% % (c) The OBFUSCATION-THROUGH-GRATUITOUS-PREPROCESSOR-ABUSE Project, % Glasgow University, 1990-1994 % % TODO: % % o I (ADR) think it would be worth making the connection with CPS explicit. % Now that we have explicit activation records (on the stack), we can % explain the whole system in terms of CPS and tail calls --- with the % one requirement that we carefuly distinguish stack-allocated objects % from heap-allocated objects. % \documentstyle[preprint]{acmconf} \documentclass[11pt]{article} \oddsidemargin 0.1 in % Note that \oddsidemargin = \evensidemargin \evensidemargin 0.1 in \marginparwidth 0.85in % Narrow margins require narrower marginal notes \marginparsep 0 in \sloppy %\usepackage{epsfig} \newcommand{\note}[1]{{\em Note: #1}} % DIMENSION OF TEXT: \textheight 8.5 in \textwidth 6.25 in \topmargin 0 in \headheight 0 in \headsep .25 in \setlength{\parskip}{0.15cm} \setlength{\parsep}{0.15cm} \setlength{\topsep}{0cm} % Reduces space before and after verbatim, % which is implemented using trivlist \setlength{\parindent}{0cm} \renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.2} \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{0.7} \begin{document} \newcommand{\ToDo}[1]{{{\bf ToDo:}\sl #1}} \newcommand{\Note}[1]{{{\bf Note:}\sl #1}} \newcommand{\Arg}[1]{\mbox{${\tt arg}_{#1}$}} \newcommand{\bottom}{bottom} % foo, can't remember the symbol name \title{The STG runtime system (revised)} \author{Simon Peyton Jones \\ Glasgow University and Oregon Graduate Institute \and Simon Marlow \\ Glasgow University \and Alastair Reid \\ Yale University} \maketitle \tableofcontents \newpage \part{Introduction} \section{Overview} This document describes the GHC/Hugs run-time system. It serves as a Glasgow/Yale/Nottingham ``contract'' about what the RTS does. \subsection{New features compared to GHC 2.04} \begin{itemize} \item The RTS supports mixed compiled/interpreted execution, so that a program can consist of a mixture of GHC-compiled and Hugs-interpreted code. \item CAFs are only retained if they are reachable. Since they are referred to by implicit references buried in code, this means that the garbage collector must traverse the whole accessible code tree. This feature eliminates a whole class of painful space leaks. \item A running thread has only one stack, which contains a mixture of pointers and non-pointers. Section~\ref{sect:stacks} describes how we find out which is which. (GHC has used two stacks for some while. Using one stack instead of two reduces register pressure, reduces the size of update frames, and eliminates ``stack-stubbing'' instructions.) \item The ``return in registers'' return convention has been dropped because it was complicated and doesn't work well on register-poor architectures. It has been partly replaced by unboxed tuples (section~\ref{sect:unboxed-tuples}) which allow the programmer to explicitly state where results should be returned in registers (or on the stack) instead of on the heap. \item Lazy black-holing has been replaced by eager black-holing. The problem with lazy black-holing is that it leaves slop in the heap which conflicts with the use of a mostly-copying collector. \end{itemize} \subsection{Wish list} Here's a list of things we'd like to support in the future. \begin{itemize} \item Interrupts, speculative computation. \item The SM could tune the size of the allocation arena, the number of generations, etc taking into account residency, GC rate and page fault rate. \item There should be no need to specify the amnount of stack/heap space to allocate when you started a program - let it just take as much or as little as it wants. (It might be useful to be able to specify maximum sizes and to be able to suggest an initial size.) \item We could trigger a GC when all threads are blocked waiting for IO if the allocation arena (or some of the generations) are nearly full. \end{itemize} \subsection{Configuration} Some of the above features are expensive or less portable, so we envision building a number of different configurations supporting different subsets of the above features. You can make the following choices: \begin{itemize} \item Support for concurrency or parallelism. There are four mutually-exclusive choices. \begin{description} \item[@SEQUENTIAL@] No concurrency or parallelism support. This configuration might not support interrupt recovery. \note{There's probably not much point in supporting this option. If we've gone to the effort of supporting concurency, we don't gain much by being able to turn it off.} \item[@CONCURRENT@] Support for concurrency but not for parallelism. \item[@CONCURRENT@+@GRANSIM@] Concurrency support and simulated parallelism. \item[@CONCURRENT@+@PARALLEL@] Concurrency support and real parallelism. \end{description} \item @PROFILING@ adds cost-centre profiling. \item @TICKY@ gathers internal statistics (often known as ``ticky-ticky'' code). \item @DEBUG@ does internal consistency checks. \item Persistence. (well, not yet). \item Which garbage collector to use. At the moment we only anticipate one, however. \end{itemize} \subsection{Glossary} \ToDo{This terminology is not used consistently within the document. If you find something which disagrees with this terminology, fix the usage.} \begin{itemize} \item A {\em word} is (at least) 32 bits and can hold either a signed or an unsigned int. \item A {\em pointer} is (at least) 32 bits and big enough to hold a function pointer or a data pointer. \item A {\em boxed} type is one whose elements are heap allocated. \item An {\em unboxed} type is one whose elements are {\em not} heap allocated. \item A {\em pointed} type is one that contains $\bot$. Variables with pointed types are the only things which can be lazily evaluated. In the STG machine, this means that they are the only things that can be {\em entered} or {\em updated} and it requires that they be boxed. \item An {\em unpointed} type is one that does not contain $\bot$. Variables with unpointed types are never delayed --- they are always evaluated when they are constructed. In the STG machine, this means that they cannot be {\em entered} or {\em updated}. Unpointed objects may be boxed (like @Array#@) or unboxed (like @Int#@). \item A {\em closure} is a (representation of) a value of a {\em pointed} type. It may be in HNF or it may be unevaluated --- in either case, you can try to evaluate it again. \item A {\em thunk} is a (representation of) a value of a {\em pointed} type which is {\em not} in HNF. \item A {\em value} is an object in HNF. It can be pointed or unpointed. \end{itemize} Occasionally, a field of a data structure must hold either a word or a pointer. In such circumstances, it is {\em not safe} to assume that words and pointers are the same size. % Todo: % More terminology to mention. % unboxed, unpointed \subsection{Subtle Dependencies} Some decisions have very subtle consequences which should be written down in case we want to change our minds. \begin{itemize} \item The garbage collector never expands an object when it promotes it to the old generation. This is important because the GC avoids performing heap overflow checks by assuming that the amount added to the old generation is no bigger than the current new generation. \item If the garbage collector is allowed to shrink the stack of a thread, we cannot omit the stack check in return continuations (section~\ref{sect:heap-and-stack-checks}). \item When we return to the scheduler, the top object on the stack is a closure. The scheduler restarts the thread by entering the closure. Section~\ref{sect:hugs-return-convention} discusses how Hugs returns an unboxed value to GHC and how GHC returns an unboxed value to Hugs. \item When we return to the scheduler, we need a few empty words on the stack to store a closure to reenter. Section~\ref{sect:heap-and-stack-checks} discusses who does the stack check and how much space they need. \item Heap objects never contain slop --- this is required if we want to support mostly-copying garbage collection. This is a big problem when updating since the updatee is usually bigger than an indirection object. The fix is to overwrite the end of the updatee with ``slop objects'' (described in section~\ref{sect:slop-objects}). This is hard to arrange if we do \emph{lazy} blackholing (section~\ref{sect:lazy-black-holing}) so we currently plan to blackhole an object when we push the update frame. \item Info tables for constructors contain enough information to decide which return convention they use. This allows Hugs to use a single piece of entry code for all constructors and insulates Hugs from changes in the choice of return convention. \end{itemize} \section{Source Language} \subsection{Explicit Allocation}\label{sect:explicit-allocation} As in the original STG machine, (almost) all heap allocation is caused by executing a let(rec). Since we no longer support the return in registers convention for data constructors, constructors now cause heap allocation and so they should be let-bound. For example, we now write @ > cons = \ x xs -> let r = (:) x xs in r @ instead of @ > cons = \ x xs -> (:) x xs @ \subsection{Unboxed tuples}\label{sect:unboxed-tuples} Functions can take multiple arguments as easily as they can take one argument: there's no cost for adding another argument. But functions can only return one result: the cost of adding a second ``result'' is that the function must construct a tuple of ``results'' on the heap. The assymetry is rather galling and can make certain programming styles quite expensive. For example, consider a simple state transformer monad: @ > type S a = State -> (a,State) > bindS m k s0 = case m s0 of { (a,s1) -> k a s1 } > returnS a s = (a,s) > getS s = (s,s) > setS s _ = ((),s) @ Here, every use of @returnS@, @getS@ or @setS@ constructs a new tuple in the heap which is instantly taken apart (and becomes garbage) by the case analysis in @bind@. Even a short state-transformer program will construct a lot of these temporary tuples. Unboxed tuples provide a way for the programmer to indicate that they do not expect a tuple to be shared and that they do not expect it to be allocated in the heap. Syntactically, unboxed tuples are just like single constructor datatypes except for the annotation @unboxed@. @ > data unboxed AAndState# a = AnS a State > type S a = State -> AAndState# a > bindS m k s0 = case m s0 of { AnS a s1 -> k a s1 } > returnS a s = AnS a s > getS s = AnS s s > setS s _ = AnS () s @ Semantically, unboxed tuples are just unlifted tuples and are subject to the same restrictions as other unpointed types. Operationally, unboxed tuples are never built on the heap. When unboxed tuples are returned, they are returned in multiple registers or multiple stack slots. At first sight, this seems a little strange but it's no different from passing double precision floats in two registers. Notes: \begin{itemize} \item Unboxed tuples can only have one constructor and that thunks never have unboxed types --- so we'll never try to update an unboxed constructor. The restriction to a single constructor is largely to avoid garbage collection complications. \item The core syntax does not allow variables to be bound to unboxed tuples (ie in default case alternatives or as function arguments) and does not allow unboxed tuples to be fields of other constructors. However, there's no harm in allowing it in the source syntax as a convenient, but easily removed, syntactic sugar. \item The compiler generates a closure of the form @ > c = \ x y z -> C x y z @ for every constructor (whether boxed or unboxed). This closure is normally used during desugaring to ensure that constructors are saturated and to apply any strictness annotations. They are also used when returning unboxed constructors to the machine code evaluator from the bytecode evaluator and when a heap check fails in a return continuation for an unboxed-tuple scrutinee. \end{itemize} \subsection{STG Syntax} \ToDo{Insert STG syntax with appropriate changes.} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \part{System Overview} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This part is concerned with defining the external interfaces of the major components of the system; the next part is concerned with their inner workings. The major components of the system are: \begin{itemize} \item The scheduler \item The storage manager \item The evaluators \item The loader \item The compilers \end{itemize} \ToDo{Insert diagram showing all components underneath the scheduler and communicating only with the scheduler} \section{Scheduler} The Scheduler is the heart of the run-time system. A running program consists of a single running thread, and a list of runnable and blocked threads. All threads consist of a stack and a few words of status information. Except for the running thread, all threads have a closure on top of their stack; the scheduler restarts a thread by entering an evaluator which performs some reduction and returns. \subsection{The scheduler's main loop} The scheduler consists of a loop which chooses a runnable thread and invokes one of the evaluators which performs some reduction and returns. The scheduler also takes care of system-wide issues such as heap overflow or communication with other processors (in the parallel system) and thread-specific problems such as stack overflow. \subsection{Creating a thread} Threads are created: \begin{itemize} \item When the scheduler is first invoked. \item When a message is received from another processor (I think). (Parallel system only.) \item When a C program calls some Haskell code. \end{itemize} \subsection{Restarting a thread} The evaluators can reduce almost all types of closure except that only the machine code evaluator can reduce GHC-compiled closures and only the bytecode evaluator can reduce Hugs-compiled closures. Consequently, the scheduler may use either evaluator to restart a thread unless the top closure is a @BCO@ or contains machine code. However, if the top of the stack contains a constructor, the scheduler should use the machine code evaluator to restart the thread. This allows the bytecode evaluator to return a constructor to a machine code return address by pushing the constructor on top of the stack and returning to the scheduler. If the return address under the constructor is @HUGS_RET@, the entry code for @HUGS_RET@ will rearrange the stack so that the return @BCO@ is on top of the stack and return to the scheduler which will then call the bytecode evaluator. There is little point in trying to shorten this slightly indirect route since it will happen very rarely if at all. \subsection{Returning from a thread} The evaluators return to the scheduler when any of the following conditions arise: \begin{itemize} \item A heap check fails, and a garbage collection is required \item Compiled code needs to switch to interpreted code, and vice versa. \item The evaluator needs to perform an ``unsafe'' C call. \item The thread becomes blocked. \item The thread is preempted. \item The thread terminates. \end{itemize} Except when the thread terminates, the thread always terminates with a closure on the top of the stack. \subsection{Preempting a thread} Strictly speaking, threads cannot be preempted --- the scheduler merely sets a preemption request flag which the thread must arrange to test on a regular basis. When an evaluator finds that the preemption request flag is set, it pushes an appropriate closure onto the stack and returns to the scheduler. In the bytecode interpreter, the flag is tested whenever we enter a closure. If the preemption flag is set, it leaves the closure on top of the stack and returns to the scheduler. In the machine code evaluator, the flag is only tested when a heap or stack check fails. This is less expensive than testing the flag on entering every closure but runs the risk that a thread will enter an infinite loop which does not allocate any space. If the flag is set, the evaluator returns to the scheduler exactly as if a heap check had failed. \subsection{``Safe'' and ``unsafe'' C calls} There are two ways of calling C: \begin{description} \item[``Safe'' C calls] are used if the programer is certain that the C function will not do anything dangerous such as calling a Haskell function or an operating system call which blocks the thread for a long period of time. \footnote{Warning: this use of ``safe'' and ``unsafe'' is the exact opposite of the usage for functions like @unsafePerformIO@.} Safe C calls are faster but must be hand-checked by the programmer. Safe C calls are performed by pushing the arguments onto the C stack and jumping to the C function's entry point. On exit, the result of the function is in a register which is returned to the Haskell code as an unboxed value. \item[``Unsafe'' C calls] are used if the programmer suspects that the thread may do something dangerous like blocking or calling a Haskell function. Unsafe C calls are relatively slow but are less problematic. Unsafe C calls are performed by pushing the arguments onto the Haskell stack, pushing a return continuation and returning a \emph{C function descriptor} to the scheduler. The scheduler suspends the Haskell thread, spawns a new operating system thread which pops the arguments off the Haskell stack onto the C stack, calls the C function, pushes the function result onto the Haskell stack and informs the scheduler that the C function has completed and the Haskell thread is now runnable. \end{description} The bytecode evaluator will probably treat all C calls as being unsafe. \ToDo{It might be good for the programmer to indicate how the program is unsafe. For example, if we distinguish between C functions which might call Haskell functions and those which might block, we could perform a safe call for blocking functions in a single-threaded system or, perhaps, in a multi-threaded system which only happens to have a single thread at the moment.} \section{The Evaluators} All the scheduler needs to know about evaluation is how to manipulate threads and how to find the closure on top of the stack. The evaluators need to agree on the representations of certain objects and on how to return from the scheduler. \subsection{Returning to the Scheduler} \label{sect:switching-worlds} The evaluators return to the scheduler under three circumstances: \begin{itemize} \item When they enter a closure built by the other evaluator. That is, when the bytecode interpreter enters a closure compiled by GHC or when the machine code evaluator enters a BCO. \item When they return to a return continuation built by the other evaluator. That is, when the machine code evaluator returns to a continuation built by Hugs or when the bytecode evaluator returns to a continuation built by GHC. \item When a heap or stack check fails or when the preemption flag is set. \end{itemize} In all cases, they return to the scheduler with a closure on top of the stack. The mechanism used to trigger the world switch and the choice of closure left on top of the stack varies according to which world is being left and what is being returned. \subsubsection{Leaving the bytecode evaluator} \label{sect:hugs-to-ghc-switch} \paragraph{Entering a machine code closure} When it enters a closure, the bytecode evaluator performs a switch based on the type of closure (@AP@, @PAP@, @Ind@, etc). On entering a machine code closure, it returns to the scheduler with the closure on top of the stack. \paragraph{Returning a constructor} When it enters a constructor, the bytecode evaluator tests the return continuation on top of the stack. If it is a machine code continuation, it returns to the scheduler with the constructor on top of the stack. \note{This is why the scheduler must enter the machine code evaluator if it finds a constructor on top of the stack.} \paragraph{Returning an unboxed value} \note{Hugs doesn't support unboxed values in source programs but they are used for a few complex primops.} When it enters a constructor, the bytecode evaluator tests the return continuation on top of the stack. If it is a machine code continuation, it returns to the scheduler with the unboxed value and a special closure on top of the stack. When the closure is entered (by the machine code evaluator), it returns the unboxed value on top of the stack to the return continuation under it. The runtime system (or GHC?) provides one of these closures for each unboxed type. Hugs cannot generate them itself since the entry code is really very tricky. \paragraph{Heap/Stack overflow and preemption} The bytecode evaluator tests for heap/stack overflow and preemption when entering a BCO and simply returns with the BCO on top of the stack. \subsubsection{Leaving the machine code evaluator} \label{sect:ghc-to-hugs-switch} \paragraph{Entering a BCO} The entry code for a BCO pushes the BCO onto the stack and returns to the scheduler. \paragraph{Returning a constructor} We avoid the need to test return addresses in the machine code evaluator by pushing a special return address on top of a pointer to the bytecode return continuation. Figure~\ref{fig:hugs-return-stack} shows the state of the stack just before evaluating the scrutinee. \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} @ | stack | +----------+ | bco |--> BCO +----------+ | HUGS_RET | +----------+ @ %\input{hugs_return1.pstex_t} \end{center} \caption{Stack layout for evaluating a scrutinee} \label{fig:hugs-return-stack} \end{figure} This return address rearranges the stack so that the bco pointer is above the constructor on the stack (as shown in figure~\ref{fig:hugs-boxed-return}) and returns to the scheduler. \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} @ | stack | +----------+ | con |--> Constructor +----------+ | bco |--> BCO +----------+ @ %\input{hugs_return2.pstex_t} \end{center} \caption{Stack layout for entering a Hugs return address} \label{fig:hugs-boxed-return} \end{figure} \paragraph{Returning an unboxed value} We avoid the need to test return addresses in the machine code evaluator by pushing a special return address on top of a pointer to the bytecode return continuation. This return address rearranges the stack so that the bco pointer is above the unboxed value (as shown in figure~\ref{fig:hugs-entering-unboxed-return}) and returns to the scheduler. \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} @ | stack | +----------+ | 1# | +----------+ | I# | +----------+ | bco |--> BCO +----------+ @ %\input{hugs_return2.pstex_t} \end{center} \caption{Stack layout for returning an unboxed value} \label{fig:hugs-entering-unboxed-return} \end{figure} \paragraph{Heap/Stack overflow and preemption} \ToDo{} \subsection{Shared Representations} We share @AP@s, @PAP@s, constructors, indirections, selectors(?) and update frames. These are described in section~\ref{sect:heap-objects}. \section{The Storage Manager} The storage manager is responsible for managing the heap and all objects stored in it. Most objects are just copied in the normal way but a number receive special treatment by the storage manager: \begin{itemize} \item Indirections are shorted out. \item Weak pointers and stable pointers are treated specially. \item Thread State Objects (TSOs) and the stacks within them are treated specially. In particular: \begin{itemize} \item Update frames pointing to unreachable objects are squeezed out. \item Adjacent update frames (for different closures) are compressed to a single update frame pointing to a single black hole. \item If the stack contains a large amount of free space, the storage manager may shrink the stack. If it shrinks the stack, it guarantees never to leave less than @MIN_SIZE_SHRUNKEN_STACK@ empty words on the stack when it does so. \ToDo{Would it be useful for the storage manager to enlarge the stack?} \end{itemize} \item Very large objects (eg large arrays and TSOs) are not moved if possible. \end{itemize} \section{The Compilers} Need to describe interface files, format of bytecode files, symbols defined by machine code files. \subsection{Interface Files} Here's an example - but I don't know the grammar - ADR. @ _interface_ Main 1 _exports_ Main main ; _declarations_ 1 main _:_ IOBase.IO PrelBase.();; @ \subsection{Bytecode files} (All that matters here is what the loader sees.) \subsection{Machine code files} (Again, all that matters is what the loader sees.) \subsection{Bytecode files} (All that matters here is what the loader sees.) \subsection{Machine code files} (Again, all that matters is what the loader sees.) \section{The Loader} \ToDo{Is it ok to load code when threads are running?} In a batch mode system, we can statically link all the modules together. In an interactive system we need a loader which will explicitly load and unload individual modules (or, perhaps, blocks of mutually dependent modules) and resolve references between modules. While many operating systems provide support for dynamic loading and will automatically resolve cross-module references for us, we generally cannot rely on being able to load mutually dependent modules. A portable solution is to perform some of the linking ourselves. Each module should provide three global symbols: \begin{itemize} \item An initialisation routine. (Might also be used for finalisation.) \item A table of symbols it exports. Entries in this table consist of the symbol name and the address of the names value. \item A table of symbols it imports. Entries in this table consist of the symbol name and a list of references to that symbol. \end{itemize} On loading a group of modules, the loader adds the contents of the export lists to a symbol table and then fills in all the references in the import lists. References in import lists are of two types: \begin{description} \item[ References in machine code ] The most efficient approach is to patch the machine code directly, but this will be a lot of work, very painful to port and rather fragile. Alternatively, the loader could store the value of each symbol in the import table for each module and the compiled code can access all external objects through the import table. This requires that the import table be writable but does not require that the machine code or info tables be writable. \item[ References in data structures (SRTs and static data constructors) ] Either we patch the SRTs and constructors directly or we somehow use indirections through the symbol table. Patching the SRTs requires that we make them writable and prevents us from making effective use of virtual memories that use copy-on-write policies. Using an indirection is possible but tricky. Note: We could avoid patching machine code if all references to eternal references went through the SRT --- then we just have one thing to patch. But the SRT always contains a pointer to the closure rather than the fast entry point (say), so we'd take a big performance hit for doing this. \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \part{Internal details} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This part is concerned with the internal details of the components described in the previous part. The major components of the system are: \begin{itemize} \item The scheduler \item The storage manager \item The evaluators \item The loader \item The compilers \end{itemize} \section{The Scheduler} \section{The Storage Manager} \label{sect:storage-manager-internals} \ToDo{Fix this picture} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \input{closure} \end{center} \caption{A closure} \label{fig:closure} \end{figure} Every {\em heap object} is a contiguous block of memory, consisting of a fixed-format {\em header} followed by zero or more {\em data words}. \ToDo{I absolutely do not believe that every heap object has a header like this - ADR. I believe that they all have an info pointer but I see no readon why stack objects and unpointed heap objects would have an entry count since this will always be zero.