1 %************************************************************************
3 \section[Driver-asm-fiddling]{Fiddling with assembler files}
5 %************************************************************************
10 Utterly stomp out C functions' prologues and epilogues; i.e., the
11 stuff to do with the C stack.
13 Any other required tidying up.
16 General note [chak]: Many regexps are very fragile because they rely on white
17 space being in the right place. This caused trouble with gcc 2.95 (at least
18 on Linux), where the use of white space in .s files generated by gcc suddenly
19 changed. To guarantee compatibility across different versions of gcc, make
20 sure (at least on i386-.*-linux) that regexps tolerate varying amounts of white
21 space between an assembler statement and its arguments as well as after a the
22 comma separating multiple arguments.
24 \emph{For the time being, I have corrected the regexps for i386-.*-linux. I
25 didn't touch all the regexps for other i386 platforms, as I don't have
26 a box to test these changes.}
31 The HP linker is very picky about symbols being in the appropriate
32 space (code vs. data). When we mangle the threaded code to put the
33 info tables just prior to the code, they wind up in code space
34 rather than data space. This means that references to *_info from
35 un-mangled parts of the RTS (e.g. unthreaded GC code) get
36 unresolved symbols. Solution: mini-mangler for .c files on HP. I
37 think this should really be triggered in the driver by a new -rts
38 option, so that user code doesn't get mangled inappropriately.
40 With reversed tables, jumps are to the _info label rather than to
41 the _entry label. The _info label is just an address in code
42 space, rather than an entry point with the descriptive blob we
43 talked about yesterday. As a result, you can't use the call-style
44 JMP_ macro. However, some JMP_ macros take _info labels as targets
45 and some take code entry points within the RTS. The latter won't
46 work with the goto-style JMP_ macro. Sigh. Solution: Use the goto
47 style JMP_ macro, and mangle some more assembly, changing all
48 "RP'literal" and "LP'literal" references to "R'literal" and
49 "L'literal," so that you get the real address of the code, rather
50 than the descriptive blob. Also change all ".word P%literal"
51 entries in info tables and vector tables to just ".word literal,"
52 for the same reason. Advantage: No more ridiculous call sequences.
55 %************************************************************************
57 \subsection{Top-level code}
59 %************************************************************************
62 $TargetPlatform = $TARGETPLATFORM;
64 ($Pgm = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
68 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/ ) {
72 $StolenX86Regs = $ARGV[2];
76 &mangle_asm($ifile,$ofile);
81 %************************************************************************
83 \subsection{Constants for various architectures}
85 %************************************************************************
88 sub init_TARGET_STUFF {
90 #--------------------------------------------------------#
91 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-.*-.*/ ) {
93 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
94 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
95 $T_PRE_APP = 'DONT THINK THIS APPLIES'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
96 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\$L?C(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
99 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\$.*\.\.ng:|\.align\s+\d+|\.(globl|ent)\s+\S+|\#.*|\.(file|loc)\s+\S+\s+\S+|\.text|\.r?data)\n)';
100 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '^\s*(\$.*\.\.ng:|\#|\.(file|globl|ent|loc))';
102 $T_hsc_cc_PAT = '\.ascii.*\)(hsc|cc) (.*)\\\\11"\n\t\.ascii\s+"(.*)\\\\0"';
103 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|quad|byte|word)';
104 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '^\t\.globl';
105 $T_HDR_literal = "\.rdata\n\t\.align 3\n";
106 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 3\n";
107 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 3\n";
108 $T_HDR_consist = "\.text\n";
109 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 3\n";
110 $T_HDR_srt = "\.text\n\t\.align 3\n";
111 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 3\n";
112 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.align 3\n";
113 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 3\n";
114 $T_HDR_direct = "\.text\n\t\.align 3\n";
115 $T_create_word = "\t.quad";
117 #--------------------------------------------------------#
118 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/ ) {
120 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
121 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
122 $T_PRE_APP = 'DONT THINK THIS APPLIES'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
123 $T_CONST_LBL = '^L\$C(\d+)$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
126 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^((\s+\.(IMPORT|EXPORT|PARAM).*|\s+\.align\s+\d+|\s+\.(SPACE|SUBSPA)\s+\S+|\s*)\n)';
127 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '^\s+\.(IMPORT|EXPORT)';
129 $T_hsc_cc_PAT = '\.STRING.*\)(hsc|cc) (.*)\\\\x09(.*)\\\\x00"';
130 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(blockz|word|half|byte)';
131 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '^\s+\.EXPORT';
132 $T_HDR_literal = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$LIT\$\n";
133 $T_HDR_misc = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$CODE\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
134 $T_HDR_data = "\t.SPACE \$PRIVATE\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$DATA\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
135 $T_HDR_consist = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$LIT\$\n";
136 $T_HDR_closure = "\t.SPACE \$PRIVATE\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$DATA\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
137 $T_HDR_srt = "\t.SPACE \$PRIVATE\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$DATA\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
138 $T_HDR_info = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$CODE\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
139 $T_HDR_entry = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$CODE\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
140 $T_HDR_vector = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$CODE\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
141 $T_HDR_direct = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$CODE\$\n\t\.align 4\n";
142 $T_create_word = "\t.word";
144 #--------------------------------------------------------#
145 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-.*-(linuxaout|freebsd2|nextstep3|cygwin32|mingw32)$/ ) {
146 # NeXT added but not tested. CaS
148 $T_STABBY = 1; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
149 $T_US = '_'; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
150 $T_PRE_APP = '^#'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
151 $T_CONST_LBL = '^LC(\d+):$';
153 $T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT = 'L';
154 $T_X86_PRE_LLBL = 'L';
155 $T_X86_BADJMP = '^\tjmp [^L\*]';
157 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.(p2)?align\s+\d+(,0x90)?|\.globl\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.stab[^n].*|\.type\s+.*|\.size\s+.*)\n)';
158 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(globl|stab)';
159 $T_hsc_cc_PAT = '\.ascii.*\)(hsc|cc) (.*)\\\\11"\n\t\.ascii\s+"(.*)\\\\0"';
160 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|word|value|byte|space)';
161 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.globl';
162 $T_HDR_literal = "\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
163 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 2,0x90\n";
164 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
165 $T_HDR_consist = "\.text\n";
166 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
167 $T_HDR_srt = "\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
168 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 2\n"; # NB: requires padding
169 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n"; # no .align so we're right next to _info (arguably wrong...?)
170 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 2\n"; # NB: requires padding
171 $T_HDR_direct = "\.text\n\t\.align 2,0x90\n";
172 $T_create_word = "\t.word";
174 #--------------------------------------------------------#
175 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-.*-(solaris2|linux|freebsd|netbsd|openbsd)$/ ) {
177 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
178 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
179 $T_PRE_APP = # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
180 ($TargetPlatform =~ /-(linux|freebsd|netbsd)$/) ? '#' : '/' ;
181 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\.LC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
183 $T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT = '\.L';
184 $T_X86_PRE_LLBL = '.L';
185 $T_X86_BADJMP = '^\tjmp\s+[^\.\*]';
187 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.(p2)?align\s+\d+(,\s*0x90)?|\.globl\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.section\s+.*|\.type\s+.*|\.size\s+\S+\s*,\s*\d+|\.ident.*|\.local.*)\n)';
188 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '^\s*\.(globl|type|size|local)';
190 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /freebsd|netbsd/ ) {
191 $T_hsc_cc_PAT = '\.ascii.*\)(hsc|cc) (.*)\\\\11"\n\t\.ascii\s+"(.*)\\\\0"';
193 $T_hsc_cc_PAT = '\.string.*\)(hsc|cc) (.*)\\\\t(.*)"';
196 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|value|word|byte|zero)';
197 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.globl';
198 $T_HDR_literal = "\.section\t\.rodata\n"; # or just use .text??? (WDP 95/11)
199 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
200 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n"; # ToDo: change align??
