2 % (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
4 \section[Main_match]{The @match@ function}
7 #include "HsVersions.h"
9 module Match ( match, matchWrapper, matchSimply ) where
12 import DsLoop -- here for paranoia-checking reasons
13 -- and to break dsExpr/dsBinds-ish loop
15 import HsSyn hiding ( collectBinders{-also from CoreSyn-} )
16 import TcHsSyn ( TypecheckedPat(..), TypecheckedMatch(..),
17 TypecheckedHsBinds(..), TypecheckedHsExpr(..) )
18 import DsHsSyn ( outPatType, collectTypedPatBinders )
21 import CoreUtils ( coreExprType )
23 import DsGRHSs ( dsGRHSs )
25 import MatchCon ( matchConFamily )
26 import MatchLit ( matchLiterals )
28 import FieldLabel ( allFieldLabelTags, fieldLabelTag )
29 import Id ( idType, mkTupleCon, dataConSig,
30 dataConArgTys, recordSelectorFieldLabel,
33 import PprStyle ( PprStyle(..) )
34 import PprType ( GenType{-instance-}, GenTyVar{-ditto-} )
35 import PrelInfo ( nilDataCon, consDataCon, mkTupleTy, mkListTy,
36 charTy, charDataCon, intTy, intDataCon,
37 floatTy, floatDataCon, doubleTy, doubleDataCon,
38 integerTy, intPrimTy, charPrimTy,
39 floatPrimTy, doublePrimTy, stringTy,
40 addrTy, addrPrimTy, addrDataCon,
41 wordTy, wordPrimTy, wordDataCon,
44 import Type ( isPrimType, eqTy, getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts,
47 import TyVar ( GenTyVar{-instance Eq-} )
48 import Unique ( Unique{-instance Eq-} )
49 import Util ( panic, pprPanic, assertPanic )
52 The function @match@ is basically the same as in the Wadler chapter,
53 except it is monadised, to carry around the name supply, info about
56 Notes on @match@'s arguments, assuming $m$ equations and $n$ patterns:
59 A list of $n$ variable names, those variables presumably bound to the
60 $n$ expressions being matched against the $n$ patterns. Using the
61 list of $n$ expressions as the first argument showed no benefit and
65 The second argument, a list giving the ``equation info'' for each of
69 the $n$ patterns for that equation, and
71 a list of Core bindings [@(Id, CoreExpr)@ pairs] to be ``stuck on
72 the front'' of the matching code, as in:
78 and finally: (ToDo: fill in)
80 The right way to think about the ``after-match function'' is that it
81 is an embryonic @CoreExpr@ with a ``hole'' at the end for the
82 final ``else expression''.
85 There is a type synonym, @EquationInfo@, defined in module @DsUtils@.
87 An experiment with re-ordering this information about equations (in
88 particular, having the patterns available in column-major order)
92 A default expression---what to evaluate if the overall pattern-match
93 fails. This expression will (almost?) always be
94 a measly expression @Var@, unless we know it will only be used once
95 (as we do in @glue_success_exprs@).
97 Leaving out this third argument to @match@ (and slamming in lots of
98 @Var "fail"@s) is a positively {\em bad} idea, because it makes it
99 impossible to share the default expressions. (Also, it stands no
100 chance of working in our post-upheaval world of @Locals@.)
102 So, the full type signature:
104 match :: [Id] -- Variables rep'ing the exprs we're matching with
105 -> [EquationInfo] -- Info about patterns, etc. (type synonym below)
106 -> [EquationInfo] -- Potentially shadowing equations above this one
107 -> DsM MatchResult -- Desugared result!
110 Note: @match@ is often called via @matchWrapper@ (end of this module),
111 a function that does much of the house-keeping that goes with a call
114 It is also worth mentioning the {\em typical} way a block of equations
115 is desugared with @match@. At each stage, it is the first column of
116 patterns that is examined. The steps carried out are roughly:
119 Tidy the patterns in column~1 with @tidyEqnInfo@ (this may add
120 bindings to the second component of the equation-info):
123 Remove the `as' patterns from column~1.
125 Make all constructor patterns in column~1 into @ConPats@, notably
126 @ListPats@ and @TuplePats@.
128 Handle any irrefutable (or ``twiddle'') @LazyPats@.
131 Now {\em unmix} the equations into {\em blocks} [w/ local function
132 @unmix_eqns@], in which the equations in a block all have variable
133 patterns in column~1, or they all have constructor patterns in ...
