2 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 -- (c) The University of Glasgow 1997-2003
7 -- Author(s): Simon Marlow, Sven Panne 1997, 1998, 1999
8 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 -- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
13 -- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
14 -- any warnings in the module. See
15 -- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings
18 module Parser ( parseModule, parseStmt, parseIdentifier, parseType,
21 #define INCLUDE #include
22 INCLUDE "HsVersions.h"
26 import HscTypes ( IsBootInterface, DeprecTxt )
29 import TysWiredIn ( unitTyCon, unitDataCon, tupleTyCon, tupleCon, nilDataCon,
30 listTyCon_RDR, parrTyCon_RDR, consDataCon_RDR )
31 import Type ( funTyCon )
32 import ForeignCall ( Safety(..), CExportSpec(..), CLabelString,
33 CCallConv(..), CCallTarget(..), defaultCCallConv
35 import OccName ( varName, dataName, tcClsName, tvName )
36 import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConName )
37 import SrcLoc ( Located(..), unLoc, getLoc, noLoc, combineSrcSpans,
38 SrcSpan, combineLocs, srcLocFile,
41 import StaticFlags ( opt_SccProfilingOn, opt_Hpc )
42 import Type ( Kind, mkArrowKind, liftedTypeKind, unliftedTypeKind )
43 import BasicTypes ( Boxity(..), Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), IPName(..),
44 Activation(..), defaultInlineSpec )
48 import {-# SOURCE #-} HaddockLex hiding ( Token )
52 import Maybes ( orElse )
55 import Control.Monad ( unless )
58 import Control.Monad ( mplus )
62 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 Conflicts: 33 shift/reduce
68 The reduce/reduce conflict is weird. It's between tyconsym and consym, and I
69 would think the two should never occur in the same context.
73 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 Conflicts: 34 shift/reduce
79 The reduce/reduce conflict is weird. It's between tyconsym and consym, and I
80 would think the two should never occur in the same context.
84 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 Conflicts: 32 shift/reduce
90 The reduce/reduce conflict is weird. It's between tyconsym and consym, and I
91 would think the two should never occur in the same context.
95 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 Conflicts: 37 shift/reduce
101 The reduce/reduce conflict is weird. It's between tyconsym and consym, and I
102 would think the two should never occur in the same context.
106 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 Conflicts: 38 shift/reduce (1.25)
109 10 for abiguity in 'if x then y else z + 1' [State 178]
110 (shift parses as 'if x then y else (z + 1)', as per longest-parse rule)
111 10 because op might be: : - ! * . `x` VARSYM CONSYM QVARSYM QCONSYM
113 1 for ambiguity in 'if x then y else z :: T' [State 178]
114 (shift parses as 'if x then y else (z :: T)', as per longest-parse rule)
116 4 for ambiguity in 'if x then y else z -< e' [State 178]
117 (shift parses as 'if x then y else (z -< T)', as per longest-parse rule)
118 There are four such operators: -<, >-, -<<, >>-
121 2 for ambiguity in 'case v of { x :: T -> T ... } ' [States 11, 253]
122 Which of these two is intended?
124 (x::T) -> T -- Rhs is T
127 (x::T -> T) -> .. -- Rhs is ...
129 10 for ambiguity in 'e :: a `b` c'. Does this mean [States 11, 253]
132 As well as `b` we can have !, VARSYM, QCONSYM, and CONSYM, hence 5 cases
133 Same duplication between states 11 and 253 as the previous case
135 1 for ambiguity in 'let ?x ...' [State 329]
136 the parser can't tell whether the ?x is the lhs of a normal binding or
137 an implicit binding. Fortunately resolving as shift gives it the only
138 sensible meaning, namely the lhs of an implicit binding.
140 1 for ambiguity in '{-# RULES "name" [ ... #-} [State 382]
141 we don't know whether the '[' starts the activation or not: it
142 might be the start of the declaration with the activation being
143 empty. --SDM 1/4/2002
145 1 for ambiguity in '{-# RULES "name" forall = ... #-}' [State 474]
146 since 'forall' is a valid variable name, we don't know whether
147 to treat a forall on the input as the beginning of a quantifier
148 or the beginning of the rule itself. Resolving to shift means
149 it's always treated as a quantifier, hence the above is disallowed.
150 This saves explicitly defining a grammar for the rule lhs that
151 doesn't include 'forall'.
153 1 for ambiguity when the source file starts with "-- | doc". We need another
154 token of lookahead to determine if a top declaration or the 'module' keyword
155 follows. Shift parses as if the 'module' keyword follows.
157 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
158 -- Adding location info
160 This is done in a stylised way using the three macros below, L0, L1
161 and LL. Each of these macros can be thought of as having type
163 L0, L1, LL :: a -> Located a
165 They each add a SrcSpan to their argument.
167 L0 adds 'noSrcSpan', used for empty productions
168 -- This doesn't seem to work anymore -=chak
170 L1 for a production with a single token on the lhs. Grabs the SrcSpan
173 LL for a production with >1 token on the lhs. Makes up a SrcSpan from
174 the first and last tokens.
176 These suffice for the majority of cases. However, we must be
177 especially careful with empty productions: LL won't work if the first
178 or last token on the lhs can represent an empty span. In these cases,
179 we have to calculate the span using more of the tokens from the lhs, eg.
181 | 'newtype' tycl_hdr '=' newconstr deriving
183 (mkTyData NewType (unLoc $2) [$4] (unLoc $5)) }
185 We provide comb3 and comb4 functions which are useful in such cases.
187 Be careful: there's no checking that you actually got this right, the
188 only symptom will be that the SrcSpans of your syntax will be
192 * We must expand these macros *before* running Happy, which is why this file is
193 * Parser.y.pp rather than just Parser.y - we run the C pre-processor first.
195 #define L0 L noSrcSpan
196 #define L1 sL (getLoc $1)
197 #define LL sL (comb2 $1 $>)
199 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 '_' { L _ ITunderscore } -- Haskell keywords
206 'case' { L _ ITcase }
207 'class' { L _ ITclass }
208 'data' { L _ ITdata }
209 'default' { L _ ITdefault }
210 'deriving' { L _ ITderiving }
212 'else' { L _ ITelse }
213 'hiding' { L _ IThiding }
215 'import' { L _ ITimport }
217 'infix' { L _ ITinfix }
218 'infixl' { L _ ITinfixl }
219 'infixr' { L _ ITinfixr }
220 'instance' { L _ ITinstance }
222 'module' { L _ ITmodule }
223 'newtype' { L _ ITnewtype }
225 'qualified' { L _ ITqualified }
226 'then' { L _ ITthen }
227 'type' { L _ ITtype }
228 'where' { L _ ITwhere }
229 '_scc_' { L _ ITscc } -- ToDo: remove
231 'forall' { L _ ITforall } -- GHC extension keywords
232 'foreign' { L _ ITforeign }
233 'export' { L _ ITexport }
234 'label' { L _ ITlabel }
235 'dynamic' { L _ ITdynamic }
236 'safe' { L _ ITsafe }
237 'threadsafe' { L _ ITthreadsafe }
238 'unsafe' { L _ ITunsafe }
240 'family' { L _ ITfamily }
241 'stdcall' { L _ ITstdcallconv }
242 'ccall' { L _ ITccallconv }
243 'dotnet' { L _ ITdotnet }
244 'proc' { L _ ITproc } -- for arrow notation extension
245 'rec' { L _ ITrec } -- for arrow notation extension
247 '{-# INLINE' { L _ (ITinline_prag _) }
248 '{-# SPECIALISE' { L _ ITspec_prag }
249 '{-# SPECIALISE_INLINE' { L _ (ITspec_inline_prag _) }
250 '{-# SOURCE' { L _ ITsource_prag }
251 '{-# RULES' { L _ ITrules_prag }
252 '{-# CORE' { L _ ITcore_prag } -- hdaume: annotated core
253 '{-# SCC' { L _ ITscc_prag }
254 '{-# GENERATED' { L _ ITgenerated_prag }
255 '{-# DEPRECATED' { L _ ITdeprecated_prag }
256 '{-# UNPACK' { L _ ITunpack_prag }
257 '#-}' { L _ ITclose_prag }
259 '..' { L _ ITdotdot } -- reserved symbols
261 '::' { L _ ITdcolon }
265 '<-' { L _ ITlarrow }
266 '->' { L _ ITrarrow }
269 '=>' { L _ ITdarrow }
273 '-<' { L _ ITlarrowtail } -- for arrow notation
274 '>-' { L _ ITrarrowtail } -- for arrow notation
275 '-<<' { L _ ITLarrowtail } -- for arrow notation
276 '>>-' { L _ ITRarrowtail } -- for arrow notation
279 '{' { L _ ITocurly } -- special symbols
