{ module ParseIface ( parseIface, IfaceStuff(..) ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import HsSyn -- quite a bit of stuff import RdrHsSyn -- oodles of synonyms import HsDecls ( HsIdInfo(..), HsStrictnessInfo(..) ) import HsTypes ( mkHsForAllTy ) import HsCore import Const ( Literal(..), mkMachInt_safe ) import BasicTypes ( Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), NewOrData(..), Version ) import CostCentre ( CostCentre(..), IsCafCC(..), IsDupdCC(..) ) import HsPragmas ( noDataPragmas, noClassPragmas ) import Type ( Kind, mkArrowKind, boxedTypeKind, openTypeKind ) import IdInfo ( ArityInfo, exactArity, CprInfo(..) ) import Lex import RnMonad ( ImportVersion, LocalVersion, ParsedIface(..), WhatsImported(..), RdrNamePragma, ExportItem, RdrAvailInfo, GenAvailInfo(..) ) import Bag ( emptyBag, unitBag, snocBag ) import FiniteMap ( emptyFM, unitFM, addToFM, plusFM, bagToFM, FiniteMap ) import RdrName ( RdrName, mkRdrUnqual, mkSysQual, mkSysUnqual ) import Name ( OccName, Provenance ) import OccName ( mkSysOccFS, tcName, varName, dataName, clsName, tvName, EncodedFS ) import Module ( Module, mkSysModuleFS, IfaceFlavour, hiFile, hiBootFile ) import PrelMods ( mkTupNameStr, mkUbxTupNameStr ) import PrelInfo ( mkTupConRdrName, mkUbxTupConRdrName ) import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc ) import Maybes import Outputable import GlaExts #if __HASKELL1__ > 4 import Ratio ( (%) ) #endif } %name parseIface %tokentype { IfaceToken } %monad { IfM }{ thenIf }{ returnIf } %lexer { lexIface } { ITeof } %token 'case' { ITcase } -- Haskell keywords 'class' { ITclass } 'data' { ITdata } 'default' { ITdefault } 'deriving' { ITderiving } 'do' { ITdo } 'else' { ITelse } 'if' { ITif } 'import' { ITimport } 'in' { ITin } 'infix' { ITinfix } 'infixl' { ITinfixl } 'infixr' { ITinfixr } 'instance' { ITinstance } 'let' { ITlet } 'module' { ITmodule } 'newtype' { ITnewtype } 'of' { ITof } 'then' { ITthen } 'type' { ITtype } 'where' { ITwhere } 'as' { ITas } 'qualified' { ITqualified } 'hiding' { IThiding } '__interface' { ITinterface } -- GHC-extension keywords '__export' { ITexport } '__instimport' { ITinstimport } '__forall' { ITforall } '__letrec' { ITletrec } '__coerce' { ITcoerce } '__inline' { ITinline } '__DEFAULT' { ITdefaultbranch } '__bot' { ITbottom } '__integer' { ITinteger_lit } '__float' { ITfloat_lit } '__rational' { ITrational_lit } '__addr' { ITaddr_lit } '__litlit' { ITlit_lit } '__string' { ITstring_lit } '__ccall' { ITccall $$ } '__scc' { ITscc } '__sccC' { ITsccAllCafs } '__A' { ITarity } '__P' { ITspecialise } '__C' { ITnocaf } '__U' { ITunfold $$ } '__S' { ITstrict $$ } '__M' { ITcprinfo $$ } '..' { ITdotdot } -- reserved symbols '::' { ITdcolon } '=' { ITequal } '\\' { ITlam } '|' { ITvbar } '<-' { ITlarrow } '->' { ITrarrow } '@' { ITat } '~' { ITtilde } '=>' { ITdarrow } '-' { ITminus } '!' { ITbang } '/\\' { ITbiglam } -- GHC-extension symbols '{' { ITocurly } -- special symbols '}' { ITccurly } '[' { ITobrack } ']' { ITcbrack } '(' { IToparen } ')' { ITcparen } '(#' { IToubxparen } '#)' { ITcubxparen } ';' { ITsemi } ',' { ITcomma } VARID { ITvarid $$ } -- identifiers CONID { ITconid $$ } VARSYM { ITvarsym $$ } CONSYM { ITconsym $$ } QVARID { ITqvarid $$ } QCONID { ITqconid $$ } QVARSYM { ITqvarsym $$ } QCONSYM { ITqconsym $$ } PRAGMA { ITpragma $$ } CHAR { ITchar $$ } STRING { ITstring $$ } INTEGER { ITinteger $$ } RATIONAL { ITrational $$ } UNKNOWN { ITunknown $$ } %% -- iface_stuff is the main production. -- It recognises (a) a whole interface file -- (b) a type (so that type sigs can be parsed lazily) -- (c) the IdInfo part of a signature (same reason) iface_stuff :: { IfaceStuff } iface_stuff : iface { let (nm, iff) = $1 in PIface nm iff } | type { PType $1 } | id_info { PIdInfo $1 } iface :: { (EncodedFS, ParsedIface) } iface : '__interface' mod_fs INTEGER checkVersion 'where' import_part instance_import_part exports_part instance_decl_part decls_part { ( $2 -- Module name , ParsedIface (fromInteger $3) -- Module version (reverse $6) -- Usages (reverse $8) -- Exports (reverse $7) -- Instance import modules (reverse $10) -- Decls (reverse $9) -- Local instances ) } -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import_part :: { [ImportVersion OccName] } import_part : { [] } | import_part import_decl { $2 : $1 } import_decl :: { ImportVersion OccName } import_decl : 'import' mod_fs opt_bang INTEGER '::' whats_imported ';' { (mkSysModuleFS $2 $3, fromInteger $4, $6) } whats_imported :: { WhatsImported OccName } whats_imported : { Everything } | name_version_pair name_version_pairs { Specifically ($1:$2) } name_version_pairs :: { [LocalVersion OccName] } name_version_pairs : { [] } | name_version_pair name_version_pairs { $1 : $2 } name_version_pair :: { LocalVersion OccName } name_version_pair : var_occ INTEGER { ($1, fromInteger $2) } | tc_occ INTEGER { ($1, fromInteger $2) } instance_import_part :: { [Module] } instance_import_part : { [] } | instance_import_part '__instimport' mod_name ';' { $3 : $1 } -------------------------------------------------------------------------- exports_part :: { [ExportItem] } exports_part : { [] } | exports_part '__export' opt_bang mod_fs entities ';' { (mkSysModuleFS $4 $3,$5) : $1 } opt_bang :: { IfaceFlavour } opt_bang : { hiFile } | '!' { hiBootFile } entities :: { [RdrAvailInfo] } entities : { [] } | entity entities { $1 : $2 } entity :: { RdrAvailInfo } entity : tc_occ { AvailTC $1 [$1] } | var_occ { Avail $1 } | tc_occ stuff_inside { AvailTC $1 ($1:$2) } | tc_occ '|' stuff_inside { AvailTC $1 $3 } stuff_inside :: { [OccName] } stuff_inside : '{' val_occs '}' { $2 } val_occ :: { OccName } : var_occ { $1 } | data_occ { $1 } val_occs :: { [OccName] } : val_occ { [$1] } | val_occ val_occs { $1 : $2 } -------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixity :: { FixityDirection } fixity : 'infixl' { InfixL } | 'infixr' { InfixR } | 'infix' { InfixN } mb_fix :: { Int } mb_fix : {-nothing-} { 9 } | INTEGER { (fromInteger $1) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- csigs :: { [RdrNameSig] } csigs : { [] } | 'where' '{' csigs1 '}' { $3 } csigs1 :: { [RdrNameSig] } csigs1 : csig { [$1] } | csig ';' csigs1 { $1 : $3 } csig :: { RdrNameSig } csig : src_loc var_name '::' type { ClassOpSig $2 Nothing $4 $1 } | src_loc var_name '=' '::' type { ClassOpSig $2 (Just (error "Un-filled-in default method")) $5 $1 } -------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance_decl_part :: { [RdrNameInstDecl] } instance_decl_part : {- empty -} { [] } | instance_decl_part inst_decl { $2 : $1 } inst_decl :: { RdrNameInstDecl } inst_decl : src_loc 'instance' type '=' var_name ';' { InstDecl $3 EmptyMonoBinds {- No bindings -} [] {- No user pragmas -} (Just $5) {- Dfun id -} $1 } -------------------------------------------------------------------------- decls_part :: { [(Version, RdrNameHsDecl)] } decls_part : {- empty -} { [] } | decls_part version decl ';' { ($2,$3):$1 } decl :: { RdrNameHsDecl } decl : src_loc var_name '::' type maybe_idinfo { SigD (IfaceSig $2 $4 ($5 $2) $1) } | src_loc 'type' tc_name tv_bndrs '=' type { TyClD (TySynonym $3 $4 $6 $1) } | src_loc 'data' decl_context tc_name tv_bndrs constrs { TyClD (TyData DataType $3 $4 $5 $6 Nothing noDataPragmas $1) } | src_loc 'newtype' decl_context tc_name tv_bndrs newtype_constr { TyClD (TyData NewType $3 $4 $5 $6 Nothing noDataPragmas $1) } | src_loc 'class' decl_context tc_name tv_bndrs csigs { TyClD (mkClassDecl $3 $4 $5 $6 EmptyMonoBinds noClassPragmas $1) } | src_loc fixity mb_fix var_or_data_name { FixD (FixitySig $4 (Fixity $3 $2) $1) } maybe_idinfo :: { RdrName -> [HsIdInfo RdrName] } maybe_idinfo : {- empty -} { \_ -> [] } | src_loc PRAGMA { \x -> case parseIface $2 $1 of Succeeded (PIdInfo id_info) -> id_info Failed err -> pprPanic "IdInfo parse failed" (vcat [ppr x, err]) } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- version :: { Version } version : INTEGER { fromInteger $1 } decl_context :: { RdrNameContext } decl_context : { [] } | '{' context_list1 '}' '=>' { $2 } ---------------------------------------------------------------- constrs :: { [RdrNameConDecl] {- empty for handwritten abstract -} } : { [] } | '=' constrs1 { $2 } constrs1 :: { [RdrNameConDecl] } constrs1 : constr { [$1] } | constr '|' constrs1 { $1 : $3 } constr :: { RdrNameConDecl } constr : src_loc ex_stuff data_name batypes { mkConDecl $3 $2 (VanillaCon $4) $1 } | src_loc ex_stuff data_name '{' fields1 '}' { mkConDecl $3 $2 (RecCon $5) $1 } -- We use "data_fs" so as to include () newtype_constr :: { [RdrNameConDecl] {- Empty if handwritten abstract -} } newtype_constr : { [] } | src_loc '=' ex_stuff data_name atype { [mkConDecl $4 $3 (NewCon $5 Nothing) $1] } | src_loc '=' ex_stuff data_name '{' var_name '::' atype '}' { [mkConDecl $4 $3 (NewCon $8 (Just $6)) $1] } ex_stuff :: { ([HsTyVar RdrName], RdrNameContext) } ex_stuff : { ([],[]) } | '__forall' forall context '=>' { ($2,$3) } batypes :: { [RdrNameBangType] } batypes : { [] } | batype batypes { $1 : $2 } batype :: { RdrNameBangType } batype : atype { Unbanged $1 } | '!' atype { Banged $2 } | '!' '!' atype { Unpacked $3 } fields1 :: { [([RdrName], RdrNameBangType)] } fields1 : field { [$1] } | field ',' fields1 { $1 : $3 } field :: { ([RdrName], RdrNameBangType) } field : var_names1 '::' type { ($1, Unbanged $3) } | var_names1 '::' '!' type { ($1, Banged $4) } | var_names1 '::' '!' '!' type { ($1, Unpacked $5) } -------------------------------------------------------------------------- type :: { RdrNameHsType } type : '__forall' forall context '=>' type { mkHsForAllTy $2 $3 $5 } | btype '->' type { MonoFunTy $1 $3 } | btype { $1 } forall :: { [HsTyVar RdrName] } forall : '[' tv_bndrs ']' { $2 } context :: { RdrNameContext } context : { [] } | '{' context_list1 '}' { $2 } context_list1 :: { RdrNameContext } context_list1 : class { [$1] } | class ',' context_list1 { $1 : $3 } class :: { (RdrName, [RdrNameHsType]) } class : qcls_name atypes { ($1, $2) } types2 :: { [RdrNameHsType] {- Two or more -} } types2 : type ',' type { [$1,$3] } | type ',' types2 { $1 : $3 } btype :: { RdrNameHsType } btype : atype { $1 } | btype atype { MonoTyApp $1 $2 } atype :: { RdrNameHsType } atype : qtc_name { MonoTyVar $1 } | tv_name { MonoTyVar $1 } | '(' types2 ')' { MonoTupleTy $2 True{-boxed-} } | '(#' type '#)' { MonoTupleTy [$2] False{-unboxed-} } | '(#' types2 '#)' { MonoTupleTy $2 False{-unboxed-} } | '[' type ']' { MonoListTy $2 } | '{' qcls_name atypes '}' { MonoDictTy $2 $3 } | '(' type ')' { $2 } -- This one is dealt with via qtc_name -- | '(' ')' { MonoTupleTy [] True } atypes :: { [RdrNameHsType] {- Zero or more -} } atypes : { [] } | atype atypes { $1 : $2 } --------------------------------------------------------------------- mod_fs :: { EncodedFS } : CONID { $1 } mod_name :: { Module } : mod_fs { mkSysModuleFS $1 hiFile } --------------------------------------------------- var_fs :: { EncodedFS } : VARID { $1 } | VARSYM { $1 } | '-' { SLIT("-") } | '!' { SLIT("!") } qvar_fs :: { (EncodedFS, EncodedFS, IfaceFlavour) } : QVARID { $1 } | QVARSYM { $1 } var_occ :: { OccName } : var_fs { mkSysOccFS varName $1 } var_name :: { RdrName } var_name : var_occ { mkRdrUnqual $1 } qvar_name :: { RdrName } qvar_name : var_name { $1 } | qvar_fs { mkSysQual varName $1 } var_names :: { [RdrName] } var_names : { [] } | var_name var_names { $1 : $2 } var_names1 :: { [RdrName] } var_names1 : var_name var_names { $1 : $2 } --------------------------------------------------- -- For some bizarre reason, -- (,,,) is dealt with by the parser -- Foo.(,,,) is dealt with by the lexer -- Sigh data_fs :: { EncodedFS } : CONID { $1 } | CONSYM { $1 } qdata_fs :: { (EncodedFS, EncodedFS, IfaceFlavour) } : QCONID { $1 } | QCONSYM { $1 } data_occ :: { OccName } : data_fs { mkSysOccFS dataName $1 } data_name :: { RdrName } : data_occ { mkRdrUnqual $1 } qdata_name :: { RdrName } qdata_name : data_name { $1 } | qdata_fs { mkSysQual dataName $1 } qdata_names :: { [RdrName] } qdata_names : { [] } | qdata_name qdata_names { $1 : $2 } var_or_data_name :: { RdrName } : var_name { $1 } | data_name { $1 } --------------------------------------------------- tc_fs :: { EncodedFS } : data_fs { $1 } tc_occ :: { OccName } : tc_fs { mkSysOccFS tcName $1 } tc_name :: { RdrName } : tc_occ { mkRdrUnqual $1 } qtc_name :: { RdrName } : tc_name { $1 } | qdata_fs { mkSysQual tcName $1 } --------------------------------------------------- cls_name :: { RdrName } : data_fs { mkSysUnqual clsName $1 } qcls_name :: { RdrName } : cls_name { $1 } | qdata_fs { mkSysQual clsName $1 } --------------------------------------------------- tv_name :: { RdrName } : VARID { mkSysUnqual tvName $1 } | VARSYM { mkSysUnqual tvName $1 {- Allow t2 as a tyvar -} } tv_bndr :: { HsTyVar RdrName } : tv_name '::' akind { IfaceTyVar $1 $3 } | tv_name { IfaceTyVar $1 boxedTypeKind } tv_bndrs :: { [HsTyVar RdrName] } : { [] } | tv_bndr tv_bndrs { $1 : $2 } --------------------------------------------------- kind :: { Kind } : akind { $1 } | akind '->' kind { mkArrowKind $1 $3 } akind :: { Kind } : VARSYM { if $1 == SLIT("*") then boxedTypeKind else if $1 == SLIT("?") then openTypeKind else panic "ParseInterface: akind" } | '(' kind ')' { $2 } -------------------------------------------------------------------------- id_info :: { [HsIdInfo RdrName] } : { [] } | id_info_item id_info { $1 : $2 } | strict_info id_info { $1 ++ $2 } id_info_item :: { HsIdInfo RdrName } : '__A' arity_info { HsArity $2 } | '__U' core_expr { HsUnfold $1 (Just $2) } | '__U' { HsUnfold $1 Nothing } | '__P' spec_tvs atypes '=' core_expr { HsSpecialise $2 $3 $5 } | '__C' { HsNoCafRefs } strict_info :: { [HsIdInfo RdrName] } : cpr worker { ($1:$2) } | strict worker { ($1:$2) } | cpr strict worker { ($1:$2:$3) } cpr :: { HsIdInfo RdrName } : '__M' { HsCprInfo $1 } strict :: { HsIdInfo RdrName } : '__S' { HsStrictness (HsStrictnessInfo $1) } worker :: { [HsIdInfo RdrName] } : qvar_name '{' qdata_names '}' { [HsWorker $1 $3] } | qvar_name { [HsWorker $1 []] } | {- nothing -} { [] } spec_tvs :: { [HsTyVar RdrName] } : '[' tv_bndrs ']' { $2 } arity_info :: { ArityInfo } : INTEGER { exactArity (fromInteger $1) } ------------------------------------------------------- core_expr :: { UfExpr RdrName } core_expr : '\\' core_bndrs '->' core_expr { foldr UfLam $4 $2 } | 'case' core_expr 'of' var_name '{' core_alts '}' { UfCase $2 $4 $6 } | 'let' '{' core_val_bndr '=' core_expr '}' 'in' core_expr { UfLet (UfNonRec $3 $5) $8 } | '__letrec' '{' rec_binds '}' 'in' core_expr { UfLet (UfRec $3) $6 } | con_or_primop '{' core_args '}' { UfCon $1 $3 } | '__litlit' STRING atype { UfCon (UfLitLitCon $2 $3) [] } | '__inline' core_expr { UfNote UfInlineCall $2 } | '__coerce' atype core_expr { UfNote (UfCoerce $2) $3 } | scc core_expr { UfNote (UfSCC $1) $2 } | fexpr { $1 } fexpr :: { UfExpr RdrName } fexpr : fexpr core_arg { UfApp $1 $2 } | core_aexpr { $1 } core_arg :: { UfExpr RdrName } : '@' atype { UfType $2 } | core_aexpr { $1 } core_args :: { [UfExpr RdrName] } : { [] } | core_arg core_args { $1 : $2 } core_aexpr :: { UfExpr RdrName } -- Atomic expressions core_aexpr : qvar_name { UfVar $1 } | qdata_name { UfVar $1 } -- This one means that e.g. "True" will parse as -- (UfVar True_Id) rather than (UfCon True_Con []). -- No big deal; it'll be inlined in a jiffy. I tried -- parsing it to (Con con []) directly, but got bitten -- when a real constructor Id showed up in an interface -- file. As usual, a hack bites you in the end. -- If you want to get a UfCon, then use the -- curly-bracket notation (True {}). | core_lit { UfCon (UfLitCon $1) [] } | '(' core_expr ')' { $2 } | '(' comma_exprs2 ')' { UfTuple (mkTupConRdrName (length $2)) $2 } | '(#' core_expr '#)' { UfTuple (mkUbxTupConRdrName 1) [$2] } | '(#' comma_exprs2 '#)' { UfTuple (mkUbxTupConRdrName (length $2)) $2 } -- This one is dealt with by qdata_name: see above comments -- | '(' ')' { UfTuple (mkTupConRdrName 0) [] } comma_exprs2 :: { [UfExpr RdrName] } -- Two or more comma_exprs2 : core_expr ',' core_expr { [$1,$3] } | core_expr ',' comma_exprs2 { $1 : $3 } con_or_primop :: { UfCon RdrName } con_or_primop : qdata_name { UfDataCon $1 } | qvar_name { UfPrimOp $1 } | '__ccall' ccall_string { let (is_dyn, is_casm, may_gc) = $1 in UfCCallOp $2 is_dyn is_casm may_gc } rec_binds :: { [(UfBinder RdrName, UfExpr RdrName)] } : { [] } | core_val_bndr '=' core_expr ';' rec_binds { ($1,$3) : $5 } core_alts :: { [UfAlt RdrName] } : core_alt { [$1] } | core_alt ';' core_alts { $1 : $3 } core_alt :: { UfAlt RdrName } core_alt : core_pat '->' core_expr { (fst $1, snd $1, $3) } core_pat :: { (UfCon RdrName, [RdrName]) } core_pat : core_lit { (UfLitCon $1, []) } | '__litlit' STRING atype { (UfLitLitCon $2 $3, []) } | qdata_name var_names { (UfDataCon $1, $2) } | '(' comma_var_names1 ')' { (UfDataCon (mkTupConRdrName (length $2)), $2) } | '(#' comma_var_names1 '#)' { (UfDataCon (mkUbxTupConRdrName (length $2)), $2) } | '__DEFAULT' { (UfDefault, []) } | '(' core_pat ')' { $2 } comma_var_names1 :: { [RdrName] } -- One or more comma_var_names1 : var_name { [$1] } | var_name ',' comma_var_names1 { $1 : $3 } core_lit :: { Literal } core_lit : INTEGER { mkMachInt_safe $1 } | CHAR { MachChar $1 } | STRING { MachStr $1 } | '__string' STRING { NoRepStr $2 (panic "NoRepStr type") } | RATIONAL { MachDouble $1 } | '__float' RATIONAL { MachFloat $2 } | '__integer' INTEGER { NoRepInteger $2 (panic "NoRepInteger type") -- The type checker will add the types } | '__rational' INTEGER INTEGER { NoRepRational ($2 % $3) (panic "NoRepRational type") -- The type checker will add the type } | '__addr' INTEGER { MachAddr $2 } core_bndr :: { UfBinder RdrName } core_bndr : core_val_bndr { $1 } | core_tv_bndr { $1 } core_bndrs :: { [UfBinder RdrName] } core_bndrs : { [] } | core_bndr core_bndrs { $1 : $2 } core_val_bndr :: { UfBinder RdrName } core_val_bndr : var_name '::' atype { UfValBinder $1 $3 } core_tv_bndr :: { UfBinder RdrName } core_tv_bndr : '@' tv_name '::' akind { UfTyBinder $2 $4 } | '@' tv_name { UfTyBinder $2 boxedTypeKind } ccall_string :: { FAST_STRING } : STRING { $1 } | VARID { $1 } | CONID { $1 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ scc :: { CostCentre } : '__sccC' '{' mod_name STRING '}' { AllCafsCC $3 $4 } | '__scc' '{' cc_name mod_name STRING cc_dup cc_caf '}' { NormalCC { cc_name = $3, cc_mod = $4, cc_grp = $5, cc_is_dupd = $6, cc_is_caf = $7 } } cc_name :: { EncodedFS } : CONID { $1 } | VARID { $1 } cc_dup :: { IsDupdCC } cc_dup : { OriginalCC } | '!' { DupdCC } cc_caf :: { IsCafCC } : { NotCafCC } | '__C' { CafCC } ------------------------------------------------------------------- src_loc :: { SrcLoc } src_loc : {% getSrcLocIf } checkVersion :: { () } : {-empty-} {% checkVersion Nothing } | INTEGER {% checkVersion (Just (fromInteger $1)) } ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Haskell code { data IfaceStuff = PIface EncodedFS{-.hi module name-} ParsedIface | PIdInfo [HsIdInfo RdrName] | PType RdrNameHsType mkConDecl name (ex_tvs, ex_ctxt) details loc = ConDecl name ex_tvs ex_ctxt details loc }