134 (see ``the mixture rule'' in SLPJ).
136 Call @matchUnmixedEqns@ on each block of equations; it will do the
137 appropriate thing for each kind of column-1 pattern, usually ending up
138 in a recursive call to @match@.
141 %************************************************************************
143 %* match: empty rule *
145 %************************************************************************
146 \subsection[Match-empty-rule]{The ``empty rule''}
148 We are a little more paranoid about the ``empty rule'' (SLPJ, p.~87)
149 than the Wadler-chapter code for @match@ (p.~93, first @match@ clause).
150 And gluing the ``success expressions'' together isn't quite so pretty.
153 match [] eqns_info shadows
154 = pin_eqns eqns_info `thenDs` \ match_result@(MatchResult _ _ _ cxt) ->
156 -- If at this stage we find that at least one of the shadowing
157 -- equations is guaranteed not to fail, then warn of an overlapping pattern
158 if not (all shadow_can_fail shadows) then
159 dsShadowError cxt `thenDs` \ _ ->
160 returnDs match_result
162 returnDs match_result
165 pin_eqns [EqnInfo [] match_result] = returnDs match_result
166 -- Last eqn... can't have pats ...
168 pin_eqns (EqnInfo [] match_result1 : more_eqns)
169 = pin_eqns more_eqns `thenDs` \ match_result2 ->
170 combineMatchResults match_result1 match_result2
172 pin_eqns other_pat = panic "match: pin_eqns"
174 shadow_can_fail :: EquationInfo -> Bool
176 shadow_can_fail (EqnInfo [] (MatchResult CanFail _ _ _)) = True
177 shadow_can_fail (EqnInfo [] (MatchResult CantFail _ _ _)) = False
178 shadow_can_fail other = panic "match:shadow_can_fail"
181 %************************************************************************
183 %* match: non-empty rule *
185 %************************************************************************
186 \subsection[Match-nonempty]{@match@ when non-empty: unmixing}
188 This (more interesting) clause of @match@ uses @tidy_and_unmix_eqns@
189 (a)~to get `as'- and `twiddle'-patterns out of the way (tidying), and
190 (b)~to do ``the mixture rule'' (SLPJ, p.~88) [which really {\em
191 un}mixes the equations], producing a list of equation-info
192 blocks, each block having as its first column of patterns either all
193 constructors, or all variables (or similar beasts), etc.
195 @match_unmixed_eqn_blks@ simply takes the place of the @foldr@ in the
196 Wadler-chapter @match@ (p.~93, last clause), and @match_unmixed_blk@
197 corresponds roughly to @matchVarCon@.
200 match vars@(v:vs) eqns_info shadows
201 = mapDs (tidyEqnInfo v) eqns_info `thenDs` \ tidy_eqns_info ->
202 mapDs (tidyEqnInfo v) shadows `thenDs` \ tidy_shadows ->
204 tidy_eqns_blks = unmix_eqns tidy_eqns_info
206 match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars tidy_eqns_blks tidy_shadows
209 unmix_eqns [eqn] = [ [eqn] ]
210 unmix_eqns (eq1@(EqnInfo (p1:p1s) _) : eq2@(EqnInfo (p2:p2s) _) : eqs)
211 = if ( (unfailablePat p1 && unfailablePat p2)
212 || (isConPat p1 && isConPat p2)
213 || (isLitPat p1 && isLitPat p2) ) then
214 eq1 `tack_onto` unmixed_rest
216 [ eq1 ] : unmixed_rest
218 unmixed_rest = unmix_eqns (eq2:eqs)
220 x `tack_onto` xss = ( x : head xss) : tail xss
222 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
223 -- loop through the blocks:
224 -- subsequent blocks create a "fail expr" for the first one...
225 match_unmixed_eqn_blks :: [Id]
226 -> [ [EquationInfo] ] -- List of eqn BLOCKS
227 -> [EquationInfo] -- Shadows
230 match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars [] shadows = panic "match_unmixed_eqn_blks"
232 match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars [eqn_blk] shadows = matchUnmixedEqns vars eqn_blk shadows
234 match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars (eqn_blk:eqn_blks) shadows
235 = matchUnmixedEqns vars eqn_blk shadows `thenDs` \ match_result1 -> -- try to match with first blk
236 match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars eqn_blks shadows' `thenDs` \ match_result2 ->
237 combineMatchResults match_result1 match_result2
239 shadows' = eqn_blk ++ shadows
242 Tidy up the leftmost pattern in an @EquationInfo@, given the variable @v@
243 which will be scrutinised. This means:
246 Replace variable patterns @x@ (@x /= v@) with the pattern @_@,
247 together with the binding @x = v@.
