----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : System.Time -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/core/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- The standard Time library. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Haskell 98 Time of Day Library ------------------------------ The Time library provides standard functionality for clock times, including timezone information (i.e, the functionality of "time.h", adapted to the Haskell environment), It follows RFC 1129 in its use of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). 2000/06/17 : RESTRICTIONS: * min./max. time diff currently is restricted to [minBound::Int, maxBound::Int] * surely other restrictions wrt. min/max bounds NOTES: * printing times `showTime' (used in `instance Show ClockTime') always prints time converted to the local timezone (even if it is taken from `(toClockTime . toUTCTime)'), whereas `calendarTimeToString' honors the tzone & tz fields and prints UTC or whatever timezone is stored inside CalendarTime. Maybe `showTime' should be changed to use UTC, since it would better correspond to the actual representation of `ClockTime' (can be done by replacing localtime(3) by gmtime(3)). BUGS: * add proper handling of microsecs, currently, they're mostly ignored * `formatFOO' case of `%s' is currently broken... TODO: * check for unusual date cases, like 1970/1/1 00:00h, and conversions between different timezone's etc. * check, what needs to be in the IO monad, the current situation seems to be a bit inconsistent to me * check whether `isDst = -1' works as expected on other arch's (Solaris anyone?) * add functions to parse strings to `CalendarTime' (some day...) * implement padding capabilities ("%_", "%-") in `formatFOO' * add rfc822 timezone (+0200 is CEST) representation ("%z") in `formatFOO' -} module System.Time ( Month(..) , Day(..) , ClockTime(..) -- non-standard, lib. report gives this as abstract -- instance Eq, Ord -- instance Show (non-standard) , getClockTime , TimeDiff(..) , noTimeDiff -- non-standard (but useful when constructing TimeDiff vals.) , diffClockTimes , addToClockTime , normalizeTimeDiff -- non-standard , timeDiffToString -- non-standard , formatTimeDiff -- non-standard , CalendarTime(..) , toCalendarTime , toUTCTime , toClockTime , calendarTimeToString , formatCalendarTime ) where #ifndef __HUGS__ #include "HsBase.h" #endif import Prelude import Data.Ix import System.Locale import System.IO.Unsafe #ifdef __HUGS__ import Hugs.Time ( getClockTimePrim, toCalTimePrim, toClockTimePrim ) #else import Foreign import Foreign.C #endif -- One way to partition and give name to chunks of a year and a week: data Month = January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Ix, Read, Show) data Day = Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Ix, Read, Show) -- @ClockTime@ is an abstract type, used for the internal clock time. -- Clock times may be compared, converted to strings, or converted to an -- external calendar time @CalendarTime@. data ClockTime = TOD Integer -- Seconds since 00:00:00 on 1 Jan 1970 Integer -- Picoseconds with the specified second deriving (Eq, Ord) -- When a ClockTime is shown, it is converted to a CalendarTime in the current -- timezone and then printed. FIXME: This is arguably wrong, since we can't -- get the current timezone without being in the IO monad. instance Show ClockTime where showsPrec _ t = showString (calendarTimeToString (unsafePerformIO (toCalendarTime t))) {- @CalendarTime@ is a user-readable and manipulable representation of the internal $ClockTime$ type. The numeric fields have the following ranges. \begin{verbatim} Value Range Comments ----- ----- -------- year -maxInt .. maxInt [Pre-Gregorian dates are inaccurate] mon 0 .. 