2 % (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
4 \section[Simplify]{The main module of the simplifier}
7 module Simplify ( simplTopBinds, simplExpr ) where
9 #include "HsVersions.h"
11 import CmdLineOpts ( dopt, DynFlag(Opt_D_dump_inlinings),
15 import SimplUtils ( mkCase, mkLam, newId,
16 simplBinder, simplBinders, simplLamBndrs, simplRecBndrs, simplLetBndr,
17 simplTopBndrs, SimplCont(..), DupFlag(..), LetRhsFlag(..),
18 mkStop, mkBoringStop, pushContArgs,
19 contResultType, countArgs, contIsDupable, contIsRhsOrArg,
20 getContArgs, interestingCallContext, interestingArg, isStrictType
22 import Var ( mustHaveLocalBinding )
24 import Id ( Id, idType, idInfo, idArity, isDataConId,
25 idUnfolding, setIdUnfolding, isDeadBinder,
26 idNewDemandInfo, setIdInfo,
27 setIdOccInfo, isLocalId,
28 zapLamIdInfo, setOneShotLambda,
30 import IdInfo ( OccInfo(..), isLoopBreaker,
35 import NewDemand ( isStrictDmd )
36 import DataCon ( dataConNumInstArgs, dataConRepStrictness )
38 import PprCore ( pprParendExpr, pprCoreExpr )
39 import CoreUnfold ( mkOtherCon, mkUnfolding, otherCons, callSiteInline )
40 import CoreUtils ( exprIsDupable, exprIsTrivial, needsCaseBinding,
41 exprIsConApp_maybe, mkPiType, findAlt, findDefault,
42 exprType, coreAltsType, exprIsValue,
43 exprOkForSpeculation, exprArity,
44 mkCoerce, mkSCC, mkInlineMe, mkAltExpr
46 import Rules ( lookupRule )
47 import BasicTypes ( isMarkedStrict )
48 import CostCentre ( currentCCS )
49 import Type ( isUnLiftedType, seqType, mkFunTy, tyConAppArgs,
50 funResultTy, splitFunTy_maybe, splitFunTy, eqType
52 import Subst ( mkSubst, substTy, substExpr,
53 isInScope, lookupIdSubst, simplIdInfo
55 import TysPrim ( realWorldStatePrimTy )
56 import PrelInfo ( realWorldPrimId )
57 import BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag(..), isTopLevel, isNotTopLevel,
61 import Maybe ( Maybe )
66 The guts of the simplifier is in this module, but the driver loop for
67 the simplifier is in SimplCore.lhs.
70 -----------------------------------------
72 -----------------------------------------
73 The simplifier used to guarantee that the output had no shadowing, but
74 it does not do so any more. (Actually, it never did!) The reason is
75 documented with simplifyArgs.
78 -----------------------------------------
80 -----------------------------------------
81 Many parts of the simplifier return a bunch of "floats" as well as an
82 expression. This is wrapped as a datatype SimplUtils.FloatsWith.
84 All "floats" are let-binds, not case-binds, but some non-rec lets may
85 be unlifted (with RHS ok-for-speculation).
89 -----------------------------------------
91 -----------------------------------------
93 - simplify all top-level binders
94 - for NonRec, call simplRecOrTopPair
95 - for Rec, call simplRecBind
98 ------------------------------
99 simplExpr (applied lambda) ==> simplNonRecBind
100 simplExpr (Let (NonRec ...) ..) ==> simplNonRecBind
101 simplExpr (Let (Rec ...) ..) ==> simplify binders; simplRecBind
103 ------------------------------
104 simplRecBind [binders already simplfied]
105 - use simplRecOrTopPair on each pair in turn
107 simplRecOrTopPair [binder already simplified]
108 Used for: recursive bindings (top level and nested)
109 top-level non-recursive bindings
111 - check for PreInlineUnconditionally
115 Used for: non-top-level non-recursive bindings
116 beta reductions (which amount to the same thing)
117 Because it can deal with strict arts, it takes a
118 "thing-inside" and returns an expression
120 - check for PreInlineUnconditionally
121 - simplify binder, including its IdInfo
130 simplNonRecX: [given a *simplified* RHS, but an *unsimplified* binder]
131 Used for: binding case-binder and constr args in a known-constructor case
132 - check for PreInLineUnconditionally
136 ------------------------------
137 simplLazyBind: [binder already simplified, RHS not]
138 Used for: recursive bindings (top level and nested)
139 top-level non-recursive bindings
140 non-top-level, but *lazy* non-recursive bindings
141 [must not be strict or unboxed]
142 Returns floats + an augmented environment, not an expression
143 - substituteIdInfo and add result to in-scope
144 [so that rules are available in rec rhs]
147 - float if exposes constructor or PAP
151 completeNonRecX: [binder and rhs both simplified]
152 - if the the thing needs case binding (unlifted and not ok-for-spec)
158 completeLazyBind: [given a simplified RHS]
159 [used for both rec and non-rec bindings, top level and not]
160 - try PostInlineUnconditionally
161 - add unfolding [this is the only place we add an unfolding]
166 Right hand sides and arguments
167 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
168 In many ways we want to treat
169 (a) the right hand side of a let(rec), and
170 (b) a function argument
171 in the same way. But not always! In particular, we would
172 like to leave these arguments exactly as they are, so they
173 will match a RULE more easily.
178 It's harder to make the rule match if we ANF-ise the constructor,
179 or eta-expand the PAP:
181 f (let { a = g x; b = h x } in (a,b))
184 On the other hand if we see the let-defns
189 then we *do* want to ANF-ise and eta-expand, so that p and q
190 can be safely inlined.
192 Even floating lets out is a bit dubious. For let RHS's we float lets
193 out if that exposes a value, so that the value can be inlined more vigorously.
196 r = let x = e in (x,x)
198 Here, if we float the let out we'll expose a nice constructor. We did experiments
199 that showed this to be a generally good thing. But it was a bad thing to float
200 lets out unconditionally, because that meant they got allocated more often.
202 For function arguments, there's less reason to expose a constructor (it won't
203 get inlined). Just possibly it might make a rule match, but I'm pretty skeptical.
204 So for the moment we don't float lets out of function arguments either.
209 For eta expansion, we want to catch things like
211 case e of (a,b) -> \x -> case a of (p,q) -> \y -> r
213 If the \x was on the RHS of a let, we'd eta expand to bring the two
214 lambdas together. And in general that's a good thing to do. Perhaps
215 we should eta expand wherever we find a (value) lambda? Then the eta
216 expansion at a let RHS can concentrate solely on the PAP case.
219 %************************************************************************
221 \subsection{Bindings}
223 %************************************************************************
226 simplTopBinds :: SimplEnv -> [InBind] -> SimplM [OutBind]
228 simplTopBinds env binds
229 = -- Put all the top-level binders into scope at the start
230 -- so that if a transformation rule has unexpectedly brought
231 -- anything into scope, then we don't get a complaint about that.
232 -- It's rather as if the top-level binders were imported.
233 simplTopBndrs env (bindersOfBinds binds) `thenSmpl` \ (env, bndrs') ->
234 simpl_binds env binds bndrs' `thenSmpl` \ (floats, _) ->
235 freeTick SimplifierDone `thenSmpl_`
236 returnSmpl (floatBinds floats)
238 -- We need to track the zapped top-level binders, because
239 -- they should have their fragile IdInfo zapped (notably occurrence info)
240 -- That's why we run down binds and bndrs' simultaneously.
241 simpl_binds :: SimplEnv -> [InBind] -> [OutId] -> SimplM (FloatsWith ())
242 simpl_binds env [] bs = ASSERT( null bs ) returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, ())
243 simpl_binds env (bind:binds) bs = simpl_bind env bind bs `thenSmpl` \ (floats,env) ->
244 addFloats env floats $ \env ->
245 simpl_binds env binds (drop_bs bind bs)
247 drop_bs (NonRec _ _) (_ : bs) = bs
248 drop_bs (Rec prs) bs = drop (length prs) bs
250 simpl_bind env (NonRec b r) (b':_) = simplRecOrTopPair env TopLevel b b' r
251 simpl_bind env (Rec pairs) bs' = simplRecBind env TopLevel pairs bs'
255 %************************************************************************
257 \subsection{simplNonRec}
259 %************************************************************************
261 simplNonRecBind is used for
262 * non-top-level non-recursive lets in expressions
266 * An unsimplified (binder, rhs) pair
267 * The env for the RHS. It may not be the same as the
268 current env because the bind might occur via (\x.E) arg
270 It uses the CPS form because the binding might be strict, in which
271 case we might discard the continuation:
272 let x* = error "foo" in (...x...)