281 '{|' { L _ ITocurlybar }
282 '|}' { L _ ITccurlybar }
283 vocurly { L _ ITvocurly } -- virtual open curly (from layout)
284 vccurly { L _ ITvccurly } -- virtual close curly (from layout)
287 '[:' { L _ ITopabrack }
288 ':]' { L _ ITcpabrack }
291 '(#' { L _ IToubxparen }
292 '#)' { L _ ITcubxparen }
293 '(|' { L _ IToparenbar }
294 '|)' { L _ ITcparenbar }
297 '`' { L _ ITbackquote }
299 VARID { L _ (ITvarid _) } -- identifiers
300 CONID { L _ (ITconid _) }
301 VARSYM { L _ (ITvarsym _) }
302 CONSYM { L _ (ITconsym _) }
303 QVARID { L _ (ITqvarid _) }
304 QCONID { L _ (ITqconid _) }
305 QVARSYM { L _ (ITqvarsym _) }
306 QCONSYM { L _ (ITqconsym _) }
308 IPDUPVARID { L _ (ITdupipvarid _) } -- GHC extension
310 CHAR { L _ (ITchar _) }
311 STRING { L _ (ITstring _) }
312 INTEGER { L _ (ITinteger _) }
313 RATIONAL { L _ (ITrational _) }
315 PRIMCHAR { L _ (ITprimchar _) }
316 PRIMSTRING { L _ (ITprimstring _) }
317 PRIMINTEGER { L _ (ITprimint _) }
318 PRIMFLOAT { L _ (ITprimfloat _) }
319 PRIMDOUBLE { L _ (ITprimdouble _) }
321 DOCNEXT { L _ (ITdocCommentNext _) }
322 DOCPREV { L _ (ITdocCommentPrev _) }
323 DOCNAMED { L _ (ITdocCommentNamed _) }
324 DOCSECTION { L _ (ITdocSection _ _) }
325 DOCOPTIONS { L _ (ITdocOptions _) }
328 '[|' { L _ ITopenExpQuote }
329 '[p|' { L _ ITopenPatQuote }
330 '[t|' { L _ ITopenTypQuote }
331 '[d|' { L _ ITopenDecQuote }
332 '|]' { L _ ITcloseQuote }
333 TH_ID_SPLICE { L _ (ITidEscape _) } -- $x
334 '$(' { L _ ITparenEscape } -- $( exp )
335 TH_VAR_QUOTE { L _ ITvarQuote } -- 'x
336 TH_TY_QUOTE { L _ ITtyQuote } -- ''T
338 %monad { P } { >>= } { return }
339 %lexer { lexer } { L _ ITeof }
340 %name parseModule module
341 %name parseStmt maybe_stmt
342 %name parseIdentifier identifier
343 %name parseType ctype
344 %partial parseHeader header
345 %tokentype { (Located Token) }
348 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
349 -- Identifiers; one of the entry points
350 identifier :: { Located RdrName }
355 | '(' '->' ')' { LL $ getRdrName funTyCon }
357 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
360 -- The place for module deprecation is really too restrictive, but if it
361 -- was allowed at its natural place just before 'module', we get an ugly
362 -- s/r conflict with the second alternative. Another solution would be the
363 -- introduction of a new pragma DEPRECATED_MODULE, but this is not very nice,
364 -- either, and DEPRECATED is only expected to be used by people who really
365 -- know what they are doing. :-)
367 module :: { Located (HsModule RdrName) }
368 : optdoc 'module' modid maybemoddeprec maybeexports 'where' body
369 {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc -> case $1 of { (opt, info, doc) ->
370 return (L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $7) (snd $7) $4
373 {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
374 return (L loc (HsModule Nothing Nothing
375 (fst $1) (snd $1) Nothing Nothing emptyHaddockModInfo
378 optdoc :: { (Maybe String, HaddockModInfo RdrName, Maybe (HsDoc RdrName)) }
379 : moduleheader { (Nothing, fst $1, snd $1) }
380 | docoptions { (Just $1, emptyHaddockModInfo, Nothing)}
381 | docoptions moduleheader { (Just $1, fst $2, snd $2) }
382 | moduleheader docoptions { (Just $2, fst $1, snd $1) }
383 | {- empty -} { (Nothing, emptyHaddockModInfo, Nothing) }
385 missing_module_keyword :: { () }
386 : {- empty -} {% pushCurrentContext }
388 maybemoddeprec :: { Maybe DeprecTxt }
389 : '{-# DEPRECATED' STRING '#-}' { Just (getSTRING $2) }
390 | {- empty -} { Nothing }
392 body :: { ([LImportDecl RdrName], [LHsDecl RdrName]) }
394 | vocurly top close { $2 }
396 body2 :: { ([LImportDecl RdrName], [LHsDecl RdrName]) }
398 | missing_module_keyword top close { $2 }
400 top :: { ([LImportDecl RdrName], [LHsDecl RdrName]) }
401 : importdecls { (reverse $1,[]) }
402 | importdecls ';' cvtopdecls { (reverse $1,$3) }
403 | cvtopdecls { ([],$1) }
405 cvtopdecls :: { [LHsDecl RdrName] }
406 : topdecls { cvTopDecls $1 }
408 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
409 -- Module declaration & imports only
411 header :: { Located (HsModule RdrName) }
412 : optdoc 'module' modid maybemoddeprec maybeexports 'where' header_body
413 {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc -> case $1 of { (opt, info, doc) ->
414 return (L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 $7 [] $4
416 | missing_module_keyword importdecls
417 {% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
418 return (L loc (HsModule Nothing Nothing $2 [] Nothing
419 Nothing emptyHaddockModInfo Nothing)) }
421 header_body :: { [LImportDecl RdrName] }
422 : '{' importdecls { $2 }
423 | vocurly importdecls { $2 }
425 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
428 maybeexports :: { Maybe [LIE RdrName] }
429 : '(' exportlist ')' { Just $2 }
430 | {- empty -} { Nothing }
432 exportlist :: { [LIE RdrName] }
433 : expdoclist ',' expdoclist { $1 ++ $3 }
436 exportlist1 :: { [LIE RdrName] }
437 : expdoclist export expdoclist ',' exportlist { $1 ++ ($2 : $3) ++ $5 }
438 | expdoclist export expdoclist { $1 ++ ($2 : $3) }
441 expdoclist :: { [LIE RdrName] }
442 : exp_doc expdoclist { $1 : $2 }
445 exp_doc :: { LIE RdrName }
446 : docsection { L1 (case (unLoc $1) of (n, doc) -> IEGroup n doc) }
447 | docnamed { L1 (IEDocNamed ((fst . unLoc) $1)) }
448 | docnext { L1 (IEDoc (unLoc $1)) }
450 -- No longer allow things like [] and (,,,) to be exported
451 -- They are built in syntax, always available
452 export :: { LIE RdrName }
453 : qvar { L1 (IEVar (unLoc $1)) }
454 | oqtycon { L1 (IEThingAbs (unLoc $1)) }
455 | oqtycon '(' '..' ')' { LL (IEThingAll (unLoc $1)) }
456 | oqtycon '(' ')' { LL (IEThingWith (unLoc $1) []) }
457 | oqtycon '(' qcnames ')' { LL (IEThingWith (unLoc $1) (reverse $3)) }
458 | 'module' modid { LL (IEModuleContents (unLoc $2)) }
460 qcnames :: { [RdrName] }
461 : qcnames ',' qcname_ext { unLoc $3 : $1 }
462 | qcname_ext { [unLoc $1] }
464 qcname_ext :: { Located RdrName } -- Variable or data constructor
465 -- or tagged type constructor
467 | 'type' qcon { sL (comb2 $1 $2)
468 (setRdrNameSpace (unLoc $2)
471 -- Cannot pull into qcname_ext, as qcname is also used in expression.
472 qcname :: { Located RdrName } -- Variable or data constructor
476 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
477 -- Import Declarations
479 -- import decls can be *empty*, or even just a string of semicolons
480 -- whereas topdecls must contain at least one topdecl.
482 importdecls :: { [LImportDecl RdrName] }
483 : importdecls ';' importdecl { $3 : $1 }
484 | importdecls ';' { $1 }
485 | importdecl { [ $1 ] }
488 importdecl :: { LImportDecl RdrName }
489 : 'import' maybe_src optqualified modid maybeas maybeimpspec
490 { L (comb4 $1 $4 $5 $6) (ImportDecl $4 $2 $3 (unLoc $5) (unLoc $6)) }
492 maybe_src :: { IsBootInterface }
493 : '{-# SOURCE' '#-}' { True }
494 | {- empty -} { False }
496 optqualified :: { Bool }
497 : 'qualified' { True }
498 | {- empty -} { False }
500 maybeas :: { Located (Maybe ModuleName) }
501 : 'as' modid { LL (Just (unLoc $2)) }
502 | {- empty -} { noLoc Nothing }
504 maybeimpspec :: { Located (Maybe (Bool, [LIE RdrName])) }
505 : impspec { L1 (Just (unLoc $1)) }
506 | {- empty -} { noLoc Nothing }
508 impspec :: { Located (Bool, [LIE RdrName]) }
509 : '(' exportlist ')' { LL (False, $2) }
510 | 'hiding' '(' exportlist ')' { LL (True, $3) }
512 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
513 -- Fixity Declarations
517 | INTEGER {% checkPrecP (L1 (fromInteger (getINTEGER $1))) }
519 infix :: { Located FixityDirection }
520 : 'infix' { L1 InfixN }
521 | 'infixl' { L1 InfixL }
522 | 'infixr' { L1 InfixR }
524 ops :: { Located [Located RdrName] }
525 : ops ',' op { LL ($3 : unLoc $1) }
528 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
529 -- Top-Level Declarations
531 topdecls :: { OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName) }
532 : topdecls ';' topdecl { $1 `appOL` $3 }
533 | topdecls ';' { $1 }
536 topdecl :: { OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName) }
