1 %************************************************************************
3 \section[Driver-asm-fiddling]{Fiddling with assembler files}
5 %************************************************************************
10 Utterly stomp out C functions' prologues and epilogues; i.e., the
11 stuff to do with the C stack.
13 Any other required tidying up.
16 General note [chak]: Many regexps are very fragile because they rely on white
17 space being in the right place. This caused trouble with gcc 2.95 (at least
18 on Linux), where the use of white space in .s files generated by gcc suddenly
19 changed. To guarantee compatibility across different versions of gcc, make
20 sure (at least on i386-.*-linux) that regexps tolerate varying amounts of white
21 space between an assembler statement and its arguments as well as after a the
22 comma separating multiple arguments.
24 \emph{For the time being, I have corrected the regexps for i386-.*-linux. I
25 didn't touch all the regexps for other i386 platforms, as I don't have
26 a box to test these changes.}
31 The HP linker is very picky about symbols being in the appropriate
32 space (code vs. data). When we mangle the threaded code to put the
33 info tables just prior to the code, they wind up in code space
34 rather than data space. This means that references to *_info from
35 un-mangled parts of the RTS (e.g. unthreaded GC code) get
36 unresolved symbols. Solution: mini-mangler for .c files on HP. I
37 think this should really be triggered in the driver by a new -rts
38 option, so that user code doesn't get mangled inappropriately.
40 With reversed tables, jumps are to the _info label rather than to
41 the _entry label. The _info label is just an address in code
42 space, rather than an entry point with the descriptive blob we
43 talked about yesterday. As a result, you can't use the call-style
44 JMP_ macro. However, some JMP_ macros take _info labels as targets
45 and some take code entry points within the RTS. The latter won't
46 work with the goto-style JMP_ macro. Sigh. Solution: Use the goto
47 style JMP_ macro, and mangle some more assembly, changing all
48 "RP'literal" and "LP'literal" references to "R'literal" and
49 "L'literal," so that you get the real address of the code, rather
50 than the descriptive blob. Also change all ".word P%literal"
51 entries in info tables and vector tables to just ".word literal,"
52 for the same reason. Advantage: No more ridiculous call sequences.
55 %************************************************************************
57 \subsection{Top-level code}
59 %************************************************************************
62 $TargetPlatform = $TARGETPLATFORM;
64 ($Pgm = $0) =~ s|.*/||m;
68 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/m ) {
72 $StolenX86Regs = $ARGV[2];
76 &mangle_asm($ifile,$ofile);
81 %************************************************************************
83 \subsection{Constants for various architectures}
85 %************************************************************************
88 sub init_TARGET_STUFF {
90 #--------------------------------------------------------#
91 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-.*-.*/m ) {
93 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
94 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
95 $T_PRE_APP = 'DONT THINK THIS APPLIES'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
96 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\$L?C(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
99 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\$.*\.\.ng:|\.align\s+\d+|\.(globl|ent)\s+\S+|\#.*|\.(file|loc)\s+\S+\s+\S+|\.text|\.r?data)\n)';
100 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '^\s*(\$.*\.\.ng:|\#|\.(file|globl|ent|loc))';
102 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|quad|byte|word)';
103 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '^\t\.globl';
104 $T_HDR_literal = "\.rdata\n\t\.align 3\n";
105 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 3\n";
106 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 3\n";
107 $T_HDR_rodata = "\.rdata\n\t\.align 3\n";
108 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 3\n";
109 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 3\n";
110 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.align 3\n";
111 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 3\n";
113 #--------------------------------------------------------#
114 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/m ) {
116 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
117 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
118 $T_PRE_APP = 'DONT THINK THIS APPLIES'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
119 $T_CONST_LBL = '^L\$C(\d+)$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
122 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^((\s+\.(IMPORT|EXPORT|PARAM).*|\s+\.align\s+\d+|\s+\.(SPACE|SUBSPA)\s+\S+|\s*)\n)';
123 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '^\s+\.(IMPORT|EXPORT)';
125 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(blockz|word|half|byte)';
126 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '^\s+\.EXPORT';
127 $T_HDR_literal = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$LIT\$\n";
128 $T_HDR_misc = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$CODE\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
129 $T_HDR_data = "\t.SPACE \$PRIVATE\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$DATA\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
130 $T_HDR_rodata = "\t.SPACE \$PRIVATE\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$DATA\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
131 $T_HDR_closure = "\t.SPACE \$PRIVATE\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$DATA\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
132 $T_HDR_info = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$CODE\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
133 $T_HDR_entry = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$CODE\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
134 $T_HDR_vector = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$CODE\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
136 #--------------------------------------------------------#
137 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-.*-(linuxaout|freebsd2|nextstep3|cygwin32|mingw32)$/m ) {
138 # NeXT added but not tested. CaS
140 $T_STABBY = 1; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
141 $T_US = '_'; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
142 $T_PRE_APP = '^#'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
143 $T_CONST_LBL = '^LC(\d+):$';
145 $T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT = 'L';
146 $T_X86_PRE_LLBL = 'L';
147 $T_X86_BADJMP = '^\tjmp [^L\*]';
149 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.(p2)?align\s.*|\.globl\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.stab[^n].*|\.type\s+.*|\.size\s+.*|\.lcomm.*)\n)';
150 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(globl|stab|lcomm)';
151 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|word|value|byte|space)';
152 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.globl';
153 $T_HDR_literal = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
154 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 4,0x90\n";
155 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
156 $T_HDR_rodata = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
157 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
158 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n"; # NB: requires padding
159 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n"; # no .align so we're right next to _info (arguably wrong...?)
160 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n"; # NB: requires padding
162 #--------------------------------------------------------#
163 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-.*-(solaris2|linux|gnu|freebsd|dragonfly|netbsd|openbsd|kfreebsdgnu)$/m ) {
165 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
166 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
167 $T_PRE_APP = # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
168 ($TargetPlatform =~ /-(linux|gnu|freebsd|dragonfly|netbsd|openbsd)$/m) ? '#' : '/' ;
169 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\.LC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
171 $T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT = '\.L';
172 $T_X86_PRE_LLBL = '.L';
173 $T_X86_BADJMP = '^\tjmp\s+[^\.\*]';
175 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.(p2)?align\s.*|\.globl\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.section\s+.*|\.type\s+.*|\.size\s+\S+\s*,\s*\d+|\.ident.*|\.local.*)\n)';
176 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /solaris2/m ) {
177 # newer Solaris linkers are picky about .size information, so
178 # omit it (see #1421)
179 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '^\s*\.(globl|local)';
181 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '^\s*\.(globl|type|size|local)';
184 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|value|word|byte|zero)';
185 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.globl';
186 $T_HDR_literal = "\.section\t\.rodata\n"; # or just use .text??? (WDP 95/11)
187 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
188 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
189 $T_HDR_rodata = "\.section\t\.rodata\n\t\.align 4\n";
190 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
191 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
192 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n"; # no .align so we're right next to _info (arguably wrong...?)
193 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n"; # NB: requires padding
195 #--------------------------------------------------------#
196 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^ia64-.*-linux$/m ) {
198 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
199 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
201 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\.LC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
204 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*\.(global|proc|pred\.safe_across_calls|text|data|section|subsection|align|size|type|ident)\s+.*\n)';
205 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(global|proc)';
207 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|value|byte|zero)';
208 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.global';
209 $T_HDR_literal = "\.section\t\.rodata\n";
210 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 16\n"; # May contain code; align like 'entry'
211 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 8\n";
212 $T_HDR_rodata = "\.section\t\.rodata\n\t\.align 8\n";
213 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 8\n";
214 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
215 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.align 16\n";
216 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
218 #--------------------------------------------------------#
219 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^x86_64-.*-(linux|openbsd|freebsd|dragonfly|netbsd)$/m ) {
221 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
222 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
224 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\.LC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
227 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*\.(globl|text|data|section|align|size|type|ident|local)([ \t].*)?\n)';
228 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(globl|type|size|local)';
230 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(quad|long|value|byte|zero)';
231 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.global';
233 $T_HDR_literal16 = "\.section\t\.rodata.cst16\n\t.align 16\n";
234 $T_HDR_literal = "\.section\t\.rodata\n";
236 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
237 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 8\n";
238 $T_HDR_rodata = "\.section\t\.rodata\n\t\.align 8\n";
240 # the assembler on x86_64/Linux refuses to generate code for
242 # where x is in the text section and y in the rodata section.
243 # It works if y is in the text section, though. This is probably
244 # going to cause difficulties for PIC, I imagine.
246 # See Note [x86-64-relative] in includes/InfoTables.h
247 $T_HDR_relrodata= "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
249 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 8\n";
250 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
251 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
252 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
254 #--------------------------------------------------------#
255 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-.*-sunos4/m ) {
257 $T_STABBY = 1; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
258 $T_US = '_'; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
259 $T_PRE_APP = '^# MAY NOT APPLY'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
260 $T_CONST_LBL = '^LC(\d+):$';
263 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.align\s+\d+|\.proc\s+\d+|\.const|\.cstring|\.globl\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.even|\.stab[^n].*)\n)';
264 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(globl|proc|stab)';
266 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.long';
267 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.globl';
268 $T_HDR_literal = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
269 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
270 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.even\n";
271 $T_HDR_rodata = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
272 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.even\n";
273 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
274 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
275 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
277 #--------------------------------------------------------#
278 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-.*/m ) {
280 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
281 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
282 $T_PRE_APP = '^\s*#'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
283 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\$LC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
286 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.align\s+\d+|\.(globl|ent)\s+\S+|\.text|\.r?data)\n)';
287 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(globl|ent)';
289 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.word';
290 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '^\t\.globl';
291 $T_HDR_literal = "\t\.rdata\n\t\.align 2\n";
292 $T_HDR_misc = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
293 $T_HDR_data = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
294 $T_HDR_rodata = "\t\.rdata\n\t\.align 2\n";
295 $T_HDR_closure = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
296 $T_HDR_info = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
297 $T_HDR_entry = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
298 $T_HDR_vector = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
300 #--------------------------------------------------------#
301 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-darwin.*/m ) {
302 # Apple PowerPC Darwin/MacOS X.