201 $T_HDR_consist = "\.text\n";
202 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n"; # ToDo: change align?
203 $T_HDR_srt = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n"; # ToDo: change align?
204 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n"; # NB: requires padding
205 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n"; # no .align so we're right next to _info (arguably wrong...?)
206 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n"; # NB: requires padding
207 $T_HDR_direct = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
208 $T_create_word = "\t.word";
210 #--------------------------------------------------------#
211 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^ia64-.*-linux$/ ) {
213 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
214 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
216 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\.LC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
219 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*\.(global|proc|pred\.safe_across_calls|text|data|section|subsection|align|size|type|ident)\s+.*\n)';
220 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(global|proc)';
222 $T_hsc_cc_PAT = '\.string.*\)(hsc|cc) (.*)\\\\t(.*)"';
223 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|value|byte|zero)';
224 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.global';
225 $T_HDR_literal = "\.section\t\.rodata\n";
226 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
227 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 8\n";
228 $T_HDR_consist = "\.text\n";
229 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 8\n";
230 $T_HDR_srt = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
231 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
232 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.align 16\n";
233 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
234 $T_HDR_direct = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
235 $T_create_word = "\t.word";
237 #--------------------------------------------------------#
238 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-.*-sunos4/ ) {
240 $T_STABBY = 1; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
241 $T_US = '_'; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
242 $T_PRE_APP = '^# MAY NOT APPLY'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
243 $T_CONST_LBL = '^LC(\d+):$';
246 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.align\s+\d+|\.proc\s+\d+|\.const|\.cstring|\.globl\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.even|\.stab[^n].*)\n)';
247 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(globl|proc|stab)';
248 $T_hsc_cc_PAT = '\.ascii.*\)(hsc|cc) (.*)\\\\11"\n\t\.ascii\s+"(.*)\\\\0"';
250 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.long';
251 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.globl';
252 $T_HDR_literal = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
253 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
254 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.even\n";
255 $T_HDR_consist = "\.text\n";
256 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.even\n";
257 $T_HDR_srt = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
258 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
259 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
260 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
261 $T_HDR_direct = "\.text\n\t\.even\n";
262 $T_create_word = "\t.long";
264 #--------------------------------------------------------#
265 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-.*/ ) {
267 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
268 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
269 $T_PRE_APP = '^\s*#'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
270 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\$LC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
273 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.align\s+\d+|\.(globl|ent)\s+\S+|\.text|\.r?data)\n)';
274 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(globl|ent)';
276 $T_hsc_cc_PAT = 'I WAS TOO LAZY TO DO THIS BIT (WDP 95/05)';
277 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.word';
278 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '^\t\.globl';
279 $T_HDR_literal = "\t\.rdata\n\t\.align 2\n";
280 $T_HDR_misc = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
281 $T_HDR_data = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
282 $T_HDR_consist = 'TOO LAZY TO DO THIS TOO';
283 $T_HDR_closure = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
284 $T_HDR_srt = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
285 $T_HDR_info = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
286 $T_HDR_entry = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
287 $T_HDR_vector = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
288 $T_HDR_direct = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
289 $T_create_word = "\t.word";
291 #--------------------------------------------------------#
292 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-.*/ ) {
293 # Apple PowerPC Darwin/MacOS X.
294 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
295 $T_US = '_'; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
296 $T_PRE_APP = 'WHAT IS THIS'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
297 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\LC\d+:'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
300 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^(\s*(\.align \d+|\.text|\.data|\.const_data|\.cstring|\.non_lazy_symbol_pointer|\.const|\.static_const|\.literal4|\.literal8|\.static_data|\.globl \S+|\.section .*)\n)';
301 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(globl)';
303 $T_hsc_cc_PAT = '\.byte.*\)(hsc|cc) (.*)"\n\t\.byte \d+\n\t\.byte "(.*)"\n\t\.byte \d+';
304 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|short|byte|fill|space)';
305 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '\.globl';
306 $T_HDR_toc = "\.toc\n";
307 $T_HDR_literal = "\t\.const_data\n\t\.align 2\n";
308 $T_HDR_misc = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
309 $T_HDR_data = "\t\.data\n\t\.align 2\n";
310 $T_HDR_consist = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
311 $T_HDR_closure = "\t\.const_data\n\t\.align 2\n";
312 $T_HDR_srt = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
313 $T_HDR_info = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
314 $T_HDR_entry = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
315 $T_HDR_vector = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
316 $T_HDR_direct = "\t\.text\n\t\.align 2\n";
317 $T_create_word = "\t.long";
319 #--------------------------------------------------------#
320 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-.*-(solaris2|openbsd)/ ) {
322 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
323 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
324 $T_PRE_APP = 'DOES NOT SEEM TO APPLY'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
325 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\.LLC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
328 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^((\s+\.align\s+\d+|\s+\.proc\s+\d+|\s+\.global\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.stab.*|\.section.*|\s+\.type.*|\s+\.size.*)\n)';
329 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(global|proc|stab)';
331 $T_hsc_cc_PAT = '\.asciz.*\)(hsc|cc) (.*)\\\\t(.*)"';
332 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|word|byte|half|skip|uahalf|uaword)';
333 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '^\t\.global';
334 $T_HDR_literal = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
335 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
336 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 8\n";
337 $T_HDR_consist = "\.text\n";
338 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
339 $T_HDR_srt = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
340 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
341 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
342 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
343 $T_HDR_direct = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
344 $T_create_word = "\t.word";
346 #--------------------------------------------------------#
