The GHC Commentary - The Native Code Generator

On x86 and sparc platforms, GHC can generate assembly code directly, without having to go via C. This can sometimes almost halve compilation time, and avoids the fragility and horribleness of the mangler. The NCG is enabled by default for non-optimising compilation on x86 and sparc. For most programs it generates code which runs only about 1% slower than that created by gcc on x86s, so it is well worth using even with optimised compilation. FP-intensive x86 programs see a bigger slowdown, and all sparc code runs about 5% slower due to us not filling branch delay slots.

In the distant past the NCG could also generate Alpha code, and that machinery is still there, but will need extensive refurbishment to get it going again, due to underlying infrastructural changes. Budding hackers thinking of doing a PowerPC port would do well to use the sparc bits as a starting point.

The NCG has always been something of a second-class citizen inside GHC, an unloved child, rather. This means that its integration into the compiler as a whole is rather clumsy, which brings some problems described below. That apart, the NCG proper is fairly cleanly designed, as target-independent as it reasonably can be, and so should not be difficult to retarget.

The following details are correct as per the CVS head of end-Jan 2002.


The top-level code generator fn is

absCtoNat :: AbstractC -> UniqSM (SDoc, Pretty.Doc)

The returned SDoc is for debugging, so is empty unless you specify -ddump-stix. The Pretty.Doc bit is the final assembly code. Translation involves three main phases, the first and third of which are target-independent.

Complications, observations, and possible improvements

Real vs virtual registers in the instruction selectors

The instruction selectors for expression trees, namely getRegister, are complicated by the fact that some expressions can only be computed into a specific register, whereas the majority can be computed into any register. We take x86 as an example, but the problem applies to all archs.

Terminology: rreg means real register, a real machine register. vreg means one of an infinite set of virtual registers. The type Reg is the sum of rreg and vreg. The instruction selector generates sequences with unconstrained use of vregs, leaving the register allocator to map them all into rregs.

Now, where was I ? Oh yes. We return to the type of getRegister, which despite its name, selects instructions to compute the value of an expression tree.

   getRegister :: StixExpr -> NatM Register

   data Register
     = Fixed   PrimRep Reg InstrBlock
     | Any     PrimRep (Reg -> InstrBlock)

   type InstrBlock -- sequence of instructions
At first this looks eminently reasonable (apart from the stupid name). getRegister, and nobody else, knows whether or not a given expression has to be computed into a fixed rreg or can be computed into any rreg or vreg. In the first case, it returns Fixed and indicates which rreg the result is in. In the second case it defers committing to any specific target register by returning a function from Reg to InstrBlock, and the caller can specify the target reg as it sees fit.

Unfortunately, that forces getRegister's callers (usually itself) to use a clumsy and confusing idiom in the common case where they do not care what register the result winds up in. The reason is that although a value might be computed into a fixed rreg, we are forbidden (on pain of segmentation fault :) from subsequently modifying the fixed reg. This and other rules are record in "Rules of the game" inside MachCode.lhs.

Why can't fixed registers be modified post-hoc? Consider a simple expression like Hp+1. Since the heap pointer Hp is definitely in a fixed register, call it R, getRegister on subterm Hp will simply return Fixed with an empty sequence and R. But we can't just emit an increment instruction for R, because that trashes Hp; instead we first have to copy it into a fresh vreg and increment that.

With all that in mind, consider now writing a getRegister clause for terms of the form (1 + E). Contrived, yes, but illustrates the matter. First we do getRegister on E. Now we are forced to examine what comes back.

   getRegister (OnePlus e)
      = getRegister e           `thenNat`   \ e_result ->
        case e_result of
           Fixed e_code e_fixed 
              -> returnNat (Any IntRep (\dst -> e_code ++ [MOV e_fixed dst, INC dst]))
           Any e_any 
              -> Any (\dst -> e_any dst ++ [INC dst])
This seems unreasonably cumbersome, yet the instruction selector is full of such idioms. A good example of the complexities induced by this scheme is shown by trivialCode for x86 in MachCode.lhs. This deals with general integer dyadic operations on x86 and has numerous cases. It was difficult to get right.