537 : cl_decl { unitOL (L1 (TyClD (unLoc $1))) }
538 | ty_decl { unitOL (L1 (TyClD (unLoc $1))) }
539 | 'instance' inst_type where_inst
540 { let (binds, sigs, ats, _) = cvBindsAndSigs (unLoc $3)
542 unitOL (L (comb3 $1 $2 $3) (InstD (InstDecl $2 binds sigs ats)))}
543 | stand_alone_deriving { unitOL (LL (DerivD (unLoc $1))) }
544 | 'default' '(' comma_types0 ')' { unitOL (LL $ DefD (DefaultDecl $3)) }
545 | 'foreign' fdecl { unitOL (LL (unLoc $2)) }
546 | '{-# DEPRECATED' deprecations '#-}' { $2 }
547 | '{-# RULES' rules '#-}' { $2 }
550 -- Template Haskell Extension
551 | '$(' exp ')' { unitOL (LL $ SpliceD (SpliceDecl $2)) }
552 | TH_ID_SPLICE { unitOL (LL $ SpliceD (SpliceDecl $
553 L1 $ HsVar (mkUnqual varName (getTH_ID_SPLICE $1))
558 cl_decl :: { LTyClDecl RdrName }
559 : 'class' tycl_hdr fds where_cls
560 {% do { let { (binds, sigs, ats, docs) =
561 cvBindsAndSigs (unLoc $4)
562 ; (ctxt, tc, tvs, tparms) = unLoc $2}
563 ; checkTyVars tparms -- only type vars allowed
565 ; return $ L (comb4 $1 $2 $3 $4)
566 (mkClassDecl (ctxt, tc, tvs)
567 (unLoc $3) sigs binds ats docs) } }
569 -- Type declarations (toplevel)
571 ty_decl :: { LTyClDecl RdrName }
572 -- ordinary type synonyms
573 : 'type' type '=' ctype
574 -- Note ctype, not sigtype, on the right of '='
575 -- We allow an explicit for-all but we don't insert one
576 -- in type Foo a = (b,b)
577 -- Instead we just say b is out of scope
579 -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows
580 -- infix type constructors to be declared
581 {% do { (tc, tvs, _) <- checkSynHdr $2 False
582 ; return (L (comb2 $1 $4)
583 (TySynonym tc tvs Nothing $4))
586 -- type family declarations
587 | 'type' 'family' type opt_kind_sig
588 -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows
589 -- infix type constructors to be declared
591 {% do { (tc, tvs, _) <- checkSynHdr $3 False
592 ; return (L (comb3 $1 $3 $4)
593 (TyFamily TypeFamily tc tvs (unLoc $4)))
596 -- type instance declarations
597 | 'type' 'instance' type '=' ctype
598 -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows
599 -- infix type constructors and type patterns
601 {% do { (tc, tvs, typats) <- checkSynHdr $3 True
602 ; return (L (comb2 $1 $5)
603 (TySynonym tc tvs (Just typats) $5))
606 -- ordinary data type or newtype declaration
607 | data_or_newtype tycl_hdr constrs deriving
608 {% do { let {(ctxt, tc, tvs, tparms) = unLoc $2}
609 ; checkTyVars tparms -- no type pattern
611 L (comb4 $1 $2 $3 $4)
612 -- We need the location on tycl_hdr in case
613 -- constrs and deriving are both empty
614 (mkTyData (unLoc $1) (ctxt, tc, tvs, Nothing)
615 Nothing (reverse (unLoc $3)) (unLoc $4)) } }
617 -- ordinary GADT declaration
618 | data_or_newtype tycl_hdr opt_kind_sig
619 'where' gadt_constrlist
621 {% do { let {(ctxt, tc, tvs, tparms) = unLoc $2}
622 ; checkTyVars tparms -- can have type pats
624 L (comb4 $1 $2 $4 $5)
625 (mkTyData (unLoc $1) (ctxt, tc, tvs, Nothing)
626 (unLoc $3) (reverse (unLoc $5)) (unLoc $6)) } }
628 -- data/newtype family
629 | 'data' 'family' tycl_hdr opt_kind_sig
630 {% do { let {(ctxt, tc, tvs, tparms) = unLoc $3}
631 ; checkTyVars tparms -- no type pattern
632 ; unless (null (unLoc ctxt)) $ -- and no context
633 parseError (getLoc ctxt)
634 "A family declaration cannot have a context"
637 (TyFamily DataFamily tc tvs (unLoc $4)) } }
639 -- data/newtype instance declaration
640 | data_or_newtype 'instance' tycl_hdr constrs deriving
641 {% do { let {(ctxt, tc, tvs, tparms) = unLoc $3}
642 -- can have type pats
644 L (comb4 $1 $3 $4 $5)
645 -- We need the location on tycl_hdr in case
646 -- constrs and deriving are both empty
647 (mkTyData (unLoc $1) (ctxt, tc, tvs, Just tparms)
648 Nothing (reverse (unLoc $4)) (unLoc $5)) } }
650 -- GADT instance declaration
651 | data_or_newtype 'instance' tycl_hdr opt_kind_sig
652 'where' gadt_constrlist
654 {% do { let {(ctxt, tc, tvs, tparms) = unLoc $3}
655 -- can have type pats
657 L (comb4 $1 $3 $6 $7)
658 (mkTyData (unLoc $1) (ctxt, tc, tvs, Just tparms)
659 (unLoc $4) (reverse (unLoc $6)) (unLoc $7)) } }
661 -- Associate type family declarations
663 -- * They have a different syntax than on the toplevel (no family special
666 -- * They also need to be separate from instances; otherwise, data family
667 -- declarations without a kind signature cause parsing conflicts with empty
668 -- data declarations.
670 at_decl_cls :: { LTyClDecl RdrName }
671 -- type family declarations
672 : 'type' type opt_kind_sig
673 -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows
674 -- infix type constructors to be declared
676 {% do { (tc, tvs, _) <- checkSynHdr $2 False
677 ; return (L (comb3 $1 $2 $3)
678 (TyFamily TypeFamily tc tvs (unLoc $3)))
681 -- default type instance
682 | 'type' type '=' ctype
683 -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows
684 -- infix type constructors and type patterns
686 {% do { (tc, tvs, typats) <- checkSynHdr $2 True
687 ; return (L (comb2 $1 $4)
688 (TySynonym tc tvs (Just typats) $4))
691 -- data/newtype family declaration
692 | 'data' tycl_hdr opt_kind_sig
693 {% do { let {(ctxt, tc, tvs, tparms) = unLoc $2}
694 ; checkTyVars tparms -- no type pattern
695 ; unless (null (unLoc ctxt)) $ -- and no context
696 parseError (getLoc ctxt)
697 "A family declaration cannot have a context"
700 (TyFamily DataFamily tc tvs (unLoc $3))
703 -- Associate type instances
705 at_decl_inst :: { LTyClDecl RdrName }
706 -- type instance declarations
707 : 'type' type '=' ctype
708 -- Note the use of type for the head; this allows
709 -- infix type constructors and type patterns
711 {% do { (tc, tvs, typats) <- checkSynHdr $2 True
712 ; return (L (comb2 $1 $4)
713 (TySynonym tc tvs (Just typats) $4))
716 -- data/newtype instance declaration
717 | data_or_newtype tycl_hdr constrs deriving
718 {% do { let {(ctxt, tc, tvs, tparms) = unLoc $2}
719 -- can have type pats
721 L (comb4 $1 $2 $3 $4)
722 -- We need the location on tycl_hdr in case
723 -- constrs and deriving are both empty
724 (mkTyData (unLoc $1) (ctxt, tc, tvs, Just tparms)
725 Nothing (reverse (unLoc $3)) (unLoc $4)) } }
727 -- GADT instance declaration
728 | data_or_newtype tycl_hdr opt_kind_sig
729 'where' gadt_constrlist
731 {% do { let {(ctxt, tc, tvs, tparms) = unLoc $2}
732 -- can have type pats
734 L (comb4 $1 $2 $5 $6)
735 (mkTyData (unLoc $1) (ctxt, tc, tvs, Just tparms)
736 (unLoc $3) (reverse (unLoc $5)) (unLoc $6)) } }
738 data_or_newtype :: { Located NewOrData }
739 : 'data' { L1 DataType }
740 | 'newtype' { L1 NewType }
742 opt_kind_sig :: { Located (Maybe Kind) }
744 | '::' kind { LL (Just (unLoc $2)) }
746 -- tycl_hdr parses the header of a class or data type decl,
747 -- which takes the form
750 -- (Eq a, Ord b) => T a b
751 -- T Int [a] -- for associated types
752 -- Rather a lot of inlining here, else we get reduce/reduce errors
753 tycl_hdr :: { Located (LHsContext RdrName,
755 [LHsTyVarBndr RdrName],
757 : context '=>' type {% checkTyClHdr $1 $3 >>= return.LL }
758 | type {% checkTyClHdr (noLoc []) $1 >>= return.L1 }
760 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
761 -- Stand-alone deriving
763 -- Glasgow extension: stand-alone deriving declarations
764 stand_alone_deriving :: { LDerivDecl RdrName }
765 : 'deriving' 'instance' inst_type {% checkDerivDecl (LL (DerivDecl $3)) }
767 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
768 -- Nested declarations
770 -- Declaration in class bodies
772 decl_cls :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)) }
773 decl_cls : at_decl_cls { LL (unitOL (L1 (TyClD (unLoc $1)))) }
776 decls_cls :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)) } -- Reversed
777 : decls_cls ';' decl_cls { LL (unLoc $1 `appOL` unLoc $3) }
778 | decls_cls ';' { LL (unLoc $1) }
780 | {- empty -} { noLoc nilOL }
784 :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)) } -- Reversed
785 : '{' decls_cls '}' { LL (unLoc $2) }
786 | vocurly decls_cls close { $2 }
790 where_cls :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)) } -- Reversed
791 -- No implicit parameters
792 -- May have type declarations
