% % (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1997 % This is the driver script for the Glasgow Haskell compilation system. It is written in \tr{perl}. The first section includes a long ``usage'' message that describes how the driver is supposed to work. %************************************************************************ %* * \section[Driver-usage]{Usage message} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} ($Pgm = $0) =~ s|.*/||; $ShortUsage = "\nUsage: For basic information, try the `-help' option.\n"; $LongUsage = "\n" . <4K to /bin/sh causes havoc on our # Solaris-2.5.1 boxes - even though sysconf(_SC_ARG_MAX) reports 1M ...). # To work around any such */bin/sh* problems, we will scribble such # awfully long command lines into a temp file and exec that temp file # with $(REAL_SHELL) (don't use the SHELL variable directly as this # will normally get you the wrong thing when the driver is invoked # from within `make'). If the REAL_SHELL variable isn't set, you'll # get SHELL. This is all a terrible hack. (in case you hadn't reached # the same conclusion by now :-) # # TBC.. # if ( ! $ENV{'REAL_SHELL'} ) { $ENV{'REAL_SHELL'} = $ENV{'SHELL'}; } @Files_to_tidy = (); # files we nuke in the case of abnormal termination $Unlit = ( $INSTALLING ) ? "$InstLibExecDirGhc/unlit" : "$TopPwd/${CURRENT_DIR}/${GHC_UNLIT}"; $Cp = $CP; $Rm = $RM; $Diff = $CONTEXT_DIFF; $Cat = 'cat'; $Cmp = 'cmp'; $Time = ''; $HsCpp = # but this is re-set to "cat" (after options) if -cpp not seen ( $INSTALLING ) ? "$InstLibExecDirGhc/hscpp" : "$TopPwd/${CURRENT_DIR}/${GHC_HSCPP}"; @HsCpp_flags = (); $genSPECS_flag = ''; # See ../utils/hscpp/hscpp.prl $HsC = ( $INSTALLING ) ? "$InstLibExecDirGhc/hsc" : "$TopPwd/${CURRENT_DIR}/${GHC_HSC}"; # For PVM fiends only $SysMan = ( $INSTALLING ) ? "$InstLibExecDirGhc/SysMan" : "$TopPwd/${CURRENT_DIR}/${GHC_SYSMAN}"; @Unlit_flags = (); # # HsC_rts_flags: if we want to talk to the LML runtime system # NB: we don't use powers-of-2 sizes, because this may do # terrible things to cache behavior. # $Specific_heap_size = 6 * 1000 * 1000; $Specific_stk_size = 1000 * 1000; $Scale_sizes_by = 1.0; \end{code} The variables set by @setupOptFlags@ represent parts of the -O/-O2/etc ``templates,'' which are filled in later, using these. These are the default values, which may be changed by user flags. \begin{code} sub setupOptFlags { $Oopt_UnfoldingUseThreshold = '-fsimpl-uf-use-threshold3'; $Oopt_MaxSimplifierIterations = '-fmax-simplifier-iterations4'; $Oopt_PedanticBottoms = '-fpedantic-bottoms'; # ON by default $Oopt_MonadEtaExpansion = ''; $Oopt_FinalStgProfilingMassage = ''; $Oopt_StgStats = ''; $Oopt_SpecialiseUnboxed = ''; $Oopt_DoSpecialise = ''; # ToDo:LATER: '-fspecialise'; $Oopt_FoldrBuild = 0; # *Off* by default! $Oopt_FB_Support = ''; # was '-fdo-arity-expand'; # $Oopt_FoldrBuildWW = 0; # Off by default $Oopt_FoldrBuildInline = ''; # was '-fdo-inline-foldr-build'; $Oopt_ShowSimplifierProgress = ''; } # end of setupOptFlags # Assign defaults to these right away. &setupOptFlags(); \end{code} Things to do with C compilers/etc: \begin{code} $CcRegd = $GHC_OPT_HILEV_ASM; @CcBoth_flags = ('-S'); # flags for *any* C compilation @CcInjects = (); # GCC flags: # those for all files, # those only for .c files; # those only for .hc files @CcRegd_flags = ('-ansi', '-D__STG_GCC_REGS__', '-D__STG_TAILJUMPS__'); @CcRegd_flags_c = (); @CcRegd_flags_hc = (); $As = ''; # "assembler" is normally GCC @As_flags = (); $Lnkr = ''; # "linker" is normally GCC @Ld_flags = (); # 'nm' is used for consistency checking (ToDo: mk-world-ify) # ToDo: check the OS or something ("alpha" is surely not the crucial question) $Nm = ($TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/) ? 'nm -B' : 'nm'; \end{code} Warning packages that are controlled by -W and -Wall. The 'standard' warnings that you get all the time are -fwarn-overlapping-patterns -fwarn-missing-methods these are turned off by -Wnot. \begin{code} @StandardWarnings = ('-fwarn-overlapping-patterns', '-fwarn-missing-methods'); @MinusWOpts = (@StandardWarnings, '-fwarn-incomplete-patterns', '-fwarn-unused-names'); @MinusWallOpts = (@MinusWOpts, '-fwarn-name-shadowing'); \end{code} What options \tr{-user-setup-a} turn into (user-defined ``packages'' of options). Note that a particular user-setup implies a particular Prelude ({\em including} its interface file(s)). \begin{code} $BuildTag = ''; # default is sequential build w/ Appel-style GC %BuildDescr = (# system ways begin '', 'normal sequential', '_p', "$WAY_p_NAME", '_t', "$WAY_t_NAME", '_u', "$WAY_u_NAME", '_mc', "$WAY_mc_NAME", '_mr', "$WAY_mr_NAME", '_mt', "$WAY_mt_NAME", '_mp', "$WAY_mp_NAME", '_mg', "$WAY_mg_NAME", '_2s', "$WAY_2s_NAME", '_1s', "$WAY_1s_NAME", '_du', "$WAY_du_NAME", # system ways end '_a', "$WAY_a_NAME", '_b', "$WAY_b_NAME", '_c', "$WAY_c_NAME", '_d', "$WAY_d_NAME", '_e', "$WAY_e_NAME", '_f', "$WAY_f_NAME", '_g', "$WAY_g_NAME", '_h', "$WAY_h_NAME", '_i', "$WAY_i_NAME", '_j', "$WAY_j_NAME", '_k', "$WAY_k_NAME", '_l', "$WAY_l_NAME", '_m', "$WAY_m_NAME", '_n', "$WAY_n_NAME", '_o', "$WAY_o_NAME", '_A', "$WAY_A_NAME", '_B', "$WAY_B_NAME" ); # these are options that are "fed back" through the option processing loop # %SetupOpts = ( '_a', "$WAY_a_HC_OPTS", '_b', "$WAY_b_HC_OPTS", '_c', "$WAY_c_HC_OPTS", '_d', "$WAY_d_HC_OPTS", '_e', "$WAY_e_HC_OPTS", '_f', "$WAY_f_HC_OPTS", '_g', "$WAY_g_HC_OPTS", '_h', "$WAY_h_HC_OPTS", '_i', "$WAY_i_HC_OPTS", '_j', "$WAY_j_HC_OPTS", '_k', "$WAY_k_HC_OPTS", '_l', "$WAY_l_HC_OPTS", '_m', "$WAY_m_HC_OPTS", '_n', "$WAY_n_HC_OPTS", '_o', "$WAY_o_HC_OPTS", '_A', "$WAY_A_HC_OPTS", '_B', "$WAY_B_HC_OPTS", # system ways '_p', "$WAY_p_HC_OPTS", '_t', "$WAY_t_HC_OPTS", '_u', "$WAY_u_HC_OPTS", '_mc', "$WAY_mc_HC_OPTS", '_mr', "$WAY_mr_HC_OPTS", '_mt', "$WAY_mt_HC_OPTS", '_mp', "$WAY_mp_HC_OPTS", '_mg', "$WAY_mg_HC_OPTS", '_2s', "$WAY_2s_HC_OPTS", '_1s', "$WAY_1s_HC_OPTS", '_du', "$WAY_B_HC_OPTS" ); \end{code} Import/include directories (\tr{-I} options) are sufficiently weird to require special handling. \begin{code} @Import_dir = ('.'); #-i things @Include_dir = ('.'); #-I things; other default(s) stuck on AFTER option processing # where to look for interface files (system hi's, i.e., prelude and hslibs) @SysImport_dir = ( $INSTALLING ) ? ( "$InstLibDirGhc/imports" ) : ( "$TopPwd/$CURRENT_DIR/$GHC_LIB_DIR/required" , "$TopPwd/$CURRENT_DIR/$GHC_LIB_DIR/ghc" , "$TopPwd/$CURRENT_DIR/$GHC_LIB_DIR/glaExts" , "$TopPwd/$CURRENT_DIR/$GHC_LIB_DIR/concurrent" ); # We need to look in ghc/ and glaExts/ when searching for implicitly needed .hi files, but # we should really *not* look there for explicitly imported modules. $GhcVersionInfo = int($PROJECTVERSION * 100 + .5); # i.e., round (X.Y * 100) $Haskell1Version = 4; # i.e., Haskell 1.4 @Cpp_define = (); @UserLibrary_dir= (); #-L things;... @UserLibrary = (); #-l things asked for by the user @SysLibrary_dir = ( ( $INSTALLING ) #-syslib things supplied by the system ? $InstLibDirGhc : ( "$TopPwd/$CURRENT_DIR/$GHC_RUNTIME_DIR" , "$TopPwd/$CURRENT_DIR/$GHC_RUNTIME_DIR/gmp" , "$TopPwd/$CURRENT_DIR/$GHC_LIB_DIR" , "$TopPwd/$CURRENT_DIR/$GHC_LIB_DIR/cbits" ) ); @SysLibrary = (); # will be built up as we go along $TopClosureFile # defaults to 1.2 one; will be mangled later = ( $INSTALLING) ? "$InstLibDirGhc/TopClosureXXXX.o" : "$TopPwd/$CURRENT_DIR/$GHC_RUNTIME_DIR/main/TopClosureXXXX.o"; # make depend for Haskell $MkDependHS = ( $INSTALLING ) ? "$InstBinDirGhc/mkdependHS" : "$TopPwd/$CURRENT_DIR/$GHC_UTILS_DIR/mkdependHS/mkdependHS"; # Fill in later @MkDependHS_flags = (); # do_link flag should not be reset while rescanning the cmd-line. $Do_lnkr = 1; $Specific_output_dir = ''; # set by -odir $Specific_output_file = ''; # set by -o ; "-" for stdout \end{code} Function to initialise the per-compilation-unit globals that are used to guide and control the invocation of the different phases. \begin{code} sub initDriverGlobals { # reset the following options: # RTS flags to use while compiling @HsC_rts_flags = (); @HsP_flags = (); # these are the flags destined solely for # the flex/yacc parser @HsC_flags = (); @HsC_antiflags = (); \end{code} The optimisations/etc to be done by the compiler are {\em normally} expressed with a \tr{-O} (or \tr{-O2}) flag, or by its absence. \begin{code} $OptLevel = 0; # no -O == 0; -O == 1; -O2 == 2; -Ofile == 3 $MinusO2ForC = 0; # set to 1 if -O2 should be given to C compiler $StolenX86Regs = 4; # **HACK*** of the very worst sort $CoreLint = ''; $StgLint = ''; @CcBoth_flags = ('-S'); # flags for *any* C compilation @CcInjects = (); # GCC flags: those for all files, those only for .c files; those only for .hc files @CcRegd_flags = ('-ansi', '-D__STG_GCC_REGS__', '-D__STG_TAILJUMPS__'); @CcRegd_flags_c = (); @CcRegd_flags_hc = (); @Import_dir = ('.'); #-i things @Include_dir = ('.'); #-I things; other default(s) stuck on AFTER option processing \end{code} We are given a list of files with various presumably-known suffixes (unknown-suffix files go straight to the linker). For each file, we begin by assuming that we'll run every phase over it. However: (1) global flags (\tr{-c}, \tr{-S}, etc.) tell us not to run any phase past a certain point; and (2) the file's suffix tells us what phase to start with. Linking is weird and kept track of separately. Here are the initial defaults applied to all files: \begin{code} $Cpp_flag_set = 0; # (hack) $Only_preprocess_C = 0; # pretty hackish $Only_preprocess_hc = 0; # ditto $Only_generate_deps = 0; # " $PostprocessCcOutput = 0; # native code-gen or via C? $HaveNativeCodeGen = $GhcWithNativeCodeGen; $HscOut = '-C='; # '-C=' ==> .hc output; '-S=' ==> .s output; '-N=' ==> neither $HscOut = '-S=' if $HaveNativeCodeGen && $TargetPlatform =~ /^(alpha|sparc)-/; # TEMP: disable x86 if $HaveNativeCodeGen && $TargetPlatform =~ /^(i386|alpha|sparc)-/; $ProduceHi = '-hifile='; $HiOnStdout = 0; $HiDiff_flag = ''; $Keep_HiDiffs = 0; $CollectingGCstats = 0; $CollectGhcTimings = 0; $DEBUGging = ''; # -DDEBUG and all that it entails (um... not really) $PROFing = ''; # set to p or e if profiling $PROFgroup = ''; # set to group if an explicit -Ggroup specified $PROFauto = ''; # set to relevant hsc flag if -auto or -auto-all $PROFcaf = ''; # set to relevant hsc flag if -caf-all $PROFignore_scc = ''; # set to relevant parser flag if explicit sccs ignored $UNPROFscc_auto = ''; # set to relevant hsc flag if forcing auto sccs without profiling $TICKYing = ''; # set to t if compiling for ticky-ticky profiling $PARing = ''; # set to p if compiling for PAR $CONCURing = ''; # set to c if compiling for CONCURRENT $GRANing = ''; # set to g if compiling for GRAN $StkChkByPageFaultOK = 1; # may be set to 0 (false) for some builds $Specific_hi_file = ''; # set by -ohi ; "-" for stdout $Specific_dump_file = ''; # set by -odump ; "-" for stdout $Using_dump_file = 0; $Isuffix = ''; $Osuffix = ''; # default: use the normal suffix for that kind of output $HiSuffix = 'hi'; $HiSuffix_prelude = ''; $Do_recomp_chkr = 0; # don't use the recompilatio checker unless asked $Do_cc = -1; # a MAGIC indeterminate value; will be set to 1 or 