%************************************************************************ %* * \section[backwards]{Backwards compatibility: Converting from GHC 0.xx and Haskell~1.2} \index{GHC vs the Haskell 1.2 language} \index{Haskell 1.2 language vs GHC} %* * %************************************************************************ This part of the guide is to help people upgrading from a previous version of GHC. Right now, it is mostly to help people switching from GHC~0.29 (a Haskell~1.2 compiler, mostly) to GHC~2.xx (a Haskell~1.4 compiler). %ToDo: index If you need to maintain Haskell code that will work for multiple versions of GHC, you can use the \tr{-cpp} flag and the \tr{__GLASGOW_HASKELL__} pre-processor variable. For example, in GHC~0.29, \tr{__GLASGOW_HASKELL__} will be 29; for~2.04, it will be 204. Thus, you can write: \begin{verbatim} #if __HASKELL1__ <= 2 main = appendChan stdout "Hello, world!\n" exit done -- 1.2 #else # if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200 import IO main = putStr "Hello, world!" -- real 1.3 # else main = putStr "Hello, world!\n" -- pseudo-1.3 in 0.2x # endif #endif \end{verbatim} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Types} %* * %************************************************************************ A big new thing in Haskell~1.3 is constructor classes. Humble old functions such as @map@ now have an exciting new type: \begin{verbatim} map :: Functor f => (a->b) -> f a -> f b \end{verbatim} These new overloadings, expecially where it's the type constructor that's overloaded (as in @map@) can give rise to some puzzling error messages. For example: \begin{code} lookupColor :: String -> [(String, (a, b, c))] -> (a, b, c) lookupColor colorName colorTable = head [(r,g,b) | (c,(r,g,b)) <- colorTable, c == map toLower colorName] \end{code} With the type signature this is fine, but if you omit the type signature you'll get: \begin{verbatim} "Color.hs", line 49: No instance for: Prelude.Eq (a{-a18d-} Prelude.Char) "Color.hs", line 49: at a use of an overloaded identifier: `Prelude.meth.Prelude.Eq.==' \end{verbatim} @map@ no longer says that @colorName@ has to be a list; it could be any type of the form (t @Char@). Unfortunately, lookupColor has to take equality over these (t @Char@) things, so it gets stuck trying to figure out how to resolve (@Eq@ (t @Char@)) when it knows nothing about t. The solution to such messages is to add type signatures. %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Lexical matters} %* * %************************************************************************ Old uses of `compose' (\tr{(.)}) can magically turn into qualified names; e.g., \tr{LiteralInt.leStringToInt}; add spaces. Leading-underscore names (a Glasgow extension) don't work anymore, even with \tr{-fglasgow-exts}. The \tr{Prelude.lex} function doesn't grok Haskell comments any more (a good simplification, but a change nonetheless). %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Expressions and patterns} %* * %************************************************************************ You used to be able to define non-binary functions in a pseudo-infix-y say; e.g., \tr{(a `op` b) c = ...}. Illegal now. New keyword: \tr{do}. Any old variables named \tr{do} will now cause syntax errors. %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Converting @Dialogue@ I/O} %* * %************************************************************************ In most cases, it's really easy to convert from Haskell~1.2's I/O to the monadic I/O of Haskell~1.3. \begin{enumerate} \item The type \tr{Dialogue} usually can become \tr{IO ()}. \item Change \tr{readChan stdin} to \tr{getContents}. \item Change \tr{appendChan stdout} to \tr{putStr}, which is equivalent to \tr{hPutStr stdout}. Change \tr{appendChan stderr} to \tr{hPutStr stderr}. \item You need to \tr{import IO} to do any interesting I/O; in particular, anything to do with @Handle@s. \item You need to \tr{import System} if you used @getArgs@, @getEnv@, or @getProgName@. \item Assuming continuation-style @Dialogue@ code, change \tr{... exit done $} to \tr{... >>}. Change \tr{... exit $ \ foo ->} to \tr{... >>= \ foo ->}. \item Sometimes, when you change your \tr{main} routine to ``do'' notation, you'll get an error message like: \begin{verbatim} "Main.hs", line 32: No instance for: Prelude.MonadZero IO "Main.hs", line 32: in a do statement \end{verbatim} This probably means that you need to ``twiddle'' some patterns; e.g., I added the twiddle to the \tr{getArgs}-related pattern here: \begin{verbatim} main = do ~[a1] <- getArgs let x = fst (head ((reads::ReadS Int) a1) putStr (show (result x)) \end{verbatim} \item If you had any functions named \tr{(>>)}, \tr{(>>=)}, or \tr{return}, change them to something else. \item If you used the \tr{StatusFile} I/O request, do