[project @ 1997-07-27 09:27:45 by sof]
[ghc-hetmet.git] / ghc / compiler / tests / deSugar / ds002.stderr
1 ds002.hs:8: 
2     Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
3         in the definition of function `f'
4 ds002.hs:9: 
5     Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
6         in the definition of function `f'
7 ds002.hs:13: 
8     Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
9         in the definition of function `g'
12 ================================================================================
13 Desugared:
14 f{-r3w,x-}  :: 
15     _forall_ [t{-an6-}] => t{-an6-} -> t{-an6-}
16 {-# L #-}
17 f{-r3w,x-} =
18     _/\_ t{-an6-} -> \ x_r3e  :: 
19                            t{-an6-}
20                        {-# L #-}
21                        x_r3e ->
22         x_r3e
23 g{-r3v,x-}  :: 
24     _forall_
25     [t{-anr-} t{-anA-} t{-anC-}]
26     =>
27     t{-anA-} -> t{-anC-} -> t{-anr-} -> t{-anr-}
28 {-# L #-}
29 g{-r3v,x-} =
30     _/\_ t{-anr-} t{-anA-} t{-anC-} -> \ x_r3k  :: 
31                                              t{-anA-}
32                                          {-# L #-}
33                                          x_r3k y_r3m  :: 
34                                                    t{-anC-}
35                                                {-# L #-}
36                                                y_r3m z_r3o  :: 
37                                                          t{-anr-}
38                                                      {-# L #-}
39                                                      z_r3o ->
40         let {
41           fail_drB  :: 
42               t{-anr-}
43           {-# L #-}
44           fail_drB =
45               GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
46                   _@_ t{-anr-} _string_ "ds002.hs:11|function `g'" } in
47         let { fail_drG  :: 
48                   t{-anr-}
49               {-# L #-}
50               fail_drG =
51           let {
52             z_r3u  :: 
53                 t{-anr-}
54             {-# L #-}
55             z_r3u =
56                 z_r3o } in
57           let {
58             y_r3s  :: 
59                 t{-anC-}
60             {-# L #-}
61             y_r3s =
62                 y_r3m } in
63           let {
64             x_r3q  :: 
65                 t{-anA-}
66             {-# L #-}
67             x_r3q =
68                 x_r3k
69           } in 
70             f{-r3w,x-}
71                 _@_ t{-anr-} z_r3u
72         } in
73         f{-r3w,x-}
74             _@_ t{-anr-} z_r3o