0. $Do_as = 1; $Keep_hc_file_too = 0; $Keep_s_file_too = 0; $UseGhcInternals = 0; # if 1, may use GHC* modules $SplitObjFiles = 0; $NoOfSplitFiles = 0; $Dump_parser_output = 0; $Dump_raw_asm = 0; $Dump_asm_splitting_info = 0; $NoImplicitPrelude = 0; } # end of initDriverGlobals (Sigh) # we split the argv passed to the driver into three: # the list of files @Input_file = (); # and files to be linked... @Link_file = (); # and whatever else @Cmd_opts = (); # cmd line options prefixing the unit we're compiling @File_options = (); \end{code} We inject consistency-checking information into \tr{.hc} files (both when created by the Haskell compiler and when compiled by the C compiler), so that we can check that an executable is made from consistently-built pieces. (The check is normally done just after linking.) The checking is done by introducing/munging \tr{what(1)}-style strings. Anyway, here are the relevant global variables and their defaults: \begin{code} $LinkChk = 1; # set to 0 if the link check should *not* be done # major & minor version numbers; major numbers must always agree; # minor disagreements yield a warning. $HsC_major_version = 33; $HsC_minor_version = 0; $Cc_major_version = 36; $Cc_minor_version = 1; # options: these must always agree $HsC_consist_options = ''; # we record, in this order: # Build tag; debugging? $Cc_consist_options = ''; # we record, in this order: # Build tag; debugging? \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \section[Driver-parse-argv]{Munge the command-line options} %* * %************************************************************************ Now slurp through the arguments. \begin{code} &initDriverGlobals(); &splitCmdLine(@ARGV); # Run through the cmd-line first time. &processArgs(@Cmd_opts); # Check to see if driver is only in the business # to generate dependencies if ( $Status == 0 && $Only_generate_deps ) { push (@MkDependHS_flags, "-o$Osuffix") if $Osuffix; push (@MkDependHS_flags, "-s$BuildTag") if $BuildTag; push (@MkDependHS_flags, "-D__HASKELL1__=$Haskell1Version"); local($to_do) = "$MkDependHS @MkDependHS_flags -- @Cmd_opts -- @Input_file" ; &run_something($to_do, 'Haskell dependencies'); exit $Status; } # if there are several input files, # we don't allow \tr{-o } or \tr{-ohi } options... # (except if linking, of course) if ($#Input_file > 0 && ( ! $Do_lnkr )) { if ( ($Specific_output_file ne '' && $Specific_output_file ne '-') || ($Specific_hi_file ne '' && $Specific_hi_file ne '-') ) { print STDERR "$Pgm: You can't use -o or -ohi options if you have multiple input files.\n"; print STDERR "\tPerhaps the -odir option will do what you want.\n"; $Status++; } } # check for various pathological -o and -odir combinations... if ($Specific_output_dir ne '' && $Specific_output_file ne '') { if ($Specific_output_file eq '-') { print STDERR "$Pgm: can't set output directory with -ohi AND have output to stdout\n"; $Status++; } else { # amalgamate... $Specific_output_file = "$Specific_output_dir/$Specific_output_file"; # ToDo: check we haven't got a junk name now... $Specific_output_dir = ''; # reset } } # crash and burn if there were errors if ( $Status > 0 ) { print STDERR $ShortUsage; exit $Status; } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \section[Driver-post-argv-mangling]{Setup after reading options} %* * %************************************************************************ %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Set up for optimisation level (\tr{-O} or whatever)} %* * %************************************************************************ We come now to the default ``wads of options'' that are turned on by \tr{-O0} (do min optimisation), \tr{-O} (ordinary optimisation), \tr{-O2} (aggressive optimisation), or no O-ish flag (compile speed is more important). The user can also specify his/her own list of options in a file; in that case, the work is already done (see stuff about @minusO3@, earlier...). GHC allows very precise control of what happens during a compilation. Core-to-Core and STG-to-STG passes can be run in any order, as many times as you like. Individual transformations can be turned on or disabled. Sadly, however, there are some interdependencies \& Things You Must Not Do. Here is the list. CORE-TO-CORE PASSES: \begin{description} \item[\tr{-fspecialise}:] The specialiser must have dependency-analysed input; but if you run the simplifier to do this, you must not let it toss away unused bindings! (The typechecker conveys some specialisation info via ``unused'' bindings...) \item[\tr{-ffloat-inwards}:] Floating inwards should be done before strictness analysis, because the latter will give better results. \item[\tr{-fstatic-args}:] The static-arguments-transformation pass {\em must} have the simplifier run right after it. \item[\tr{-fcalc-inlinings[12]}:] Not required, but there may be slight gains by re-simplifying after this is done. (You could then \tr{-fcalc-inlinings} again, just for fun.) \item[\tr{-ffull-laziness}:] The (outwards-)let-floater should be the {\em last} Core-to-Core pass that's run. (Um, well, howzabout the simplifier just once more...) \end{description} STG-TO-STG PASSES: \begin{description} \item[\tr{-fupdate-analysis}:] It really really wants to be the last STG-to-STG pass that is run. \end{description} \begin{code} sub setupOptimiseFlags { @HsC_minusNoO_flags = ( '-fsimplify', '[', $Oopt_FB_Support, '-ffloat-lets-exposing-whnf', '-ffloat-primops-ok', '-fcase-of-case', '-fdo-case-elim', # '-fdo-lambda-eta-expansion', # too complicated '-freuse-con', # '-flet-to-case', # no strictness analysis, so... $Oopt_PedanticBottoms, # $Oopt_MonadEtaExpansion, # no thanks # These two work fine, if you really want no simplification at all, # for bizarre test reasons. But you get really terrible code if you use them, # for example: let x = e in x # with dozens of redundant thunks etc. So I'm leaving them out. # # '-fsimpl-uf-use-threshold0', # '-fessential-unfoldings-only', $Oopt_UnfoldingUseThreshold, $Oopt_MaxSimplifierIterations, $Oopt_ShowSimplifierProgress, ']', $Oopt_AddAutoSccs, # '-ffull-laziness', # removed 95/04 WDP following Andr\'e's lead $Oopt_FinalStgProfilingMassage ); @HsC_minusO_flags # NOTE: used for *both* -O and -O2 (some conditional bits) = ( '-fdo-eta-reduction', # initial simplify: mk specialiser happy: minimum effort please '-fsimplify', '[', $Oopt_FB_Support, '-fkeep-spec-pragma-ids', # required before specialisation # I don't understand why we want -fessential-unfoldings-only here # If we have it, the following nasty thing happens: # f = E # g* = f # ...g... # where "*" means exported. # In the essential-unfoldings pass we still substitute f for g # but we don't substitute E for f first. So we get # f = E # g* = f # ...f... # The g=f will get reverse-substituted later, but it's untidy. # # '-fessential-unfoldings-only', # '-fsimpl-uf-use-threshold0', '-fmax-simplifier-iterations1', $Oopt_PedanticBottoms, ']', ($Oopt_DoSpecialise) ? ( '-fspecialise-overloaded', $Oopt_SpecialiseUnboxed, $Oopt_DoSpecialise, ) : (), '-fsimplify', # need dependency anal after specialiser ... '[', # need tossing before calc-inlinings ... $Oopt_FB_Support, '-ffloat-lets-exposing-whnf', '-ffloat-primops-ok', '-fcase-of-case', '-fdo-case-elim', '-fcase-merge', # '-fdo-eta-reduction', '-fdo-lambda-eta-expansion', '-freuse-con', $Oopt_PedanticBottoms, $Oopt_MonadEtaExpansion, $Oopt_UnfoldingUseThreshold, $Oopt_MaxSimplifierIterations, $Oopt_ShowSimplifierProgress, ']', #LATER: '-fcalc-inlinings1', -- pointless for 2.01 # ($Oopt_FoldrBuildWW) ? ( # '-ffoldr-build-ww-anal', # '-ffoldr-build-worker-wrapper', # '-fsimplify', # '[', # $Oopt_FB_Support, # '-ffloat-lets-exposing-whnf', # '-ffloat-primops-ok', # '-fcase-of-case', # '-fdo-case-elim', # '-fcase-merge', # '-fdo-eta-reduction', # '-fdo-lambda-eta-expansion', # '-freuse-con', # $Oopt_PedanticBottoms, # $Oopt_MonadEtaExpansion, # $Oopt_UnfoldingUseThreshold, # $Oopt_MaxSimplifierIterations, # $Oopt_ShowSimplifierProgress, # ']', # ) : (), # this pass-ordering sequence was agreed by Simon and Andr\'e # (WDP 94/07, 94/11). '-ffull-laziness', ($Oopt_FoldrBuild) ? ( '-ffoldr-build-on', # desugar list comprehensions for foldr/build '-fsimplify', '[', '-fignore-inline-pragma', # **** NB! '-fdo-foldr-build', # NB $Oopt_FB_Support, '-ffloat-lets-exposing-whnf', '-ffloat-primops-ok', '-fcase-of-case', '-fdo-case-elim', '-fcase-merge', # '-fdo-eta-reduction', '-fdo-lambda-eta-expansion', # After full laziness '-freuse-con', $Oopt_PedanticBottoms, $Oopt_MonadEtaExpansion, $Oopt_UnfoldingUseThreshold, $Oopt_MaxSimplifierIterations, $Oopt_ShowSimplifierProgress, ']', ) : (), '-ffloat-inwards', '-fsimplify', '[', $Oopt_FB_Support, '-ffloat-lets-exposing-whnf', '-ffloat-primops-ok', '-fcase-of-case', '-fdo-case-elim', '-fcase-merge', '-fdo-eta-reduction', '-fdo-lambda-eta-expansion', '-freuse-con', ($Oopt_FoldrBuildInline), # you need to inline foldr and build ($Oopt_FoldrBuild) ? ('-fdo-foldr-build') : (), # but do reductions if you see them! $Oopt_PedanticBottoms, $Oopt_MonadEtaExpansion, $Oopt_UnfoldingUseThreshold, $Oopt_MaxSimplifierIterations, $Oopt_ShowSimplifierProgress, ']', '-fstrictness', '-fsimplify', '[', $Oopt_FB_Support, '-ffloat-lets-exposing-whnf', '-ffloat-primops-ok', '-fcase-of-case', '-fdo-case-elim', '-fcase-merge', # '-fdo-eta-reduction', '-fdo-lambda-eta-expansion', '-freuse-con', '-flet-to-case', # Aha! Only done after strictness analysis $Oopt_PedanticBottoms, $Oopt_MonadEtaExpansion, $Oopt_UnfoldingUseThreshold, $Oopt_MaxSimplifierIterations, $Oopt_ShowSimplifierProgress, ']', '-ffloat-inwards', # Case-liberation for -O2. This should be after # strictness analysis and the simplification which follows it. # ( ($OptLevel != 2) # ? '' # : "-fliberate-case -fsimplify [ $Oopt_FB_Support -ffloat-lets-exposing-whnf -ffloat-primops-ok -fcase-of-case -fdo-case-elim -fcase-merge -fdo-eta-reduction -fdo-lambda-eta-expansion -freuse-con -flet-to-case $Oopt_PedanticBottoms $Oopt_MonadEtaExpansion $Oopt_UnfoldingUseThreshold $Oopt_MaxSimplifierIterations $Oopt_ShowSimplifierProgress ]" ), # Final clean-up simplification: '-fsimplify', '[', $Oopt_FB_Support, '-ffloat-lets-exposing-whnf', '-ffloat-primops-ok', '-fcase-of-case', '-fdo-case-elim', '-fcase-merge', # '-fdo-eta-reduction', '-fdo-lambda-eta-expansion', '-freuse-con', '-flet-to-case', '-fignore-inline-pragma', # **** NB! $Oopt_FoldrBuildInline, ($Oopt_FoldrBuild) ? ('-fdo-foldr-build') : (), # but still do reductions if you see them! $Oopt_PedanticBottoms, $Oopt_MonadEtaExpansion, $Oopt_UnfoldingUseThreshold, $Oopt_MaxSimplifierIterations, $Oopt_ShowSimplifierProgress, ']', # '-fstatic-args', #LATER: '-fcalc-inlinings2', -- pointless for 2.01 # stg2stg passes '-fupdate-analysis', '-flambda-lift', $Oopt_FinalStgProfilingMassage, $Oopt_StgStats, # flags for stg2stg '-flet-no-escape', # SPECIAL FLAGS for -O2 ($OptLevel == 2) ? ( '-fsemi-tagging', ) : (), ); \end{code} Sort out what we're going to do about optimising. First, the @hsc@ flags and regular @cc@ flags to worry about: \begin{code} if ( $OptLevel <= 0 ) { # for this level, we tell the parser -fignore-interface-pragmas push(@HsC_flags, '-fignore-interface-pragmas'); # and tell the compiler not to produce them push(@HsC_flags, '-fomit-interface-pragmas'); &add_Hsc_flags( @HsC_minusNoO_flags ); push(@CcBoth_flags, ($MinusO2ForC) ? '-O2' : '-O'); # not optional! } elsif ( $OptLevel == 1 || $OptLevel == 2 ) { &add_Hsc_flags( @HsC_minusO_flags ); push(@CcBoth_flags, ($MinusO2ForC || $OptLevel == 2) ? '-O2' : '-O'); # not optional! # -O? to GCC is not optional! -O2 probably isn't worth it generally, # but it *is* useful in compiling the garbage collectors (so said # Patrick many moons ago...). } else { # -Ofile, then... &add_Hsc_flags( @HsC_minusO3_flags ); push(@HsC_flags, $Oopt_FinalStgProfilingMassage) if $Oopt_FinalStgProfilingMassage; push(@CcBoth_flags, ($MinusO2ForC) ? '-O2' : '-O'); # possibly to be elaborated... } } # setupOptimiseFlags \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Check for consistency, etc.