
15 phaseInputExt, -- :: Phase -> String
23 isHaskellUserSrcSuffix,
32 isHaskellUserSrcFilename,
33 isSourceFilename -- :: FilePath -> Bool
36 #include "HsVersions.h"
39 import System.FilePath
41 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 Phase of the | Suffix saying | Flag saying | (suffix of)
46 compilation system | ``start here''| ``stop after''| output file
48 literate pre-processor | .lhs | - | -
49 C pre-processor (opt.) | - | -E | -
50 Haskell compiler | .hs | -C, -S | .hc, .s
51 C compiler (opt.) | .hc or .c | -S | .s
52 assembler | .s or .S | -c | .o
53 linker | other | - | a.out
57 = HsSrcFile | HsBootFile | ExtCoreFile
58 deriving( Eq, Ord, Show )
59 -- Ord needed for the finite maps we build in CompManager
62 hscSourceString :: HscSource -> String
63 hscSourceString HsSrcFile = ""
64 hscSourceString HsBootFile = "[boot]"
65 hscSourceString ExtCoreFile = "[ext core]"
67 isHsBoot :: HscSource -> Bool
68 isHsBoot HsBootFile = True
78 | HCc -- Haskellised C (as opposed to vanilla C) compilation
79 | Mangle -- assembly mangling, now done by a separate script.
80 | SplitMangle -- after mangler if splitting
83 | LlvmOpt -- Run LLVM opt tool over llvm assembly
84 | LlvmLlc -- LLVM bitcode to native assembly
85 | LlvmMangle -- Fix up TNTC by processing assembly produced by LLVM
86 | CmmCpp -- pre-process Cmm source
87 | Cmm -- parse & compile Cmm code
89 -- The final phase is a pseudo-phase that tells the pipeline to stop.
90 -- There is no runPhase case for it.
91 | StopLn -- Stop, but linking will follow, so generate .o file
94 instance Outputable Phase where
98 anyHsc = Hsc (panic "anyHsc")
100 isStopLn :: Phase -> Bool
101 isStopLn StopLn = True
104 eqPhase :: Phase -> Phase -> Bool
105 -- Equality of constructors, ignoring the HscSource field
106 -- NB: the HscSource field can be 'bot'; see anyHsc above
107 eqPhase (Unlit _) (Unlit _) = True
108 eqPhase (Cpp _) (Cpp _) = True
109 eqPhase (HsPp _) (HsPp _) = True
110 eqPhase (Hsc _) (Hsc _) = True
111 eqPhase Ccpp Ccpp = True
113 eqPhase HCc HCc = True
114 eqPhase Mangle Mangle = True
115 eqPhase SplitMangle SplitMangle = True
116 eqPhase SplitAs SplitAs = True
118 eqPhase LlvmOpt LlvmOpt = True
119 eqPhase LlvmLlc LlvmLlc = True
120 eqPhase LlvmMangle LlvmMangle = True
121 eqPhase CmmCpp CmmCpp = True
122 eqPhase Cmm Cmm = True
123 eqPhase StopLn StopLn = True
126 -- Partial ordering on phases: we want to know which phases will occur before
127 -- which others. This is used for sanity checking, to ensure that the
128 -- pipeline will stop at some point (see DriverPipeline.runPipeline).
129 happensBefore :: Phase -> Phase -> Bool
130 StopLn `happensBefore` _ = False
131 x `happensBefore` y = after_x `eqPhase` y || after_x `happensBefore` y
133 after_x = nextPhase x
135 nextPhase :: Phase -> Phase
136 -- A conservative approximation the next phase, used in happensBefore
137 nextPhase (Unlit sf) = Cpp sf
138 nextPhase (Cpp sf) = HsPp sf
139 nextPhase (HsPp sf) = Hsc sf
140 nextPhase (Hsc _) = HCc
141 nextPhase HCc = Mangle
142 nextPhase Mangle = SplitMangle
143 nextPhase SplitMangle = As
144 nextPhase As = SplitAs
145 nextPhase LlvmOpt = LlvmLlc
147 nextPhase LlvmLlc = LlvmMangle
149 nextPhase LlvmLlc = As
151 nextPhase LlvmMangle = As
152 nextPhase SplitAs = StopLn
155 nextPhase CmmCpp = Cmm
157 nextPhase StopLn = panic "nextPhase: nothing after StopLn"
159 -- the first compilation phase for a given file is determined
161 startPhase :: String -> Phase
162 startPhase "lhs" = Unlit HsSrcFile
163 startPhase "lhs-boot" = Unlit HsBootFile
164 startPhase "hs" = Cpp HsSrcFile
165 startPhase "hs-boot" = Cpp HsBootFile
166 startPhase "hscpp" = HsPp HsSrcFile
167 startPhase "hspp" = Hsc HsSrcFile
168 startPhase "hcr" = Hsc ExtCoreFile
169 startPhase "hc" = HCc
171 startPhase "cpp" = Ccpp
173 startPhase "cc" = Ccpp
174 startPhase "cxx" = Ccpp
175 startPhase "raw_s" = Mangle
176 startPhase "split_s" = SplitMangle
179 startPhase "ll" = LlvmOpt
180 startPhase "bc" = LlvmLlc
181 startPhase "lm_s" = LlvmMangle
182 startPhase "o" = StopLn
183 startPhase "cmm" = CmmCpp
184 startPhase "cmmcpp" = Cmm
185 startPhase _ = StopLn -- all unknown file types
187 -- This is used to determine the extension for the output from the
188 -- current phase (if it generates a new file). The extension depends
189 -- on the next phase in the pipeline.