347 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-.*-sunos4/ ) {
349 $T_STABBY = 1; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
350 $T_US = '_'; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
351 $T_PRE_APP = '^# DOES NOT SEEM TO APPLY'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
352 $T_CONST_LBL = '^LC(\d+):$';
355 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^((\s+\.align\s+\d+|\s+\.proc\s+\d+|\s+\.global\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.stab.*)\n)';
356 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(global|proc|stab)';
357 $T_hsc_cc_PAT = '\.ascii.*\)(hsc|cc) (.*)\\\\11"\n\t\.ascii\s+"(.*)\\\\0"';
359 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.word';
360 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '^\t\.global';
361 $T_HDR_literal = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
362 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
363 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 8\n";
364 $T_HDR_consist = "\.text\n";
365 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
366 $T_HDR_srt = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
367 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
368 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
369 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
370 $T_HDR_direct = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
371 $T_create_word = "\t.word";
373 #--------------------------------------------------------#
374 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-.*-linux/ ) {
375 $T_STABBY = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
376 $T_US = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
377 $T_PRE_APP = '#'; # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
378 # Probably doesn't apply anyway
379 $T_CONST_LBL = '^\.LLC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
382 $T_MOVE_DIRVS = '^((\s+\.align\s+\d+|\s+\.proc\s+\d+|\s+\.global\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.seg|\.stab.*|\.section.*|\s+\.type.*|\s+\.size.*)\n)';
383 $T_COPY_DIRVS = '\.(global|globl|proc|stab)';
385 $T_hsc_cc_PAT = '\.asciz.*\)(hsc|cc) (.*)\\\\t(.*)"';
386 $T_DOT_WORD = '\.(long|word|nword|xword|byte|half|short|skip|uahalf|uaword)';
387 $T_DOT_GLOBAL = '^\t\.global';
388 $T_HDR_literal = "\.text\n\t\.align 8\n";
389 $T_HDR_misc = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
390 $T_HDR_data = "\.data\n\t\.align 8\n";
391 $T_HDR_consist = "\.text\n";
392 $T_HDR_closure = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
393 $T_HDR_srt = "\.data\n\t\.align 4\n";
394 $T_HDR_info = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
395 $T_HDR_entry = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
396 $T_HDR_vector = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
397 $T_HDR_direct = "\.text\n\t\.align 4\n";
398 $T_create_word = "\t.word";
400 #--------------------------------------------------------#
402 print STDERR "$Pgm: don't know how to mangle assembly language for: $TargetPlatform\n";
407 print STDERR "T_STABBY: $T_STABBY\n";
408 print STDERR "T_US: $T_US\n";
409 print STDERR "T_PRE_APP: $T_PRE_APP\n";
411 print STDERR "T_POST_LBL: $T_POST_LBL\n";
412 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/ ) {
413 print STDERR "T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT: $T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT\n";
414 print STDERR "T_X86_PRE_LLBL: $T_X86_PRE_LLBL\n";
415 print STDERR "T_X86_BADJMP: $T_X86_BADJMP\n";
419 print STDERR "T_hsc_cc_PAT: $T_hsc_cc_PAT\n";
420 print STDERR "T_DOT_WORD: $T_DOT_WORD\n";
421 print STDERR "T_HDR_literal: $T_HDR_literal\n";
422 print STDERR "T_HDR_misc: $T_HDR_misc\n";
423 print STDERR "T_HDR_data: $T_HDR_data\n";
424 print STDERR "T_HDR_consist: $T_HDR_consist\n";
425 print STDERR "T_HDR_closure: $T_HDR_closure\n";
426 print STDERR "T_HDR_info: $T_HDR_info\n";
427 print STDERR "T_HDR_entry: $T_HDR_entry\n";
428 print STDERR "T_HDR_vector: $T_HDR_vector\n";
429 print STDERR "T_HDR_direct: $T_HDR_direct\n";
435 %************************************************************************
437 \subsection{Mangle away}
439 %************************************************************************
443 local($in_asmf, $out_asmf) = @_;
445 # multi-line regexp matching:
450 &init_TARGET_STUFF();
451 &init_FUNNY_THINGS();
453 open(INASM, "< $in_asmf")
454 || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$in_asmf' (to read)\n");
455 open(OUTASM,"> $out_asmf")
456 || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$out_asmf' (to write)\n");
458 # read whole file, divide into "chunks":
459 # record some info about what we've found...
461 @chk = (); # contents of the chunk
462 $numchks = 0; # number of them
463 @chkcat = (); # what category of thing in each chunk
464 @chksymb = (); # what symbol(base) is defined in this chunk
465 %entrychk = (); # ditto, its entry code
466 %closurechk = (); # ditto, the (static) closure
467 %srtchk = (); # ditto, its SRT (for top-level things)
468 %infochk = (); # given a symbol base, say what chunk its info tbl is in
469 %vectorchk = (); # ditto, return vector table
470 $EXTERN_DECLS = ''; # .globl <foo> .text (MIPS only)
472 $i = 0; $chkcat[0] = 'misc'; $chk[0] = '';
475 tr/\r//d if $TargetPlatform =~ /-mingw32$/; # In case Perl doesn't convert line endings
476 next if $T_STABBY && /^\.stab.*${T_US}__stg_split_marker/o;
477 next if $T_STABBY && /^\.stab.*ghc.*c_ID/;
478 next if /^\t\.def.*endef$/;
479 next if /${T_PRE_APP}(NO_)?APP/o;
480 next if /^;/ && $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/;
482 next if /(^$|^\t\.file\t|^ # )/ && $TargetPlatform =~ /^(mips|ia64)-/;
484 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/
485 && /^\t\.(globl\S+\.text|comm\t)/ ) {
486 $EXTERN_DECLS .= $_ unless /(__DISCARD__|\b(PK_|ASSIGN_)(FLT|DBL)\b)/;
487 # Treat .comm variables as data. These show up in two (known) places:
489 # - the module_registered variable used in the __stginit fragment.
490 # even though these are declared static and initialised, gcc 3.3
491 # likes to make them .comm, presumably to save space in the
494 # - global variables used to pass arguments from C to STG in
495 # a foreign export. (is this still true? --SDM)
497 } elsif ( /^\t\.comm.*$/ ) {
499 $chkcat[$i] = 'data';
502 } elsif ( /^\s+/ ) { # most common case first -- a simple line!
503 # duplicated from the bottom
507 } elsif ( /\.\.ng:$/ && $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/ ) {
508 # Alphas: Local labels not to be confused with new chunks
511 # NB: all the rest start with a non-space
513 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/
514 && /^\d+:/ ) { # a funny-looking very-local label
517 } elsif ( /$T_CONST_LBL/o ) {
519 $chkcat[$i] = 'literal';
522 } elsif ( /^${T_US}__stg_split_marker(\d*)${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
524 $chkcat[$i] = 'splitmarker';
527 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_info${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
530 $chkcat[$i] = 'infotbl';
531 $chksymb[$i] = $symb;
533 die "Info table already? $symb; $i\n" if defined($infochk{$symb});
535 $infochk{$symb} = $i;
537 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_(entry|ret)${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
539 $chkcat[$i] = 'entry';
544 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_closure${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
546 $chkcat[$i] = 'closure';
549 $closurechk{$1} = $i;
551 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_srt${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
558 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_ct${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
560 $chkcat[$i] = 'data';
563 } elsif ( /^(${T_US}__gnu_compiled_c|gcc2_compiled\.)${T_POST_LBL}/o ) {
566 } elsif ( /^${T_US}[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.\d+${T_POST_LBL}$/o
567 || /^${T_US}.*_CAT${T_POST_LBL}$/o # PROF: _entryname_CAT
568 || /^${T_US}.*_done${T_POST_LBL}$/o # PROF: _module_done
569 || /^${T_US}_module_registered${T_POST_LBL}$/o # PROF: _module_registered
572 $chkcat[$i] = 'data';
575 } elsif ( /^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s+\.comm/ && $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/ ) {
580 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_cc(s)?${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
581 # all CC_ symbols go in the data section...