303 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
304 $T_US = '_'; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
305 $T_PRE_APP = 'DOESNT APPLY'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
306 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\LC\d+:'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
309 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.(p2)?align\s.*|\.text|\.data|\.const_data|\.cstring|\.non_lazy_symbol_pointer|\.const|\.static_const|\.literal4|\.literal8|\.static_data|\.globl \S+|\.section .*|\.lcomm.*)\n)';
310 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(globl|lcomm)';
312 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|short|byte|fill|space)';
313 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.globl';
314 $T_HDR_toc = "\.toc\n";
315 $T_HDR_literal = "\t\.const\n\t\.align 2\n";
316 $T_HDR_misc = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
317 $T_HDR_data = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
318 $T_HDR_rodata = "\t\.const\n\t\.align 2\n";
319 $T_HDR_relrodata= "\t\.const_data\n\t\.align 2\n";
320 $T_HDR_closure = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
321 $T_HDR_info = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
322 $T_HDR_entry = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
323 $T_HDR_vector = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
325 #--------------------------------------------------------#
326 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-apple-darwin.*/m ) {
327 # Apple i386 Darwin/MacOS X.
328 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
329 $T_US = '_'; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
330 $T_PRE_APP = 'DOESNT APPLY'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
331 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\LC\d+:'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
333 $T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT = 'L';
334 $T_X86_PRE_LLBL = 'L';
335 $T_X86_BADJMP = '^\tjmp [^L\*]';
337 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.(p2)?align\s.*|\.text|\.data|\.const_data|\.cstring|\.non_lazy_symbol_pointer|\.const|\.static_const|\.literal4|\.literal8|\.static_data|\.globl \S+|\.section .*|\.lcomm.*)\n)';
338 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(globl|lcomm)';
340 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|short|byte|fill|space)';
341 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.globl';
342 $T_HDR_toc = "\.toc\n";
343 $T_HDR_literal16= "\t\.literal8\n\t\.align 4\n";
344 $T_HDR_literal = "\t\.const\n\t\.align 4\n";
345 $T_HDR_misc = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
346 $T_HDR_data = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
347 $T_HDR_rodata = "\t\.const\n\t\.align 2\n";
348 $T_HDR_relrodata= "\t\.const_data\n\t\.align 2\n";
349 $T_HDR_closure = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
350 $T_HDR_info = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
351 $T_HDR_entry = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
352 $T_HDR_vector = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
354 #--------------------------------------------------------#
355 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^x86_64-apple-darwin.*/m ) {
356 # Apple amd64 Darwin/MacOS X.
357 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
358 $T_US = '_'; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
359 $T_PRE_APP = 'DOESNT APPLY'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
360 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\LC\d+:'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
363 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.align \d+|\.text|\.data|\.const_data|\.cstring|\.non_lazy_symbol_pointer|\.const|\.static_const|\.literal4|\.literal8|\.static_data|\.globl \S+|\.section .*|\.lcomm.*)\n)';
364 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(globl|lcomm)';
366 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(quad|long|short|byte|fill|space)';
367 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.globl';
368 $T_HDR_toc = "\.toc\n";
369 $T_HDR_literal16= "\t\.literal8\n\t\.align 4\n";
370 $T_HDR_literal = "\t\.const\n\t\.align 4\n";
371 $T_HDR_misc = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
372 $T_HDR_data = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
373 $T_HDR_rodata = "\t\.const\n\t\.align 2\n";
374 $T_HDR_relrodata= "\t\.const_data\n\t\.align 2\n";
375 $T_HDR_closure = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
376 $T_HDR_info = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
377 $T_HDR_entry = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
378 $T_HDR_vector = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
380 #--------------------------------------------------------#
381 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-.*-linux/m ) {
383 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
384 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
385 $T_PRE_APP = '^#'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
386 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\.LC\d+:'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
389 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.(p2)?align\s+\d+(,\s*0x90)?|\.globl\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.section\s+.*|\.type\s+.*|\.size\s+\S+\s*,\s*\d+|\.ident.*|\.local.*)\n)';
390 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '^\s*\.(globl|type|size|local)';
392 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|short|byte|fill|space)';
393 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.globl';
394 $T_HDR_toc = "\.toc\n";
395 $T_HDR_literal = "\t\.section\t.rodata\n\t\.align 2\n";
396 $T_HDR_misc = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
397 $T_HDR_data = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
398 $T_HDR_rodata = "\t\.section\t.rodata\n\t\.align 2\n";
399 $T_HDR_closure = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
400 $T_HDR_info = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
401 $T_HDR_entry = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
402 $T_HDR_vector = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
404 #--------------------------------------------------------#
405 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc64-.*-linux/m ) {
407 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
408 $T_US = '\.'; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
409 $T_PRE_APP = '^#'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
410 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\.LC\d+:'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
413 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.(p2)?align\s+\d+(,\s*0x90)?|\.globl\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.section\s+.*|\.type\s+.*|\.size\s+\S+\s*,\s*\d+|\.ident.*|\.local.*)\n)';
414 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '^\s*\.(globl|type|size|local)';
416 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|short|byte|fill|space)';
417 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.globl';
418 $T_HDR_toc = "\.toc\n";
419 $T_HDR_literal = "\t\.section\t\".toc\",\"aw\"\n";
420 $T_HDR_misc = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
421 $T_HDR_data = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
422 $T_HDR_rodata = "\t\.section\t.rodata\n\t\.align 2\n";
423 $T_HDR_closure = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
424 $T_HDR_info = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
425 $T_HDR_entry = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
426 $T_HDR_vector = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
428 #--------------------------------------------------------#
429 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-.*-(solaris2|openbsd)/m ) {
431 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
432 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
433 $T_PRE_APP = 'DOES NOT SEEM TO APPLY'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
434 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\.LLC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
437 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^((\s+\.align\s+\d+|\s+\.proc\s+\d+|\s+\.global\s+\S+|\s+\.local\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.stab.*|\s*\.section.*|\s+\.type.*|\s+\.size.*)\n)';
438 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(global|local|proc|stab)';
440 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|word|byte|half|skip|uahalf|uaword)';
441 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '^\t\.global';
442 $T_HDR_literal = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
443 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
444 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 8\n";
445 $T_HDR_rodata = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
446 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
447 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
448 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
449 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
451 #--------------------------------------------------------#
452 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-.*-sunos4/m ) {
454 $T_STABBY = 1; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
455 $T_US = '_'; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
456 $T_PRE_APP = '^# DOES NOT SEEM TO APPLY'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
457 $T_CONST_LBL = '^LC(\d+):$';
460 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^((\s+\.align\s+\d+|\s+\.proc\s+\d+|\s+\.global\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.stab.*)\n)';
461 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(global|proc|stab)';
463 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.word';
464 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '^\t\.global';
465 $T_HDR_literal = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
466 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
467 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 8\n";
468 $T_HDR_rodata = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
469 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
470 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
471 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
472 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
474 #--------------------------------------------------------#
475 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-.*-linux/m ) {
476 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
477 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
478 $T_PRE_APP = '#'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
479 # Probably doesn't apply anyway
480 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\.LLC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
483 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^((\s+\.align\s+\d+|\s+\.proc\s+\d+|\s+\.global\s+\S+|\s+\.local\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.seg|\.stab.*|\s+?\.section.*|\s+\.type.*|\s+\.size.*)\n)';
484 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(global|local|globl|proc|stab)';
486 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|word|nword|xword|byte|half|short|skip|uahalf|uaword)';
487 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '^\t\.global';
488 $T_HDR_literal = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
489 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
490 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 8\n";
491 $T_HDR_rodata = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
492 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
493 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
494 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
495 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
497 #--------------------------------------------------------#
499 print STDERR "$Pgm: don't know how to mangle assembly language for: $TargetPlatform\n";
503 if($T_HDR_relrodata eq "") {
505 # relrodata defaults to rodata.
506 $T_HDR_relrodata = $T_HDR_rodata;
510 print STDERR "T_STABBY: $T_STABBY\n";
511 print STDERR "T_US: $T_US\n";
512 print STDERR "T_PRE_APP: $T_PRE_APP\n";
514 print STDERR "T_POST_LBL: $T_POST_LBL\n";
515 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/m ) {
516 print STDERR "T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT: $T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT\n";
517 print STDERR "T_X86_PRE_LLBL: $T_X86_PRE_LLBL\n";
518 print STDERR "T_X86_BADJMP: $T_X86_BADJMP\n";
522 print STDERR "T_DOT_WORD: $T_DOT_WORD\n";
523 print STDERR "T_HDR_literal: $T_HDR_literal\n";
524 print STDERR "T_HDR_misc: $T_HDR_misc\n";
525 print STDERR "T_HDR_data: $T_HDR_data\n";
526 print STDERR "T_HDR_rodata: $T_HDR_rodata\n";
527 print STDERR "T_HDR_closure: $T_HDR_closure\n";
528 print STDERR "T_HDR_info: $T_HDR_info\n";
529 print STDERR "T_HDR_entry: $T_HDR_entry\n";
530 print STDERR "T_HDR_vector: $T_HDR_vector\n";
536 %************************************************************************
538 \subsection{Mangle away}
540 %************************************************************************
544 local($in_asmf, $out_asmf) = @_;
547 # ia64-specific information for code chunks
551 &init_TARGET_STUFF();
552 &init_FUNNY_THINGS();
554 open(INASM, "< $in_asmf")
555 || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$in_asmf' (to read)\n");
556 open(OUTASM,"> $out_asmf")
557 || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$out_asmf' (to write)\n");
559 # read whole file, divide into "chunks":
560 # record some info about what we've found...