249 Replace the `as' pattern @x@@p@ with the pattern p and a binding @x = v@.
251 Removing lazy (irrefutable) patterns (you don't want to know...).
253 Converting explicit tuple- and list-pats into ordinary @ConPats@.
256 The result of this tidying is that the column of patterns will include
260 The @VarPat@ information isn't needed any more after this.
263 @ListPats@, @TuplePats@, etc., are all converted into @ConPats@.
265 \item[@LitPats@ and @NPats@:]
266 @LitPats@/@NPats@ of ``known friendly types'' (Int, Char,
267 Float, Double, at least) are converted to unboxed form; e.g.,
268 \tr{(NPat (HsInt i) _ _)} is converted to:
270 (ConPat I# _ _ [LitPat (HsIntPrim i) _])
275 tidyEqnInfo :: Id -> EquationInfo -> DsM EquationInfo
276 -- DsM'd because of internal call to "match".
277 -- "tidy1" does the interesting stuff, looking at
278 -- one pattern and fiddling the list of bindings.
279 tidyEqnInfo v (EqnInfo (pat : pats) match_result)
280 = tidy1 v pat match_result `thenDs` \ (pat', match_result') ->
281 returnDs (EqnInfo (pat' : pats) match_result')
283 tidy1 :: Id -- The Id being scrutinised
284 -> TypecheckedPat -- The pattern against which it is to be matched
285 -> MatchResult -- Current thing do do after matching
286 -> DsM (TypecheckedPat, -- Equivalent pattern
287 MatchResult) -- Augmented thing to do afterwards
288 -- The augmentation usually takes the form
289 -- of new bindings to be added to the front
291 tidy1 v (VarPat var) match_result
292 = returnDs (WildPat (idType var),
293 mkCoLetsMatchResult extra_binds match_result)
295 extra_binds | v == var = []
296 | otherwise = [NonRec var (Var v)]
298 tidy1 v (AsPat var pat) match_result
299 = tidy1 v pat (mkCoLetsMatchResult extra_binds match_result)
301 extra_binds | v == var = []
302 | otherwise = [NonRec var (Var v)]
304 tidy1 v (WildPat ty) match_result
305 = returnDs (WildPat ty, match_result)
307 {- now, here we handle lazy patterns:
308 tidy1 v ~p bs = (v, v1 = case v of p -> v1 :
309 v2 = case v of p -> v2 : ... : bs )
311 where the v_i's are the binders in the pattern.
313 ToDo: in "v_i = ... -> v_i", are the v_i's really the same thing?
315 The case expr for v_i is just: match [v] [(p, [], \ x -> Var v_i)] any_expr
318 tidy1 v (LazyPat pat) match_result
319 = mkSelectorBinds [] pat l_to_l (Var v) `thenDs` \ sel_binds ->
320 returnDs (WildPat (idType v),
321 mkCoLetsMatchResult [NonRec b rhs | (b,rhs) <- sel_binds] match_result)
323 l_to_l = binders `zip` binders -- Boring
324 binders = collectTypedPatBinders pat
326 -- re-express <con-something> as (ConPat ...) [directly]
328 tidy1 v (ConOpPat pat1 id pat2 ty) match_result
329 = returnDs (ConPat id ty [pat1, pat2], match_result)
331 tidy1 v (RecPat con_id pat_ty rpats) match_result
332 = returnDs (ConPat con_id pat_ty pats, match_result)
334 pats = map mk_pat tagged_arg_tys
336 -- Boring stuff to find the arg-tys of the constructor
337 (_, inst_tys, _) = {-_trace "Match.getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts" $-} getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts pat_ty
338 con_arg_tys' = dataConArgTys con_id inst_tys
339 tagged_arg_tys = con_arg_tys' `zip` allFieldLabelTags
341 -- mk_pat picks a WildPat of the appropriate type for absent fields,
342 -- and the specified pattern for present fields
343 mk_pat (arg_ty, tag) = case [pat | (sel_id,pat,_) <- rpats,
344 fieldLabelTag (recordSelectorFieldLabel sel_id) == tag
346 (pat:pats) -> ASSERT( null pats )