} The header consists of the following fields: \begin{itemize} \item A one-word {\em info pointer}, which points to the object's static {\em info table}. \item Zero or more {\em admin words} that support \begin{itemize} \item Profiling (notably a {\em cost centre} word). \note{We could possibly omit the cost centre word from some administrative objects.} \item Parallelism (e.g. GranSim keeps the object's global address here, though GUM keeps a separate hash table). \item Statistics (e.g. a word to track how many times a thunk is entered.). We add a Ticky word to the fixed-header part of closures. This is used to indicate if a closure has been updated but not yet entered. It is set when the closure is updated and cleared when subsequently entered. NB: It is {\em not} an ``entry count'', it is an ``entries-after-update count.'' The commoning up of @CONST@, @CHARLIKE@ and @INTLIKE@ closures is turned off(?) if this is required. This has only been done for 2s collection. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} Most of the RTS is completely insensitive to the number of admin words. The total size of the fixed header is @FIXED_HS@. Many heap objects contain fields allowing them to be inserted onto lists during evaluation or during garbage collection. The lists required by the evaluator and storage manager are as follows. \begin{itemize} \item 2 lists of threads: runnable threads and sleeping threads. \item The {\em static object list} is a list of all statically allocated objects which might contain pointers into the heap. (Section~\ref{sect:static-objects}.) \item The {\em updated thunk list} is a list of all thunks in the old generation which have been updated with an indirection. (Section~\ref{sect:IND_OLDGEN}.) \item The {\em mutables list} is a list of all other objects in the old generation which might contain pointers into the new generation. Most of the object on this list are ``mutable.'' (Section~\ref{sect:mutables}.) \item The {\em Foreign Object list} is a list of all foreign objects which have not yet been deallocated. (Section~\ref{sect:FOREIGN}.) \item The {\em Spark pool} is a doubly(?) linked list of Spark objects maintained by the parallel system. (Section~\ref{sect:SPARK}.) \item The {\em Blocked Fetch list} (or lists?). (Section~\ref{sect:BLOCKED_FETCH}.) \item For each thread, there is a list of all update frames on the stack. (Section~\ref{sect:data-updates}.) \end{itemize} \ToDo{The links for these fields are usually inserted immediately after the fixed header except ...} \subsection{Info Tables} An {\em info table} is a contiguous block of memory, {\em laid out backwards}. That is, the first field in the list that follows occupies the highest memory address, and the successive fields occupy successive decreasing memory addresses. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|} \hline Parallelism Info \\ \hline Profile Info \\ \hline Debug Info \\ \hline Tag / Static reference table \\ \hline Storage manager layout info \\ \hline Closure type \\ \hline entry code \\ \vdots \end{tabular} \end{center} An info table has the following contents (working backwards in memory addresses): \begin{itemize} \item The {\em entry code} for the closure. This code appears literally as the (large) last entry in the info table, immediately preceded by the rest of the info table. An {\em info pointer} always points to the first byte of the entry code. \item A one-word {\em closure type field}, @INFO_TYPE@, identifies what kind of closure the object is. The various types of closure are described in Section~\ref{sect:closures}. In some configurations, some useful properties of closures (is it a HNF? can it be sparked?) are represented as high-order bits so they can be tested quickly. \item A single pointer or word --- the {\em storage manager info field}, @INFO_SM@, contains auxiliary information describing the closure's precise layout, for the benefit of the garbage collector and the code that stuffs graph into packets for transmission over the network. \item A one-word {\em Tag/Static Reference Table} field, @INFO_SRT@. For data constructors, this field contains the constructor tag, in the range $0..n-1$ where $n$ is the number of constructors. For all other objects it contains a pointer to a table which enables the garbage collector to identify all accessible code and CAFs. They are fully described in Section~\ref{sect:srt}. \item {\em Profiling info\/} \ToDo{The profiling info is completely bogus. I've not deleted it from the document but I've commented it all out.} % change to \iftrue to uncomment this section \iffalse Closure category records are attached to the info table of the closure. They are declared with the info table. We put pointers to these ClCat things in info tables. We need these ClCat things because they are mutable, whereas info tables are immutable. Hashing will map similar categories to the same hash value allowing statistics to be grouped by closure category. Cost Centres and Closure Categories are hashed to provide indexes against which arbitrary information can be stored. These indexes are memoised in the appropriate cost centre or category record and subsequent hashes avoided by the index routine (it simply returns the memoised index). There are different features which can be hashed allowing information to be stored for different groupings. Cost centres have the cost centre recorded (using the pointer), module and group. Closure categories have the closure description and the type description. Records with the same feature will be hashed to the same index value. The initialisation routines, @init_index_@, allocate a hash table in which the cost centre / category records are stored. The lower bound for the table size is taken from @max__no@. They return the actual table size used (the next power of 2). Unused locations in the hash table are indicated by a 0 entry. Successive @init_index_@ calls just return the actual table size. Calls to @index_@ will insert the cost centre / category record in the @@ hash table, if not already inserted. The hash index is memoised in the record and returned. CURRENTLY ONLY ONE MEMOISATION SLOT IS AVILABLE IN EACH RECORD SO HASHING CAN ONLY BE DONE ON ONE FEATURE FOR EACH RECORD. This can be easily relaxed at the expense of extra memoisation space or continued rehashing. The initialisation routines must be called before initialisation of the stacks and heap as they require to allocate storage. It is also expected that the caller may want to allocate additional storage in which to store profiling information based on the return table size value(s). \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|} \hline Hash Index \\ \hline Selected \\ \hline Kind \\ \hline Description String \\ \hline Type String \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \begin{description} \item[Hash Index] Memoised copy \item[Selected] Is this category selected (-1 == not memoised, selected? 0 or 1) \item[Kind] One of the following values (defined in CostCentre.lh): \begin{description} \item[@CON_K@] A constructor. \item[@FN_K@] A literal function. \item[@PAP_K@] A partial application. \item[@THK_K@] A thunk, or suspension. \item[@BH_K@] A black hole. \item[@ARR_K@] An array. \item[@ForeignObj_K@] A Foreign object (non-Haskell heap resident). \item[@SPT_K@] The Stable Pointer table. (There should only be one of these but it represents a form of weak space leak since it can't shrink to meet non-demand so it may be worth watching separately? ADR) \item[@INTERNAL_KIND@] Something internal to the runtime system. \end{description} \item[Description] Source derived string detailing closure description. \item[Type] Source derived string detailing closure type. \end{description} \fi % end of commented out stuff \item {\em Parallelism info\/} \ToDo{} \item {\em Debugging info\/} \ToDo{} \end{itemize} %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Kinds of Heap Object} \label{sect:closures} Heap objects can be classified in several ways, but one useful one is this: \begin{itemize} \item {\em Static closures} occupy fixed, statically-allocated memory locations, with globally known addresses. \item {\em Dynamic closures} are individually allocated in the heap. \item {\em Stack closures} are closures allocated within a thread's stack (which is itself a heap object). Unlike other closures, there are never any pointers to stack closures. Stack closures are discussed in Section~\ref{sect:stacks}. \end{itemize} A second useful classification is this: \begin{itemize} \item {\em Executive objects}, such as thunks and data constructors, participate directly in a program's execution. They can be subdivided into three kinds of objects according to their type: \begin{itemize} \item {\em Pointed objects}, represent values of a {\em pointed} type (<.pointed types launchbury.>) --i.e.~a type that includes $\bottom$ such as @Int@ or @Int# -> Int#@. \item {\em Unpointed objects}, represent values of a {\em unpointed} type --i.e.~a type that does not include $\bottom$ such as @Int#@ or @Array#@. \item {\em Activation frames}, represent ``continuations''. They are always stored on the stack and are never pointed to by heap objects or passed as arguments. \note{It's not clear if this will still be true once we support speculative evaluation.} \end{itemize} \item {\em Administrative objects}, such as stack objects and thread state objects, do not represent values in the original program. \end{itemize} Only pointed objects can be entered. All pointed objects share a common header format: the ``pointed header''; while all unpointed objects share a common header format: the ``unpointed header''. \ToDo{Describe the difference and update the diagrams to mention an appropriate header type.} This section enumerates all the kinds of heap objects in the system. Each is identified by a distinct @INFO_TYPE@ tag in its info table. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline closure kind & Section \\ \hline {\em Pointed} \\ \hline @CONSTR@ & \ref{sect:CONSTR} \\ @CONSTR_STATIC@ & \ref{sect:CONSTR} \\ @CONSTR_STATIC_NOCAF@ & \ref{sect:CONSTR} \\ @FUN@ & \ref{sect:FUN} \\ @FUN_STATIC@ & \ref{sect:FUN} \\ @THUNK@ & \ref{sect:THUNK} \\ @THUNK_STATIC@ & \ref{sect:THUNK} \\ @THUNK_SELECTOR@ & \ref{sect:THUNK_SEL} \\ @BCO@ & \ref{sect:BCO} \\ @BCO_CAF@ & \ref{sect:BCO} \\ @AP@ & \ref{sect:AP} \\ @PAP@ & \ref{sect:PAP} \\ @IND@ & \ref{sect:IND} \\ @IND_OLDGEN@ & \ref{sect:IND} \\ @IND_PERM@ & \ref{sect:IND} \\ @IND_OLDGEN_PERM@ & \ref{sect:IND} \\ @IND_STATIC@ & \ref{sect:IND} \\ \hline {\em Unpointed} \\ \hline @ARR_WORDS@ & \ref{sect:ARR_WORDS1},\ref{sect:ARR_WORDS2} \\ @ARR_PTRS@ & \ref{sect:ARR_PTRS} \\ @MUTVAR@ & \ref{sect:MUTVAR} \\ @MUTARR_PTRS@ & \ref{sect:MUTARR_PTRS} \\ @MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN@ & \ref{sect:MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN} \\ @FOREIGN@ & \ref{sect:FOREIGN} \\ @BH@ & \ref{sect:BH} \\ @MVAR@ & \ref{sect:MVAR} \\ @IVAR@ & \ref{sect:IVAR} \\ @FETCHME@ & \ref{sect:FETCHME} \\ \hline \end{tabular} Activation frames do not live (directly) on the heap --- but they have a similar organisation. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline closure kind & Section \\ \hline @RET_SMALL@ & \ref{sect:activation-records} \\ @RET_VEC_SMALL@ & \ref{sect:activation-records} \\ @RET_BIG@ & \ref{sect:activation-records} \\ @RET_VEC_BIG@ & \ref{sect:activation-records} \\ @UPDATE_FRAME@ & \ref{sect:activation-records} \\ \hline \end{tabular} There are also a number of administrative objects. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline closure kind & Section \\ \hline @TSO@ & \ref{sect:TSO} \\ @STACK_OBJECT@ & \ref{sect:STACK_OBJECT} \\ @STABLEPTR_TABLE@ & \ref{sect:STABLEPTR_TABLE} \\ @SPARK_OBJECT@ & \ref{sect:SPARK} \\ @BLOCKED_FETCH@ & \ref{sect:BLOCKED_FETCH} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \ToDo{I guess the parallel system has something like a stable ptr table. Is there any opportunity for sharing code/data structures here?} \subsection{Predicates} \ToDo{The following is a first attempt at defining a useful set of predicates. Some (such as @isWHNF@ and @isSparkable@) may need their definitions tweaked a little.} The runtime system sometimes needs to be able to distinguish objects according to their properties: is the object updateable? is it in weak head normal form? etc. These questions can be answered by examining the @INFO_TYPE@ field of the object's info table. We define the following predicates to detect families of related info types. They are mutually exclusive and exhaustive. \begin{itemize} \item @isCONSTR@ is true for @CONSTR@s. \item @isFUN@ is true for @FUN@s. \item @isTHUNK@ is true for @THUNK@s. \item @isBCO@ is true for @BCO@s. \item @isAP@ is true for @AP@s. \item @isPAP@ is true for @PAP@s. \item @isINDIRECTION@ is true for indirection objects. \item @isBH@ is true for black holes. \item @isFOREIGN_OBJECT@ is true for foreign objects. \item @isARRAY@ is true for array objects. \item @isMVAR@ is true for @MVAR@s. \item @isIVAR@ is true for @IVAR@s. \item @isFETCHME@ is true for @FETCHME@s. \item @isSLOP@ is true for slop objects. \item @isRET_ADDR@ is true for return addresses. \item @isUPD_ADDR@ is true for update frames. \item @isTSO@ is true for @TSO@s. \item @isSTABLE_PTR_TABLE@ is true for the stable pointer table. \item @isSPARK_OBJECT@ is true for spark objects. \item @isBLOCKED_FETCH@ is true for blocked fetch objects. \item @isINVALID_INFOTYPE@ is true for all other info types. \end{itemize} The following predicates detect other interesting properties: \begin{itemize} \item @isPOINTED@ is true if an object has a pointed type. If an object is pointed, the following predicates may be true (otherwise they are false). @isWHNF@ and @isUPDATEABLE@ are mutually exclusive. \begin{itemize} \item @isWHNF@ is true if the object is in Weak Head Normal Form. Note that unpointed objects are (arbitrarily) not considered to be in WHNF. @isWHNF@ is true for @PAP@s, @CONSTR@s, @FUN@s and some @BCO@s. \ToDo{Need to distinguish between whnf BCOs and non-whnf BCOs in their @INFO_TYPE@} \item @isBOTTOM@ is true if the object is known to be $\bot$. It is true of @BH@s. \note{I suspect we'll want to add other kinds of infotype which are known to be bottom later.} \item @isUPDATEABLE@ is true if the object may be overwritten with an indirection object. @isUPDATEABLE@ is true for @THUNK@s, @AP@s and @BH@s. \end{itemize} It is possible for a pointed object to be neither updatable nor in WHNF. For example, indirections. \item @isUNPOINTED@ is true if an object has an unpointed type. All such objects are boxed since only boxed objects have info pointers. It is true for @ARR_WORDS@, @ARR_PTRS@, @MUTVAR@, @MUTARR_PTRS@, @MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN@, @FOREIGN@ objects, @MVAR@s and @IVAR@s. \item @isACTIVATION_FRAME@ is true for activation frames of all sorts. It is true for return addresses and update frames. \begin{itemize} \item @isVECTORED_RETADDR@ is true for vectored return addresses. \item @isDIRECT_RETADDR@ is true for direct return addresses. \end{itemize} \item @isADMINISTRATIVE@ is true for administrative objects: @TSO@s, the stable pointer table, spark objects and blocked fetches. \end{itemize} \begin{itemize} \item @isSTATIC@ is true for any statically allocated closure. \item @isMUTABLE@ is true for objects with mutable pointer fields: @MUT_ARR@s, @MUTVAR@s, @MVAR@s and @IVAR@s. \item @isSparkable@ is true if the object can (and should) be sparked. It is true of updateable objects which are not in WHNF with the exception of @THUNK_SELECTOR@s and black holes. \end{itemize} As a minor optimisation, we might use the top bits of the @INFO_TYPE@ field to ``cache'' the answers to some of these predicates. An indirection either points to HNF (post update); or is result of overwriting a FetchMe, in which case the thing fetched is either under evaluation (BH), or by now an HNF. Thus, indirections get NoSpark flag. \iffalse @ #define _NF 0x0001 /* Normal form */ #define _NS 0x0002 /* Don't spark */ #define _ST 0x0004 /* Is static */ #define _MU 0x0008 /* Is mutable */ #define _UP 0x0010 /* Is updatable (but not mutable) */ #define _BM 0x0020 /* Is a "primitive" array */ #define _BH 0x0040 /* Is a black hole */ #define _IN 0x0080 /* Is an indirection */ #define _TH 0x0100 /* Is a thunk */ SPEC SPEC_N SPEC | _NF | _NS SPEC_S SPEC | _TH SPEC_U SPEC | _UP | _TH GEN GEN_N GEN | _NF | _NS GEN_S GEN | _TH GEN_U GEN | _UP | _TH DYN _NF | _NS TUPLE _NF | _NS | _BM DATA _NF | _NS | _BM MUTUPLE _NF | _NS | _MU | _BM IMMUTUPLE _NF | _NS | _BM STATIC _NS | _ST CONST _NF | _NS CHARLIKE _NF | _NS INTLIKE _NF | _NS BH _NS | _BH BH_N BH BH_U BH | _UP BQ _NS | _MU | _BH IND _NS | _IN CAF _NF | _NS | _ST | _IN FM FETCHME FM | _MU FMBQ FM | _MU | _BH TSO _MU STKO STKO_DYNAMIC STKO | _MU STKO_STATIC STKO | _ST SPEC_RBH _NS | _MU | _BH GEN_RBH _NS | _MU | _BH BF _NS | _MU | _BH INTERNAL @ \fi \subsection{Pointed Objects} All pointed objects can be entered. \subsubsection{Function closures}\label{sect:FUN} Function closures represent lambda abstractions. For example, consider the top-level declaration: @ f = \x -> let g = \y -> x+y in g x @ Both @f@ and @g@ are represented by function closures. The closure for @f@ is {\em static} while that for @g@ is {\em dynamic}. The layout of a function closure is as follows: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Pointers} & {\em Non-pointers} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The data words (pointers and non-pointers) are the free variables of the function closure. The number of pointers and number of non-pointers are stored in the @INFO_SM@ word, in the least significant and most significant half-word respectively. There are several different sorts of function closure, distinguished by their @INFO_TYPE@ field: \begin{itemize} \item @FUN@: a vanilla, dynamically allocated on the heap. \item $@FUN_@p@_@np$: to speed up garbage collection a number of specialised forms of @FUN@ are provided, for particular $(p,np)$ pairs, where $p$ is the number of pointers and $np$ the number of non-pointers. \item @FUN_STATIC@. Top-level, static, function closures (such as @f@ above) have a different layout than dynamic ones: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Static object link} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} Static function closures have no free variables. (However they may refer to other static closures; these references are recorded in the function closure's SRT.) They have one field that is not present in dynamic closures, the {\em static object link} field. This is used by the garbage collector in the same way that to-space is, to gather closures that have been determined to be live but that have not yet been scavenged. \note{Static function closures that have no static references, and hence a null SRT pointer, don't need the static object link field. Is it worth taking advantage of this? See @CONSTR_STATIC_NOCAF@.} \end{itemize} Each lambda abstraction, $f$, in the STG program has its own private info table. The following labels are relevant: \begin{itemize} \item $f$@_info@ is $f$'s info table. \item $f$@_entry@ is $f$'s slow entry point (i.e. the entry code of its info table; so it will label the same byte as $f$@_info@). \item $f@_fast_@k$ is $f$'s fast entry point. $k$ is the number of arguments $f$ takes; encoding this number in the fast-entry label occasionally catches some nasty code-generation errors. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Data Constructors}\label{sect:CONSTR} Data-constructor closures represent values constructed with algebraic data type constructors. The general layout of data constructors is the same as that for function closures. That is \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Pointers} & {\em Non-pointers} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The SRT pointer in a data constructor's info table is used for the constructor tag, since a constructor never has any static references. There are several different sorts of constructor: \begin{itemize} \item @CONSTR@: a vanilla, dynamically allocated constructor. \item @CONSTR_@$p$@_@$np$: just like $@FUN_@p@_@np$. \item @CONSTR_INTLIKE@. A dynamically-allocated heap object that looks just like an @Int@. The garbage collector checks to see if it can common it up with one of a fixed set of static int-like closures, thus getting it out of the dynamic heap altogether. \item @CONSTR_CHARLIKE@: same deal, but for @Char@. \item @CONSTR_STATIC@ is similar to @FUN_STATIC@, with the complication that the layout of the constructor must mimic that of a dynamic constructor, because a static constructor might be returned to some code that unpacks it. So its layout is like this: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Pointers} & {\em Non-pointers} & {\em Static object link}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The static object link, at the end of the closure, serves the same purpose as that for @FUN_STATIC@. The pointers in the static constructor can point only to other static closures. The static object link occurs last in the closure so that static constructors can store their data fields in exactly the same place as dynamic constructors. \item @CONSTR_STATIC_NOCAF@. A statically allocated data constructor that guarantees not to point (directly or indirectly) to any CAF (section~\ref{sect:CAF}). This means it does not need a static object link field. Since we expect that there might be quite a lot of static constructors this optimisation makes sense. Furthermore, the @NOCAF@ tag allows the compiler to indicate that no CAFs can be reached anywhere {\em even indirectly}. \end{itemize} For each data constructor $Con$, two info tables are generated: \begin{itemize} \item $Con$@_info@ labels $Con$'s dynamic info table, shared by all dynamic instances of the constructor. \item $Con$@_static@ labels $Con$'s static info table, shared by all static instances of the constructor. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Thunks} \label{sect:THUNK} \label{sect:THUNK_SEL} A thunk represents an expression that is not obviously in head normal form. For example, consider the following top-level definitions: @ range = between 1 10 f = \x -> let ys = take x range in sum ys @ Here the right-hand sides of @range@ and @ys@ are both thunks; the former is static while the latter is dynamic. The layout of a thunk is the same as that for a function closure, except that it may have some words of ``slop'' at the end to make sure that it has at least @MIN_UPD_PAYLOAD@ words in addition to its fixed header. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Pointers} & {\em Non-pointers} & {\em Slop} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The @INFO_SM@ word contains the same information as for function closures; that is, number of pointers and number of non-pointers (excluding slop). A thunk differs from a function closure in that it can be updated. There are several forms of thunk: \begin{itemize} \item @THUNK@: a vanilla, dynamically allocated thunk. The garbage collection code for thunks whose pointer + non-pointer words is less than @MIN_UPD_PAYLOAD@ differs from that for function closures and data constructors, because the GC code has to account for the slop. \item $@THUNK_@p@_@np$. Similar comments apply. \item @THUNK_STATIC@. A static thunk is also known as a {\em constant applicative form}, or {\em CAF}. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Pointers} & {\em Non-pointers} & {\em Slop} & {\em Static object link}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item @THUNK_SELECTOR@ is a (dynamically allocated) thunk whose entry code performs a simple selection operation from a data constructor drawn from a single-constructor type. For example, the thunk @ x = case y of (a,b) -> a @ is a selector thunk. A selector thunk is laid out like this: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Selectee pointer} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The @INFO_SM@ word contains the byte offset of the desired word in the selectee. Note that this is different from all other thunks. The garbage collector ``peeks'' at the selectee's tag (in its info table). If it is evaluated, then it goes ahead and do the selection, and then behaves just as if the selector thunk was an indirection to the selected field. If it is not evaluated, it treats the selector thunk like any other thunk of that shape. [Implementation notes. Copying: only the evacuate routine needs to be special. Compacting: only the PRStart (marking) routine needs to be special.] \end{itemize} The only label associated with a thunk is its info table: \begin{description} \item[$f$@_info@] is $f$'s info table. \end{description} \subsubsection{Byte-Code Objects} \label{sect:BCO} A Byte-Code Object (BCO) is a container for a a chunk of byte-code, which can be executed by Hugs. The byte-code represents a supercombinator in the program: when hugs compiles a module, it performs lambda lifting and each resulting supercombinator becomes a byte-code object in the heap. There are two kinds of BCO: a standard @BCO@ which has an arity of one or more, and a @BCO_CAF@ which takes no arguments and can be updated. When a @BCO_CAF@ is updated, the code is thrown away! The semantics of BCOs are described in Section \ref{sect:hugs-heap-objects}. A BCO has the following structure: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline \emph{Fixed Header} & \emph{Layout} & \emph{Offset} & \emph{Size} & \emph{Literals} & \emph{Byte code} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \noindent where: \begin{itemize} \item The entry code is a static code fragment/info table that returns to the scheduler to invoke Hugs (Section \ref{sect:ghc-to-hugs-switch}). \item \emph{Layout} contains the number of pointer literals in the \emph{Literals} field. \item \emph{Offset} is the offset to the byte code from the start of the object. \item \emph{Size} is the number of words of byte code in the object. \item \emph{Literals} contains any pointer and non-pointer literals used in the byte-codes (including jump addresses), pointers first. \item \emph{Byte code} contains \emph{Size} words of non-pointer byte code. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Partial applications (PAPs)}\label{sect:PAP} A partial application (PAP) represents a function applied to too few arguments. It is only built as a result of updating after an argument-satisfaction check failure. A PAP has the following shape: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em No of arg words} & {\em Function closure} & {\em Arg stack} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The ``arg stack'' is a copy of the chunk of stack above the update frame; ``no of arg words'' tells how many words it consists of. The function closure is (a pointer to) the closure for the function whose argument-satisfaction check failed. There is just one standard form of PAP with @INFO_TYPE@ = @PAP@. There is just one info table too, called @PAP_info@. Its entry code simply copies the arg stack chunk back on top of the stack and enters the function closure. (It has to do a stack overflow test first.) PAPs are also used to implement Hugs functions (where the arguments are free variables). PAPs generated by Hugs can be static. \subsubsection{@AP@ objects} \label{sect:AP} @AP@ objects are used to represent thunks built by Hugs. The only distintion between an @AP@ and a @PAP@ is that an @AP@ is updateable. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|} \hline \emph{Fixed Header} & {\em No of arg words} & {\em Function closure} & {\em Arg stack} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The entry code pushes an update frame, copies the arg stack chunk on top of the stack, and enters the function closure. (It has to do a stack overflow test first.) The ``arg stack'' is a block of (tagged) arguments representing the free variables of the thunk; ``no of arg words'' tells how many words it consists of. The function closure is (a pointer to) the closure for the thunk. The argument stack may be empty if the thunk has no free variables. \subsubsection{Indirections} \label{sect:IND} \label{sect:IND_OLDGEN} Indirection closures just point to other closures. They are introduced when a thunk is updated to point to its value. The entry code for all indirections simply enters the closure it points to. There are several forms of indirection: \begin{description} \item[@IND@] is the vanilla, dynamically-allocated indirection. It is removed by the garbage collector. It has the following shape: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Target closure} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item[@IND_OLDGEN@] is the indirection used to update an old-generation thunk. Its shape is like this: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Mutable link field} & {\em Target closure} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} It contains a {\em mutable link field} that is used to string together all old-generation indirections that might have a pointer into the new generation. \item[@IND_PERMANENT@ and @IND_OLDGEN_PERMANENT@.] for lexical profiling, it is necessary to maintain cost centre information in an indirection, so ``permanent indirections'' are retained forever. Otherwise they are just like vanilla indirections. \note{If a permanent indirection points to another permanent indirection or a @CONST@ closure, it is possible to elide the indirection since it will have no effect on the profiler.} \note{Do we still need @IND@ and @IND_OLDGEN@ in the profiling build, or can we just make do with one pair whose behaviour changes when profiling is built?} \item[@IND_STATIC@] is used for overwriting CAFs when they have been evaluated. Static indirections are not removed by the garbage collector; and are statically allocated outside the heap (and should stay there). Their static object link field is used just as for @FUN_STATIC@ closures. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Target closure} & {\em Static object link} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{description} \subsubsection{Activation Records} Activation records are parts of the stack described by return address info tables (closures with @INFO_TYPE@ values of @RET_SMALL@, @RET_VEC_SMALL@, @RET_BIG@ and @RET_VEC_BIG@). They are described in section~\ref{sect:activation-records}. \subsubsection{Black holes, MVars and IVars} \label{sect:BH} \label{sect:MVAR} \label{sect:IVAR} Black hole closures are used to overwrite closures currently being evaluated. They inform the garbage collector that there are no live roots in the closure, thus removing a potential space leak. Black holes also become synchronization points in the threaded world. They contain a pointer to a list of blocked threads to be awakened when the black hole is updated (or @NULL@ if the list is empty). \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Mutable link} & {\em Blocked thread link} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The {\em Blocked thread link} points to the TSO of the first thread waiting for the value of this thunk. All subsequent TSOs in the list are linked together using their @TSO_LINK@ field. When the blocking queue is non-@NULL@, the black hole must be added to the mutables list since the TSOs on the list may contain pointers into the new generation. There is no need to clutter up the mutables list with black holes with empty blocking queues. \ToDo{MVars} \subsubsection{FetchMes}\label{sect:FETCHME} In the parallel systems, FetchMes are used to represent pointers into the global heap. When evaluated, the value they point to is read from the global heap. \ToDo{Describe layout} Because there may be offsets into these arrays, a primitive array cannot be handled as a FetchMe in the parallel system, but must be shipped in its entirety if its parent closure is shipped. \subsection{Unpointed Objects} A variable of unpointed type is always bound to a {\em value}, never to a {\em thunk}. For this reason, unpointed objects cannot be entered. A {\em value} may be: \begin{itemize} \item {\em Boxed}, i.e.~represented indirectly by a pointer to a heap object (e.g.~foreign objects, arrays); or \item {\em Unboxed}, i.e.~represented directly by a bit-pattern in one or more registers (e.g.~@Int#@ and @Float#@). \end{itemize} All {\em pointed} values are {\em boxed}. \subsubsection{Immutable Objects} \label{sect:ARR_WORDS1} \label{sect:ARR_PTRS} \begin{description} \item[@ARR_WORDS@] is a variable-sized object consisting solely of non-pointers. It is used for arrays of all sorts of things (bytes, words, floats, doubles... it doesn't matter). \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline {\em Fixed Hdr} & {\em No of non-pointers} & {\em Non-pointers\ldots} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item[@ARR_PTRS@] is an immutable, variable sized array of pointers. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline {\em Fixed Hdr} & {\em Mutable link} & {\em No of pointers} & {\em Pointers\ldots} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The mutable link is present so that we can easily freeze and thaw an array (by changing the header and adding/removing the array to the mutables list). \end{description} \subsubsection{Mutable Objects} \label{sect:mutables} \label{sect:ARR_WORDS2} \label{sect:MUTVAR} \label{sect:MUTARR_PTRS} \label{sect:MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN} Some of these objects are {\em mutable}; they represent objects which are explicitly mutated by Haskell code through the @ST@ monad. They're not used for thunks which are updated precisely once. Depending on the garbage collector, mutable closures may contain extra header information which allows a generational collector to implement the ``write barrier.'' \begin{description} \item[@ARR_WORDS@] is also used to represent {\em mutable} arrays of bytes, words, floats, doubles, etc. It's possible to use the same object type because even generational collectors don't need to distinguish them. \item[@MUTVAR@] is a mutable variable. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline {\em Fixed Hdr} & {\em Mutable link} & {\em Pointer} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item[@MUTARR_PTRS@] is a mutable array of pointers. Such an array may be {\em frozen}, becoming an @SM_MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN@, with a different info-table. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline {\em Fixed Hdr} & {\em Mutable link} & {\em No of ptrs} & {\em Pointers\ldots} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item[@MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN@] is a frozen @MUTARR_PTRS@ closure. The garbage collector converts @MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN@ to @ARR_PTRS@ as it removes them from the mutables list. \end{description} \subsubsection{Foreign Objects}\label{sect:FOREIGN} Here's what a ForeignObj looks like: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Data} & {\em Free Routine} & {\em Foreign object link} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The @FreeRoutine@ is a reference to the finalisation routine to call when the @ForeignObj@ becomes garbage. If @freeForeignObject@ is called on a Foreign Object, the @FreeRoutine@ is set to zero and the garbage collector will not attempt to call @FreeRoutine@ when the object becomes garbage. The Foreign object link is a link to the next foreign object in the list. This list is traversed at the end of garbage collection: if an object is about to be deallocated (e.g.~it was not marked or evacuated), the free routine is called and the object is deleted from the list. The remaining objects types are all administrative --- none of them may be entered. \subsection{Other weird objects} \label{sect:SPARK} \label{sect:BLOCKED_FETCH} \begin{description} \item[@BlockedFetch@ heap objects (`closures')] (parallel only) @BlockedFetch@s are inbound fetch messages blocked on local closures. They arise as entries in a local blocking queue when a fetch has been received for a local black hole. When awakened, we look at their contents to figure out where to send a resume. A @BlockedFetch@ closure has the form: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & link & node & gtid & slot & weight \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item[Spark Closures] (parallel only) Spark closures are used to link together all closures in the spark pool. When the current processor is idle, it may choose to speculatively evaluate some of the closures in the pool. It may also choose to delete sparks from the pool. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Spark pool link} & {\em Sparked closure} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item[Slop Objects]\label{sect:slop-objects} Slop objects are used to overwrite the end of an updatee if it is larger than an indirection. Normal slop objects consist of an info pointer a size word and a number of slop words. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Info Pointer} & {\em Size} & {\em Slop Words} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} This is too large for single word slop objects which consist of a single info table. Note that slop objects only contain an info pointer, not a standard fixed header. This doesn't cause problems because slop objects are always unreachable --- they can only be accessed by linearly scanning the heap. \end{description} \subsection{Thread State Objects (TSOs)}\label{sect:TSO} \ToDo{This is very out of date. We now embed a single stack object within the TSO. TSOs include an ID number which can be used to generate a hash value. The gransim, profiling and ticky info is surely bogus.} In the multi-threaded system, the state of a suspended thread is packed up into a Thread State Object (TSO) which contains all the information needed to restart the thread and for the garbage collector to find all reachable objects. When a thread is running, it may be ``unpacked'' into machine registers and various other memory locations to provide faster access. Single-threaded systems don't really {\em need\/} TSOs --- but they do need some way to tell the storage manager about live roots so it is convenient to use a single TSO to store the mutator state even in single-threaded systems. Rather than manage TSOs' alloc/dealloc, etc., in some {\em ad hoc} way, we instead alloc/dealloc/etc them in the heap; then we can use all the standard garbage-collection/fetching/flushing/etc machinery on them. So that's why TSOs are ``heap objects,'' albeit very special ones. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} \\ \hline @TSO_LINK@ \\ \hline @TSO_WHATNEXT@ \\ \hline @TSO_WHATNEXT_INFO@ \\ \hline @TSO_STACK@ \\ \hline {\em Exception Handlers} \\ \hline {\em Ticky Info} \\ \hline {\em Profiling Info} \\ \hline {\em Parallel Info} \\ \hline {\em GranSim Info} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The contents of a TSO are: \begin{itemize} \item A pointer (@TSO_LINK@) used to maintain a list of threads with a similar state (e.g.~all runnable, all sleeping, all blocked on the same black hole, all blocked on the same MVar, etc.) \item A word (@TSO_WHATNEXT@) which is in suspended threads to record how to awaken it. This typically requires a program counter which is stored in the pointer @TSO_WHATNEXT_INFO@ \item A pointer (@TSO_STACK@) to the top stack block. \item Optional information for ``Ticky Ticky'' statistics: @TSO_STK_HWM@ is the maximum number of words allocated to this thread. \item Optional information for profiling: @TSO_CCC@ is the current cost centre. \item Optional information for parallel execution: \begin{itemize} \item The types of threads (@TSO_TYPE@): \begin{description} \item[@T_MAIN@] Must be executed locally. \item[@T_REQUIRED@] A required thread -- may be exported. \item[@T_ADVISORY@] An advisory thread -- may be exported. \item[@T_FAIL@] A failure thread -- may be exported. \end{description} \item I've no idea what else \end{itemize} \item Optional information for GranSim execution: \begin{itemize} \item locked \item sparkname \item started at \item exported \item basic blocks \item allocs \item exectime \item fetchtime \item fetchcount \item blocktime \item blockcount \item global sparks \item local sparks \item queue \item priority \item clock (gransim light only) \end{itemize} Here are the various queues for GrAnSim-type events. @ Q_RUNNING Q_RUNNABLE Q_BLOCKED Q_FETCHING Q_MIGRATING @ \end{itemize} \subsection{Stack Objects} \label{sect:STACK_OBJECT} \label{sect:stacks} These are ``stack objects,'' which are used in the threaded world as the stack for each thread is allocated from the heap in smallish chunks. (The stack in the sequential world is allocated outside of the heap.) Each reduction thread has to have its own stack space. As there may be many such threads, and as any given one may need quite a big stack, a naive give-'em-a-big-stack-and-let-'em-run approach will cost a {\em lot} of memory. Our approach is to give a thread a small stack space, and then link on/off extra ``chunks'' as the need arises. Again, this is a storage-management problem, and, yet again, we choose to graft the whole business onto the existing heap-management machinery. So stack objects will live in the heap, be garbage collected, etc., etc.. A stack object is laid out like this: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} \\ \hline {\em Link to next stack object (0 for last)} \\ \hline {\em N, the payload size in words} \\ \hline {\em @Sp@ (byte offset from head of object)} \\ \hline {\em @Su@ (byte offset from head of object)} \\ \hline {\em Payload (N words)} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \ToDo{Are stack objects on the mutable list?} The stack grows downwards, towards decreasing addresses. This makes it easier to print out the stack when debugging, and it means that a return address is at the lowest address of the chunk of stack it ``knows about'' just like an info pointer on a closure. The garbage collector needs to be able to find all the pointers in a stack. How does it do this? \begin{itemize} \item Within the stack there are return addresses, pushed by @case@ expressions. Below a return address (i.e. at higher memory addresses, since the stack grows downwards) is a chunk of stack that the return address ``knows about'', namely the activation record of the currently running function. \item Below each such activation record is a {\em pending-argument section}, a chunk of zero or more words that are the arguments to which the result of the function should be applied. The return address does not statically ``know'' how many pending arguments there are, or their types. (For example, the function might return a result of type $\alpha$.) \item Below each pending-argument section is another return address, and so on. Actually, there might be an update frame instead, but we can consider update frames as a special case of a return address with a well-defined activation record. \ToDo{Doesn't it {\em have} to be an update frame? After all, the arg satisfaction check is @Su - Sp >= ...@.} \end{itemize} The game plan is this. The garbage collector walks the stack from the top, traversing pending-argument sections and activation records alternately. Next we discuss how it finds the pointers in each of these two stack regions. \subsubsection{Activation records}\label{sect:activation-records} An {\em activation record} is a contiguous chunk of stack, with a return address as its first word, followed by as many data words as the return address ``knows about''. The return address is actually a fully-fledged info pointer. It points to an info table, replete with: \begin{itemize} \item entry code (i.e. the code to return to). \item @INFO_TYPE@ is either @RET_SMALL/RET_VEC_SMALL@ or @RET_BIG/RET_VEC_BIG@, depending on whether the activation record has more than 32 data words (\note{64 for 8-byte-word architectures}) and on whether to use a direct or a vectored return. \item @INFO_SM@ for @RET_SMALL@ is a bitmap telling the layout of the activation record, one bit per word. The least-significant bit describes the first data word of the record (adjacent to the fixed header) and so on. A ``@1@'' indicates a non-pointer, a ``@0@'' indicates a pointer. We don't need to indicate exactly how many words there are, because when we get to all zeros we can treat the rest of the activation record as part of the next pending-argument region. For @RET_BIG@ the @INFO_SM@ field points to a block of bitmap words, starting with a word that tells how many words are in the block. \item @INFO_SRT@ is the Static Reference Table for the return address (Section~\ref{sect:srt}). \end{itemize} The activation record is a fully fledged closure too. As well as an info pointer, it has all the other attributes of a fixed header (Section~\ref{sect:fixed-header}) including a saved cost centre which is reloaded when the return address is entered. In other words, all the attributes of closures are needed for activation records, so it's very convenient to make them look alike. \subsubsection{Pending arguments} So that the garbage collector can correctly identify pointers in pending-argument sections we explicitly tag all non-pointers. Every non-pointer in a pending-argument section is preceded (at the next lower memory word) by a one-word byte count that says how many bytes to skip over (excluding the tag word). The garbage collector traverses a pending argument section from the top (i.e. lowest memory address). It looks at each word in turn: \begin{itemize} \item If it is less than or equal to a small constant @MAX_STACK_TAG@ then it treats it as a tag heralding zero or more words of non-pointers, so it just skips over them. \item If it points to the code segment, it must be a return address, so we have come to the end of the pending-argument section. \item Otherwise it must be a bona fide heap pointer. \end{itemize} \subsection{The Stable Pointer Table}\label{sect:STABLEPTR_TABLE} A stable pointer is a name for a Haskell object which can be passed to the external world. It is ``stable'' in the sense that the name does not change when the Haskell garbage collector runs---in contrast to the address of the object which may well change. A stable pointer is represented by an index into the @StablePointerTable@. The Haskell garbage collector treats the @StablePointerTable@ as a source of roots for GC. In order to provide efficient access to stable pointers and to be able to cope with any number of stable pointers (eg $0 \ldots 100000$), the table of stable pointers is an array stored on the heap and can grow when it overflows. (Since we cannot compact the table by moving stable pointers about, it seems unlikely that a half-empty table can be reduced in size---this could be fixed if necessary by using a hash table of some sort.) In general a stable pointer table closure looks like this: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em No of pointers} & {\em Free} & $SP_0$ & \ldots & $SP_{n-1}$ \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The fields are: \begin{description} \item[@NPtrs@:] number of (stable) pointers. \item[@Free@:] the byte offset (from the first byte of the object) of the first free stable pointer. \item[$SP_i$:] A stable pointer slot. If this entry is in use, it is an ``unstable'' pointer to a closure. If this entry is not in use, it is a byte offset of the next free stable pointer slot. \end{description} When a stable pointer table is evacuated \begin{enumerate} \item the free list entries are all set to @NULL@ so that the evacuation code knows they're not pointers; \item The stable pointer slots are scanned linearly: non-@NULL@ slots are evacuated and @NULL@-values are chained together to form a new free list. \end{enumerate} There's no need to link the stable pointer table onto the mutable list because we always treat it as a root. \section{The Bytecode Evaluator} This section describes how the Hugs interpreter interprets code in the same environment as compiled code executes. Both evaluation models use a common garbage collector, so they must agree on the form of objects in the heap. Hugs interprets code by converting it to byte-code and applying a byte-code interpreter to it. Wherever possible, we try to ensure that the byte-code is all that is required to interpret a section of code. This means not dynamically generating info tables, and hence we can only have a small number of possible heap objects each with a statically compiled info table. Similarly for stack objects: in fact we only have one Hugs stack object, in which all information is tagged for the garbage collector. There is, however, one exception to this rule. Hugs must generate info tables for any constructors it is asked to compile, since the alternative is to force a context-switch each time compiled code enters a Hugs-built constructor, which would be prohibitively expensive. We achieve this simplicity by forgoing some of the optimisations used by compiled code: \begin{itemize} \item Whereas compiled code has five different ways of entering a closure (section~\ref{sect:entering-closures}), interpreted code has only one. The entry point for interpreted code behaves like slow entry points for compiled code. \item We use just one info table for {\em all\/} direct returns. This introduces two problems: \begin{enumerate} \item How does the interpreter know what code to execute? Instead of pushing just a return address, we push a return BCO and a trivial return address which just enters the return BCO. (In a purely interpreted system, we could avoid pushing the trivial return address.) \item How can the garbage collector follow pointers within the activation record? We could push a third word ---a bitmask describing the location of any pointers within the record--- but, since we're already tagging unboxed function arguments on the stack, we use the same mechanism for unboxed values within the activation record. \ToDo{Do we have to stub out dead variables in the activation frame?