ds004.hs:6: Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns in the definition of function `nodups' ================================================================================ Desugared: Rec { nodups{-r3j,x-} :: _forall_ [t{-aGj-}] => {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-aGj-}} -> [t{-aGj-}] -> [t{-aGj-}] {-# L #-} nodups{-r3j,x-} = _/\_ t{-aGj-} -> \ d.Eq_aGz :: {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-aGj-}} {-# L #-} d.Eq_aGz -> _letrec_ { ==_aJI :: t{-aGj-} -> t{-aGj-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-} {-# L #-} ==_aJI = PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-} _@_ t{-aGj-} d.Eq_aGz; nodups_aG4 :: [t{-aGj-}] -> [t{-aGj-}] {-# L #-} nodups_aG4 = \ ds_dK8 :: [t{-aGj-}] {-# L #-} ds_dK8 -> let { fail_dK9 :: [t{-aGj-}] {-# L #-} fail_dK9 = GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-} _@_ [t{-aGj-}] _string_ "ds004.hs:6|function `nodups'" } in case ds_dK8 of { PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} -> PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} _@_ t{-aGj-}; PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x_r3e ds_dKq -> case ds_dKq of { PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} -> let { ds_dKG :: [t{-aGj-}] {-# L #-} ds_dKG = PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} {_@_ t{-aGj-}} } in PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} {_@_ t{-aGj-} x_r3e ds_dKG}; PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x_r3h xs_r3i -> let { y_r3g :: t{-aGj-} {-# L #-} y_r3g = x_r3e } in case ==_aJI y_r3g x_r3h of { PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} -> let { ds_dLd :: [t{-aGj-}] {-# L #-} ds_dLd = PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} _@_ t{-aGj-} x_r3h xs_r3i } in nodups_aG4 ds_dLd; PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} -> let { ds_dLF :: [t{-aGj-}] {-# L #-} ds_dLF = let { ds_dLN :: [t{-aGj-}] {-# L #-} ds_dLN = PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} _@_ t{-aGj-} x_r3h xs_r3i } in nodups_aG4 ds_dLN } in PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} _@_ t{-aGj-} y_r3g ds_dLF; }; }; }; } in nodups_aG4 end Rec }