274 It needs to turn unlifted bindings into a @case@. They can arise
275 from, say: (\x -> e) (4# + 3#)
278 simplNonRecBind :: SimplEnv
280 -> InExpr -> SimplEnv -- Arg, with its subst-env
281 -> OutType -- Type of thing computed by the context
282 -> (SimplEnv -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr) -- The body
283 -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
285 simplNonRecBind env bndr rhs rhs_se cont_ty thing_inside
287 = pprPanic "simplNonRecBind" (ppr bndr <+> ppr rhs)
290 simplNonRecBind env bndr rhs rhs_se cont_ty thing_inside
291 | preInlineUnconditionally env NotTopLevel bndr
292 = tick (PreInlineUnconditionally bndr) `thenSmpl_`
293 thing_inside (extendSubst env bndr (ContEx (getSubstEnv rhs_se) rhs))
296 | isStrictDmd (idNewDemandInfo bndr) || isStrictType (idType bndr) -- A strict let
297 = -- Don't use simplBinder because that doesn't keep
298 -- fragile occurrence in the substitution
299 simplLetBndr env bndr `thenSmpl` \ (env, bndr') ->
300 simplStrictArg env AnRhs rhs rhs_se cont_ty $ \ env rhs1 ->
302 -- Now complete the binding and simplify the body
303 completeNonRecX env True {- strict -} bndr bndr' rhs1 thing_inside
305 | otherwise -- Normal, lazy case
306 = -- Don't use simplBinder because that doesn't keep
307 -- fragile occurrence in the substitution
308 simplLetBndr env bndr `thenSmpl` \ (env, bndr') ->
309 simplLazyBind env NotTopLevel NonRecursive
310 bndr bndr' rhs rhs_se `thenSmpl` \ (floats, env) ->
311 addFloats env floats thing_inside
314 A specialised variant of simplNonRec used when the RHS is already simplified, notably
315 in knownCon. It uses case-binding where necessary.
318 simplNonRecX :: SimplEnv
319 -> InId -- Old binder
320 -> OutExpr -- Simplified RHS
321 -> (SimplEnv -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr)
322 -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
324 simplNonRecX env bndr new_rhs thing_inside
325 | preInlineUnconditionally env NotTopLevel bndr
326 -- This happens; for example, the case_bndr during case of
327 -- known constructor: case (a,b) of x { (p,q) -> ... }
328 -- Here x isn't mentioned in the RHS, so we don't want to
329 -- create the (dead) let-binding let x = (a,b) in ...
331 -- Similarly, single occurrences can be inlined vigourously
332 -- e.g. case (f x, g y) of (a,b) -> ....
333 -- If a,b occur once we can avoid constructing the let binding for them.
334 = thing_inside (extendSubst env bndr (ContEx emptySubstEnv new_rhs))
337 = simplBinder env bndr `thenSmpl` \ (env, bndr') ->
338 completeNonRecX env False {- Non-strict; pessimistic -}
339 bndr bndr' new_rhs thing_inside
341 completeNonRecX env is_strict old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs thing_inside
342 | needsCaseBinding (idType new_bndr) new_rhs
343 = thing_inside env `thenSmpl` \ (floats, body) ->
344 returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, Case new_rhs new_bndr [(DEFAULT, [], wrapFloats floats body)])
347 = mkAtomicArgs is_strict
348 True {- OK to float unlifted -}
349 new_rhs `thenSmpl` \ (aux_binds, rhs2) ->
351 -- Make the arguments atomic if necessary,
352 -- adding suitable bindings
353 addAtomicBindsE env aux_binds $ \ env ->
354 completeLazyBind env NotTopLevel
355 old_bndr new_bndr rhs2 `thenSmpl` \ (floats, env) ->
356 addFloats env floats thing_inside
360 %************************************************************************
362 \subsection{Lazy bindings}
364 %************************************************************************
366 simplRecBind is used for
367 * recursive bindings only
370 simplRecBind :: SimplEnv -> TopLevelFlag
371 -> [(InId, InExpr)] -> [OutId]
372 -> SimplM (FloatsWith SimplEnv)
373 simplRecBind env top_lvl pairs bndrs'
374 = go env pairs bndrs' `thenSmpl` \ (floats, env) ->
375 returnSmpl (flattenFloats floats, env)
377 go env [] _ = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, env)
379 go env ((bndr, rhs) : pairs) (bndr' : bndrs')
380 = simplRecOrTopPair env top_lvl bndr bndr' rhs `thenSmpl` \ (floats, env) ->
381 addFloats env floats (\env -> go env pairs bndrs')
385 simplRecOrTopPair is used for
386 * recursive bindings (whether top level or not)
387 * top-level non-recursive bindings
389 It assumes the binder has already been simplified, but not its IdInfo.
392 simplRecOrTopPair :: SimplEnv
394 -> InId -> OutId -- Binder, both pre-and post simpl
395 -> InExpr -- The RHS and its environment
396 -> SimplM (FloatsWith SimplEnv)
398 simplRecOrTopPair env top_lvl bndr bndr' rhs
399 | preInlineUnconditionally env top_lvl bndr -- Check for unconditional inline
400 = tick (PreInlineUnconditionally bndr) `thenSmpl_`
401 returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, extendSubst env bndr (ContEx (getSubstEnv env) rhs))
404 = simplLazyBind env top_lvl Recursive bndr bndr' rhs env
405 -- May not actually be recursive, but it doesn't matter
409 simplLazyBind is used for
410 * recursive bindings (whether top level or not)
411 * top-level non-recursive bindings
412 * non-top-level *lazy* non-recursive bindings
414 [Thus it deals with the lazy cases from simplNonRecBind, and all cases
415 from SimplRecOrTopBind]
418 1. It assumes that the binder is *already* simplified,
419 and is in scope, but not its IdInfo
421 2. It assumes that the binder type is lifted.
423 3. It does not check for pre-inline-unconditionallly;
424 that should have been done already.
427 simplLazyBind :: SimplEnv
428 -> TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag
429 -> InId -> OutId -- Binder, both pre-and post simpl
430 -> InExpr -> SimplEnv -- The RHS and its environment
431 -> SimplM (FloatsWith SimplEnv)
433 simplLazyBind env top_lvl is_rec bndr bndr' rhs rhs_se
434 = -- Substitute IdInfo on binder, in the light of earlier
435 -- substitutions in this very letrec, and extend the
436 -- in-scope env, so that the IdInfo for this binder extends
437 -- over the RHS for the binder itself.
439 -- This is important. Manuel found cases where he really, really
440 -- wanted a RULE for a recursive function to apply in that function's
441 -- own right-hand side.
443 -- NB: does no harm for non-recursive bindings
445 bndr_ty' = idType bndr'
446 bndr'' = simplIdInfo (getSubst rhs_se) (idInfo bndr) bndr'
447 env1 = modifyInScope env bndr'' bndr''
448 rhs_env = setInScope rhs_se env1
449 ok_float_unlifted = isNotTopLevel top_lvl && isNonRec is_rec
450 rhs_cont = mkStop bndr_ty' AnRhs
452 -- Simplify the RHS; note the mkStop, which tells
453 -- the simplifier that this is the RHS of a let.
454 simplExprF rhs_env rhs rhs_cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats, rhs1) ->
456 -- If any of the floats can't be floated, give up now
457 -- (The allLifted predicate says True for empty floats.)