An alternative suggestion is to simplify the type of getRegister to this:

   getRegister :: StixExpr -> NatM (InstrBloc, VReg)
   type VReg = .... a vreg ...
and then we could safely write
   getRegister (OnePlus e)
      = getRegister e        `thenNat`  \ (e_code, e_vreg) ->
        returnNat (e_code ++ [INC e_vreg], e_vreg)
which is about as straightforward as you could hope for. Unfortunately, it requires getRegister to insert moves of values which naturally compute into an rreg, into a vreg. Consider:
   1 + ccall some-C-fn
On x86 the ccall result is returned in rreg %eax. The resulting sequence, prior to register allocation, would be:
   # push args
   call some-C-fn
   # move %esp to nuke args
   movl   %eax, %vreg
   incl   %vreg
If, as is likely, %eax is not held live beyond this point for any other purpose, the move into a fresh register is pointless; we'd have been better off leaving the value in %eax as long as possible.

The simplified getRegister story is attractive. It would clean up the instruction selectors significantly and make it simpler to write new ones. The only drawback is that it generates redundant register moves. I suggest that eliminating these should be the job of the register allocator. Indeed:

Selecting insns for 64-bit values/loads/stores on 32-bit platforms

Note that this stuff doesn't apply on 64-bit archs, since the getRegister mechanism applies there. The relevant functions are:
   assignMem_I64Code :: StixExpr -> StixExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
   assignReg_I64Code :: StixReg  -> StixExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
   iselExpr64        :: StixExpr -> NatM ChildCode64

   data ChildCode64     -- a.k.a "Register64"
      = ChildCode64 
           InstrBlock   -- code
           VRegUnique   -- unique for the lower 32-bit temporary
iselExpr64 is the 64-bit, plausibly-named analogue of getRegister, and ChildCode64 is the analogue of Register. The aim here was to generate working 64 bit code as simply as possible. To this end, I used the simplified getRegister scheme described above, in which iselExpr64generates its results into two vregs which can always safely be modified afterwards. Virtual registers are, unsurprisingly, distinguished by their Uniques. There is a small difficulty in how to know what the vreg for the upper 32 bits of a value is, given the vreg for the lower 32 bits. The simple solution adopted is to say that any low-32 vreg may also have a hi-32 counterpart which shares the same unique, but is otherwise regarded as a separate entity. getHiVRegFromLo gets one from the other.
   data VRegUnique
      = VRegUniqueLo Unique          -- lower part of a split quantity
      | VRegUniqueHi Unique          -- upper part thereof
Apart from that, 64-bit code generation is really simple. The sparc and x86 versions are almost copy-n-pastes of each other, with minor adjustments for endianness. The generated code isn't wonderful but is certainly acceptable, and it works.

Shortcomings and inefficiencies in the register allocator

Redundant reconstruction of the control flow graph

The allocator goes to considerable computational expense to construct all the flow edges in the group of instructions it's allocating for, by using the insnFuture function in the Instr pseudo-abstract type.

This is really silly, because all that information is present at the abstract C stage, but is thrown away in the translation to Stix. So a good thing to do is to modify that translation to produce a directed graph of Stix straight-line code blocks, and to preserve that structure through the insn selector, so the allocator can see it.

This would eliminate the fragile, hacky, arch-specific insnFuture mechanism, and probably make the whole compiler run measurably faster. Register allocation is a fair chunk of the time of non-optimising compilation (10% or more), and reconstructing the flow graph is an expensive part of reg-alloc. It would probably accelerate the vreg liveness computation too.

Really ridiculous method for doing spilling

This is a more ambitious suggestion, but ... reg-alloc should be reimplemented, using the scheme described in "Quality and speed in linear-scan register allocation." (Traub?) For straight-line code blocks, this gives an elegant one-pass algorithm for assigning registers and creating the minimal necessary spill code, without the need for reserving spill registers ahead of time.

I tried it in Rigr, replacing the previous spiller which used the current GHC scheme described above, and it cut the number of spill loads and stores by a factor of eight. Not to mention being simpler, easier to understand and very fast.

The Traub paper also describes how to extend their method to multiple basic blocks, which will be needed for GHC. It comes down to reconciling multiple vreg-to-rreg mappings at points where control flow merges.

