[fleet.git] / src / edu / berkeley / fleet / fpga / greg / ddr2_top.v
1 //*****************************************************************************
3 //
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43 //*****************************************************************************
44 //   ____  ____
45 //  /   /\/   /
46 // /___/  \  /    Vendor: Xilinx
47 // \   \   \/     Version: 2.3
48 //  \   \         Application: MIG
49 //  /   /         Filename: ddr2_top.v
50 // /___/   /\     Date Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/29 15:24:03 $
51 // \   \  /  \    Date Created: Wed Aug 16 2006
52 //  \___\/\___\
53 //
54 //Device: Virtex-5
55 //Design Name: DDR2
56 //Purpose:
57 //   System level module. This level contains just the memory controller.
58 //   This level will be intiantated when the user wants to remove the
59 //   synthesizable test bench, IDELAY control block and the clock
60 //   generation modules.
61 //Reference:
62 //Revision History:
63 //*****************************************************************************
65 `timescale 1ns/1ps
67 module ddr2_top #
68   (
69    // Following parameters are for 72-bit RDIMM design (for ML561 Reference
70    // board design). Actual values may be different. Actual parameters values
71    // are passed from design top module ddr2_sdram module. Please refer to
72    // the ddr2_sdram module for actual values.
73    parameter BANK_WIDTH            = 2,      // # of memory bank addr bits
74    parameter CKE_WIDTH             = 1,      // # of memory clock enable outputs
75    parameter CLK_WIDTH             = 1,      // # of clock outputs
76    parameter COL_WIDTH             = 10,     // # of memory column bits
77    parameter CS_NUM                = 1,      // # of separate memory chip selects
78    parameter CS_BITS               = 0,      // set to log2(CS_NUM) (rounded up)
79    parameter CS_WIDTH              = 1,      // # of total memory chip selects
80    parameter USE_DM_PORT           = 1,      // enable Data Mask (=1 enable)
81    parameter DM_WIDTH              = 9,      // # of data mask bits
82    parameter DQ_WIDTH              = 72,     // # of data width
83    parameter DQ_BITS               = 7,      // set to log2(DQS_WIDTH*DQ_PER_DQS)
84    parameter DQ_PER_DQS            = 8,      // # of DQ data bits per strobe
85    parameter DQS_WIDTH             = 9,      // # of DQS strobes
86    parameter DQS_BITS              = 4,      // set to log2(DQS_WIDTH)
87    parameter HIGH_PERFORMANCE_MODE = "TRUE", // IODELAY Performance Mode
88    parameter ODT_WIDTH             = 1,      // # of memory on-die term enables
89    parameter ROW_WIDTH             = 14,     // # of memory row & # of addr bits
90    parameter APPDATA_WIDTH         = 144,    // # of usr read/write data bus bits
91    parameter ADDITIVE_LAT          = 0,      // additive write latency
92    parameter BURST_LEN             = 4,      // burst length (in double words)
93    parameter BURST_TYPE            = 0,      // burst type (=0 seq; =1 interlved)
94    parameter CAS_LAT               = 5,      // CAS latency
95    parameter ECC_ENABLE            = 0,      // enable ECC (=1 enable)
96    parameter ODT_TYPE              = 1,      // ODT (=0(none),=1(75),=2(150),=3(50))
97    parameter MULTI_BANK_EN         = 1,      // enable bank management
98    parameter TWO_T_TIME_EN         = 0,      // 2t timing for unbuffered dimms
99    parameter REDUCE_DRV            = 0,      // reduced strength mem I/O (=1 yes)
100    parameter REG_ENABLE            = 1,      // registered addr/ctrl (=1 yes)
101    parameter TREFI_NS              = 7800,   // auto refresh interval (ns)
102    parameter TRAS                  = 40000,  // active->precharge delay
103    parameter TRCD                  = 15000,  // active->read/write delay
104    parameter TRFC                  = 105000, // ref->ref, ref->active delay
105    parameter TRP                   = 15000,  // precharge->command delay
106    parameter TRTP                  = 7500,   // read->precharge delay
107    parameter TWR                   = 15000,  // used to determine wr->prech
108    parameter TWTR                  = 10000,  // write->read delay
109    parameter CLK_PERIOD            = 3000,   // Core/Mem clk period (in ps)
110    parameter SIM_ONLY              = 0,      // = 1 to skip power up delay
111    parameter DEBUG_EN              = 0,      // Enable debug signals/controls
112    parameter DQS_IO_COL            = 0,      // I/O column location of DQS groups
113    parameter DQ_IO_MS              = 0,      // Master/Slave location of DQ I/O
114    parameter EN_SYN                = "FALSE"
115    )
116   (
117    input                                    clk0,
118    input                                    clk90,