793 : 'where' decllist_cls { LL (unLoc $2) }
794 | {- empty -} { noLoc nilOL }
796 -- Declarations in instance bodies
798 decl_inst :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)) }
799 decl_inst : at_decl_inst { LL (unitOL (L1 (TyClD (unLoc $1)))) }
802 decls_inst :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)) } -- Reversed
803 : decls_inst ';' decl_inst { LL (unLoc $1 `appOL` unLoc $3) }
804 | decls_inst ';' { LL (unLoc $1) }
806 | {- empty -} { noLoc nilOL }
809 :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)) } -- Reversed
810 : '{' decls_inst '}' { LL (unLoc $2) }
811 | vocurly decls_inst close { $2 }
815 where_inst :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)) } -- Reversed
816 -- No implicit parameters
817 -- May have type declarations
818 : 'where' decllist_inst { LL (unLoc $2) }
819 | {- empty -} { noLoc nilOL }
821 -- Declarations in binding groups other than classes and instances
823 decls :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)) }
824 : decls ';' decl { LL (unLoc $1 `appOL` unLoc $3) }
825 | decls ';' { LL (unLoc $1) }
827 | {- empty -} { noLoc nilOL }
829 decllist :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)) }
830 : '{' decls '}' { LL (unLoc $2) }
831 | vocurly decls close { $2 }
833 -- Binding groups other than those of class and instance declarations
835 binds :: { Located (HsLocalBinds RdrName) } -- May have implicit parameters
836 -- No type declarations
837 : decllist { L1 (HsValBinds (cvBindGroup (unLoc $1))) }
838 | '{' dbinds '}' { LL (HsIPBinds (IPBinds (unLoc $2) emptyLHsBinds)) }
839 | vocurly dbinds close { L (getLoc $2) (HsIPBinds (IPBinds (unLoc $2) emptyLHsBinds)) }
841 wherebinds :: { Located (HsLocalBinds RdrName) } -- May have implicit parameters
842 -- No type declarations
843 : 'where' binds { LL (unLoc $2) }
844 | {- empty -} { noLoc emptyLocalBinds }
847 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
848 -- Transformation Rules
850 rules :: { OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName) }
851 : rules ';' rule { $1 `snocOL` $3 }
854 | {- empty -} { nilOL }
856 rule :: { LHsDecl RdrName }
857 : STRING activation rule_forall infixexp '=' exp
858 { LL $ RuleD (HsRule (getSTRING $1)
859 ($2 `orElse` AlwaysActive)
860 $3 $4 placeHolderNames $6 placeHolderNames) }
862 activation :: { Maybe Activation }
863 : {- empty -} { Nothing }
864 | explicit_activation { Just $1 }
866 explicit_activation :: { Activation } -- In brackets
867 : '[' INTEGER ']' { ActiveAfter (fromInteger (getINTEGER $2)) }
868 | '[' '~' INTEGER ']' { ActiveBefore (fromInteger (getINTEGER $3)) }
870 rule_forall :: { [RuleBndr RdrName] }
871 : 'forall' rule_var_list '.' { $2 }
874 rule_var_list :: { [RuleBndr RdrName] }
876 | rule_var rule_var_list { $1 : $2 }
878 rule_var :: { RuleBndr RdrName }
879 : varid { RuleBndr $1 }
880 | '(' varid '::' ctype ')' { RuleBndrSig $2 $4 }
882 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
883 -- Deprecations (c.f. rules)
885 deprecations :: { OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName) }
886 : deprecations ';' deprecation { $1 `appOL` $3 }
887 | deprecations ';' { $1 }
889 | {- empty -} { nilOL }
891 -- SUP: TEMPORARY HACK, not checking for `module Foo'
892 deprecation :: { OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName) }
894 { toOL [ LL $ DeprecD (Deprecation n (getSTRING $2))
898 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
899 -- Foreign import and export declarations
901 fdecl :: { LHsDecl RdrName }
902 fdecl : 'import' callconv safety fspec
903 {% mkImport $2 $3 (unLoc $4) >>= return.LL }
904 | 'import' callconv fspec
905 {% do { d <- mkImport $2 (PlaySafe False) (unLoc $3);
907 | 'export' callconv fspec
908 {% mkExport $2 (unLoc $3) >>= return.LL }
910 callconv :: { CallConv }
911 : 'stdcall' { CCall StdCallConv }
912 | 'ccall' { CCall CCallConv }
913 | 'dotnet' { DNCall }
916 : 'unsafe' { PlayRisky }
917 | 'safe' { PlaySafe False }
918 | 'threadsafe' { PlaySafe True }
920 fspec :: { Located (Located FastString, Located RdrName, LHsType RdrName) }
921 : STRING var '::' sigtypedoc { LL (L (getLoc $1) (getSTRING $1), $2, $4) }
922 | var '::' sigtypedoc { LL (noLoc nilFS, $1, $3) }
923 -- if the entity string is missing, it defaults to the empty string;
924 -- the meaning of an empty entity string depends on the calling
927 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
930 opt_sig :: { Maybe (LHsType RdrName) }
931 : {- empty -} { Nothing }
932 | '::' sigtype { Just $2 }
934 opt_asig :: { Maybe (LHsType RdrName) }
935 : {- empty -} { Nothing }
936 | '::' atype { Just $2 }
938 sigtypes1 :: { [LHsType RdrName] }
940 | sigtype ',' sigtypes1 { $1 : $3 }
942 sigtype :: { LHsType RdrName }
943 : ctype { L1 (mkImplicitHsForAllTy (noLoc []) $1) }
944 -- Wrap an Implicit forall if there isn't one there already
946 sigtypedoc :: { LHsType RdrName }
947 : ctypedoc { L1 (mkImplicitHsForAllTy (noLoc []) $1) }
948 -- Wrap an Implicit forall if there isn't one there already
950 sig_vars :: { Located [Located RdrName] }
951 : sig_vars ',' var { LL ($3 : unLoc $1) }
954 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
957 infixtype :: { LHsType RdrName }
958 : btype qtyconop gentype { LL $ HsOpTy $1 $2 $3 }
959 | btype tyvarop gentype { LL $ HsOpTy $1 $2 $3 }
961 infixtypedoc :: { LHsType RdrName }
963 | infixtype docprev { LL $ HsDocTy $1 $2 }
965 gentypedoc :: { LHsType RdrName }
968 | infixtypedoc { $1 }
969 | btype '->' ctypedoc { LL $ HsFunTy $1 $3 }
970 | btypedoc '->' ctypedoc { LL $ HsFunTy $1 $3 }
972 ctypedoc :: { LHsType RdrName }
973 : 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' ctypedoc { LL $ mkExplicitHsForAllTy $2 (noLoc []) $4 }
974 | context '=>' gentypedoc { LL $ mkImplicitHsForAllTy $1 $3 }
975 -- A type of form (context => type) is an *implicit* HsForAllTy
978 strict_mark :: { Located HsBang }
979 : '!' { L1 HsStrict }
980 | '{-# UNPACK' '#-}' '!' { LL HsUnbox }
982 -- A ctype is a for-all type
983 ctype :: { LHsType RdrName }
984 : 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' ctype { LL $ mkExplicitHsForAllTy $2 (noLoc []) $4 }
985 | context '=>' type { LL $ mkImplicitHsForAllTy $1 $3 }
986 -- A type of form (context => type) is an *implicit* HsForAllTy
989 -- We parse a context as a btype so that we don't get reduce/reduce
990 -- errors in ctype. The basic problem is that
992 -- looks so much like a tuple type. We can't tell until we find the =>
994 -- We have the t1 ~ t2 form here and in gentype, to permit an individual
995 -- equational constraint without parenthesis.
996 context :: { LHsContext RdrName }
997 : btype '~' btype {% checkContext
998 (LL $ HsPredTy (HsEqualP $1 $3)) }
999 | btype {% checkContext $1 }
1001 type :: { LHsType RdrName }
1002 : ipvar '::' gentype { LL (HsPredTy (HsIParam (unLoc $1) $3)) }
1005 gentype :: { LHsType RdrName }
1007 | btype qtyconop gentype { LL $ HsOpTy $1 $2 $3 }
1008 | btype tyvarop gentype { LL $ HsOpTy $1 $2 $3 }
1009 | btype '->' ctype { LL $ HsFunTy $1 $3 }
1010 | btype '~' btype { LL $ HsPredTy (HsEqualP $1 $3) }
1012 btype :: { LHsType RdrName }
1013 : btype atype { LL $ HsAppTy $1 $2 }
1016 btypedoc :: { LHsType RdrName }
1017 : btype atype docprev { LL $ HsDocTy (L (comb2 $1 $2) (HsAppTy $1 $2)) $3 }
1018 | atype docprev { LL $ HsDocTy $1 $2 }
1020 atype :: { LHsType RdrName }
1021 : gtycon { L1 (HsTyVar (unLoc $1)) }
1022 | tyvar { L1 (HsTyVar (unLoc $1)) }
1023 | strict_mark atype { LL (HsBangTy (unLoc $1) $2) }
1024 | '(' ctype ',' comma_types1 ')' { LL $ HsTupleTy Boxed ($2:$4) }
1025 | '(#' comma_types1 '#)' { LL $ HsTupleTy Unboxed $2 }
1026 | '[' ctype ']' { LL $ HsListTy $2 }
1027 | '[:' ctype ':]' { LL $ HsPArrTy $2 }
1028 | '(' ctype ')' { LL $ HsParTy $2 }
1029 | '(' ctype '::' kind ')' { LL $ HsKindSig $2 (unLoc $4) }
1031 | INTEGER { L1 (HsNumTy (getINTEGER $1)) }
1033 -- An inst_type is what occurs in the head of an instance decl
1034 -- e.g. (Foo a, Gaz b) => Wibble a b
1035 -- It's kept as a single type, with a MonoDictTy at the right
1036 -- hand corner, for convenience.
