[project @ 1996-07-26 20:58:52 by partain]
[ghc-hetmet.git] / ghc / compiler / tests / deSugar / ds036.stderr
1 Desugared:
2 Test2.brack' :: for all a. <Eq a> -> a -> a -> Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
3 Test2.brack' =
4     /\ a -> \ dict.124 ->
5         let dict.119 = dict.124 in
6         let dict.96 = dfun.Num.Int in
7         let dict.97 = dfun.Eq.Int in
8         let dict.104 = dfun.Num.Int in
9         let dict.105 = dfun.Ord.Int in
10         let dict.113 = dfun.Num.Int in
11         let dict.114 = dfun.Ord.Int in
12         let
13           brack'.92 =
14               \ open.64 close.63 ds.148 xs.65 ->
15                   let
16                     fail.149 =
17                         (error ([a], [a]))
18                             "\"ds036.hs\", line 24: pattern-matching failure [function binding]\n"S in
19                   let
20                     fail.151 =
21                         let n.150 = MkInt! 1#
22                         in 
23                           case (geInt ds.148 (MkInt! 1#)) of {
24                             True ->
25                                 let n.67 = minusInt ds.148 (MkInt! 1#)
26                                 in 
27                                   case xs.65 of {
28                                     Nil ->
29                                         let close.66 = close.63 in
30                                         let open.68 = open.64
31                                         in  MkTuple2! [a] [a] (Nil! a) (Nil! a)
32                                     (:) h.70 t.73 ->
33                                         let close.69 = close.63 in
34                                         let open.72 = open.64
35                                         in 
36                                           case
37                                               ((== a) dict.119 h.70 open.72)
38                                           of {
39                                             True ->
40                                                 MkTuple2!
41                                                     [a] [a] (Nil! a) (Nil! a)
42                                             False -> fail.149
43                                           }
44                                   }
45                             False -> fail.149
46                           }
47                   in 
48                     case ds.148 of {
49                       MkInt ds.152 ->
50                           case ds.152 of {
51                             0# -> MkTuple2! [a] [a] (Nil! a) xs.65
52                             _ ->  fail.151
53                           }
54                     }
55         in  brack'.92
56 Test2.kh ::
57     for all d, e. <Ord e> -> <Num e> -> <Ord d> -> <Num d> -> d -> e -> e
58 Test2.kh =
59     /\ t141 t145 -> \ dict.147 dict.146 dict.143 dict.142 ->
60         let dict.138 = dict.146 in
61         let dict.136 = dict.138 in
62         let dict.133 = dict.147 in
63         let dict.129 = dict.142 in
64         let dict.130 = dict.143 in
65         let
66           kh.126 =
67               \ n.74 x.75 ->
68                   let
69                     fail.154 =
70                         (error t145)
71                             "\"ds036.hs\", line 45: pattern-matching failure [function binding]\n"S in
72                   let n.157 = (fromInteger t141) dict.129 (MkInteger! 2##)
73                   in 
74                     case
75                         ((>= t141)
76                              dict.130
77                              n.74
78                              ((fromInteger t141) dict.129 (MkInteger! 2##)))
79                     of {
80                       True ->
81                           let
82                             n.74 =
83                                 (- t141)
84                                     dict.129
85                                     n.74
86                                     ((fromInteger t141)
87                                          dict.129 (MkInteger! 2##))
88                           in 
89                             case ((> t145) dict.133 x.75 n.74) of {
90                               True ->
91                                   (* t145)
92                                       dict.136
93                                       x.75
94                                       ((fromInteger t145)
95                                            dict.138 (MkInteger! 2##))
96                               False -> fail.154
97                             }
98                       False ->
99                           let
100                             x.156 = (fromInteger t141) dict.142 (MkInteger! 1##)
101                           in 
102                             case
103                                 ((>= t141)
104                                      dict.143
105                                      n.74
106                                      ((fromInteger t141)
107                                           dict.142 (MkInteger! 1##)))
108                             of {
109                               True ->
110                                   let
111                                     x.77 =
112                                         (- t141)
113                                             dict.142
114                                             n.74
115                                             ((fromInteger t141)
116                                                  dict.142 (MkInteger! 1##)) in
117                                   let
118                                     m.155 =
119                                         (fromInteger t145)
120                                             dict.146 (MkInteger! 1##)
121                                   in 
122                                     case
123                                         ((>= t145)
124                                              dict.147
125                                              x.75
126                                              ((fromInteger t145)
127                                                   dict.146 (MkInteger! 1##)))
128                                     of {
129                                       True ->
130                                           let
131                                             m.76 =
132                                                 (- t145)
133                                                     dict.146
134                                                     x.75
135                                                     ((fromInteger t145)
136                                                          dict.146
137                                                          (MkInteger! 1##))
138                                           in  m.76
139                                       False -> fail.154
140                                     }
141                               False -> fail.154
142                             }
143                     }
144         in  kh.126