562 @chk = (); # contents of the chunk
563 $numchks = 0; # number of them
564 @chkcat = (); # what category of thing in each chunk
565 @chksymb = (); # what symbol(base) is defined in this chunk
566 %entrychk = (); # ditto, its entry code
567 %closurechk = (); # ditto, the (static) closure
568 %srtchk = (); # ditto, its SRT (for top-level things)
569 %infochk = (); # given a symbol base, say what chunk its info tbl is in
570 %vectorchk = (); # ditto, return vector table
571 $EXTERN_DECLS = ''; # .globl <foo> .text (MIPS only)
573 $i = 0; $chkcat[0] = 'misc'; $chk[0] = '';
576 tr/\r//d if $TargetPlatform =~ /-mingw32$/m; # In case Perl doesn't convert line endings
577 next if $T_STABBY && /^\.stab.*${T_US}__stg_split_marker/om;
578 next if $T_STABBY && /^\.stab.*ghc.*c_ID/m;
579 next if /^\t\.def.*endef$/m;
580 next if /${T_PRE_APP}(NO_)?APP/om;
581 next if /^;/m && $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/m;
583 next if /(^$|^\t\.file\t|^ # )/m && $TargetPlatform =~ /(^mips-|^ia64-|-mingw32$)/m;
585 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/m
586 && /^\t\.(globl\S+\.text|comm\t)/m ) {
587 $EXTERN_DECLS .= $_ unless /(__DISCARD__|\b(PK_|ASSIGN_)(FLT|DBL)\b)/m;
588 # Treat .comm variables as data. These show up in two (known) places:
590 # - the module_registered variable used in the __stginit fragment.
591 # even though these are declared static and initialised, gcc 3.3
592 # likes to make them .comm, presumably to save space in the
595 # - global variables used to pass arguments from C to STG in
596 # a foreign export. (is this still true? --SDM)
598 } elsif ( /^\t\.comm.*$/m ) {
600 $chkcat[$i] = 'data';
603 # Labels ending "_str": these are literal strings.
604 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_str${T_POST_LBL}$/m ) {
606 $chkcat[$i] = 'relrodata';
608 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /-darwin/m
609 && (/^\s*\.subsections_via_symbols/m
610 ||/^\s*\.no_dead_strip.*/m)) {
611 # Don't allow Apple's linker to do any dead-stripping of symbols
612 # in this file, because it will mess up info-tables in mangled
614 # The .no_dead_strip directives are actually put there by
615 # the gcc3 "used" attribute on entry points.
617 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^.*-apple-darwin.*/m && (
618 /^\s*\.picsymbol_stub/m
619 || /^\s*\.section __TEXT,__picsymbol_stub\d,.*/m
620 || /^\s*\.section __TEXT,__picsymbolstub\d,.*/m
621 || /^\s*\.symbol_stub/m
622 || /^\s*\.section __TEXT,__symbol_stub\d,.*/m
623 || /^\s*\.section __TEXT,__symbolstub\d,.*/m
624 || /^\s*\.lazy_symbol_pointer/m
625 || /^\s*\.non_lazy_symbol_pointer/m
626 || /^\s*\.section __IMPORT.*/m))
629 $chkcat[$i] = 'dyld';
633 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^.*-apple-darwin.*/m && $chkcat[$i] eq 'dyld' && /^\s*\.data/m)
634 { # non_lazy_symbol_ptrs that point to local symbols
636 $chkcat[$i] = 'dyld';
639 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^.*-apple-darwin.*/m && $chkcat[$i] eq 'dyld' && /^\s*\.align/m)
640 { # non_lazy_symbol_ptrs that point to local symbols
642 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^.*-apple-darwin.*/m && $chkcat[$i] eq 'dyld' && /^L_.*:$/m)
643 { # non_lazy_symbol_ptrs that point to local symbols
644 $chk[++$i] = $dyld_section . $_;
645 $chkcat[$i] = 'dyld';
648 } elsif ( /^\s+/m ) { # most common case first -- a simple line!
649 # duplicated from the bottom
653 } elsif ( /\.\.ng:$/m && $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/m ) {
654 # Alphas: Local labels not to be confused with new chunks
656 # NB: all the rest start with a non-space
658 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/m
659 && /^\d+:/m ) { # a funny-looking very-local label
662 } elsif ( /$T_CONST_LBL/om ) {
664 $chkcat[$i] = 'literal';
667 } elsif ( /^${T_US}__stg_split_marker(\d*)${T_POST_LBL}$/om ) {
669 $chkcat[$i] = 'splitmarker';
672 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_info${T_POST_LBL}$/om ) {
675 $chkcat[$i] = 'infotbl';
676 $chksymb[$i] = $symb;
678 die "Info table already? $symb; $i\n" if defined($infochk{$symb});
680 $infochk{$symb} = $i;
682 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_(entry|ret)${T_POST_LBL}$/om ) {
684 $chkcat[$i] = 'entry';
689 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_closure${T_POST_LBL}$/om ) {
691 $chkcat[$i] = 'closure';
694 $closurechk{$1} = $i;
696 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_srt${T_POST_LBL}$/om ) {
703 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_ct${T_POST_LBL}$/om ) {
705 $chkcat[$i] = 'data';
708 } elsif ( /^${T_US}(stg_ap_stack_entries|stg_stack_save_entries|stg_arg_bitmaps)${T_POST_LBL}$/om ) {
710 $chkcat[$i] = 'data';
713 } elsif ( /^(${T_US}__gnu_compiled_c|gcc2_compiled\.)${T_POST_LBL}/om ) {
716 } elsif ( /^${T_US}[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.\d+${T_POST_LBL}$/om
717 || /^${T_US}.*_CAT${T_POST_LBL}$/om # PROF: _entryname_CAT
718 || /^${T_US}.*_done${T_POST_LBL}$/om # PROF: _module_done
719 || /^${T_US}_module_registered${T_POST_LBL}$/om # PROF: _module_registered
722 $chkcat[$i] = 'data';
725 } elsif ( /^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s+\.comm/m && $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/m ) {
730 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_cc(s)?${T_POST_LBL}$/om ) {
731 # all CC_ symbols go in the data section...
733 $chkcat[$i] = 'data';
736 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_hpc${T_POST_LBL}$/om ) {
737 # hpc shares tick boxes across modules
739 $chkcat[$i] = 'data';
742 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_(alt|dflt)${T_POST_LBL}$/om ) {
744 $chkcat[$i] = 'misc';
746 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_vtbl${T_POST_LBL}$/om ) {
748 $chkcat[$i] = 'vector';
753 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-.*-solaris2/m
754 && /^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]*:/m ) {
755 # Some Solaris system headers contain function definitions (as
756 # opposed to mere prototypes), which end up in the .hc file when
757 # a Haskell module foreign imports the corresponding system
758 # functions (most notably stat()). We put them into the text
759 # segment. Note that this currently does not extend to function
760 # names starting with an underscore.
763 $chkcat[$i] = 'misc';
766 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-apple-darwin/m && /^(___i686\.get_pc_thunk\.[abcd]x):/om) {
767 # To handle PIC on Darwin/x86, we need to appropriately pass through
768 # the get_pc_thunk functions. The need to be put into a special section
769 # marked as coalesced (otherwise the .weak_definition doesn't work
772 $chkcat[$i] = 'get_pc_thunk';
775 } elsif ( /^${T_US}[A-Za-z0-9_]/om
776 && ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^hppa/m # need to avoid local labels in this case
778 && ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^powerpc64/m # we need to avoid local labels in this case
779 || ! /^\.L\d+:$/m ) ) {
786 /^${T_US}stg_.*${T_POST_LBL}$/om # RTS internals
787 || /^${T_US}__stg_.*${T_POST_LBL}$/om # more RTS internals
788 || /^${T_US}__fexp_.*${T_POST_LBL}$/om # foreign export
789 || /^${T_US}.*_slow${T_POST_LBL}$/om # slow entry
790 || /^${T_US}__stginit.*${T_POST_LBL}$/om # __stginit<module>
791 || /^${T_US}.*_btm${T_POST_LBL}$/om # large bitmaps
792 || /^${T_US}.*_fast${T_POST_LBL}$/om # primops
793 || /^_uname:/om # x86/Solaris2
796 $chkcat[$i] = 'misc';
798 /^${T_US}.*_srtd${T_POST_LBL}$/om # large bitmaps
799 || /^${T_US}.*_closure_tbl${T_POST_LBL}$/om # closure tables
802 $chkcat[$i] = 'relrodata';
805 print STDERR "Warning: retaining unknown function \`$thing' in output from C compiler\n";
806 $chkcat[$i] = 'unknown';
809 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-.*-linux/m && /^\.LCTOC1 = /om ) {
810 # PowerPC Linux's large-model PIC (-fPIC) generates a gobal offset
811 # table "by hand". Be sure to copy it over.
812 # Note that this label and all entries in the table should actually
813 # go into the .got2 section, but it isn't easy to distinguish them
814 # from other constant literals (.LC\d+), so we just put everything
817 $chkcat[$i] = 'literal';
818 $chksymb[$i] = 'LCTOC1';
819 } else { # simple line (duplicated at the top)
824 $numchks = $#chk + 1;
825 $chk[$numchks] = ''; # We might push .note.GNU-stack into this
826 $chkcat[$numchks] = 'verbatim'; # If we do, write it straight back out
828 # open CHUNKS, ">/tmp/chunks1" or die "Cannot open /tmp/chunks1: $!\n";
829 # for (my $i = 0; $i < @chk; ++$i) { print CHUNKS "======= $i =======\n", $chk[$i] }
832 # the division into chunks is imperfect;
833 # we throw some things over the fence into the next
836 # also, there are things we would like to know
837 # about the whole module before we start spitting
840 local($FIRST_MANGLABLE) = ($TargetPlatform =~ /^(alpha-|hppa|mips-)/m) ? 1 : 0;
841 local($FIRST_TOSSABLE ) = ($TargetPlatform =~ /^(hppa|mips-)/m) ? 1 : 0;
843 # print STDERR "first chunk to mangle: $FIRST_MANGLABLE\n";
845 # Alphas: NB: we start meddling at chunk 1, not chunk 0
846 # The first ".rdata" is quite magical; as of GCC 2.7.x, it
847 # spits a ".quad 0" in after the very first ".rdata"; we
848 # detect this special case (tossing the ".quad 0")!