} %* * %************************************************************************ Sort out @$BuildTag@, @$PROFing@, @$CONCURing@, @$PARing@, @$GRANing@, @$TICKYing@: \begin{code} sub setupBuildFlags { # PROFILING stuff after argv mangling: if ( ! $PROFing ) { # warn about any scc exprs found (in case scc used as identifier) push(@HsP_flags, '-W'); # add -auto sccs even if not profiling ! push(@HsC_flags, $UNPROFscc_auto) if $UNPROFscc_auto; } else { push(@HsC_flags, $PROFauto) if $PROFauto; push(@HsC_flags, $PROFcaf) if $PROFcaf; #push(@HsC_flags, $PROFdict) if $PROFdict; $Oopt_FinalStgProfilingMassage = '-fmassage-stg-for-profiling'; push(@HsP_flags, (($PROFignore_scc) ? $PROFignore_scc : '-S')); if ( $SplitObjFiles ) { # can't split with cost centres -- would need global and externs print STDERR "$Pgm: WARNING: splitting objects when profiling will *BREAK* if any _scc_s are present!\n"; # (but it's fine if there aren't any _scc_s around...) # $SplitObjFiles = 0; # unset #not an error: for now: $Status++; } } #if ( $BuildTag ne '' ) { # local($b) = $BuildDescr{$BuildTag}; # if ($CONCURing eq 'c') { print STDERR "$Pgm: Can't mix $b with -concurrent.\n"; exit 1; } # if ($PARing eq 'p') { print STDERR "$Pgm: Can't mix $b with -parallel.\n"; exit 1; } # if ($GRANing eq 'g') { print STDERR "$Pgm: Can't mix $b with -gransim.\n"; exit 1; } # if ($TICKYing eq 't') { print STDERR "$Pgm: Can't mix $b with -ticky.\n"; exit 1; } # # ok to have a user-way profiling build # # eval the profiling opts ... but leave user-way BuildTag # if ($PROFing eq 'p') { &processArgs(split(' ', $SetupOpts{'_p'})); } # eval($EvaldSetupOpts{'_p'}); } if ( $PROFing eq 'p' ) { if ($PARing eq 'p') { print STDERR "$Pgm: Can't do profiling with -parallel.\n"; exit 1; } if ($GRANing eq 'g') { print STDERR "$Pgm: Can't do profiling with -gransim.\n"; exit 1; } if ($TICKYing eq 't') { print STDERR "$Pgm: Can't do profiling with -ticky.\n"; exit 1; } $BuildTag = ($CONCURing eq 'c') ? '_mr' : '_p' ; # possibly "profiled concurrent"... } elsif ( $CONCURing eq 'c' ) { if ($PARing eq 'p') { print STDERR "$Pgm: Can't mix -concurrent with -parallel.\n"; exit 1; } if ($GRANing eq 'g') { print STDERR "$Pgm: Can't mix -concurrent with -gransim.\n"; exit 1; } $BuildTag = ($TICKYing eq 't') ? '_mt' : '_mc' ; # possibly "ticky concurrent"... # "profiled concurrent" already acct'd for... } elsif ( $PARing eq 'p' ) { if ($GRANing eq 'g') { print STDERR "$Pgm: Can't mix -parallel with -gransim.\n"; exit 1; } if ($TICKYing eq 't') { print STDERR "$Pgm: Can't mix -parallel with -ticky.\n"; exit 1; } $BuildTag = '_mp'; if ( $Do_lnkr && ( ! $ENV{'PVM_ROOT'} || ! $ENV{'PVM_ARCH'} )) { print STDERR "$Pgm: both your PVM_ROOT and PVM_ARCH environment variables must be set for linking under -parallel.\n"; exit(1); } } elsif ( $GRANing eq 'g' ) { if ($TICKYing eq 't') { print STDERR "$Pgm: Can't mix -gransim with -ticky.\n"; exit 1; } $BuildTag = '_mg'; } elsif ( $TICKYing eq 't' ) { $BuildTag = '_t'; } \end{code} After the sanity checks, add flags to the necessary parts of the driver pipeline: \begin{code} if ( $BuildTag ne '' ) { # something other than normal sequential... local($Tag) = "${BuildTag}"; $Tag =~ s/_//; # move the underscore to the back $HscOut = '-C='; # must go via C &processArgs(split(' ', $SetupOpts{$BuildTag})); # eval($EvaldSetupOpts{$BuildTag}); } \end{code} Decide what the consistency-checking options are in force for this run: \begin{code} $HsC_consist_options = "${BuildTag},${DEBUGging}"; $Cc_consist_options = "${BuildTag},${DEBUGging}"; # # Funny place to put it, but why not. # if ( $HiSuffix_prelude eq '' ) { local($Tag) = "${BuildTag}"; $Tag =~ s/_//; $Tag = "${Tag}_" if $Tag ne ''; $HiSuffix_prelude="${Tag}hi"; } #push(@HsC_flags, "-hisuf-prelude=.${HiSuffix_prelude}"); # use appropriate Prelude .hi files #push(@HsC_flags, "-hisuf=.${HiSuffix}"); } # setupBuildFlags \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Add on machine-specific C-compiler flags} %* * %************************************************************************ Shove on magical machine-specific options. We use \tr{unshift} to stick them on the {\em front} of the arrays, so that ``later'' user-specified flags can clobber them (e.g., \tr{-U__STG_REV_TBLS__}). Note: a few ``always apply'' flags were set at the very beginning. \begin{code} sub setupMachOpts { if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/) { # we know how to *mangle* asm for alpha unshift(@CcRegd_flags, ('-D__STG_REV_TBLS__')); unshift(@CcRegd_flags, ('-DSTACK_CHECK_BY_PAGE_FAULT=1')) if $StkChkByPageFaultOK; unshift(@CcBoth_flags, ('-static')); } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/) { # we know how to *mangle* asm for hppa unshift(@CcRegd_flags, ('-D__STG_REV_TBLS__')); unshift(@CcBoth_flags, ('-static')); # # We don't put in '-mlong-calls', because it's only # needed for very big modules (sigh), and we don't want # to hobble ourselves further on all the other modules # (most of them). # # [Dated comment (gcc-2.6.x?), -mlong-calls is no longer # a supported gcc HPPA flag] unshift(@CcBoth_flags, ('-D_HPUX_SOURCE')); # ___HPUX_SOURCE, not _HPUX_SOURCE, is #defined if -ansi! # (very nice, but too bad the HP /usr/include files don't agree.) } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/) { # we know how to *mangle* asm for X86 unshift(@CcRegd_flags, ('-D__STG_REV_TBLS__')); unshift(@CcRegd_flags, ('-DSTACK_CHECK_BY_PAGE_FAULT=1')) if $StkChkByPageFaultOK && $TargetPlatform !~ /nextstep/; # I do not know how to do STACK_CHECK_BY_PAGE_FAULT # on NeXTs (my fault, not theirs), so I don't. # CaS # -fno-defer-pop : basically the same game as for m68k # # -fomit-frame-pointer : *must* ; because we're stealing # the fp (%ebp) for our register maps. *All* register # maps (in MachRegs.lh) must steal it. unshift(@CcRegd_flags_hc, '-fno-defer-pop'); unshift(@CcRegd_flags, '-fomit-frame-pointer'); unshift(@CcRegd_flags, "-DSTOLEN_X86_REGS=$StolenX86Regs"); } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/) { # we know how to *mangle* asm for m68k unshift (@CcRegd_flags, ('-D__STG_REV_TBLS__')); unshift (@CcRegd_flags, ('-DSTACK_CHECK_BY_PAGE_FAULT=1')) if $StkChkByPageFaultOK && $TargetPlatform !~ /nextstep/; # I do not know how to do STACK_CHECK_BY_PAGE_FAULT # on NeXTs (my fault, not theirs), so I don't. # CaS # -fno-defer-pop : for the .hc files, we want all the pushing/ # popping of args to routines to be explicit; if we let things # be deferred 'til after an STGJUMP, imminent death is certain! # # -fomit-frame-pointer : *don't* # It's better to have a6 completely tied up being a frame pointer # rather than let GCC pick random things to do with it. # (If we want to steal a6, then we would try to do things # as on iX86, where we *do* steal the frame pointer [%ebp].) unshift(@CcRegd_flags_hc, '-fno-defer-pop'); unshift(@CcRegd_flags, '-fno-omit-frame-pointer'); # maybe gives reg alloc a better time # also: -fno-defer-pop is not sufficiently well-behaved without it } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/) { # we (hope to) know how to *mangle* asm for MIPSen unshift(@CcRegd_flags, ('-D__STG_REV_TBLS__')); unshift(@CcRegd_flags, ('-DSTACK_CHECK_BY_PAGE_FAULT=1')) if $StkChkByPageFaultOK; unshift(@CcBoth_flags, ('-static')); } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-|^rs6000-/) { # we know how to *mangle* asm for PowerPC # :-( unshift(@CcRegd_flags, ('-D__STG_REV_TBLS__')); unshift(@CcRegd_flags, ('-DSTACK_CHECK_BY_PAGE_FAULT=1')) if $StkChkByPageFaultOK; unshift(@CcBoth_flags, ('-static')); # always easier to start with unshift(@CcRegd_flags, ('-finhibit-size-directive')); # avoids traceback tables } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-/) { # we know how to *mangle* asm for SPARC unshift(@CcRegd_flags, ('-D__STG_REV_TBLS__')); unshift(@CcRegd_flags, ('-DSTACK_CHECK_BY_PAGE_FAULT=1')) if $StkChkByPageFaultOK; } } # end of setupMachOpts \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Set up for warnings} %* * %************************************************************************ Several warnings are turned on by default. These are supposed to be the 'I'm pretty sure you've made a mistake here' kind of warnings. The rest are turned on by the -W and -Wall options, or individually via their -fwarn and -fno-warn flags. \begin{code} sub setupWarningFlags { &add_Hsc_flags( @StandardWarnings ); } \end{code} Same unshifting magic, but for special linker flags. The configure script determines whether the object file symbol tables have a leading underscore, and sets @LeadingUnderscore@ accordingly. (The driver script `sees' the setting of the @LeadingUnderscore@ by having the Makefile prepend it). \begin{code} sub setupLinkOpts { local($uscore) = ( ${LeadingUnderscore} eq 'YES' ) ? '_' : ''; unshift(@Ld_flags, (($Ld_main) ? ( '-u', "${uscore}Main_" . $Ld_main . '_closure' ) : ())); unshift(@Ld_flags, ( '-u', "${uscore}PrelBase_Z91Z93_closure" # i.e., [] ,'-u', "${uscore}PrelBase_IZh_static_info" ,'-u', "${uscore}PrelBase_CZh_static_info" ,'-u', "${uscore}PrelBase_False_inregs_info" ,'-u', "${uscore}PrelBase_True_inregs_info" ,'-u', "${uscore}DEBUG_REGS" )); if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-|^rs6000-/) { # sometimes we have lots of toc entries... # unshift(@Ld_flags, ('-Xlinker -bbigtoc -Xlinker -bnoquiet')); unshift(@Ld_flags, ('-Xlinker -bbigtoc')); } } # end of setupLinkOpts \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Set up include paths and system-library enslurpment} %* * %************************************************************************ Now that we know what garbage-collector, etc., are required, we can finalise our list of libraries to slurp through, and generally Get Ready for Business. \begin{code} sub setupIncPaths { # default includes must be added AFTER option processing if ( ! $INSTALLING ) { push (@Include_dir, "$TopPwd/${CURRENT_DIR}/${GHC_INCLUDE_DIR}"); } else { push (@Include_dir, "$InstLibDirGhc/includes"); push (@Include_dir, "$InstLibDirGhc/includes"); } } # end of setupIncPaths \end{code} \begin{code} sub setupSyslibs { push(@SysLibrary, ( '-lHS', '-lHS_cbits' )); # basic I/O and prelude stuff local($f); foreach $f (@SysLibrary) { next if $f =~ /_cbits/; $f .