Redundant-move support for revised instruction selector suggestion

As mentioned above, simplifying the instruction selector will require the register allocator to try and allocate source and destination vregs to the same rreg in reg-reg moves, so as to make as many as possible go away. Without that, the revised insn selector would generate worse code than at present. I know this stuff has been done but know nothing about it. The Linear-scan reg-alloc paper mentioned above does indeed mention a bit about it in the context of single basic blocks, but I don't know if that's sufficient.

x86 arcana that you should know about

The main difficulty with x86 is that many instructions have fixed register constraints, which can occasionally make reg-alloc fail completely. And the FPU doesn't have the flat register model which the reg-alloc abstraction (implicitly) assumes.

Our strategy is: do a good job for the common small subset, that is integer loads, stores, address calculations, basic ALU ops (+, -, and, or, xor), and jumps. That covers the vast majority of executed insns. And indeed we do do a good job, with a loss of less than 2% compared with gcc.

Initially we tried to handle integer instructions with awkward register constraints (mul, div, shifts by non-constant amounts) via various jigglings of the spiller et al. This never worked robustly, and putting platform-specific tweaks in the generic infrastructure is a big No-No. (Not quite true; shifts by a non-constant amount are still done by a giant kludge, and should be moved into this new framework.)

Fortunately, all such insns are rare. So the current scheme is to pretend that they don't have any such constraints. This fiction is carried all the way through the register allocator. When the insn finally comes to be printed, we emit a sequence which copies the operands through memory (%esp-relative), satisfying the constraints of the real instruction. This localises the gruesomeness to just one place. Here, for example, is the code generated for integer divison of %esi by %ecx:

   # BEGIN IQUOT %ecx, %esi
   pushl $0
   pushl %eax  
   pushl %edx
   pushl %ecx
   movl  %esi,% eax
   idivl 0(%esp)
   movl %eax, 12(%esp)
   popl %edx  
   popl %edx
   popl %eax
   popl %esi
   # END   IQUOT %ecx, %esi
This is not quite as appalling as it seems, if you consider that the division itself typically takes 16+ cycles, whereas the rest of the insns probably go through in about 1 cycle each.

This trick is taken to extremes for FP operations.

All notions of the x86 FP stack and its insns have been removed. Instead, we pretend, to the instruction selector and register allocator, that x86 has six floating point registers, %fake0 .. %fake5, which can be used in the usual flat manner. We further claim that x86 has floating point instructions very similar to SPARC and Alpha, that is, a simple 3-operand register-register arrangement. Code generation and register allocation proceed on this basis.

When we come to print out the final assembly, our convenient fiction is converted to dismal reality. Each fake instruction is independently converted to a series of real x86 instructions. %fake0 .. %fake5 are mapped to %st(0) .. %st(5). To do reg-reg arithmetic operations, the two operands are pushed onto the top of the FP stack, the operation done, and the result copied back into the relevant register. When one of the operands is also the destination, we emit a slightly less scummy translation. There are only six %fake registers because 2 are needed for the translation, and x86 has 8 in total.

The translation is inefficient but is simple and it works. A cleverer translation would handle a sequence of insns, simulating the FP stack contents, would not impose a fixed mapping from %fake to %st regs, and hopefully could avoid most of the redundant reg-reg moves of the current translation.

There are, however, two unforeseen bad side effects:

Generating code for ccalls

For reasons I don't really understand, the instruction selectors for generating calls to C (genCCall) have proven surprisingly difficult to get right, and soaked up a lot of debugging time. As a result, I have once again opted for schemes which are simple and not too difficult to argue as correct, even if they don't generate excellent code.

The sparc ccall generator in particular forces all arguments into temporary virtual registers before moving them to the final out-registers (%o0 .. %o5). This creates some unnecessary reg-reg moves. The reason is explained in a comment in the code.

How to debug the NCG without losing your sanity/hair/cool

Last, but definitely not least ...

The usual syndrome is that some program, when compiled via C, works, but not when compiled via the NCG. Usually the problem is fairly simple to fix, once you find the specific code block which has been mistranslated. But the latter can be nearly impossible, since most modules generate at least hundreds and often thousands of them.

My solution: cheat.

Because the via-C and native routes diverge only late in the day, it is not difficult to construct a 1-1 correspondence between basic blocks on the two routes. So, if the program works via C but not on the NCG, do the following:

diff_gcc_nat was known to work correctly last time I used it, in December 01, for both x86 and sparc. If it doesn't work, due to changes in assembly syntax, or whatever, make it work. The investment is well worth it. Searching for the incorrect block(s) any other way is a total time waster.

Last modified: Fri Feb 1 16:14:11 GMT 2002