} \end{enumerate} \item We trivially support vectored returns by pushing a return vector whose entries are all the same. \item We avoid the need to build SRTs by putting bytecode objects on the heap and restricting BCOs to a single basic block. \end{itemize} \subsection{Hugs Info Tables} Hugs requires the following info tables and closures: \begin{description} \item [@HUGS_RET@]. Contains both a vectored return table and a direct entry point. All entry points are the same: they rearrange the stack to match the Hugs return convention (section~\label{sect:hugs-return-convention}) and return to the scheduler. When the scheduler restarts the thread, it will find a BCO on top of the stack and will enter the Hugs interpreter. \item [@UPD_RET@]. This is just the standard info table for an update frame. \item [Constructors]. The entry code for a constructor jumps to a generic entry point in the runtime system which decides whether to do a vectored or unvectored return depending on the shape of the constructor/type. This implies that info tables must have enough info to make that decision. \item [@AP@ and @PAP@]. \item [Indirections]. \item [Selectors]. Hugs doesn't generate them itself but it ought to recognise them \item [Complex primops]. Some of the primops are too complex for GHC to generate inline. Instead, these primops are hand-written and called as normal functions. Hugs only needs to know their names and types but doesn't care whether they are generated by GHC or by hand. Two things to watch: \begin{enumerate} \item Hugs must be able to enter these primops even if it is working on a standalone system that does not support genuine GHC generated code. \item The complex primops often involve unboxed tuple types (which Hugs does not support at the source level) so we cannot specify their types in a Haskell source file. \end{enumerate} \end{description} \subsection{Hugs Heap Objects} \label{sect:hugs-heap-objects} \subsubsection{Byte-Code Objects} Compiled byte code lives on the global heap, in objects called Byte-Code Objects (or BCOs). The layout of BCOs is described in detail in Section \ref{sect:BCO}, in this section we will describe their semantics. Since byte-code lives on the heap, it can be garbage collected just like any other heap-resident data. Hugs arranges that any BCO's referred to by the Hugs symbol tables are treated as live objects by the garbage collector. When a module is unloaded, the pointers to its BCOs are removed from the symbol table, and the code will be garbage collected some time later. A BCO represents a basic block of code - all entry points are at the beginning of a BCO, and it is impossible to jump into the middle of one. A BCO represents not only the code for a function, but also its closure; a BCO can be entered just like any other closure. Hugs performs lambda-lifting during compilation to byte-code, and each top-level combinator becomes a BCO in the heap. \ToDo{The phrase "all entry points..." suggests that BCOs have multiple entry points. If so, we need to say a lot more about it...} \subsubsection{Thunks and partial applications} A thunk consists of a code pointer, and values for the free variables of that code. Since Hugs byte-code is lambda-lifted, free variables become arguments and are expected to be on the stack by the called function. Hugs represents updateable thunks with @AP@ objects applying a closure to a list of arguments. (As for @PAP@s, unboxed arguments should be preceded by a tag.) When it is entered, it pushes an update frame followed by its payload on the stack, and enters the first word (which will be a pointer to a BCO). The layout of @AP@ objects is described in more detail in Section \ref{sect:AP}. Partial applications are represented by @PAP@ objects, which are non-updatable. \ToDo{Hugs Constructors}. \subsection{Calling conventions} \label{sect:hugs-calling-conventions} \label{sect:standard-closures} The calling convention for any byte-code function is straightforward: \begin{itemize} \item Push any arguments on the stack. \item Push a pointer to the BCO. \item Begin interpreting the byte code. \end{itemize} In a system containing both GHC and Hugs, the bytecode interpreter only has to be able to enter BCOs: everything else can be handled by returning to the compiled world (as described in Section~\ref{sect:hugs-to-ghc-switch}) and entering the closure there. This would work but it would obviously be very inefficient if we entered a @AP@ by switching worlds, entering the @AP@, pushing the arguments and function onto the stack, and entering the function which, likely as not, will be a byte-code object which we will enter by \emph{returning} to the byte-code interpreter. To avoid such gratuitious world switching, we choose to recognise certain closure types as being ``standard'' --- and duplicate the entry code for the ``standard closures'' in the bytecode interpreter. A closure is said to be ``standard'' if its entry code is entirely determined by its info table. \emph{Standard Closures} have the desirable property that the byte-code interpreter can enter the closure by simply ``interpreting'' the info table instead of switching to the compiled world. The standard closures include: \begin{description} \item[Constructor] To enter a constructor, we simply return (see Section \ref{sect:hugs-return-convention}). \item[Indirection] To enter an indirection, we simply enter the object it points to after possibly adjusting the current cost centre. \item[@AP@] To enter an @AP@, we push an update frame, push the arguments, push the function and enter the function. (Not forgetting a stack check at the start.) \item[@PAP@] To enter a @PAP@, we push the arguments, push the function and enter the function. (Not forgetting a stack check at the start.) \item[Selector] To enter a selector, we test whether the selectee is a value. If so, we simply select the appropriate component; if not, it's simplest to treat it as a GHC-built closure --- though we could interpret it if we wanted. \end{description} The most obvious omissions from the above list are @BCO@s (which we dealt with above) and GHC-built closures (which are covered in Section \ref{sect:hugs-to-ghc-switch}). \subsection{Return convention} \label{sect:hugs-return-convention} When Hugs pushes a return address, it pushes both a pointer to the BCO to return to, and a pointer to a static code fragment @HUGS_RET@ (this is described in Section \ref{sect:ghc-to-hugs-switch}). The stack layout is shown in Figure \ref{fig:hugs-return-stack}. \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} @ | stack | +----------+ | bco |--> BCO +----------+ | HUGS_RET | +----------+ @ %\input{hugs_ret.pstex_t} \end{center} \caption{Stack layout for a Hugs return address} \label{fig:hugs-return-stack} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} @ | stack | +----------+ | con |--> CON +----------+ @ %\input{hugs_ret2.pstex_t} \end{center} \caption{Stack layout on enterings a Hugs return address} \label{fig:hugs-return2} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} @ | stack | +----------+ | 3# | +----------+ | I# | +----------+ @ %\input{hugs_ret2.pstex_t} \end{center} \caption{Stack layout on entering a Hugs return address with an unboxed value} \label{fig:hugs-return-int} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} @ | stack | +----------+ | ghc_ret | +----------+ | con |--> CON +----------+ @ %\input{hugs_ret3.pstex_t} \end{center} \caption{Stack layout on enterings a GHC return address} \label{fig:hugs-return3} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} @ | stack | +----------+ | ghc_ret | +----------+ | 3# | +----------+ | I# | +----------+ | restart |--> id_Int#_closure +----------+ @ %\input{hugs_ret2.pstex_t} \end{center} \caption{Stack layout on enterings a GHC return address with an unboxed value} \label{fig:hugs-return-int} \end{figure} When a Hugs byte-code sequence enters a closure, it examines the return address on top of the stack. \begin{itemize} \item If the return address is @HUGS_RET@, pop the @HUGS_RET@ and the bco for the continuation off the stack, push a pointer to the constructor onto the stack and enter the BCO with the current object pointer set to the BCO (Figure \ref{fig:hugs-return2}). \item If the top of the stack is not @HUGS_RET@, we need to do a world switch as described in Section \ref{sect:hugs-to-ghc-switch}. \end{itemize} \ToDo{This duplicates what we say about switching worlds (section~\ref{sect:switching-worlds}) - kill one or t'other.} \ToDo{This was in the evaluation model part but it really belongs in this part which is about the internal details of each of the major sections.} \subsection{Addressing Modes} To avoid potential alignment problems and simplify garbage collection, all literal constants are stored in two tables (one boxed, the other unboxed) within each BCO and are referred to by offsets into the tables. Slots in the constant tables are word aligned. \ToDo{How big can the offsets be? Is the offset specified in the address field or in the instruction?} Literals can have the following types: char, int, nat, float, double, and pointer to boxed object. There is no real difference between char, int, nat and float since they all occupy 32 bits --- but it costs almost nothing to distinguish them and may improve portability and simplify debugging. \subsection{Compilation} \def\is{\mbox{\it is}} \def\ts{\mbox{\it ts}} \def\as{\mbox{\it as}} \def\bs{\mbox{\it bs}} \def\cs{\mbox{\it cs}} \def\rs{\mbox{\it rs}} \def\us{\mbox{\it us}} \def\vs{\mbox{\it vs}} \def\ws{\mbox{\it ws}} \def\xs{\mbox{\it xs}} \def\e{\mbox{\it e}} \def\alts{\mbox{\it alts}} \def\fail{\mbox{\it fail}} \def\panic{\mbox{\it panic}} \def\ua{\mbox{\it ua}} \def\obj{\mbox{\it obj}} \def\bco{\mbox{\it bco}} \def\tag{\mbox{\it tag}} \def\entry{\mbox{\it entry}} \def\su{\mbox{\it su}} \def\Ind#1{{\mbox{\it Ind}\ {#1}}} \def\update#1{{\mbox{\it update}\ {#1}}} \def\next{$\Longrightarrow$} \def\append{\mathrel{+\mkern-6mu+}} \def\reverse{\mbox{\it reverse}} \def\size#1{{\vert {#1} \vert}} \def\arity#1{{\mbox{\it arity}{#1}}} \def\AP{\mbox{\it AP}} \def\PAP{\mbox{\it PAP}} \def\GHCRET{\mbox{\it GHCRET}} \def\GHCOBJ{\mbox{\it GHCOBJ}} To make sense of the instructions, we need a sense of how they will be used. Here is a small compiler for the STG language. @ > cg (f{a1, ... am}) = do > pushAtom am; ... pushAtom a1 > pushVar f > SLIDE (m+1) |env| > ENTER > cg (let{x1=rhs1; ... xm=rhsm in e) = do > ALLOC x1 |rhs1|, ... ALLOC xm |rhsm| > build x1 rhs1, ... build xm rhsm > cg e > cg (case e of alts) = do > PUSHALTS (cgAlts alts) > cg e > cgAlts { alt1; ... altm } = cgAlt alt1 $ ... $ cgAlt altm pmFail > > cgAlt (x@C{xs} -> e) fail = do > TEST C fail > HEAPCHECK (heapUse e) > UNPACK xs > cg e > build x (C{a1, ... am}) = do > pushUntaggedAtom am; ... pushUntaggedAtom a1 > PACK x C > build x ({v1, ... vm} \ {}. e) = do > pushVar vm; ... pushVar v1 > PUSHBCO (cgRhs ({v1, ... vm} \ {}. e)) > MKAP x m > build x ({v1, ... vm} \ {x1, ... xm}. e) = do > pushVar vm; ... pushVar v1 > PUSHBCO (cgRhs ({v1, ... vm} \ {x1, ... xm}. e)) > MKPAP x m > cgRhs (vs \ xs. e) = do > ARGCHECK (xs ++ vs) -- can be omitted if xs == {} > STACKCHECK min(stackUse e,heapOverflowSlop) > HEAPCHECK (heapUse e) > cg e > pushAtom x = pushVar x > pushAtom i# = PUSHINT i# > pushVar x = if isGlobalVar x then PUSHGLOBAL x else PUSHLOCAL x > pushUntaggedAtom x = pushVar x > pushUntaggedAtom i# = PUSHUNTAGGEDINT i# > pushVar x = if isGlobalVar x then PUSHGLOBAL x else PUSHLOCAL x @ \ToDo{Is there an easy way to add semi-tagging? Would it be that different?} \ToDo{Optimise thunks of the form @f{x1,...xm}@ so that we build an AP directly} \subsection{Instructions} We specify the semantics of instructions using transition rules of the form: \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & $\is$ & $s$ & $\su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is'$ & $s'$ & $\su'$ & $h'$ & $hp'$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} where $\is$ is an instruction stream, $s$ is the stack, $\su$ is the update frame pointer and $h$ is the heap. \subsection{Stack manipulation} \begin{description} \item[ Push a global variable ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & PUSHGLOBAL $o$ : $\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $\sigma!o:s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \item[ Push a local variable ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & PUSHLOCAL $o$ : $\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $s!o : s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \item[ Push an unboxed int ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & PUSHINT $o$ : $\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $I\# : \sigma!o : s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} The $I\#$ is a tag included for the benefit of the garbage collector. Similar rules exist for floats, doubles, chars, etc. \item[ Push an unboxed int ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & PUSHUNTAGGEDINT $o$ : $\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $\sigma!o : s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} Similar rules exist for floats, doubles, chars, etc. \item[ Delete environment from stack --- ready for tail call ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & SLIDE $m$ $n$ : $\is$ & $\as \append \bs \append \cs$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $\as \append \cs$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \\ where $\size{\as} = m$ and $\size{\bs} = n$. \item[ Push a return address ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & PUSHALTS $o$:$\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $@HUGS_RET@:\sigma!o:s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \item[ Push a BCO ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & PUSHBCO $o$ : $\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $\sigma!o : s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Heap manipulation} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{description} \item[ Allocate a heap object ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & ALLOC $m$ : $\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $hp:s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp+m$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \item[ Build a constructor ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & PACK $o$ $o'$ : $\is$ & $\ws \append s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h[s!o \mapsto Pack C\{\ws\}]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \\ where $C = \sigma!o'$ and $\size{\ws} = \arity{C}$. \item[ Build an AP or PAP ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & MKAP $o$ $m$:$\is$ & $f : \ws \append s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h[s!o \mapsto \AP(f,\ws)]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \\ where $\size{\ws} = m$. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & MKPAP $o$ $m$:$\is$ & $f : \ws \append s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h[s!o \mapsto \PAP(f,\ws)]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \\ where $\size{\ws} = m$. \item[ Unpacking a constructor ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & UNPACK : $is$ & $a : s$ & $su$ & $h[a \mapsto C\ \ws]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $is'$ & $(\reverse\ \ws) \append a : s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} The $\reverse\ \ws$ looks expensive but, since the stack grows down and the heap grows up, that's actually the cheap way of copying from heap to stack. Looking at the compilation rules, you'll see that we always push the args in reverse order. \end{description} \subsection{Entering a closure} \begin{description} \item[ Enter a BCO ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & [ENTER] & $a : s$ & $su$ & $h[a \mapsto BCO\{\is\} ]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $a : s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $a$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \item[ Enter a PAP closure ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & [ENTER] & $a : s$ & $su$ & $h[a \mapsto \PAP(f,\ws)]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & [ENTER] & $f : \ws \append s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $???$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \item[ Entering an AP closure ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & [ENTER] & $a : s$ & $su$ & $h[a \mapsto \AP(f,ws)]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & [ENTER] & $f : \ws \append @UPD_RET@:\su:a:s$ & $su'$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $???$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} Optimisations: \begin{itemize} \item Instead of blindly pushing an update frame for $a$, we can first test whether there's already an update frame there. If so, overwrite the existing updatee with an indirection to $a$ and overwrite the updatee field with $a$. (Overwriting $a$ with an indirection to the updatee also works.) This results in update chains of maximum length 2. \end{itemize} \item[ Returning a constructor ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & [ENTER] & $a : @HUGS_RET@ : \alts : s$ & $su$ & $h[a \mapsto C\{\ws\}]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\alts.\entry$ & $a:s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \item[ Entering an indirection node ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & [ENTER] & $a : s$ & $su$ & $h[a \mapsto \Ind{a'}]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & [ENTER] & $a' : s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \item[Entering GHC closure]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & [ENTER] & $a : s$ & $su$ & $h[a \mapsto \GHCOBJ]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & [ENTERGHC] & $a : s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \item[Returning a constructor to GHC]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & [ENTER] & $a : \GHCRET : s$ & $su$ & $h[a \mapsto C \ws]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & [ENTERGHC] & $a : \GHCRET : s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{description} \subsection{Updates} \begin{description} \item[ Updating with a constructor]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & [ENTER] & $a : @UPD_RET@ : ua : s$ & $su$ & $h[a \mapsto C\{\ws\}]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & [ENTER] & $a \append s$ & $su$ & $h[au \mapsto \Ind{a}$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \item[ Argument checks]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & ARGCHECK $m$:$\is$ & $a : \as \append s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $a : \as \append s$ & $su$ & $h'$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \\ where $m \ge (su - sp)$ \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & ARGCHECK $m$:$\is$ & $a : \as \append @UPD_RET@:su:ua:s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $a : \as \append s$ & $su$ & $h'$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \\ where $m < (su - sp)$ and $h' = h[ua \mapsto \Ind{a'}, a' \mapsto \PAP(a,\reverse\ \as) ]$ Again, we reverse the list of values as we transfer them from the stack to the heap --- reflecting the fact that the stack and heap grow in different directions. \end{description} \subsection{Branches} \begin{description} \item[ Testing a constructor ]. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & TEST $tag$ $is'$ : $is$ & $a : s$ & $su$ & $h[a \mapsto C\ \ws]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $is$ & $a : s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \\ where $C.\tag = tag$ \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & TEST $tag$ $is'$ : $is$ & $a : s$ & $su$ & $h[a \mapsto C\ \ws]$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $is'$ & $a : s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \\ where $C.\tag \neq tag$ \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Heap and stack checks} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & STACKCHECK $stk$:$\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \\ if $s$ has $stk$ free slots. \begin{tabular}{|llrrrrr|} \hline & HEAPCHECK $hp$:$\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \next & $\is$ & $s$ & $su$ & $h$ & $hp$ & $\sigma$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \\ if $h$ has $hp$ free slots. If either check fails, we push the current bco ($\sigma$) onto the stack and return to the scheduler. When the scheduler has fixed the problem, it pops the top object off the stack and reenters it. Optimisations: \begin{itemize} \item The bytecode CHECK1000 conservatively checks for 1000 words of heap space and 1000 words of stack space. We use it to reduce code space and instruction decoding time. \item The bytecode HEAPCHECK1000 conservatively checks for 1000 words of heap space. It is used in case alternatives. \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Primops} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ToDo{primops take m words and return n words. The expect boxed arguments on the stack.} \section{The Machine Code Evaluator} This section describes the framework in which compiled code evaluates expressions. Only at certain points will compiled code need to be able to talk to the interpreted world; these are discussed in Section \ref{sect:switching-worlds}. \subsection{Calling conventions} \subsubsection{The call/return registers} One of the problems in designing a virtual machine is that we want it abstract away from tedious machine details but still reveal enough of the underlying hardware that we can make sensible decisions about code generation. A major problem area is the use of registers in call/return conventions. On a machine with lots of registers, it's cheaper to pass arguments and results in registers than to pass them on the stack. On a machine with very few registers, it's cheaper to pass arguments and results on the stack than to use ``virtual registers'' in memory. We therefore use a hybrid system: the first $n$ arguments or results are passed in registers; and the remaining arguments or results are passed on the stack. For register-poor architectures, it is important that we allow $n=0$. We'll label the arguments and results \Arg{1} \ldots \Arg{m} --- with the understanding that \Arg{1} \ldots \Arg{n} are in registers and \Arg{n+1} \ldots \Arg{m} are on top of the stack. Note that the mapping of arguments \Arg{1} \ldots \Arg{n} to machine registers depends on the {\em kinds} of the arguments. For example, if the first argument is a Float, we might pass it in a different register from if it is an Int. In fact, we might find that a given architecture lets us pass varying numbers of arguments according to their types. For example, if a CPU has 2 Int registers and 2 Float registers then we could pass between 2 and 4 arguments in machine registers --- depending on whether they all have the same kind or they have different kinds. \subsubsection{Entering closures} \label{sect:entering-closures} To evaluate a closure we jump to the entry code for the closure passing a pointer to the closure in \Arg{1} so that the entry code can access its environment. \subsubsection{Function call} The function-call mechanism is obviously crucial. There are five different cases to consider: \begin{enumerate} \item {\em Known combinator (function with no free variables) and enough arguments.} A fast call can be made: push excess arguments onto stack and jump to function's {\em fast entry point} passing arguments in \Arg{1} \ldots \Arg{m}. The {\em fast entry point} is only called with exactly the right number of arguments (in \Arg{1} \ldots \Arg{m}) so it can instantly start doing useful work without first testing whether it has enough registers or having to pop them off the stack first. \item {\em Known combinator and insufficient arguments.} A slow call can be made: push all arguments onto stack and jump to function's {\em slow entry point}. Any unpointed arguments which are pushed on the stack must be tagged. This means pushing an extra word on the stack below the unpointed words, containing the number of unpointed words above it. %Todo: forward ref about tagging? %Todo: picture? The {\em slow entry point} might be called with insufficient arguments and so it must test whether there are enough arguments on the stack. This {\em argument satisfaction check} consists of checking that @Su-Sp@ is big enough to hold all the arguments (including any tags). \begin{itemize} \item If the argument satisfaction check fails, it is because there is one or more update frames on the stack before the rest of the arguments that the function needs. In this case, we construct a PAP (partial application, section~\ref{sect:PAP}) containing the arguments which are on the stack. The PAP construction code will return to the update frame with the address of the PAP in \Arg{1}. \item If the argument satisfaction check succeeds, we jump to the fast entry point with the arguments in \Arg{1} \ldots \Arg{arity}. If the fast entry point expects to receive some of \Arg{i} on the stack, we can reduce the amount of movement required by making the stack layout for the fast entry point look like the stack layout for the slow entry point. Since the slow entry point is entered with the first argument on the top of the stack and with tags in front of any unpointed arguments, this means that if \Arg{i} is unpointed, there should be space below it for a tag and that the highest numbered argument should be passed on the top of the stack. We usually arrange that the fast entry point is placed immediately after the slow entry point --- so we can just ``fall through'' to the fast entry point without performing a jump. \end{itemize} \item {\em Known function closure (function with free variables) and enough arguments.} A fast call can be made: push excess arguments onto stack and jump to function's {\em fast entry point} passing a pointer to closure in \Arg{1} and arguments in \Arg{2} \ldots \Arg{m+1}. Like the fast entry point for a combinator, the fast entry point for a closure is only called with appropriate values in \Arg{1} \ldots \Arg{m+1} so we can start work straight away. The pointer to the closure is used to access the free variables of the closure. \item {\em Known function closure and insufficient arguments.} A slow call can be made: push all arguments onto stack and jump to the closure's slow entry point passing a pointer to the closure in \Arg{1}. Again, the slow entry point performs an argument satisfaction check and either builds a PAP or pops the arguments off the stack into \Arg{2} \ldots \Arg{m+1} and jumps to the fast entry point. \item {\em Unknown function closure, thunk or constructor.