= $BuildTag if $f =~ /^-lHS/; } # fiddle the TopClosure file name... $TopClosureFile =~ s/XXXX//; # Push library HSrts, plus boring clib bit push(@SysLibrary, "-lHSrts${BuildTag}"); push(@SysLibrary, '-lHSclib'); # # RTS compiled with cygwin32, uses the WinMM API # to implement the itimers, since cygwin.dll does not # support it. Only reqd. for `ways' that use itimers. # push(@SysLibrary, '-lwinmm') if $BuildTag ne '' && $TargetPlatform eq 'i386-unknown-cygwin32'; # Push the pvm libraries if ($BuildTag eq '_mp') { $pvmlib = "$ENV{'PVM_ROOT'}/lib/$ENV{'PVM_ARCH'}"; push(@SysLibrary, "-L$pvmlib", '-lpvm3', '-lgpvm3'); if ( $ENV{'PVM_ARCH'} eq 'SUNMP' ) { push(@SysLibrary, '-lthread', '-lsocket', '-lnsl'); } elsif ( $ENV{'PVM_ARCH'} eq 'SUN4SOL2' ) { push(@SysLibrary, '-lsocket', '-lnsl'); } } # Push the GNU multi-precision arith lib; and the math library push(@SysLibrary, '-lgmp'); push(@SysLibrary, '-lm'); \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Check that this system was built to do what we are asking} %* * %************************************************************************ Before continuing we check that the appropriate build is available. \begin{code} #die "$Pgm: no BuildAvail?? $BuildTag\n" if $BuildDescr{$BuildTag} eq '' ; # sanity if ( $BuildDescr{$BuildTag} eq '' ) { print STDERR "$Pgm: a `", $BuildDescr{$BuildTag}, "' \"build\" is not available with your GHC setup.\n"; print STDERR "(It was not configured for it at your site.)\n"; print STDERR $ShortUsage; exit 1; } } # end of setupSyslibs \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Final miscellaneous setup bits before we start going} %* * %************************************************************************ Record largest specific heapsize, if any. \begin{code} sub setupHeapStackSize { $Specific_heap_size = $Specific_heap_size * $Scale_sizes_by; push(@HsC_rts_flags, '-H'.$Specific_heap_size); $Specific_stk_size = $Specific_stk_size * $Scale_sizes_by; push(@HsC_rts_flags, "-K$Specific_stk_size"); } \end{code} If no input or link files seen, then we let 'em feed in stdin; this is mainly for debugging. \begin{code} if ($#Input_file < 0 && $#Link_file < 0) { @Input_file = ( '-' ); open(INF, "> $Tmp_prefix.hs") || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Can't open $Tmp_prefix.hs\n"); print STDERR "Enter your Haskell program, end with ^D (on a line of its own):\n" if -t; while () { print INF $_; } close(INF) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed writing to $Tmp_prefix.hs\n"); } \end{code} Tell the world who we are, if they asked. \begin{code} print STDERR "${PROJECTNAME}, version ${PROJECTVERSION}, patchlevel ${PROJECTPATCHLEVEL}\n" if $Verbose; \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \section[Driver-main-loop]{Main loop: Process input files, and link if required} %* * %************************************************************************ Process the input files; don't continue with linking if there are problems (global variable @$Status@ non-zero). \begin{code} foreach $ifile (@Input_file) { &ProcessInputFile($ifile); } if ( $Status > 0 ) { # don't link if there were errors... print STDERR $ShortUsage; &tidy_up(); exit $Status; } # append last minute flags linker and consistency flags &setupBuildFlags(); &setupSyslibs(); &setupLinkOpts(); \end{code} Link if appropriate. \begin{code} if ($Do_lnkr) { local($libdirs) = ''; # glue them together: push(@UserLibrary_dir, @SysLibrary_dir); $libdirs = '-L' . join(' -L',@UserLibrary_dir) if $#UserLibrary_dir >= 0; # for a linker, use an explicitly given one, or the going C compiler ... local($lnkr) = ( $Lnkr ) ? $Lnkr : $CcRegd; local($output) = ($Specific_output_file ne '') ? "-o $Specific_output_file" : ''; @Files_to_tidy = ($Specific_output_file ne '') ? $Specific_output_file : 'a.out'; local($to_do) = "$lnkr $Verbose @Ld_flags $output @Link_file $TopClosureFile $libdirs @UserLibrary @SysLibrary"; &run_something($to_do, 'Linker'); # finally, check the consistency info in the binary local($executable) = $Files_to_tidy[0]; @Files_to_tidy = (); # reset; we don't want to nuke it if it's inconsistent if ( $LinkChk ) { # dynamically load consistency-chking code; then do it. require('ghc-consist.prl') || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: panic: can't load ghc-consist.prl!\n"); &chk_consistency_info ( $executable ); } # if PVM parallel stuff, we do truly weird things. # Essentially: (1) move the executable over to where PVM expects # to find it. (2) create a script in place of the executable # which will cause the program to be run, via SysMan. if ( $PARing eq 'p' ) { local($pvm_executable) = $executable; local($pvm_executable_base); if ( $pvm_executable !~ /^\// ) { # a relative path name: make absolute local($pwd) = `pwd`; chop($pwd); $pwd =~ s/^\/tmp_mnt//; $pvm_executable = "$pwd/$pvm_executable"; } $pvm_executable =~ s|/|=|g; # make /s into =s $pvm_executable_base = $pvm_executable; $pvm_executable = $ENV{'PVM_ROOT'} . '/bin/' . $ENV{'PVM_ARCH'} . "/$pvm_executable"; &run_something("$Rm -f $pvm_executable; $Cp -p $executable $pvm_executable && $Rm -f $executable", 'Moving binary to PVM land'); # OK, now create the magic script for "$executable" open(EXEC, "> $executable") || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: couldn't open $executable to write!\n"); print EXEC <= 0 || $#File_options >= 0) { #@File_options = (@File_options, @Cmd_opts); # Now process the command line &initDriverGlobals(); &processArgs((@File_options,@Cmd_opts)); print STDERR "\nEffective command line: " . join(' ',(@File_options,@Cmd_opts)) . "\n" if $Verbose; } # # Having got the effective command line scanned, set up # the various options in prep for some real work. # # check the sanity of the BuildTag we're about to use, # and if needs be, add some more flags and setup to # the different phases. # &setupBuildFlags(); &setupOptimiseFlags(); &setupMachOpts(); &setupIncPaths(); &setupWarningFlags(); &setupHeapStackSize(); # # These two variables need to be set after the # command-line has been processed and the build options # have be seen set up. This is because command-line options # can control whether to compile vias C or not. # local($do_cc) = ( $Do_cc != -1) # i.e., it was set explicitly ? $Do_cc : ( ($HscOut eq '-C=') ? 1 : 0 ); local($do_as) = $Do_as; local($hsc_out) = ( $HscOut eq '-C=' ) ? "$Tmp_prefix.hc" : "$Tmp_prefix.s" ; if ($Only_preprocess_hc) { # stop after having run $Cc -E $do_as=0; } if ($Only_preprocess_C) { # stop after having run $hscpp $do_hsc=0; $do_cc = 0; $do_as=0; } elsif ($ifile =~ /.lhs$/ || $ifile =~ /.hs$/ ) { ; } elsif ($ifile =~ /\.hc$/ || $ifile =~ /_hc$/ ) { # || $ifile =~ /\.$Isuffix$/o) # ToDo: better $do_hscpp = 0; $do_hsc = 0; $do_cc = 1; $hsc_out = $ifile; } elsif ($ifile =~ /\.c$/) { $do_hscpp = 0; $do_hsc = 0; $do_cc = 1; $hsc_out = $ifile; $is_hc_file = 0; } elsif ($ifile =~ /\.s$/) { $do_hscpp = 0; $do_hsc = 0; $do_cc = 0; $cc_as = $ifile; } else { # don't know what it is, but nothing to do herein... $do_hscpp = 0; $do_hsc = 0; $do_cc = 0; $do_as = 0; } # hack to avoid running hscpp $HsCpp = $Cat if ! $Cpp_flag_set; &runHscpp($in_lit2pgm, $lit2pgm_hscpp, $hscpp_hsc) if $do_hscpp; \end{code} We now think about whether to run hsc/cc or not (when hsc produces .s stuff, it effectively takes the place of both phases). To get the output file name right: for each phase that we are {\em not} going to run, set its input (i.e., the output of its preceding phase) to @"$ifile_root."@. \begin{code} local($going_interactive) = $HscOut eq '-N=' || $ifile_root eq '_stdin'; # # Warning issued if -keep-hc-file-too is used without # -fvia-C (or the equivalent) # if ( $HscOut ne '-C=' && $Keep_hc_file_too ) { print STDERR "$Pgm: warning: Native code generator to be used, -keep-hc-file-too will be ignored\n"; } if (! $do_cc && ! $do_as) { # stopping after hsc $hsc_out = ($Specific_output_file ne '') ? $Specific_output_file : &odir_ify($ifile_root, ($HscOut eq '-C=') ? 'hc' : 's'); $ofile_target = $hsc_out; # reset } if (! $do_as) { # stopping after gcc (or hsc) $cc_as = ($Specific_output_file ne '') ? $Specific_output_file : &odir_ify($ifile_root, ( $Only_preprocess_hc ) ? 'i' : 's'); $ofile_target = $cc_as; # reset } \end{code} Now the Haskell compiler, C compiler, and assembler \begin{code} if ($do_hsc) { &runHscAndProcessInterfaces( $ifile, $hscpp_hsc, $ifile_root, $ofile_target, $hifile_target); } if ($do_cc) { &runGcc ($is_hc_file, $hsc_out, $cc_as_o); &runMangler($is_hc_file, $cc_as_o, $cc_as, $ifile_root) if ! $Only_preprocess_hc; } &split_asm_file($cc_as) if $do_as && $SplitObjFiles; # save a copy of the .s file.. &saveIntermediate($ifile_root , "s" , $cc_as) if ($do_as && $Keep_s_file_too); &runAs($as_out, $ifile_root) if $do_as; \end{code} Finally, decide what to queue up for linker input. \begin{code} # tentatively assume we will eventually produce linker input: push(@Link_file, &odir_ify($ifile_root, 'o')); #ToDo: local($or_isuf) = ($Isuffix eq '') ? '' : "|$Isuffix"; if ( $ifile !~ /\.(lhs|hs|hc|c|s)$/ && $ifile !~ /_hc$/ ) { print STDERR "$Pgm: don't recognise suffix on `$ifile'; passing it through to linker\n" if $ifile !~ /\.a$/; # oops; we tentatively pushed the wrong thing; fix & do the right thing pop(@Link_file); push(@Link_file, $ifile); } } # end of ProcessInputFile \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \section[Driver-run-phases]{Routines to run the various phases} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} sub runLit2pgm { local($in_lit2pgm, $lit2pgm_hscpp) = @_; local($to_do) = ""; # Only add #line pragma if we're going to need it. $to_do = "echo '#line 1 \"$in_lit2pgm\"' > $lit2pgm_hscpp && " if ($Cpp_flag_set); $to_do .= "$Unlit @Unlit_flags $in_lit2pgm - >> $lit2pgm_hscpp"; push(@Files_to_tidy, $lit2pgm_hscpp ); &run_something($to_do, 'literate pre-processor'); } \end{code} \begin{code} sub runHscpp { local($in_lit2pgm, $lit2pgm_hscpp, $hscpp_hsc) = @_; local($to_do) = ""; # Strictly speaking, echoing of the following line pragma is only required # on non-delit'ed input, as we've already added it during de-lit. However, # hscpp will then add a {-# LINE 1 "$lit2pgm_hsc" -} to the top of the file, # which is not very informative (but harmless). Hence, we uniformly have # {-# LINE 1 "$in_lit2pgm" #-} as the first line to all cpp'ed hsc input. # $to_do = "echo '{-# LINE 1 \"$in_lit2pgm\" -}' > $hscpp_hsc && "; if ($HsCpp eq $Cat) { $to_do .= "$HsCpp $lit2pgm_hscpp >> $hscpp_hsc"; push(@Files_to_tidy, $hscpp_hsc ); &run_something($to_do, 'Ineffective C pre-processor'); } else { local($includes) = '-I' . join(' -I',@Include_dir); $to_do .