1037 inst_type :: { LHsType RdrName }
1038 : sigtype {% checkInstType $1 }
1040 inst_types1 :: { [LHsType RdrName] }
1041 : inst_type { [$1] }
1042 | inst_type ',' inst_types1 { $1 : $3 }
1044 comma_types0 :: { [LHsType RdrName] }
1045 : comma_types1 { $1 }
1046 | {- empty -} { [] }
1048 comma_types1 :: { [LHsType RdrName] }
1050 | ctype ',' comma_types1 { $1 : $3 }
1052 tv_bndrs :: { [LHsTyVarBndr RdrName] }
1053 : tv_bndr tv_bndrs { $1 : $2 }
1054 | {- empty -} { [] }
1056 tv_bndr :: { LHsTyVarBndr RdrName }
1057 : tyvar { L1 (UserTyVar (unLoc $1)) }
1058 | '(' tyvar '::' kind ')' { LL (KindedTyVar (unLoc $2)
1061 fds :: { Located [Located ([RdrName], [RdrName])] }
1062 : {- empty -} { noLoc [] }
1063 | '|' fds1 { LL (reverse (unLoc $2)) }
1065 fds1 :: { Located [Located ([RdrName], [RdrName])] }
1066 : fds1 ',' fd { LL ($3 : unLoc $1) }
1069 fd :: { Located ([RdrName], [RdrName]) }
1070 : varids0 '->' varids0 { L (comb3 $1 $2 $3)
1071 (reverse (unLoc $1), reverse (unLoc $3)) }
1073 varids0 :: { Located [RdrName] }
1074 : {- empty -} { noLoc [] }
1075 | varids0 tyvar { LL (unLoc $2 : unLoc $1) }
1077 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1080 kind :: { Located Kind }
1082 | akind '->' kind { LL (mkArrowKind (unLoc $1) (unLoc $3)) }
1084 akind :: { Located Kind }
1085 : '*' { L1 liftedTypeKind }
1086 | '!' { L1 unliftedTypeKind }
1087 | '(' kind ')' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1090 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1091 -- Datatype declarations
1093 gadt_constrlist :: { Located [LConDecl RdrName] }
1094 : '{' gadt_constrs '}' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1095 | vocurly gadt_constrs close { $2 }
1097 gadt_constrs :: { Located [LConDecl RdrName] }
1098 : gadt_constrs ';' gadt_constr { LL ($3 : unLoc $1) }
1099 | gadt_constrs ';' { $1 }
1100 | gadt_constr { L1 [$1] }
1102 -- We allow the following forms:
1103 -- C :: Eq a => a -> T a
1104 -- C :: forall a. Eq a => !a -> T a
1105 -- D { x,y :: a } :: T a
1106 -- forall a. Eq a => D { x,y :: a } :: T a
1108 gadt_constr :: { LConDecl RdrName }
1110 { LL (mkGadtDecl $1 $3) }
1111 -- Syntax: Maybe merge the record stuff with the single-case above?
1112 -- (to kill the mostly harmless reduce/reduce error)
1113 -- XXX revisit audreyt
1114 | constr_stuff_record '::' sigtype
1115 { let (con,details) = unLoc $1 in
1116 LL (ConDecl con Implicit [] (noLoc []) details (ResTyGADT $3) Nothing) }
1118 | forall context '=>' constr_stuff_record '::' sigtype
1119 { let (con,details) = unLoc $4 in
1120 LL (ConDecl con Implicit (unLoc $1) $2 details (ResTyGADT $6) Nothing ) }
1121 | forall constr_stuff_record '::' sigtype
1122 { let (con,details) = unLoc $2 in
1123 LL (ConDecl con Implicit (unLoc $1) (noLoc []) details (ResTyGADT $4) Nothing) }
1127 constrs :: { Located [LConDecl RdrName] }
1128 : {- empty; a GHC extension -} { noLoc [] }
1129 | maybe_docnext '=' constrs1 { L (comb2 $2 $3) (addConDocs (unLoc $3) $1) }
1131 constrs1 :: { Located [LConDecl RdrName] }
1132 : constrs1 maybe_docnext '|' maybe_docprev constr { LL (addConDoc $5 $2 : addConDocFirst (unLoc $1) $4) }
1133 | constr { L1 [$1] }
1135 constr :: { LConDecl RdrName }
1136 : maybe_docnext forall context '=>' constr_stuff maybe_docprev
1137 { let (con,details) = unLoc $5 in
1138 L (comb4 $2 $3 $4 $5) (ConDecl con Explicit (unLoc $2) $3 details ResTyH98 ($1 `mplus` $6)) }
1139 | maybe_docnext forall constr_stuff maybe_docprev
1140 { let (con,details) = unLoc $3 in
1141 L (comb2 $2 $3) (ConDecl con Explicit (unLoc $2) (noLoc []) details ResTyH98 ($1 `mplus` $4)) }
1143 forall :: { Located [LHsTyVarBndr RdrName] }
1144 : 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' { LL $2 }
1145 | {- empty -} { noLoc [] }
1147 constr_stuff :: { Located (Located RdrName, HsConDeclDetails RdrName) }
1148 -- We parse the constructor declaration
1150 -- as a btype (treating C as a type constructor) and then convert C to be
1151 -- a data constructor. Reason: it might continue like this:
1153 -- in which case C really would be a type constructor. We can't resolve this
1154 -- ambiguity till we come across the constructor oprerator :% (or not, more usually)
1155 : btype {% mkPrefixCon $1 [] >>= return.LL }
1156 | oqtycon '{' '}' {% mkRecCon $1 [] >>= return.LL }
1157 | oqtycon '{' fielddecls '}' {% mkRecCon $1 $3 >>= return.LL }
1158 | btype conop btype { LL ($2, InfixCon $1 $3) }
1160 constr_stuff_record :: { Located (Located RdrName, HsConDeclDetails RdrName) }
1161 : oqtycon '{' '}' {% mkRecCon $1 [] >>= return.sL (comb2 $1 $>) }
1162 | oqtycon '{' fielddecls '}' {% mkRecCon $1 $3 >>= return.sL (comb2 $1 $>) }
1164 fielddecls :: { [([Located RdrName], LBangType RdrName, Maybe (LHsDoc RdrName))] }
1165 : fielddecl maybe_docnext ',' maybe_docprev fielddecls { addFieldDoc (unLoc $1) $4 : addFieldDocs $5 $2 }
1166 | fielddecl { [unLoc $1] }
1168 fielddecl :: { Located ([Located RdrName], LBangType RdrName, Maybe (LHsDoc RdrName)) }
1169 : maybe_docnext sig_vars '::' ctype maybe_docprev { L (comb3 $2 $3 $4) (reverse (unLoc $2), $4, $1 `mplus` $5) }
1171 -- We allow the odd-looking 'inst_type' in a deriving clause, so that
1172 -- we can do deriving( forall a. C [a] ) in a newtype (GHC extension).
1173 -- The 'C [a]' part is converted to an HsPredTy by checkInstType
1174 -- We don't allow a context, but that's sorted out by the type checker.
1175 deriving :: { Located (Maybe [LHsType RdrName]) }
1176 : {- empty -} { noLoc Nothing }
1177 | 'deriving' qtycon {% do { let { L loc tv = $2 }
1178 ; p <- checkInstType (L loc (HsTyVar tv))
1179 ; return (LL (Just [p])) } }
1180 | 'deriving' '(' ')' { LL (Just []) }
1181 | 'deriving' '(' inst_types1 ')' { LL (Just $3) }
1182 -- Glasgow extension: allow partial
1183 -- applications in derivings
1185 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1186 -- Value definitions
1188 {- There's an awkward overlap with a type signature. Consider
1189 f :: Int -> Int = ...rhs...
1190 Then we can't tell whether it's a type signature or a value
1191 definition with a result signature until we see the '='.
1192 So we have to inline enough to postpone reductions until we know.
1196 ATTENTION: Dirty Hackery Ahead! If the second alternative of vars is var
1197 instead of qvar, we get another shift/reduce-conflict. Consider the
1200 { (^^) :: Int->Int ; } Type signature; only var allowed
1202 { (^^) :: Int->Int = ... ; } Value defn with result signature;
1203 qvar allowed (because of instance decls)
1205 We can't tell whether to reduce var to qvar until after we've read the signatures.
1208 docdecl :: { LHsDecl RdrName }
1209 : docdecld { L1 (DocD (unLoc $1)) }
1211 docdecld :: { LDocDecl RdrName }
1212 : docnext { L1 (DocCommentNext (unLoc $1)) }
1213 | docprev { L1 (DocCommentPrev (unLoc $1)) }
1214 | docnamed { L1 (case (unLoc $1) of (n, doc) -> DocCommentNamed n doc) }
1215 | docsection { L1 (case (unLoc $1) of (n, doc) -> DocGroup n doc) }
1217 decl :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)) }
1219 | '!' aexp rhs {% do { pat <- checkPattern $2;
1220 return (LL $ unitOL $ LL $ ValD (
1221 PatBind (LL $ BangPat pat) (unLoc $3)
1222 placeHolderType placeHolderNames)) } }
1223 | infixexp opt_sig rhs {% do { r <- checkValDef $1 $2 $3;
1224 return (LL $ unitOL (LL $ ValD r)) } }
1225 | docdecl { LL $ unitOL $1 }
1227 rhs :: { Located (GRHSs RdrName) }
1228 : '=' exp wherebinds { L (comb3 $1 $2 $3) $ GRHSs (unguardedRHS $2) (unLoc $3) }
1229 | gdrhs wherebinds { LL $ GRHSs (reverse (unLoc $1)) (unLoc $2) }
1231 gdrhs :: { Located [LGRHS RdrName] }
1232 : gdrhs gdrh { LL ($2 : unLoc $1) }
1235 gdrh :: { LGRHS RdrName }
1236 : '|' quals '=' exp { sL (comb2 $1 $>) $ GRHS (reverse (unLoc $2)) $4 }
1238 sigdecl :: { Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)) }
1239 : infixexp '::' sigtypedoc
1240 {% do s <- checkValSig $1 $3;
1241 return (LL $ unitOL (LL $ SigD s)) }
1242 -- See the above notes for why we need infixexp here
1243 | var ',' sig_vars '::' sigtypedoc
1244 { LL $ toOL [ LL $ SigD (TypeSig n $5) | n <- $1 : unLoc $3 ] }
1245 | infix prec ops { LL $ toOL [ LL $ SigD (FixSig (FixitySig n (Fixity $2 (unLoc $1))))
1247 | '{-# INLINE' activation qvar '#-}'
1248 { LL $ unitOL (LL $ SigD (InlineSig $3 (mkInlineSpec $2 (getINLINE $1)))) }
1249 | '{-# SPECIALISE' qvar '::' sigtypes1 '#-}'
1250 { LL $ toOL [ LL $ SigD (SpecSig $2 t defaultInlineSpec)
1252 | '{-# SPECIALISE_INLINE' activation qvar '::' sigtypes1 '#-}'
1253 { LL $ toOL [ LL $ SigD (SpecSig $3 t (mkInlineSpec $2 (getSPEC_INLINE $1)))
1255 | '{-# SPECIALISE' 'instance' inst_type '#-}'
1256 { LL $ unitOL (LL $ SigD (SpecInstSig $3)) }
1258 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1261 exp :: { LHsExpr RdrName }
1262 : infixexp '::' sigtype { LL $ ExprWithTySig $1 $3 }
1263 | infixexp '-<' exp { LL $ HsArrApp $1 $3 placeHolderType HsFirstOrderApp True }
1264 | infixexp '>-' exp { LL $ HsArrApp $3 $1 placeHolderType HsFirstOrderApp False }
1265 | infixexp '-<<' exp { LL $ HsArrApp $1 $3 placeHolderType HsHigherOrderApp True }
1266 | infixexp '>>-' exp { LL $ HsArrApp $3 $1 placeHolderType HsHigherOrderApp False}
1269 infixexp :: { LHsExpr RdrName }
1271 | infixexp qop exp10 { LL (OpApp $1 $2 (panic "fixity") $3) }
1273 exp10 :: { LHsExpr RdrName }
1274 : '\\' apat apats opt_asig '->' exp
1275 { LL $ HsLam (mkMatchGroup [LL $ Match ($2:$3) $4
1278 | 'let' binds 'in' exp { LL $ HsLet (unLoc $2) $4 }
1279 | 'if' exp 'then' exp 'else' exp { LL $ HsIf $2 $4 $6 }
1280 | 'case' exp 'of' altslist { LL $ HsCase $2 (mkMatchGroup (unLoc $4)) }
1281 | '-' fexp { LL $ NegApp $2 noSyntaxExpr }
1283 | 'do' stmtlist {% let loc = comb2 $1 $2 in
1284 checkDo loc (unLoc $2) >>= \ (stmts,body) ->
1285 return (L loc (mkHsDo DoExpr stmts body)) }
1286 | 'mdo' stmtlist {% let loc = comb2 $1 $2 in
1287 checkDo loc (unLoc $2) >>= \ (stmts,body) ->
1288 return (L loc (mkHsDo (MDoExpr noPostTcTable) stmts body)) }
1289 | scc_annot exp { LL $ if opt_SccProfilingOn
1290 then HsSCC (unLoc $1) $2
1292 | hpc_annot exp { LL $ if opt_Hpc
1293 then HsTickPragma (unLoc $1) $2
1296 | 'proc' aexp '->' exp
1297 {% checkPattern $2 >>= \ p ->
1298 return (LL $ HsProc p (LL $ HsCmdTop $4 []
1299 placeHolderType undefined)) }
1300 -- TODO: is LL right here?