190 phaseInputExt :: Phase -> String
191 phaseInputExt (Unlit HsSrcFile) = "lhs"
192 phaseInputExt (Unlit HsBootFile) = "lhs-boot"
193 phaseInputExt (Unlit ExtCoreFile) = "lhcr"
194 phaseInputExt (Cpp _) = "lpp" -- intermediate only
195 phaseInputExt (HsPp _) = "hscpp" -- intermediate only
196 phaseInputExt (Hsc _) = "hspp" -- intermediate only
197 -- NB: as things stand, phaseInputExt (Hsc x) must not evaluate x
198 -- because runPipeline uses the StopBefore phase to pick the
199 -- output filename. That could be fixed, but watch out.
200 phaseInputExt HCc = "hc"
201 phaseInputExt Ccpp = "cpp"
202 phaseInputExt Cc = "c"
203 phaseInputExt Mangle = "raw_s"
204 phaseInputExt SplitMangle = "split_s" -- not really generated
205 phaseInputExt As = "s"
206 phaseInputExt LlvmOpt = "ll"
207 phaseInputExt LlvmLlc = "bc"
208 phaseInputExt LlvmMangle = "lm_s"
209 phaseInputExt SplitAs = "split_s" -- not really generated
210 phaseInputExt CmmCpp = "cmm"
211 phaseInputExt Cmm = "cmmcpp"
212 phaseInputExt StopLn = "o"
214 haskellish_src_suffixes, haskellish_suffixes, cish_suffixes,
215 extcoreish_suffixes, haskellish_user_src_suffixes
217 haskellish_src_suffixes = haskellish_user_src_suffixes ++
218 [ "hspp", "hscpp", "hcr", "cmm", "cmmcpp" ]
219 haskellish_suffixes = haskellish_src_suffixes ++ ["hc", "raw_s"]
220 cish_suffixes = [ "c", "cpp", "C", "cc", "cxx", "s", "S", "ll", "bc" ]
221 extcoreish_suffixes = [ "hcr" ]
222 -- Will not be deleted as temp files:
223 haskellish_user_src_suffixes = [ "hs", "lhs", "hs-boot", "lhs-boot" ]
225 objish_suffixes :: [String]
226 -- Use the appropriate suffix for the system on which
227 -- the GHC-compiled code will run
228 #if mingw32_TARGET_OS || cygwin32_TARGET_OS
229 objish_suffixes = [ "o", "O", "obj", "OBJ" ]
231 objish_suffixes = [ "o" ]
234 dynlib_suffixes :: [String]
235 #ifdef mingw32_TARGET_OS
236 dynlib_suffixes = ["dll", "DLL"]
237 #elif defined(darwin_TARGET_OS)
238 dynlib_suffixes = ["dylib"]
240 dynlib_suffixes = ["so"]
243 isHaskellishSuffix, isHaskellSrcSuffix, isCishSuffix, isExtCoreSuffix,
244 isObjectSuffix, isHaskellUserSrcSuffix, isDynLibSuffix
246 isHaskellishSuffix s = s `elem` haskellish_suffixes
247 isHaskellSrcSuffix s = s `elem` haskellish_src_suffixes
248 isCishSuffix s = s `elem` cish_suffixes
249 isExtCoreSuffix s = s `elem` extcoreish_suffixes
250 isObjectSuffix s = s `elem` objish_suffixes
251 isHaskellUserSrcSuffix s = s `elem` haskellish_user_src_suffixes
252 isDynLibSuffix s = s `elem` dynlib_suffixes
254 isSourceSuffix :: String -> Bool
255 isSourceSuffix suff = isHaskellishSuffix suff || isCishSuffix suff
257 isHaskellishFilename, isHaskellSrcFilename, isCishFilename,
258 isExtCoreFilename, isObjectFilename, isHaskellUserSrcFilename,
259 isDynLibFilename, isSourceFilename
261 -- takeExtension return .foo, so we drop 1 to get rid of the .
262 isHaskellishFilename f = isHaskellishSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
263 isHaskellSrcFilename f = isHaskellSrcSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
264 isCishFilename f = isCishSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
265 isExtCoreFilename f = isExtCoreSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
266 isObjectFilename f = isObjectSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
267 isHaskellUserSrcFilename f = isHaskellUserSrcSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
268 isDynLibFilename f = isDynLibSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
269 isSourceFilename f = isSourceSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)