something else. No exact equivalent exists in 1.3. \end{enumerate} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Converting from pre-1.3 monadic I/O} %* * %************************************************************************ GHC~0.29 supported an early DRAFT of the Haskell~1.3 monadic I/O facilities. Inevitably, what Really Made It into 1.3 is not quite what was in the draft. What was called \tr{handle} in the draft is now called \tr{catch}. The type of the function \tr{fail} changed between draft and real-thing. Old: \tr{fail x}; new: \tr{fail (userError x)}. Also, what used to be \tr{failWith x} is now just \tr{fail x}. All the system modules named \tr{LibSomething} dropped the \tr{Lib}. So: \tr{LibSystem} is now just \tr{System}. As of 2.09, GHC doesn't have @PrimIO@, and all @_ccall_@s now return type @IO a@, where @a@ is the return type of the @_ccall_@ itself. The \tr{IOError} type is now abstract; you cannot see it's constructors. 1.3 provides functions to query errors. %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Use of the standard Prelude} %* * %************************************************************************ As with any previous Prelude/standard-modules changes, if you have top-level functions that name-clash with imported entities, you'll get compiler errors. So, for example, if your code defines a function called \tr{seq} (entirely cool in Haskell~1.2), you will now get a compiler error because there is now a Prelude entity called \tr{seq}. (You may, of course, \tr{import Prelude hiding (seq)}, if you wish). Names that frequently clash with new Prelude names: \tr{fail}, \tr{lookup}, \tr{seq}. Add \tr{import Ratio} if you use \tr{Rationals} at all. Ditto: \tr{import Complex} if you use complex numbers. Ditto: \tr{import Array} if you use arrays. As suggested above, any \tr{LibXXX} system modules are now just \tr{XXX}. Also: note that Arrays now use ordinary pairs, rather than a separate \tr{Assoc} type. In some modules, we've found it easier to do: \begin{verbatim} infix 1 =: (=:) a b = (a,b) \end{verbatim} and globally replace @:=@ with @=:@. Works fine for expressions; useless for patterns, however. For \tr{minInt}/\tr{maxInt} and \tr{minChar}/\tr{maxChar}, use the \tr{Bounded} class methods, \tr{minBound} and \tr{maxBound}. Replace class \tr{Text} with \tr{Show}; on rare occasions, you may need to do something for \tr{Read}, too. The functions \tr{ord} and \tr{chr} have been replaced by the class methods \tr{fromEnum} and \tr{toEnum}, respectively. The changes, however, can lead to ambiguous overloading. The functions \tr{even} and \tr{odd} used to be methods of class @Integral@. They are now ordinary, overloaded functions. The \tr{print} function now appends a newline to its output. This is good, but different. \tr{readDec} no longer exists; use \tr{(reads::ReadS Int)}, or similar. If you relied on \tr{take}, \tr{drop}, \tr{splitAt}, etc., being overloaded, you will need to switch to \tr{genericTake}, \tr{genericDrop}, etc., (imported from \tr{List}). %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{The module system} %* * %************************************************************************ GHC~2.04 is fussier than 0.29 about junk in import lists. This is a feature. \tr{Foo..} (in export lists) must be changed to \tr{module Foo}. Type synonyms may be imported/exported with or without \tr{(..)}---it was required in Haskell~1.2--but you get a warning if you do it with. %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Use of Glasgow extensions} %* * %************************************************************************ Leading-underscore names are {\em gone}. Simon hated them. To get access to GHC innards, you will need to import system modules with names of the form \tr{GHCxxx}. We plan to restrict access to such interfaces in the future; and, of course, we reserve the right to make horrible changes to \tr{GHC*} modules.... You can't dig around inside the @ST@/@IO@ monads quite so freely. The old \tr{PreludePrimIO} interface is DEAD. The even-older \tr{PreludeGlaIO} interface is DEADER. @returnPrimIO@, @thenPrimIO@, and @seqPrimIO@ are deprecated. You were warned. @foldrPrimIO@ has died. @_FILE@, @fclose@, @fdopen@, @fflush@, @fopen@, @fread@, @freopen@, and @fwrite@ are dead. @appendChanPrimIO@, @appendFilePrimIO@, @getArgsPrimIO@, and @readChanPrimIO@ are dead (as previously warned). The \tr{LibPosix} stuff didn't make it into 1.3 I/O, so it has become a ``system library'' (\tr{-syslib posix}). Other than dropping the \tr{Lib*} prefix, everything should be the same as in 0.29. As of GHC 2.09, @mainPrimIO@ is now called @mainIO@, to reflect the fact that @PrimIO@ doesn't exist anymore. If you want to provide your own @mainIO@ routine, it must be in a module @GHCmain@, not @Main@.