849 local($magic_rdata_seen) = 0;
851 # HPPAs, MIPSen: also start medding at chunk 1
853 for ($i = $FIRST_TOSSABLE; $i < $numchks; $i++) {
854 $c = $chk[$i]; # convenience copy
856 # print STDERR "\nCHK $i (BEFORE) (",$chkcat[$i],"):\n", $c;
858 # toss all prologue stuff; HPPA is pretty weird
860 $c = &hppa_mash_prologue($c) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa-/m;
865 # be slightly paranoid to make sure there's
866 # nothing surprising in there
867 if ( $c =~ /--- BEGIN ---/m ) {
868 if (($p, $r) = split(/--- BEGIN ---/m, $c)) {
870 # remove junk whitespace around the split point
874 if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/m) {
875 if ($p =~ /^\tsubl\s+\$(\d+),\s*\%esp\n/m) {
877 die "Error: reserved stack space exceeded!\n Possible workarounds: compile with -fasm, or try another version of gcc.\n"
881 # gcc 3.4.3 puts this kind of stuff in the prologue, eg.
882 # when compiling PrimOps.cmm with -optc-O2:
885 # movl %ecx, 16(%esp)
886 # movl %edx, 20(%esp)
887 # but then the code of the function doesn't assume
888 # anything about the contnets of these stack locations.
889 # I think it's to do with the use of inline functions for
890 # PK_Word64() and friends, where gcc is initialising the
891 # contents of the struct to zero, and failing to optimise
892 # away the initialisation. Let's live dangerously and
893 # discard these initalisations.
895 $p =~ s/^\tpushl\s+\%e(di|si|bx)\n//gm;
896 $p =~ s/^\txorl\s+\%e(ax|cx|dx),\s*\%e(ax|cx|dx)\n//gm;
897 $p =~ s/^\tmovl\s+\%e(ax|cx|dx|si|di),\s*\d*\(\%esp\)\n//gm;
898 $p =~ s/^\tmovl\s+\$\d+,\s*\d*\(\%esp\)\n//gm;
899 $p =~ s/^\tsubl\s+\$\d+,\s*\%esp\n//m;
900 $p =~ s/^\tmovl\s+\$\d+,\s*\%eax\n\tcall\s+__alloca\n//m if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^.*-(cygwin32|mingw32)/m);
902 if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-apple-darwin/m) {
904 $pcrel_label =~ s/(.|\n)*^(\"?L\d+\$pb\"?):\n(.|\n)*/$2/m or $pcrel_label = "";
906 $pcrel_reg =~ s/(.|\n)*.*___i686\.get_pc_thunk\.([abcd]x)\n(.|\n)*/$2/m or $pcrel_reg = "";
907 $p =~ s/^\s+call\s+___i686\.get_pc_thunk\..x//m;
908 $p =~ s/^\"?L\d+\$pb\"?:\n//m;
910 if ($pcrel_reg eq "bx") {
911 # Bad gcc. Goes and uses %ebx, our BaseReg, for PIC. Bad gcc.
912 die "Darwin/x86: -fPIC -via-C doesn't work yet, use -fasm. Aborting."
916 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^x86_64-/m) {
917 $p =~ s/^\tpushq\s+\%r(bx|bp|12|13|14)\n//gm;
918 $p =~ s/^\tmovq\s+\%r(bx|bp|12|13|14),\s*\d*\(\%rsp\)\n//gm;
919 $p =~ s/^\tsubq\s+\$\d+,\s*\%rsp\n//m;
921 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^ia64-/m) {
922 $p =~ s/^\t\.prologue .*\n//m;
924 # Record the number of local and out registers for register relocation later
925 $p =~ s/^\t\.save ar\.pfs, r\d+\n\talloc r\d+ = ar\.pfs, 0, (\d+), (\d+), 0\n//m;
929 $p =~ s/^\t\.fframe \d+\n\tadds r12 = -\d+, r12\n//m;
930 $p =~ s/^\t\.save rp, r\d+\n\tmov r\d+ = b0\n//m;
932 # Ignore save/restore of these registers; they're taken
933 # care of in StgRun()
934 $p =~ s/^\t\.save ar\.lc, r\d+\n//m;
935 $p =~ s/^\t\.save pr, r\d+\n//m;
936 $p =~ s/^\tmov r\d+ = ar\.lc\n//m;
937 $p =~ s/^\tmov r\d+ = pr\n//m;
939 # Remove .proc and .body directives
940 $p =~ s/^\t\.proc [a-zA-Z0-9_.]+#\n//m;
941 $p =~ s/^\t\.body\n//m;
943 # If there's a label, move it to the body
944 if ($p =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9.]+:\n/m) {
949 # Remove floating-point spill instructions.
950 # Only fp registers 2-5 and 16-23 are saved by the runtime.
951 if ($p =~ s/^\tstf\.spill \[r1[4-9]\] = f([2-5]|1[6-9]|2[0-3])(, [0-9]+)?\n//gm) {
952 # Being paranoid, only try to remove these if we saw a
954 $p =~ s/^\tmov r1[4-9] = r12\n//m;
955 $p =~ s/^\tadds r1[4-9] = -[0-9]+, r12\n//gm;
956 $p =~ s/^\t\.save\.f 0x[0-9a-fA-F]\n//gm;
957 $p =~ s/^\t\.save\.gf 0x0, 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\n//gm;
960 $p =~ s/^\tnop(?:\.[mifb])?\s+\d+\n//gm; # remove nop instructions
961 $p =~ s/^\t\.(mii|mmi|mfi)\n//gm; # bundling is no longer sensible
962 $p =~ s/^\t;;\n//gm; # discard stops
963 $p =~ s/^\t\/\/.*\n//gm; # gcc inserts timings in // comments
965 # GCC 3.3 saves r1 in the prologue, move this to the body
966 # (Does this register get restored anywhere?)
967 if ($p =~ /^\tmov r\d+ = r1\n/m) {
971 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/m) {
972 $p =~ s/^\tlink a6,#-?\d.*\n//m;
973 $p =~ s/^\tpea a6@\n\tmovel sp,a6\n//m;
974 # The above showed up in the asm code,
975 # so I added it here.
976 # I hope it's correct.
978 $p =~ s/^\tmovel d2,sp\@-\n//m;
979 $p =~ s/^\tmovel d5,sp\@-\n//m; # SMmark.* only?
980 $p =~ s/^\tmoveml \#0x[0-9a-f]+,sp\@-\n//m; # SMmark.* only?
981 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/m) {
982 # the .frame/.mask/.fmask that we use is the same
983 # as that produced by GCC for miniInterpret; this
984 # gives GDB some chance of figuring out what happened
985 $FRAME = "\t.frame\t\$sp,2168,\$31\n\t.mask\t0x90000000,-4\n\t.fmask\t0x00000000,0\n";
986 $p =~ s/^\t\.(frame).*\n/__FRAME__/gm;
987 $p =~ s/^\t\.(mask|fmask).*\n//gm;
988 $p =~ s/^\t\.cprestore.*\n/\t\.cprestore 416\n/m; # 16 + 100 4-byte args
989 $p =~ s/^\tsubu\t\$sp,\$sp,\d+\n//m;
990 $p =~ s/^\tsw\t\$31,\d+\(\$sp\)\n//m;
991 $p =~ s/^\tsw\t\$fp,\d+\(\$sp\)\n//m;
992 $p =~ s/^\tsw\t\$28,\d+\(\$sp\)\n//m;
993 $p =~ s/__FRAME__/$FRAME/m;
994 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-darwin.*/m) {
996 $pcrel_label =~ s/(.|\n)*^(\"?L\d+\$pb\"?):\n(.|\n)*/$2/m or $pcrel_label = "";
998 $p =~ s/^\tmflr r0\n//m;
999 $p =~ s/^\tbl saveFP # f\d+\n//m;
1000 $p =~ s/^\tbl saveFP ; save f\d+-f\d+\n//m;
1001 $p =~ s/^\"?L\d+\$pb\"?:\n//m;
1002 $p =~ s/^\tstmw r\d+,-\d+\(r1\)\n//m;
1003 $p =~ s/^\tstfd f\d+,-\d+\(r1\)\n//gm;
1004 $p =~ s/^\tstw r0,\d+\(r1\)\n//gm;
1005 $p =~ s/^\tstwu r1,-\d+\(r1\)\n//m;
1006 $p =~ s/^\tstw r\d+,-\d+\(r1\)\n//gm;
1007 $p =~ s/^\tbcl 20,31,\"?L\d+\$pb\"?\n//m;
1008 $p =~ s/^\"?L\d+\$pb\"?:\n//m;
1009 $p =~ s/^\tmflr r31\n//m;
1011 # This is bad: GCC 3 seems to zero-fill some local variables in the prologue
1012 # under some circumstances, only when generating position dependent code.
1013 # I have no idea why, and I don't think it is necessary, so let's toss it.
1014 $p =~ s/^\tli r\d+,0\n//gm;
1015 $p =~ s/^\tstw r\d+,\d+\(r1\)\n//gm;
1016 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-.*-linux/m) {
1017 $p =~ s/^\tmflr 0\n//m;
1018 $p =~ s/^\tstmw \d+,\d+\(1\)\n//m;
1019 $p =~ s/^\tstfd \d+,\d+\(1\)\n//gm;
1020 $p =~ s/^\tstw r0,8\(1\)\n//m;
1021 $p =~ s/^\tstwu 1,-\d+\(1\)\n//m;
1022 $p =~ s/^\tstw \d+,\d+\(1\)\n//gm;
1024 # GCC's "large-model" PIC (-fPIC)
1026 $pcrel_label =~ s/(.|\n)*^.LCF(\d+):\n(.|\n)*/$2/m or $pcrel_label = "";
1028 $p =~ s/^\tbcl 20,31,.LCF\d+\n//m;
1029 $p =~ s/^.LCF\d+:\n//m;
1030 $p =~ s/^\tmflr 30\n//m;
1031 $p =~ s/^\tlwz 0,\.LCL\d+-\.LCF\d+\(30\)\n//m;
1032 $p =~ s/^\tadd 30,0,30\n//m;
1034 # This is bad: GCC 3 seems to zero-fill some local variables in the prologue
1035 # under some circumstances, only when generating position dependent code.
1036 # I have no idea why, and I don't think it is necessary, so let's toss it.
