--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GHC.hi -- -- This hand-written interface file allows you to bring into scope the -- primitive operations and types that GHC knows about. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- __interface PrelGHC 2 0 where __export PrelGHC -> All -- Pseudo class used for universal quantification CCallable CReturnable -- Magical assert thingy assert -- I/O primitives RealWorld realWorld# State# -- Concurrency primitives ThreadId# fork# killThread# delay# waitRead# waitWrite# -- MVars MVar# sameMVar# newMVar# takeMVar# putMVar# isEmptyMVar# -- Parallel seq# par# parGlobal# parLocal# parAt# parAtAbs# parAtRel# parAtForNow# -- Character Type Char# gtChar# geChar# eqChar# neChar# ltChar# leChar# ord# chr# -- Int Type Int# ># >=# ==# /=# <# <=# +# -# *# quotInt# remInt# negateInt# iShiftL# iShiftRA# iShiftRL# Word# gtWord# geWord# eqWord# neWord# ltWord# leWord# quotWord# remWord# and# or# not# xor# shiftL# shiftRL# int2Word# word2Int# Word64# Int64# Addr# gtAddr# geAddr# eqAddr# neAddr# ltAddr# leAddr# int2Addr# addr2Int# addr2Integer# Float# gtFloat# geFloat# eqFloat# neFloat# ltFloat# leFloat# plusFloat# minusFloat# timesFloat# divideFloat# negateFloat# float2Int# int2Float# expFloat# logFloat# sqrtFloat# sinFloat# cosFloat# tanFloat# asinFloat# acosFloat# atanFloat# sinhFloat# coshFloat# tanhFloat# powerFloat# decodeFloat# encodeFloat# Double# >## >=## ==## /=## <## <=## +## -## *## /## negateDouble# double2Int# int2Double# double2Float# float2Double# expDouble# logDouble# sqrtDouble# sinDouble# cosDouble# tanDouble# asinDouble# acosDouble# atanDouble# sinhDouble# coshDouble# tanhDouble# **## decodeDouble# encodeDouble# cmpInteger# negateInteger# plusInteger# minusInteger# timesInteger# quotRemInteger# integer2Int# integer2Word# int2Integer# word2Integer# integerToInt64# integerToWord64# int64ToInteger# word64ToInteger# Array# ByteArray# MutableArray# MutableByteArray# sameMutableArray# sameMutableByteArray# newArray# newCharArray# newIntArray# newWordArray# newFloatArray# newDoubleArray# newAddrArray# newStablePtrArray# indexArray# indexCharArray# indexIntArray# indexWordArray# indexFloatArray# indexDoubleArray# indexAddrArray# indexStablePtrArray# indexInt64Array# indexWord64Array# -- indexOffAddr# indexCharOffAddr# indexIntOffAddr# indexWordOffAddr# indexAddrOffAddr# indexFloatOffAddr# indexDoubleOffAddr# indexStablePtrOffAddr# indexInt64OffAddr# indexWord64OffAddr# writeCharOffAddr# writeIntOffAddr# writeWordOffAddr# writeAddrOffAddr# writeForeignObjOffAddr# writeFloatOffAddr# writeDoubleOffAddr# writeStablePtrOffAddr# writeInt64OffAddr# writeWord64OffAddr# -- indexOffForeignObj# indexCharOffForeignObj# indexIntOffForeignObj# indexWordOffForeignObj# indexAddrOffForeignObj# indexFloatOffForeignObj# indexDoubleOffForeignObj# indexStablePtrOffForeignObj# indexInt64OffForeignObj# indexWord64OffForeignObj# writeArray# writeCharArray# writeIntArray# writeWordArray# writeFloatArray# writeDoubleArray# writeAddrArray# writeStablePtrArray# writeInt64Array# writeWord64Array# readArray# readCharArray# readIntArray# readWordArray# readFloatArray# readDoubleArray# readAddrArray# readStablePtrArray# readInt64Array# readWord64Array# unsafeFreezeArray# unsafeFreezeByteArray# sizeofByteArray# sizeofMutableByteArray# MutVar# newMutVar# readMutVar# writeMutVar# sameMutVar# catch# raise# Weak# mkWeak# deRefWeak# ForeignObj# makeForeignObj# writeForeignObj# StablePtr# makeStablePtr# deRefStablePtr# eqStablePtr# reallyUnsafePtrEquality# unsafeCoerce# ; -- CCallable and CReturnable have kind (Type AnyBox) so that -- things like Int# can be instances of CCallable. 1 class CCallable a :: ? ; 1 class CReturnable a :: ? ; 1 assert :: __forall [a] => PrelBase.Bool -> a -> a ;