-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $Id: Directory.hsc,v 1.1 2001/01/11 17:25:57 simonmar Exp $ -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000 -- -- The Directory Interface {- A directory contains a series of entries, each of which is a named reference to a file system object (file, directory etc.). Some entries may be hidden, inaccessible, or have some administrative function (e.g. "." or ".." under POSIX), but in this standard all such entries are considered to form part of the directory contents. Entries in sub-directories are not, however, considered to form part of the directory contents. Each file system object is referenced by a {\em path}. There is normally at least one absolute path to each file system object. In some operating systems, it may also be possible to have paths which are relative to the current directory. -} module Directory ( Permissions -- abstract , readable -- :: Permissions -> Bool , writable -- :: Permissions -> Bool , executable -- :: Permissions -> Bool , searchable -- :: Permissions -> Bool , createDirectory -- :: FilePath -> IO () , removeDirectory -- :: FilePath -> IO () , renameDirectory -- :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () , getDirectoryContents -- :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] , getCurrentDirectory -- :: IO FilePath , setCurrentDirectory -- :: FilePath -> IO () , removeFile -- :: FilePath -> IO () , renameFile -- :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () , doesFileExist -- :: FilePath -> IO Bool , doesDirectoryExist -- :: FilePath -> IO Bool , getPermissions -- :: FilePath -> IO Permissions , setPermissions -- :: FilePath -> Permissions -> IO () , getModificationTime -- :: FilePath -> IO ClockTime ) where import Prelude -- Just to get it in the dependencies import Time ( ClockTime(..) ) import PrelStorable import PrelCString import PrelMarshalAlloc import PrelCTypes import PrelPosixTypes import PrelCError import PrelPtr import PrelIOBase import PrelBase #include #include #include #include #include ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Permissions -- The @Permissions@ type is used to record whether certain -- operations are permissible on a file/directory: -- [to whom? - presumably the "current user"] data Permissions = Permissions { readable, writable, executable, searchable :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implementation -- @createDirectory dir@ creates a new directory {\em dir} which is -- initially empty, or as near to empty as the operating system -- allows. -- The operation may fail with: {- \begin{itemize} \item @isPermissionError@ / @PermissionDenied@ The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation. @[EROFS, EACCES]@ \item @isAlreadyExistsError@ / @AlreadyExists@ The operand refers to a directory that already exists. @ [EEXIST]@ \item @HardwareFault@ A physical I/O error has occurred. @ [EIO]@ \item @InvalidArgument@ The operand is not a valid directory name. @[ENAMETOOLONG, ELOOP]@ \item @NoSuchThing@ There is no path to the directory. @[ENOENT, ENOTDIR]@ \item @ResourceExhausted@ Insufficient resources (virtual memory, process file descriptors, physical disk space, etc.) are available to perform the operation. @[EDQUOT, ENOSPC, ENOMEM, EMLINK]@ \item @InappropriateType@ The path refers to an existing non-directory object. @[EEXIST]@ \end{itemize} -} createDirectory :: FilePath -> IO () createDirectory path = do withUnsafeCString path $ \s -> do throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "createDirectory" $ #if defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) mkdir s #else mkdir s 0o777 #endif {- @removeDirectory dir@ removes an existing directory {\em dir}. The implementation may specify additional constraints which must be satisfied before a directory can be removed (e.g. the directory has to be empty, or may not be in use by other processes). It is not legal for an implementation to partially remove a directory unless the entire directory is removed. A conformant implementation need not support directory removal in all situations (e.g. removal of the root directory). The operation may fail with: \begin{itemize} \item @HardwareFault@ A physical I/O error has