11 [Jan = 0, Dec = 11] day 1 .. 31 hour 0 .. 23 min 0 .. 59 sec 0 .. 61 [Allows for two leap seconds] picosec 0 .. (10^12)-1 [This could be over-precise?] wday 0 .. 6 [Sunday = 0, Saturday = 6] yday 0 .. 365 [364 in non-Leap years] tz -43200 .. 43200 [Variation from UTC in seconds] \end{verbatim} The {\em tzname} field is the name of the time zone. The {\em isdst} field indicates whether Daylight Savings Time would be in effect. -} data CalendarTime = CalendarTime { ctYear :: Int, ctMonth :: Month, ctDay :: Int, ctHour :: Int, ctMin :: Int, ctSec :: Int, ctPicosec :: Integer, ctWDay :: Day, ctYDay :: Int, ctTZName :: String, ctTZ :: Int, ctIsDST :: Bool } deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show) -- The @TimeDiff@ type records the difference between two clock times in -- a user-readable way. data TimeDiff = TimeDiff { tdYear :: Int, tdMonth :: Int, tdDay :: Int, tdHour :: Int, tdMin :: Int, tdSec :: Int, tdPicosec :: Integer -- not standard } deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show) noTimeDiff :: TimeDiff noTimeDiff = TimeDiff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getClockTime returns the current time in its internal representation. getClockTime :: IO ClockTime #ifdef __HUGS__ getClockTime = do (sec,usec) <- getClockTimePrim return (TOD (fromIntegral sec) ((fromIntegral usec) * 1000000)) #elif HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY getClockTime = do allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct timeval)) $ \ p_timeval -> do throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getClockTime" $ gettimeofday p_timeval nullPtr sec <- (#peek struct timeval,tv_sec) p_timeval :: IO CTime usec <- (#peek struct timeval,tv_usec) p_timeval :: IO CTime return (TOD (fromIntegral sec) ((fromIntegral usec) * 1000000)) #elif HAVE_FTIME getClockTime = do allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct timeb)) $ \ p_timeb -> do ftime p_timeb sec <- (#peek struct timeb,time) p_timeb :: IO CTime msec <- (#peek struct timeb,millitm) p_timeb :: IO CUShort return (TOD (fromIntegral sec) (fromIntegral msec * 1000000000)) #else /* use POSIX time() */ getClockTime = do secs <- time nullPtr -- can't fail, according to POSIX return (TOD (fromIntegral secs) 0) #endif -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- addToClockTime d t adds a time difference d and a -- clock time t to yield a new clock time. The difference d -- may be either positive or negative. diffClockTimes t1 t2 returns -- the difference between two clock times t1 and t2 as a TimeDiff. addToClockTime :: TimeDiff -> ClockTime -> ClockTime addToClockTime (TimeDiff year mon day hour min sec psec) (TOD c_sec c_psec) = let sec_diff = toInteger sec + 60 * toInteger min + 3600 * toInteger hour + 24 * 3600 * toInteger day cal = toUTCTime (TOD (c_sec + sec_diff) (c_psec + psec)) -- FIXME! ^^^^ new_mon = fromEnum (ctMonth cal) + r_mon (month', yr_diff) | new_mon < 0 = (toEnum (12 + new_mon), (-1)) | new_mon > 11 = (toEnum (new_mon `mod` 12), 1) | otherwise = (toEnum new_mon, 0) (r_yr, r_mon) = mon `quotRem` 12 year' = ctYear cal + year + r_yr + yr_diff in toClockTime cal{ctMonth=month', ctYear=year'} diffClockTimes :: ClockTime -> ClockTime -> TimeDiff -- diffClockTimes is meant to be the dual to `addToClockTime'. -- If you want to have the TimeDiff properly splitted, use -- `normalizeTimeDiff' on this function's result -- -- CAVEAT: see comment of normalizeTimeDiff diffClockTimes (TOD sa