458 if (not ok_float_unlifted && not (allLifted floats)) then
459 completeLazyBind env1 top_lvl bndr bndr''
460 (wrapFloats floats rhs1)
463 -- ANF-ise a constructor or PAP rhs
464 mkAtomicArgs False {- Not strict -}
465 ok_float_unlifted rhs1 `thenSmpl` \ (aux_binds, rhs2) ->
467 -- If the result is a PAP, float the floats out, else wrap them
468 -- By this time it's already been ANF-ised (if necessary)
469 if isEmptyFloats floats && null aux_binds then -- Shortcut a common case
470 completeLazyBind env1 top_lvl bndr bndr'' rhs2
472 -- We use exprIsTrivial here because we want to reveal lone variables.
473 -- E.g. let { x = letrec { y = E } in y } in ...
474 -- Here we definitely want to float the y=E defn.
475 -- exprIsValue definitely isn't right for that.
477 -- BUT we can't use "exprIsCheap", because that causes a strictness bug.
478 -- x = let y* = E in case (scc y) of { T -> F; F -> T}
479 -- The case expression is 'cheap', but it's wrong to transform to
480 -- y* = E; x = case (scc y) of {...}
481 -- Either we must be careful not to float demanded non-values, or
482 -- we must use exprIsValue for the test, which ensures that the
483 -- thing is non-strict. I think. The WARN below tests for this
484 else if exprIsTrivial rhs2 || exprIsValue rhs2 then
485 -- There's a subtlety here. There may be a binding (x* = e) in the
486 -- floats, where the '*' means 'will be demanded'. So is it safe
487 -- to float it out? Answer no, but it won't matter because
488 -- we only float if arg' is a WHNF,
489 -- and so there can't be any 'will be demanded' bindings in the floats.
491 WARN( any demanded_float (floatBinds floats),
492 ppr (filter demanded_float (floatBinds floats)) )
494 tick LetFloatFromLet `thenSmpl_` (
495 addFloats env1 floats $ \ env2 ->
496 addAtomicBinds env2 aux_binds $ \ env3 ->
497 completeLazyBind env3 top_lvl bndr bndr'' rhs2)
500 completeLazyBind env1 top_lvl bndr bndr'' (wrapFloats floats rhs1)
503 demanded_float (NonRec b r) = isStrictDmd (idNewDemandInfo b) && not (isUnLiftedType (idType b))
504 -- Unlifted-type (cheap-eagerness) lets may well have a demanded flag on them
505 demanded_float (Rec _) = False
510 %************************************************************************
512 \subsection{Completing a lazy binding}
514 %************************************************************************
517 * deals only with Ids, not TyVars
518 * takes an already-simplified binder and RHS
519 * is used for both recursive and non-recursive bindings
520 * is used for both top-level and non-top-level bindings
522 It does the following:
523 - tries discarding a dead binding
524 - tries PostInlineUnconditionally
525 - add unfolding [this is the only place we add an unfolding]
528 It does *not* attempt to do let-to-case. Why? Because it is used for
529 - top-level bindings (when let-to-case is impossible)
530 - many situations where the "rhs" is known to be a WHNF
531 (so let-to-case is inappropriate).
534 completeLazyBind :: SimplEnv
535 -> TopLevelFlag -- Flag stuck into unfolding
536 -> InId -- Old binder
537 -> OutId -- New binder
538 -> OutExpr -- Simplified RHS
539 -> SimplM (FloatsWith SimplEnv)
540 -- We return a new SimplEnv, because completeLazyBind may choose to do its work
541 -- by extending the substitution (e.g. let x = y in ...)
542 -- The new binding (if any) is returned as part of the floats.
543 -- NB: the returned SimplEnv has the right SubstEnv, but you should
544 -- (as usual) use the in-scope-env from the floats
546 completeLazyBind env top_lvl old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs
547 | postInlineUnconditionally env new_bndr loop_breaker new_rhs
548 = -- Drop the binding
549 tick (PostInlineUnconditionally old_bndr) `thenSmpl_`
550 returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, extendSubst env old_bndr (DoneEx new_rhs))
551 -- Use the substitution to make quite, quite sure that the substitution
552 -- will happen, since we are going to discard the binding
557 new_bndr_info = idInfo new_bndr `setArityInfo` exprArity new_rhs
559 -- Add the unfolding *only* for non-loop-breakers
560 -- Making loop breakers not have an unfolding at all
561 -- means that we can avoid tests in exprIsConApp, for example.
562 -- This is important: if exprIsConApp says 'yes' for a recursive
563 -- thing, then we can get into an infinite loop
564 info_w_unf | loop_breaker = new_bndr_info
565 | otherwise = new_bndr_info `setUnfoldingInfo` unfolding
566 unfolding = mkUnfolding (isTopLevel top_lvl) new_rhs
568 -- Don't fiddle with the IdInfo of a constructor
569 -- wrapper or other GlobalId.
570 final_id | isLocalId new_bndr = new_bndr `setIdInfo` info_w_unf
571 | otherwise = new_bndr
573 -- These seqs forces the Id, and hence its IdInfo,
574 -- and hence any inner substitutions
576 returnSmpl (unitFloat env final_id new_rhs, env)
579 loop_breaker = isLoopBreaker occ_info
580 old_info = idInfo old_bndr
581 occ_info = occInfo old_info
586 %************************************************************************
588 \subsection[Simplify-simplExpr]{The main function: simplExpr}
590 %************************************************************************
592 The reason for this OutExprStuff stuff is that we want to float *after*
593 simplifying a RHS, not before. If we do so naively we get quadratic
594 behaviour as things float out.
596 To see why it's important to do it after, consider this (real) example:
610 a -- Can't inline a this round, cos it appears twice
614 Each of the ==> steps is a round of simplification. We'd save a
615 whole round if we float first. This can cascade. Consider
620 let f = let d1 = ..d.. in \y -> e
624 in \x -> ...(\y ->e)...
626 Only in this second round can the \y be applied, and it
627 might do the same again.
631 simplExpr :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> SimplM CoreExpr
632 simplExpr env expr = simplExprC env expr (mkBoringStop expr_ty')
634 expr_ty' = substTy (getSubst env) (exprType expr)
635 -- The type in the Stop continuation, expr_ty', is usually not used
636 -- It's only needed when discarding continuations after finding
637 -- a function that returns bottom.