1037 $p =~ s/^\tli \d+,0\n//gm;
1038 $p =~ s/^\tstw \d+,\d+\(1\)\n//gm;
1039 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc64-.*-linux/m) {
1040 $p =~ s/^\tmr 31,1\n//m;
1041 $p =~ s/^\tmflr 0\n//m;
1042 $p =~ s/^\tstmw \d+,\d+\(1\)\n//m;
1043 $p =~ s/^\tstfd \d+,-?\d+\(1\)\n//gm;
1044 $p =~ s/^\tstd r0,8\(1\)\n//m;
1045 $p =~ s/^\tstdu 1,-\d+\(1\)\n//m;
1046 $p =~ s/^\tstd \d+,-?\d+\(1\)\n//gm;
1048 # This is bad: GCC 3 seems to zero-fill some local variables in the prologue
1049 # under some circumstances, only when generating position dependent code.
1050 # I have no idea why, and I don't think it is necessary, so let's toss it.
1051 $p =~ s/^\tli \d+,0\n//gm;
1052 $p =~ s/^\tstd \d+,\d+\(1\)\n//gm;
1054 print STDERR "$Pgm: unknown prologue mangling? $TargetPlatform\n";
1057 # HWL HACK: dont die, just print a warning
1058 #print stderr "HWL: this should die! Prologue junk?: $p\n" if $p =~ /^\t[^\.]/;
1059 die "Prologue junk?: $p\n" if $p =~ /^\s+[^\s\.]/m;
1061 # For PIC, we want to keep part of the prologue
1062 if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-darwin.*/m && $pcrel_label ne "") {
1063 # Darwin: load the current instruction pointer into register r31
1064 $p .= "bcl 20,31,$pcrel_label\n";
1065 $p .= "$pcrel_label:\n";
1066 $p .= "\tmflr r31\n";
1067 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-.*-linux/m && $pcrel_label ne "") {
1068 # Linux: load the GOT pointer into register 30
1069 $p .= "\tbcl 20,31,.LCF$pcrel_label\n";
1070 $p .= ".LCF$pcrel_label:\n";
1071 $p .= "\tmflr 30\n";
1072 $p .= "\tlwz 0,.LCL$pcrel_label-.LCF$pcrel_label(30)\n";
1073 $p .= "\tadd 30,0,30\n";
1074 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-apple-darwin.*/m && $pcrel_label ne "") {
1075 $p .= "\tcall ___i686.get_pc_thunk.$pcrel_reg\n";
1076 $p .= "$pcrel_label:\n";
1079 # glue together what's left
1084 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/m ) {
1085 # MIPS: first, this basic sequence may occur "--- END ---" or not
1086 $c =~ s/^\tlw\t\$31,\d+\(\$sp\)\n\taddu\t\$sp,\$sp,\d+\n\tj\t\$31\n\t\.end/\t\.end/m;
1089 # toss all epilogue stuff; again, paranoidly
1090 if ( $c =~ /--- END ---/m ) {
1091 # Gcc may decide to replicate the function epilogue. We want
1092 # to process all epilogues, so we split the function and then
1094 @fragments = split(/--- END ---/m, $c);
1095 $r = shift(@fragments);
1097 # Rebuild `c'; processed fragments will be appended to `c'
1100 foreach $e (@fragments) {
1101 # etail holds code that is after the epilogue in the assembly-code
1102 # layout and should not be filtered as part of the epilogue.
1104 if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/m) {
1105 $e =~ s/^\tret\n//m;
1106 $e =~ s/^\tpopl\s+\%edi\n//m;
1107 $e =~ s/^\tpopl\s+\%esi\n//m;
1108 $e =~ s/^\tpopl\s+\%edx\n//m;
1109 $e =~ s/^\tpopl\s+\%ecx\n//m;
1110 $e =~ s/^\taddl\s+\$\d+,\s*\%esp\n//m;
1111 $e =~ s/^\tsubl\s+\$-\d+,\s*\%esp\n//m;
1112 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^ia64-/m) {
1113 # The epilogue is first split into:
1114 # $e, the epilogue code (up to the return instruction)
1115 # $etail, non-epilogue code (after the return instruction)
1116 # The return instruction is stripped in the process.
1117 if (!(($e, $etail) = split(/^\tbr\.ret\.sptk\.many b0\n/m, $e))) {
1118 die "Epilogue doesn't seem to have one return instruction: $e\n";
1120 # Remove 'endp' directive from the tail
1121 $etail =~ s/^\t\.endp [a-zA-Z0-9_.]+#\n//m;
1123 # If a return value is saved here, discard it
1124 $e =~ s/^\tmov r8 = r14\n//m;
1126 # Remove floating-point fill instructions.
1127 # Only fp registers 2-5 and 16-23 are saved by the runtime.
1128 if ($e =~ s/^\tldf\.fill f([2-5]|1[6-9]|2[0-3]) = \[r1[4-9]\](, [0-9]+)?\n//gm) {
1129 # Being paranoid, only try to remove this if we saw a fill
1131 $e =~ s/^\tadds r1[4-9] = [0-9]+, r12//gm;
1134 $e =~ s/^\tnop(?:\.[mifb])?\s+\d+\n//gm; # remove nop instructions
1135 $e =~ s/^\tmov ar\.pfs = r\d+\n//m;
1136 $e =~ s/^\tmov ar\.lc = r\d+\n//m;
1137 $e =~ s/^\tmov pr = r\d+, -1\n//m;
1138 $e =~ s/^\tmov b0 = r\d+\n//m;
1139 $e =~ s/^\t\.restore sp\n\tadds r12 = \d+, r12\n//m;
1140 #$e =~ s/^\tbr\.ret\.sptk\.many b0\n//; # already removed
1141 $e =~ s/^\t\.(mii|mmi|mfi|mib)\n//gm; # bundling is no longer sensible
1142 $e =~ s/^\t;;\n//gm; # discard stops - stop at end of body is sufficient
1143 $e =~ s/^\t\/\/.*\n//gm; # gcc inserts timings in // comments
1144 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/m) {
1145 $e =~ s/^\tunlk a6\n//m;
1146 $e =~ s/^\trts\n//m;
1147 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/m) {
1148 $e =~ s/^\tlw\t\$31,\d+\(\$sp\)\n//m;
1149 $e =~ s/^\tlw\t\$fp,\d+\(\$sp\)\n//m;
1150 $e =~ s/^\taddu\t\$sp,\$sp,\d+\n//m;
1151 $e =~ s/^\tj\t\$31\n//m;
1152 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-darwin.*/m) {
1153 $e =~ s/^\taddi r1,r1,\d+\n//m;
1154 $e =~ s/^\tlwz r\d+,\d+\(r1\)\n//m;
1155 $e =~ s/^\tlmw r\d+,-\d+\(r1\)\n//m;
1156 $e =~ s/^\tmtlr r0\n//m;
1157 $e =~ s/^\tblr\n//m;
1158 $e =~ s/^\tb restFP ;.*\n//m;
1159 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc64-.*-linux/m) {
1160 $e =~ s/^\tmr 3,0\n//m;
1161 $e =~ s/^\taddi 1,1,\d+\n//m;
1162 $e =~ s/^\tld 0,16\(1\)\n//m;
1163 $e =~ s/^\tmtlr 0\n//m;
1165 # callee-save registers
1166 $e =~ s/^\tld \d+,-?\d+\(1\)\n//gm;
1167 $e =~ s/^\tlfd \d+,-?\d+\(1\)\n//gm;
1169 # get rid of the debug junk along with the blr
1170 $e =~ s/^\tblr\n\t.long .*\n\t.byte .*\n//m;
1172 # incase we missed it with the last one get the blr alone
1173 $e =~ s/^\tblr\n//m;
1175 print STDERR "$Pgm: unknown epilogue mangling? $TargetPlatform\n";
1178 print STDERR "WARNING: Epilogue junk?: $e\n" if $e =~ /^\t\s*[^\.\s\n]/m;
1180 # glue together what's left
1183 $c =~ s/\n\t\n/\n/m; # junk blank line
1186 if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^ia64-/m) {
1187 # On IA64, remove an .endp directive even if no epilogue was found.
1188 # Code optimizations may have removed the "--- END ---" token.
1189 $c =~ s/^\t\.endp [a-zA-Z0-9_.]+#\n//m;
1193 # On SPARCs, we don't do --- BEGIN/END ---, we just
1194 # toss the register-windowing save/restore/ret* instructions
1195 # directly unless they've been generated by function definitions in header
1197 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-/m ) {
1198 if ( ! ( $TargetPlatform =~ /solaris2$/m && $chkcat[$i] eq 'unknown' )) {
1199 $c =~ s/^\t(save.*|restore.*|ret|retl)\n//gm;
1201 # throw away PROLOGUE comments
1202 $c =~ s/^\t!#PROLOGUE# 0\n\t!#PROLOGUE# 1\n//m;
1205 # On Alphas, the prologue mangling is done a little later (below)
1207 # toss all calls to __DISCARD__
1208 $c =~ s/^\t(call|jbsr|jal)\s+${T_US}__DISCARD__\n//gom;
1209 $c =~ s/^\tjsr\s+\$26\s*,\s*${T_US}__DISCARD__\n//gom if $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/m;
1210 $c =~ s/^\tbl\s+L___DISCARD__\$stub\n//gom if $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-darwin.*/m;
1211 $c =~ s/^\tbl\s+__DISCARD__(\@plt)?\n//gom if $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-.*-linux/m;
1212 $c =~ s/^\tbl\s+\.__DISCARD__\n\s+nop\n//gom if $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc64-.*-linux/m;
1213 $c =~ s/^\tcall\s+L___DISCARD__\$stub\n//gom if $TargetPlatform =~ /i386-apple-darwin.*/m;
1215 # IA64: fix register allocation; mangle tailcalls into jumps
1216 if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^ia64-/m) {
1217 ia64_rename_registers($ia64_locnum, $ia64_outnum) if (defined($ia64_locnum));
1218 ia64_mangle_tailcalls();
1221 # MIPS: that may leave some gratuitous asm macros around
1222 # (no harm done; but we get rid of them to be tidier)
1223 $c =~ s/^\t\.set\tnoreorder\n\t\.set\tnomacro\n\taddu\t(\S+)\n\t\.set\tmacro\n\t\.set\treorder\n/\taddu\t$1\n/m
1224 if $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/m;
1226 # toss stack adjustment after DoSparks
1227 $c =~ s/^(\tjbsr _DoSparks\n)\taddqw #8,sp/$1/gm
1228 if $TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/m; # this looks old...