583 $chkcat[$i] = 'data';
586 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_(alt|dflt)${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
588 $chkcat[$i] = 'misc';
590 } elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_vtbl${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
592 $chkcat[$i] = 'vector';
597 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-.*-solaris2/
598 && /^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]*:/ ) {
599 # Some Solaris system headers contain function definitions (as
600 # opposed to mere prototypes), which end up in the .hc file when
601 # a Haskell module foreign imports the corresponding system
602 # functions (most notably stat()). We put them into the text
603 # segment. Note that this currently does not extend to function
604 # names starting with an underscore.
607 $chkcat[$i] = 'misc';
610 } elsif ( /^${T_US}[A-Za-z0-9_]/o
611 && ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^hppa/ # need to avoid local labels in this case
612 || ! /^L\$\d+$/ ) ) {
616 print STDERR "Warning: retaining unknown function \`$thing' in output from C compiler\n"
617 unless # $KNOWN_FUNNY_THING{$thing}
618 /^${T_US}stg_.*${T_POST_LBL}$/o # RTS internals
619 || /^${T_US}__stg_.*${T_POST_LBL}$/o # more RTS internals
620 || /^${T_US}__fexp_.*${T_POST_LBL}$/o # foreign export
621 || /^${T_US}.*_slow${T_POST_LBL}$/o # slow entry
622 || /^${T_US}__stginit.*${T_POST_LBL}$/o # __stginit<module>
623 || /^${T_US}.*_btm${T_POST_LBL}$/o # large bitmaps
624 || /^${T_US}.*_srtd${T_POST_LBL}$/o # large bitmaps
625 || /^${T_US}.*_fast${T_POST_LBL}$/o # primops
626 || /^${T_US}.*_closure_tbl${T_POST_LBL}$/o # closure tables
627 || /^_uname:/o; # x86/Solaris2
629 $chkcat[$i] = 'misc';
632 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-.*/ && (
634 || /^\.section __TEXT,__picsymbol_stub1,.*/
636 || /^\.section __TEXT,__symbol_stub1,.*/
637 || /^\.lazy_symbol_pointer/
638 || /^\.non_lazy_symbol_pointer/ ))
641 $chkcat[$i] = 'dyld';
643 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-.*/ && /^\.data/ && $chkcat[$i] eq 'dyld')
644 { # non_lazy_symbol_ptrs that point to local symbols
646 $chkcat[$i] = 'dyld';
648 } else { # simple line (duplicated at the top)
653 $numchks = $#chk + 1;
655 # open CHUNKS, ">/tmp/chunks1" or die "Cannot open /tmp/chunks1: $!\n";
656 # for (my $i = 0; $i < @chk; ++$i) { print CHUNKS "======= $i =======\n", $chk[$i] }
659 # the division into chunks is imperfect;
660 # we throw some things over the fence into the next
663 # also, there are things we would like to know
664 # about the whole module before we start spitting
667 local($FIRST_MANGLABLE) = ($TargetPlatform =~ /^(alpha-|hppa|mips-)/) ? 1 : 0;
668 local($FIRST_TOSSABLE ) = ($TargetPlatform =~ /^(hppa|mips-)/) ? 1 : 0;
670 # print STDERR "first chunk to mangle: $FIRST_MANGLABLE\n";
672 # Alphas: NB: we start meddling at chunk 1, not chunk 0
673 # The first ".rdata" is quite magical; as of GCC 2.7.x, it
674 # spits a ".quad 0" in after the very first ".rdata"; we
675 # detect this special case (tossing the ".quad 0")!
676 local($magic_rdata_seen) = 0;
678 # HPPAs, MIPSen: also start medding at chunk 1
680 for ($i = $FIRST_TOSSABLE; $i < $numchks; $i++) {
681 $c = $chk[$i]; # convenience copy
683 # print STDERR "\nCHK $i (BEFORE) (",$chkcat[$i],"):\n", $c;
685 # toss all prologue stuff; HPPA is pretty weird
687 $c = &hppa_mash_prologue($c) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa-/;
689 # be slightly paranoid to make sure there's
690 # nothing surprising in there
691 if ( $c =~ /--- BEGIN ---/ ) {
692 if (($p, $r) = split(/--- BEGIN ---/, $c)) {
694 # remove junk whitespace around the split point
698 if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/) {
699 $p =~ s/^\tpushl\s+\%edi\n//;
700 $p =~ s/^\tpushl\s+\%esi\n//;
701 $p =~ s/^\tpushl\s+\%ebx\n//;
702 $p =~ s/^\tmovl\s+\%esi,\s*\d*\(\%esp\)\n//;
703 $p =~ s/^\tmovl\s+\%edi,\s*\d*\(\%esp\)\n//;
704 $p =~ s/^\tsubl\s+\$\d+,\s*\%esp\n//;
705 $p =~ s/^\tmovl\s+\$\d+,\s*\%eax\n\tcall\s+__alloca\n// if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^.*-cygwin32/);
707 # GCC 3.1 is in the habit of adding spurious writes to the
708 # stack in the prologue. Just to be on the safe side,
709 # chuck these over the fence into the main code.
710 while ($p =~ /^\tmovl\s+\$\d+,\s*\d*\(\%esp\)\n/) {
711 # print "Spurious instruction: $&";
716 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^ia64-/) {
717 $p =~ s/^\t\.prologue .*\n//;
718 $p =~ s/^\t\.save ar\.pfs, r\d+\n\talloc r\d+ = ar\.pfs, 0, 3[12], \d+, 0\n//;
719 $p =~ s/^\t\.fframe \d+\n\tadds r12 = -\d+, r12\n//;
720 $p =~ s/^\t\.save rp, r\d+\n\tmov r\d+ = b0\n//;
721 $p =~ s/^\t\.(mii|mmi)\n//g; # bundling is no longer sensible
722 $p =~ s/^\t;;\n//g; # discard stops
723 $p =~ s/^\t\/\/.*\n//g; # gcc inserts timings in // comments
725 # GCC 3.3 saves r1 in the prologue, move this to the body
726 if ($p =~ /^\tmov r\d+ = r1\n/) {
730 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/) {
731 $p =~ s/^\tlink a6,#-?\d.*\n//;
732 $p =~ s/^\tpea a6@\n\tmovel sp,a6\n//;
733 # The above showed up in the asm code,
734 # so I added it here.
735 # I hope it's correct.
737 $p =~ s/^\tmovel d2,sp\@-\n//;
738 $p =~ s/^\tmovel d5,sp\@-\n//; # SMmark.* only?
739 $p =~ s/^\tmoveml \#0x[0-9a-f]+,sp\@-\n//; # SMmark.* only?