= "$HsCpp $Verbose $genSPECS_flag @HsCpp_flags -D__HASKELL1__=$Haskell1Version -D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=$GhcVersionInfo $includes $lit2pgm_hscpp >> $hscpp_hsc"; push(@Files_to_tidy, $hscpp_hsc ); &run_something($to_do, 'Haskellised C pre-processor'); } if ( $Only_preprocess_C ) { $to_do = "$Cat $hscpp_hsc"; &run_something($to_do, ''); } } \end{code} \begin{code} sub runHscAndProcessInterfaces { local($ifile, $hscpp_hsc, $ifile_root, $ofile_target, $hifile_target) = @_; # $ifile is the original input file # $hscpp_hsc post-unlit, post-cpp, etc., input file # $ifile_root input filename minus suffix # $ofile_target the output file that we ultimately hope to produce # $hifile_target the .hi file ... (ditto) local($source_unchanged) = 1; # Check if the source file is up to date relative to the target; in # that case we say "source is unchanged" and let the compiler bail out # early if the import usage information allows it. ($i_dev,$i_ino,$i_mode,$i_nlink,$i_uid,$i_gid,$i_rdev,$i_size, $i_atime,$i_mtime,$i_ctime,$i_blksize,$i_blocks) = stat($ifile); # The informational messages below are now conditional on -v being set -- SOF if ( $ofile_target ne "_stdin.s" && ! -f $ofile_target ) { print STDERR "$Pgm:compile:Output file $ofile_target doesn't exist\n" if $Verbose; $source_unchanged = 0; } ($o_dev,$o_ino,$o_mode,$o_nlink,$o_uid,$o_gid,$o_rdev,$o_size, $o_atime,$o_mtime,$o_ctime,$o_blksize,$o_blocks) = stat(_); # stat info from -f test if ( $hifile_target ne "_stdout" && ! -f $hifile_target ) { print STDERR "$Pgm:compile:Interface file $hifile_target doesn't exist\n" if $Verbose; $source_unchanged = 0; } ($hi_dev,$hi_ino,$hi_mode,$hi_nlink,$hi_uid,$hi_gid,$hi_rdev,$hi_size, $hi_atime,$hi_mtime,$hi_ctime,$hi_blksize,$hi_blocks) = stat(_); # stat info from -f test if ( $ofile_target ne "_stdin.s" && $i_mtime > $o_mtime) { print STDERR "$Pgm:recompile:Input file $ifile newer than $ofile_target\n" if $Verbose; $source_unchanged = 0; } # So if source_unchanged is still "1", we pass on the good news to the compiler # The -recomp flag can disable this, forcing recompilation if ($Do_recomp_chkr && $source_unchanged) { push(@HsC_flags, '-fsource-unchanged'); } # Run the compiler &runHsc($ifile_root, $hsc_out, $hsc_hi, $going_interactive); # See if it bailed out early, saying nothing needed doing. # We work this out by seeing if it created an output .hi file if ( ! -f $hsc_hi && $ProduceHi !~ /-nohifile=/ ) { # Doesn't exist, so we bailed out early. # Tell the C compiler and assembler not to run $do_cc = 0; $do_as = 0; # Update dependency info, touch both object file and # interface file, so that the following invariant is # maintained: # # a dependent module's interface file should after recompilation # checking be newer than the interface files of its imports. # # That is, if module A's interface file changes, then module B # (which import from A) needs to be checked. # If A's change does not affect B, which causes the compiler to bail # out early, we still need to touch the interface file of B. The reason # for this is that B may export A's interface. # &run_something("touch $ofile_target", "Touch $ofile_target, to propagate dependencies") if $HscOut ne '-N='; &run_something("touch $hifile_target", "Touch $hifile_target, to propagate dependencies") if $ProduceHi =~ /-nohifile=/ ; } else { # Didn't bail out early (new .hi file) so we thunder on # If non-interactive, heave in the consistency info at the end # NB: pretty hackish (depends on how $output is set) if ( ! $going_interactive ) { if ( $HscOut eq '-C=' ) { $to_do = "echo 'static char ghc_hsc_ID[] = \"\@(#)hsc $ifile\t$HsC_major_version.$HsC_minor_version,$HsC_consist_options\";' >> $hsc_out"; } elsif ( $HscOut eq '-S=' ) { local($consist) = "hsc.$ifile.$HsC_major_version.$HsC_minor_version.$HsC_consist_options"; $consist =~ s/,/./g; $consist =~ s/\//./g; $consist =~ s/-/_/g; $consist =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_.]/ZZ/g; # ToDo: properly? $to_do = "echo '\n\t.text\n$consist:' >> $hsc_out"; } &run_something($to_do, 'Pin on Haskell consistency info'); } # Interface-handling is important enough to live off by itself if ( $ProduceHi !~ /-nohifile=/ ) { # If we've produced one, process it. require('ghc-iface.prl') || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: panic: can't load ghc-iface.prl!\n"); &postprocessHiFile($hsc_hi, $hifile_target, $going_interactive); } # if we're going to split up object files, # we inject split markers into the .hc file now if ( $HscOut eq '-C=' && $SplitObjFiles ) { &inject_split_markers ( $hsc_out ); } # save a copy of the .hc file, even if we are carrying on... if ($HscOut eq '-C=' && $do_cc && $Keep_hc_file_too) { &saveIntermediate($ifile_root , "hc" , $hsc_out); } } } \end{code} \begin{code} sub runHsc { local($ifile_root, $hsc_out, $hsc_hi, $going_interactive) = @_; # prepend comma to HsP flags (so hsc can tell them apart...) foreach $a ( @HsP_flags ) { $a = ",$a" unless $a =~ /^,/; } &makeHiMap() unless $HiMapDone; #print STDERR "HiIncludes: $HiIncludeString\n"; push(@HsC_flags, "-himap=$HiIncludeString"); # here, we may produce .hc/.s and/or .hi files local($output) = ''; #@Files_to_tidy = (); if ( $going_interactive ) { # don't need .hi unless going to show it on stdout: $ProduceHi = '-nohifile=' if ! $HiOnStdout; $do_cc = 0; $do_as = 0; $Do_lnkr = 0; # and we won't go any further... } # set up for producing output/.hi; note that flag twiddling # may mean that nothing will actually be produced: $output = "$ProduceHi$hsc_hi $HscOut$hsc_out"; push(@Files_to_tidy, $hsc_hi, $hsc_out ); # if we're compiling foo.hs, we want the GC stats to end up in foo.stat if ( $CollectingGCstats ) { push(@HsC_rts_flags, "-S$ifile_root.stat"); push(@Files_to_tidy, "$ifile_root.stat"); } if ( $CollectGhcTimings ) { # assume $RTS_style eq 'ghc' # emit nofibbish time/bytes-alloc stats to stderr; # see later .stat file post-processing print STDERR "warning: both -Rgc-stats and -Rghc-timing used, -Rghc-timing wins." if $CollectingGCstats; push(@HsC_rts_flags, "-s$Tmp_prefix.stat"); push(@Files_to_tidy, "$Tmp_prefix.stat"); } local($dump) = ''; if ($Specific_dump_file ne '') { $dump = "2>> $Specific_dump_file"; $Using_dump_file = 1; } local($to_do); $to_do = "$HsC @HsP_flags ,$hscpp_hsc $dump @HsC_flags $CoreLint $StgLint $Verbose $output +RTS @HsC_rts_flags"; &run_something($to_do, 'Haskell compiler'); # finish business w/ nofibbish time/bytes-alloc stats &process_ghc_timings() if $CollectGhcTimings; } \end{code} Use \tr{@Import_dir} and \tr{@SysImport_dir} to make a tmp file of (module-name, pathname) pairs, one per line, separated by a space. \begin{code} $HiMapDone = 0; $HiIncludeString = (); # dir1:dir2:dir3, to pass to GHC sub makeHiMap { # collect in %HiMap; write later; also used elsewhere in driver local($mod, $path, $d, $e); # reset the global variables: $HiMapDone = 0; $HiIncludeString = (); # dir1:dir2:dir3, to pass to GHC foreach $d ( @Import_dir ) { if ($HiIncludeString) { $HiIncludeString = "$HiIncludeString:${d}%.${HiSuffix}"; } else { $HiIncludeString = "$d%.${HiSuffix}"; } } foreach $d ( @SysImport_dir ) { if ($HiIncludeString) { $HiIncludeString = "$HiIncludeString:${d}%.${HiSuffix_prelude}"; } else { $HiIncludeString = "${d}%.${HiSuffix_prelude}"; } } $HiMapDone = 1; } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \section[Driver-misc-utils]{Miscellaneous utilities} %* * %************************************************************************ %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[Driver-odir-ify]{@odir_ify@: Mangle filename if \tr{-odir} set} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} sub osuf_ify { local($ofile,$def_suffix) = @_; return(($Osuffix eq '') ? "$ofile.$def_suffix" : "$ofile.$Osuffix" ); } sub odir_ify { local($orig_file, $def_suffix) = @_; if ($Specific_output_dir eq '') { # do nothing &osuf_ify($orig_file, $def_suffix); } else { local ($orig_file_only); ($orig_file_only = $orig_file) =~ s|.*/||; &osuf_ify("$Specific_output_dir/$orig_file_only",$def_suffix); } } \end{code} \begin{code} sub runGcc { local($is_hc_file, $hsc_out, $cc_as_o) = @_; local($includes) = '-I' . join(' -I', @Include_dir); local($cc); local($s_output); local($c_flags) = "@CcBoth_flags"; local($ddebug_flag) = ( $DEBUGging ) ? '-DDEBUG' : ''; # "input" files to use that are not in some weird directory; # to help C compilers grok .hc files [ToDo: de-hackify] local($cc_help) = "ghc$$.c"; local($cc_help_s) = "ghc$$.s"; $cc = $CcRegd; $s_output = ($is_hc_file || $TargetPlatform =~ /^(powerpc|rs6000|hppa|i386)/) ? $cc_as_o : $cc_as; $c_flags .= " @CcRegd_flags"; $c_flags .= ($is_hc_file) ? " @CcRegd_flags_hc" : " @CcRegd_flags_c"; # C compiler won't like the .hc extension. So we create # a tmp .c file which #include's the needful. open(TMP, "> $cc_help") || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$cc_help' (to write)\n"); if ( $is_hc_file ) { print TMP <= 0; } # heave in the consistency info print TMP "static char ghc_cc_ID[] = \"\@(#)cc $ifile\t$Cc_major_version.$Cc_minor_version,$Cc_consist_options\";\n"; # and #include the real source print TMP "#include \"$hsc_out\"\n"; close(TMP) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed writing to $cc_help\n"); # Don't redirect stderr into intermediate file if slamming output onto stdout (e.g., with -E) local($fuse_stderr) = "2>&1" if ! $Only_preprocess_hc; local($to_do) = "$cc $Verbose $ddebug_flag $c_flags @Cpp_define -D__HASKELL1__=$Haskell1Version $includes $cc_help > $Tmp_prefix.ccout $fuse_stderr && ( if [ $cc_help_s != $s_output ] ; then mv $cc_help_s $s_output ; else exit 0 ; fi )"; # note: __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ is pointedly *not* #defined at the C level. if ( $Only_preprocess_hc ) { # HACK ALERT! $to_do =~ s/ -S\b//g; } push(@Files_to_tidy, $cc_help, $cc_help_s, $s_output ); $PostprocessCcOutput = 1 if ! $Only_preprocess_hc; # hack, dear hack... &run_something($to_do, 'C compiler'); $PostprocessCcOutput = 0; if ( $Only_preprocess_hc ) { system("$Cat $Tmp_prefix.ccout"); } unlink($cc_help, $cc_help_s); } \end{code} \begin{code} sub runMangler { local($is_hc_file, $cc_as_o, $cc_as, $ifile_root) = @_; if ( $is_hc_file ) { # dynamically load assembler-fiddling code, which we are about to use: require('ghc-asm.prl') || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: panic: can't load ghc-asm.prl!\n"); } print STDERR `cat $cc_as_o` if $Dump_raw_asm; # to stderr, before mangling if ($is_hc_file) { # post-process the assembler [.hc files only] &mangle_asm($cc_as_o, $cc_as); #OLD: for sanity: #OLD: local($target) = 'oops'; #OLD: $target = '-alpha' if $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/; #OLD: $target = '-hppa' if $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/; #OLD: $target = '-old-asm' if $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/; #OLD: $target = '-m68k' if $TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/; #OLD: $target = '-mips' if $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/; #OLD: $target = '' if $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-/; #OLD: $target = '-solaris' if $TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-sun-solaris2/; #OLD: $target = '-sparc' if $TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-sun-sunos4/; #OLD: #OLD: if ( $target ne '' ) { #OLD: require("ghc-asm$target.prl") #OLD: || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: panic: can't load ghc-asm$target.prl!