1302 | '{-# CORE' STRING '#-}' exp { LL $ HsCoreAnn (getSTRING $2) $4 }
1303 -- hdaume: core annotation
1306 scc_annot :: { Located FastString }
1307 : '_scc_' STRING {% (addWarning Opt_WarnDeprecations (getLoc $1) (text "_scc_ is deprecated; use an SCC pragma instead")) >>= \_ ->
1308 (return $ LL $ getSTRING $2) }
1309 | '{-# SCC' STRING '#-}' { LL $ getSTRING $2 }
1311 hpc_annot :: { Located (FastString,(Int,Int),(Int,Int)) }
1313 { LL $ (getSTRING $2
1314 ,( fromInteger $ getINTEGER $3
1315 , fromInteger $ getINTEGER $5
1317 ,( fromInteger $ getINTEGER $7
1318 , fromInteger $ getINTEGER $9
1323 fexp :: { LHsExpr RdrName }
1324 : fexp aexp { LL $ HsApp $1 $2 }
1327 aexp :: { LHsExpr RdrName }
1328 : qvar '@' aexp { LL $ EAsPat $1 $3 }
1329 | '~' aexp { LL $ ELazyPat $2 }
1332 aexp1 :: { LHsExpr RdrName }
1333 : aexp1 '{' fbinds '}' {% do { r <- mkRecConstrOrUpdate $1 (comb2 $2 $4) $3
1337 -- Here was the syntax for type applications that I was planning
1338 -- but there are difficulties (e.g. what order for type args)
1339 -- so it's not enabled yet.
1340 -- But this case *is* used for the left hand side of a generic definition,
1341 -- which is parsed as an expression before being munged into a pattern
1342 | qcname '{|' gentype '|}' { LL $ HsApp (sL (getLoc $1) (HsVar (unLoc $1)))
1343 (sL (getLoc $3) (HsType $3)) }
1345 aexp2 :: { LHsExpr RdrName }
1346 : ipvar { L1 (HsIPVar $! unLoc $1) }
1347 | qcname { L1 (HsVar $! unLoc $1) }
1348 | literal { L1 (HsLit $! unLoc $1) }
1349 -- This will enable overloaded strings permanently. Normally the renamer turns HsString
1350 -- into HsOverLit when -foverloaded-strings is on.
1351 -- | STRING { L1 (HsOverLit $! mkHsIsString (getSTRING $1)) }
1352 | INTEGER { L1 (HsOverLit $! mkHsIntegral (getINTEGER $1)) }
1353 | RATIONAL { L1 (HsOverLit $! mkHsFractional (getRATIONAL $1)) }
1354 | '(' exp ')' { LL (HsPar $2) }
1355 | '(' texp ',' texps ')' { LL $ ExplicitTuple ($2 : reverse $4) Boxed }
1356 | '(#' texps '#)' { LL $ ExplicitTuple (reverse $2) Unboxed }
1357 | '[' list ']' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1358 | '[:' parr ':]' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1359 | '(' infixexp qop ')' { LL $ SectionL $2 $3 }
1360 | '(' qopm infixexp ')' { LL $ SectionR $2 $3 }
1361 | '_' { L1 EWildPat }
1363 -- Template Haskell Extension
1364 | TH_ID_SPLICE { L1 $ HsSpliceE (mkHsSplice
1365 (L1 $ HsVar (mkUnqual varName
1366 (getTH_ID_SPLICE $1)))) } -- $x
1367 | '$(' exp ')' { LL $ HsSpliceE (mkHsSplice $2) } -- $( exp )
1369 | TH_VAR_QUOTE qvar { LL $ HsBracket (VarBr (unLoc $2)) }
1370 | TH_VAR_QUOTE qcon { LL $ HsBracket (VarBr (unLoc $2)) }
1371 | TH_TY_QUOTE tyvar { LL $ HsBracket (VarBr (unLoc $2)) }
1372 | TH_TY_QUOTE gtycon { LL $ HsBracket (VarBr (unLoc $2)) }
1373 | '[|' exp '|]' { LL $ HsBracket (ExpBr $2) }
1374 | '[t|' ctype '|]' { LL $ HsBracket (TypBr $2) }
1375 | '[p|' infixexp '|]' {% checkPattern $2 >>= \p ->
1376 return (LL $ HsBracket (PatBr p)) }
1377 | '[d|' cvtopbody '|]' {% checkDecBrGroup $2 >>= \g ->
1378 return (LL $ HsBracket (DecBr g)) }
1380 -- arrow notation extension
1381 | '(|' aexp2 cmdargs '|)' { LL $ HsArrForm $2 Nothing (reverse $3) }
1383 cmdargs :: { [LHsCmdTop RdrName] }
1384 : cmdargs acmd { $2 : $1 }
1385 | {- empty -} { [] }
1387 acmd :: { LHsCmdTop RdrName }
1388 : aexp2 { L1 $ HsCmdTop $1 [] placeHolderType undefined }
1390 cvtopbody :: { [LHsDecl RdrName] }
1391 : '{' cvtopdecls0 '}' { $2 }
1392 | vocurly cvtopdecls0 close { $2 }
1394 cvtopdecls0 :: { [LHsDecl RdrName] }
1395 : {- empty -} { [] }
1398 texp :: { LHsExpr RdrName }
1400 | qopm infixexp { LL $ SectionR $1 $2 }
1401 -- The second production is really here only for bang patterns
1404 texps :: { [LHsExpr RdrName] }
1405 : texps ',' texp { $3 : $1 }
1409 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1412 -- The rules below are little bit contorted to keep lexps left-recursive while
1413 -- avoiding another shift/reduce-conflict.
1415 list :: { LHsExpr RdrName }
1416 : texp { L1 $ ExplicitList placeHolderType [$1] }
1417 | lexps { L1 $ ExplicitList placeHolderType (reverse (unLoc $1)) }
1418 | texp '..' { LL $ ArithSeq noPostTcExpr (From $1) }
1419 | texp ',' exp '..' { LL $ ArithSeq noPostTcExpr (FromThen $1 $3) }
1420 | texp '..' exp { LL $ ArithSeq noPostTcExpr (FromTo $1 $3) }
1421 | texp ',' exp '..' exp { LL $ ArithSeq noPostTcExpr (FromThenTo $1 $3 $5) }
1422 | texp pquals { sL (comb2 $1 $>) $ mkHsDo ListComp (reverse (unLoc $2)) $1 }
1424 lexps :: { Located [LHsExpr RdrName] }
1425 : lexps ',' texp { LL ($3 : unLoc $1) }
1426 | texp ',' texp { LL [$3,$1] }
1428 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1429 -- List Comprehensions
1431 pquals :: { Located [LStmt RdrName] } -- Either a singleton ParStmt,
1432 -- or a reversed list of Stmts
1433 : pquals1 { case unLoc $1 of
1435 qss -> L1 [L1 (ParStmt stmtss)]
1437 stmtss = [ (reverse qs, undefined)
1441 pquals1 :: { Located [[LStmt RdrName]] }
1442 : pquals1 '|' quals { LL (unLoc $3 : unLoc $1) }
1443 | '|' quals { L (getLoc $2) [unLoc $2] }
1445 quals :: { Located [LStmt RdrName] }
1446 : quals ',' qual { LL ($3 : unLoc $1) }
1449 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1450 -- Parallel array expressions
1452 -- The rules below are little bit contorted; see the list case for details.
1453 -- Note that, in contrast to lists, we only have finite arithmetic sequences.
