{-# GHC_PRAGMA INTERFACE VERSION 6 #-} interface LibPosixProcPrim where import LibSystem(ExitCode) import PreludeArray(_ByteArray) import PreludeIOError(IOError13) import PreludeMonadicIO(Either) import PreludeStdIO(Maybe) data ExitCode {-# GHC_PRAGMA ExitSuccess | ExitFailure Int #-} data Handler = Default | Ignore | Catch (_State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)) data ProcessStatus = Exited ExitCode | Terminated Int | Stopped Int type Signal = Int type SignalSet = _ByteArray () addSignal :: Int -> _ByteArray () -> _ByteArray () {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(AP)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} awaitSignal :: Maybe (_ByteArray ()) -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} backgroundRead :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} backgroundWrite :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} blockSignals :: _ByteArray () -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} continueProcess :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} deleteSignal :: Int -> _ByteArray () -> _ByteArray () {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(AP)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} emptySignalSet :: _ByteArray () {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} executeFile :: [Char] -> Bool -> [[Char]] -> Maybe [([Char], [Char])] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 5 _U_ 21212 _N_ _S_ "SELSL" _N_ _N_ #-} exitImmediately :: ExitCode -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} floatingPointException :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} forkProcess :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (Maybe Int), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} fullSignalSet :: _ByteArray () {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} getAnyProcessStatus :: Bool -> Bool -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (Maybe (Int, ProcessStatus)), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _S_ "EEL" _N_ _N_ #-} getEnvVar :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 [Char], _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SL" _N_ _N_ #-} getEnvironment :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 [([Char], [Char])], _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} getGroupProcessStatus :: Bool -> Bool -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (Maybe (Int, ProcessStatus)), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 1111 _N_ _S_ "EEU(P)U(P)" {_A_ 4 _U_ 1122 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} getPendingSignals :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} getProcessStatus :: Bool -> Bool -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (Maybe ProcessStatus), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 1111 _N_ _S_ "EEU(P)U(P)" {_A_ 4 _U_ 1122 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} getSignalMask :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} illegalInstruction :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} inSignalSet :: Int -> _ByteArray () -> Bool {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(AP)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} installHandler :: Int -> Handler -> Maybe (_ByteArray ()) -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Handler, _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 2222 _N_ _S_ _!_ _N_ _N_ #-} internalAbort :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} keyboardSignal :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} keyboardStop :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} keyboardTermination :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} killProcess :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} lostConnection :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} nullSignal :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 2 _!_ I# [] [0#] _N_ #-} openEndedPipe :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} processStatusChanged :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} queryStoppedChildFlag :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Bool, _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} raiseSignal :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "LU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} realTimeAlarm :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} removeEnvVar :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SL" _N_ _N_ #-} scheduleAlarm :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} segmentationViolation :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} setEnvVar :: [Char] -> [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 122 _N_ _S_ "SLL" _N_ _N_ #-} setEnvironment :: [([Char], [Char])] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} setSignalMask :: _ByteArray () -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} setStoppedChildFlag :: Bool -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Bool, _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "EU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} sigABRT :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigALRM :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigCHLD :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigCONT :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigFPE :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigHUP :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigILL :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigINT :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigKILL :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigPIPE :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigProcMask :: [Char] -> Int -> _ByteArray () -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 2111 _N_ _S_ "LU(P)U(AP)U(P)" {_A_ 4 _U_ 2222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} sigQUIT :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigSEGV :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigSTOP :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigSetSize :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigTERM :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigTSTP :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigTTIN :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigTTOU :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigUSR1 :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} sigUSR2 :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} signalProcess :: Int -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} signalProcessGroup :: Int -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 3 XXX 5 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) (u2 :: State# _RealWorld) -> case _#_ negateInt# [] [u1] of { _PRIM_ (u3 :: Int#) -> _APP_ _WRKR_ _ORIG_ LibPosixProcPrim signalProcess [ u0, u3, u2 ] } _N_} _F_ _ALWAYS_ \ (u0 :: Int) (u1 :: Int) (u2 :: _State _RealWorld) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ I# (u3 :: Int#) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ I# (u4 :: Int#) -> case u2 of { _ALG_ S# (u5 :: State# _RealWorld) -> case _#_ negateInt# [] [u4] of { _PRIM_ (u6 :: Int#) -> _APP_ _WRKR_ _ORIG_ LibPosixProcPrim signalProcess [ u3, u6, u5 ] }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-} sleep :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-} softwareStop :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} softwareTermination :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} unBlockSignals :: _ByteArray () -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld) {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} userDefinedSignal1 :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} userDefinedSignal2 :: Int {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-} instance Eq ProcessStatus {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ LibPosixProcPrim {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> Bool), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (ProcessStatus)] _N_ (==) = { _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, (/=) = { _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ } #-} instance Eq ExitCode {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ LibSystem {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(ExitCode -> ExitCode -> Bool), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (ExitCode)] _N_ (==) = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, (/=) = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ } #-} instance Ord ProcessStatus {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ LibPosixProcPrim {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq ProcessStatus}}, (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> Bool), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> Bool), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> Bool), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> Bool), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord max (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord min (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (ProcessStatus)] _N_ (<) = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, (<=) = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, (>=) = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, (>) = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, max = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, min = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, _tagCmp = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ } #-} instance Ord ExitCode {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ LibSystem {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq ExitCode}}, (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> Bool), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> Bool), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> Bool), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> Bool), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> ExitCode), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> ExitCode), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord max (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord min (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (ExitCode)] _N_ (<) = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, (<=) = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, (>=) = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, (>) = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, max = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, min = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ }, _tagCmp = { _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ } #-} instance Text ProcessStatus {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ LibPosixProcPrim {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 5 _!_ _TUP_4 [(Int -> [Char] -> [(ProcessStatus, [Char])]), (Int -> ProcessStatus -> [Char] -> [Char]), ([Char] -> [([ProcessStatus], [Char])]), ([ProcessStatus] -> [Char] -> [Char])] [_CONSTM_ Text readsPrec (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Text showsPrec (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Text readList (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Text showList (ProcessStatus)] _N_ readsPrec = { _A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "U(P)L" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ }, showsPrec = { _A_ 2 _U_ 112 _N_ _S_ "LS" _N_ _N_ }, readList = { _A_ 0 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ }, showList = { _A_ 0 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ } #-} instance Text ExitCode {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ LibSystem {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 5 _!_ _TUP_4 [(Int -> [Char] -> [(ExitCode, [Char])]), (Int -> ExitCode -> [Char] -> [Char]), ([Char] -> [([ExitCode], [Char])]), ([ExitCode] -> [Char] -> [Char])] [_CONSTM_ Text readsPrec (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Text showsPrec (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Text readList (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Text showList (ExitCode)] _N_ readsPrec = { _A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ }, showsPrec = { _A_ 2 _U_ 112 _N_ _S_ "LS" _N_ _N_ }, readList = { _A_ 0 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ }, showList = { _A_ 0 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ } #-}