638 -- Hence the lazy substitution
641 simplExprC :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM CoreExpr
642 -- Simplify an expression, given a continuation
643 simplExprC env expr cont
644 = simplExprF env expr cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats, expr) ->
645 returnSmpl (wrapFloats floats expr)
647 simplExprF :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
648 -- Simplify an expression, returning floated binds
650 simplExprF env (Var v) cont = simplVar env v cont
651 simplExprF env (Lit lit) cont = rebuild env (Lit lit) cont
652 simplExprF env expr@(Lam _ _) cont = simplLam env expr cont
653 simplExprF env (Note note expr) cont = simplNote env note expr cont
654 simplExprF env (App fun arg) cont = simplExprF env fun (ApplyTo NoDup arg env cont)
656 simplExprF env (Type ty) cont
657 = ASSERT( contIsRhsOrArg cont )
658 simplType env ty `thenSmpl` \ ty' ->
659 rebuild env (Type ty') cont
661 simplExprF env (Case scrut bndr alts) cont
662 | not (switchIsOn (getSwitchChecker env) NoCaseOfCase)
663 = -- Simplify the scrutinee with a Select continuation
664 simplExprF env scrut (Select NoDup bndr alts env cont)
667 = -- If case-of-case is off, simply simplify the case expression
668 -- in a vanilla Stop context, and rebuild the result around it
669 simplExprC env scrut case_cont `thenSmpl` \ case_expr' ->
670 rebuild env case_expr' cont
672 case_cont = Select NoDup bndr alts env (mkBoringStop (contResultType cont))
674 simplExprF env (Let (Rec pairs) body) cont
675 = simplRecBndrs env (map fst pairs) `thenSmpl` \ (env, bndrs') ->
676 -- NB: bndrs' don't have unfoldings or spec-envs
677 -- We add them as we go down, using simplPrags
679 simplRecBind env NotTopLevel pairs bndrs' `thenSmpl` \ (floats, env) ->
680 addFloats env floats $ \ env ->
681 simplExprF env body cont
683 -- A non-recursive let is dealt with by simplNonRecBind
684 simplExprF env (Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body) cont
685 = simplNonRecBind env bndr rhs env (contResultType cont) $ \ env ->
686 simplExprF env body cont
689 ---------------------------------
690 simplType :: SimplEnv -> InType -> SimplM OutType
691 -- Kept monadic just so we can do the seqType
693 = seqType new_ty `seq` returnSmpl new_ty
695 new_ty = substTy (getSubst env) ty
699 %************************************************************************
703 %************************************************************************
706 simplLam env fun cont
709 zap_it = mkLamBndrZapper fun (countArgs cont)
710 cont_ty = contResultType cont
712 -- Type-beta reduction
713 go env (Lam bndr body) (ApplyTo _ (Type ty_arg) arg_se body_cont)
714 = ASSERT( isTyVar bndr )
715 tick (BetaReduction bndr) `thenSmpl_`
716 simplType (setInScope arg_se env) ty_arg `thenSmpl` \ ty_arg' ->
717 go (extendSubst env bndr (DoneTy ty_arg')) body body_cont
719 -- Ordinary beta reduction
720 go env (Lam bndr body) cont@(ApplyTo _ arg arg_se body_cont)
721 = tick (BetaReduction bndr) `thenSmpl_`
722 simplNonRecBind env (zap_it bndr) arg arg_se cont_ty $ \ env ->
723 go env body body_cont
725 -- Not enough args, so there are real lambdas left to put in the result
726 go env lam@(Lam _ _) cont
727 = simplLamBndrs env bndrs `thenSmpl` \ (env, bndrs') ->
728 simplExpr env body `thenSmpl` \ body' ->
729 mkLam env bndrs' body' cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats, new_lam) ->
730 addFloats env floats $ \ env ->
731 rebuild env new_lam cont
733 (bndrs,body) = collectBinders lam
735 -- Exactly enough args
736 go env expr cont = simplExprF env expr cont
738 mkLamBndrZapper :: CoreExpr -- Function
739 -> Int -- Number of args supplied, *including* type args
740 -> Id -> Id -- Use this to zap the binders
741 mkLamBndrZapper fun n_args
742 | n_args >= n_params fun = \b -> b -- Enough args
743 | otherwise = \b -> zapLamIdInfo b
745 -- NB: we count all the args incl type args
746 -- so we must count all the binders (incl type lambdas)
747 n_params (Note _ e) = n_params e
748 n_params (Lam b e) = 1 + n_params e
749 n_params other = 0::Int
753 %************************************************************************
757 %************************************************************************
760 simplNote env (Coerce to from) body cont
762 in_scope = getInScope env
764 addCoerce s1 k1 (CoerceIt t1 cont)
765 -- coerce T1 S1 (coerce S1 K1 e)
768 -- coerce T1 K1 e, otherwise
770 -- For example, in the initial form of a worker
771 -- we may find (coerce T (coerce S (\x.e))) y
772 -- and we'd like it to simplify to e[y/x] in one round
774 | t1 `eqType` k1 = cont -- The coerces cancel out
775 | otherwise = CoerceIt t1 cont -- They don't cancel, but
776 -- the inner one is redundant
778 addCoerce t1t2 s1s2 (ApplyTo dup arg arg_se cont)
779 | Just (s1, s2) <- splitFunTy_maybe s1s2
780 -- (coerce (T1->T2) (S1->S2) F) E
782 -- coerce T2 S2 (F (coerce S1 T1 E))
784 -- t1t2 must be a function type, T1->T2
785 -- but s1s2 might conceivably not be
787 -- When we build the ApplyTo we can't mix the out-types
788 -- with the InExpr in the argument, so we simply substitute
789 -- to make it all consistent. It's a bit messy.
790 -- But it isn't a common case.
792 (t1,t2) = splitFunTy t1t2
793 new_arg = mkCoerce s1 t1 (substExpr (mkSubst in_scope (getSubstEnv arg_se)) arg)
795 ApplyTo dup new_arg (zapSubstEnv env) (addCoerce t2 s2 cont)
797 addCoerce to' _ cont = CoerceIt to' cont
799 simplType env to `thenSmpl` \ to' ->
800 simplType env from `thenSmpl` \ from' ->
801 simplExprF env body (addCoerce to' from' cont)
804 -- Hack: we only distinguish subsumed cost centre stacks for the purposes of
805 -- inlining. All other CCCSs are mapped to currentCCS.
806 simplNote env (SCC cc) e cont
807 = simplExpr (setEnclosingCC env currentCCS) e `thenSmpl` \ e' ->
808 rebuild env (mkSCC cc e') cont
810 simplNote env InlineCall e cont
811 = simplExprF env e (InlinePlease cont)
813 -- See notes with SimplMonad.inlineMode
814 simplNote env InlineMe e cont
815 | contIsRhsOrArg cont -- Totally boring continuation; see notes above
816 = -- Don't inline inside an INLINE expression
817 simplExpr (setMode inlineMode env ) e `thenSmpl` \ e' ->
818 rebuild env (mkInlineMe e') cont
820 | otherwise -- Dissolve the InlineMe note if there's
821 -- an interesting context of any kind to combine with
822 -- (even a type application -- anything except Stop)
823 = simplExprF env e cont
827 %************************************************************************
829 \subsection{Dealing with calls}
831 %************************************************************************
834 simplVar env var cont
835 = case lookupIdSubst (getSubst env) var of
836 DoneEx e -> simplExprF (zapSubstEnv env) e cont
837 ContEx se e -> simplExprF (setSubstEnv env se) e cont
838 DoneId var1 occ -> WARN( not (isInScope var1 (getSubst env)) && mustHaveLocalBinding var1,
839 text "simplVar:" <+> ppr var )
840 completeCall (zapSubstEnv env) var1 occ cont
841 -- The template is already simplified, so don't re-substitute.
842 -- This is VITAL. Consider
844 -- let y = \z -> ...x... in
846 -- We'll clone the inner \x, adding x->x' in the id_subst
847 -- Then when we inline y, we must *not* replace x by x' in
848 -- the inlined copy!!
850 ---------------------------------------------------------
851 -- Dealing with a call site
853 completeCall env var occ_info cont
854 = -- Simplify the arguments
855 getDOptsSmpl `thenSmpl` \ dflags ->
857 chkr = getSwitchChecker env
858 (args, call_cont, inline_call) = getContArgs chkr var cont
860 simplifyArgs env args (contResultType call_cont) $ \ env args ->
862 -- Next, look for rules or specialisations that match
864 -- It's important to simplify the args first, because the rule-matcher
865 -- doesn't do substitution as it goes. We don't want to use subst_args
866 -- (defined in the 'where') because that throws away useful occurrence info,
867 -- and perhaps-very-important specialisations.
869 -- Some functions have specialisations *and* are strict; in this case,
870 -- we don't want to inline the wrapper of the non-specialised thing; better
871 -- to call the specialised thing instead.
872 -- We used to use the black-listing mechanism to ensure that inlining of
873 -- the wrapper didn't occur for things that have specialisations till a
874 -- later phase, so but now we just try RULES first
876 -- You might think that we shouldn't apply rules for a loop breaker:
877 -- doing so might give rise to an infinite loop, because a RULE is
878 -- rather like an extra equation for the function:
879 -- RULE: f (g x) y = x+y
882 -- But it's too drastic to disable rules for loop breakers.