} Sometimes, the function being called is not statically identifiable. Consider, for example, the @compose@ function: @ compose f g x = f (g x) @ Since @f@ and @g@ are passed as arguments to @compose@, the latter has to make a heap call. In a heap call the arguments are pushed onto the stack, and the closure bound to the function is entered. In the example, a thunk for @(g x)@ will be allocated, (a pointer to it) pushed on the stack, and the closure bound to @f@ will be entered. That is, we will jump to @f@s entry point passing @f@ in \Arg{1}. If \Arg{1} is passed on the stack, it is pushed on top of the thunk for @(g x)@. The {\em entry code} for an updateable thunk (which must have arity 0) pushes an update frame on the stack and starts executing the body of the closure --- using \Arg{1} to access any free variables. This is described in more detail in section~\ref{sect:data-updates}. The {\em entry code} for a non-updateable closure is just the closure's slow entry point. \end{enumerate} In addition to the above considerations, if there are \emph{too many} arguments then the extra arguments are simply pushed on the stack with appropriate tags. To summarise, a closure's standard (slow) entry point performs the following: \begin{description} \item[Argument satisfaction check.] (function closure only) \item[Stack overflow check.] \item[Heap overflow check.] \item[Copy free variables out of closure.] %Todo: why? \item[Eager black holing.] (updateable thunk only) %Todo: forward ref. \item[Push update frame.] \item[Evaluate body of closure.] \end{description} \subsection{Case expressions and return conventions} \label{sect:return-conventions} The {\em evaluation} of a thunk is always initiated by a @case@ expression. For example: @ case x of (a,b) -> E @ The code for a @case@ expression looks like this: \begin{itemize} \item Push the free variables of the branches on the stack (fv(@E@) in this case). \item Push a \emph{return address} on the stack. \item Evaluate the scrutinee (@x@ in this case). \end{itemize} Once evaluation of the scrutinee is complete, execution resumes at the return address, which points to the code for the expression @E@. When execution resumes at the return point, there must be some {\em return convention} that defines where the components of the pair, @a@ and @b@, can be found. The return convention varies according to the type of the scrutinee @x@: \begin{itemize} \item (A space for) the return address is left on the top of the stack. Leaving the return address on the stack ensures that the top of the stack contains a valid activation record (section~\ref{sect:activation-records}) --- should a garbage collection be required. \item If @x@ has a boxed type (e.g.~a data constructor or a function), a pointer to @x@ is returned in \Arg{1}. \ToDo{Warn that components of E should be extracted as soon as possible to avoid a space leak.} \item If @x@ is an unboxed type (e.g.~@Int#@ or @Float#@), @x@ is returned in \Arg{1} \item If @x@ is an unboxed tuple constructor, the components of @x@ are returned in \Arg{1} \ldots \Arg{n} but no object is constructed in the heap. When passing an unboxed tuple to a function, the components are flattened out and passed in \Arg{1} \ldots \Arg{n} as usual. \end{itemize} \subsection{Vectored Returns} Many algebraic data types have more than one constructor. For example, the @Maybe@ type is defined like this: @ data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a @ How does the return convention encode which of the two constructors is being returned? A @case@ expression scrutinising a value of @Maybe@ type would look like this: @ case E of Nothing -> ... Just a -> ... @ Rather than pushing a return address before evaluating the scrutinee, @E@, the @case@ expression pushes (a pointer to) a {\em return vector}, a static table consisting of two code pointers: one for the @Just@ alternative, and one for the @Nothing@ alternative. \begin{itemize} \item The constructor @Nothing@ returns by jumping to the first item in the return vector with a pointer to a (statically built) Nothing closure in \Arg{1}. It might seem that we could avoid loading \Arg{1} in this case since the first item in the return vector will know that @Nothing@ was returned (and can easily access the Nothing closure in the (unlikely) event that it needs it. The only reason we load \Arg{1} is in case we have to perform an update (section~\ref{sect:data-updates}). \item The constructor @Just@ returns by jumping to the second element of the return vector with a pointer to the closure in \Arg{1}. \end{itemize} In this way no test need be made to see which constructor returns; instead, execution resumes immediately in the appropriate branch of the @case@. \subsection{Direct Returns} When a datatype has a large number of constructors, it may be inappropriate to use vectored returns. The vector tables may be large and sparse, and it may be better to identify the constructor using a test-and-branch sequence on the tag. For this reason, we provide an alternative return convention, called a \emph{direct return}. In a direct return, the return address pushed on the stack really is a code pointer. The returning code loads a pointer to the closure being returned in \Arg{1} as usual, and also loads the tag into \Arg{2}. The code at the return address will test the tag and jump to the appropriate code for the case branch. The choice of whether to use a vectored return or a direct return is made on a type-by-type basis --- up to a certain maximum number of constructors imposed by the update mechanism (section~\ref{sect:data-updates}). Single-constructor data types also use direct returns, although in that case there is no need to return a tag in \Arg{2}. \ToDo{Say whether we pop the return address before returning} \ToDo{Stack stubbing?} \subsection{Updates} \label{sect:data-updates} The entry code for an updatable thunk (which must be of arity 0): \begin{itemize} \item copies the free variables out of the thunk into registers or onto the stack. \item pushes an {\em update frame} onto the stack. An update frame is a small activation record consisting of \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Update Frame link} & {\em Updatee} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \note{In the semantics part of the STG paper (section 5.6), an update frame consists of everything down to the last update frame on the stack. This would make sense too --- and would fit in nicely with what we're going to do when we add support for speculative evaluation.} \ToDo{I think update frames contain cost centres sometimes} \item If we are doing ``eager blackholing,'' we then overwrite the thunk with a black hole. Otherwise, we leave it to the garbage collector to black hole the thunk. \item Start evaluating the body of the expression. \end{itemize} When the expression finishes evaluation, it will enter the update frame on the top of the stack. Since the returner doesn't know whether it is entering a normal return address/vector or an update frame, we follow exactly the same conventions as return addresses and return vectors. That is, on entering the update frame: \begin{itemize} \item The value of the thunk is in \Arg{1}. (Recall that only thunks are updateable and that thunks return just one value.) \item If the data type is a direct-return type rather than a vectored-return type, then the tag is in \Arg{2}. \item The update frame is still on the stack. \end{itemize} We can safely share a single statically-compiled update function between all types. However, the code must be able to handle both vectored and direct-return datatypes. This is done by arranging that the update code looks like this: @ | ^ | | return vector | |---------------| | fixed-size | | info table | |---------------| <- update code pointer | update code | | v | @ Each entry in the return vector (which is large enough to cover the largest vectored-return type) points to the update code. The update code: \begin{itemize} \item overwrites the {\em updatee} with an indirection to \Arg{1}; \item loads @Su@ from the Update Frame link; \item removes the update frame from the stack; and \item enters \Arg{1}. \end{itemize} We enter \Arg{1} again, having probably just come from there, because it knows whether to perform a direct or vectored return. This could be optimised by compiling special update code for each slot in the return vector, which performs the correct return. \subsection{Semi-tagging} \label{sect:semi-tagging} When a @case@ expression evaluates a variable that might be bound to a thunk it is often the case that the scrutinee is already evaluated. In this case we have paid the penalty of (a) pushing the return address (or return vector address) on the stack, (b) jumping through the info pointer of the scrutinee, and (c) returning by an indirect jump through the return address on the stack. If we knew that the scrutinee was already evaluated we could generate (better) code which simply jumps to the appropriate branch of the @case@ with a pointer to the scrutinee in \Arg{1}. (For direct returns to multiconstructor datatypes, we might also load the tag into \Arg{2}). An obvious idea, therefore, is to test dynamically whether the heap closure is a value (using the tag in the info table). If not, we enter the closure as usual; if so, we jump straight to the appropriate alternative. Here, for example, is pseudo-code for the expression @(case x of { (a,_,c) -> E }@: @ \Arg{1} = ; tag = \Arg{1}->entry->tag; if (isWHNF(tag)) { Sp--; \\ insert space for return address goto ret; } push(ret); goto \Arg{1}->entry; ret: a = \Arg{1}->data1; \\ suck out a and c to avoid space leak c = \Arg{1}->data3; @ and here is the code for the expression @(case x of { [] -> E1; x:xs -> E2 }@: @ \Arg{1} = ; tag = \Arg{1}->entry->tag; if (isWHNF(tag)) { Sp--; \\ insert space for return address goto retvec[tag]; } push(retinfo); goto \Arg{1}->entry; .addr ret2 .addr ret1 retvec: \\ reversed return vector retinfo: panic("Direct return into vectored case"); ret1: ret2: x = \Arg{1}->head; xs = \Arg{1}->tail; @ There is an obvious cost in compiled code size (but none in the size of the bytecodes). There is also a cost in execution time if we enter more thunks than data constructors. Both the direct and vectored returns are easily modified to chase chains of indirections too. In the vectored case, this is most easily done by making sure that @IND = TAG_1 - 1@, and adding an extra field to every return vector. In the above example, the indirection code would be @ ind: \Arg{1} = \Arg{1}->next; goto ind_loop; @ where @ind_loop@ is the second line of code. Note that we have to leave space for a return address since the return address expects to find one. If the body of the expression requires a heap check, we will actually have to write the return address before entering the garbage collector. \subsection{Heap and Stack Checks} \label{sect:heap-and-stack-checks} The storage manager detects that it needs to garbage collect the old generation when the evaluator requests a garbage collection without having moved the heap pointer since the last garbage collection. It is therefore important that the GC routines {\em not} move the heap pointer unless the heap check fails. This is different from what happens in the current STG implementation. Assuming that the stack can never shrink, we perform a stack check when we enter a closure but not when we return to a return continuation. This doesn't work for heap checks because we cannot predict what will happen to the heap if we call a function. If we wish to allow the stack to shrink, we need to perform a stack check whenever we enter a return continuation. Most of these checks could be eliminated if the storage manager guaranteed that a stack would always have 1000 words (say) of space after it was shrunk. Then we can omit stack checks for less than 1000 words in return continuations. When an argument satisfaction check fails, we need to push the closure (in R1) onto the stack - so we need to perform a stack check. The problem is that the argument satisfaction check occurs \emph{before} the stack check. The solution is that the caller of a slow entry point or closure will guarantee that there is at least one word free on the stack for the callee to use. Similarily, if a heap or stack check fails, we need to push the arguments and closure onto the stack. If we just came from the slow entry point, there's certainly enough space and it is the responsibility of anyone using the fast entry point to guarantee that there is enough space. \ToDo{Be more precise about how much space is required - document it in the calling convention section.} \subsection{Handling interrupts/signals} @ May have to keep C stack pointer in register to placate OS? May have to revert black holes - ouch! @ \section{The Loader} \section{The Compilers} \iffalse \part{Old stuff - needs to be mined for useful info} \section{The Scheduler} The Scheduler is the heart of the run-time system. A running program consists of a single running thread, and a list of runnable and blocked threads. The running thread returns to the scheduler when any of the following conditions arises: \begin{itemize} \item A heap check fails, and a garbage collection is required \item Compiled code needs to switch to interpreted code, and vice versa. \item The thread becomes blocked. \item The thread is preempted. \end{itemize} A running system has a global state, consisting of \begin{itemize} \item @Hp@, the current heap pointer, which points to the next available address in the Heap. \item @HpLim@, the heap limit pointer, which points to the end of the heap. \item The Thread Preemption Flag, which is set whenever the currently running thread should be preempted at the next opportunity. \item A list of runnable threads. \item A list of blocked threads. \end{itemize} Each thread is represented by a Thread State Object (TSO), which is described in detail in Section \ref{sect:TSO}. The following is pseudo-code for the inner loop of the scheduler itself. @ while (threads_exist) { // handle global problems: GC, parallelism, etc if (need_gc) gc(); if (external_message) service_message(); // deal with other urgent stuff pick a runnable thread; do { // enter object on top of stack // if the top object is a BCO, we must enter it // otherwise appply any heuristic we wish. if (thread->stack[thread->sp]->info.type == BCO) { status = runHugs(thread,&smInfo); } else { status = runGHC(thread,&smInfo); } switch (status) { // handle local problems case (StackOverflow): enlargeStack; break; case (Error e) : error(thread,e); break; case (ExitWith e) : exit(e); break; case (Yield) : break; } } while (thread_runnable); } @ \subsection{Invoking the garbage collector} \subsection{Putting the thread to sleep} \subsection{Calling C from Haskell} We distinguish between "safe calls" where the programmer guarantees that the C function will not call a Haskell function or, in a multithreaded system, block for a long period of time and "unsafe calls" where the programmer cannot make that guarantee. Safe calls are performed without returning to the scheduler and are discussed elsewhere (\ToDo{discuss elsewhere}). Unsafe calls are performed by returning an array (outside the Haskell heap) of arguments and a C function pointer to the scheduler. The scheduler allocates a new thread from the operating system (multithreaded system only), spawns a call to the function and continues executing another thread. When the ccall completes, the thread informs the scheduler and the scheduler adds the thread to the runnable threads list. \ToDo{Describe this in more detail.} \subsection{Calling Haskell from C} When C calls a Haskell closure, it sends a message to the scheduler thread. On receiving the message, the scheduler creates a new Haskell thread, pushes the arguments to the C function onto the thread's stack (with tags for unboxed arguments) pushes the Haskell closure and adds the thread to the runnable list so that it can be entered in the normal way. When the closure returns, the scheduler sends back a message which awakens the (C) thread. \ToDo{Do we need to worry about the garbage collector deallocating the thread if it gets blocked?} \subsection{Switching Worlds} \label{sect:switching-worlds} \ToDo{This has all changed: we always leave a closure on top of the stack if we mean to continue executing it. The scheduler examines the top of the stack and tries to guess which world we want to be in. If it finds a @BCO@, it certainly enters Hugs, if it finds a @GHC@ closure, it certainly enters GHC and if it finds a standard closure, it is free to choose either one but it's probably best to enter GHC for everything except @BCO@s and perhaps @AP@s.} Because this is a combined compiled/interpreted system, the interpreter will sometimes encounter compiled code, and vice-versa. All world-switches go via the scheduler, ensuring that the world is in a known state ready to enter either compiled code or the interpreter. When a thread is run from the scheduler, the @whatNext@ field in the TSO (Section \ref{sect:TSO}) is checked to find out how to execute the thread. \begin{itemize} \item If @whatNext@ is set to @ReturnGHC@, we load up the required registers from the TSO and jump to the address at the top of the user stack. \item If @whatNext@ is set to @EnterGHC@, we load up the required registers from the TSO and enter the closure pointed to by the top word of the stack. \item If @whatNext@ is set to @EnterHugs@, we enter the top thing on the stack, using the interpreter. \end{itemize} There are four cases we need to consider: \begin{enumerate} \item A GHC thread enters a Hugs-built closure. \item A GHC thread returns to a Hugs-compiled return address. \item A Hugs thread enters a GHC-built closure. \item A Hugs thread returns to a Hugs-compiled return address. \end{enumerate} GHC-compiled modules cannot call functions in a Hugs-compiled module directly, because the compiler has no information about arities in the external module. Therefore it must assume any top-level objects are CAFs, and enter their closures. \ToDo{Hugs-built constructors?} We now examine the various cases one by one and describe how the switch happens in each situation. \subsection{A GHC thread enters a Hugs-built closure} \label{sect:ghc-to-hugs-switch} There is three possibilities: GHC has entered a @PAP@, or it has entered a @AP@, or it has entered the BCO directly (for a top-level function closure). @AP@s and @PAP@s are ``standard closures'' and so do not require us to enter the bytecode interpreter. The entry code for a BCO does the following: \begin{itemize} \item Push the address of the object entered on the stack. \item Save the current state of the thread in its TSO. \item Return to the scheduler, setting @whatNext@ to @EnterHugs@. \end{itemize} BCO's for thunks and functions have the same entry conventions as slow entry points: they expect to find their arguments on the stac with unboxed arguments preceded by appropriate tags. \subsection{A GHC thread returns to a Hugs-compiled return address} \label{sect:ghc-to-hugs-switch} Hugs return addresses are laid out as in Figure \ref{fig:hugs-return-stack}. If GHC is returning, it will return to the address at the top of the stack, namely @HUGS_RET@. The code at @HUGS_RET@ performs the following: \begin{itemize} \item pushes \Arg{1} (the return value) on the stack. \item saves the thread state in the TSO \item returns to the scheduler with @whatNext@ set to @EnterHugs@. \end{itemize} \noindent When Hugs runs, it will enter the return value, which will return using the correct Hugs convention (Section \ref{sect:hugs-return-convention}) to the return address underneath it on the stack. \subsection{A Hugs thread enters a GHC-compiled closure} \label{sect:hugs-to-ghc-switch} Hugs can recognise a GHC-built closure as not being one of the following types of object: \begin{itemize} \item A @BCO@, \item A @AP@, \item A @PAP@, \item An indirection, or \item A constructor. \end{itemize} When Hugs is called on to enter a GHC closure, it executes the following sequence of instructions: \begin{itemize} \item Push the address of the closure on the stack. \item Save the current state of the thread in the TSO. \item Return to the scheduler, with the @whatNext@ field set to @EnterGHC@. \end{itemize} \subsection{A Hugs thread returns to a GHC-compiled return address} \label{sect:hugs-to-ghc-switch} When Hugs encounters a return address on the stack that is not @HUGS_RET@, it knows that a world-switch is required. At this point the stack contains a pointer to the return value, followed by the GHC return address. The following sequence is then performed: \begin{itemize} \item save the state of the thread in the TSO. \item return to the scheduler, setting @whatNext@ to @EnterGHC@. \end{itemize} The first thing that GHC will do is enter the object on the top of the stack, which is a pointer to the return value. This value will then return itself to the return address using the GHC return convention. \fi \part{Implementation} \section{Overview} This part describes the inner workings of the major components of the system. Their external interfaces are described in the previous part. The major components of the system are: \begin{itemize} \item The scheduler \item The loader \item The storage manager \item The machine code evaluator (compiled code) \item The bytecode evaluator (interpreted code) \end{itemize} \iffalse \section{Heap objects} \label{sect:heap-objects} \label{sect:fixed-header} \ToDo{Fix this picture} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \input{closure} \end{center} \caption{A closure} \label{fig:closure} \end{figure} Every {\em heap object} is a contiguous block of memory, consisting of a fixed-format {\em header} followed by zero or more {\em data words}. \ToDo{I absolutely do not believe that every heap object has a header like this - ADR. I believe that they all have an info pointer but I see no readon why stack objects and unpointed heap objects would have an entry count since this will always be zero.} The header consists of the following fields: \begin{itemize} \item A one-word {\em info pointer}, which points to the object's static {\em info table}. \item Zero or more {\em admin words} that support \begin{itemize} \item Profiling (notably a {\em cost centre} word). \note{We could possibly omit the cost centre word from some administrative objects.} \item Parallelism (e.g. GranSim keeps the object's global address here, though GUM keeps a separate hash table). \item Statistics (e.g. a word to track how many times a thunk is entered.). We add a Ticky word to the fixed-header part of closures. This is used to indicate if a closure has been updated but not yet entered. It is set when the closure is updated and cleared when subsequently entered. NB: It is {\em not} an ``entry count'', it is an ``entries-after-update count.'' The commoning up of @CONST@, @CHARLIKE@ and @INTLIKE@ closures is turned off(?) if this is required. This has only been done for 2s collection. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} Most of the RTS is completely insensitive to the number of admin words. The total size of the fixed header is @FIXED_HS@. Many heap objects contain fields allowing them to be inserted onto lists during evaluation or during garbage collection. The lists required by the evaluator and storage manager are as follows. \begin{itemize} \item 2 lists of threads: runnable threads and sleeping threads. \item The {\em static object list} is a list of all statically allocated objects which might contain pointers into the heap. (Section~\ref{sect:static-objects}.) \item The {\em updated thunk list} is a list of all thunks in the old generation which have been updated with an indirection. (Section~\ref{sect:IND_OLDGEN}.) \item The {\em mutables list} is a list of all other objects in the old generation which might contain pointers into the new generation. Most of the object on this list are ``mutable.'' (Section~\ref{sect:mutables}.) \item The {\em Foreign Object list} is a list of all foreign objects which have not yet been deallocated. (Section~\ref{sect:FOREIGN}.) \item The {\em Spark pool} is a doubly(?) linked list of Spark objects maintained by the parallel system. (Section~\ref{sect:SPARK}.) \item The {\em Blocked Fetch list} (or lists?). (Section~\ref{sect:BLOCKED_FETCH}.) \item For each thread, there is a list of all update frames on the stack. (Section~\ref{sect:data-updates}.) \end{itemize} \ToDo{The links for these fields are usually inserted immediately after the fixed header except ...} \subsection{Info Tables} An {\em info table} is a contiguous block of memory, {\em laid out backwards}. That is, the first field in the list that follows occupies the highest memory address, and the successive fields occupy successive decreasing memory addresses. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|} \hline Parallelism Info \\ \hline Profile Info \\ \hline Debug Info \\ \hline Tag / Static reference table \\ \hline Storage manager layout info \\ \hline Closure type \\ \hline entry code \\ \vdots \end{tabular} \end{center} An info table has the following contents (working backwards in memory addresses): \begin{itemize} \item The {\em entry code} for the closure. This code appears literally as the (large) last entry in the info table, immediately preceded by the rest of the info table. An {\em info pointer} always points to the first byte of the entry code. \item A one-word {\em closure type field}, @INFO_TYPE@, identifies what kind of closure the object is. The various types of closure are described in Section~\ref{sect:closures}. In some configurations, some useful properties of closures (is it a HNF? can it be sparked?) are represented as high-order bits so they can be tested quickly. \item A single pointer or word --- the {\em storage manager info field}, @INFO_SM@, contains auxiliary information describing the closure's precise layout, for the benefit of the garbage collector and the code that stuffs graph into packets for transmission over the network. \item A one-word {\em Tag/Static Reference Table} field, @INFO_SRT@. For data constructors, this field contains the constructor tag, in the range $0..n-1$ where $n$ is the number of constructors. For all other objects it contains a pointer to a table which enables the garbage collector to identify all accessible code and CAFs. They are fully described in Section~\ref{sect:srt}. \item {\em Profiling info\/} Closure category records are attached to the info table of the closure. They are declared with the info table. We put pointers to these ClCat things in info tables. We need these ClCat things because they are mutable, whereas info tables are immutable. Hashing will map similar categories to the same hash value allowing statistics to be grouped by closure category. Cost Centres and Closure Categories are hashed to provide indexes against which arbitrary information can be stored. These indexes are memoised in the appropriate cost centre or category record and subsequent hashes avoided by the index routine (it simply returns the memoised index). There are different features which can be hashed allowing information to be stored for different groupings. Cost centres have the cost centre recorded (using the pointer), module and group. Closure categories have the closure description and the type description. Records with the same feature will be hashed to the same index value. The initialisation routines, @init_index_@, allocate a hash table in which the cost centre / category records are stored. The lower bound for the table size is taken from @max__no@. They return the actual table size used (the next power of 2). Unused locations in the hash table are indicated by a 0 entry. Successive @init_index_@ calls just return the actual table size. Calls to @index_@ will insert the cost centre / category record in the @@ hash table, if not already inserted. The hash index is memoised in the record and returned. CURRENTLY ONLY ONE MEMOISATION SLOT IS AVILABLE IN EACH RECORD SO HASHING CAN ONLY BE DONE ON ONE FEATURE FOR EACH RECORD. This can be easily relaxed at the expense of extra memoisation space or continued rehashing. The initialisation routines must be called before initialisation of the stacks and heap as they require to allocate storage. It is also expected that the caller may want to allocate additional storage in which to store profiling information based on the return table size value(s). \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|} \hline Hash Index \\ \hline Selected \\ \hline Kind \\ \hline Description String \\ \hline Type String \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \begin{description} \item[Hash Index] Memoised copy \item[Selected] Is this category selected (-1 == not memoised, selected? 