350 tidy1 v (ListPat ty pats) match_result
351 = returnDs (list_ConPat, match_result)
353 list_ty = mkListTy ty
355 = foldr (\ x -> \y -> ConPat consDataCon list_ty [x, y])
356 (ConPat nilDataCon list_ty [])
359 tidy1 v (TuplePat pats) match_result
360 = returnDs (tuple_ConPat, match_result)
364 = ConPat (mkTupleCon arity)
365 (mkTupleTy arity (map outPatType pats))
368 tidy1 v (DictPat dicts methods) match_result
369 = case num_of_d_and_ms of
370 0 -> tidy1 v (TuplePat []) match_result
371 1 -> tidy1 v (head dict_and_method_pats) match_result
372 _ -> tidy1 v (TuplePat dict_and_method_pats) match_result
374 num_of_d_and_ms = length dicts + length methods
375 dict_and_method_pats = map VarPat (dicts ++ methods)
378 -- deeply ugly mangling for some (common) NPats/LitPats
380 -- LitPats: the desugarer only sees these at well-known types
382 tidy1 v pat@(LitPat lit lit_ty) match_result
384 = returnDs (pat, match_result)
386 | lit_ty `eqTy` charTy
387 = returnDs (ConPat charDataCon charTy [LitPat (mk_char lit) charPrimTy],
390 | otherwise = pprPanic "tidy1:LitPat:" (ppr PprDebug pat)
392 mk_char (HsChar c) = HsCharPrim c
394 -- NPats: we *might* be able to replace these w/ a simpler form
396 tidy1 v pat@(NPat lit lit_ty _) match_result
397 = returnDs (better_pat, match_result)
400 | lit_ty `eqTy` charTy = ConPat charDataCon lit_ty [LitPat (mk_char lit) charPrimTy]
401 | lit_ty `eqTy` intTy = ConPat intDataCon lit_ty [LitPat (mk_int lit) intPrimTy]
402 | lit_ty `eqTy` wordTy = ConPat wordDataCon lit_ty [LitPat (mk_word lit) wordPrimTy]
403 | lit_ty `eqTy` addrTy = ConPat addrDataCon lit_ty [LitPat (mk_addr lit) addrPrimTy]
404 | lit_ty `eqTy` floatTy = ConPat floatDataCon lit_ty [LitPat (mk_float lit) floatPrimTy]
405 | lit_ty `eqTy` doubleTy = ConPat doubleDataCon lit_ty [LitPat (mk_double lit) doublePrimTy]
408 mk_int (HsInt i) = HsIntPrim i
409 mk_int l@(HsLitLit s) = l
411 mk_char (HsChar c) = HsCharPrim c
412 mk_char l@(HsLitLit s) = l
414 mk_word l@(HsLitLit s) = l
416 mk_addr l@(HsLitLit s) = l
418 mk_float (HsInt i) = HsFloatPrim (fromInteger i)
419 mk_float (HsFrac f) = HsFloatPrim f
420 mk_float l@(HsLitLit s) = l
422 mk_double (HsInt i) = HsDoublePrim (fromInteger i)
423 mk_double (HsFrac f) = HsDoublePrim f
424 mk_double l@(HsLitLit s) = l
426 -- and everything else goes through unchanged...
428 tidy1 v non_interesting_pat match_result
429 = returnDs (non_interesting_pat, match_result)
432 PREVIOUS matchTwiddled STUFF:
434 Now we get to the only interesting part; note: there are choices for
435 translation [from Simon's notes]; translation~1:
442 s = case w of [s,t] -> s
443 t = case w of [s,t] -> t
447 Here \tr{w} is a fresh variable, and the \tr{w}-binding prevents multiple
448 evaluation of \tr{e}. An alternative translation (No.~2):
450 [ w = case e of [s,t] -> (s,t)
451 s = case w of (s,t) -> s
452 t = case w of (s,t) -> t
456 %************************************************************************
458 \subsubsection[improved-unmixing]{UNIMPLEMENTED idea for improved unmixing}
460 %************************************************************************
462 We might be able to optimise unmixing when confronted by
463 only-one-constructor-possible, of which tuples are the most notable
471 This definition would normally be unmixed into four equation blocks,
472 one per equation. But it could be unmixed into just one equation
473 block, because if the one equation matches (on the first column),
474 the others certainly will.