740 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/) {
741 # the .frame/.mask/.fmask that we use is the same
742 # as that produced by GCC for miniInterpret; this
743 # gives GDB some chance of figuring out what happened
744 $FRAME = "\t.frame\t\$sp,2168,\$31\n\t.mask\t0x90000000,-4\n\t.fmask\t0x00000000,0\n";
745 $p =~ s/^\t\.(frame).*\n/__FRAME__/g;
746 $p =~ s/^\t\.(mask|fmask).*\n//g;
747 $p =~ s/^\t\.cprestore.*\n/\t\.cprestore 416\n/; # 16 + 100 4-byte args
748 $p =~ s/^\tsubu\t\$sp,\$sp,\d+\n//;
749 $p =~ s/^\tsw\t\$31,\d+\(\$sp\)\n//;
750 $p =~ s/^\tsw\t\$fp,\d+\(\$sp\)\n//;
751 $p =~ s/^\tsw\t\$28,\d+\(\$sp\)\n//;
752 $p =~ s/__FRAME__/$FRAME/;
753 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-.*/) {
755 $pcrel_label =~ s/(.|\n)*^(L\d+\$pb):\n(.|\n)*/$2/ or $pcrel_label = "";
757 $p =~ s/^\tmflr r0\n//;
758 $p =~ s/^\tbl saveFP # f\d+\n//;
759 $p =~ s/^\tbl saveFP ; save f\d+-f\d+\n//;
760 $p =~ s/^L\d+\$pb:\n//;
761 $p =~ s/^\tstmw r\d+,-\d+\(r1\)\n//;
762 $p =~ s/^\tstfd f\d+,-\d+\(r1\)\n//g;
763 $p =~ s/^\tstw r0,\d+\(r1\)\n//g;
764 $p =~ s/^\tstwu r1,-\d+\(r1\)\n//;
765 $p =~ s/^\tstw r\d+,-\d+\(r1\)\n//g;
766 $p =~ s/^\tbcl 20,31,L\d+\$pb\n//;
767 $p =~ s/^L\d+\$pb:\n//;
768 $p =~ s/^\tmflr r31\n//;
770 # This is bad: GCC 3 seems to zero-fill some local variables in the prologue
771 # under some circumstances, only when generating position dependent code.
772 # I have no idea why, and I don't think it is necessary, so let's toss it.
773 $p =~ s/^\tli r\d+,0\n//g;
774 $p =~ s/^\tstw r\d+,\d+\(r1\)\n//g;
776 print STDERR "$Pgm: unknown prologue mangling? $TargetPlatform\n";
779 # HWL HACK: dont die, just print a warning
780 #print stderr "HWL: this should die! Prologue junk?: $p\n" if $p =~ /^\t[^\.]/;
781 die "Prologue junk?: $p\n" if $p =~ /^\s+[^\s\.]/;
783 if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-.*/ && $pcrel_label ne "") {
784 # on PowerPC, we have to keep a part of the prologue
785 # (which loads the current instruction pointer into register r31)
786 $p .= "bcl 20,31,$pcrel_label\n";
787 $p .= "$pcrel_label:\n";
788 $p .= "\tmflr r31\n";
791 # glue together what's left
796 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/ ) {
797 # MIPS: first, this basic sequence may occur "--- END ---" or not
798 $c =~ s/^\tlw\t\$31,\d+\(\$sp\)\n\taddu\t\$sp,\$sp,\d+\n\tj\t\$31\n\t\.end/\t\.end/;
801 # toss all epilogue stuff; again, paranoidly
802 if ( $c =~ /--- END ---/ ) {
803 if (($r, $e) = split(/--- END ---/, $c)) {
804 if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/) {
806 $e =~ s/^\tpopl\s+\%edi\n//;
807 $e =~ s/^\tpopl\s+\%esi\n//;
808 $e =~ s/^\tpopl\s+\%edx\n//;
809 $e =~ s/^\tpopl\s+\%ecx\n//;
810 $e =~ s/^\taddl\s+\$\d+,\s*\%esp\n//;
811 $e =~ s/^\tsubl\s+\$-\d+,\s*\%esp\n//;
812 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^ia64-/) {
813 $e =~ s/^\tmov ar\.pfs = r\d+\n//;
814 $e =~ s/^\tmov b0 = r\d+\n//;
815 $e =~ s/^\t\.restore sp\n\tadds r12 = \d+, r12\n//;
816 $e =~ s/^\tbr\.ret\.sptk\.many b0\n//;
817 $e =~ s/^\t\.(mii|mmi|mib)\n//g; # bundling is no longer sensible
818 $e =~ s/^\t;;\n//g; # discard stops - stop at end of body is sufficient
819 $e =~ s/^\t\/\/.*\n//g; # gcc inserts timings in // comments
820 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/) {
821 $e =~ s/^\tunlk a6\n//;
823 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/) {
824 $e =~ s/^\tlw\t\$31,\d+\(\$sp\)\n//;
825 $e =~ s/^\tlw\t\$fp,\d+\(\$sp\)\n//;
826 $e =~ s/^\taddu\t\$sp,\$sp,\d+\n//;
827 $e =~ s/^\tj\t\$31\n//;
828 } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-.*/) {
829 $e =~ s/^\taddi r1,r1,\d+\n//;
830 $e =~ s/^\tcal r1,\d+\(r1\)\n//;
831 $e =~ s/^\tlw?z? r\d+,\d+\(r1\)\n//;
832 $e =~ s/^\tmtlr r0\n//;
835 print STDERR "$Pgm: unknown epilogue mangling? $TargetPlatform\n";
838 print STDERR "WARNING: Epilogue junk?: $e\n" if $e =~ /^\t\s*[^\.\s\n]/;
840 # glue together what's left
842 $c =~ s/\n\t\n/\n/; # junk blank line
846 # On SPARCs, we don't do --- BEGIN/END ---, we just
847 # toss the register-windowing save/restore/ret* instructions
849 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-/ ) {
850 $c =~ s/^\t(save.*|restore.*|ret|retl)\n//g;
851 # throw away PROLOGUE comments
852 $c =~ s/^\t!#PROLOGUE# 0\n\t!#PROLOGUE# 1\n//;
855 # On Alphas, the prologue mangling is done a little later (below)
857 # toss all calls to __DISCARD__
858 $c =~ s/^\t(call|jbsr|jal)\s+${T_US}__DISCARD__\n//go;
859 $c =~ s/^\tjsr\s+\$26\s*,\s*${T_US}__DISCARD__\n//go if $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/;
860 $c =~ s/^\tbl\s+L___DISCARD__\$stub\n//go if $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-.*/;
862 # IA64: mangle tailcalls into jumps here
863 if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^ia64-/) {
864 while ($c =~ s/^\tbr\.call\.sptk\.many b0 = (.*)\n(?:^\.L([0-9]*):\n)?(?:\t;;\n)?(?:\tmov r1 = r\d+\n)?(?:\t;;\n)?\t--- TAILCALL ---\n(?:\t;;\n\tbr \.L\d+\n)?/\tbr\.few $1\n/) {
865 # Eek, the gcc optimiser is getting smarter... if we see a jump to the --- TAILCALL ---
866 # marker then we reapply the substitution at the source sites
867 $c =~ s/^\tbr \.L$2\n/\t--- TAILCALL ---\n/g if ($2);
871 # MIPS: that may leave some gratuitous asm macros around
872 # (no harm done; but we get rid of them to be tidier)
873 $c =~ s/^\t\.set\tnoreorder\n\t\.set\tnomacro\n\taddu\t(\S+)\n\t\.set\tmacro\n\t\.set\treorder\n/\taddu\t$1\n/
874 if $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/;
876 # toss stack adjustment after DoSparks
877 $c =~ s/^(\tjbsr _DoSparks\n)\taddqw #8,sp/$1/g
878 if $TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/; # this looks old...