occurred. [@EIO@] \item @InvalidArgument@ The operand is not a valid directory name. @[ENAMETOOLONG, ELOOP]@ \item @isDoesNotExist@ / @NoSuchThing@ The directory does not exist. @[ENOENT, ENOTDIR]@ \item @isPermissionError@ / @PermissionDenied@ The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation. @[EROFS, EACCES, EPERM]@ \item @UnsatisfiedConstraints@ Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied. @[EBUSY, ENOTEMPTY, EEXIST]@ \item @UnsupportedOperation@ The implementation does not support removal in this situation. @[EINVAL]@ \item @InappropriateType@ The operand refers to an existing non-directory object. @[ENOTDIR]@ \end{itemize} -} removeDirectory :: FilePath -> IO () removeDirectory path = do withUnsafeCString path $ \s -> throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "removeDirectory" (rmdir s) {- @Removefile file@ removes the directory entry for an existing file {\em file}, where {\em file} is not itself a directory. The implementation may specify additional constraints which must be satisfied before a file can be removed (e.g. the file may not be in use by other processes). The operation may fail with: \begin{itemize} \item @HardwareFault@ A physical I/O error has occurred. @[EIO]@ \item @InvalidArgument@ The operand is not a valid file name. @[ENAMETOOLONG, ELOOP]@ \item @isDoesNotExist@ / @NoSuchThing@ The file does not exist. @[ENOENT, ENOTDIR]@ \item @isPermissionError@ / @PermissionDenied@ The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation. @[EROFS, EACCES, EPERM]@ \item @UnsatisfiedConstraints@ Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied. @[EBUSY]@ \item @InappropriateType@ The operand refers to an existing directory. @[EPERM, EINVAL]@ \end{itemize} -} removeFile :: FilePath -> IO () removeFile path = do withUnsafeCString path $ \s -> throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "removeFile" (unlink s) {- @renameDirectory old@ {\em new} changes the name of an existing directory from {\em old} to {\em new}. If the {\em new} directory already exists, it is atomically replaced by the {\em old} directory. If the {\em new} directory is neither the {\em old} directory nor an alias of the {\em old} directory, it is removed as if by $removeDirectory$. A conformant implementation need not support renaming directories in all situations (e.g. renaming to an existing directory, or across different physical devices), but the constraints must be documented. The operation may fail with: \begin{itemize} \item @HardwareFault@ A physical I/O error has occurred. @[EIO]@ \item @InvalidArgument@ Either operand is not a valid directory name. @[ENAMETOOLONG, ELOOP]@ \item @isDoesNotExistError@ / @NoSuchThing@ The original directory does not exist, or there is no path to the target. @[ENOENT, ENOTDIR]@ \item @isPermissionError@ / @PermissionDenied@ The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation. @[EROFS, EACCES, EPERM]@ \item @ResourceExhausted@ Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation. @[EDQUOT, ENOSPC, ENOMEM, EMLINK]@ \item @UnsatisfiedConstraints@ Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied. @[EBUSY, ENOTEMPTY, EEXIST]@ \item @UnsupportedOperation@ The implementation does not support renaming in this situation. @[EINVAL, EXDEV]@ \item @InappropriateType@ Either path refers to an existing non-directory object. @[ENOTDIR, EISDIR]@ \end{itemize} -} renameDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () renameDirectory opath npath = withFileStatus opath $ \st -> do is_dir <- isDirectory st if (not is_dir) then ioException (IOError Nothing InappropriateType "renameDirectory" ("not a directory") (Just opath)) else do withUnsafeCString opath $ \s1 -> withUnsafeCString npath $ \s2 -> throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "renameDirectory" (rename s1 s2) {- @renameFile@ {\em old} {\em new} changes the name of an existing file system object from {\em old} to {\em new}. If the {\em new} object already exists, it is atomically replaced by the {\em old} object. Neither path may refer to an existing directory. A conformant implementation need not support renaming files in all situations (e.g. renaming across different physical devices), but the constraints must be