pa) (TOD sb pb) = noTimeDiff{ tdSec = fromIntegral (sa - sb) -- FIXME: can handle just 68 years... , tdPicosec = pa - pb } normalizeTimeDiff :: TimeDiff -> TimeDiff -- FIXME: handle psecs properly -- FIXME: ?should be called by formatTimeDiff automagically? -- -- when applied to something coming out of `diffClockTimes', you loose -- the duality to `addToClockTime', since a year does not always have -- 365 days, etc. -- -- apply this function as late as possible to prevent those "rounding" -- errors normalizeTimeDiff td = let rest0 = tdSec td + 60 * (tdMin td + 60 * (tdHour td + 24 * (tdDay td + 30 * (tdMonth td + 365 * tdYear td)))) (diffYears, rest1) = rest0 `quotRem` (365 * 24 * 3600) (diffMonths, rest2) = rest1 `quotRem` (30 * 24 * 3600) (diffDays, rest3) = rest2 `quotRem` (24 * 3600) (diffHours, rest4) = rest3 `quotRem` 3600 (diffMins, diffSecs) = rest4 `quotRem` 60 in td{ tdYear = diffYears , tdMonth = diffMonths , tdDay = diffDays , tdHour = diffHours , tdMin = diffMins , tdSec = diffSecs } #ifndef __HUGS__ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- How do we deal with timezones on this architecture? -- The POSIX way to do it is through the global variable tzname[]. -- But that's crap, so we do it The BSD Way if we can: namely use the -- tm_zone and tm_gmtoff fields of struct tm, if they're available. zone :: Ptr CTm -> IO (Ptr CChar) gmtoff :: Ptr CTm -> IO CLong #if HAVE_TM_ZONE zone x = (#peek struct tm,tm_zone) x gmtoff x = (#peek struct tm,tm_gmtoff) x #else /* ! HAVE_TM_ZONE */ # if HAVE_TZNAME || defined(_WIN32) # if cygwin32_TARGET_OS # define tzname _tzname # endif # ifndef mingw32_TARGET_OS foreign import ccall unsafe "&tzname" tzname :: Ptr (Ptr CChar) # else foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_timezone" timezone :: Ptr CLong foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_tzname" tzname :: Ptr (Ptr CChar) # endif zone x = do dst <- (#peek struct tm,tm_isdst) x if dst then peekElemOff tzname 1 else peekElemOff tzname 0 # else /* ! HAVE_TZNAME */ -- We're in trouble. If you should end up here, please report this as a bug. # error "Don't know how to get at timezone name on your OS." # endif /* ! HAVE_TZNAME */ -- Get the offset in secs from UTC, if (struct tm) doesn't supply it. */ # if HAVE_DECL_ALTZONE foreign import ccall "&altzone" altzone :: Ptr CTime foreign import ccall "&timezone" timezone :: Ptr CTime gmtoff x = do dst <- (#peek struct tm,tm_isdst) x tz <- if dst then peek altzone else peek timezone return (-fromIntegral tz) # else /* ! HAVE_DECL_ALTZONE */ #if !defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) foreign import ccall unsafe "timezone" timezone :: Ptr CLong #endif -- Assume that DST offset is 1 hour ... gmtoff x = do dst <- (#peek struct tm,tm_isdst) x tz <- peek timezone -- According to the documentation for tzset(), -- http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/tzset.html -- timezone offsets are > 0 west of the Prime Meridian. -- -- This module assumes the interpretation of tm_gmtoff, i.e., offsets -- are > 0 East of the Prime Meridian, so flip the sign. return (- (if dst then (fromIntegral tz - 3600) else tz)) # endif /* ! HAVE_DECL_ALTZONE */ #endif /* ! HAVE_TM_ZONE */ #endif /* ! __HUGS__ */ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- toCalendarTime t converts t to a local time, modified by -- the current timezone and daylight savings time settings. toUTCTime -- t converts t into UTC time. toClockTime l converts l into the -- corresponding internal ClockTime. The wday, yday, tzname, and isdst fields -- are ignored. toCalendarTime :: ClockTime -> IO CalendarTime #ifdef __HUGS__ toCalendarTime = toCalTime False #elif HAVE_LOCALTIME_R toCalendarTime = clockToCalendarTime_reentrant (throwAwayReturnPointer localtime_r) False #else toCalendarTime = clockToCalendarTime_static localtime False #endif toUTCTime :: ClockTime -> CalendarTime #ifdef __HUGS__ toUTCTime = unsafePerformIO . toCalTime True #elif HAVE_GMTIME_R toUTCTime = unsafePerformIO . clockToCalendarTime_reentrant (throwAwayReturnPointer gmtime_r) True #else toUTCTime = unsafePerformIO . clockToCalendarTime_static gmtime True #endif #ifdef __HUGS__ toCalTime :: Bool -> ClockTime -> IO CalendarTime toCalTime toUTC (TOD s psecs) | (s > fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)) || (s < fromIntegral (minBound :: Int)) = error ((if toUTC then "toUTCTime: " else "toCalendarTime: ") ++ "clock secs out of range") | otherwise = do (sec,min,hour,mday,mon,year,wday,yday,isdst,zone,off) <- toCalTimePrim (if toUTC then 1 else 0) (fromIntegral s) return (CalendarTime{ ctYear=1900+year , ctMonth=toEnum mon , ctDay=mday , ctHour=hour , ctMin=min , ctSec=sec , ctPicosec=psecs , ctWDay=toEnum wday , ctYDay=yday , ctTZName=(if toUTC then "UTC" else zone) , ctTZ=(if toUTC then 0 else off) , ctIsDST=not toUTC && (isdst/=0) }) #else /* ! __HUGS__ */ throwAwayReturnPointer :: (Ptr CTime -> Ptr CTm -> IO (Ptr CTm)) -> (Ptr CTime -> Ptr CTm -> IO ( )) throwAwayReturnPointer fun x y = fun x y >> return () clockToCalendarTime_static :: (Ptr CTime -> IO (Ptr CTm)) -> Bool -> ClockTime -> IO CalendarTime clockToCalendarTime_static fun is_utc (TOD secs psec) = do with (fromIntegral secs :: CTime) $ \ p_timer -> do p_tm <- fun p_timer -- can't fail, according to POSIX clockToCalendarTime_aux is_utc p_tm psec clockToCalendarTime_reentrant :: (Ptr CTime -> Ptr CTm -> IO ()) -> Bool -> ClockTime -> IO CalendarTime clockToCalendarTime_reentrant fun is_utc (TOD secs psec) = do with (fromIntegral secs :: CTime) $ \ p_timer -> do allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct tm)) $ \ p_tm -> do fun p_timer p_tm clockToCalendarTime_aux is_utc p_tm psec clockToCalendarTime_aux :: Bool -> Ptr CTm -> Integer -> IO CalendarTime clockToCalendarTime_aux is_utc p_tm psec = do sec <- (#peek struct tm,tm_sec ) p_tm :: IO CInt min <- (#peek struct tm,tm_min ) p_tm :: IO CInt hour <- (#peek struct tm,tm_hour ) p_tm :: IO CInt mday <- (#peek struct tm,tm_mday ) p_tm :: IO CInt mon <- (#peek struct tm,tm_mon ) p_tm :: IO CInt year <- (#peek struct tm,tm_year ) p_tm :: IO CInt wday <- (#peek struct tm,tm_wday ) p_tm :: IO CInt yday <- (#peek struct tm,tm_yday ) p_tm :: IO CInt isdst <- (#peek struct tm,tm_isdst) p_tm :: IO CInt zone <- zone p_tm tz <- gmtoff p_tm tzname <- peekCString zone let month | mon >= 0 && mon <= 11 = toEnum (fromIntegral mon) | otherwise = error ("toCalendarTime: illegal month value: " ++ show mon) return (CalendarTime (1900 + fromIntegral year) month (fromIntegral mday) (fromIntegral hour) (fromIntegral min) (fromIntegral sec) psec (toEnum (fromIntegral wday)) (fromIntegral yday) (if is_utc then "UTC" else tzname) (if is_utc then 0 else fromIntegral tz) (if is_utc then False else isdst /= 0)) #endif /* ! __HUGS__ */ toClockTime :: CalendarTime -> ClockTime #ifdef __HUGS__ toClockTime (CalendarTime yr mon mday hour min sec psec _wday _yday _tzname tz _isdst) = unsafePerformIO $ do s <- toClockTimePrim (yr-1900) (fromEnum mon) mday hour min sec tz return (TOD (fromIntegral s) psec) #else /* ! __HUGS__ */ toClockTime (CalendarTime year mon mday hour min sec psec _wday _yday _tzname tz isdst) = -- `isDst' causes the date to be wrong by one hour... -- FIXME: check, whether