883 -- Even the foldr/build rule would be disabled, because foldr
884 -- is recursive, and hence a loop breaker:
885 -- foldr k z (build g) = g k z
886 -- So it's up to the programmer: rules can cause divergence
889 in_scope = getInScope env
890 maybe_rule = case activeRule env of
891 Nothing -> Nothing -- No rules apply
892 Just act_fn -> lookupRule act_fn in_scope var args
895 Just (rule_name, rule_rhs) ->
896 tick (RuleFired rule_name) `thenSmpl_`
897 (if dopt Opt_D_dump_inlinings dflags then
898 pprTrace "Rule fired" (vcat [
899 text "Rule:" <+> ptext rule_name,
900 text "Before:" <+> ppr var <+> sep (map pprParendExpr args),
901 text "After: " <+> pprCoreExpr rule_rhs])
904 simplExprF env rule_rhs call_cont ;
906 Nothing -> -- No rules
908 -- Next, look for an inlining
910 arg_infos = [ interestingArg arg | arg <- args, isValArg arg]
912 interesting_cont = interestingCallContext (not (null args))
913 (not (null arg_infos))
916 active_inline = activeInline env var
917 maybe_inline = callSiteInline dflags active_inline inline_call occ_info
918 var arg_infos interesting_cont
920 case maybe_inline of {
921 Just unfolding -- There is an inlining!
922 -> tick (UnfoldingDone var) `thenSmpl_`
923 makeThatCall env var unfolding args call_cont
926 Nothing -> -- No inlining!
929 rebuild env (mkApps (Var var) args) call_cont
932 makeThatCall :: SimplEnv
934 -> InExpr -- Inlined function rhs
935 -> [OutExpr] -- Arguments, already simplified
936 -> SimplCont -- After the call
937 -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
938 -- Similar to simplLam, but this time
939 -- the arguments are already simplified
940 makeThatCall orig_env var fun@(Lam _ _) args cont
941 = go orig_env fun args
943 zap_it = mkLamBndrZapper fun (length args)
945 -- Type-beta reduction
946 go env (Lam bndr body) (Type ty_arg : args)
947 = ASSERT( isTyVar bndr )
948 tick (BetaReduction bndr) `thenSmpl_`
949 go (extendSubst env bndr (DoneTy ty_arg)) body args
951 -- Ordinary beta reduction
952 go env (Lam bndr body) (arg : args)
953 = tick (BetaReduction bndr) `thenSmpl_`
954 simplNonRecX env (zap_it bndr) arg $ \ env ->
957 -- Not enough args, so there are real lambdas left to put in the result
959 = simplExprF env fun (pushContArgs orig_env args cont)
960 -- NB: orig_env; the correct environment to capture with
961 -- the arguments.... env has been augmented with substitutions
962 -- from the beta reductions.
964 makeThatCall env var fun args cont
965 = simplExprF env fun (pushContArgs env args cont)
969 %************************************************************************
971 \subsection{Arguments}
973 %************************************************************************
976 ---------------------------------------------------------
977 -- Simplifying the arguments of a call
979 simplifyArgs :: SimplEnv
980 -> [(InExpr, SimplEnv, Bool)] -- Details of the arguments
981 -> OutType -- Type of the continuation
982 -> (SimplEnv -> [OutExpr] -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr)
983 -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
985 -- [CPS-like because of strict arguments]
987 -- Simplify the arguments to a call.
988 -- This part of the simplifier may break the no-shadowing invariant
990 -- f (...(\a -> e)...) (case y of (a,b) -> e')
991 -- where f is strict in its second arg
992 -- If we simplify the innermost one first we get (...(\a -> e)...)
993 -- Simplifying the second arg makes us float the case out, so we end up with
994 -- case y of (a,b) -> f (...(\a -> e)...) e'
995 -- So the output does not have the no-shadowing invariant. However, there is
996 -- no danger of getting name-capture, because when the first arg was simplified
997 -- we used an in-scope set that at least mentioned all the variables free in its
998 -- static environment, and that is enough.
1000 -- We can't just do innermost first, or we'd end up with a dual problem:
1001 -- case x of (a,b) -> f e (...(\a -> e')...)
1003 -- I spent hours trying to recover the no-shadowing invariant, but I just could
1004 -- not think of an elegant way to do it. The simplifier is already knee-deep in
1005 -- continuations. We have to keep the right in-scope set around; AND we have
1006 -- to get the effect that finding (error "foo") in a strict arg position will
1007 -- discard the entire application and replace it with (error "foo"). Getting
1008 -- all this at once is TOO HARD!
1010 simplifyArgs env args cont_ty thing_inside
1011 = go env args thing_inside
1013 go env [] thing_inside = thing_inside env []
1014 go env (arg:args) thing_inside = simplifyArg env arg cont_ty $ \ env arg' ->
1015 go env args $ \ env args' ->
1016 thing_inside env (arg':args')
1018 simplifyArg env (Type ty_arg, se, _) cont_ty thing_inside
1019 = simplType (setInScope se env) ty_arg `thenSmpl` \ new_ty_arg ->
1020 thing_inside env (Type new_ty_arg)
1022 simplifyArg env (val_arg, arg_se, is_strict) cont_ty thing_inside
1024 = simplStrictArg env AnArg val_arg arg_se cont_ty thing_inside
1028 arg_env = setInScope arg_se env
1030 simplType arg_env (exprType val_arg) `thenSmpl` \ arg_ty ->
1031 simplExprF arg_env val_arg (mkStop arg_ty AnArg) `thenSmpl` \ (floats, arg1) ->
1032 addFloats env floats $ \ env ->
1033 thing_inside env arg1
1036 simplStrictArg :: SimplEnv -- The env of the call
1038 -> InExpr -> SimplEnv -- The arg plus its env
1039 -> OutType -- cont_ty: Type of thing computed by the context
1040 -> (SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr)
1041 -- Takes an expression of type rhs_ty,
1042 -- returns an expression of type cont_ty
1043 -- The env passed to this continuation is the
1044 -- env of the call, plus any new in-scope variables
1045 -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr -- An expression of type cont_ty
1047 simplStrictArg call_env is_rhs arg arg_env cont_ty thing_inside
1048 = simplExprF (setInScope arg_env call_env) arg
1049 (ArgOf NoDup is_rhs cont_ty (\ new_env -> thing_inside (setInScope call_env new_env)))
1050 -- Notice the way we use arg_env (augmented with in-scope vars from call_env)
1051 -- to simplify the argument
1052 -- and call-env (augmented with in-scope vars from the arg) to pass to the continuation
1056 %************************************************************************
1058 \subsection{mkAtomicArgs}
1060 %************************************************************************
1062 mkAtomicArgs takes a putative RHS, checks whether it's a PAP or
1063 constructor application and, if so, converts it to ANF, so that the
1064 resulting thing can be inlined more easily. Thus
1071 There are three sorts of binding context, specified by the two
1077 N N Top-level or recursive Only bind args of lifted type
1079 N Y Non-top-level and non-recursive, Bind args of lifted type, or
1080 but lazy unlifted-and-ok-for-speculation
1082 Y Y Non-top-level, non-recursive, Bind all args
1083 and strict (demanded)
1090 there is no point in transforming to
1092 x = case (y div# z) of r -> MkC r
1094 because the (y div# z) can't float out of the let. But if it was
1095 a *strict* let, then it would be a good thing to do. Hence the
1096 context information.