0 or 1) \item[Kind] One of the following values (defined in CostCentre.lh): \begin{description} \item[@CON_K@] A constructor. \item[@FN_K@] A literal function. \item[@PAP_K@] A partial application. \item[@THK_K@] A thunk, or suspension. \item[@BH_K@] A black hole. \item[@ARR_K@] An array. \item[@ForeignObj_K@] A Foreign object (non-Haskell heap resident). \item[@SPT_K@] The Stable Pointer table. (There should only be one of these but it represents a form of weak space leak since it can't shrink to meet non-demand so it may be worth watching separately? ADR) \item[@INTERNAL_KIND@] Something internal to the runtime system. \end{description} \item[Description] Source derived string detailing closure description. \item[Type] Source derived string detailing closure type. \end{description} \item {\em Parallelism info\/} \ToDo{} \item {\em Debugging info\/} \ToDo{} \end{itemize} %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Kinds of Heap Object} \label{sect:closures} Heap objects can be classified in several ways, but one useful one is this: \begin{itemize} \item {\em Static closures} occupy fixed, statically-allocated memory locations, with globally known addresses. \item {\em Dynamic closures} are individually allocated in the heap. \item {\em Stack closures} are closures allocated within a thread's stack (which is itself a heap object). Unlike other closures, there are never any pointers to stack closures. Stack closures are discussed in Section~\ref{sect:stacks}. \end{itemize} A second useful classification is this: \begin{itemize} \item {\em Executive objects}, such as thunks and data constructors, participate directly in a program's execution. They can be subdivided into three kinds of objects according to their type: \begin{itemize} \item {\em Pointed objects}, represent values of a {\em pointed} type (<.pointed types launchbury.>) --i.e.~a type that includes $\bottom$ such as @Int@ or @Int# -> Int#@. \item {\em Unpointed objects}, represent values of a {\em unpointed} type --i.e.~a type that does not include $\bottom$ such as @Int#@ or @Array#@. \item {\em Activation frames}, represent ``continuations''. They are always stored on the stack and are never pointed to by heap objects or passed as arguments. \note{It's not clear if this will still be true once we support speculative evaluation.} \end{itemize} \item {\em Administrative objects}, such as stack objects and thread state objects, do not represent values in the original program. \end{itemize} Only pointed objects can be entered. All pointed objects share a common header format: the ``pointed header''; while all unpointed objects share a common header format: the ``unpointed header''. \ToDo{Describe the difference and update the diagrams to mention an appropriate header type.} This section enumerates all the kinds of heap objects in the system. Each is identified by a distinct @INFO_TYPE@ tag in its info table. \ToDo{Check this table very carefully} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline closure kind & HNF & UPD & NS & STA & THU & MUT & UPT & BH & IND & Section \\ \hline {\em Pointed} \\ \hline @CONSTR@ & 1 & & 1 & & & & & & & \ref{sect:CONSTR} \\ @CONSTR_STATIC@ & 1 & & 1 & 1 & & & & & & \ref{sect:CONSTR} \\ @CONSTR_STATIC_NOCAF@ & 1 & & 1 & 1 & & & & & & \ref{sect:CONSTR} \\ @FUN@ & 1 & & ? & & & & & & & \ref{sect:FUN} \\ @FUN_STATIC@ & 1 & & ? & 1 & & & & & & \ref{sect:FUN} \\ @THUNK@ & & 1 & & & 1 & & & & & \ref{sect:THUNK} \\ @THUNK_STATIC@ & & 1 & & 1 & 1 & & & & & \ref{sect:THUNK} \\ @THUNK_SELECTOR@ & & 1 & 1 & & 1 & & & & & \ref{sect:THUNK_SEL} \\ @BCO@ & 1 & & 1 & & & & & & & \ref{sect:BCO} \\ @BCO_CAF@ & & 1 & & & 1 & & & & & \ref{sect:BCO} \\ @AP@ & & 1 & & & 1 & & & & & \ref{sect:AP} \\ @PAP@ & 1 & & 1 & & & & & & & \ref{sect:PAP} \\ @IND@ & ? & & ? & & ? & & & & 1 & \ref{sect:IND} \\ @IND_OLDGEN@ & ? & & ? & & ? & & & & 1 & \ref{sect:IND} \\ @IND_PERM@ & ? & & ? & & ? & & & & 1 & \ref{sect:IND} \\ @IND_OLDGEN_PERM@ & ? & & ? & & ? & & & & 1 & \ref{sect:IND} \\ @IND_STATIC@ & ? & & ? & 1 & ? & & & & 1 & \ref{sect:IND} \\ \hline {\em Unpointed} \\ \hline @ARR_WORDS@ & 1 & & 1 & & & & 1 & & & \ref{sect:ARR_WORDS1},\ref{sect:ARR_WORDS2} \\ @ARR_PTRS@ & 1 & & 1 & & & & 1 & & & \ref{sect:ARR_PTRS} \\ @MUTVAR@ & 1 & & 1 & & & 1 & 1 & & & \ref{sect:MUTVAR} \\ @MUTARR_PTRS@ & 1 & & 1 & & & 1 & 1 & & & \ref{sect:MUTARR_PTRS} \\ @MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN@ & 1 & & 1 & & & 1 & 1 & & & \ref{sect:MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN} \\ @FOREIGN@ & 1 & & 1 & & & & 1 & & & \ref{sect:FOREIGN} \\ @BH@ & & 1 & 1 & & ? & ? & & 1 & ? & \ref{sect:BH} \\ @MVAR@ & 1 & & 1 & & & & & & & \ref{sect:MVAR} \\ @IVAR@ & 1 & & 1 & & & & & & & \ref{sect:IVAR} \\ @FETCHME@ & 1 & & 1 & & & & & & & \ref{sect:FETCHME} \\ \hline \end{tabular} Activation frames do not live (directly) on the heap --- but they have a similar organisation. The classification bits are all zero in activation frames. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline closure kind & Section \\ \hline @RET_SMALL@ & \ref{sect:activation-records} \\ @RET_VEC_SMALL@ & \ref{sect:activation-records} \\ @RET_BIG@ & \ref{sect:activation-records} \\ @RET_VEC_BIG@ & \ref{sect:activation-records} \\ @UPDATE_FRAME@ & \ref{sect:activation-records} \\ \hline \end{tabular} There are also a number of administrative objects. The classification bits are all zero in administrative objects. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline closure kind & Section \\ \hline @TSO@ & \ref{sect:TSO} \\ @STACK_OBJECT@ & \ref{sect:STACK_OBJECT} \\ @STABLEPTR_TABLE@ & \ref{sect:STABLEPTR_TABLE} \\ @SPARK_OBJECT@ & \ref{sect:SPARK} \\ @BLOCKED_FETCH@ & \ref{sect:BLOCKED_FETCH} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \ToDo{I guess the parallel system has something like a stable ptr table. Is there any opportunity for sharing code/data structures here?} \subsection{Classification bits} The top bits of the @INFO_TYPE@ tag tells what sort of animal the closure is. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline Abbrev & Bit & Interpretation \\ \hline HNF & 0 & 1 $\Rightarrow$ Head normal form \\ UPD & 4 & 1 $\Rightarrow$ May be updated (inconsistent with being a HNF) \\ NS & 1 & 1 $\Rightarrow$ Don't spark me (Any HNF will have this set to 1)\\ STA & 2 & 1 $\Rightarrow$ This is a static closure \\ THU & 8 & 1 $\Rightarrow$ Is a thunk \\ MUT & 3 & 1 $\Rightarrow$ Has mutable pointer fields \\ UPT & 5 & 1 $\Rightarrow$ Has an unpointed type (eg a primitive array) \\ BH & 6 & 1 $\Rightarrow$ Is a black hole \\ IND & 7 & 1 $\Rightarrow$ Is an indirection \\ \hline \end{tabular} Updatable structures (@_UP@) are thunks that may be shared. Primitive arrays (@_BM@ -- Big Mothers) are structures that are always held in-memory (basically extensions of a closure). Because there may be offsets into these arrays, a primitive array cannot be handled as a FetchMe in the parallel system, but must be shipped in its entirety if its parent closure is shipped. The other bits in the info-type field simply give a unique bit-pattern to identify the closure type. \iffalse @ #define _NF 0x0001 /* Normal form */ #define _NS 0x0002 /* Don't spark */ #define _ST 0x0004 /* Is static */ #define _MU 0x0008 /* Is mutable */ #define _UP 0x0010 /* Is updatable (but not mutable) */ #define _BM 0x0020 /* Is a "primitive" array */ #define _BH 0x0040 /* Is a black hole */ #define _IN 0x0080 /* Is an indirection */ #define _TH 0x0100 /* Is a thunk */ SPEC SPEC_N SPEC | _NF | _NS SPEC_S SPEC | _TH SPEC_U SPEC | _UP | _TH GEN GEN_N GEN | _NF | _NS GEN_S GEN | _TH GEN_U GEN | _UP | _TH DYN _NF | _NS TUPLE _NF | _NS | _BM DATA _NF | _NS | _BM MUTUPLE _NF | _NS | _MU | _BM IMMUTUPLE _NF | _NS | _BM STATIC _NS | _ST CONST _NF | _NS CHARLIKE _NF | _NS INTLIKE _NF | _NS BH _NS | _BH BH_N BH BH_U BH | _UP BQ _NS | _MU | _BH IND _NS | _IN CAF _NF | _NS | _ST | _IN FM FETCHME FM | _MU FMBQ FM | _MU | _BH TSO _MU STKO STKO_DYNAMIC STKO | _MU STKO_STATIC STKO | _ST SPEC_RBH _NS | _MU | _BH GEN_RBH _NS | _MU | _BH BF _NS | _MU | _BH INTERNAL @ \fi Notes: An indirection either points to HNF (post update); or is result of overwriting a FetchMe, in which case the thing fetched is either under evaluation (BH), or by now an HNF. Thus, indirections get NoSpark flag. \subsection{Hugs Objects} \subsubsection{Byte-Code Objects} \label{sect:BCO} A Byte-Code Object (BCO) is a container for a a chunk of byte-code, which can be executed by Hugs. The byte-code represents a supercombinator in the program: when hugs compiles a module, it performs lambda lifting and each resulting supercombinator becomes a byte-code object in the heap. There are two kinds of BCO: a standard @BCO@ which has an arity of one or more, and a @BCO_CAF@ which takes no arguments and can be updated. When a @BCO_CAF@ is updated, the code is thrown away! The semantics of BCOs are described in Section \ref{sect:hugs-heap-objects}. A BCO has the following structure: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline \emph{Fixed Header} & \emph{Layout} & \emph{Offset} & \emph{Size} & \emph{Literals} & \emph{Byte code} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \noindent where: \begin{itemize} \item The entry code is a static code fragment/info table that returns to the scheduler to invoke Hugs (Section \ref{sect:ghc-to-hugs-switch}). \item \emph{Layout} contains the number of pointer literals in the \emph{Literals} field. \item \emph{Offset} is the offset to the byte code from the start of the object. \item \emph{Size} is the number of words of byte code in the object. \item \emph{Literals} contains any pointer and non-pointer literals used in the byte-codes (including jump addresses), pointers first. \item \emph{Byte code} contains \emph{Size} words of non-pointer byte code. \end{itemize} \subsection{Pointed Objects} All pointed objects can be entered. \subsubsection{Function closures}\label{sect:FUN} Function closures represent lambda abstractions. For example, consider the top-level declaration: @ f = \x -> let g = \y -> x+y in g x @ Both @f@ and @g@ are represented by function closures. The closure for @f@ is {\em static} while that for @g@ is {\em dynamic}. The layout of a function closure is as follows: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Pointers} & {\em Non-pointers} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The data words (pointers and non-pointers) are the free variables of the function closure. The number of pointers and number of non-pointers are stored in the @INFO_SM@ word, in the least significant and most significant half-word respectively. There are several different sorts of function closure, distinguished by their @INFO_TYPE@ field: \begin{itemize} \item @FUN@: a vanilla, dynamically allocated on the heap. \item $@FUN_@p@_@np$: to speed up garbage collection a number of specialised forms of @FUN@ are provided, for particular $(p,np)$ pairs, where $p$ is the number of pointers and $np$ the number of non-pointers. \item @FUN_STATIC@. Top-level, static, function closures (such as @f@ above) have a different layout than dynamic ones: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Static object link} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} Static function closures have no free variables. (However they may refer to other static closures; these references are recorded in the function closure's SRT.) They have one field that is not present in dynamic closures, the {\em static object link} field. This is used by the garbage collector in the same way that to-space is, to gather closures that have been determined to be live but that have not yet been scavenged. \note{Static function closures that have no static references, and hence a null SRT pointer, don't need the static object link field. Is it worth taking advantage of this? See @CONSTR_STATIC_NOCAF@.} \end{itemize} Each lambda abstraction, $f$, in the STG program has its own private info table. The following labels are relevant: \begin{itemize} \item $f$@_info@ is $f$'s info table. \item $f$@_entry@ is $f$'s slow entry point (i.e. the entry code of its info table; so it will label the same byte as $f$@_info@). \item $f@_fast_@k$ is $f$'s fast entry point. $k$ is the number of arguments $f$ takes; encoding this number in the fast-entry label occasionally catches some nasty code-generation errors. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Data Constructors}\label{sect:CONSTR} Data-constructor closures represent values constructed with algebraic data type constructors. The general layout of data constructors is the same as that for function closures. That is \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Pointers} & {\em Non-pointers} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The SRT pointer in a data constructor's info table is used for the constructor tag, since a constructor never has any static references. There are several different sorts of constructor: \begin{itemize} \item @CONSTR@: a vanilla, dynamically allocated constructor. \item @CONSTR_@$p$@_@$np$: just like $@FUN_@p@_@np$. \item @CONSTR_INTLIKE@. A dynamically-allocated heap object that looks just like an @Int@. The garbage collector checks to see if it can common it up with one of a fixed set of static int-like closures, thus getting it out of the dynamic heap altogether. \item @CONSTR_CHARLIKE@: same deal, but for @Char@. \item @CONSTR_STATIC@ is similar to @FUN_STATIC@, with the complication that the layout of the constructor must mimic that of a dynamic constructor, because a static constructor might be returned to some code that unpacks it. So its layout is like this: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Pointers} & {\em Non-pointers} & {\em Static object link}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The static object link, at the end of the closure, serves the same purpose as that for @FUN_STATIC@. The pointers in the static constructor can point only to other static closures. The static object link occurs last in the closure so that static constructors can store their data fields in exactly the same place as dynamic constructors. \item @CONSTR_STATIC_NOCAF@. A statically allocated data constructor that guarantees not to point (directly or indirectly) to any CAF (section~\ref{sect:CAF}). This means it does not need a static object link field. Since we expect that there might be quite a lot of static constructors this optimisation makes sense. Furthermore, the @NOCAF@ tag allows the compiler to indicate that no CAFs can be reached anywhere {\em even indirectly}. \end{itemize} For each data constructor $Con$, two info tables are generated: \begin{itemize} \item $Con$@_info@ labels $Con$'s dynamic info table, shared by all dynamic instances of the constructor. \item $Con$@_static@ labels $Con$'s static info table, shared by all static instances of the constructor. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Thunks} \label{sect:THUNK} \label{sect:THUNK_SEL} A thunk represents an expression that is not obviously in head normal form. For example, consider the following top-level definitions: @ range = between 1 10 f = \x -> let ys = take x range in sum ys @ Here the right-hand sides of @range@ and @ys@ are both thunks; the former is static while the latter is dynamic. The layout of a thunk is the same as that for a function closure, except that it may have some words of ``slop'' at the end to make sure that it has at least @MIN_UPD_PAYLOAD@ words in addition to its fixed header. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Pointers} & {\em Non-pointers} & {\em Slop} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The @INFO_SM@ word contains the same information as for function closures; that is, number of pointers and number of non-pointers (excluding slop). A thunk differs from a function closure in that it can be updated. There are several forms of thunk: \begin{itemize} \item @THUNK@: a vanilla, dynamically allocated thunk. The garbage collection code for thunks whose pointer + non-pointer words is less than @MIN_UPD_PAYLOAD@ differs from that for function closures and data constructors, because the GC code has to account for the slop. \item $@THUNK_@p@_@np$. Similar comments apply. \item @THUNK_STATIC@. A static thunk is also known as a {\em constant applicative form}, or {\em CAF}. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Pointers} & {\em Non-pointers} & {\em Slop} & {\em Static object link}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item @THUNK_SELECTOR@ is a (dynamically allocated) thunk whose entry code performs a simple selection operation from a data constructor drawn from a single-constructor type. For example, the thunk @ x = case y of (a,b) -> a @ is a selector thunk. A selector thunk is laid out like this: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Selectee pointer} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The @INFO_SM@ word contains the byte offset of the desired word in the selectee. Note that this is different from all other thunks. The garbage collector ``peeks'' at the selectee's tag (in its info table). If it is evaluated, then it goes ahead and do the selection, and then behaves just as if the selector thunk was an indirection to the selected field. If it is not evaluated, it treats the selector thunk like any other thunk of that shape. [Implementation notes. Copying: only the evacuate routine needs to be special. Compacting: only the PRStart (marking) routine needs to be special.] \end{itemize} The only label associated with a thunk is its info table: \begin{description} \item[$f$@_info@] is $f$'s info table. \end{description} \subsubsection{Partial applications (PAPs)}\label{sect:PAP} A partial application (PAP) represents a function applied to too few arguments. It is only built as a result of updating after an argument-satisfaction check failure. A PAP has the following shape: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em No of arg words} & {\em Function closure} & {\em Arg stack} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The ``arg stack'' is a copy of the chunk of stack above the update frame; ``no of arg words'' tells how many words it consists of. The function closure is (a pointer to) the closure for the function whose argument-satisfaction check failed. There is just one standard form of PAP with @INFO_TYPE@ = @PAP@. There is just one info table too, called @PAP_info@. Its entry code simply copies the arg stack chunk back on top of the stack and enters the function closure. (It has to do a stack overflow test first.) PAPs are also used to implement Hugs functions (where the arguments are free variables). PAPs generated by Hugs can be static. \subsubsection{@AP@ objects} \label{sect:AP} @AP@ objects are used to represent thunks built by Hugs. The only distintion between an @AP@ and a @PAP@ is that an @AP@ is updateable. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|} \hline \emph{Fixed Header} & {\em No of arg words} & {\em Function closure} & {\em Arg stack} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The entry code pushes an update frame, copies the arg stack chunk on top of the stack, and enters the function closure. (It has to do a stack overflow test first.) The ``arg stack'' is a block of (tagged) arguments representing the free variables of the thunk; ``no of arg words'' tells how many words it consists of. The function closure is (a pointer to) the closure for the thunk. The argument stack may be empty if the thunk has no free variables. \subsubsection{Indirections} \label{sect:IND} \label{sect:IND_OLDGEN} Indirection closures just point to other closures. They are introduced when a thunk is updated to point to its value. The entry code for all indirections simply enters the closure it points to. There are several forms of indirection: \begin{description} \item[@IND@] is the vanilla, dynamically-allocated indirection. It is removed by the garbage collector. It has the following shape: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Target closure} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item[@IND_OLDGEN@] is the indirection used to update an old-generation thunk. Its shape is like this: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Mutable link field} & {\em Target closure} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} It contains a {\em mutable link field} that is used to string together all old-generation indirections that might have a pointer into the new generation. \item[@IND_PERMANENT@ and @IND_OLDGEN_PERMANENT@.] for lexical profiling, it is necessary to maintain cost centre information in an indirection, so ``permanent indirections'' are retained forever. Otherwise they are just like vanilla indirections. \note{If a permanent indirection points to another permanent indirection or a @CONST@ closure, it is possible to elide the indirection since it will have no effect on the profiler.} \note{Do we still need @IND@ and @IND_OLDGEN@ in the profiling build, or can we just make do with one pair whose behaviour changes when profiling is built?} \item[@IND_STATIC@] is used for overwriting CAFs when they have been evaluated. Static indirections are not removed by the garbage collector; and are statically allocated outside the heap (and should stay there). Their static object link field is used just as for @FUN_STATIC@ closures. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Target closure} & {\em Static object link} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{description} \subsubsection{Activation Records} Activation records are parts of the stack described by return address info tables (closures with @INFO_TYPE@ values of @RET_SMALL@, @RET_VEC_SMALL@, @RET_BIG@ and @RET_VEC_BIG@). They are described in section~\ref{sect:activation-records}. \subsubsection{Black holes, MVars and IVars} \label{sect:BH} \label{sect:MVAR} \label{sect:IVAR} Black hole closures are used to overwrite closures currently being evaluated. They inform the garbage collector that there are no live roots in the closure, thus removing a potential space leak. Black holes also become synchronization points in the threaded world. They contain a pointer to a list of blocked threads to be awakened when the black hole is updated (or @NULL@ if the list is empty). \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Mutable link} & {\em Blocked thread link} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The {\em Blocked thread link} points to the TSO of the first thread waiting for the value of this thunk. All subsequent TSOs in the list are linked together using their @TSO_LINK@ field. When the blocking queue is non-@NULL@, the black hole must be added to the mutables list since the TSOs on the list may contain pointers into the new generation. There is no need to clutter up the mutables list with black holes with empty blocking queues. \ToDo{MVars} \subsubsection{FetchMes}\label{sect:FETCHME} In the parallel systems, FetchMes are used to represent pointers into the global heap. When evaluated, the value they point to is read from the global heap. \ToDo{Describe layout} \subsection{Unpointed Objects} A variable of unpointed type is always bound to a {\em value}, never to a {\em thunk}. For this reason, unpointed objects cannot be entered. A {\em value} may be: \begin{itemize} \item {\em Boxed}, i.e.~represented indirectly by a pointer to a heap object (e.g.~foreign objects, arrays); or \item {\em Unboxed}, i.e.~represented directly by a bit-pattern in one or more registers (e.g.~@Int#@ and @Float#@). \end{itemize} All {\em pointed} values are {\em boxed}. \subsubsection{Immutable Objects} \label{sect:ARR_WORDS1} \label{sect:ARR_PTRS} \begin{description} \item[@ARR_WORDS@] is a variable-sized object consisting solely of non-pointers. It is used for arrays of all sorts of things (bytes, words, floats, doubles... it doesn't matter). \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline {\em Fixed Hdr} & {\em No of non-pointers} & {\em Non-pointers\ldots} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item[@ARR_PTRS@] is an immutable, variable sized array of pointers. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline {\em Fixed Hdr} & {\em Mutable link} & {\em No of pointers} & {\em Pointers\ldots} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The mutable link is present so that we can easily freeze and thaw an array (by changing the header and adding/removing the array to the mutables list). \end{description} \subsubsection{Mutable Objects} \label{sect:mutables} \label{sect:ARR_WORDS2} \label{sect:MUTVAR} \label{sect:MUTARR_PTRS} \label{sect:MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN} Some of these objects are {\em mutable}; they represent objects which are explicitly mutated by Haskell code through the @ST@ monad. They're not used for thunks which are updated precisely once. Depending on the garbage collector, mutable closures may contain extra header information which allows a generational collector to implement the ``write barrier.'' \begin{description} \item[@ARR_WORDS@] is also used to represent {\em mutable} arrays of bytes, words, floats, doubles, etc. It's possible to use the same object type because even generational collectors don't need to distinguish them. \item[@MUTVAR@] is a mutable variable. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline {\em Fixed Hdr} & {\em Mutable link} & {\em Pointer} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item[@MUTARR_PTRS@] is a mutable array of pointers. Such an array may be {\em frozen}, becoming an @SM_MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN@, with a different info-table. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline {\em Fixed Hdr} & {\em Mutable link} & {\em No of ptrs} & {\em Pointers\ldots} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item[@MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN@] is a frozen @MUTARR_PTRS@ closure. The garbage collector converts @MUTARR_PTRS_FROZEN@ to @ARR_PTRS@ as it removes them from the mutables list. \end{description} \subsubsection{Foreign Objects}\label{sect:FOREIGN} Here's what a ForeignObj looks like: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Data} & {\em Free Routine} & {\em Foreign object link} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The @FreeRoutine@ is a reference to the finalisation routine to call when the @ForeignObj@ becomes garbage. If @freeForeignObject@ is called on a Foreign Object, the @FreeRoutine@ is set to zero and the garbage collector will not attempt to call @FreeRoutine@ when the object becomes garbage. The Foreign object link is a link to the next foreign object in the list. This list is traversed at the end of garbage collection: if an object is about to be deallocated (e.g.~it was not marked or evacuated), the free routine is called and the object is deleted from the list. The remaining objects types are all administrative --- none of them may be entered. \subsection{Thread State Objects (TSOs)}\label{sect:TSO} In the multi-threaded system, the state of a suspended thread is packed up into a Thread State Object (TSO) which contains all the information needed to restart the thread and for the garbage collector to find all reachable objects. When a thread is running, it may be ``unpacked'' into machine registers and various other memory locations to provide faster access. Single-threaded systems don't really {\em need\/} TSOs --- but they do need some way to tell the storage manager about live roots so it is convenient to use a single TSO to store the mutator state even in single-threaded systems. Rather than manage TSOs' alloc/dealloc, etc., in some {\em ad hoc} way, we instead alloc/dealloc/etc them in the heap; then we can use all the standard garbage-collection/fetching/flushing/etc machinery on them. So that's why TSOs are ``heap objects,'' albeit very special ones. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} \\ \hline @TSO_LINK@ \\ \hline @TSO_WHATNEXT@ \\ \hline @TSO_WHATNEXT_INFO@ \\ \hline @TSO_STACK@ \\ \hline {\em Exception Handlers} \\ \hline {\em Ticky Info} \\ \hline {\em Profiling Info} \\ \hline {\em Parallel Info} \\ \hline {\em GranSim Info} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The contents of a TSO are: \begin{itemize} \item A pointer (@TSO_LINK@) used to maintain a list of threads with a similar state (e.g.~all runnable, all sleeping, all blocked on the same black hole, all blocked on the same MVar, etc.) \item A word (@TSO_WHATNEXT@) which is in suspended threads to record how to awaken it. This typically requires a program counter which is stored in the pointer @TSO_WHATNEXT_INFO@ \item A pointer (@TSO_STACK@) to the top stack block. \item Optional information for ``Ticky Ticky'' statistics: @TSO_STK_HWM@ is the maximum number of words allocated to this thread. \item Optional information for profiling: @TSO_CCC@ is the current cost centre. \item Optional information for parallel execution: \begin{itemize} \item The types of threads (@TSO_TYPE@): \begin{description} \item[@T_MAIN@] Must be executed locally. \item[@T_REQUIRED@] A required thread -- may be exported. \item[@T_ADVISORY@] An advisory thread -- may be exported. \item[@T_FAIL@] A failure thread -- may be exported. \end{description} \item I've no idea what else \end{itemize} \item Optional information for GranSim execution: \begin{itemize} \item locked \item sparkname \item started at \item exported \item basic blocks \item allocs \item exectime \item fetchtime \item fetchcount \item blocktime \item blockcount \item global sparks \item local sparks \item queue \item priority \item clock (gransim light only) \end{itemize} Here are the various queues for GrAnSim-type events. @ Q_RUNNING Q_RUNNABLE Q_BLOCKED Q_FETCHING Q_MIGRATING @ \end{itemize} \subsection{Other weird objects} \label{sect:SPARK} \label{sect:BLOCKED_FETCH} \begin{description} \item[@BlockedFetch@ heap objects (`closures')] (parallel only) @BlockedFetch@s are inbound fetch messages blocked on local closures. They arise as entries in a local blocking queue when a fetch has been received for a local black hole. When awakened, we look at their contents to figure out where to send a resume. A @BlockedFetch@ closure has the form: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & link & node & gtid & slot & weight \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \item[Spark Closures] (parallel only) Spark closures are used to link together all closures in the spark pool. When the current processor is idle, it may choose to speculatively evaluate some of the closures in the pool. It may also choose to delete sparks from the pool. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em Spark pool link} & {\em Sparked closure} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{description} \subsection{Stack Objects} \label{sect:STACK_OBJECT} \label{sect:stacks} These are ``stack objects,'' which are used in the threaded world as the stack for each thread is allocated from the heap in smallish chunks. (The stack in the sequential world is allocated outside of the heap.) Each reduction thread has to have its own stack space. As there may be many such threads, and as any given one may need quite a big stack, a naive give-'em-a-big-stack-and-let-'em-run approach will cost a {\em lot} of memory. Our approach is to give a thread a small stack space, and then link on/off extra ``chunks'' as the need arises. Again, this is a storage-management problem, and, yet again, we choose to graft the whole business onto the existing heap-management machinery. So stack objects will live in the heap, be garbage collected, etc., etc.. A stack object is laid out like this: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} \\ \hline {\em Link to next stack object (0 for last)} \\ \hline {\em N, the payload size in words} \\ \hline {\em @Sp@ (byte offset from head of object)} \\ \hline {\em @Su@ (byte offset from head of object)} \\ \hline {\em Payload (N words)} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \ToDo{Are stack objects on the mutable list?} The stack grows downwards, towards decreasing addresses. This makes it easier to print out the stack when debugging, and it means that a return address is at the lowest address of the chunk of stack it ``knows about'' just like an info pointer on a closure. The garbage collector needs to be able to find all the pointers in a stack. How does it do this? \begin{itemize} \item Within the stack there are return addresses, pushed by @case@ expressions. Below a return address (i.e. at higher memory addresses, since the stack grows downwards) is a chunk of stack that the return address ``knows about'', namely the activation record of the currently running function. \item Below each such activation record is a {\em pending-argument section}, a chunk of zero or more words that are the arguments to which the result of the function should be applied. The return address does not statically ``know'' how many pending arguments there are, or their types. (For example, the function might return a result of type $\alpha$.) \item Below each pending-argument section is another return address, and so on. Actually, there might be an update frame instead, but we can consider update frames as a special case of a return address with a well-defined activation record. \ToDo{Doesn't it {\em have} to be an update frame? After all, the arg satisfaction check is @Su - Sp >= ...@.} \end{itemize} The game plan is this. The garbage collector walks the stack from the top, traversing pending-argument sections and activation records alternately. Next we discuss how it finds the pointers in each of these two stack regions. \subsubsection{Activation records}\label{sect:activation-records} An {\em activation record} is a contiguous chunk of stack, with a return address as its first word, followed by as many data words as the return address ``knows about''. The return address is actually a fully-fledged info pointer. It points to an info table, replete with: \begin{itemize} \item entry code (i.e. the code to return to). \item @INFO_TYPE@ is either @RET_SMALL/RET_VEC_SMALL@ or @RET_BIG/RET_VEC_BIG@, depending on whether the activation record has more than 32 data words (\note{64 for 8-byte-word architectures}) and on whether to use a direct or a vectored return. \item @INFO_SM@ for @RET_SMALL@ is a bitmap telling the layout of the activation record, one bit per word. The least-significant bit describes the first data word of the record (adjacent to the fixed header) and so on. A ``@1@'' indicates a non-pointer, a ``@0@'' indicates a pointer. We don't need to indicate exactly how many words there are, because when we get to all zeros we can treat the rest of the activation record as part of the next pending-argument region. For @RET_BIG@ the @INFO_SM@ field points to a block of bitmap words, starting with a word that tells how many words are in the block. \item @INFO_SRT@ is the Static Reference Table for the return address (Section~\ref{sect:srt}). \end{itemize} The activation record is a fully fledged closure too. As well as an info pointer, it has all the other attributes of a fixed header (Section~\ref{sect:fixed-header}) including a saved cost centre which is reloaded when the return address is entered. In other words, all the attributes of closures are needed for activation records, so it's very convenient to make them look alike. \subsubsection{Pending arguments} So that the garbage collector can correctly identify pointers in pending-argument sections we explicitly tag all non-pointers. Every non-pointer in a pending-argument section is preceded (at the next lower memory word) by a one-word byte count that says how many bytes to skip over (excluding the tag word). The garbage collector traverses a pending argument section from the top (i.e. lowest memory address). It looks at each word in turn: \begin{itemize} \item If it is less than or equal to a small constant @MAX_STACK_TAG@ then it treats it as a tag heralding zero or more words of non-pointers, so it just skips over them. \item If it points to the code segment, it must be a return address, so we have come to the end of the pending-argument section. \item Otherwise it must be a bona fide heap pointer. \end{itemize} \subsection{The Stable Pointer Table}\label{sect:STABLEPTR_TABLE} A stable pointer is a name for a Haskell object which can be passed to the external world. It is ``stable'' in the sense that the name does not change when the Haskell garbage collector runs---in contrast to the address of the object which may well change. A stable pointer is represented by an index into the @StablePointerTable@. The Haskell garbage collector treats the @StablePointerTable@ as a source of roots for GC. In order to provide efficient access to stable pointers and to be able to cope with any number of stable pointers (eg $0 \ldots 100000$), the table of stable pointers is an array stored on the heap and can grow when it overflows. (Since we cannot compact the table by moving stable pointers about, it seems unlikely that a half-empty table can be reduced in size---this could be fixed if necessary by using a hash table of some sort.) In general a stable pointer table closure looks like this: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline {\em Fixed header} & {\em No of pointers} & {\em Free} & $SP_0$ & \ldots & $SP_{n-1}$ \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The fields are: \begin{description} \item[@NPtrs@:] number of (stable) pointers. \item[@Free@:] the byte offset (from the first byte of the object) of the first free stable pointer. \item[$SP_i$:] A stable pointer slot. If this entry is in use, it is an ``unstable'' pointer to a closure. If this entry is not in use, it is a byte offset of the next free stable pointer slot. \end{description} When a stable pointer table is evacuated \begin{enumerate} \item the free list entries are all set to @NULL@ so that the evacuation code knows they're not pointers; \item The stable pointer slots are scanned linearly: non-@NULL@ slots are evacuated and @NULL@-values are chained together to form a new free list. \end{enumerate} There's no need to link the stable pointer table onto the mutable list because we always treat it as a root. \fi \section{The Storage Manager} The generational collector remembers the depth of the last generation collected and the value of the heap pointer at the end of the last GC. If the mutator has not moved the heap pointer, that means that the amount of space recovered is insufficient to satisfy even one request and it is time to collect an older generation or report a heap overflow. A deeper collection is also triggered when a minor collection fails to recover at least @...@ bytes of space. When can a GC happen? @ - During updates (ie during returns) - When a heap check fails - When a stack check fails (concurrent system only) - When a context switch happens (concurrent system only) When do heap checks occur? - Immediately after entering a thunk - Immediately after entering a case alternative When do stack checks occur? - We calculate the worst-case stack usage of an entire thunk so there's no need to put a check inside each alternative. - Immediately after entering a thunk We can't make a similar worst-case calculation for heap usage because the heap isn't used in a stacklike manner so any evaluation inside a case might steal some of the heap we've checked for. Concurrency - Threads can be blocked - Threads can be put to sleep - Heap may move while we sleep - Black holing may happen while we sleep (ie during GC) @ \subsection{The SM state} Contains @Hp@, @HpLim@, @StablePtrTable@ plus version-specific info. \begin{itemize} \item Static Object list \item Foreign Object list \item Stable Pointer Table \end{itemize} In addition, the generational collector requires: \begin{itemize} \item Old Generation Indirection list \item Mutables list --- list of mutable objects in the old generation. \item @OldLim@ --- the boundary between the generations \item Old Foreign Object list --- foreign objects in the old generation \end{itemize} It is passed a table of {\em roots\/} containing \begin{itemize} \item All runnable TSOs \end{itemize} In the parallel system, there must be some extra magic associated with global GC. \subsection{The SM interface} @initSM@ finalizes any runtime parameters of the storage manager. @exitSM@ does any cleaning up required by the storage manager before the program is executed. Its main purpose is to print any summary statistics. @initHeap@ allocates the heap. It initialises the @hp@ and @hplim@ fields of @sm@ to represent an empty heap for the compiled-in garbage collector. It also initialises @CAFlist@ to be the empty list. If we are using Appel's collector it also initialises the @OldLim@ field. It also initialises the stable pointer table and the @ForeignObjList@ (and @OldForeignObjList@) fields. @collectHeap@ invokes the garbage collector. @collectHeap@ requires all the fields of @sm@ to be initialised appropriately (from the STG-machine registers). The following are identified as heap roots: \begin{itemize} \item The updated CAFs recorded in @CAFlist@. \item Any pointers found on the stack. \item All runnable and sleeping TSOs. \item The stable pointer table. \end{itemize} There are two possible results from a garbage collection: \begin{description} \item[@GC_FAIL@] The garbage collector is unable to free up any more space. \item[@GC_SUCCESS@] The garbage collector managed to free up more space. \begin{itemize} \item @hp@ and @hplim@ will indicate the new space available for allocation. \item The elements of @CAFlist@ and the stable pointers will be updated to point to the new locations of the closures they reference. \item Any members of @ForeignObjList@ which became garbage should have been reported (by calling their finalising routines; and the @(Old)ForeignObjList@ updated to contain only those Foreign objects which are still live. \end{itemize} \end{description} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{``What really happens in a garbage collection?''} %* * %************************************************************************ \ToDo{I commented out this long, out of date section - ADR} \iffalse This is a brief tutorial on ``what really happens'' going to/from the storage manager in a garbage collection. \begin{description} %------------------------------------------------------------------------ \item[The heap check:] [OLD-ISH: WDP] If you gaze into the C output of GHC, you see many macros calls like: \begin{verbatim} HEAP_CHK_2PtrsLive((_FHS+2)); \end{verbatim} This expands into the C (roughly speaking...): @ Hp = Hp + (_FHS+2); /* optimistically move heap pointer forward */ GC_WHILE_OR_IF (HEAP_OVERFLOW_OP(Hp, HpLim) OR_INTERVAL_EXPIRED) { STGCALL2_GC(PerformGC, , (_FHS+2)); } @ In the parallel world, where we will need to re-try the heap check, @GC_WHILE_OR_IF@ will be a ``while''; in the sequential world, it will be an ``if''. The ``heap lookahead'' checks, which are similar and used for multi-precision @Integer@ ops, have some further complications. See the commentary there (@StgMacros.lh@). %------------------------------------------------------------------------ \item[Into @callWrapper_GC@...:] When we failed the heap check (above), we were inside the GCC-registerised ``threaded world.'' @callWrapper_GC@ is all about getting in and out of the threaded world. On SPARCs, with register windows, the name of the game is not shifting windows until we have what we want out of the old one. In tricky cases like this, it's best written in assembly language. Performing a GC (potentially) means giving up the thread of control. So we must fill in the thread-state-object (TSO) [and its associated stk object] with enough information for later resumption: \begin{enumerate} \item Save the return address in the TSO's PC field. \item Save the machine registers used in the STG threaded world in their corresponding TSO fields. We also save the pointer-liveness information in the TSO. \item The registers that are not thread-specific, notably @Hp@ and @HpLim@, are saved in the @StorageMgrInfo@ structure. \item Call the routine it was asked to call; in this example, call @PerformGC@ with arguments @@ and @_FHS+2@ (some constant)... \end{enumerate} %------------------------------------------------------------------------ \item[Into the heap overflow wrapper, @PerformGC@ [parallel]:] Most information has already been saved in the TSO. \begin{enumerate} \item The first argument (@@, in our example) say what registers are live, i.e., are ``roots'' the storage manager needs to know. \begin{verbatim} StorageMgrInfo.rootno = 2; StorageMgrInfo.roots[0] = (P_) Ret1_SAVE; StorageMgrInfo.roots[1] = (P_) Ret2_SAVE; \end{verbatim} \item We move the heap-pointer back [we had optimistically advanced it, in the initial heap check] \item We load up the @smInfo@ data from the STG registers' @*_SAVE@ locations. \item We mark on the scheduler's big ``blackboard'' that a GC is required. \item We reschedule, i.e., this thread gives up control. (The scheduler will presumably initiate a garbage-collection, but it may have to do any number of other things---flushing, for example---before ``normal execution'' resumes; and it most certainly may not be this thread that resumes at that point!) \end{enumerate} IT IS AT THIS POINT THAT THE WORLD IS COMPLETELY TIDY. %------------------------------------------------------------------------ \item[Out of @callWrapper_GC@ [parallel]:] When this thread is finally resumed after GC (and who knows what else), it will restart by the normal enter-TSO/enter-stack-object sequence, which has the effect of re-loading the registers, etc., (i.e., restoring the state). Because the address we saved in the TSO's PC field was that at the end of the heap check, and because the check is a while-loop in the parallel system, we will now loop back around, and make sure there is enough space before continuing. \end{description} \fi % end of commented out part \subsection{Static Reference Tables (SRTs)} \label{sect:srt} \label{sect:CAF} \label{sect:static-objects} In the above, we assumed that objects always contained pointers to all their free variables. In fact, this isn't quite true: GHC omits pointers to top-level objects and allocates their closures in static memory. This optimisation reduces the number of free variables in heap objects - reducing memory usage and the effort needed to put them into heap objects. However, this optimisation comes at a cost: we need to complicate the garbage collector with machinery for tracing these static references. Early versions of GHC used a very simple algorithm: it treated all static objects as roots. This is safe in the sense that no object is ever deallocated if there's a chance that it might be required later but can lead to some terrible space leaks. For example, this program ought to be able to run in constant space but, because @xs@ is never deallocated, it runs in linear space. @ main = print xs xs = [1..] @ The correct behaviour is for the garbage collector to keep a static object alive iff it might be required later in execution. That is, if it is reachable from any live heap objects {\em or\/} from any return addresses found on the stack or from the current program counter. Since it is obviously infeasible for the garbage collector to scan machine code looking for static references, the code generator must generate a table of all static references in any piece of code (and we must place a pointer to this table next to any piece of code we generate). Here's what the SRT has to contain: @ ... @ Here's how we represent it: @ ... must be able to handle 0 references well @ @ Other trickery: o The CAF list o The scavenge list o Generational GC trickery @ \subsection{Space leaks and black holes} \label{sect:black-hole} \iffalse \ToDo{Insert text stolen from update paper} \else A program exhibits a {\em space leak} if it retains storage that is sure not to be used again. Space leaks are becoming increasingly common in imperative programs that @malloc@ storage and fail subsequently to @free@ it. They are, however, also common in garbage-collected systems, especially where lazy evaluation is used.[.wadler leak, runciman heap profiling jfp.] Quite a bit of experience has now accumulated suggesting that implementors must be very conscientious about avoiding gratuitous space leaks --- that is, ones which are an accidental artefact of some implementation technique.[.appel book.] The update mechanism is a case in point, as <.jones jfp leak.> points out. Consider a thunk for the expression @ let xs = [1..1000] in last xs @ where @last@ is a function that returns the last element of its argument list. When the thunk is entered it will call @last@, which will consume @xs@ until it finds the last element. Since the list @[1..1000]@ is produced lazily one might reasonably expect the expression to evaluate in constant space. But {\em until the moment of update, the thunk itself still retains a pointer to the beginning of the list @xs@}. So, until the update takes place the whole list will be retained! Of course, this is completely gratuitous. The pointer to @xs@ in the thunk will never be used again. In <.peyton stock hardware.> the solution to this problem that we advocated was to overwrite a thunk's info with a fixed ``black hole'' info pointer, {\em at the moment of entry}. The storage management information attached to a black-hole info pointer tells the garbage collector that the closure contains no pointers, thereby plugging the space leak. \subsubsection{Lazy black-holing} \label{sect:lazy-black-holing} \Note{We currently plan to implement eager black holing because the lazy blackholing scheme leavs "slop" in the heap.