\n"); #OLD: &mangle_asm($cc_as_o, "$cc_as-2"); # the OLD one! #OLD: &run_something("$Cmp -s $cc_as-2 $cc_as || $Diff $cc_as-2 $cc_as 1>&2 || exit 0", #OLD: "Diff'ing old and new mangled .s files"); # NB: to stderr #OLD: } } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/) { # minor mangling of non-threaded files for hp-pa only require('ghc-asm.prl') || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: panic: can't load ghc-asm-hppa.prl!\n"); &mini_mangle_asm_hppa($cc_as_o, $cc_as); } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc|^rs6000/) { # minor mangling of non-threaded files for powerpcs and rs6000s require('ghc-asm.prl') || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: panic: can't load ghc-asm-powerpc.prl!\n"); &mini_mangle_asm_powerpc($cc_as_o, $cc_as); } elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^i386/) { # extremely-minor OFFENSIVE mangling of non-threaded just one file require('ghc-asm.prl') || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: panic: can't load ghc-asm.prl!\n"); &mini_mangle_asm_i386($cc_as_o, $cc_as); } # save a copy of the .s file, even if we are carrying on... #if ($do_as && $Keep_s_file_too) { # &saveIntermediate($ifile_root , "s" , $cc_as); #} } \end{code} \begin{code} sub runAs { local($as_out, $ifile_root) = @_; local($asmblr) = ( $As ) ? $As : $CcRegd; if ( ! $SplitObjFiles ) { local($to_do) = "$asmblr -o $as_out -c @As_flags $cc_as"; push(@Files_to_tidy, $as_out ); &run_something($to_do, 'Unix assembler'); } else { # more complicated split-ification... # must assemble files $Tmp_prefix__[1 .. $NoOfSplitFiles].s # If -odir is used, great, just pin it in front of the # generated split file names. If it hasn't been set, we # snatch it from the ifile_root. # # if ( $Specific_output_dir eq '' ) { $Specific_output_dir = ${ifile_root}; } for ($f = 1; $f <= $NoOfSplitFiles; $f++ ) { local($split_out) = &odir_ify("${ifile_root}__${f}",'o'); local($to_do) = "$asmblr -o $split_out -c @As_flags ${Tmp_prefix}__${f}.s"; push(@Files_to_tidy, $split_out ); &run_something($to_do, 'Unix assembler'); } } } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[Driver-run-something]{@run_something@: Run a phase} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} sub run_something { local($str_to_do, $tidy_name) = @_; print STDERR "\n$tidy_name:\n\t" if $Verbose; print STDERR "$str_to_do\n" if $Verbose; if ($Using_dump_file) { open(DUMP, ">> $Specific_dump_file") || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$Specific_dump_file'\n"); print DUMP "\nCompilation Dump for: $str_to_do\n\n"; close(DUMP) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed closing `$Specific_dump_file'\n"); } local($return_val) = 0; if ( length($str_to_do) > 4000) { # 4000 - on the random side, just like the *real* ARG_MAX # for some shells. # With some shells, command lines of this length may # very well cause trouble. To safeguard against this, we squirrel the # command into a file and exec that. local ($sh) = $ENV{'REAL_SHELL'}; print STDERR "Backup plan A: saving cmd line in ${Tmp_prefix}.sh and executing that with $sh\n" if $Verbose; open (TEMP, "> ${Tmp_prefix}.sh") || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$Tmp_prefix.sh'\n"); print TEMP "$Time $str_to_do\n"; close (TEMP) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed closing `$Tmp_prefix.sh'\n"); system("$sh $Tmp_prefix.sh"); $return_val = $?; unlink "${Tmp_prefix}.sh"; } else { system("$Time $str_to_do"); $return_val = $?; } if ( $PostprocessCcOutput ) { # hack, continued open(CCOUT, "< $Tmp_prefix.ccout") || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$Tmp_prefix.ccout'\n"); while ( ) { next if /attribute directive ignored/; next if /call-clobbered/; next if /from .*COptRegs\.lh/; next if /from .*(stg|rts)defs\.h:/; next if /from ghc\d+.c:\d+:/; next if /from .*\.lc/; next if /from .*SMinternal\.l?h/; next if /ANSI C does not support \`long long\'/; next if /warning:.*was declared \`extern\' and later \`static\'/; next if /warning: assignment discards \`const\' from pointer target type/; next if /: At top level:$/; next if /: In function \`.*\':$/; next if /\`ghc_cc_ID\' defined but not used/; print STDERR $_; } close(CCOUT) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed closing `$Tmp_prefix.ccout'\n"); } if ($return_val != 0) { if ($Using_dump_file) { print STDERR "Compilation Errors dumped in $Specific_dump_file\n"; } &tidy_up_and_die($return_val, ''); } $Using_dump_file = 0; } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[Driver-ghc-timing]{Emit nofibbish GHC timings} %* * %************************************************************************ NB: nearly the same as in @runstdtest@ script. \begin{code} sub process_ghc_timings { local($StatsFile) = "$Tmp_prefix.stat"; local($SysSpecificTiming) = 'ghc'; open(STATS, $StatsFile) || die "Failed when opening $StatsFile\n"; local($max_live) = 0; local($tot_live) = 0; # for calculating residency stuff local($tot_samples) = 0; while () { if (! /Minor/ && /^\s*\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\.\d+\%/ ) { $max_live = $1 if $max_live < $1; $tot_live += $1; $tot_samples += 1; } $BytesAlloc = $1 if /^\s*([0-9,]+) bytes allocated in the heap/; if ( /^\s*([0-9,]+) bytes maximum residency .* (\d+) sample/ ) { $MaxResidency = $1; $ResidencySamples = $2; } $GCs = $1 if /^\s*([0-9,]+) garbage collections? performed/; # The presence of -? in the following pattern is only there to # accommodate 0.29 && <= 2.05 RTS' if ( /^\s*INIT\s+time\s*(\d+\.\d\d)s\s*\(\s*-?(\d+\.\d\d)s elapsed\)/ ) { $InitTime = $1; $InitElapsed = $2; } elsif ( /^\s*MUT\s+time\s*(\d+\.\d\d)s\s*\(\s*(\d+\.\d\d)s elapsed\)/ ) { $MutTime = $1; $MutElapsed = $2; } elsif ( /^\s*GC\s+time\s*(\d+\.\d\d)s\s*\(\s*(\d+\.\d\d)s elapsed\)/ ) { $GcTime = $1; $GcElapsed = $2; } } close(STATS) || die "Failed when closing $StatsFile\n"; if ( $tot_samples > 0 ) { $ResidencySamples = $tot_samples; $MaxResidency = $max_live; $AvgResidency = int ($tot_live / $tot_samples) ; } # warn about what we didn't find print STDERR "Warning: BytesAlloc not found in stats file\n" unless defined($BytesAlloc); print STDERR "Warning: GCs not found in stats file\n" unless defined($GCs); print STDERR "Warning: InitTime not found in stats file\n" unless defined($InitTime); print STDERR "Warning: InitElapsed not found in stats file\n" unless defined($InitElapsed); print STDERR "Warning: MutTime not found in stats file\n" unless defined($MutTime); print STDERR "Warning: MutElapsed not found in stats file\n" unless defined($MutElapsed); print STDERR "Warning: GcTime inot found in stats file\n" unless defined($GcTime); print STDERR "Warning: GcElapsed not found in stats file\n" unless defined($GcElapsed); # things we didn't necessarily expect to find $MaxResidency = 0 unless defined($MaxResidency); $AvgResidency = 0 unless defined($AvgResidency); $ResidencySamples = 0 unless defined($ResidencySamples); # a bit of tidying $BytesAlloc =~ s/,//g; $MaxResidency =~ s/,//g; $GCs =~ s/,//g; $InitTime =~ s/,//g; $InitElapsed =~ s/,//g; $MutTime =~ s/,//g; $MutElapsed =~ s/,//g; $GcTime =~ s/,//g; $GcElapsed =~ s/,//g; # print out what we found print STDERR "<<$SysSpecificTiming: ", "$BytesAlloc bytes, $GCs GCs, $AvgResidency/$MaxResidency avg/max bytes residency ($ResidencySamples samples), $InitTime INIT ($InitElapsed elapsed), $MutTime MUT ($MutElapsed elapsed), $GcTime GC ($GcElapsed elapsed)", " :$SysSpecificTiming>>\n"; # OK, party over unlink $StatsFile; } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[Driver-dying]{@tidy_up@ and @tidy_up_and_die@: Dying gracefully} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} sub tidy_up { local($to_do) = "\n$Rm $Tmp_prefix*"; if ( $Tmp_prefix !~ /^\s*$/ ) { print STDERR "$to_do\n" if $Verbose; system($to_do); } } sub tidy_up_and_die { local($return_val, $msg) = @_; # delete any files to tidy print STDERR "deleting... @Files_to_tidy\n" if $Verbose && $#Files_to_tidy >= 0; unlink @Files_to_tidy if $#Files_to_tidy >= 0; &tidy_up(); print STDERR $msg; exit (($return_val == 0) ? 0 : 1); } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[Driver-arg-with-arg]{@grab_arg_arg@: Do an argument with an argument} %* * %************************************************************************ Some command-line arguments take an argument, e.g., \tr{-Rmax-heapsize} expects a number to follow. This can either be given a part of the same argument (\tr{-Rmax-heapsize8M}) or as the next argument (\tr{-Rmax-heapsize 8M}). We allow both cases. Note: no error-checking; \tr{-Rmax-heapsize -Rgc-stats} will silently gobble the second argument (and probably set the heapsize to something nonsensical). \begin{code} sub grab_arg_arg { local(*Args, $option, $rest_of_arg) = @_; if ($rest_of_arg ne '') { return($rest_of_arg); } elsif ($#Args >= 0) { local($temp) = $Args[0]; shift(@Args); return($temp); } else { print STDERR "$Pgm: no argument following $option option\n"; $Status++; } } \end{code} \begin{code} sub isntAntiFlag { local($flag) = @_; local($f); #Not in HsC_antiflag ## NO!: and not already in HsC_flags foreach $f ( @HsC_antiflags ) { return(0) if $flag eq $f; } # foreach $f ( @HsC_flags ) { # return(0) if $flag eq $f; # } return(1); } sub squashHscFlag { # pretty terrible local($flag) = @_; local($f); foreach $f ( @HsC_flags ) { if ($flag eq $f) { $f = ''; } } } sub add_Hsc_flags { local(@flags) = @_; local($f); foreach $f ( @flags ) { push( @HsC_flags, $f ) if &isntAntiFlag($f); } } \end{code} Source files may have {-# OPTIONS ... #-} pragmas at the top, containing command line options we want to append to collection of commands specified directly. @check_for_source_options@ looks at the top of a de-lit'ified Haskell file for any such pragmas: \begin{code} sub check_for_source_options { local($file,$ifile) = @_; local($comment_start,$comment_end); if ($ifile =~ /\.hc$/ || $ifile =~ /_hc$/ || $ifile =~ /\.s$/ || $ifile =~ /_s$/ ) { # `Real' C intermediate $comment_start = "/\\*"; $comment_end = "\\*/"; } else { # Assume it is a file containing Haskell source $comment_start = "{-#"; $comment_end = "#-}"; } open(FILE,$file) || return(1); # No big loss while () { if ( /^${comment_start} OPTIONS (.*)${comment_end}$/ ) { # add the options found at the back of the command line. local(@entries) = split(/\s+/,$1); print STDERR "Found OPTIONS " . join(' ',@entries) . " in $file\n" if $Verbose; push(@File_options, @entries); } elsif ( /^$/ ) { # ignore empty lines ; } elsif ( /^#line.+$/ ) { # ignore comment lines (unused..ToDo: rm ) ; } elsif ( /^{-# LINE.+$/ ) { # ignore line pragmas ; } else { # stop looking, something non-empty / not # ${comment_start} OPTIONS .. ${comment_end} encountered. close(FILE);return(0); } } close(FILE); return(0); } \end{code} We split the initial argv up into three arrays: - @Cmd_opts - @Link_file - @Input_file the reason for doing so is to be able to deal with {-# OPTIONS #-} pragma in source files properly. \begin{code} sub splitCmdLine { local(@args) = @_; arg: while($_ = $args[0]) { shift(@args); # sigh, we have to deal with these -option arg specially here. /^-(tmpdir|odir|ohi|o|isuf|osuf|hisuf|hisuf-prelude|odump|syslib)$/ && do { push(@Cmd_opts, $_); push(@Cmd_opts,$args[0]); shift(@args); next arg; }; /^--?./ && do { push(@Cmd_opts, $_); next arg; }; if (/\.