1099 mkAtomicArgs :: Bool -- A strict binding
1100 -> Bool -- OK to float unlifted args
1102 -> SimplM ([(OutId,OutExpr)], -- The floats (unusually) may include
1103 OutExpr) -- things that need case-binding,
1104 -- if the strict-binding flag is on
1106 mkAtomicArgs is_strict ok_float_unlifted rhs
1107 = mk_atomic_args rhs `thenSmpl` \ maybe_stuff ->
1109 Nothing -> returnSmpl ([], rhs)
1110 Just (ol_binds, rhs') -> returnSmpl (fromOL ol_binds, rhs')
1113 mk_atomic_args :: OutExpr -> SimplM (Maybe (OrdList (Id,OutExpr), OutExpr))
1114 -- Nothing => no change
1116 | (Var fun, args) <- collectArgs rhs, -- It's an application
1117 isDataConId fun || valArgCount args < idArity fun -- And it's a constructor or PAP
1119 go nilOL [] args `thenSmpl` \ maybe_stuff ->
1121 Nothing -> returnSmpl Nothing
1122 Just (aux_binds, args') -> returnSmpl (Just (aux_binds, mkApps (Var fun) args'))
1125 = returnSmpl Nothing
1127 go binds rev_args []
1128 = returnSmpl (Just (binds, reverse rev_args))
1129 go binds rev_args (arg : args)
1130 | exprIsTrivial arg -- Easy case
1131 = go binds (arg:rev_args) args
1133 | not can_float_arg -- Can't make this arg atomic
1134 = returnSmpl Nothing -- ... so give up
1136 | otherwise -- Don't forget to do it recursively
1137 -- E.g. x = a:b:c:[]
1138 = mk_atomic_args arg `thenSmpl` \ maybe_anf ->
1140 Nothing -> returnSmpl Nothing ;
1141 Just (arg_binds,arg') ->
1143 newId SLIT("a") arg_ty `thenSmpl` \ arg_id ->
1144 go ((arg_binds `snocOL` (arg_id,arg')) `appOL` binds)
1145 (Var arg_id : rev_args) args
1148 arg_ty = exprType arg
1149 can_float_arg = is_strict
1150 || not (isUnLiftedType arg_ty)
1151 || (ok_float_unlifted && exprOkForSpeculation arg)
1153 addAtomicBinds :: SimplEnv -> [(OutId,OutExpr)]
1154 -> (SimplEnv -> SimplM (FloatsWith a))
1155 -> SimplM (FloatsWith a)
1156 addAtomicBinds env [] thing_inside = thing_inside env
1157 addAtomicBinds env ((v,r):bs) thing_inside = addAuxiliaryBind env (NonRec v r) $ \ env ->
1158 addAtomicBinds env bs thing_inside
1160 addAtomicBindsE :: SimplEnv -> [(OutId,OutExpr)]
1161 -> (SimplEnv -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr)
1162 -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
1163 -- Same again, but this time we're in an expression context,
1164 -- and may need to do some case bindings
1166 addAtomicBindsE env [] thing_inside
1168 addAtomicBindsE env ((v,r):bs) thing_inside
1169 | needsCaseBinding (idType v) r
1170 = addAtomicBindsE (addNewInScopeIds env [v]) bs thing_inside `thenSmpl` \ (floats, expr) ->
1171 WARN( exprIsTrivial expr, ppr v <+> pprCoreExpr expr )
1172 returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, Case r v [(DEFAULT,[], wrapFloats floats expr)])
1175 = addAuxiliaryBind env (NonRec v r) $ \ env ->
1176 addAtomicBindsE env bs thing_inside
1180 %************************************************************************
1182 \subsection{The main rebuilder}
1184 %************************************************************************
1187 rebuild :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
1189 rebuild env expr (Stop _ _ _) = rebuildDone env expr
1190 rebuild env expr (ArgOf _ _ _ cont_fn) = cont_fn env expr
1191 rebuild env expr (CoerceIt to_ty cont) = rebuild env (mkCoerce to_ty (exprType expr) expr) cont
1192 rebuild env expr (InlinePlease cont) = rebuild env (Note InlineCall expr) cont
1193 rebuild env expr (Select _ bndr alts se cont) = rebuildCase (setInScope se env) expr bndr alts cont
1194 rebuild env expr (ApplyTo _ arg se cont) = rebuildApp (setInScope se env) expr arg cont
1196 rebuildApp env fun arg cont
1197 = simplExpr env arg `thenSmpl` \ arg' ->
1198 rebuild env (App fun arg') cont
1200 rebuildDone env expr = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, expr)
1204 %************************************************************************
1206 \subsection{Functions dealing with a case}
1208 %************************************************************************
1210 Blob of helper functions for the "case-of-something-else" situation.
1213 ---------------------------------------------------------
1214 -- Eliminate the case if possible
1216 rebuildCase :: SimplEnv
1217 -> OutExpr -- Scrutinee
1218 -> InId -- Case binder
1219 -> [InAlt] -- Alternatives
1221 -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
1223 rebuildCase env scrut case_bndr alts cont
1224 | Just (con,args) <- exprIsConApp_maybe scrut
1225 -- Works when the scrutinee is a variable with a known unfolding
1226 -- as well as when it's an explicit constructor application
1227 = knownCon env (DataAlt con) args case_bndr alts cont
1229 | Lit lit <- scrut -- No need for same treatment as constructors
1230 -- because literals are inlined more vigorously
1231 = knownCon env (LitAlt lit) [] case_bndr alts cont
1234 = -- Prepare case alternatives
1235 -- Filter out alternatives that can't possibly match
1237 impossible_cons = case scrut of
1238 Var v -> otherCons (idUnfolding v)
1240 better_alts = case impossible_cons of
1242 other -> [alt | alt@(con,_,_) <- alts,
1243 not (con `elem` impossible_cons)]
1246 -- Deal with the case binder, and prepare the continuation;
1247 -- The new subst_env is in place
1248 prepareCaseCont env better_alts cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats, cont') ->
1249 addFloats env floats $ \ env ->
1251 -- Deal with variable scrutinee
1252 simplCaseBinder env scrut case_bndr `thenSmpl` \ (alt_env, case_bndr', zap_occ_info) ->
1254 -- Deal with the case alternatives
1255 simplAlts alt_env zap_occ_info impossible_cons
1256 case_bndr' better_alts cont' `thenSmpl` \ alts' ->
1258 -- Put the case back together
1259 mkCase scrut case_bndr' alts' `thenSmpl` \ case_expr ->
1261 -- Notice that rebuildDone returns the in-scope set from env, not alt_env
1262 -- The case binder *not* scope over the whole returned case-expression
1263 rebuildDone env case_expr
1266 simplCaseBinder checks whether the scrutinee is a variable, v. If so,
1267 try to eliminate uses of v in the RHSs in favour of case_bndr; that
1268 way, there's a chance that v will now only be used once, and hence
1273 There is a time we *don't* want to do that, namely when
1274 -fno-case-of-case is on. This happens in the first simplifier pass,
1275 and enhances full laziness. Here's the bad case:
1276 f = \ y -> ...(case x of I# v -> ...(case x of ...) ... )
1277 If we eliminate the inner case, we trap it inside the I# v -> arm,
1278 which might prevent some full laziness happening. I've seen this
1279 in action in spectral/cichelli/Prog.hs:
1280 [(m,n) | m <- [1..max], n <- [1..max]]
1281 Hence the check for NoCaseOfCase.
1285 There is another situation when we don't want to do it. If we have
1287 case x of w1 { DEFAULT -> case x of w2 { A -> e1; B -> e2 }
1288 ...other cases .... }
1290 We'll perform the binder-swap for the outer case, giving
1292 case x of w1 { DEFAULT -> case w1 of w2 { A -> e1; B -> e2 }
1293 ...other cases .... }
1295 But there is no point in doing it for the inner case,
1296 because w1 can't be inlined anyway. Furthermore, doing the case-swapping
1297 involves zapping w2's occurrence info (see paragraphs that follow),
1298 and that forces us to bind w2 when doing case merging. So we get
1300 case x of w1 { A -> let w2 = w1 in e1
1301 B -> let w2 = w1 in e2
1302 ...other cases .... }
1304 This is plain silly in the common case where w2 is dead.
1306 Even so, I can't see a good way to implement this idea. I tried
1307 not doing the binder-swap if the scrutinee was already evaluated
1308 but that failed big-time:
1312 case v of w { MkT x ->
1313 case x of x1 { I# y1 ->
1314 case x of x2 { I# y2 -> ...
1316 Notice that because MkT is strict, x is marked "evaluated". But to
1317 eliminate the last case, we must either make sure that x (as well as
1318 x1) has unfolding MkT y1. THe straightforward thing to do is to do
1319 the binder-swap. So this whole note is a no-op.
1323 If we replace the scrutinee, v, by tbe case binder, then we have to nuke
1324 any occurrence info (eg IAmDead) in the case binder, because the
1325 case-binder now effectively occurs whenever v does. AND we have to do
1326 the same for the pattern-bound variables! Example:
1328 (case x of { (a,b) -> a }) (case x of { (p,q) -> q })
1330 Here, b and p are dead. But when we move the argment inside the first
1331 case RHS, and eliminate the second case, we get
1333 case x or { (a,b) -> a b }
1335 Urk! b is alive! Reason: the scrutinee was a variable, and case elimination
1336 happened. Hence the zap_occ_info function returned by simplCaseBinder
1339 simplCaseBinder env (Var v) case_bndr
1340 | not (switchIsOn (getSwitchChecker env) NoCaseOfCase)
1342 -- Failed try [see Note 2 above]
1343 -- not (isEvaldUnfolding (idUnfolding v))
1345 = simplBinder env (zap case_bndr) `thenSmpl` \ (env, case_bndr') ->
1346 returnSmpl (modifyInScope env v case_bndr', case_bndr', zap)
1347 -- We could extend the substitution instead, but it would be
1348 -- a hack because then the substitution wouldn't be idempotent
1349 -- any more (v is an OutId). And this just just as well.