} Black-holing is a well-known idea. The trouble is that it is gallingly expensive. To avoid the occasional space leak, for every single thunk entry we have to load a full-word literal constant into a register (often two instructions) and then store that register into a memory location. Fortunately, this cost can easily be avoided. The idea is simple: {\em instead of black-holing every thunk on entry, wait until the garbage collector is called, and then black-hole all (and only) the thunks whose evaluation is in progress at that moment}. There is no benefit in black-holing a thunk that is updated before garbage collection strikes! In effect, the idea is to perform the black-holing operation lazily, only when it is needed. This dramatically cuts down the number of black-holing operations, as our results show {\em forward ref}. How can we find all the thunks whose evaluation is in progress? They are precisely the ones for which update frames are on the stack. So all we need do is find all the update frames (via the @Su@ chain) and black-hole their thunks right at the start of garbage collection. Notice that it is not enough to refrain from treating update frames as roots: firstly because the thunks to which they point may need to be moved in a copying collector, but more importantly because the thunk might be accessible via some other route. \subsubsection{Detecting loops} Black-holing has a second minor advantage: evaluation of a thunk whose value depends on itself will cause a black hole closure to be entered, which can cause a suitable error message to be displayed. For example, consider the definition @ x = 1+x @ The code to evaluate @x@'s right hand side will evaluate @x@. In the absence of black-holing, the result will be a stack overflow, as the evaluator repeatedly pushes a return address and enters @x@. If thunks are black-holed on entry, then this infinite loop can be caught almost instantly. With our new method of lazy black-holing, a self-referential program might cause either stack overflow or a black-hole error message, depending on exactly when garbage collection strikes. It is quite easy to conceal these differences, however. If stack overflow occurs, all we need do is examine the update frames on the stack to see if more than one refers to the same thunk. If so, there is a loop that would have been detected by eager black-holing. \subsubsection{Lazy locking} \label{sect:lock} In a parallel implementation, it is necessary somehow to ``lock'' a thunk that is under evaluation, so that other parallel evaluators cannot simultaneously evaluate it and thereby duplicate work. Instead, an evaluator that enters a locked thunk should be blocked, and made runnable again when the thunk is updated. This locking is readily arranged in the same way as black-holing, by overwriting the thunk's info pointer with a special ``locked'' info pointer, at the moment of entry. If another evaluator enters the thunk before it has been updated, it will land in the entry code for the ``locked'' info pointer, which blocks the evaluator and queues it on the locked thunk. The details are given by <.portable parallel trinder.>. However, the close similarity between locking and black holing suggests the following question: can locking be done lazily too? The answer is that it can, except that locking can be postponed only until the next {\em context switch}, rather than the next {\em garbage collection}. We are assuming here that the parallel implementation does not use shared memory to allow two processors to access the same closure. If such access is permitted then every thunk entry requires a hardware lock, and becomes much too expensive. Is lazy locking worth while, given that it requires extra work every context switch? We believe it is, because contexts switches are relatively infrequent, and thousands of thunk-entries typically take place between each. {\em Measurements elsewhere. Omit this section? If so, fix cross refs to here.} \fi \subsection{Squeezing identical updates} \Note{This can also be done by testing whether @Sp == Su@ when we push an update frame. If so, we can overwrite the updatee with an indirection to the existing updatee (and some slop objects) and avoid pushing an update frame.} \iffalse \ToDo{Insert text stolen from update paper} \else Consider the following Haskell definition of the standard function @partition@ that divides a list into two, those elements that satisfy a predicate @p@ and those that do not: @ partition :: (a->Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) partition p [] = ([],[]) partition p (x:xs) = if p x then (x:ys, zs) else (ys, x:zs) where (ys,zs) = partition p xs @ By the time this definition has been desugared, it looks like this: @ partition p xs = case xs of [] -> ([],[]) (x:xs) -> let t = partition p xs ys = fst t zs = snd t in if p x then (x:ys,zs) else (ys,x:zs) @ Lazy evaluation demands that the recursive call is bound to an intermediate variable, @t@, from which @ys@ and @zs@ are lazily selected. (The functions @fst@ and @snd@ select the first and second elements of a pair, respectively.) Now, suppose that @partition@ is applied to a list @[x1,x2]@, all of whose elements satisfy @p@. We can get a good idea of what will happen at runtime by unrolling the recursion a few times in our heads. Unrolling once, and remembering that @(p x1)@ is @True@, we get this: @ partition p [x1,x2] = let t1 = partition [x2] ys1 = fst t1 zs1 = snd t1 in (x1:ys1, zs1) @ Unrolling the rest of the way gives this: @ partition p [x1,x2] = let t2 = ([],[]) ys2 = fst t2 zs2 = snd t2 t1 = (x2:ys2,zs2) ys1 = fst t1 zs1 = snd t1 in (x1:ys1,zs1) @ Now consider what happens if @zs1@ is evaluated. It is bound to a thunk, which will push an update frame before evaluating the expression @snd t1@. This expression in turn forces evaluation of @zs2@, which pushes an update frame before evaluating @snd t2@. Indeed the stack of update frames will grow as deep as the list is long when @zs1@ is evaluated. This is rather galling, since all the thunks @zs1@, @zs2@, and so on, have the same value. \ToDo{Describe the state-transformer case in which we get a space leak from pending update frames.} The solution is simple. The garbage collector, which is going to traverse the update stack in any case, can easily identify two update frames that are directly on top of each other. The second of these will update its target with the same value as the first. Therefore, the garbage collector can perform the update right away, by overwriting one update target with an indirection to the second, and eliminate the corresponding update frame. In this way ever-growing stacks of update frames are reduced to a single representative at garbage collection time. If this is done at the start of garbage collection then, if it turns out that some of these update targets are garbage they will be collected right away. \fi \subsection{Space leaks and selectors}\label{sect:space-leaks-and-selectors} \iffalse \ToDo{Insert text stolen from update paper} \else In 1987, Wadler identified an important source of space leaks in lazy functional programs. Consider the Haskell function definition: @ f p = (g1 a, g2 b) where (a,b) = p @ The pattern-matching in the @where@ clause is known as {\em lazy pattern-matching}, because it is performed only if @a@ or @b@ is actually evaluated. The desugarer translates lazy pattern matching to the use of selectors, @fst@ and @snd@ in this case: @ f p = let a = fst p b = snd p in (b, a) @ Now suppose that the second component of the pair @(f p)@, namely @a@, is evaluated and discarded, but the first is not although it remains reachable. The garbage collector will find that the thunk for @b@ refers to @p@ and hence to @a@. Thus, although @a@ cannot ever be used again, its space is retained. It turns out that this space leak can have a very bad effect indeed on a program's space behaviour (Section~\ref{sect:selector-results}). Wadler's paper also proposed a solution: if the garbage collector encounters a thunk of the form @snd p@, where @p@ is evaluated, then the garbage collector should perform the selection and overwrite the thunk with a pointer to the second component of the pair. In effect, the garbage collector thereby performs a bounded amount of as-yet-undemanded evaluation in the hope of improving space behaviour. We implement this idea directly, by making the garbage collector eagerly execute all selector thunks\footnote{A word of caution: it is rather easy to make a mistake in the implementation, especially if the garbage collector uses pointer reversal to traverse the reachable graph.}, with results reported in Section~\ref{sect:THUNK_SEL}. One could easily imagine generalisations of this idea, with the garbage collector performing bounded amounts of space-saving work. One example is this: @ f x [] = (x,x) f x (y:ys) = f (x+1) ys @ Most lazy evaluators will build up a chain of thunks for the accumulating parameter, @x@, each of which increments @x@. It is not safe to evaluate any of these thunks eagerly, since @f@ is not strict in @x@, and we know nothing about the value of @x@ passed in the initial call to @f@. On the other hand, if the garbage collector found a thunk @(x+1)@ where @x@ happened to be evaluated, then it could ``execute'' it eagerly. If done carefully, the entire chain could be eliminated in a single garbage collection. We have not (yet) implemented this idea. A very similar idea, dubbed ``stingy evaluation'', is described by <.stingy.>. \ToDo{Simple generalisation: handle all the ``standard closures'' this way.} <.sparud lazy pattern matching.> describes another solution to the lazy-pattern-matching problem. His solution involves adding code to the two thunks for @a@ and @b@ so that if either is evaluated it arranges to update the other as well as itself. The garbage-collector solution is a little more general, since it applies whether or not the selectors were generated by lazy pattern matching, and in our setting it was easier to implement than Sparud's. \fi \subsection{Internal workings of the Compacting Collector} \subsection{Internal workings of the Copying Collector} \subsection{Internal workings of the Generational Collector} \section{Profiling} Registering costs centres looks awkward - can we tidy it up? \section{Parallelism} Something about global GC, inter-process messages and fetchmes. \section{Debugging} \section{Ticky Ticky profiling} Measure what proportion of ...: \begin{itemize} \item ... Enters are to data values, function values, thunks. \item ... allocations are for data values, functions values, thunks. \item ... updates are for data values, function values. \item ... updates ``fit'' \item ... return-in-heap (dynamic) \item ... vectored return (dynamic) \item ... updates are wasted (never re-entered). \item ... constructor returns get away without hitting an update. \end{itemize} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[ticky-stk-heap-use]{Stack and heap usage} %* * %************************************************************************ Things we are interested in here: \begin{itemize} \item How many times we do a heap check and move @Hp@; comparing this with the allocations gives an indication of how many things we get per trip to the well: If we do a ``heap lookahead,'' we haven't really allocated any heap, so we need to undo the effects of an @ALLOC_HEAP@: \item The stack high-water mark. \item Re-use of stack slots, and stubbing of stack slots: \end{itemize} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[ticky-allocs]{Allocations} %* * %************************************************************************ We count things every time we allocate something in the dynamic heap. For each, we count the number of words of (1)~``admin'' (header), (2)~good stuff (useful pointers and data), and (3)~``slop'' (extra space, in hopes it will allow an in-place update). The first five macros are inserted when the compiler generates code to allocate something; the categories correspond to the @ClosureClass@ datatype (manifest functions, thunks, constructors, big tuples, and partial applications). We may also allocate space when we do an update, and there isn't enough space. These macros suffice (for: updating with a partial application and a constructor): In the threaded world, we allocate space for the spark pool, stack objects, and thread state objects. The histogrammy bit is fairly straightforward; the @-2@ is: one for 0-origin C arrays; the other one because we do {\em no} one-word allocations, so we would never inc that histogram slot; so we shift everything over by one. Some hard-to-account-for words are allocated by/for primitives, includes Integer support. @ALLOC_PRIM2@ tells us about these. We count everything as ``goods'', which is not strictly correct. (@ALLOC_PRIM@ is the same sort of stuff, but we know the admin/goods/slop breakdown.) %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[ticky-enters]{Enters} %* * %************************************************************************ We do more magical things with @ENT_FUN_DIRECT@. Besides simply knowing how many ``fast-entry-point'' enters there were, we'd like {\em simple} information about where those enters were, and the properties thereof. @ struct ent_counter { unsigned registeredp:16, /* 0 == no, 1 == yes */ arity:16, /* arity (static info) */ Astk_args:16, /* # of args off A stack */ Bstk_args:16; /* # of args off B stack */ /* (rest of args are in registers) */ StgChar *f_str; /* name of the thing */ StgChar *f_arg_kinds; /* info about the args types */ StgChar *wrap_str; /* name of its wrapper (if any) */ StgChar *wrap_arg_kinds;/* info about the orig wrapper's arg types */ I_ ctr; /* the actual counter */ struct ent_counter *link; /* link to chain them all together */ }; @ %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[ticky-returns]{Returns} %* * %************************************************************************ Whenever a ``return'' occurs, it is returning the constituent parts of a data constructor. The parts can be returned either in registers, or by allocating some heap to put it in (the @ALLOC_*@ macros account for the allocation). The constructor can either be an existing one (@*OLD*@) or we could have {\em just} figured out this stuff (@*NEW*@). Here's some special magic that Simon wants [edited to match names actually used]: @ From: Simon L Peyton Jones To: partain, simonpj Subject: counting updates Date: Wed, 25 Mar 92 08:39:48 +0000 I'd like to count how many times we update in place when actually Node points to the thing. Here's how: @RET_OLD_IN_REGS@ sets the variable @ReturnInRegsNodeValid@ to @True@; @RET_NEW_IN_REGS@ sets it to @False@. @RET_SEMI_???@ sets it to??? ToDo [WDP] @UPD_CON_IN_PLACE@ tests the variable, and increments @UPD_IN_PLACE_COPY_ctr@ if it is true. Then we need to report it along with the update-in-place info. @ Of all the returns (sum of four categories above), how many were vectored? (The rest were obviously unvectored). %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[ticky-update-frames]{Update frames} %* * %************************************************************************ These macros count up the following update information. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Macro & Counts \\ \hline & \\ @UPDF_STD_PUSHED@ & Update frame pushed \\ @UPDF_CON_PUSHED@ & Constructor update frame pushed \\ @UPDF_HOLE_PUSHED@ & An update frame to update a black hole \\ @UPDF_OMITTED@ & A thunk decided not to push an update frame \\ & (all subsets of @ENT_THK@) \\ @UPDF_RCC_PUSHED@ & Cost Centre restore frame pushed \\ @UPDF_RCC_OMITTED@ & Cost Centres not required -- not pushed \\\hline \end{tabular} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[ticky-updates]{Updates} %* * %************************************************************************ These macros record information when we do an update. We always update either with a data constructor (CON) or a partial application (PAP). \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline Macro & Where \\ \hline & \\ @UPD_EXISTING@ & Updating with an indirection to something \\ & already in the heap \\ @UPD_SQUEEZED@ & Same as @UPD_EXISTING@ but because \\ & of stack-squeezing \\ @UPD_CON_W_NODE@ & Updating with a CON: by indirecting to Node \\ @UPD_CON_IN_PLACE@ & Ditto, but in place \\ @UPD_CON_IN_NEW@ & Ditto, but allocating the object \\ @UPD_PAP_IN_PLACE@ & Same, but updating w/ a PAP \\ @UPD_PAP_IN_NEW@ & \\\hline \end{tabular} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[ticky-selectors]{Doing selectors at GC time} %* * %************************************************************************ @GC_SEL_ABANDONED@: we could've done the selection, but we gave up (e.g., to avoid overflowing the C stack); @GC_SEL_MINOR@: did a selection in a minor GC; @GC_SEL_MAJOR@: ditto, but major GC. \section{History} We're nuking the following: \begin{itemize} \item Two stacks \item Return in registers. This lets us remove update code pointers from info tables, removes the need for phantom info tables, simplifies semi-tagging, etc. \item Threaded GC. Careful analysis suggests that it doesn't buy us very much and it is hard to work with. Eliminating threaded GCs eliminates the desire to share SMReps so they are (once more) part of the Info table. \item RetReg. Doesn't buy us anything on a register-poor architecture and isn't so important if we have semi-tagging. @ - Probably bad on register poor architecture - Can avoid need to write return address to stack on reg rich arch. - when a function does a small amount of work, doesn't enter any other thunks and then returns. eg entering a known constructor (but semitagging will catch this) - Adds complications @ \item Update in place This lets us drop CONST closures and CHARLIKE closures (assuming we don't support Unicode). The only point of these closures was to avoid updating with an indirection. We also drop @MIN_UPD_SIZE@ --- all we need is space to insert an indirection or a black hole. \item STATIC SMReps are now called CONST \item @SM_MUTVAR@ is new \item The profiling ``kind'' field is now encoded in the @INFO_TYPE@ field. This identifies the general sort of the closure for profiling purposes. \item Various papers describe deleting update frames for unreachable objects. This has never been implemented and we don't plan to anytime soon. \end{itemize} \section{Old tricks} @CAF@ indirections: These are statically defined closures which have been updated with a heap-allocated result. Initially these are exactly the same as a @STATIC@ closure but with special entry code. On entering the closure the entry code must: \begin{itemize} \item Allocate a black hole in the heap which will be updated with the result. \item Overwrite the static closure with a special @CAF@ indirection. \item Link the static indirection onto the list of updated @CAF@s. \end{itemize} The indirection and the link field require the initial @STATIC@ closure to be of at least size @MIN_UPD_SIZE@ (excluding the fixed header). @CAF@s are treated as special garbage collection roots. These roots are explicitly collected by the garbage collector, since they may appear in code even if they are not linked with the main heap. They consequently represent potentially enormous space-leaks. A @CAF@ closure retains a fixed location in statically allocated data space. When updated, the contents of the @CAF@ indirection are changed to reflect the new closure. @CAF@ indirections require special garbage collection code. \section{Old stuff about SRTs} \ToDo{Commented out} \iffalse Garbage collection of @CAF@s is tricky. We have to cope with explicit collection from the @CAFlist@ as well as potential references from the stack and heap which will cause the @CAF@ evacuation code to be called. They are treated like indirections which are shorted out. However they must also be updated to point to the new location of the new closure as the @CAF@ may still be used by references which reside in the code. {\bf Copying Collection} A first scheme might use evacuation code which evacuates the reference and updates the indirection. This is no good as subsequent evacuations will result in an already evacuated closure being evacuated. This will leave a forward reference in to-space! An alternative scheme evacuates the @CAFlist@ first. The closures referenced are evacuated and the @CAF@ indirection updated to point to the evacuated closure. The @CAF@ evacuation code simply returns the updated indirection pointer --- the pointer to the evacuated closure. Unfortunately the closure the @CAF@ references may be a static closure, in fact, it may be another @CAF@. This will cause the second @CAF@'s evacuation code to be called before the @CAF@ has been evacuated, returning an unevacuated pointer. Another scheme leaves updating the @CAF@ indirections to the end of the garbage collection. All the references are evacuated and scavenged as usual (including the @CAFlist@). Once collection is complete the @CAFlist@ is traversed updating the @CAF@ references with the result of evacuating the referenced closure again. This will immediately return as it must be a forward reference, a static closure, or a @CAF@ which will indirect by evacuating its reference. The crux of the problem is that the @CAF@ evacuation code needs to know if its reference has already been evacuated and updated. If not, then the reference can be evacuated, updated and returned safely (possibly evacuating another @CAF@). If it has, then the updated reference can be returned. This can be done using two @CAF@ info-tables. At the start of a collection the @CAFlist@ is traversed and set to an internal {\em evacuate and update} info-table. During collection, evacution of such a @CAF@ also results in the info-table being reset back to the standard @CAF@ info-table. Thus subsequent evacuations will simply return the updated reference. On completion of the collection all @CAF@s will have {\em return reference} info-tables again. This is the scheme we adopt. A @CAF@ indirection has evacuation code which returns the evacuated and updated reference. During garbage collection, all the @CAF@s are overwritten with an internal @CAF@ info table which has evacuation code which performs this evacuate and update and restores the original @CAF@ code. At some point during the collection we must ensure that all the @CAF@s are indeed evacuated. The only potential problem with this scheme is a cyclic list of @CAF@s all directly referencing (possibly via indirections) another @CAF@! Evacuation of the first @CAF@ will fail in an infinite loop of @CAF@ evacuations. This is solved by ensuring that the @CAF@ info-table is updated to a {\em return reference} info-table before performing the evacuate and update. If this {\em return reference} evacuation code is called before the actual evacuation is complete it must be because such a cycle of references exists. Returning the still unevacuated reference is OK --- all the @CAF@s will now reference the same @CAF@ which will reference itself! Construction of such a structure indicates the program must be in an infinite loop. {\bf Compacting Collector} When shorting out a @CAF@, its reference must be marked. A first attempt might explicitly mark the @CAF@s, updating the reference with the marked reference (possibly short circuting indirections). The actual @CAF@ marking code can indicate that they have already been marked (though this might not have actually been done yet) and return the indirection pointer so it is shorted out. Unfortunately the @CAF@ reference might point to an indirection which will be subsequently shorted out. Rather than returning the @CAF@ reference we treat the @CAF@ as an indirection, calling the mark code of the reference, which will return the appropriately shorted reference. Problem: Cyclic list of @CAF@s all directly referencing (possibly via indirections) another @CAF@! Before compacting, the locations of the @CAF@ references are explicitly linked to the closures they reference (if they reference heap allocated closures) so that the compacting process will update them to the closure's new location. Unfortunately these locations' @CAF@ indirections are static. This causes premature termination since the test to find the info pointer at the end of the location list will match more than one value. This can be solved by using an auxiliary dynamic array (on the top of the A stack). One location for each @CAF@ indirection is linked to the closure that the @CAF@ references. Once collection is complete this array is traversed and the corresponding @CAF@ is then updated with the updated pointer from the auxiliary array. It is possible to use an alternative marking scheme, using a similar idea to the copying solution. This scheme avoids the need to update the @CAF@ references explicitly. We introduce an auxillary {\em mark and update} @CAF@ info-table which is used to update all @CAF@s at the start of a collection. The new code marks the @CAF@ reference, updating it with the returned reference. The returned reference is itself returned so the @CAF@ is shorted out. The code also modifies the @CAF@ info-table to be a {\em return reference}. Subsequent attempts to mark the @CAF@ simply return the updated reference. A cyclic @CAF@ reference will result in an attempt to mark the @CAF@ before the marking has been completed and the reference updated. We cannot start marking the @CAF@ as it is already being marked. Nor can we return the reference as it has not yet been updated. Neither can we treat the CAF as an indirection since the @CAF@ reference has been obscured by the pointer reversal stack. All we can do is return the @CAF@ itself. This will result in some @CAF@ references not being shorted out. This scheme has not been adopted but has been implemented. The code is commented out with @#if 0@. \fi \subsection{The virtual register set} \ToDo{Commented out} \iffalse We refer to any (atomic) part of the virtual machine state as a ``register.'' These ``registers'' may be shared between all threads in the system or may be specific to each thread. Global: @ Hp HpLim Thread preemption flag @ Thread specific: @ TSO - pointer to the TSO for when we have to pack thread away Sp SpLim Su - used to calculate number of arguments on stack - this is a more convenient representation Call/return registers (aka General purpose registers) Cost centre (and other debug/profile info) Statistic gathering (not in production system) Exception handlers Heap overflow - possible global? Stack overflow - possibly global? Pattern match failure maybe a failWith handler? maybe an exitWith handler? ... @ Some of these virtual ``registers'' are used very frequently and should be mapped onto machine registers if at all possible. Others are used very infrequently and can be kept in memory to free up registers for other uses. On register-poor architectures, we can play a few tricks to reduce the number of virtual registers which need to be accessed on a regular basis: @ - HpLim trick - Grow stack and heap towards each other (single-threaded system only) - We might need to keep the C stack pointer in a register if that is what the OS expects when a signal occurs. - Preemption flag trick - If any of the frequently accessed registers cannot be mapped onto machine registers we should keep the TSO in a machine register to allow faster access to all the other non-machine registers. @ \fi \end{document}