Renamer stats: 5 interfaces read 0 class decls imported, out of 17 read 0 data decls imported (of which 0 abstractly), out of 9 read 0 newtype decls imported (of which 0 abstractly), out of 0 read 0 type synonym decls imported, out of 5 read 0 value signatures imported, out of 1098 read 0 instance decls imported, out of 114 read ================================================================================ Renamer: module Test where {- nonrec -} i{-r3r,x-} x_r3m y_r3o z_r3q = x_r3m {- nonrec -} h{-r3s,x-} x_r3i y_r3k = x_r3i {- nonrec -} g{-r3t,x-} x_r3g = x_r3g {- nonrec -} f{-r3u,x-} = PrelBase.[]{-5i,i-}