1351 zap b = b `setIdOccInfo` NoOccInfo
1353 simplCaseBinder env other_scrut case_bndr
1354 = simplBinder env case_bndr `thenSmpl` \ (env, case_bndr') ->
1355 returnSmpl (env, case_bndr', \ bndr -> bndr) -- NoOp on bndr
1361 simplAlts :: SimplEnv
1362 -> (InId -> InId) -- Occ-info zapper
1363 -> [AltCon] -- Alternatives the scrutinee can't be
1364 -> OutId -- Case binder
1365 -> [InAlt] -> SimplCont
1366 -> SimplM [OutAlt] -- Includes the continuation
1368 simplAlts env zap_occ_info impossible_cons case_bndr' alts cont'
1369 = mapSmpl simpl_alt alts
1371 inst_tys' = tyConAppArgs (idType case_bndr')
1373 -- handled_cons is all the constructors that are dealt
1374 -- with, either by being impossible, or by there being an alternative
1375 (con_alts,_) = findDefault alts
1376 handled_cons = impossible_cons ++ [con | (con,_,_) <- con_alts]
1378 simpl_alt (DEFAULT, _, rhs)
1380 -- In the default case we record the constructors that the
1381 -- case-binder *can't* be.
1382 -- We take advantage of any OtherCon info in the case scrutinee
1383 case_bndr_w_unf = case_bndr' `setIdUnfolding` mkOtherCon handled_cons
1384 env_with_unf = modifyInScope env case_bndr' case_bndr_w_unf
1386 simplExprC env_with_unf rhs cont' `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
1387 returnSmpl (DEFAULT, [], rhs')
1389 simpl_alt (con, vs, rhs)
1390 = -- Deal with the pattern-bound variables
1391 -- Mark the ones that are in ! positions in the data constructor
1392 -- as certainly-evaluated.
1393 -- NB: it happens that simplBinders does *not* erase the OtherCon
1394 -- form of unfolding, so it's ok to add this info before
1395 -- doing simplBinders
1396 simplBinders env (add_evals con vs) `thenSmpl` \ (env, vs') ->
1398 -- Bind the case-binder to (con args)
1400 unfolding = mkUnfolding False (mkAltExpr con vs' inst_tys')
1401 env_with_unf = modifyInScope env case_bndr' (case_bndr' `setIdUnfolding` unfolding)
1403 simplExprC env_with_unf rhs cont' `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
1404 returnSmpl (con, vs', rhs')
1407 -- add_evals records the evaluated-ness of the bound variables of
1408 -- a case pattern. This is *important*. Consider
1409 -- data T = T !Int !Int
1411 -- case x of { T a b -> T (a+1) b }
1413 -- We really must record that b is already evaluated so that we don't
1414 -- go and re-evaluate it when constructing the result.
1416 add_evals (DataAlt dc) vs = cat_evals vs (dataConRepStrictness dc)
1417 add_evals other_con vs = vs
1419 cat_evals [] [] = []
1420 cat_evals (v:vs) (str:strs)
1421 | isTyVar v = v : cat_evals vs (str:strs)
1422 | isMarkedStrict str = evald_v : cat_evals vs strs
1423 | otherwise = zapped_v : cat_evals vs strs
1425 zapped_v = zap_occ_info v
1426 evald_v = zapped_v `setIdUnfolding` mkOtherCon []
1430 %************************************************************************
1432 \subsection{Known constructor}
1434 %************************************************************************
1436 We are a bit careful with occurrence info. Here's an example
1438 (\x* -> case x of (a*, b) -> f a) (h v, e)
1440 where the * means "occurs once". This effectively becomes
1441 case (h v, e) of (a*, b) -> f a)
1443 let a* = h v; b = e in f a
1447 All this should happen in one sweep.
1450 knownCon :: SimplEnv -> AltCon -> [OutExpr]
1451 -> InId -> [InAlt] -> SimplCont
1452 -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
1454 knownCon env con args bndr alts cont
1455 = tick (KnownBranch bndr) `thenSmpl_`
1456 case findAlt con alts of
1457 (DEFAULT, bs, rhs) -> ASSERT( null bs )
1458 simplNonRecX env bndr scrut $ \ env ->
1459 -- This might give rise to a binding with non-atomic args
1460 -- like x = Node (f x) (g x)
1461 -- but no harm will be done
1462 simplExprF env rhs cont
1465 LitAlt lit -> Lit lit
1466 DataAlt dc -> mkConApp dc args
1468 (LitAlt lit, bs, rhs) -> ASSERT( null bs )
1469 simplNonRecX env bndr (Lit lit) $ \ env ->
1470 simplExprF env rhs cont
1472 (DataAlt dc, bs, rhs) -> ASSERT( length bs + n_tys == length args )
1473 bind_args env bs (drop n_tys args) $ \ env ->
1475 con_app = mkConApp dc (take n_tys args ++ con_args)
1476 con_args = [substExpr (getSubst env) (varToCoreExpr b) | b <- bs]
1477 -- args are aready OutExprs, but bs are InIds
1479 simplNonRecX env bndr con_app $ \ env ->
1480 simplExprF env rhs cont
1482 n_tys = dataConNumInstArgs dc -- Non-existential type args
1484 bind_args env [] _ thing_inside = thing_inside env
1486 bind_args env (b:bs) (Type ty : args) thing_inside
1487 = bind_args (extendSubst env b (DoneTy ty)) bs args thing_inside
1489 bind_args env (b:bs) (arg : args) thing_inside
1490 = simplNonRecX env b arg $ \ env ->
1491 bind_args env bs args thing_inside
1495 %************************************************************************
1497 \subsection{Duplicating continuations}
1499 %************************************************************************
1502 prepareCaseCont :: SimplEnv
1503 -> [InAlt] -> SimplCont
1504 -> SimplM (FloatsWith SimplCont) -- Return a duplicatable continuation,
1505 -- plus some extra bindings
1507 prepareCaseCont env [alt] cont = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, cont)
1508 -- No need to make it duplicatable if there's only one alternative
1510 prepareCaseCont env alts cont = simplType env (coreAltsType alts) `thenSmpl` \ alts_ty ->
1511 mkDupableCont env alts_ty cont
1512 -- At one time I passed in the un-simplified type, and simplified
1513 -- it only if we needed to construct a join binder, but that
1514 -- didn't work because we have to decompse function types
1515 -- (using funResultTy) in mkDupableCont.
1519 mkDupableCont :: SimplEnv
1520 -> OutType -- Type of the thing to be given to the continuation
1522 -> SimplM (FloatsWith SimplCont) -- Return a duplicatable continuation,
1523 -- plus some extra bindings
1525 mkDupableCont env ty cont
1526 | contIsDupable cont
1527 = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, cont)
1529 mkDupableCont env _ (CoerceIt ty cont)
1530 = mkDupableCont env ty cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats, cont') ->
1531 returnSmpl (floats, CoerceIt ty cont')
1533 mkDupableCont env ty (InlinePlease cont)
1534 = mkDupableCont env ty cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats, cont') ->
1535 returnSmpl (floats, InlinePlease cont')
1537 mkDupableCont env join_arg_ty (ArgOf _ is_rhs cont_ty cont_fn)
1538 = -- e.g. (...strict-fn...) [...hole...]
1540 -- let $j = \a -> ...strict-fn...
1541 -- in $j [...hole...]
1543 -- Build the join Id and continuation
1544 -- We give it a "$j" name just so that for later amusement
1545 -- we can identify any join points that don't end up as let-no-escapes
1546 -- [NOTE: the type used to be exprType join_rhs, but this seems more elegant.]