880 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/ &&
881 ! $magic_rdata_seen &&
882 $c =~ /^\s*\.rdata\n\t\.quad 0\n\t\.align \d\n/ ) {
883 $c =~ s/^\s*\.rdata\n\t\.quad 0\n\t\.align (\d)\n/\.rdata\n\t\.align $1\n/;
884 $magic_rdata_seen = 1;
887 # pick some end-things and move them to the next chunk
889 # pin a funny end-thing on (for easier matching):
890 $c .= 'FUNNY#END#THING';
892 while ( $c =~ /${T_MOVE_DIRVS}FUNNY#END#THING/o ) {
896 # on x86 we try not to copy any directives into a literal
897 # chunk, rather we keep looking for the next real chunk. This
898 # is because we get things like
900 # .globl blah_closure
906 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^(i386|sparc|powerpc)/ && $to_move =~ /${T_COPY_DIRVS}/ ) {
908 while ( $j < $numchks && $chk[$j] =~ /$T_CONST_LBL/) {
911 if ( $j < $numchks ) {
912 $chk[$j] = $to_move . $chk[$j];
916 elsif ( $i < ($numchks - 1)
917 && ( $to_move =~ /${T_COPY_DIRVS}/
918 || ($TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/ && $to_move =~ /align/ && $chkcat[$i+1] eq 'literal') )) {
919 $chk[$i + 1] = $to_move . $chk[$i + 1];
920 # otherwise they're tossed
926 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/ && $c =~ /^\t\.ent\s+(\S+)/ ) {
928 # toss all prologue stuff, except for loading gp, and the ..ng address
929 unless ($c =~ /\.ent.*\n\$.*\.\.ng:/) {
930 if (($p, $r) = split(/^\t\.prologue/, $c)) {
931 if (($keep, $junk) = split(/\.\.ng:/, $p)) {
932 $keep =~ s/^\t\.frame.*\n/\t.frame \$30,0,\$26,0\n/;
933 $keep =~ s/^\t\.(mask|fmask).*\n//g;
934 $c = $keep . "..ng:\n";
936 print STDERR "malformed code block ($ent)?\n"
939 $c .= "\t.prologue" . $r;
943 $c =~ s/FUNNY#END#THING//;
945 # print STDERR "\nCHK $i (AFTER) (",$chkcat[$i],"):\n", $c;
947 $chk[$i] = $c; # update w/ convenience copy
950 # open CHUNKS, ">/tmp/chunks2" or die "Cannot open /tmp/chunks2: $!\n";
951 # for (my $i = 0; $i < @chk; ++$i) { print CHUNKS "======= $i =======\n", $chk[$i] }
954 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/ ) {
955 # print out the header stuff first
956 $chk[0] =~ s/^(\t\.file.*)"(ghc\d+\.c)"/$1"$ifile_root.hc"/;
957 print OUTASM $chk[0];
959 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/ ) {
960 print OUTASM $chk[0];
962 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/ ) {
963 $chk[0] = "\t\.file\t1 \"$ifile_root.hc\"\n" . $chk[0];
965 # get rid of horrible "<dollar>Revision: .*$" strings
966 local(@lines0) = split(/\n/, $chk[0]);
968 while ( $z <= $#lines0 ) {
969 if ( $lines0[$z] =~ /^\t\.byte\t0x24,0x52,0x65,0x76,0x69,0x73,0x69,0x6f$/ ) {
972 while ( $z <= $#lines0 ) {
974 last if $lines0[$z] =~ /[,\t]0x0$/;
980 $chk[0] = join("\n", @lines0);
981 $chk[0] =~ s/\n\n+/\n/;
982 print OUTASM $chk[0];
985 # print out all the literal strings next
986 for ($i = 0; $i < $numchks; $i++) {
987 if ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'literal' ) {
988 print OUTASM $T_HDR_literal, $chk[$i];
989 print OUTASM "; end literal\n" if $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/; # for the splitter
991 $chkcat[$i] = 'DONE ALREADY';
995 # on the HPPA, print out all the bss next
996 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/ ) {
997 for ($i = 1; $i < $numchks; $i++) {
998 if ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'bss' ) {
999 print OUTASM "\t.SPACE \$PRIVATE\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$BSS\$\n\t.align 4\n";
1000 print OUTASM $chk[$i];
1002 $chkcat[$i] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1007 for ($i = $FIRST_MANGLABLE; $i < $numchks; $i++) {
1008 # print STDERR "$i: cat $chkcat[$i], symb $chksymb[$i]\n";
1010 next if $chkcat[$i] eq 'DONE ALREADY';
1012 if ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'misc' ) {
1013 if ($chk[$i] ne '') {
1014 print OUTASM $T_HDR_misc;
1015 &print_doctored($chk[$i], 0);
1018 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'toss' ) {
1019 print STDERR "*** NB: TOSSING code for $chksymb[$i] !!! ***\n";
1021 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'data' ) {
1022 if ($chk[$i] ne '') {
1023 print OUTASM $T_HDR_data;
1024 print OUTASM $chk[$i];
1027 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'consist' ) {
1028 if ( $chk[$i] =~ /$T_hsc_cc_PAT/o ) {
1029 local($consist) = "$1.$2.$3";
1030 $consist =~ s/,/./g;
1031 $consist =~ s/\//./g;
1032 $consist =~ s/-/_/g;
1033 $consist =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_.]/ZZ/g; # ToDo: properly?
1035 # Using a cygnus-2.7-96q4 gcc build on hppas, the
1036 # consistency chunk for ghc_cc_ID often (but not always!)
1037 # gets lumped with a bunch of .IMPORT directives containing info on
1038 # the code or data space nature of external symbols. We can't
1039 # toss these, so once the consistency ID has been turned into
1040 # a representable symbol, we substitute it for the symbol
1041 # that the string was attached to in the first place (ghc_cc_ID.)
1042 # (The original string is also substituted away.)
1044 # This change may affect the code output on other platforms in
1045 # adverse ways, hence we restrict this hack hppa targets only.
1048 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/ ) {
1049 $chk[$i] =~ s/^${T_US}ghc.*c_ID$TPOSTLBL/$consist/o;
1050 $chk[$i] =~ s/\t$T_hsc_cc_PAT/$T_HDR_misc/o;
1051 $consist = $chk[$i]; #clumsily
1053 print OUTASM $T_HDR_consist, "${consist}${T_POST_LBL}\n";
1055 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^(mips)-/ ) { # we just don't try in those case (ToDo)
1056 # on mips: consistency string is just a v
1057 # horrible bunch of .bytes,
1058 # which I am too lazy to sort out (WDP 95/05)
1060 print STDERR "Couldn't grok consistency: ", $chk[$i];
1063 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'splitmarker' ) {
1064 # we can just re-constitute this one...
1065 # NB: we emit _three_ underscores no matter what,
1066 # so ghc-split doesn't have to care.