1230 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/m &&
1231 ! $magic_rdata_seen &&
1232 $c =~ /^\s*\.rdata\n\t\.quad 0\n\t\.align \d\n/m ) {
1233 $c =~ s/^\s*\.rdata\n\t\.quad 0\n\t\.align (\d)\n/\.rdata\n\t\.align $1\n/m;
1234 $magic_rdata_seen = 1;
1237 # pick some end-things and move them to the next chunk
1239 # pin a funny end-thing on (for easier matching):
1240 $c .= 'FUNNY#END#THING';
1242 while ( $c =~ /${T_MOVE_DIRVS}FUNNY#END#THING/om ) {
1246 # on x86 we try not to copy any directives into a literal
1247 # chunk, rather we keep looking for the next real chunk. This
1248 # is because we get things like
1250 # .globl blah_closure
1256 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^(i386|sparc|powerpc)/m && $to_move =~ /${T_COPY_DIRVS}/m ) {
1258 while ( $j < $numchks && $chk[$j] =~ /$T_CONST_LBL/m) {
1261 if ( $j < $numchks ) {
1262 $chk[$j] = $to_move . $chk[$j];
1266 elsif ( ( $i < ($numchks - 1)
1267 && ( $to_move =~ /${T_COPY_DIRVS}/m
1268 || ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/m
1269 && $to_move =~ /align/m
1270 && $chkcat[$i+1] eq 'literal')
1273 || ($to_move =~ /^[ \t]*\.section[ \t]+\.note\.GNU-stack,/m)
1275 $chk[$i + 1] = $to_move . $chk[$i + 1];
1276 # otherwise they're tossed
1282 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/m && $c =~ /^\t\.ent\s+(\S+)/m ) {
1284 # toss all prologue stuff, except for loading gp, and the ..ng address
1285 unless ($c =~ /\.ent.*\n\$.*\.\.ng:/m) {
1286 if (($p, $r) = split(/^\t\.prologue/m, $c)) {
1287 # use vars '$junk'; # Unused?
1288 if (($keep, $junk) = split(/\.\.ng:/m, $p)) {
1289 $keep =~ s/^\t\.frame.*\n/\t.frame \$30,0,\$26,0\n/m;
1290 $keep =~ s/^\t\.(mask|fmask).*\n//gm;
1291 $c = $keep . "..ng:\n";
1293 print STDERR "malformed code block ($ent)?\n"
1296 $c .= "\t.prologue" . $r;
1300 $c =~ s/FUNNY#END#THING//m;
1302 # print STDERR "\nCHK $i (AFTER) (",$chkcat[$i],"):\n", $c;
1304 $chk[$i] = $c; # update w/ convenience copy
1307 # open CHUNKS, ">/tmp/chunks2" or die "Cannot open /tmp/chunks2: $!\n";
1308 # for (my $i = 0; $i < @chk; ++$i) { print CHUNKS "======= $i =======\n", $chk[$i] }
1311 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/m ) {
1312 # print out the header stuff first
1313 $chk[0] =~ s/^(\t\.file.*)"(ghc\d+\.c)"/$1"$ifile_root.hc"/m;
1314 print OUTASM $chk[0];
1316 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/m ) {
1317 print OUTASM $chk[0];
1319 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/m ) {
1320 $chk[0] = "\t\.file\t1 \"$ifile_root.hc\"\n" . $chk[0];
1322 # get rid of horrible "<dollar>Revision: .*$" strings
1323 local(@lines0) = split(/\n/m, $chk[0]);
1325 while ( $z <= $#lines0 ) {
1326 if ( $lines0[$z] =~ /^\t\.byte\t0x24,0x52,0x65,0x76,0x69,0x73,0x69,0x6f$/m ) {
1329 while ( $z <= $#lines0 ) {
1331 last if $lines0[$z] =~ /[,\t]0x0$/m;
1337 $chk[0] = join("\n", @lines0);
1338 $chk[0] =~ s/\n\n+/\n/m;
1339 print OUTASM $chk[0];
1342 # print out all the literal strings next
1343 for ($i = 0; $i < $numchks; $i++) {
1344 if ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'literal' ) {
1346 # HACK: try to detect 16-byte constants and align them
1347 # on a 16-byte boundary. x86_64 sometimes needs 128-bit
1348 # aligned constants, and so does Darwin/x86.
1349 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^x86_64/m
1350 || $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-apple-darwin/m ) {
1352 if ($z =~ /(\.long.*\n.*\.long.*\n.*\.long.*\n.*\.long|\.quad.*\n.*\.quad)/m) {
1353 print OUTASM $T_HDR_literal16;
1355 print OUTASM $T_HDR_literal;
1358 print OUTASM $T_HDR_literal;
1361 print OUTASM $chk[$i];
1362 print OUTASM "; end literal\n" if $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/m; # for the splitter
1364 $chkcat[$i] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1368 # on the HPPA, print out all the bss next
1369 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/m ) {
1370 for ($i = 1; $i < $numchks; $i++) {
1371 if ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'bss' ) {
1372 print OUTASM "\t.SPACE \$PRIVATE\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$BSS\$\n\t.align 4\n";
1373 print OUTASM $chk[$i];
1375 $chkcat[$i] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1380 # $numchks + 1 as we have the extra one for .note.GNU-stack
1381 for ($i = $FIRST_MANGLABLE; $i < $numchks + 1; $i++) {
1382 # print STDERR "$i: cat $chkcat[$i], symb $chksymb[$i]\n";
1384 next if $chkcat[$i] eq 'DONE ALREADY';
1386 if ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'misc' || $chkcat[$i] eq 'unknown' ) {
1387 if ($chk[$i] ne '') {
1388 print OUTASM $T_HDR_misc;
1389 &print_doctored($chk[$i], 0);
1392 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'verbatim' ) {
1393 print OUTASM $chk[$i];
1395 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'toss' ) {
1396 print STDERR "*** NB: TOSSING code for $chksymb[$i] !!! ***\n";
1398 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'data' ) {
1399 if ($chk[$i] ne '') {
1400 print OUTASM $T_HDR_data;
1401 print OUTASM $chk[$i];
1404 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'splitmarker' ) {
1405 # we can just re-constitute this one...
1406 # NB: we emit _three_ underscores no matter what,
1407 # so ghc-split doesn't have to care.
1408 print OUTASM "___stg_split_marker",$chksymb[$i],"${T_POST_LBL}\n";
1410 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'closure'
1411 || $chkcat[$i] eq 'srt'
1412 || $chkcat[$i] eq 'infotbl'
1413 || $chkcat[$i] eq 'entry') { # do them in that order
1414 $symb = $chksymb[$i];
1417 if ( defined($closurechk{$symb}) ) {
1418 print OUTASM $T_HDR_closure;
1419 print OUTASM $chk[$closurechk{$symb}];
1420 $chkcat[$closurechk{$symb}] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1424 if ( defined($srtchk{$symb}) ) {
1425 print OUTASM $T_HDR_relrodata;
1426 print OUTASM $chk[$srtchk{$symb}];
1427 $chkcat[$srtchk{$symb}] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1431 if ( defined($infochk{$symb}) ) {
1433 print OUTASM $T_HDR_info;
1434 print OUTASM &rev_tbl($symb, $chk[$infochk{$symb}], 1);
1436 # entry code will be put here!
1438 $chkcat[$infochk{$symb}] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1442 if ( defined($entrychk{$symb}) ) {
1444 $c = $chk[$entrychk{$symb}];
1446 # If this is an entry point with an info table,
1447 # eliminate the entry symbol and all directives involving it.
1448 if (defined($infochk{$symb}) && $TargetPlatform !~ /^ia64-/m) {
1450 foreach $l (split(/\n/m,$c)) {
1451 next if $l =~ /^.*$symb_(entry|ret)${T_POST_LBL}/m;
1453 # If we have .type/.size direrctives involving foo_entry,
1454 # then make them refer to foo_info instead. The information
1455 # in these directives is used by the cachegrind annotator,
1456 # so it is worthwhile keeping.
1457 if ($l =~ /^\s*\.(type|size).*$symb_(entry|ret)/m) {
1458 $l =~ s/$symb(_entry|_ret)/${symb}_info/gm;
1462 next if $l =~ /^\s*\..*$symb.*\n?/m;
1465 $c = join("\n",@o) . "\n";
1468 print OUTASM $T_HDR_entry;
1470 &print_doctored($c, 1); # NB: the 1!!!
1472 $chkcat[$entrychk{$symb}] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1475 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'vector' ) {
1476 $symb = $chksymb[$i];
1479 if ( defined($vectorchk{$symb}) ) {
1480 print OUTASM $T_HDR_vector;
1481 print OUTASM &rev_tbl($symb, $chk[$vectorchk{$symb}], 0);
1483 # direct return code will be put here!
1484 $chkcat[$vectorchk{$symb}] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1486 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/m ) {
1487 # Alphas: the commented nop is for the splitter, to ensure
1488 # that no module ends with a label as the very last
1489 # thing. (The linker will adjust the label to point
1490 # to the first code word of the next module linked in,
1491 # even if alignment constraints cause the label to move!)
1493 print OUTASM "\t# nop\n";
1496 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'rodata' ) {
1497 print OUTASM $T_HDR_rodata;
1498 print OUTASM $chk[$i];
1499 $chkcat[$i] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1500 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'relrodata' ) {
1501 print OUTASM $T_HDR_relrodata;
1502 print OUTASM $chk[$i];
1503 $chkcat[$i] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1504 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'toc' ) {
1505 # silly optimisation to print tocs, since they come in groups...
1506 print OUTASM $T_HDR_toc;
1508 while ($chkcat[$j] eq 'toc')
1509 { if ( $chk[$j] !~ /\.tc UpdatePAP\[TC\]/m # not needed: always turned into a jump.