1547 newId SLIT("$j") (mkFunTy join_arg_ty cont_ty) `thenSmpl` \ join_id ->
1548 newId SLIT("a") join_arg_ty `thenSmpl` \ arg_id ->
1550 cont_fn (addNewInScopeIds env [arg_id]) (Var arg_id) `thenSmpl` \ (floats, rhs) ->
1552 cont_fn env arg' = rebuildDone env (App (Var join_id) arg')
1553 join_rhs = Lam (setOneShotLambda arg_id) (wrapFloats floats rhs)
1556 tick (CaseOfCase join_id) `thenSmpl_`
1557 -- Want to tick here so that we go round again,
1558 -- and maybe copy or inline the code;
1559 -- not strictly CaseOf Case
1561 returnSmpl (unitFloat env join_id join_rhs,
1562 ArgOf OkToDup is_rhs cont_ty cont_fn)
1564 mkDupableCont env ty (ApplyTo _ arg se cont)
1565 = -- e.g. [...hole...] (...arg...)
1567 -- let a = ...arg...
1568 -- in [...hole...] a
1569 mkDupableCont env (funResultTy ty) cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats, cont') ->
1570 addFloats env floats $ \ env ->
1572 simplExpr (setInScope se env) arg `thenSmpl` \ arg' ->
1573 if exprIsDupable arg' then
1574 returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, ApplyTo OkToDup arg' (zapSubstEnv se) cont')
1576 newId SLIT("a") (exprType arg') `thenSmpl` \ arg_id ->
1578 tick (CaseOfCase arg_id) `thenSmpl_`
1579 -- Want to tick here so that we go round again,
1580 -- and maybe copy or inline the code.
1581 -- Not strictly CaseOfCase, but never mind
1583 returnSmpl (unitFloat env arg_id arg',
1584 ApplyTo OkToDup (Var arg_id) (zapSubstEnv se) cont')
1585 -- But what if the arg should be case-bound?
1586 -- This has been this way for a long time, so I'll leave it,
1587 -- but I can't convince myself that it's right.
1590 mkDupableCont env ty (Select _ case_bndr alts se cont)
1591 = -- e.g. (case [...hole...] of { pi -> ei })
1593 -- let ji = \xij -> ei
1594 -- in case [...hole...] of { pi -> ji xij }
1595 tick (CaseOfCase case_bndr) `thenSmpl_`
1597 alt_env = setInScope se env
1599 prepareCaseCont alt_env alts cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats1, dupable_cont) ->
1600 addFloats alt_env floats1 $ \ alt_env ->
1602 simplBinder alt_env case_bndr `thenSmpl` \ (alt_env, case_bndr') ->
1603 -- NB: simplBinder does not zap deadness occ-info, so
1604 -- a dead case_bndr' will still advertise its deadness
1605 -- This is really important because in
1606 -- case e of b { (# a,b #) -> ... }
1607 -- b is always dead, and indeed we are not allowed to bind b to (# a,b #),
1608 -- which might happen if e was an explicit unboxed pair and b wasn't marked dead.
1609 -- In the new alts we build, we have the new case binder, so it must retain
1612 mkDupableAlts alt_env case_bndr' alts dupable_cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats2, alts') ->
1613 addFloats alt_env floats2 $ \ alt_env ->
1614 returnSmpl (emptyFloats alt_env, Select OkToDup case_bndr' alts' (zapSubstEnv se)
1615 (mkBoringStop (contResultType cont)))
1617 mkDupableAlts :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> [InAlt] -> SimplCont
1618 -> SimplM (FloatsWith [InAlt])
1619 -- Absorbs the continuation into the new alternatives
1621 mkDupableAlts env case_bndr' alts dupable_cont
1624 go env [] = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, [])
1626 = mkDupableAlt env case_bndr' dupable_cont alt `thenSmpl` \ (floats1, alt') ->
1627 addFloats env floats1 $ \ env ->
1628 go env alts `thenSmpl` \ (floats2, alts') ->
1629 returnSmpl (floats2, alt' : alts')
1631 mkDupableAlt env case_bndr' cont alt@(con, bndrs, rhs)
1632 = simplBinders env bndrs `thenSmpl` \ (env, bndrs') ->
1633 simplExprC env rhs cont `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
1635 if exprIsDupable rhs' then
1636 returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, (con, bndrs', rhs'))
1637 -- It is worth checking for a small RHS because otherwise we
1638 -- get extra let bindings that may cause an extra iteration of the simplifier to
1639 -- inline back in place. Quite often the rhs is just a variable or constructor.
1640 -- The Ord instance of Maybe in PrelMaybe.lhs, for example, took several extra
1641 -- iterations because the version with the let bindings looked big, and so wasn't
1642 -- inlined, but after the join points had been inlined it looked smaller, and so
1645 -- NB: we have to check the size of rhs', not rhs.
1646 -- Duplicating a small InAlt might invalidate occurrence information
1647 -- However, if it *is* dupable, we return the *un* simplified alternative,
1648 -- because otherwise we'd need to pair it up with an empty subst-env....
1649 -- but we only have one env shared between all the alts.
1650 -- (Remember we must zap the subst-env before re-simplifying something).
1651 -- Rather than do this we simply agree to re-simplify the original (small) thing later.
1655 rhs_ty' = exprType rhs'
1656 used_bndrs' = filter (not . isDeadBinder) (case_bndr' : bndrs')
1657 -- The deadness info on the new binders is unscathed
1659 -- If we try to lift a primitive-typed something out
1660 -- for let-binding-purposes, we will *caseify* it (!),
1661 -- with potentially-disastrous strictness results. So
1662 -- instead we turn it into a function: \v -> e
1663 -- where v::State# RealWorld#. The value passed to this function
1664 -- is realworld#, which generates (almost) no code.
1666 -- There's a slight infelicity here: we pass the overall
1667 -- case_bndr to all the join points if it's used in *any* RHS,
1668 -- because we don't know its usage in each RHS separately
1670 -- We used to say "&& isUnLiftedType rhs_ty'" here, but now
1671 -- we make the join point into a function whenever used_bndrs'
1672 -- is empty. This makes the join-point more CPR friendly.
1673 -- Consider: let j = if .. then I# 3 else I# 4
1674 -- in case .. of { A -> j; B -> j; C -> ... }
1676 -- Now CPR doesn't w/w j because it's a thunk, so
1677 -- that means that the enclosing function can't w/w either,
1678 -- which is a lose. Here's the example that happened in practice:
1679 -- kgmod :: Int -> Int -> Int
1680 -- kgmod x y = if x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0
1684 -- I have seen a case alternative like this:
1685 -- True -> \v -> ...
1686 -- It's a bit silly to add the realWorld dummy arg in this case, making
1689 -- (the \v alone is enough to make CPR happy) but I think it's rare
1691 ( if null used_bndrs'
1692 then newId SLIT("w") realWorldStatePrimTy `thenSmpl` \ rw_id ->
1693 returnSmpl ([rw_id], [Var realWorldPrimId])
1695 returnSmpl (used_bndrs', map varToCoreExpr used_bndrs')
1696 ) `thenSmpl` \ (final_bndrs', final_args) ->
1698 -- See comment about "$j" name above
1699 newId SLIT("$j") (foldr mkPiType rhs_ty' final_bndrs') `thenSmpl` \ join_bndr ->
1700 -- Notice the funky mkPiType. If the contructor has existentials
1701 -- it's possible that the join point will be abstracted over
1702 -- type varaibles as well as term variables.
1703 -- Example: Suppose we have
1704 -- data T = forall t. C [t]
1706 -- case (case e of ...) of
1707 -- C t xs::[t] -> rhs
1708 -- We get the join point
1709 -- let j :: forall t. [t] -> ...
1710 -- j = /\t \xs::[t] -> rhs
1712 -- case (case e of ...) of
1713 -- C t xs::[t] -> j t xs
1715 -- We make the lambdas into one-shot-lambdas. The
1716 -- join point is sure to be applied at most once, and doing so
1717 -- prevents the body of the join point being floated out by
1718 -- the full laziness pass
1719 really_final_bndrs = map one_shot final_bndrs'
1720 one_shot v | isId v = setOneShotLambda v
1722 join_rhs = mkLams really_final_bndrs rhs'
1723 join_call = mkApps (Var join_bndr) final_args
1725 returnSmpl (unitFloat env join_bndr join_rhs, (con, bndrs', join_call))