%************************************************************************ %* * \section[Driver-obj-splitting]{Splitting into many \tr{.o} files (for libraries)} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} $TargetPlatform = $TARGETPLATFORM; ($Pgm = $0) =~ s|.*/||; $ifile = $ARGV[0]; $Tmp_prefix = $ARGV[1]; $Output = $ARGV[2]; &split_asm_file($ifile); open(OUTPUT, "> $Output") || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$Output' (to write)\n"); print OUTPUT "$NoOfSplitFiles\n"; close(OUTPUT); exit(0); \end{code} \begin{code} sub split_asm_file { local($asm_file) = @_; open(TMPI, "< $asm_file") || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$asm_file' (to read)\n"); &collectExports_hppa() if $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/; &collectExports_mips() if $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips/; &collectDyldStuff_powerpc() if $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple/; $octr = 0; # output file counter $* = 1; # multi-line matches are OK %LocalConstant = (); # we have to subvert C compiler's commoning-up of constants... $s_stuff = &ReadTMPIUpToAMarker( '', $octr ); # that first stuff is a prologue for all .s outputs $prologue_stuff = &process_asm_block ( $s_stuff ); # $_ already has some of the next stuff in it... # &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: no split markers in .s file!\n") # if $prologue_stuff eq $s_stuff; # lie about where this stuff came from # Note the \Q: this ignores regex meta-chars in $Tmp_prefix. $prologue_stuff =~ s/\Q"$Tmp_prefix.c"/"$ifile_root.hc"/g; while ( $_ ne '' ) { # not EOF $octr++; # grab and de-mangle a section of the .s file... $s_stuff = &ReadTMPIUpToAMarker ( $_, $octr ); $this_piece = &process_asm_block ( $s_stuff ); # output to a file of its own # open a new output file... $ofname = "${Tmp_prefix}__${octr}.s"; open(OUTF, "> $ofname") || die "$Pgm: can't open output file: $ofname\n"; print OUTF $prologue_stuff; print OUTF $this_piece; close(OUTF) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm:Failed writing ${Tmp_prefix}__${octr}.s\n"); } $NoOfSplitFiles = $octr; close(TMPI) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed reading $asm_file\n"); } sub collectExports_hppa { # Note: HP-PA only %LocalExport = (); # NB: global table while() { if (/^\s+\.EXPORT\s+([^,]+),.*\n/) { local($label) = $1; local($body) = "\t.IMPORT $label"; if (/,DATA/) { $body .= ",DATA\n"; } else { $body .= ",CODE\n"; } $label =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; $LocalExport{$label} = $body; } } seek(TMPI, 0, 0); } sub collectExports_mips { # Note: MIPS only # (not really sure this is necessary [WDP 95/05]) $UNDEFINED_FUNS = ''; # NB: global table while() { $UNDEFINED_FUNS .= $_ if /^\t\.globl\s+\S+ \.\S+\n/; # just save 'em all } seek(TMPI, 0, 0); } sub collectDyldStuff_powerpc { # Note: Darwin/PowerPC only local($chunk_label,$label,$cur_section,$section,$chunk,$alignment,$cur_alignment); %DyldChunks = (); # NB: global table %DyldChunksDefined = (); # NB: global table $cur_section = ''; $section = ''; $label = ''; $chunk = ''; $alignment = ''; $cur_alignment = ''; while ( 1 ) { $_ = ; if ( $_ eq '' || /^L(_.+)\$.+:/ ) { if ( $label ne '' ) { $DyldChunksDefined{$label} .= $section . $chunk_label . $alignment . $ chunk; if( $section =~ s/\.data/\.non_lazy_symbol_pointer/ ) { $chunk = "\t.indirect_symbol $label\n\t.long 0\n"; } $DyldChunks{$label} .= $section . $chunk_label . $chunk; # don't use $alignment, it's only needed for .data, which we change into .non_lazy_symbol_pointer print STDERR "### dyld chunk: $label\n$section$alignment$chunk\n###\n" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; } last if ($_ eq ''); $chunk = ''; $chunk_label = $_; $label = $1; $section = $cur_section; $alignment = $cur_alignment; print STDERR "label: $label\n" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; } elsif ( /^\s*\.(symbol_stub|picsymbol_stub|lazy_symbol_pointer|non_lazy_symbol_pointer|data)/ ) { $cur_section = $_; printf STDERR "section: $cur_section\n" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; $cur_alignment = '' } elsif ( /^\s*\.section\s+__TEXT,__symbol_stub1,symbol_stubs,pure_instructions,\d+/ ) { $cur_section = $_; printf STDERR "section: $cur_section\n" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; $cur_alignment = '' } elsif ( /^\s*\.align.*/ ) { $cur_alignment = $_; printf STDERR "alignment: $cur_alignment\n" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; } else { $chunk .= $_; } } seek(TMPI, 0, 0); } sub ReadTMPIUpToAMarker { local($str, $count) = @_; # already read bits for ( $_ = ; $_ ne '' && ! /_?__stg_split_marker/; $_ = ) { $str .= $_; } # if not EOF, then creep forward until next "real" line # (throwing everything away). # that first "real" line will stay in $_. # This loop is intended to pick up the body of the split_marker function # Note that the assembler mangler will already have eliminated this code # if it's been invoked (which it probably has). while ($_ ne '' && (/_?