documented. The operation may fail with: \begin{itemize} \item @HardwareFault@ A physical I/O error has occurred. @[EIO]@ \item @InvalidArgument@ Either operand is not a valid file name. @[ENAMETOOLONG, ELOOP]@ \item @isDoesNotExistError@ / @NoSuchThing@ The original file does not exist, or there is no path to the target. @[ENOENT, ENOTDIR]@ \item @isPermissionError@ / @PermissionDenied@ The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation. @[EROFS, EACCES, EPERM]@ \item @ResourceExhausted@ Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation. @[EDQUOT, ENOSPC, ENOMEM, EMLINK]@ \item @UnsatisfiedConstraints@ Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied. @[EBUSY]@ \item @UnsupportedOperation@ The implementation does not support renaming in this situation. @[EXDEV]@ \item @InappropriateType@ Either path refers to an existing directory. @[ENOTDIR, EISDIR, EINVAL, EEXIST, ENOTEMPTY]@ \end{itemize} -} renameFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () renameFile opath npath = withFileStatus opath $ \st -> do is_dir <- isDirectory st if is_dir then ioException (IOError Nothing InappropriateType "renameFile" "is a directory" (Just opath)) else do withUnsafeCString opath $ \s1 -> withUnsafeCString npath $ \s2 -> throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "renameFile" (rename s1 s2) {- @getDirectoryContents dir@ returns a list of {\em all} entries in {\em dir}. The operation may fail with: \begin{itemize} \item @HardwareFault@ A physical I/O error has occurred. @[EIO]@ \item @InvalidArgument@ The operand is not a valid directory name. @[ENAMETOOLONG, ELOOP]@ \item @isDoesNotExistError@ / @NoSuchThing@ The directory does not exist. @[ENOENT, ENOTDIR]@ \item @isPermissionError@ / @PermissionDenied@ The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation. @[EACCES]@ \item @ResourceExhausted@ Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation. @[EMFILE, ENFILE]@ \item @InappropriateType@ The path refers to an existing non-directory object. @[ENOTDIR]@ \end{itemize} -} getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] getDirectoryContents path = do p <- withUnsafeCString path $ \s -> throwErrnoIfNullRetry "getDirectoryContents" (opendir s) loop p where loop :: Ptr CDir -> IO [String] loop dir = do p <- readdir dir if (p /= nullPtr) then do entry <- peekCString ((#ptr struct dirent,d_name) p) entries <- loop dir return (entry:entries) else do errno <- getErrno if (errno == eINTR) then loop dir else do throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getDirectoryContents" $ closedir dir if (isValidErrno errno) -- EOF then throwErrno "getDirectoryContents" else return [] {- If the operating system has a notion of current directories, @getCurrentDirectory@ returns an absolute path to the current directory of the calling process. The operation may fail with: \begin{itemize} \item @HardwareFault@ A physical I/O error has occurred. @[EIO]@ \item @isDoesNotExistError@ / @NoSuchThing@ There is no path referring to the current directory. @[EPERM, ENOENT, ESTALE...]@ \item @isPermissionError@ / @PermissionDenied@ The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation. @[EACCES]@ \item @ResourceExhausted@ Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation. \item @UnsupportedOperation@ The operating system has no notion of current directory. \end{itemize} -} getCurrentDirectory :: IO FilePath getCurrentDirectory = do p <- mallocBytes (#const PATH_MAX) go p (#const PATH_MAX) where go p bytes = do p' <- getcwd p (fromIntegral bytes) if p' /= nullPtr then do s <- peekCString p' free p' return s else do errno <- getErrno if errno == eRANGE then do let bytes' = bytes * 2 p' <- reallocBytes p bytes' go p' bytes' else throwErrno "getCurrentDirectory" {- If the operating system has a notion of current directories, @setCurrentDirectory dir@ changes the current directory of the calling process to {\em dir}. The operation may fail with: \begin{itemize} \item @HardwareFault@ A physical I/O error has occurred. @[EIO]@ \item @InvalidArgument@ The operand is not a valid directory name. @[ENAMETOOLONG, ELOOP]@ \item @isDoesNotExistError@ / @NoSuchThing@ The directory does not exist. @[ENOENT, ENOTDIR]@ \item @isPermissionError@ / @PermissionDenied@ The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation. @[EACCES]@ \item @UnsupportedOperation@ The operating system has no notion of current directory, or the current directory cannot be dynamically changed. \item @InappropriateType@ The path refers to an existing non-directory object. @[ENOTDIR]@ \end{itemize} -} setCurrentDirectory :: FilePath -> IO () setCurrentDirectory path = do withUnsafeCString path $ \s -> throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "setCurrentDirectory" (chdir s) -- ToDo: add path to error {- To clarify, @doesDirectoryExist@ returns True if a file system object exist, and it's a directory. @doesFileExist@ returns True if the file system object exist, but it's not a directory (i.e., for every other file system object that is not a directory.) -} doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool doesDirectoryExist name = catch (withFileStatus name $ \st -> isDirectory st) (\ _ -> return False) doesFileExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool doesFileExist name = do catch (withFileStatus name $ \st -> do b <- isDirectory st; return (not b)) (\ _ -> return False) getModificationTime :: FilePath -> IO ClockTime getModificationTime name = withFileStatus name $ \ st -> modificationTime st getPermissions :: FilePath -> IO Permissions getPermissions name = do withUnsafeCString name $ \s -> do read <- access s (#const R_OK) write <- access s (#const W_OK) exec <- access s (#const X_OK) withFileStatus name $ \st -> do is_dir <- isDirectory st is_reg <- isRegularFile st return ( Permissions { readable = read == 0, writable = write == 0, executable = not is_dir && exec == 0, searchable = not is_reg && exec == 0 } ) setPermissions :: FilePath -> Permissions -> IO () setPermissions name (Permissions r w e s) = do let read = if r then (#const S_IRUSR) else emptyCMode write = if w then (#const S_IWUSR) else emptyCMode exec = if e || s then (#const S_IXUSR) else emptyCMode mode = read `unionCMode` (write `unionCMode` exec) withUnsafeCString name $ \s -> throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setPermissions" $ chmod s mode withFileStatus :: FilePath -> (Ptr CStat -> IO a) -> IO a withFileStatus name f = do allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct stat)) $ \p -> withUnsafeCString name $ \s -> do throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "withFileStatus" (stat s p) f p modificationTime :: Ptr CStat -> IO ClockTime modificationTime stat = do mtime <- (#peek struct stat, st_mtime) stat return (TOD (toInteger (mtime :: CTime)) 0) isDirectory :: Ptr CStat -> IO Bool isDirectory stat = do mode <- (#peek struct stat, st_mode) stat return (s_ISDIR mode /= 0) isRegularFile :: Ptr CStat -> IO Bool isRegularFile stat = do mode <- (#peek struct stat, st_mode) stat return (s_ISREG mode /= 0) foreign import ccall unsafe s_ISDIR :: CMode -> Int #def inline HsInt s_ISDIR(m) {return S_ISDIR(m);} foreign import ccall unsafe s_ISREG :: CMode -> Int #def inline HsInt s_ISREG(m) {return S_ISREG(m);} emptyCMode :: CMode emptyCMode = 0 unionCMode :: CMode -> CMode -> CMode unionCMode = (+) type UCString = UnsafeCString #if defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) foreign import ccall unsafe mkdir :: UCString -> IO CInt #else foreign import ccall unsafe mkdir :: UCString -> CInt -> IO CInt #endif foreign import ccall unsafe chmod :: UCString -> CMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe access :: UCString -> CMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe rmdir :: UCString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe chdir :: UCString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe getcwd :: Ptr CChar -> CInt -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe unlink :: UCString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe rename :: UCString -> UCString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe opendir :: UCString -> IO (Ptr CDir) foreign import ccall unsafe readdir :: Ptr CDir -> IO (Ptr CDirent) foreign import ccall unsafe closedir :: Ptr CDir -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe stat :: UCString -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt type CDirent = () type CStat = ()