476 You have to be careful, though; the example
484 {\em must} be broken into two blocks at the line shown; otherwise, you
485 are forcing unnecessary evaluation. In any case, the top-left pattern
486 always gives the cue. You could then unmix blocks into groups of...
488 \item[all variables:]
490 \item[constructors or variables (mixed):]
491 Need to make sure the right names get bound for the variable patterns.
492 \item[literals or variables (mixed):]
493 Presumably just a variant on the constructor case (as it is now).
496 %************************************************************************
498 %* match on an unmixed block: the real business *
500 %************************************************************************
501 \subsection[matchUnmixedEqns]{@matchUnmixedEqns@: getting down to business}
503 The function @matchUnmixedEqns@ is where the matching stuff sets to
504 work a block of equations, to which the mixture rule has been applied.
505 Its arguments and results are the same as for the ``top-level'' @match@.
508 matchUnmixedEqns :: [Id]
510 -> [EquationInfo] -- Shadows
513 matchUnmixedEqns [] _ _ = panic "matchUnmixedEqns: no names"
515 matchUnmixedEqns all_vars@(var:vars) eqns_info shadows
516 | unfailablePat first_pat
517 = ASSERT( unfailablePats column_1_pats ) -- Sanity check
518 -- Real true variables, just like in matchVar, SLPJ p 94
519 match vars remaining_eqns_info remaining_shadows
522 = ASSERT( patsAreAllCons column_1_pats )
523 matchConFamily all_vars eqns_info shadows
526 = ASSERT( patsAreAllLits column_1_pats )
527 -- see notes in MatchLiteral
528 -- not worried about the same literal more than once in a column
529 -- (ToDo: sort this out later)
530 matchLiterals all_vars eqns_info shadows
533 first_pat = head column_1_pats
534 column_1_pats = [pat | EqnInfo (pat:_) _ <- eqns_info]
535 remaining_eqns_info = [EqnInfo pats match_result | EqnInfo (_:pats) match_result <- eqns_info]
536 remaining_shadows = [EqnInfo pats match_result | EqnInfo (pat:pats) match_result <- shadows,
538 -- Discard shadows which can be refuted, since they don't shadow
542 %************************************************************************
544 %* matchWrapper: a convenient way to call @match@ *
546 %************************************************************************
547 \subsection[matchWrapper]{@matchWrapper@: a convenient interface to @match@}
549 Calls to @match@ often involve similar (non-trivial) work; that work
550 is collected here, in @matchWrapper@. This function takes as
554 Typchecked @Matches@ (of a function definition, or a case or lambda
555 expression)---the main input;
557 An error message to be inserted into any (runtime) pattern-matching
561 As results, @matchWrapper@ produces:
564 A list of variables (@Locals@) that the caller must ``promise'' to
565 bind to appropriate values; and
567 a @CoreExpr@, the desugared output (main result).
570 The main actions of @matchWrapper@ include:
573 Flatten the @[TypecheckedMatch]@ into a suitable list of
576 Create as many new variables as there are patterns in a pattern-list
577 (in any one of the @EquationInfo@s).
579 Create a suitable ``if it fails'' expression---a call to @error@ using
580 the error-string input; the {\em type} of this fail value can be found
581 by examining one of the RHS expressions in one of the @EquationInfo@s.