__stg_split_marker/ || /^L[^C].*:$/ || /^\.stab/ || /\t\.proc/ || /\t\.stabd/ || /\t\.even/ || /\tunlk a6/ || /^\t!#PROLOGUE/ || /\t\.prologue/ || /\t\.frame/ # || /\t\.end/ NOT! Let the split_marker regexp catch it # || /\t\.ent/ NOT! Let the split_marker regexp catch it || /^\s+(save|retl?|restore|nop)/)) { $_ = ; } print STDERR "### BLOCK:$count:\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; # return str $str =~ tr/\r//d if $TargetPlatform =~ /-mingw32$/; # in case Perl doesn't convert line endings $str; } \end{code} We must (a)~strip the marker off the block, (b)~record any literal C constants that are defined here, and (c)~inject copies of any C constants that are used-but-not-defined here. \begin{code} sub process_asm_block { local($str) = @_; return(&process_asm_block_m68k($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/; return(&process_asm_block_sparc($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-/; return(&process_asm_block_iX86($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^i[34]86-/; return(&process_asm_block_alpha($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/; return(&process_asm_block_hppa($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/; return(&process_asm_block_mips($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/; return(&process_asm_block_powerpc($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-apple-/; # otherwise... &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: no process_asm_block for $TargetPlatform\n"); } sub process_asm_block_sparc { local($str) = @_; # strip the marker if ( $OptimiseC ) { $str =~ s/_?__stg_split_marker.*:\n//; } else { $str =~ s/(\.text\n\t\.align .\n)\t\.global\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n\t\.proc.*\n/$1/; $str =~ s/(\t\.align .\n)\t\.global\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n\t\.proc.*\n/$1/; } # make sure the *.hc filename gets saved; not just ghc*.c (temp name) $str =~ s/^\.stabs "(ghc\d+\.c)"/.stabs "$ifile_root.hc"/g; # HACK HACK # remove/record any literal constants defined here while ( $str =~ /(\t\.align .\n\.?(L?LC\d+):\n(\t\.asci[iz].*\n)+)/ ) { local($label) = $2; local($body) = $1; &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n") if $LocalConstant{$label}; $LocalConstant{$label} = $body; $str =~ s/\t\.align .\n\.?LL?C\d+:\n(\t\.asci[iz].*\n)+//; } # inject definitions for any local constants now used herein foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) { if ( $str =~ /\b$k\b/ ) { $str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str; } } print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (sparc):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; $str; } sub process_asm_block_m68k { local($str) = @_; # strip the marker $str =~ s/(\.text\n\t\.even\n)\t\.globl\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n/$1/; $str =~ s/(\t\.even\n)\t\.globl\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n/$1/; # it seems prudent to stick on one of these: $str = "\.text\n\t.even\n" . $str; # remove/record any literal constants defined here while ( $str =~ /((LC\d+):\n\t\.ascii.*\n)/ ) { local($label) = $2; local($body) = $1; &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n") if $LocalConstant{$label}; $LocalConstant{$label} = $body; $str =~ s/LC\d+:\n\t\.ascii.*\n//; } # inject definitions for any local constants now used herein foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) { if ( $str =~ /\b$k\b/ ) { $str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str; } } print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (m68k):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; $str; } sub process_asm_block_alpha { local($str) = @_; # strip the marker if ( $OptimiseC ) { $str =~ s/_?__stg_split_marker.*:\n//; } else { $str =~ s/(\t\.align .\n)\t\.globl\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n\t\.ent.*\n/$1/; } # remove/record any literal constants defined here while ( $str =~ /(\.rdata\n\t\.align \d\n)?(\$(C\d+):\n\t\..*\n)/ ) { local($label) = $3; local($body) = $2; &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n") if $LocalConstant{$label}; $LocalConstant{$label} = ".rdata\n\t.align 3\n" . $body . "\t.text\n"; $str =~ s/(\.rdata\n\t\.align \d\n)?\$C\d+:\n\t\..*\n//; } # inject definitions for any local constants now used herein foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) { if ( $str =~ /\$\b$k\b/ ) { $str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str; } } # Slide the dummy direct return code into the vtbl .ent/.end block, # to keep the label fixed if it's the last thing in a module, and # to avoid having any anonymous text that the linker will complain about $str =~ s/(\t\.end [A-Za-z0-9_]+)\n\t# nop/\tnop\n$1/g; print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (alpha):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; $str; } sub process_asm_block_iX86 { local($str) = @_; # strip the marker $str =~ s/(\.text\n\t\.align .(,0x90)?