-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $Id: CPUTime.hsc,v 1.2 2001/05/08 17:33:57 qrczak Exp $ -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow, 1995-2001 -- module CPUTime ( getCPUTime, -- :: IO Integer cpuTimePrecision -- :: Integer ) where import PrelMarshalAlloc import PrelCTypesISO import PrelCTypes import PrelStorable import PrelPtr import PrelBase ( Int(..) ) import PrelByteArr ( ByteArray(..), newIntArray ) import PrelArrExtra ( unsafeFreezeByteArray ) import PrelIOBase ( IOException(..), IOErrorType( UnsupportedOperation ), unsafePerformIO, stToIO, ioException ) import Ratio #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifndef mingw32_TARGET_OS # ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H # include # endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include #endif #if !defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) && !defined(irix_TARGET_OS) # if defined(HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H) # include # endif #endif #ifdef hpux_TARGET_OS #include #define getrusage(a, b) syscall(SYS_GETRUSAGE, a, b) #define HAVE_GETRUSAGE #endif #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H # include #endif -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Computation `getCPUTime' returns the number of picoseconds CPU time -- used by the current program. The precision of this result is -- implementation-dependent. -- The `cpuTimePrecision' constant is the smallest measurable difference -- in CPU time that the implementation can record, and is given as an -- integral number of picoseconds. getCPUTime :: IO Integer getCPUTime = do #ifndef _WIN32 -- getrusage() is right royal pain to deal with when targetting multiple -- versions of Solaris, since some versions supply it in libc (2.3 and 2.5), -- while 2.4 has got it in libucb (I wouldn't be too surprised if it was back -- again in libucb in 2.6..) -- -- Avoid the problem by resorting to times() instead. -- #if defined(HAVE_GETRUSAGE) && ! irix_TARGET_OS && ! solaris2_TARGET_OS allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct rusage)) $ \ p_rusage -> do getrusage (#const RUSAGE_SELF) p_rusage let ru_utime = (#ptr struct rusage, ru_utime) p_rusage let ru_stime = (#ptr struct rusage, ru_stime) p_rusage u_sec <- (#peek struct timeval,tv_sec) ru_utime :: IO CLong u_usec <- (#peek struct timeval,tv_usec) ru_utime :: IO CLong s_sec <- (#peek struct timeval,tv_sec) ru_stime :: IO CLong s_usec <- (#peek struct timeval,tv_usec) ru_stime :: IO CLong return ((fromIntegral u_sec * 1000000 + fromIntegral u_usec + fromIntegral s_sec * 1000000 + fromIntegral s_usec) * 1000000) type CRUsage = () foreign import unsafe getrusage :: CInt -> Ptr CRUsage -> IO CInt #else # if defined(HAVE_TIMES) allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct tms)) $ \ p_tms -> do times p_tms u_ticks <- (#peek struct tms,tms_utime) p_tms :: IO CClock s_ticks <- (#peek struct tms,tms_stime) p_tms :: IO CClock return (( (fromIntegral u_ticks + fromIntegral s_ticks) * 1000000000000) `div` clockTicks) type CTms = () foreign import unsafe times :: Ptr CTms -> CClock # else ioException (IOError Nothing UnsupportedOperation "getCPUTime" "can't get CPU time" Nothing) # endif #endif #else /* _WIN32 */ #error ToDo!!! #ifdef _WIN32 /* 100ns units per sec, really */ #define NS_PER_SEC 10000000LL #define FT2usecs(ll,ft) \ (ll)=(ft).dwHighDateTime; \ (ll) <<= 32; \ (ll) |= (ft).dwLowDateTime; #endif /* cygwin32 or mingw32 version */ StgInt getCPUTime(StgByteArray cpuStruct) { FILETIME creationTime, exitTime, kernelTime, userTime; StgInt *cpu=(StgInt *)cpuStruct; unsigned long long uT, kT; /* ToDo: pin down elapsed times to just the OS thread(s) that are evaluating/managing Haskell code. */ if (!GetProcessTimes (GetCurrentProcess(), &creationTime, &exitTime, &kernelTime, &userTime)) { /* Probably on a Win95 box..*/ cpu[0]=0; cpu[1]=0; cpu[2]=0; cpu[3]=0; return 1; } FT2usecs(uT, userTime); FT2usecs(kT, kernelTime); cpu[0] = (unsigned int)(uT / NS_PER_SEC); cpu[1] = (unsigned int)((uT - cpu[0] * NS_PER_SEC) * 100); cpu[2] = (unsigned int)(kT / NS_PER_SEC); cpu[3] = (unsigned int)((kT - cpu[2] * NS_PER_SEC) * 100); return 1; } #endif /* WIN32 */ cpuTimePrecision :: Integer cpuTimePrecision = round ((1000000000000::Integer) % fromIntegral (clockTicks)) clockTicks :: Int clockTicks = #if defined(CLK_TCK) (#const CLK_TCK) #else unsafePerformIO (sysconf (#const _SC_CLK_TCK) >>= return . fromIntegral) foreign import unsafe sysconf :: CInt -> IO CLong #endif