([^_]+_)?[oa]$/) { push(@Link_file, $_); } else { push(@Input_file, $_); } # input files must exist: if (! -f $_) { print STDERR "$Pgm: input file doesn't exist: $_\n"; $Status++; } } } \end{code} When saving an intermediate file (.hc or .s) away, we have to prefix any OPTIONS found in the original source file. \begin{code} sub saveIntermediate { local ($final,$suffix,$tmp)= @_ ; local ($to_do); # $final -- root of where to park ${final}.${suffix} # $tmp -- temporary file where hsc put the intermediate file. # Delete the old file $to_do = "$Rm ${final}.${suffix}"; &run_something($to_do, "Removing old .${suffix} file"); if ( $#File_options >= 0 ) { # OPTIONS found in Haskell source unit # Add OPTION comment to the top of the generated .${suffix} file open(TEMP, "> ${final}.${suffix}") || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Can't open ${final}.${suffix}\n"); print TEMP "/* OPTIONS " . join(' ',@File_options) . " */\n"; close(TEMP); print STDERR "Prepending OPTIONS: " . join(' ',@File_options) . " to ${final}.${suffix}\n" if $Verbose; } $to_do = "$Cat $tmp >> ${final}.${suffix}"; &run_something($to_do, "Saving copy of .${suffix} file"); } \end{code} Command-line processor \begin{code} sub processArgs { local(@Args) = @_; # can't use getopt(s); what we want is too complicated arg: while($_ = $Args[0]) { shift(@Args); #---------- help ------------------------------------------------------- if (/^-\?$/ || /^--?help$/) { print $LongUsage; exit $Status; } #-----------version ---------------------------------------------------- /^--version$/ && do { print STDERR "${PROJECTNAME}, version ${PROJECTVERSION}, patchlevel ${PROJECTPATCHLEVEL}\n"; exit $Status; }; #---------- verbosity and such ----------------------------------------- /^-v$/ && do { $Verbose = '-v'; $Time = 'time'; next arg; }; #---------- what phases are to be run ---------------------------------- /^-(no-)?recomp/ && do { $Do_recomp_chkr = ($1 eq '') ? 1 : 0; next arg; }; /^-cpp$/ && do { $Cpp_flag_set = 1; next arg; }; # change the global default: # we won't run cat; we'll run the real thing /^-C$/ && do { $Do_cc = 0; $Do_as = 0; $Do_lnkr = 0; $HscOut = '-C='; next arg; }; # stop after generating C /^-noC$/ && do { $HscOut = '-N='; $ProduceHi = '-nohifile='; $Do_cc = 0; $Do_as = 0; $Do_lnkr = 0; next arg; }; # leave out actual C generation (debugging) [also turns off interface gen] /^-hi$/ && do { $HiOnStdout = 1; $ProduceHi = '-hifile='; next arg; }; # _do_ generate an interface; usually used as: -noC -hi /^-nohi$/ && do { $ProduceHi = '-nohifile='; next arg; }; # don't generate an interface (even if generating C) /^-hi-diffs$/ && do { $HiDiff_flag = 'normal'; next arg; }; /^-hi-diffs-with-usages$/ && do { $HiDiff_flag = 'usages'; next arg; }; /^-no-hi-diffs$/ && do { $HiDiff_flag = ''; next arg; }; /^-keep-hi-diffs$/ && do { $Keep_HiDiffs = 1; next arg; }; # show/disable diffs if the interface file changes /^-E$/ && do { push(@CcBoth_flags, '-E'); $Only_preprocess_C = 1; $Do_as = 0; $Do_lnkr = 0; next arg; }; # stop after preprocessing C /^-M$/ && do { $Only_generate_deps = 1; $Do_as = 0; $Do_lnkr = 0; next arg; }; # only generate dependency information. /^-S$/ && do { $Do_as = 0; $Do_lnkr = 0; next arg; }; # stop after generating assembler /^-c$/ && do { $Do_lnkr = 0; next arg; }; # stop after generating .o files /^-link-chk$/ && do { $LinkChk = 1; next arg; }; /^-no-link-chk$/ && do { $LinkChk = 0; next arg; }; # don't do consistency-checking after a link /^-tmpdir$/ && do { $Tmp_prefix = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-tmpdir', ''); $Tmp_prefix = "$Tmp_prefix/ghc$$"; $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = $Tmp_prefix; # for those who use it... next arg; }; # use an alternate directory for temp files #---------- redirect output -------------------------------------------- # -o ; applies to the last phase, whatever it is # "-o -" sends it to stdout # if has a directory component, that dir must already exist /^-odir$/ && do { $Specific_output_dir = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-odir', ''); # # Hack, of the worst sort: don't do validation of # odir argument if you're using -M (dependency generation). # if ( ! $Only_generate_deps && ! -d $Specific_output_dir) { print STDERR "$Pgm: -odir: no such directory: $Specific_output_dir\n"; $Status++; } next arg; }; /^-o$/ && do { $Specific_output_file = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-o', ''); if ($Specific_output_file ne '-' && $Specific_output_file =~ /(.*)\/[^\/]*$/) { local($dir_part) = $1; if (! -d $dir_part) { print STDERR "$Pgm: no such directory: $dir_part\n"; $Status++; } } next arg; }; # NB: -isuf not documented yet (because it doesn't work yet) /^-isuf$/ && do { $Isuffix = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-isuf', ''); if ($Isuffix =~ /\./ ) { print STDERR "$Pgm: -isuf suffix shouldn't contain a .\n"; $Status++; } next arg; }; /^-osuf$/ && do { $Osuffix = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-osuf', ''); if ($Osuffix =~ /\./ ) { print STDERR "$Pgm: -osuf suffix shouldn't contain a .\n"; $Status++; } next arg; }; # -ohi ; send the interface to ; "-ohi -" to send to stdout /^-ohi$/ && do { $Specific_hi_file = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-ohi', ''); if ($Specific_hi_file ne '-' && $Specific_hi_file =~ /(.*)\/[^\/]*$/) { local($dir_part) = $1; if (! -d $dir_part) { print STDERR "$Pgm: no such directory: $dir_part\n"; $Status++; } } next arg; }; # The suffix to use when looking for interface files /^-hisuf$/ && do { $HiSuffix = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-hisuf', ''); if ($HiSuffix =~ /\./ ) { print STDERR "$Pgm: -hisuf suffix shouldn't contain a .\n"; $Status++; } next arg; }; # ToDo: remove, not a `normal' user thing to do (should be automatic) /^-hisuf-prelude$/ && do { $HiSuffix_prelude = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-hisuf-prelude', ''); if ($HiSuffix =~ /\./ ) { print STDERR "$Pgm: -hisuf-prelude suffix shouldn't contain a .\n"; $Status++; } next arg; }; /^-odump$/ && do { $Specific_dump_file = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-odump', ''); if ($Specific_dump_file =~ /(.*)\/[^\/]*$/) { local($dir_part) = $1; if (! -d $dir_part) { print STDERR "$Pgm: no such directory: $dir_part\n"; $Status++; } } next arg; }; #-------------- scc & Profiling Stuff ---------------------------------- /^-prof$/ && do { $PROFing = 'p'; next arg; }; # profiling -- details later! /^-auto/ && do { # generate auto SCCs on top level bindings # -auto-all = all top level bindings # -auto = only top level exported bindings $PROFauto = ( /-all/ ) ? '-fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs' : '-fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs'; next arg; }; /^-caf-all/ && do { # generate individual CAF SCC annotations $PROFcaf = '-fauto-sccs-on-individual-cafs'; next arg; }; /^-ignore-scc$/ && do { # forces ignore of scc annotations even if profiling $PROFignore_scc = '-W'; next arg; }; /^-G(.*)$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, "-G=$1"); # set group for cost centres next arg; }; /^-unprof-scc-auto/ && do { # generate auto SCCs on top level bindings when not profiling. # Used to measure optimisation effects of presence of sccs. $UNPROFscc_auto = ( /-all/ ) ? '-fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs' : '-fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs'; next arg; }; #--------- ticky/concurrent/parallel ----------------------------------- # we sort out the details a bit later on /^-concurrent$/ && do { $CONCURing = 'c'; next arg; }; # concurrent Haskell /^-gransim$/ && do { $GRANing = 'g'; next arg; }; # GranSim /^-ticky$/ && do { $TICKYing = 't'; next arg; }; # ticky-ticky /^-parallel$/ && do { $PARing = 'p'; next arg; }; # parallel Haskell #-------------- "user ways" -------------------------------------------- (/^-user-setup-([a-oA-Z])$/ ) && do { /^-user-setup-([a-oA-Z])$/ && do { $BuildTag = "_$1"; }; local($stuff) = $UserSetupOpts{$BuildTag}; local(@opts) = split(/\s+/, $stuff); # feed relevant ops into the arg-processing loop (if any) unshift(@Args, @opts) if $#opts >= 0; next arg; }; #---------- set search paths for libraries and things ------------------ # we do -i just like HBC (-i clears the list; -i # prepends the items to the list); -I is for including C .h files. /^-i$/ && do { @Import_dir = (); # import path cleared! @SysImport_dir = (); print STDERR "WARNING: import paths cleared by `-i'\n"; next arg; }; /^-i(.*)/ && do { local(@new_items) = split( /:/, &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-i', $1)); unshift(@Import_dir, @new_items); next arg; }; /^-I(.*)/ && do { push(@Include_dir, &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-I', $1)); next arg; }; /^-L(.*)/ && do { push(@UserLibrary_dir, &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-L', $1)); next arg; }; /^-l(.*)/ && do { push(@UserLibrary,'-l'.&grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-l', $1)); next arg; }; /^-syslib(.*)/ && do { local($syslib) = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-syslib',$1); print STDERR "$Pgm: no such system library (-syslib): $syslib\n", $Status++ unless $syslib =~ /^(hbc|ghc|posix|contrib)$/; unshift(@SysImport_dir, ${INSTALLING} ? "$InstSysLibDir/$syslib/imports" : "$TopPwd/hslibs/$syslib/src"); if ( ${INSTALLING} ) { push(@SysLibrary_dir, ("$InstSysLibDir")); } else { push(@SysLibrary_dir, ("$TopPwd/hslibs/$syslib" ,"$TopPwd/hslibs/$syslib/cbits")); } push(@SysLibrary, "-lHS$syslib"); push(@SysLibrary, "-lHS${syslib}_cbits") unless $syslib eq 'contrib'; #HACK! it has no cbits next arg; }; #======================================================================= # various flags that we can harmlessly send to one program or another # (we will later "reclaim" some of the compiler ones now sent to gcc) #======================================================================= #---------- this driver itself (ghc) ----------------------------------- # these change what executable is run for each phase: /^-pgmL(.*)$/ && do { $Unlit = $1; next arg; }; /^-pgmP(.*)$/ && do { $HsCpp = $1; next arg; }; /^-pgmC(.*)$/ && do { $HsC = $1; next arg; }; /^-pgmcO?(.*)$/ && do { $CcRegd = $1; next arg; }; # the O? for back compat /^-pgma(.*)$/ && do { $As = $1; next arg; }; /^-pgml(.*)$/ && do { $Lnkr = $1; next arg; }; /^-pgmdep(.*)$/ && do { $MkDependHS = $1; next arg; }; #---------- the get-anything-through opts (all pgms) ------------------- # these allow arbitrary option-strings to go to any phase: /^-optL(.*)$/ && do { push(@Unlit_flags, $1); next arg; }; /^-optP(.*)$/ && do { push(@HsCpp_flags, $1); next arg; }; /^-optCrts(.*)$/&& do { push(@HsC_rts_flags, $1); next arg; }; /^-optC(.*)$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $1); next arg; }; /^-optcpp(.