\n)\.globl\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n/$1/; $str =~ s/(\t\.align .(,0x90)?\n)\.globl\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n/$1/; # it seems prudent to stick on one of these: $str = "\.text\n\t.align 4\n" . $str; # remove/record any literal constants defined here # [perl made uglier to work around the perl 5.7/5.8 bug documented at # http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=1760 and illustrated # by the seg fault of perl -e '("x\n" x 5000) =~ /(.*\n)+/' # -- ccshan 2002-09-05] while ( ($str =~ /(\.?(LC\d+):\n(\t\.(ascii|string).*\n|\s*\.byte.*\n){1,100})/ )) { local($label) = $2; local($body) = $1; local($prefix, $suffix, $*) = ($`, $', 0); &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n") if $LocalConstant{$label}; while ( $suffix =~ /^((\t\.(ascii|string).*\n|\s*\.byte.*\n){1,100})/ ) { $body .= $1; $suffix = $'; } $LocalConstant{$label} = $body; $str = $prefix . $suffix; } # inject definitions for any local constants now used herein foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) { if ( $str =~ /\b$k\b/ ) { $str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str; } } print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (iX86):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; $str; } \end{code} \begin{code} sub process_asm_block_hppa { local($str) = @_; # strip the marker $str =~ s/___stg_split_marker.*\n//; # remove/record any imports defined here while ( $str =~ /^(\s+\.IMPORT\s.*\n)/ ) { $Imports .= $1; $str =~ s/^\s+\.IMPORT.*\n//; } # remove/record any literal constants defined here while ( $str =~ /^(\s+\.align.*\n(L\$C\d+)\n(\s.*\n)+); end literal\n/ ) { local($label) = $2; local($body) = $1; local($prefix) = $`; local($suffix) = $'; $label =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n") if $LocalConstant{$label}; $LocalConstant{$label} = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$LIT\$\n\n" . $body; $str = $prefix . $suffix; } # inject definitions for any local constants now used herein foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) { if ( $str =~ /\b$k\b/ ) { $str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str; } } # inject required imports for local exports in other chunks foreach $k (keys %LocalExport) { if ( $str =~ /\b$k\b/ && ! /EXPORT\s+$k\b/ ) { $str = $LocalExport{$k} . $str; } } # inject collected imports $str = $Imports . $str; print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (hppa):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; $str; } \end{code} \begin{code} sub process_asm_block_mips { local($str) = @_; # strip the marker if ( $OptimiseC ) { $str =~ s/_?__stg_split_marker.*:\n//; } else { $str =~ s/(\t\.align .\n)\t\.globl\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n\t\.ent.*\n/$1/; } # remove/record any literal constants defined here while ( $str =~ /(\t\.rdata\n\t\.align \d\n)?(\$(LC\d+):\n(\t\.byte\t.*\n)+)/ ) { local($label) = $3; local($body) = $2; &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n") if $LocalConstant{$label}; $LocalConstant{$label} = "\t.rdata\n\t.align 2\n" . $body . "\t.text\n"; $str =~ s/(\t\.rdata\n\t\.align \d\n)?\$LC\d+:\n(\t\.byte\t.*\n)+//; } # inject definitions for any local constants now used herein foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) { if ( $str =~ /\$\b$k\b/ ) { $str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str; } } # Slide the dummy direct return code into the vtbl .ent/.end block, # to keep the label fixed if it's the last thing in a module, and # to avoid having any anonymous text that the linker will complain about $str =~ s/(\t\.end [A-Za-z0-9_]+)\n\t# nop/\tnop\n$1/g; $str .= $UNDEFINED_FUNS; # pin on gratuitiously-large amount of info print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (mips):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; $str; } \end{code} \begin{code} sub process_asm_block_powerpc { local($str) = @_; local($dyld_stuff) = ''; # strip the marker $str =~ s/___stg_split_marker.*\n//; $str =~ s/L_.*\$.*:\n(.|\n)*//; # remove/record any literal constants defined here while ( $str =~ s/^(\s+.const_data\n\s+\.align.*\n(LC\d+):\n(\s\.(byte|short|long|fill|space|ascii).*\n)+)// ) { local($label) = $2; local($body) = $1; &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n") if $LocalConstant{$label}; $LocalConstant{$label} = $body; } # inject definitions for any local constants now used herein foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) { if ( $str =~ /\b$k(\b|\[)/ ) { $str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str; } } foreach $k (keys %DyldChunks) { if ( $str =~ /\bL$k\$/ ) { if ( $str =~ /^$k:$/ ) { $dyld_stuff .= $DyldChunksDefined{$k}; } else { $dyld_stuff .= $DyldChunks{$k}; } } } $str .= "\n" . $dyld_stuff; print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (powerpc):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info; $str; } \end{code} \begin{code} sub tidy_up_and_die { local($return_val, $msg) = @_; print STDERR $msg; exit (($return_val == 0) ? 0 : 1); } \end{code}