1454 -- Moreover, we allow explicit arrays with no element (represented by the nil
1455 -- constructor in the list case).
1457 parr :: { LHsExpr RdrName }
1458 : { noLoc (ExplicitPArr placeHolderType []) }
1459 | texp { L1 $ ExplicitPArr placeHolderType [$1] }
1460 | lexps { L1 $ ExplicitPArr placeHolderType
1461 (reverse (unLoc $1)) }
1462 | texp '..' exp { LL $ PArrSeq noPostTcExpr (FromTo $1 $3) }
1463 | texp ',' exp '..' exp { LL $ PArrSeq noPostTcExpr (FromThenTo $1 $3 $5) }
1464 | texp pquals { sL (comb2 $1 $>) $ mkHsDo PArrComp (reverse (unLoc $2)) $1 }
1466 -- We are reusing `lexps' and `pquals' from the list case.
1468 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1469 -- Case alternatives
1471 altslist :: { Located [LMatch RdrName] }
1472 : '{' alts '}' { LL (reverse (unLoc $2)) }
1473 | vocurly alts close { L (getLoc $2) (reverse (unLoc $2)) }
1475 alts :: { Located [LMatch RdrName] }
1476 : alts1 { L1 (unLoc $1) }
1477 | ';' alts { LL (unLoc $2) }
1479 alts1 :: { Located [LMatch RdrName] }
1480 : alts1 ';' alt { LL ($3 : unLoc $1) }
1481 | alts1 ';' { LL (unLoc $1) }
1484 alt :: { LMatch RdrName }
1485 : pat opt_sig alt_rhs { LL (Match [$1] $2 (unLoc $3)) }
1487 alt_rhs :: { Located (GRHSs RdrName) }
1488 : ralt wherebinds { LL (GRHSs (unLoc $1) (unLoc $2)) }
1490 ralt :: { Located [LGRHS RdrName] }
1491 : '->' exp { LL (unguardedRHS $2) }
1492 | gdpats { L1 (reverse (unLoc $1)) }
1494 gdpats :: { Located [LGRHS RdrName] }
1495 : gdpats gdpat { LL ($2 : unLoc $1) }
1498 gdpat :: { LGRHS RdrName }
1499 : '|' quals '->' exp { sL (comb2 $1 $>) $ GRHS (reverse (unLoc $2)) $4 }
1501 -- 'pat' recognises a pattern, including one with a bang at the top
1502 -- e.g. "!x" or "!(x,y)" or "C a b" etc
1503 -- Bangs inside are parsed as infix operator applications, so that
1504 -- we parse them right when bang-patterns are off
1505 pat :: { LPat RdrName }
1506 pat : exp {% checkPattern $1 }
1507 | '!' aexp {% checkPattern (LL (SectionR (L1 (HsVar bang_RDR)) $2)) }
1509 apat :: { LPat RdrName }
1510 apat : aexp {% checkPattern $1 }
1511 | '!' aexp {% checkPattern (LL (SectionR (L1 (HsVar bang_RDR)) $2)) }
1513 apats :: { [LPat RdrName] }
1514 : apat apats { $1 : $2 }
1515 | {- empty -} { [] }
1517 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1518 -- Statement sequences
1520 stmtlist :: { Located [LStmt RdrName] }
1521 : '{' stmts '}' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1522 | vocurly stmts close { $2 }
1524 -- do { ;; s ; s ; ; s ;; }
1525 -- The last Stmt should be an expression, but that's hard to enforce
1526 -- here, because we need too much lookahead if we see do { e ; }
1527 -- So we use ExprStmts throughout, and switch the last one over
1528 -- in ParseUtils.checkDo instead
1529 stmts :: { Located [LStmt RdrName] }
1530 : stmt stmts_help { LL ($1 : unLoc $2) }
1531 | ';' stmts { LL (unLoc $2) }
1532 | {- empty -} { noLoc [] }
1534 stmts_help :: { Located [LStmt RdrName] } -- might be empty
1535 : ';' stmts { LL (unLoc $2) }
1536 | {- empty -} { noLoc [] }
1538 -- For typing stmts at the GHCi prompt, where
1539 -- the input may consist of just comments.
1540 maybe_stmt :: { Maybe (LStmt RdrName) }
1542 | {- nothing -} { Nothing }
1544 stmt :: { LStmt RdrName }
1546 | 'rec' stmtlist { LL $ mkRecStmt (unLoc $2) }
1548 qual :: { LStmt RdrName }
1549 : pat '<-' exp { LL $ mkBindStmt $1 $3 }
1550 | exp { L1 $ mkExprStmt $1 }
1551 | 'let' binds { LL $ LetStmt (unLoc $2) }
1553 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1554 -- Record Field Update/Construction
1556 fbinds :: { ([HsRecField RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName)], Bool) }
1558 | {- empty -} { ([], False) }
1560 fbinds1 :: { ([HsRecField RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName)], Bool) }
1561 : fbind ',' fbinds1 { case $3 of (flds, dd) -> ($1 : flds, dd) }
1562 | fbind { ([$1], False) }
1563 | '..' { ([], True) }
1565 fbind :: { HsRecField RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName) }
1566 : qvar '=' exp { HsRecField $1 $3 False }
1567 | qvar { HsRecField $1 (L (getLoc $1) (HsVar (unLoc $1))) True }
1568 -- Here's where we say that plain 'x'
1569 -- means exactly 'x = x'. The pun-flag boolean is
1570 -- there so we can still print it right
1572 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1573 -- Implicit Parameter Bindings
1575 dbinds :: { Located [LIPBind RdrName] }
1576 : dbinds ';' dbind { LL ($3 : unLoc $1) }
1577 | dbinds ';' { LL (unLoc $1) }
1579 -- | {- empty -} { [] }
1581 dbind :: { LIPBind RdrName }
1582 dbind : ipvar '=' exp { LL (IPBind (unLoc $1) $3) }
1584 ipvar :: { Located (IPName RdrName) }
1585 : IPDUPVARID { L1 (IPName (mkUnqual varName (getIPDUPVARID $1))) }
1587 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1590 depreclist :: { Located [RdrName] }
1591 depreclist : deprec_var { L1 [unLoc $1] }
1592 | deprec_var ',' depreclist { LL (unLoc $1 : unLoc $3) }
1594 deprec_var :: { Located RdrName }
1595 deprec_var : var { $1 }
1598 -----------------------------------------
1599 -- Data constructors
1600 qcon :: { Located RdrName }
1602 | '(' qconsym ')' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1603 | sysdcon { L1 $ nameRdrName (dataConName (unLoc $1)) }
1604 -- The case of '[:' ':]' is part of the production `parr'
1606 con :: { Located RdrName }
1608 | '(' consym ')' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1609 | sysdcon { L1 $ nameRdrName (dataConName (unLoc $1)) }
1611 sysdcon :: { Located DataCon } -- Wired in data constructors
1612 : '(' ')' { LL unitDataCon }
1613 | '(' commas ')' { LL $ tupleCon Boxed $2 }
1614 | '[' ']' { LL nilDataCon }
1616 conop :: { Located RdrName }
1618 | '`' conid '`' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1620 qconop :: { Located RdrName }
1622 | '`' qconid '`' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1624 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1625 -- Type constructors
1627 gtycon :: { Located RdrName } -- A "general" qualified tycon
1629 | '(' ')' { LL $ getRdrName unitTyCon }
1630 | '(' commas ')' { LL $ getRdrName (tupleTyCon Boxed $2) }
1631 | '(' '->' ')' { LL $ getRdrName funTyCon }
1632 | '[' ']' { LL $ listTyCon_RDR }
1633 | '[:' ':]' { LL $ parrTyCon_RDR }
1635 oqtycon :: { Located RdrName } -- An "ordinary" qualified tycon
1637 | '(' qtyconsym ')' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1639 qtyconop :: { Located RdrName } -- Qualified or unqualified
1641 | '`' qtycon '`' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1643 qtycon :: { Located RdrName } -- Qualified or unqualified
1644 : QCONID { L1 $! mkQual tcClsName (getQCONID $1) }
1647 tycon :: { Located RdrName } -- Unqualified
1648 : CONID { L1 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (getCONID $1) }
1650 qtyconsym :: { Located RdrName }
1651 : QCONSYM { L1 $! mkQual tcClsName (getQCONSYM $1) }
1654 tyconsym :: { Located RdrName }
1655 : CONSYM { L1 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (getCONSYM $1) }
1657 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1660 op :: { Located RdrName } -- used in infix decls
1664 varop :: { Located RdrName }
1666 | '`' varid '`' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1668 qop :: { LHsExpr RdrName } -- used in sections
1669 : qvarop { L1 $ HsVar (unLoc $1) }
1670 | qconop { L1 $ HsVar (unLoc $1) }
1672 qopm :: { LHsExpr RdrName } -- used in sections
1673 : qvaropm { L1 $ HsVar (unLoc $1) }
1674 | qconop { L1 $ HsVar (unLoc $1) }
1676 qvarop :: { Located RdrName }
1678 | '`' qvarid '`' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1680 qvaropm :: { Located RdrName }
1681 : qvarsym_no_minus { $1 }
1682 | '`' qvarid '`' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1684 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1687 tyvar :: { Located RdrName }
1688 tyvar : tyvarid { $1 }
1689 | '(' tyvarsym ')' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1691 tyvarop :: { Located RdrName }
1692 tyvarop : '`' tyvarid '`' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1695 tyvarid :: { Located RdrName }
1696 : VARID { L1 $! mkUnqual tvName (getVARID $1) }
1697 | special_id { L1 $! mkUnqual tvName (unLoc $1) }
1698 | 'unsafe' { L1 $! mkUnqual tvName FSLIT("unsafe") }
1699 | 'safe' { L1 $! mkUnqual tvName FSLIT("safe") }
1700 | 'threadsafe' { L1 $! mkUnqual tvName FSLIT("threadsafe") }
1702 tyvarsym :: { Located RdrName }
1703 -- Does not include "!", because that is used for strictness marks
1704 -- or ".", because that separates the quantified type vars from the rest
1705 -- or "*", because that's used for kinds
1706 tyvarsym : VARSYM { L1 $! mkUnqual tvName (getVARSYM $1) }
1708 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1711 var :: { Located RdrName }
1713 | '(' varsym ')' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1715 qvar :: { Located RdrName }
1717 | '(' varsym ')' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1718 | '(' qvarsym1 ')' { LL (unLoc $2) }
1719 -- We've inlined qvarsym here so that the decision about
1720 -- whether it's a qvar or a var can be postponed until
1721 -- *after* we see the close paren.