583 Call @match@ with all of this information!
587 matchWrapper :: DsMatchKind -- For shadowing warning messages
588 -> [TypecheckedMatch] -- Matches being desugared
589 -> String -- Error message if the match fails
590 -> DsM ([Id], CoreExpr) -- Results
592 -- a special case for the common ...:
594 -- lots of (all?) unfailable pats
598 matchWrapper kind [(PatMatch (VarPat var) match)] error_string
599 = matchWrapper kind [match] error_string `thenDs` \ (vars, core_expr) ->
600 returnDs (var:vars, core_expr)
602 matchWrapper kind [(PatMatch (WildPat ty) match)] error_string
603 = newSysLocalDs ty `thenDs` \ var ->
604 matchWrapper kind [match] error_string `thenDs` \ (vars, core_expr) ->
605 returnDs (var:vars, core_expr)
607 matchWrapper kind [(GRHSMatch
608 (GRHSsAndBindsOut [OtherwiseGRHS expr _] binds _))] error_string
609 = dsBinds binds `thenDs` \ core_binds ->
610 dsExpr expr `thenDs` \ core_expr ->
611 returnDs ([], mkCoLetsAny core_binds core_expr)
613 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
614 -- and all the rest... (general case)
616 matchWrapper kind matches error_string
617 = flattenMatches kind matches `thenDs` \ eqns_info@(EqnInfo arg_pats (MatchResult _ result_ty _ _) : _) ->
619 selectMatchVars arg_pats `thenDs` \ new_vars ->
620 match new_vars eqns_info [] `thenDs` \ match_result ->
622 mkErrorAppDs pAT_ERROR_ID result_ty error_string `thenDs` \ fail_expr ->
623 extractMatchResult match_result fail_expr `thenDs` \ result_expr ->
625 returnDs (new_vars, result_expr)
628 %************************************************************************
630 \subsection[matchSimply]{@matchSimply@: match a single expression against a single pattern}
632 %************************************************************************
634 @mkSimpleMatch@ is a wrapper for @match@ which deals with the
635 situation where we want to match a single expression against a single
636 pattern. It returns an expression.
639 matchSimply :: CoreExpr -- Scrutinee
640 -> TypecheckedPat -- Pattern it should match
641 -> Type -- Type of result
642 -> CoreExpr -- Return this if it matches
643 -> CoreExpr -- Return this if it does
646 matchSimply (Var var) pat result_ty result_expr fail_expr
647 = match [var] [eqn_info] [] `thenDs` \ match_result ->
648 extractMatchResult match_result fail_expr
650 eqn_info = EqnInfo [pat] initial_match_result
651 initial_match_result = MatchResult CantFail
653 (\ ignore -> result_expr)
656 matchSimply scrut_expr pat result_ty result_expr msg
657 = newSysLocalDs (outPatType pat) `thenDs` \ scrut_var ->
658 matchSimply (Var scrut_var) pat result_ty result_expr msg `thenDs` \ expr ->
659 returnDs (Let (NonRec scrut_var scrut_expr) expr)
662 extractMatchResult (MatchResult CantFail _ match_fn _) fail_expr
663 = returnDs (match_fn (error "It can't fail!"))
665 extractMatchResult (MatchResult CanFail result_ty match_fn _) fail_expr
666 = mkFailurePair result_ty `thenDs` \ (fail_bind_fn, if_it_fails) ->
667 returnDs (Let (fail_bind_fn fail_expr) (match_fn if_it_fails))
670 %************************************************************************
672 %* flattenMatches : create a list of EquationInfo *
674 %************************************************************************
675 \subsection[flattenMatches]{@flattenMatches@: create @[EquationInfo]@}
677 This is actually local to @matchWrapper@.
682 -> [TypecheckedMatch]
683 -> DsM [EquationInfo]
685 flattenMatches kind [] = returnDs []
687 flattenMatches kind (match : matches)
688 = flatten_match [] match `thenDs` \ eqn_info ->
689 flattenMatches kind matches `thenDs` \ eqn_infos ->
690 returnDs (eqn_info : eqn_infos)
692 flatten_match :: [TypecheckedPat] -- Reversed list of patterns encountered so far
696 flatten_match pats_so_far (PatMatch pat match)
697 = flatten_match (pat:pats_so_far) match
699 flatten_match pats_so_far (GRHSMatch (GRHSsAndBindsOut grhss binds ty))
700 = dsBinds binds `thenDs` \ core_binds ->
701 dsGRHSs ty kind pats grhss `thenDs` \ match_result ->
702 returnDs (EqnInfo pats (mkCoLetsMatchResult core_binds match_result))
704 pats = reverse pats_so_far -- They've accumulated in reverse order
706 flatten_match pats_so_far (SimpleMatch expr)
707 = dsExpr expr `thenDs` \ core_expr ->
708 returnDs (EqnInfo pats
709 (MatchResult CantFail (coreExprType core_expr)
710 (\ ignore -> core_expr)
712 -- The NoMatchContext is just a place holder. In a simple match,
713 -- the matching can't fail, so we won't generate an error message.
715 pats = reverse pats_so_far -- They've accumulated in reverse order