119    input                                    clkdiv0,
120    input                                    rst0,
121    input                                    rst90,
122    input                                    rstdiv0,
123    //added by xtan & gdgib
124    input                                    af_clk,                     //address fifo clk
125    input                                    rb_clk,                     //read buffer clk
126    input                                    wb_clk,                     //write buffer clk
127    input                                    af_rst,                     //address fifo rst
128    input                                    rb_rst,                     //read buffer rst
129    input                                    wb_rst,                     //write buffer rst
130    output                                   rb_full,                    //read buffer is full
131    //end of add
132    input [2:0]                              app_af_cmd,
133    input [30:0]                             app_af_addr,
134    input                                    app_af_wren,
135    input                                    app_wdf_wren,
136    input [APPDATA_WIDTH-1:0]                app_wdf_data,
137    input [(APPDATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0]            app_wdf_mask_data,
138    output                                   app_af_afull,
139    output                                   app_wdf_afull,
140    output                                   rd_data_valid,
141    input                                    rd_data_rden,
142    output [APPDATA_WIDTH-1:0]               rd_data_fifo_out,
143    output [1:0]                             rd_ecc_error,
144    output                                   phy_init_done,
145    output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr2_ck,
146    output [CLK_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr2_ck_n,
147    output [ROW_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr2_a,
148    output [BANK_WIDTH-1:0]                  ddr2_ba,
149    output                                   ddr2_ras_n,
150    output                                   ddr2_cas_n,
151    output                                   ddr2_we_n,
152    output [CS_WIDTH-1:0]                    ddr2_cs_n,
153    output [CKE_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr2_cke,
154    output [ODT_WIDTH-1:0]                   ddr2_odt,
155    output [DM_WIDTH-1:0]                    ddr2_dm,
156    inout [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                    ddr2_dqs,
157    inout [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                    ddr2_dqs_n,
158    inout [DQ_WIDTH-1:0]                     ddr2_dq,
159    // Debug signals (optional use)
160    input                                    dbg_idel_up_all,
161    input                                    dbg_idel_down_all,
162    input                                    dbg_idel_up_dq,
163    input                                    dbg_idel_down_dq,
164    input                                    dbg_idel_up_dqs,
165    input                                    dbg_idel_down_dqs,
166    input                                    dbg_idel_up_gate,
167    input                                    dbg_idel_down_gate,
168    input [DQ_BITS-1:0]                      dbg_sel_idel_dq,
169    input                                    dbg_sel_all_idel_dq,
170    input [DQS_BITS:0]                       dbg_sel_idel_dqs,
171    input                                    dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs,
172    input [DQS_BITS:0]                       dbg_sel_idel_gate,
173    input                                    dbg_sel_all_idel_gate,
174    output [3:0]                             dbg_calib_done,
175    output [3:0]                             dbg_calib_err,
176    output [(6*DQ_WIDTH)-1:0]                dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt,
177    output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt,
178    output [(6*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt,
179    output [DQS_WIDTH-1:0]                   dbg_calib_rd_data_sel,
180    output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_rden_dly,
181    output [(5*DQS_WIDTH)-1:0]               dbg_calib_gate_dly
182    );
184   // memory initialization/control logic
185   ddr2_mem_if_top #
186     (
187      .BANK_WIDTH            (BANK_WIDTH),
188      .CKE_WIDTH             (CKE_WIDTH),
189      .CLK_WIDTH             (CLK_WIDTH),
190      .COL_WIDTH             (COL_WIDTH),
191      .CS_BITS               (CS_BITS),
192      .CS_NUM                (CS_NUM),
193      .CS_WIDTH              (CS_WIDTH),
194      .USE_DM_PORT           (USE_DM_PORT),
195      .DM_WIDTH              (DM_WIDTH),
