{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, NoImplicitPrelude, BangPatterns #-} -- -- | A binding to the epoll I/O event notification facility -- -- epoll is a variant of poll that can be used either as an edge-triggered or -- a level-triggered interface and scales well to large numbers of watched file -- descriptors. -- -- epoll decouples monitor an fd from the process of registering it. -- module System.Event.EPoll ( new , available ) where import qualified System.Event.Internal as E #include "EventConfig.h" #if !defined(HAVE_EPOLL) import GHC.Base new :: IO E.Backend new = error "EPoll back end not implemented for this platform" available :: Bool available = False {-# INLINE available #-} #else #include import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Bits (Bits, (.|.), (.&.)) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import Data.Word (Word32) import Foreign.C.Error (throwErrnoIfMinus1, throwErrnoIfMinus1_) import Foreign.C.Types (CInt) import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with) import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr) import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..)) import GHC.Base import GHC.Err (undefined) import GHC.Num (Num(..)) import GHC.Real (ceiling, fromIntegral) import GHC.Show (Show) import System.Posix.Internals (c_close) #if !defined(HAVE_EPOLL_CREATE1) import System.Posix.Internals (setCloseOnExec) #endif import System.Posix.Types (Fd(..)) import qualified System.Event.Array as A import System.Event.Internal (Timeout(..)) available :: Bool available = True {-# INLINE available #-} data EPoll = EPoll { epollFd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !EPollFd , epollEvents :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(A.Array Event) } -- | Create a new epoll backend. new :: IO E.Backend new = do epfd <- epollCreate evts <- A.new 64 let !be = E.backend poll modifyFd delete (EPoll epfd evts) return be delete :: EPoll -> IO () delete be = do _ <- c_close . fromEPollFd . epollFd $ be return () -- | Change the set of events we are interested in for a given file -- descriptor. modifyFd :: EPoll -> Fd -> E.Event -> E.Event -> IO () modifyFd ep fd oevt nevt = with (Event (fromEvent nevt) fd) $ epollControl (epollFd ep) op fd where op | oevt == mempty = controlOpAdd | nevt == mempty = controlOpDelete | otherwise = controlOpModify -- | Select a set of file descriptors which are ready for I/O -- operations and call @f@ for all ready file descriptors, passing the -- events that are ready. poll :: EPoll -- ^ state -> Timeout -- ^ timeout in milliseconds -> (Fd -> E.Event -> IO ()) -- ^ I/O callback -> IO () poll ep timeout f = do let events = epollEvents ep -- Will return zero if the system call was interupted, in which case -- we just return (and try again later.) n <- A.unsafeLoad events $ \es cap -> epollWait (epollFd ep) es cap $ fromTimeout timeout when (n > 0) $ do A.forM_ events $ \e -> f (eventFd e) (toEvent (eventTypes e)) cap <- A.capacity events when (cap == n) $ A.ensureCapacity events (2 * cap) newtype EPollFd = EPollFd { fromEPollFd :: CInt } deriving (Eq, Show) data Event = Event { eventTypes :: EventType , eventFd :: Fd } deriving (Show) instance Storable Event where sizeOf _ = #size struct epoll_event alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt) peek ptr = do ets <- #{peek struct epoll_event, events} ptr ed <- #{peek struct epoll_event, data.fd} ptr let !ev = Event (EventType ets) ed return ev poke ptr e = do #{poke struct epoll_event, events} ptr (unEventType $ eventTypes e) #{poke struct epoll_event, data.fd} ptr (eventFd e) newtype ControlOp = ControlOp CInt #{enum ControlOp, ControlOp , controlOpAdd = EPOLL_CTL_ADD , controlOpModify = EPOLL_CTL_MOD , controlOpDelete = EPOLL_CTL_DEL } newtype EventType = EventType { unEventType :: Word32 } deriving (Show, Eq, Num, Bits) #{enum EventType, EventType , epollIn = EPOLLIN , epollOut = EPOLLOUT , epollErr = EPOLLERR , epollHup = EPOLLHUP } -- | Create a new epoll context, returning a file descriptor associated with the context. -- The fd may be used for subsequent calls to this epoll context. -- -- The size parameter to epoll_create is a hint about the expected number of handles. -- -- The file descriptor returned from epoll_create() should be destroyed via -- a call to close() after polling is finished -- epollCreate :: IO EPollFd epollCreate = do fd <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "epollCreate" $ #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL_CREATE1) c_epoll_create1 (#const EPOLL_CLOEXEC) #else c_epoll_create 256 -- argument is ignored setCloseOnExec fd #endif let !epollFd' = EPollFd fd return epollFd' epollControl :: EPollFd -> ControlOp -> Fd -> Ptr Event -> IO () epollControl (EPollFd epfd) (ControlOp op) (Fd fd) event = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "epollControl" $ c_epoll_ctl epfd op fd event epollWait :: EPollFd -> Ptr Event -> Int -> Int -> IO Int epollWait (EPollFd epfd) events numEvents timeout = fmap fromIntegral . E.throwErrnoIfMinus1NoRetry "epollWait" $ c_epoll_wait epfd events (fromIntegral numEvents) (fromIntegral timeout) fromEvent :: E.Event -> EventType fromEvent e = remap E.evtRead epollIn .|. remap E.evtWrite epollOut where remap evt to | e `E.eventIs` evt = to | otherwise = 0 toEvent :: EventType -> E.Event toEvent e = remap (epollIn .|. epollErr .|. epollHup) E.evtRead `mappend` remap (epollOut .|. epollErr .|. epollHup) E.evtWrite where remap evt to | e .&. evt /= 0 = to | otherwise = mempty fromTimeout :: Timeout -> Int fromTimeout Forever = -1 fromTimeout (Timeout s) = ceiling $ 1000 * s #if defined(HAVE_EPOLL_CREATE1) foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/epoll.h epoll_create1" c_epoll_create1 :: CInt -> IO CInt #else foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/epoll.h epoll_create" c_epoll_create :: CInt -> IO CInt #endif foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/epoll.h epoll_ctl" c_epoll_ctl :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr Event -> IO CInt foreign import ccall safe "sys/epoll.h epoll_wait" c_epoll_wait :: CInt -> Ptr Event -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt #endif /* defined(HAVE_EPOLL) */