------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- rawSystem -- -- This is a separate file #included into Haskell source, because -- we use it in a few places in the GHC source tree. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {- | The computation @rawSystem cmd args@ runs the operating system command whose file name is @cmd@, passing it the arguments @args@. It bypasses the shell, so that @cmd@ should see precisely the argument strings @args@, with no funny escaping or shell meta-syntax expansion. (Unix users will recognise this behaviour as @execvp@, and indeed that's how it's implemented.) It will therefore behave more portably between operating systems than @system@. The return codes are the same as for @system@. -} rawSystem :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ExitCode {- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT IMPLEMENTATION NOTES (see also libraries/base/cbits/rawSystem.c) On Unix, rawSystem is easy to implement: use execvp. On Windows it's more tricky. We use CreateProcess, passing a single command-line string (lpCommandLine) as its argument. (CreateProcess is well documented on http://msdn.microsoft/com.) - It parses the beginning of the string to find the command. If the file name has embedded spaces, it must be quoted, using double quotes thus "foo\this that\cmd" arg1 arg2 - The invoked command can in turn access the entire lpCommandLine string, and the C runtime does indeed do so, parsing it to generate the traditional argument vector argv[0], argv[1], etc. It does this using a complex and arcane set of rules which are described here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vccelng/htm/progs_12.asp (if this URL stops working, you might be able to find it by searching for "Parsing C Command-Line Arguments" on MSDN. Also, the code in the Microsoft C runtime that does this translation is shipped with VC++). Our goal in rawSystem is to take a command filename and list of arguments, and construct a string which inverts the translatsions described above, such that the program at the other end sees exactly the same arguments in its argv[] that we passed to rawSystem. This inverse translation is implemented by 'translate' below. Here are some pages that give informations on Windows-related limitations and deviations from Unix conventions: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;830473 Command lines and environment variables effectively limited to 8191 characters on Win XP, 2047 on NT/2000 (probably even less on Win 9x): http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/home/using/productdoc/en/default.asp?url=/WINDOWSXP/home/using/productdoc/en/percent.asp Command-line substitution under Windows XP. IIRC these facilities (or at least a large subset of them) are available on Win NT and 2000. Some might be available on Win 9x. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/home/using/productdoc/en/default.asp?url=/WINDOWSXP/home/using/productdoc/en/Cmd.asp How CMD.EXE processes command lines. Note: CreateProcess does have a separate argument (lpApplicationName) with which you can specify the command, but we have to slap the command into lpCommandLine anyway, so that argv[0] is what a C program expects (namely the application name). So it seems simpler to just use lpCommandLine alone, which CreateProcess supports. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} #ifndef mingw32_TARGET_OS rawSystem cmd args = withCString cmd $ \pcmd -> withMany withCString (cmd:args) $ \cstrs -> withArray0 nullPtr cstrs $ \arr -> do status <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "rawSystem" (c_rawSystem pcmd arr) case status of 0 -> return ExitSuccess n -> return (ExitFailure n) foreign import ccall unsafe "rawSystem" c_rawSystem :: CString -> Ptr CString -> IO Int #else -- On Windows, the command line is passed to the operating system as -- a single string. Command-line parsing is done by the executable -- itself. rawSystem cmd args = do -- NOTE: 'cmd' is assumed to contain the application to run _only_, -- as it'll be quoted surrounded in quotes here. let cmdline = translate cmd ++ concat (map ((' ':) . translate) args) withCString cmdline $ \pcmdline -> do status <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "rawSystem" (c_rawSystem pcmdline) case status of 0 -> return ExitSuccess n -> return (ExitFailure n) translate :: String -> String translate str@('"':_) = str -- already escaped. -- ToDo: this case is wrong. It is only here because we -- abuse the system in GHC's SysTools by putting arguments into -- the command name; at some point we should fix it up and remove -- the case above. translate str = '"' : snd (foldr escape (True,"\"") str) where escape '"' (b, str) = (True, '\\' : '"' : str) escape '\\' (True, str) = (True, '\\' : '\\' : str) escape '\\' (False, str) = (False, '\\' : str) escape c (b, str) = (False, c : str) -- See long comment above for what this function is trying to do. -- -- The Bool passed back along the string is True iff the -- rest of the string is a sequence of backslashes followed by -- a double quote. foreign import ccall unsafe "rawSystem" c_rawSystem :: CString -> IO Int #endif