1723 qvarid :: { Located RdrName }
1725 | QVARID { L1 $ mkQual varName (getQVARID $1) }
1727 varid :: { Located RdrName }
1728 : varid_no_unsafe { $1 }
1729 | 'unsafe' { L1 $! mkUnqual varName FSLIT("unsafe") }
1730 | 'safe' { L1 $! mkUnqual varName FSLIT("safe") }
1731 | 'threadsafe' { L1 $! mkUnqual varName FSLIT("threadsafe") }
1733 varid_no_unsafe :: { Located RdrName }
1734 : VARID { L1 $! mkUnqual varName (getVARID $1) }
1735 | special_id { L1 $! mkUnqual varName (unLoc $1) }
1736 | 'forall' { L1 $! mkUnqual varName FSLIT("forall") }
1737 | 'family' { L1 $! mkUnqual varName FSLIT("family") }
1739 qvarsym :: { Located RdrName }
1743 qvarsym_no_minus :: { Located RdrName }
1744 : varsym_no_minus { $1 }
1747 qvarsym1 :: { Located RdrName }
1748 qvarsym1 : QVARSYM { L1 $ mkQual varName (getQVARSYM $1) }
1750 varsym :: { Located RdrName }
1751 : varsym_no_minus { $1 }
1752 | '-' { L1 $ mkUnqual varName FSLIT("-") }
1754 varsym_no_minus :: { Located RdrName } -- varsym not including '-'
1755 : VARSYM { L1 $ mkUnqual varName (getVARSYM $1) }
1756 | special_sym { L1 $ mkUnqual varName (unLoc $1) }
1759 -- These special_ids are treated as keywords in various places,
1760 -- but as ordinary ids elsewhere. 'special_id' collects all these
1761 -- except 'unsafe', 'forall', and 'family' whose treatment differs
1762 -- depending on context
1763 special_id :: { Located FastString }
1765 : 'as' { L1 FSLIT("as") }
1766 | 'qualified' { L1 FSLIT("qualified") }
1767 | 'hiding' { L1 FSLIT("hiding") }
1768 | 'export' { L1 FSLIT("export") }
1769 | 'label' { L1 FSLIT("label") }
1770 | 'dynamic' { L1 FSLIT("dynamic") }
1771 | 'stdcall' { L1 FSLIT("stdcall") }
1772 | 'ccall' { L1 FSLIT("ccall") }
1774 special_sym :: { Located FastString }
1775 special_sym : '!' { L1 FSLIT("!") }
1776 | '.' { L1 FSLIT(".") }
1777 | '*' { L1 FSLIT("*") }
1779 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1780 -- Data constructors
1782 qconid :: { Located RdrName } -- Qualified or unqualified
1784 | QCONID { L1 $ mkQual dataName (getQCONID $1) }
1786 conid :: { Located RdrName }
1787 : CONID { L1 $ mkUnqual dataName (getCONID $1) }
1789 qconsym :: { Located RdrName } -- Qualified or unqualified
1791 | QCONSYM { L1 $ mkQual dataName (getQCONSYM $1) }
1793 consym :: { Located RdrName }
1794 : CONSYM { L1 $ mkUnqual dataName (getCONSYM $1) }
1796 -- ':' means only list cons
1797 | ':' { L1 $ consDataCon_RDR }
1800 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1803 literal :: { Located HsLit }
1804 : CHAR { L1 $ HsChar $ getCHAR $1 }
1805 | STRING { L1 $ HsString $ getSTRING $1 }
1806 | PRIMINTEGER { L1 $ HsIntPrim $ getPRIMINTEGER $1 }
1807 | PRIMCHAR { L1 $ HsCharPrim $ getPRIMCHAR $1 }
1808 | PRIMSTRING { L1 $ HsStringPrim $ getPRIMSTRING $1 }
1809 | PRIMFLOAT { L1 $ HsFloatPrim $ getPRIMFLOAT $1 }
1810 | PRIMDOUBLE { L1 $ HsDoublePrim $ getPRIMDOUBLE $1 }
1812 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1816 : vccurly { () } -- context popped in lexer.
1817 | error {% popContext }
1819 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1820 -- Miscellaneous (mostly renamings)
1822 modid :: { Located ModuleName }
1823 : CONID { L1 $ mkModuleNameFS (getCONID $1) }
1824 | QCONID { L1 $ let (mod,c) = getQCONID $1 in
1827 (unpackFS mod ++ '.':unpackFS c))
1831 : commas ',' { $1 + 1 }
1834 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1835 -- Documentation comments
1837 docnext :: { LHsDoc RdrName }
1838 : DOCNEXT {% case parseHaddockParagraphs (tokenise (getDOCNEXT $1)) of {
1839 Left err -> parseError (getLoc $1) err;
1840 Right doc -> return (L1 doc) } }
1842 docprev :: { LHsDoc RdrName }
1843 : DOCPREV {% case parseHaddockParagraphs (tokenise (getDOCPREV $1)) of {
1844 Left err -> parseError (getLoc $1) err;
1845 Right doc -> return (L1 doc) } }
1847 docnamed :: { Located (String, (HsDoc RdrName)) }
1849 let string = getDOCNAMED $1
1850 (name, rest) = break isSpace string
1851 in case parseHaddockParagraphs (tokenise rest) of {
1852 Left err -> parseError (getLoc $1) err;
1853 Right doc -> return (L1 (name, doc)) } }
1855 docsection :: { Located (n, HsDoc RdrName) }
1856 : DOCSECTION {% let (n, doc) = getDOCSECTION $1 in
1857 case parseHaddockString (tokenise doc) of {
1858 Left err -> parseError (getLoc $1) err;
1859 Right doc -> return (L1 (n, doc)) } }
1861 docoptions :: { String }
1864 moduleheader :: { (HaddockModInfo RdrName, Maybe (HsDoc RdrName)) }
1865 : DOCNEXT {% let string = getDOCNEXT $1 in
1866 case parseModuleHeader string of {
1867 Right (str, info) ->
1868 case parseHaddockParagraphs (tokenise str) of {
1869 Left err -> parseError (getLoc $1) err;
1870 Right doc -> return (info, Just doc);
1872 Left err -> parseError (getLoc $1) err
1875 maybe_docprev :: { Maybe (LHsDoc RdrName) }
1876 : docprev { Just $1 }
1877 | {- empty -} { Nothing }
1879 maybe_docnext :: { Maybe (LHsDoc RdrName) }
1880 : docnext { Just $1 }
1881 | {- empty -} { Nothing }
1885 happyError = srcParseFail
1887 getVARID (L _ (ITvarid x)) = x
1888 getCONID (L _ (ITconid x)) = x
1889 getVARSYM (L _ (ITvarsym x)) = x
1890 getCONSYM (L _ (ITconsym x)) = x
1891 getQVARID (L _ (ITqvarid x)) = x
1892 getQCONID (L _ (ITqconid x)) = x
1893 getQVARSYM (L _ (ITqvarsym x)) = x
1894 getQCONSYM (L _ (ITqconsym x)) = x
1895 getIPDUPVARID (L _ (ITdupipvarid x)) = x
1896 getCHAR (L _ (ITchar x)) = x
1897 getSTRING (L _ (ITstring x)) = x
1898 getINTEGER (L _ (ITinteger x)) = x
1899 getRATIONAL (L _ (ITrational x)) = x
1900 getPRIMCHAR (L _ (ITprimchar x)) = x
1901 getPRIMSTRING (L _ (ITprimstring x)) = x
1902 getPRIMINTEGER (L _ (ITprimint x)) = x
1903 getPRIMFLOAT (L _ (ITprimfloat x)) = x
1904 getPRIMDOUBLE (L _ (ITprimdouble x)) = x
1905 getTH_ID_SPLICE (L _ (ITidEscape x)) = x
1906 getINLINE (L _ (ITinline_prag b)) = b
1907 getSPEC_INLINE (L _ (ITspec_inline_prag b)) = b
1909 getDOCNEXT (L _ (ITdocCommentNext x)) = x
1910 getDOCPREV (L _ (ITdocCommentPrev x)) = x
1911 getDOCNAMED (L _ (ITdocCommentNamed x)) = x
1912 getDOCSECTION (L _ (ITdocSection n x)) = (n, x)
1913 getDOCOPTIONS (L _ (ITdocOptions x)) = x
1915 -- Utilities for combining source spans
1916 comb2 :: Located a -> Located b -> SrcSpan
1919 comb3 :: Located a -> Located b -> Located c -> SrcSpan
1920 comb3 a b c = combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) (combineSrcSpans (getLoc b) (getLoc c))
1922 comb4 :: Located a -> Located b -> Located c -> Located d -> SrcSpan
1923 comb4 a b c d = combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) $ combineSrcSpans (getLoc b) $
1924 combineSrcSpans (getLoc c) (getLoc d)
1926 -- strict constructor version:
1928 sL :: SrcSpan -> a -> Located a
1929 sL span a = span `seq` L span a
1931 -- Make a source location for the file. We're a bit lazy here and just
1932 -- make a point SrcSpan at line 1, column 0. Strictly speaking we should
1933 -- try to find the span of the whole file (ToDo).
1934 fileSrcSpan :: P SrcSpan
1937 let loc = mkSrcLoc (srcLocFile l) 1 0;
1938 return (mkSrcSpan loc loc)