1067 print OUTASM "___stg_split_marker",$chksymb[$i],"${T_POST_LBL}\n";
1069 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'closure'
1070 || $chkcat[$i] eq 'srt'
1071 || $chkcat[$i] eq 'infotbl'
1072 || $chkcat[$i] eq 'entry') { # do them in that order
1073 $symb = $chksymb[$i];
1076 if ( defined($closurechk{$symb}) ) {
1077 print OUTASM $T_HDR_closure;
1078 print OUTASM $chk[$closurechk{$symb}];
1079 $chkcat[$closurechk{$symb}] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1083 if ( defined($srtchk{$symb}) ) {
1084 print OUTASM $T_HDR_srt;
1085 print OUTASM $chk[$srtchk{$symb}];
1086 $chkcat[$srtchk{$symb}] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1090 if ( defined($infochk{$symb}) ) {
1092 print OUTASM $T_HDR_info;
1093 print OUTASM &rev_tbl($symb, $chk[$infochk{$symb}], 1);
1095 # entry code will be put here!
1097 $chkcat[$infochk{$symb}] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1101 if ( defined($entrychk{$symb}) ) {
1103 $c = $chk[$entrychk{$symb}];
1105 print OUTASM $T_HDR_entry;
1107 &print_doctored($c, 1); # NB: the 1!!!
1109 $chkcat[$entrychk{$symb}] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1112 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'vector'
1113 || $chkcat[$i] eq 'direct' ) { # do them in that order
1114 $symb = $chksymb[$i];
1117 if ( defined($vectorchk{$symb}) ) {
1118 print OUTASM $T_HDR_vector;
1119 print OUTASM &rev_tbl($symb, $chk[$vectorchk{$symb}], 0);
1121 # direct return code will be put here!
1122 $chkcat[$vectorchk{$symb}] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1124 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/ ) {
1125 # Alphas: the commented nop is for the splitter, to ensure
1126 # that no module ends with a label as the very last
1127 # thing. (The linker will adjust the label to point
1128 # to the first code word of the next module linked in,
1129 # even if alignment constraints cause the label to move!)
1131 print OUTASM "\t# nop\n";
1134 } elsif ( $chkcat[$i] eq 'toc' ) {
1135 # silly optimisation to print tocs, since they come in groups...
1136 print OUTASM $T_HDR_toc;
1138 while ($chkcat[$j] eq 'toc')
1139 { if ( $chk[$j] !~ /\.tc UpdatePAP\[TC\]/ # not needed: always turned into a jump.
1142 print OUTASM $chk[$j];
1144 $chkcat[$j] = 'DONE ALREADY';
1148 } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-.*/ && $chkcat[$i] eq 'dyld' ) {
1149 # powerpc-apple: dynamic linker stubs
1150 if($chk[$i] !~ /\.indirect_symbol ___DISCARD__/)
1151 { # print them out unchanged, but remove the stubs for __DISCARD__
1152 print OUTASM $chk[$i];
1155 &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: unknown chkcat (ghc-asm: $TargetPlatform)\n$chkcat[$i]\n$chk[$i]\n");
1159 print OUTASM $EXTERN_DECLS if $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/;
1162 close(OUTASM) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed writing to $out_asmf\n");
1163 close(INASM) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed reading from $in_asmf\n");
1168 sub hppa_mash_prologue { # OK, epilogue, too
1171 # toss all prologue stuff
1172 s/^\s+\.ENTRY[^\0]*--- BEGIN ---/\t.ENTRY/;
1174 # Lie about our .CALLINFO
1182 # toss all epilogue stuff
1183 s/^\s+--- END ---[^\0]*\.EXIT/\t.EXIT/;
1185 # Sorry; we moved the _info stuff to the code segment.
1186 s/_info,DATA/_info,CODE/g;
1193 sub print_doctored {
1194 local($_, $need_fallthru_patch) = @_;
1196 if ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^i386-/
1197 || ! /^\t[a-z]/ # no instructions in here, apparently
1198 || /^${T_US}__stginit_[A-Za-z0-9_]+${T_POST_LBL}/) {
1202 # OK, must do some x86 **HACKING**
1204 local($entry_patch) = '';
1205 local($exit_patch) = '';
1207 # gotta watch out for weird instructions that
1208 # invisibly smash various regs:
1209 # rep* %ecx used for counting
1210 # scas* %edi used for destination index
1211 # cmps* %e[sd]i used for indices
1212 # loop* %ecx used for counting
1217 # * use of STG reg [ nn(%ebx) ] where no machine reg avail
1219 # * GCC used an "STG reg" for its own purposes
1221 # * some secret uses of machine reg, requiring STG reg
1222 # to be saved/restored
1224 # The most dangerous "GCC uses" of an "STG reg" are when
1225 # the reg holds the target of a jmp -- it's tricky to
1226 # insert the patch-up code before we get to the target!
1227 # So here we change the jmps:
1229 # --------------------------------------------------------
1230 # it can happen that we have jumps of the form...
1231 # jmp *<something involving %esp>
1233 # jmp <something involving another naughty register...>
1235 # a reasonably-common case is:
1237 # movl $_blah,<bad-reg>
1241 s/^\tmovl\s+\$${T_US}(.*),\s*(\%e[abcd]x)\n\tjmp\s+\*\2/\tjmp $T_US$1/g;
1243 if ($StolenX86Regs <= 2 ) { # YURGH! spurious uses of esi?
1244 s/^\tmovl\s+(.*),\s*\%esi\n\tjmp\s+\*%esi\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
1245 s/^\tjmp\s+\*(.*\(.*\%esi.*\))\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
1246 s/^\tjmp\s+\*\%esi\n/\tmovl \%esi,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
1247 die "$Pgm: (mangler) still have jump involving \%esi!\n$_"
1248 if /(jmp|call)\s+.*\%esi/;
1250 if ($StolenX86Regs <= 3 ) { # spurious uses of edi?
1251 s/^\tmovl\s+(.*),\s*\%edi\n\tjmp\s+\*%edi\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
1252 s/^\tjmp\s+\*(.*\(.*\%edi.*\))\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
1253 s/^\tjmp\s+\*\%edi\n/\tmovl \%edi,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
1254 die "$Pgm: (mangler) still have jump involving \%edi!\n$_"
1255 if /(jmp|call)\s+.*\%edi/;
1258 # OK, now we can decide what our patch-up code is going to
1261 # Offsets into register table - you'd better update these magic
1262 # numbers should you change its contents!
1263 # local($OFFSET_R1)=0; No offset for R1 in new RTS.
1264 local($OFFSET_Hp)=88;
1266 # Note funky ".=" stuff; we're *adding* to these _patch guys
1267 if ( $StolenX86Regs <= 2
1268 && ( /[^0-9]\(\%ebx\)/ || /\%esi/ || /^\tcmps/ ) ) { # R1 (esi)
1269 $entry_patch .= "\tmovl \%esi,(\%ebx)\n";
1270 $exit_patch .= "\tmovl (\%ebx),\%esi\n";
1272 # nothing for call_{entry,exit} because %esi is callee-save
1274 if ( $StolenX86Regs <= 3
1275 && ( /${OFFSET_Hp}\(\%ebx\)/ || /\%edi/ || /^\t(scas|cmps)/ ) ) { # Hp (edi)
1276 $entry_patch .= "\tmovl \%edi,${OFFSET_Hp}(\%ebx)\n";
1277 $exit_patch .= "\tmovl ${OFFSET_Hp}(\%ebx),\%edi\n";
1279 # nothing for call_{entry,exit} because %edi is callee-save
1282 # --------------------------------------------------------
1283 # next, here we go with non-%esp patching!