this works on other arch's than Linux, too... -- -- so we set it to (-1) (means `unknown') and let `mktime' determine -- the real value... let isDst = -1 :: CInt in -- if isdst then (1::Int) else 0 if psec < 0 || psec > 999999999999 then error "Time.toClockTime: picoseconds out of range" else if tz < -43200 || tz > 43200 then error "Time.toClockTime: timezone offset out of range" else unsafePerformIO $ do allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct tm)) $ \ p_tm -> do (#poke struct tm,tm_sec ) p_tm (fromIntegral sec :: CInt) (#poke struct tm,tm_min ) p_tm (fromIntegral min :: CInt) (#poke struct tm,tm_hour ) p_tm (fromIntegral hour :: CInt) (#poke struct tm,tm_mday ) p_tm (fromIntegral mday :: CInt) (#poke struct tm,tm_mon ) p_tm (fromIntegral (fromEnum mon) :: CInt) (#poke struct tm,tm_year ) p_tm (fromIntegral year - 1900 :: CInt) (#poke struct tm,tm_isdst) p_tm isDst t <- throwIf (== -1) (\_ -> "Time.toClockTime: invalid input") (mktime p_tm) -- -- mktime expects its argument to be in the local timezone, but -- toUTCTime makes UTC-encoded CalendarTime's ... -- -- Since there is no any_tz_struct_tm-to-time_t conversion -- function, we have to fake one... :-) If not in all, it works in -- most cases (before, it was the other way round...) -- -- Luckily, mktime tells us, what it *thinks* the timezone is, so, -- to compensate, we add the timezone difference to mktime's -- result. -- gmtoff <- gmtoff p_tm let res = fromIntegral t - tz + fromIntegral gmtoff return (TOD (fromIntegral res) psec) #endif /* ! __HUGS__ */ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Converting time values to strings. calendarTimeToString :: CalendarTime -> String calendarTimeToString = formatCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale "%c" formatCalendarTime :: TimeLocale -> String -> CalendarTime -> String formatCalendarTime l fmt (CalendarTime year mon day hour min sec _ wday yday tzname _ _) = doFmt fmt where doFmt ('%':'-':cs) = doFmt ('%':cs) -- padding not implemented doFmt ('%':'_':cs) = doFmt ('%':cs) -- padding not implemented doFmt ('%':c:cs) = decode c ++ doFmt cs doFmt (c:cs) = c : doFmt cs doFmt "" = "" decode 'A' = fst (wDays l !! fromEnum wday) -- day of the week, full name decode 'a' = snd (wDays l !! fromEnum wday) -- day of the week, abbrev. decode 'B' = fst (months l !! fromEnum mon) -- month, full name decode 'b' = snd (months l !! fromEnum mon) -- month, abbrev decode 'h' = snd (months l !! fromEnum mon) -- ditto decode 'C' = show2 (year `quot` 100) -- century decode 'c' = doFmt (dateTimeFmt l) -- locale's data and time format. decode 'D' = doFmt "%m/%d/%y" decode 'd' = show2 day -- day of the month decode 'e' = show2' day -- ditto, padded decode 'H' = show2 hour -- hours, 24-hour clock, padded decode 'I' = show2 (to12 hour) -- hours, 12-hour clock decode 'j' = show3 yday -- day of the year decode 'k' = show2' hour -- hours, 24-hour clock, no padding decode 'l' = show2' (to12 hour) -- hours, 12-hour clock, no padding decode 'M' = show2 min -- minutes decode 'm' = show2 (fromEnum mon+1) -- numeric month decode 'n' = "\n" decode 'p' = (if hour < 12 then fst else snd) (amPm l) -- am or pm decode 'R' = doFmt "%H:%M" decode 'r' = doFmt (time12Fmt l) decode 'T' = doFmt "%H:%M:%S" decode 't' = "\t" decode 'S' = show2 sec -- seconds decode 's' = show2 sec -- number of secs since Epoch. (ToDo.) decode 'U' = show2 ((yday + 7 - fromEnum wday) `div` 7) -- week number, starting on Sunday. decode 'u' = show (let n = fromEnum wday in -- numeric day of the week (1=Monday, 7=Sunday) if n == 0 then 7 else n) decode 'V' = -- week number (as per ISO-8601.) let (week, days) = -- [yep, I've always wanted to be able to display that too.] (yday + 7 - if fromEnum wday > 0 then fromEnum wday - 1 else 6) `divMod` 7 in show2 (if days >= 4 then week+1 else if week == 0 then 53 else week) decode 'W' = -- week number, weeks starting on monday show2 ((yday + 7 - if fromEnum wday > 0 then fromEnum wday - 1 else 6) `div` 7) decode 'w' = show (fromEnum wday) -- numeric day of the week, weeks starting on Sunday. decode 'X' = doFmt (timeFmt l) -- locale's preferred way of printing time. decode 'x' = doFmt (dateFmt l) -- locale's preferred way of printing dates. decode 'Y' = show year -- year, including century. decode 'y' = show2 (year `rem` 100) -- year, within century. decode 'Z' = tzname -- timezone name decode '%' = "%" decode c = [c] show2, show2', show3 :: Int -> String show2 x | x' < 10 = '0': show x' | otherwise = show x' where x' = x `rem` 100 show2' x | x' < 10 = ' ': show x' | otherwise = show x' where x' = x `rem` 100 show3 x = show (x `quot` 100) ++ show2 (x `rem` 100) where x' = x `rem` 1000 to12 :: Int -> Int to12 h = let h' = h `mod` 12 in if h' == 0 then 12 else h' -- Useful extensions for formatting TimeDiffs. timeDiffToString :: TimeDiff -> String timeDiffToString = formatTimeDiff defaultTimeLocale "%c" formatTimeDiff :: TimeLocale -> String -> TimeDiff -> String formatTimeDiff l fmt td@(TimeDiff year month day hour min sec _) = doFmt fmt where doFmt "" = "" doFmt ('%':'-':cs) = doFmt ('%':cs) -- padding not implemented doFmt ('%':'_':cs) = doFmt ('%':cs) -- padding not implemented doFmt ('%':c:cs) = decode c ++ doFmt cs doFmt (c:cs) = c : doFmt cs decode spec = case spec of 'B' -> fst (months l !! fromEnum month) 'b' -> snd (months l !! fromEnum month) 'h' -> snd (months l !! fromEnum month) 'c' -> defaultTimeDiffFmt td 'C' -> show2 (year `quot` 100) 'D' -> doFmt "%m/%d/%y" 'd' -> show2 day 'e' -> show2' day 'H' -> show2 hour 'I' -> show2 (to12 hour) 'k' -> show2' hour 'l' -> show2' (to12 hour) 'M' -> show2 min 'm' -> show2 (fromEnum month + 1) 'n' -> "\n" 'p' -> (if hour < 12 then fst else snd) (amPm l) 'R' -> doFmt "%H:%M" 'r' -> doFmt (time12Fmt l) 'T' -> doFmt "%H:%M:%S" 't' -> "\t" 'S' -> show2 sec 's' -> show2 sec -- Implementation-dependent, sez the lib doc.. 'X' -> doFmt (timeFmt l) 'x' -> doFmt (dateFmt l) 'Y' -> show year 'y' -> show2 (year `rem` 100) '%' -> "%" c -> [c] defaultTimeDiffFmt (TimeDiff year month day hour min sec _) = foldr (\ (v,s) rest -> (if v /= 0 then show v ++ ' ':(addS v s) ++ if null rest then "" else ", " else "") ++ rest ) "" (zip [year, month, day, hour, min, sec] (intervals l)) addS v s = if abs v == 1 then fst s else snd s #ifndef __HUGS__ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Foreign time interface (POSIX) type CTm = () -- struct tm #if HAVE_LOCALTIME_R foreign import ccall unsafe localtime_r :: Ptr CTime -> Ptr CTm -> IO (Ptr CTm) #else foreign import ccall unsafe localtime :: Ptr CTime -> IO (Ptr CTm) #endif #if HAVE_GMTIME_R foreign import ccall unsafe gmtime_r :: Ptr CTime -> Ptr CTm -> IO (Ptr CTm) #else foreign import ccall unsafe gmtime :: Ptr CTime -> IO (Ptr CTm) #endif foreign import ccall unsafe mktime :: Ptr CTm -> IO CTime foreign import ccall unsafe time :: Ptr CTime -> IO CTime #if HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY type CTimeVal = () foreign import ccall unsafe gettimeofday :: Ptr CTimeVal -> Ptr () -> IO CInt #endif #if HAVE_FTIME type CTimeB = () #ifndef mingw32_TARGET_OS foreign import ccall unsafe ftime :: Ptr CTimeB -> IO CInt #else foreign import ccall unsafe ftime :: Ptr CTimeB -> IO () #endif #endif #endif /* ! __HUGS__ */