196      .DQ_WIDTH              (DQ_WIDTH),
197      .DQ_BITS               (DQ_BITS),
198      .DQ_PER_DQS            (DQ_PER_DQS),
199      .DQS_BITS              (DQS_BITS),
200      .DQS_WIDTH             (DQS_WIDTH),
202      .ODT_WIDTH             (ODT_WIDTH),
203      .ROW_WIDTH             (ROW_WIDTH),
204      .APPDATA_WIDTH         (APPDATA_WIDTH),
205      .ADDITIVE_LAT          (ADDITIVE_LAT),
206      .BURST_LEN             (BURST_LEN),
207      .BURST_TYPE            (BURST_TYPE),
208      .CAS_LAT               (CAS_LAT),
209      .ECC_ENABLE            (ECC_ENABLE),
210      .MULTI_BANK_EN         (MULTI_BANK_EN),
211      .TWO_T_TIME_EN         (TWO_T_TIME_EN),
212      .ODT_TYPE              (ODT_TYPE),
213      .DDR_TYPE              (1),
214      .REDUCE_DRV            (REDUCE_DRV),
215      .REG_ENABLE            (REG_ENABLE),
216      .TREFI_NS              (TREFI_NS),
217      .TRAS                  (TRAS),
218      .TRCD                  (TRCD),
219      .TRFC                  (TRFC),
220      .TRP                   (TRP),
221      .TRTP                  (TRTP),
222      .TWR                   (TWR),
223      .TWTR                  (TWTR),
224      .CLK_PERIOD            (CLK_PERIOD),
225      .SIM_ONLY              (SIM_ONLY),
226      .DEBUG_EN              (DEBUG_EN),
227      .DQS_IO_COL            (DQS_IO_COL),
228      .DQ_IO_MS              (DQ_IO_MS),
229      .EN_SYN                (EN_SYN)
230      )
231     u_mem_if_top
232       (
233        .clk0                   (clk0),
234        .clk90                  (clk90),
235        .clkdiv0                (clkdiv0),
236        .rst0                   (rst0),
237        .rst90                  (rst90),
238        .rstdiv0                (rstdiv0),
239        .af_clk                 (af_clk),
240        .rb_clk                 (rb_clk),
241        .wb_clk                 (wb_clk),
242        .af_rst                 (af_rst),
243        .rb_rst                 (rb_rst),
244        .wb_rst                 (wb_rst),
245        .rb_full                (rb_full),
246        .app_af_cmd             (app_af_cmd),
247        .app_af_addr            (app_af_addr),
248        .app_af_wren            (app_af_wren),
249        .app_wdf_wren           (app_wdf_wren),
250        .app_wdf_data           (app_wdf_data),
251        .app_wdf_mask_data      (app_wdf_mask_data),
252        .app_af_afull           (app_af_afull),
253        .app_wdf_afull          (app_wdf_afull),
254        .rd_data_valid          (rd_data_valid),
255        .rd_data_rden           (rd_data_rden),
256        .rd_data_fifo_out       (rd_data_fifo_out),
257        .rd_ecc_error           (rd_ecc_error),
258        .phy_init_done          (phy_init_done),
259        .ddr_ck                 (ddr2_ck),
260        .ddr_ck_n               (ddr2_ck_n),
261        .ddr_addr               (ddr2_a),
262        .ddr_ba                 (ddr2_ba),
263        .ddr_ras_n              (ddr2_ras_n),
264        .ddr_cas_n              (ddr2_cas_n),
265        .ddr_we_n               (ddr2_we_n),
266        .ddr_cs_n               (ddr2_cs_n),
267        .ddr_cke                (ddr2_cke),
268        .ddr_odt                (ddr2_odt),
269        .ddr_dm                 (ddr2_dm),
270        .ddr_dqs                (ddr2_dqs),
271        .ddr_dqs_n              (ddr2_dqs_n),
272        .ddr_dq                 (ddr2_dq),
273        .dbg_idel_up_all        (dbg_idel_up_all),
274        .dbg_idel_down_all      (dbg_idel_down_all),
275        .dbg_idel_up_dq         (dbg_idel_up_dq),
276        .dbg_idel_down_dq       (dbg_idel_down_dq),
277        .dbg_idel_up_dqs        (dbg_idel_up_dqs),
278        .dbg_idel_down_dqs      (dbg_idel_down_dqs),
279        .dbg_idel_up_gate       (dbg_idel_up_gate),
280        .dbg_idel_down_gate     (dbg_idel_down_gate),
281        .dbg_sel_idel_dq        (dbg_sel_idel_dq),
282        .dbg_sel_all_idel_dq    (dbg_sel_all_idel_dq),
283        .dbg_sel_idel_dqs       (dbg_sel_idel_dqs),
284        .dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs   (dbg_sel_all_idel_dqs),
285        .dbg_sel_idel_gate      (dbg_sel_idel_gate),
286        .dbg_sel_all_idel_gate  (dbg_sel_all_idel_gate),
287        .dbg_calib_done         (dbg_calib_done),
288        .dbg_calib_err          (dbg_calib_err),
289        .dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt   (dbg_calib_dq_tap_cnt),
290        .dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt  (dbg_calib_dqs_tap_cnt),
291        .dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt (dbg_calib_gate_tap_cnt),
292        .dbg_calib_rd_data_sel  (dbg_calib_rd_data_sel),
293        .dbg_calib_rden_dly     (dbg_calib_rden_dly),
294        .dbg_calib_gate_dly     (dbg_calib_gate_dly)
295        );
297 endmodule