1512 print OUTASM $chk[$j];
1514 $chkcat[$j] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1518 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^.*-apple-darwin.*/m && $chkcat[$i] eq 'dyld' ) {
1519 # apple-darwin: dynamic linker stubs
1520 if($chk[$i] !~ /\.indirect_symbol ___DISCARD__/m)
1521 { # print them out unchanged, but remove the stubs for __DISCARD__
1522 print OUTASM $chk[$i];
1524 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-apple-darwin.*/m && $chkcat[$i] eq 'get_pc_thunk' ) {
1525 # i386-apple-darwin: __i686.get_pc_thunk.[abcd]x
1526 print OUTASM ".section __TEXT,__textcoal_nt,coalesced,no_toc\n";
1527 print OUTASM $chk[$i];
1529 &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: unknown chkcat (ghc-asm: $TargetPlatform)\n$chkcat[$i]\n$chk[$i]\n");
1533 print OUTASM $EXTERN_DECLS if $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/m;
1536 close(OUTASM) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed writing to $out_asmf\n");
1537 close(INASM) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed reading from $in_asmf\n");
1541 On IA64, tail calls are converted to branches at this point. The mangler
1542 searches for function calls immediately followed by a '--- TAILCALL ---'
1543 token. Since the compiler can put various combinations of labels, bundling
1544 directives, nop instructions, stops, and a move of the return value
1545 between the branch and the tail call, proper matching of the tail call
1546 gets a little hairy. This subroutine does the mangling.
1548 Here is an example of a tail call before mangling:
1551 br.call.sptk.many b0 = b6
1566 sub ia64_mangle_tailcalls {
1567 # Function input and output are in $c
1569 # Construct the tailcall-mangling expression the first time this function
1571 if (!defined($IA64_MATCH_TAILCALL)) {
1572 # One-line pattern matching constructs. None of these
1573 # should bind references; all parenthesized terms
1574 # should be (?:) terms.
1575 my $stop = q/(?:\t;;\n)/;
1576 my $bundle = q/(?:\t\.(?:mii|mib|mmi|mmb|mfi|mfb|mbb|bbb)\n)/;
1577 my $nop = q/(?:\tnop(?:\.[mifb])?\s+\d+\n)/;
1578 my $movgp = q/(?:\tmov r1 = r\d+\n)/;
1579 my $postbr = q/(?:\tbr \.L\d+\n)/;
1581 my $noeffect = "(?:$stop$bundle?|$nop)*";
1582 my $postbundle = "(?:$bundle?$nop?$nop?$postbr)?";
1584 # Important parts of the pattern match. The branch target
1585 # and subsequent jump label are bound to $1 and $2
1586 # respectively. Sometimes there is no label.
1587 my $callbr = q/^\tbr\.call\.sptk\.many b0 = (.*)\n/;
1588 my $label = q/(?:^\.L([0-9]*):\n)/;
1589 my $tailcall = q/\t--- TAILCALL ---\n/;
1592 $callbr . $label . '?' . $noeffect . $movgp . '?' . $noeffect .
1593 $tailcall . $stop . '?' . '(?:' . $postbundle . ')?';
1596 # Find and mangle tailcalls
1597 while ($c =~ s/$IA64_MATCH_TAILCALL/\tbr\.few $1\n/om) {
1598 # Eek, the gcc optimiser is getting smarter... if we see a jump to the
1599 # --- TAILCALL --- marker then we reapply the substitution at the source sites
1600 $c =~ s/^\tbr \.L$2\n/\t--- TAILCALL ---\n/gm if ($2);
1603 # Verify that all instances of TAILCALL were processed
1604 if ($c =~ /^\t--- TAILCALL ---\n/m) {
1605 die "Unmangled TAILCALL tokens remain after mangling"
1610 The number of registers allocated on the IA64 register stack is set
1611 upon entry to the runtime with an `alloc' instruction at the entry
1612 point of \verb+StgRun()+. Gcc uses its own `alloc' to allocate
1613 however many registers it likes in each function. When we discard
1614 gcc's alloc, we have to reconcile its register assignment with what
1617 There are three stack areas: fixed registers, input/local registers,
1618 and output registers. We move the output registers to the output
1619 register space and leave the other registers where they are.
1622 sub ia64_rename_registers() {
1623 # The text to be mangled is in $c
1624 # Find number of registers in each stack area
1625 my ($loc, $out) = @_;
1631 # These are the register numbers used in the STG runtime
1632 my $STG_FIRST_OUT_REG = 32 + 34;
1635 $first_out_reg = 32 + $loc;
1637 if ($first_out_reg > $STG_FIRST_OUT_REG) {
1638 die "Too many local registers allocated by gcc";
1641 # Split the string into fragments containing one register name each.
1642 # Rename the register in each fragment and concatenate.
1644 foreach $fragment (split(/(?=r\d+[^a-zA-Z0-9_.])/sm, $c)) {
1645 if ($fragment =~ /^r(\d+)((?:[^a-zA-Z0-9_.].*)?)$/sm) {
1648 if ($regnum < $first_out_reg) {
1649 # This is a local or fixed register
1651 # Local registers 32 and 33 (r64 and r65) are
1652 # used to hold saved state; they shouldn't be touched
1653 if ($regnum == 64 || $regnum == 65) {
1654 die "Reserved register $regnum is in use";
1658 # This is an output register
1659 $regnum = $regnum - $first_out_reg + $STG_FIRST_OUT_REG;
1660 if ($regnum > $STG_LAST_OUT_REG) {
1661 die "Register number ($regnum) is out of expected range";
1665 # Update this fragment
1666 $fragment = "r" . $regnum . $2;
1677 sub hppa_mash_prologue { # OK, epilogue, too
1680 # toss all prologue stuff
1681 s/^\s+\.ENTRY[^\0]*--- BEGIN ---/\t.ENTRY/m;
1683 # Lie about our .CALLINFO
1691 # toss all epilogue stuff
1692 s/^\s+--- END ---[^\0]*\.EXIT/\t.EXIT/m;
1694 # Sorry; we moved the _info stuff to the code segment.
1695 s/_info,DATA/_info,CODE/gm;
1702 sub print_doctored {
1703 local($_, $need_fallthru_patch) = @_;
1705 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^x86_64-/m ) {
1708 # movq -4(%ebp), %rax
1713 s/^\tmovq\s+(-?\d*\(\%r(bx|bp|13)\)),\s*(\%r(ax|cx|dx|10|11))\n\tjmp\s+\*\3/\tjmp\t\*$1/gm;
1714 s/^\tmovl\s+\$${T_US}(.*),\s*(\%e(ax|cx|si|di))\n\tjmp\s+\*\%r\3/\tjmp\t$T_US$1/gm;
1717 if ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^i386-/m
1718 || ! /^\t[a-z]/m # no instructions in here, apparently
1719 || /^${T_US}__stginit_[A-Za-z0-9_]+${T_POST_LBL}/m) {
1724 # OK, must do some x86 **HACKING**
1726 local($entry_patch) = '';
1727 local($exit_patch) = '';
1729 # gotta watch out for weird instructions that
1730 # invisibly smash various regs:
1731 # rep* %ecx used for counting
1732 # scas* %edi used for destination index
1733 # cmps* %e[sd]i used for indices
1734 # loop* %ecx used for counting
1739 # * use of STG reg [ nn(%ebx) ] where no machine reg avail
1741 # * GCC used an "STG reg" for its own purposes
1743 # * some secret uses of machine reg, requiring STG reg
1744 # to be saved/restored
1746 # The most dangerous "GCC uses" of an "STG reg" are when
1747 # the reg holds the target of a jmp -- it's tricky to
1748 # insert the patch-up code before we get to the target!
1749 # So here we change the jmps:
1751 # --------------------------------------------------------
1752 # it can happen that we have jumps of the form...
1753 # jmp *<something involving %esp>
1755 # jmp <something involving another naughty register...>
1757 # a reasonably-common case is:
1759 # movl $_blah,<bad-reg>
1762 s/^\tmovl\s+\$${T_US}(.*),\s*(\%e[acd]x)\n\tjmp\s+\*\2/\tjmp $T_US$1/gm;
1766 # movl -4(%ebx), %eax
1771 s/^\tmovl\s+(-?\d*\(\%e(bx|si)\)),\s*(\%e[acd]x)\n\tjmp\s+\*\3/\tjmp\t\*$1/gm;
1773 if ($StolenX86Regs <= 2 ) { # YURGH! spurious uses of esi?
1774 s/^\tmovl\s+(.*),\s*\%esi\n\tjmp\s+\*%esi\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/gm;
1775 s/^\tjmp\s+\*(.*\(.*\%esi.*\))\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/gm;
1776 s/^\tjmp\s+\*\%esi\n/\tmovl \%esi,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/gm;
1777 die "$Pgm: (mangler) still have jump involving \%esi!\n$_"
1778 if /(jmp|call)\s+.*\%esi/m;
1780 if ($StolenX86Regs <= 3 ) { # spurious uses of edi?
1781 s/^\tmovl\s+(.*),\s*\%edi\n\tjmp\s+\*%edi\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/gm;
1782 s/^\tjmp\s+\*(.*\(.*\%edi.*\))\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/gm;
1783 s/^\tjmp\s+\*\%edi\n/\tmovl \%edi,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/gm;
1784 die "$Pgm: (mangler) still have jump involving \%edi!\n$_"
1785 if /(jmp|call)\s+.*\%edi/m;
1788 # OK, now we can decide what our patch-up code is going to
1791 # Offsets into register table - you'd better update these magic
1792 # numbers should you change its contents!
1793 # local($OFFSET_R1)=0; No offset for R1 in new RTS.
