2 % (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
6 module ExternalCore where
10 = Module Mname [Tdef] [Vdefg]
13 = Data (Qual Tcon) [Tbind] [Cdef]
14 | Newtype (Qual Tcon) [Tbind] (Maybe Ty)
17 = Constr (Qual Dcon) [Tbind] [Ty]
23 type Vdef = (Qual Var,Ty,Exp)
33 | Case Exp Vbind [Alt] {- non-empty list -}
43 = Acon (Qual Dcon) [Tbind] [Vbind] Exp
48 type Tbind = (Tvar,Kind)
64 | Lrational Rational Ty
75 type Qual t = (Mname,t)
79 primMname = "GHCziPrim"
82 tcArrow = (primMname, "ZLzmzgZR")