================================================================================ Desugared: f{-r3h,x-} :: _forall_ [t{-aY1-} t{-aYi-}] => {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} t{-aY1-}} -> {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aY1-}} -> t{-aYi-} -> t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} f{-r3h,x-} = _/\_ t{-aY1-} t{-aYi-} -> \ d.Ord_aYk :: {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} t{-aY1-}} {-# L #-} d.Ord_aYk d.Num_aYn :: {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aY1-}} {-# L #-} d.Num_aYn -> let { <_a137 :: t{-aY1-} -> t{-aY1-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-} {-# L #-} <_a137 = PrelBase.<{-rcJ,p-} _@_ t{-aY1-} d.Ord_aYk } in let { fromInt_a136 :: PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} fromInt_a136 = PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-} _@_ t{-aY1-} d.Num_aYn } in let { lit_a135 :: t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} lit_a135 = let { ds_d13v :: PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} {-# L #-} ds_d13v = PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i} 0 } in fromInt_a136 ds_d13v } in let { fromInt_a134 :: PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} fromInt_a134 = fromInt_a136 } in let { lit_a133 :: t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} lit_a133 = let { ds_d13K :: PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} {-# L #-} ds_d13K = PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i} 1 } in fromInt_a134 ds_d13K } in let { d.Ord_aYq :: {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} t{-aY1-}} {-# L #-} d.Ord_aYq = d.Ord_aYk } in let { >_a132 :: t{-aY1-} -> t{-aY1-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-} {-# L #-} >_a132 = PrelBase.>{-rcL,p-} _@_ t{-aY1-} d.Ord_aYq } in let { fromInt_a131 :: PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} fromInt_a131 = fromInt_a136 } in let { lit_a130 :: t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} lit_a130 = let { ds_d148 :: PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} {-# L #-} ds_d148 = PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i} 2 } in fromInt_a131 ds_d148 } in let { fromInt_a12Z :: PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} fromInt_a12Z = fromInt_a136 } in let { lit_a12W :: t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} lit_a12W = let { ds_d14n :: PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} {-# L #-} ds_d14n = PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i} 3 } in fromInt_a12Z ds_d14n } in \ x_r3d :: t{-aYi-} {-# L #-} x_r3d -> _letrec_ { lit_a14F :: t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} lit_a14F = lit_a133; lit_a14H :: t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} lit_a14H = lit_a130; ds_d14Q :: (t{-aY1-}, t{-aY1-}) {-# L #-} ds_d14Q = case <_a137 y_aXx z_aXy of { PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} -> PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} {_@_ t{-aY1-} _@_ t{-aY1-} lit_a135 lit_a133}; PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} -> case >_a132 y_aXx z_aXy of { PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} -> PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} {_@_ t{-aY1-} _@_ t{-aY1-} lit_a14F lit_a130}; PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} -> PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} {_@_ t{-aY1-} _@_ t{-aY1-} lit_a14H lit_a12W}; }; }; y_aXx :: t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} y_aXx = case ds_d14Q of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} y_aXx z_aXy -> y_aXx;}; z_aXy :: t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} z_aXy = case ds_d14Q of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} y_aXx z_aXy -> z_aXy;}; y_r3f :: t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} y_r3f = y_aXx; z_r3g :: t{-aY1-} {-# L #-} z_r3g = z_aXy; } in y_r3f