1794 local($OFFSET_Hp)=88;
1796 # Note funky ".=" stuff; we're *adding* to these _patch guys
1797 if ( $StolenX86Regs <= 2
1798 && ( /[^0-9]\(\%ebx\)/m || /\%esi/m || /^\tcmps/m ) ) { # R1 (esi)
1799 $entry_patch .= "\tmovl \%esi,(\%ebx)\n";
1800 $exit_patch .= "\tmovl (\%ebx),\%esi\n";
1802 # nothing for call_{entry,exit} because %esi is callee-save
1804 if ( $StolenX86Regs <= 3
1805 && ( /${OFFSET_Hp}\(\%ebx\)/m || /\%edi/m || /^\t(scas|cmps)/m ) ) { # Hp (edi)
1806 $entry_patch .= "\tmovl \%edi,${OFFSET_Hp}(\%ebx)\n";
1807 $exit_patch .= "\tmovl ${OFFSET_Hp}(\%ebx),\%edi\n";
1809 # nothing for call_{entry,exit} because %edi is callee-save
1812 # --------------------------------------------------------
1813 # next, here we go with non-%esp patching!
1815 s/^(\t[a-z])/$entry_patch$1/m; # before first instruction
1817 # Before calling GC we must set up the exit condition before the call
1818 # and entry condition when we come back
1820 # fix _all_ non-local jumps:
1822 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^.*-apple-darwin.*/m ) {
1823 # On Darwin, we've got local-looking jumps that are
1824 # actually global (i.e. jumps to Lfoo$stub or via
1825 # Lfoo$non_lazy_ptr), so we fix those first.
1826 # In fact, we just fix everything that contains a dollar
1827 # because false positives don't hurt here.
1829 s/^(\tjmp\s+\*?L.*\$.*\n)/$exit_patch$1/gm;
1832 s/^\tjmp\s+\*${T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT}/\tJMP___SL/gom;
1833 s/^\tjmp\s+${T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT}/\tJMP___L/gom;
1835 s/^(\tjmp\s+.*\n)/$exit_patch$1/gm; # here's the fix...
1837 s/^\tJMP___SL/\tjmp \*${T_X86_PRE_LLBL}/gom;
1838 s/^\tJMP___L/\tjmp ${T_X86_PRE_LLBL}/gom;
1840 if ($StolenX86Regs == 2 ) {
1841 die "ARGH! Jump uses \%esi or \%edi with -monly-2-regs:\n$_"
1842 if /^\t(jmp|call)\s+.*\%e(si|di)/m;
1843 } elsif ($StolenX86Regs == 3 ) {
1844 die "ARGH! Jump uses \%edi with -monly-3-regs:\n$_"
1845 if /^\t(jmp|call)\s+.*\%edi/m;
1848 # --------------------------------------------------------
1849 # that's it -- print it
1851 #die "Funny jumps?\n$_" if /${T_X86_BADJMP}/o; # paranoia
1855 if ( $need_fallthru_patch ) { # exit patch for end of slow entry code
1856 print OUTASM $exit_patch;
1857 # ToDo: make it not print if there is a "jmp" at the end
1863 sub init_FUNNY_THINGS {
1864 # use vars '%KNOWN_FUNNY_THING'; # Unused?
1867 # "${T_US}stg_.*{T_POST_LBL}", 1,
1872 The following table reversal is used for both info tables and return
1873 vectors. In both cases, we remove the first entry from the table,
1874 reverse the table, put the label at the end, and paste some code
1875 (that which is normally referred to by the first entry in the table)
1876 right after the table itself. (The code pasting is done elsewhere.)
1880 # use vars '$discard1'; # Unused?
1881 local($symb, $tbl, $discard1) = @_;
1883 return ($tbl) if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^ia64-/m);
1885 local($before) = '';
1887 local(@imports) = (); # hppa only
1890 local(@lines) = split(/\n/m, $tbl);
1893 # Deal with the header...
1894 for ($i = 0; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] !~ /^\t?${T_DOT_WORD}\s+/om; $i++) {
1895 $label .= $lines[$i] . "\n",
1896 next if $lines[$i] =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+_info${T_POST_LBL}$/om
1897 || $lines[$i] =~ /${T_DOT_GLOBAL}/om
1898 || $lines[$i] =~ /^${T_US}\S+_vtbl${T_POST_LBL}$/om;
1900 $before .= $lines[$i] . "\n"; # otherwise...
1904 $infoname =~ s/(.|\n)*^([A-Za-z0-9_]+_info)${T_POST_LBL}$(.|\n)*/$2/m;
1906 # Grab the table data...
1907 if ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^hppa/m ) {
1908 for ( ; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] =~ /^\t?${T_DOT_WORD}\s+/om; $i++) {
1910 # Convert addresses of SRTs, slow entrypoints and large bitmaps
1911 # to offsets (relative to the info label),
1912 # in order to support position independent code.
1913 $line =~ s/$infoname/0/m
1914 || $line =~ s/([A-Za-z0-9_]+_srtd)$/$1 - $infoname/m
1915 || $line =~ s/([A-Za-z0-9_]+_srt(\+\d+)?)$/$1 - $infoname/m
1916 || $line =~ s/([A-Za-z0-9_]+_str)$/$1 - $infoname/m
1917 || $line =~ s/([A-Za-z0-9_]+_slow)$/$1 - $infoname/m
1918 || $line =~ s/([A-Za-z0-9_]+_btm)$/$1 - $infoname/m
1919 || $line =~ s/([A-Za-z0-9_]+_alt)$/$1 - $infoname/m
1920 || $line =~ s/([A-Za-z0-9_]+_dflt)$/$1 - $infoname/m
1921 || $line =~ s/([A-Za-z0-9_]+_ret)$/$1 - $infoname/m;
1922 push(@words, $line);
1924 } else { # hppa weirdness
1925 for ( ; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] =~ /^\s+(${T_DOT_WORD}|\.IMPORT)/m; $i++) {
1926 # FIXME: the RTS now expects offsets instead of addresses
1927 # for all labels in info tables.
1928 if ($lines[$i] =~ /^\s+\.IMPORT/m) {
1929 push(@imports, $lines[$i]);
1931 # We don't use HP's ``function pointers''
1932 # We just use labels in code space, like normal people
1933 $lines[$i] =~ s/P%//m;
1934 push(@words, $lines[$i]);
1939 # Now throw away any initial zero word from the table. This is a hack
1940 # that lets us reduce the size of info tables when the SRT field is not
1941 # needed: see comments StgFunInfoTable in InfoTables.h.
1943 # The .zero business is for Linux/ELF.
1944 # The .skip business is for Sparc/Solaris/ELF.
1945 # The .blockz business is for HPPA.
1947 # if ($words[0] =~ /^\t?(${T_DOT_WORD}\s+0|\.zero\s+4|\.skip\s+4|\.blockz\s+4)/) {
1952 for (; $i <= $#lines; $i++) {
1953 $after .= $lines[$i] . "\n";
1956 # Alphas: If we have anonymous text (not part of a procedure), the
1957 # linker may complain about missing exception information. Bleh.
1958 # To suppress this, we place a .ent/.end pair around the code.
1959 # At the same time, we have to be careful and not enclose any leading
1960 # .file/.loc directives.
1961 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/m && $label =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_]+):$/m) {
1962 local ($ident) = $1;
1963 $before =~ s/^((\s*\.(file|loc)\s+[^\n]*\n)*)/$1\t.ent $ident\n/m;
1964 $after .= "\t.end $ident\n";
1967 # Alphas: The heroic Simon Marlow found a bug in the Digital UNIX
1968 # assembler (!) wherein .quad constants inside .text sections are
1969 # first narrowed to 32 bits then sign-extended back to 64 bits.
1970 # This obviously screws up our 64-bit bitmaps, so we work around
1971 # the bug by replacing .quad with .align 3 + .long + .long [ccshan]
1972 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/m ) {
1974 if (/^\s*\.quad\s+([-+0-9].*\S)\s*$/m && length $1 >= 10) {
1975 local ($number) = $1;
1976 if ($number =~ /^([-+])?(0x?)?([0-9]+)$/m) {
1977 local ($sign, $base, $digits) = ($1, $2, $3);
1978 $base = (10, 8, 16)[length $base];
1979 local ($hi, $lo) = (0, 0);
1980 foreach $i (split(//, $digits)) {
1981 $j = $lo * $base + $i;
1982 $lo = $j % 4294967296;
1983 $hi = $hi * $base + ($j - $lo) / 4294967296;
1985 ($hi, $lo) = (4294967295 - $hi, 4294967296 - $lo)
1987 $_ = "\t.align 3\n\t.long $lo\n\t.long $hi\n";
1988 # printf STDERR "TURNING %s into 0x %08x %08x\n", $number, $hi, $lo;
1990 print STDERR "Cannot handle \".quad $number\" in info table\n";
1997 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /x86_64-apple-darwin/m ) {
1998 # Tack a label to the front of the info table, too.
1999 # For now, this just serves to work around a crash in Apple's new
2000 # 64-bit linker (it seems to assume that there is no data before the
2001 # first label in a section).
2003 # The plan for the future is to do this on all Darwin platforms, and
2004 # to add a reference to this label after the entry code, just as the
2005 # NCG does, so we can enable dead-code-stripping in the linker without
2006 # losing our info tables. (Hence the name _dsp, for dead-strip preventer)
2008 $before .= "\n${infoname}_dsp:\n";
2012 . (($TargetPlatform !~ /^hppa/m) ? '' : join("\n", @imports) . "\n")
2013 . join("\n", @words) . "\n"
2016 # print STDERR "before=$before\n";
2017 # print STDERR "label=$label\n";
2018 # print STDERR "words=",(reverse @words),"\n";
2019 # print STDERR "after=$after\n";
2025 The HP is a major nuisance. The threaded code mangler moved info
2026 tables from data space to code space, but unthreaded code in the RTS
2027 still has references to info tables in data space. Since the HP
2028 linker is very precise about where symbols live, we need to patch the
2029 references in the unthreaded RTS as well.
2032 sub mini_mangle_asm_hppa {
2033 local($in_asmf, $out_asmf) = @_;
2035 open(INASM, "< $in_asmf")
2036 || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$in_asmf' (to read)\n");
2037 open(OUTASM,"> $out_asmf")
2038 || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$out_asmf' (to write)\n");
2041 s/_info,DATA/_info,CODE/m; # Move _info references to code space
2047 close(OUTASM) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed writing to $out_asmf\n");
2048 close(INASM) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed reading from $in_asmf\n");
2054 sub tidy_up_and_die {
2055 local($return_val, $msg) = @_;
2057 exit (($return_val == 0) ? 0 : 1);