1285 s/^(\t[a-z])/$entry_patch$1/; # before first instruction
1287 # Before calling GC we must set up the exit condition before the call
1288 # and entry condition when we come back
1290 # fix _all_ non-local jumps:
1292 s/^\tjmp\s+\*${T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT}/\tJMP___SL/go;
1293 s/^\tjmp\s+${T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT}/\tJMP___L/go;
1295 s/^(\tjmp\s+.*\n)/$exit_patch$1/g; # here's the fix...
1297 s/^\tJMP___SL/\tjmp \*${T_X86_PRE_LLBL}/go;
1298 s/^\tJMP___L/\tjmp ${T_X86_PRE_LLBL}/go;
1300 if ($StolenX86Regs == 2 ) {
1301 die "ARGH! Jump uses \%esi or \%edi with -monly-2-regs:\n$_"
1302 if /^\t(jmp|call)\s+.*\%e(si|di)/;
1303 } elsif ($StolenX86Regs == 3 ) {
1304 die "ARGH! Jump uses \%edi with -monly-3-regs:\n$_"
1305 if /^\t(jmp|call)\s+.*\%edi/;
1308 # --------------------------------------------------------
1309 # that's it -- print it
1311 #die "Funny jumps?\n$_" if /${T_X86_BADJMP}/o; # paranoia
1315 if ( $need_fallthru_patch ) { # exit patch for end of slow entry code
1316 print OUTASM $exit_patch;
1317 # ToDo: make it not print if there is a "jmp" at the end
1323 sub init_FUNNY_THINGS {
1326 # "${T_US}stg_.*{T_POST_LBL}", 1,
1331 The following table reversal is used for both info tables and return
1332 vectors. In both cases, we remove the first entry from the table,
1333 reverse the table, put the label at the end, and paste some code
1334 (that which is normally referred to by the first entry in the table)
1335 right after the table itself. (The code pasting is done elsewhere.)
1339 local($symb, $tbl, $discard1) = @_;
1341 return ($tbl) if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^ia64-/);
1343 local($before) = '';
1345 local(@imports) = (); # hppa only
1348 local(@lines) = split(/\n/, $tbl);
1351 # Deal with the header...
1352 for ($i = 0; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] !~ /^\t?${T_DOT_WORD}\s+/o; $i++) {
1353 $label .= $lines[$i] . "\n",
1354 next if $lines[$i] =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+_info${T_POST_LBL}$/o
1355 || $lines[$i] =~ /${T_DOT_GLOBAL}/o
1356 || $lines[$i] =~ /^${T_US}\S+_vtbl${T_POST_LBL}$/o;
1358 $before .= $lines[$i] . "\n"; # otherwise...
1361 # Grab the table data...
1362 if ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^hppa/ ) {
1363 for ( ; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] =~ /^\t?${T_DOT_WORD}\s+/o; $i++) {
1364 push(@words, $lines[$i]);
1366 } else { # hppa weirdness
1367 for ( ; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] =~ /^\s+(${T_DOT_WORD}|\.IMPORT)/; $i++) {
1368 if ($lines[$i] =~ /^\s+\.IMPORT/) {
1369 push(@imports, $lines[$i]);
1371 # We don't use HP's ``function pointers''
1372 # We just use labels in code space, like normal people
1373 $lines[$i] =~ s/P%//;
1374 push(@words, $lines[$i]);
1379 # Now throw away any initial zero word from the table. This is a hack
1380 # that lets us reduce the size of info tables when the SRT field is not
1381 # needed: see comments StgFunInfoTable in InfoTables.h.
1383 # The .zero business is for Linux/ELF.
1384 # The .skip business is for Sparc/Solaris/ELF.
1385 # The .blockz business is for HPPA.
1387 # if ($words[0] =~ /^\t?(${T_DOT_WORD}\s+0|\.zero\s+4|\.skip\s+4|\.blockz\s+4)/) {
1392 for (; $i <= $#lines; $i++) {
1393 $after .= $lines[$i] . "\n";
1396 # Alphas: If we have anonymous text (not part of a procedure), the
1397 # linker may complain about missing exception information. Bleh.
1398 # To suppress this, we place a .ent/.end pair around the code.
1399 # At the same time, we have to be careful and not enclose any leading
1400 # .file/.loc directives.
1401 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/ && $label =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_]+):$/) {
1402 local ($ident) = $1;
1403 $before =~ s/^((\s*\.(file|loc)\s+[^\n]*\n)*)/$1\t.ent $ident\n/;
1404 $after .= "\t.end $ident\n";
1407 # Alphas: The heroic Simon Marlow found a bug in the Digital UNIX
1408 # assembler (!) wherein .quad constants inside .text sections are
1409 # first narrowed to 32 bits then sign-extended back to 64 bits.
1410 # This obviously screws up our 64-bit bitmaps, so we work around
1411 # the bug by replacing .quad with .align 3 + .long + .long [ccshan]
1412 if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/ ) {
1414 if (/^\s*\.quad\s+([-+0-9].*\S)\s*$/ && length $1 >= 10) {
1415 local ($number) = $1;
1416 if ($number =~ /^([-+])?(0x?)?([0-9]+)$/) {
1417 local ($sign, $base, $digits) = ($1, $2, $3);
1418 $base = (10, 8, 16)[length $base];
1419 local ($hi, $lo) = (0, 0);
1420 foreach $i (split(//, $digits)) {
1421 $j = $lo * $base + $i;
1422 $lo = $j % 4294967296;
1423 $hi = $hi * $base + ($j - $lo) / 4294967296;
1425 ($hi, $lo) = (4294967295 - $hi, 4294967296 - $lo)
1427 $_ = "\t.align 3\n\t.long $lo\n\t.long $hi\n";
1428 # printf STDERR "TURNING %s into 0x %08x %08x\n", $number, $hi, $lo;
1430 print STDERR "Cannot handle \".quad $number\" in info table\n";
1438 . (($TargetPlatform !~ /^hppa/) ? '' : join("\n", @imports) . "\n")
1439 . join("\n", @words) . "\n"
1442 # print STDERR "before=$before\n";
1443 # print STDERR "label=$label\n";
1444 # print STDERR "words=",(reverse @words),"\n";
1445 # print STDERR "after=$after\n";
1451 The HP is a major nuisance. The threaded code mangler moved info
1452 tables from data space to code space, but unthreaded code in the RTS
1453 still has references to info tables in data space. Since the HP
1454 linker is very precise about where symbols live, we need to patch the
1455 references in the unthreaded RTS as well.
1458 sub mini_mangle_asm_hppa {
1459 local($in_asmf, $out_asmf) = @_;
1461 open(INASM, "< $in_asmf")
1462 || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$in_asmf' (to read)\n");
1463 open(OUTASM,"> $out_asmf")
1464 || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$out_asmf' (to write)\n");
1467 s/_info,DATA/_info,CODE/; # Move _info references to code space
1473 close(OUTASM) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed writing to $out_asmf\n");
1474 close(INASM) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed reading from $in_asmf\n");
1480 sub tidy_up_and_die {
1481 local($return_val, $msg) = @_;
1483 exit (($return_val == 0) ? 0 : 1);