The GHC Commentary - The Glorious Renamer

(This section is, like most of the Commentary, rather incomplete.)

The renamer sits between the parser and the typechecker. Roughly speaking, It has the type:

   HsModule RdrName -> HsModule Name
That is, it converts all the RdrNames to Names.

OccNames, RdrNames, and Names

A RdrNames is pretty much just a string (for an unqualified name like "f") or a pair of strings (for a qualified name like "M.f"). Well, not quite just strings, because in Haskell a name like "C" could mean a type constructor or data constructor, depending on context. So GHC defines a type OccName (defined in basicTypes/OccName.lhs) that is a pair of a FastString and a NameSpace indicating which name space the name is drawn from:
    data OccName = OccName NameSpace EncodedFS
The EncodedFS is a synonym for FastString indicating that the string is Z-encoded. (Details in OccName.lhs.)

The name spaces are:

So a RdrName is defined thus:
    data RdrName = RdrName Qual OccName
    data Qual = Unqual
	      | Qual ModuleName     -- A qualified name written by the user in source code
				    -- The module isn't necessarily the module where
				    -- the thing is defined; just the one from which it
				    -- is imported
	      | Orig ModuleName	    -- This is an *original* name; the module is the place
				    -- where the thing was defined
The OrigName variant is used internally; it allows GHC to speak of RdrNames that refer to the original name of the thing.

On the other hand, a Name:

The original name of an entity (type constructor, class, function etc) is the (module,name) pair describing where the thing was originally defined. So for example, if we have
  module M where
    f = e1
    g = e2

  module A where
    import qualified M as Q
    import M
    a = Q.f + g
then the RdrNames for "a", "Q.f" and "g" get replaced by the Names "A.a", "M.f", and "M.g" respectively.

Names come in two flavours: Local and Global. The Global kind contain both a Module and an OccName Not all Names are qualifed. Local (e.g. lambda-bound) names are given Local Names

Rebindable syntax

In Haskell when one writes "3" one gets "fromInteger 3", where "fromInteger" comes from the Prelude (regardless of whether the Prelude is in scope). If you want to completely redefine numbers, that becomes inconvenient. So GHC lets you say "-fno-implicit-prelude"; in that case, the "fromInteger" comes from whatever is in scope. (This is documented in the User Guide.)

This feature is implemented as follows (I always forget).

Last modified: Tue Nov 13 14:11:35 EST 2001