*)$/ && do { push(@Cpp_define, $1); $Only_preprocess_hc = ($1 eq "-E"); next arg; }; /^-optc(.*)$/ && do { push(@CcBoth_flags, $1); next arg; }; /^-opta(.*)$/ && do { push(@As_flags, $1); next arg; }; /^-optl(.*)$/ && do { push(@Ld_flags, $1); next arg; }; /^-optdep(.*)$/ && do { push(@MkDependHS_flags, $1); next arg; }; #---------- Haskell C pre-processor (hscpp) ---------------------------- /^-D(.*)/ && do { push(@HsCpp_flags, "'-D".&grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-D',$1)."'"); next arg; }; /^-U(.*)/ && do { push(@HsCpp_flags, "'-U".&grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-U',$1)."'"); next arg; }; /^-genSPECS/ && do { $Cpp_flag_set = 1; $genSPECS_flag = $_; next arg; }; #---------- post-Haskell "assembler"------------------------------------ /^-ddump-raw-asm$/ && do { $Dump_raw_asm = 1; next arg; }; /^-ddump-asm-splitting-info$/ && do { $Dump_asm_splitting_info = 1; next arg; }; #---------- Haskell compiler (hsc) ------------------------------------- /^-keep-hc-files?-too$/ && do { $Keep_hc_file_too = 1; next arg; }; /^-keep-s-files?-too$/ && do { $Keep_s_file_too = 1; next arg; }; /^-fhaskell-1\.3$/ && do { next arg; }; # a no-op right now /^-fignore-interface-pragmas$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; /^-fno-implicit-prelude$/ && do { $NoImplicitPrelude= 1; push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; # don't do stack checking using page fault `trick'. # (esoteric). /^-fstack-check$/ && do { $StkChkByPageFaultOK = 0; next arg; }; # # have the compiler proper generate concurrent code, # really only used when you want to configure your own # special user compilation way. (Use -concurrent when # compiling `Concurrent Haskell' programs). # # (ditto for -fgransim, fscc-profiling and -fticky-ticky) # /^-fconcurrent$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags,$_); next arg; }; /^-fscc-profiling$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags,$_); next arg; }; /^-fticky-ticky$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags,$_); next arg; }; /^-fgransim$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags,$_); next arg; }; /^-split-objs/ && do { if ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^(alpha|hppa1\.1|i386|m68k|mips|powerpc|rs6000|sparc)-/ ) { $SplitObjFiles = 0; print STDERR "WARNING: don't know how to split objects on this platform: $TargetPlatform\n`-split-objs' option ignored\n"; } else { $SplitObjFiles = 1; $HscOut = '-C='; push(@HsC_flags, "-fglobalise-toplev-names"); push(@CcBoth_flags, '-DUSE_SPLIT_MARKERS'); require('ghc-split.prl') || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: panic: can't load ghc-split.prl!\n"); } next arg; }; /^-fglasgow-exts$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); push(@HsP_flags, '-N'); # push(@HsC_flags, '-fshow-import-specs'); next arg; }; /^-fspeciali[sz]e-unboxed$/ && do { $Oopt_DoSpecialise = '-fspecialise'; $Oopt_SpecialiseUnboxed = '-fspecialise-unboxed'; next arg; }; /^-fspeciali[sz]e$/ && do { $Oopt_DoSpecialise = '-fspecialise'; next arg; }; /^-fno-speciali[sz]e$/ && do { $Oopt_DoSpecialise = ''; next arg; }; # Now the foldr/build options, which are *on* by default (for -O). /^-ffoldr-build$/ && do { $Oopt_FoldrBuild = 1; $Oopt_FB_Support = '-fdo-arity-expand'; #print "Yes F/B\n"; next arg; }; /^-fno-foldr-build$/ && do { $Oopt_FoldrBuild = 0; $Oopt_FB_Support = ''; next arg; }; /^-fno-foldr-build-rule$/ && do { $Oopt_FoldrBuild = 0; next arg; }; /^-fno-enable-tech$/ && do { $Oopt_FB_Support = ''; next arg; }; /^-fno-snapback-to-append$/ && do { $Oopt_FoldrBuildInline .= ' -fdo-not-fold-back-append '; next arg; }; # --------------- Renamer ------------- /^-fno-prune-tydecls$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; /^-fno-prune-instdecls$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; # --------------- /^-fasm-(.*)$/ && do { $HscOut = '-S='; next arg; }; # force using nativeGen /^-fvia-[cC]$/ && do { $HscOut = '-C='; next arg; }; # force using C compiler # --------------- /^(-funfolding-use-threshold)(.*)$/ && do { $Oopt_UnfoldingUseThreshold = $1 . &grab_arg_arg(*Args,$1, $2); next arg; }; /^(-fmax-simplifier-iterations)(.*)$/ && do { $Oopt_MaxSimplifierIterations = $1 . &grab_arg_arg(*Args,$1, $2); next arg; }; /^(-fshow-simplifier-progress)/ && do { $Oopt_ShowSimplifierProgress = $1; next arg; }; /^-fno-pedantic-bottoms$/ && do { $Oopt_PedanticBottoms = ''; next arg; }; /^-fdo-monad-eta-expansion$/ && do { $Oopt_MonadEtaExpansion = $_; next arg; }; /^-fno-let-from-(case|app|strict-let)$/ # experimental, really (WDP 95/10) && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; /^(-freturn-in-regs-threshold)(.*)$/ && do { local($what) = $1; local($num) = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,$what, $2); if ($num < 2 || $num > 8) { die "Bad experimental flag: $_\n"; } else { $HscOut = '-C='; # force using C compiler push(@HsC_flags, "$what$num"); push(@CcRegd_flags, "-D__STG_REGS_AVAIL__=$num"); } next arg; }; # --------------- Warnings etc. ------ /^-fshow-import-specs/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; /^-fwarn-(.*)$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; /^-fno-(.*)$/ && do { push(@HsC_antiflags, "-f$1"); &squashHscFlag("-f$1"); next arg; }; /^-W$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, @MinusWOpts); next arg; }; /^-Wall$/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, @MinusWallOpts); next arg; }; /^-Wnot$/ && do { foreach (@Hsc_flags) { /^-fwarn-(.*)$/ && do { $_=''; }; }; push(@HsC_antiflags, @StandardWarnings); next arg; }; # --------------- platform specific flags (for gcc mostly) ---------------- /^-mlong-calls$/ && do { # for GCC for HP-PA boxes, # for 2.6.x..?, does not apply for 2.7.2 # any longer. unshift(@CcBoth_flags, ( $_ )); next arg; }; /^-m(v8|sparclite|cypress|supersparc|cpu=(cypress|supersparc))$/ && do { # for GCC for SPARCs unshift(@CcBoth_flags, ( $_ )); next arg; }; /^-monly-([432])-regs/ && do { # for iX86 boxes only; no effect otherwise $StolenX86Regs = $1; next arg; }; #*************** ... and lots of debugging ones (form: -d* ) # -d(no-)core-lint is done this way so it is turn-off-able. /^-dcore-lint/ && do { $CoreLint = '-dcore-lint'; next arg; }; /^-dno-core-lint/ && do { $CoreLint = ''; next arg; }; # Ditto for STG lint /^-dstg-lint/ && do { $StgLint = '-dstg-lint'; next arg; }; /^-dno-stg-lint/ && do { $StgLint = ''; next arg; }; /^-d(dump|ppr)-/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; /^-dverbose-(simpl|stg)/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; /^-dshow-passes/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; /^-dshow-rn-stats/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; /^-dshow-rn-trace/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; /^-dsource-stats/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; /^-dsimplifier-stats/ && do { push(@HsC_flags, $_); next arg; }; /^-dstg-stats/ && do { $Oopt_StgStats = $_; next arg; }; #*************** ... and now all these -R* ones for its runtime system... /^-Rscale-sizes?(.*)/ && do { $Scale_sizes_by = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-Rscale-sizes', $1); next arg; }; /^(-H|-Rmax-heapsize)(.*)/ && do { local($heap_size) = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,$1, $2); if ($heap_size =~ /(\d+)[Kk]$/) { $heap_size = $1 * 1000; } elsif ($heap_size =~ /(\d+)[Mm]$/) { $heap_size = $1 * 1000 * 1000; } elsif ($heap_size =~ /(\d+)[Gg]$/) { $heap_size = $1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000; } if ($heap_size <= 0) { print STDERR "$Pgm: resetting heap-size to zero!!! $heap_size\n"; $Specific_heap_size = 0; # if several heap sizes given, take the largest... } elsif ($heap_size >= $Specific_heap_size) { $Specific_heap_size = $heap_size; } else { print STDERR "$Pgm: ignoring heap-size-setting option ($_)...not the largest seen\n"; } next arg; }; /^(-K|Rmax-(stk|stack)size)(.*)/ && do { local($flag) = $1; local($stk_size) = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-Rmax-stksize', $3); if ($stk_size =~ /(\d+)[Kk]$/) { $stk_size = $1 * 1000; } elsif ($stk_size =~ /(\d+)[Mm]$/) { $stk_size = $1 * 1000 * 1000; } elsif ($stk_size =~ /(\d+)[Gg]$/) { $stk_size = $1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000; } if ($stk_size <= 0) { print STDERR "$Pgm: resetting stack-size to zero!!! $stk_size\n"; $Specific_stk_size = 0; # if several stack sizes given, take the largest... } elsif ($stk_size >= $Specific_stk_size) { $Specific_stk_size = $stk_size; } else { print STDERR "$Pgm: ignoring stack-size-setting option ($flag $stk_size)...not the largest seen\n"; } next arg; }; /^-Rgc-stats$/ && do { $CollectingGCstats++; # the two RTSs do this diff ways; we will try to compensate next arg; }; /^-Rghc-timing/ && do { $CollectGhcTimings = 1; next arg; }; #---------- C high-level assembler (gcc) ------------------------------- /^-(Wall|ansi|pedantic)$/ && do { push(@CcBoth_flags, $_); next arg; }; # -dgcc-lint is a useful way of making GCC very fussy. # From alan@spri.levels.unisa.edu.au (Alan Modra). /^-dgcc-lint$/ && do { push(@CcBoth_flags, '-Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-qual -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs'); next arg; }; # An alternate set, from mark@sgcs.com (Mark W. Snitily) # -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-align -Wshadow # inject "#include " into the compiler's C output! /^-#include(.*)/ && do { local($to_include) = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-#include', $1); push(@CcInjects, "#include $to_include\n"); next arg; }; #---------- Linker (gcc, really) --------------------------------------- /^-static$/ && do { push(@Ld_flags, $_); next arg; }; #---------- mixed cc and linker magic ---------------------------------- # this optimisation stuff is finally sorted out later on... /^-O2-for-C$/ && do { $MinusO2ForC = 1; next arg; }; /^-O[1-2]?$/ && do { local($opt_lev) = ( /^-O2$/ ) ? 2 : 1; # max 'em $OptLevel = ( $opt_lev > $OptLevel ) ? $opt_lev : $OptLevel; $HscOut = '-C=' if $OptLevel == 2; # force use of C compiler next arg; }; /^-Onot$/ && do { $OptLevel = 0; next arg; }; # # set it to /^-Ofile(.*)/ && do { $OptLevel = 3; local($ofile) = &grab_arg_arg(*Args,'-Ofile', $1); @HsC_minusO3_flags = (); open(OFILE, "< $ofile") || die "Can't open $ofile!\n"; while () { chop; s/\#.*//; # death to comments s/[ \t]+//g; # death to whitespace next if /^$/; # ditto, blank lines s/([()*{}])/\\$1/g; # protect shell metacharacters if ( /^C:(.*)/ ) { push(@CcBoth_flags, $1); } else { push(@HsC_minusO3_flags, $_); } } close(OFILE); next arg; }; /^-debug$/ && do { # all this does is mark a .hc/.o as "debugging" # in the consistency info $DEBUGging = 'd'; next arg; }; #---------- linking .a file -------------------------------------------- /^-Main(.*)/ && do { # specifies main or mainPrimIO to be linked $Ld_main = $1; next arg; }; #---------- catch unrecognized flags ----------------------------------- /^-./ && do { print STDERR "$Pgm: unrecognised option: $_\n"; $Status++; next arg; }; } } # end of processArgs \end{code}