%**************************************************************************** % \section[LLComms.lc]{GUM Low-Level Inter-Task Communication} % % This module defines PVM Routines for PE-PE communication. % % (c) The Parade/AQUA Projects, Glasgow University, 1994-1995 % P. Trinder, December 5th. 1994. % %**************************************************************************** \begin{code} #ifdef PAR /* whole file */ \end{code} This module defines the routines which communicate between PEs. The code is based on Kevin Hammond's GRIP RTS. (@Opcodes.h@ defines @PEOp1@ etc. in terms of @SendOp1@ etc.). \begin{onlylatex} \begin{center} \end{onlylatex} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Routine & Arguments \\ \hline & \\ @SendOp@ & 0 \\ @SendOp1@ & 1 \\ @SendOp2@ & 2 \\ @SendOpN@ & vector \\ @SendOpV@ & variable \\ @SendOpNV@ & variable+ vector \\ \end{tabular} \begin{onlylatex} \end{center} \end{onlylatex} First the standard include files. \begin{code} #define NON_POSIX_SOURCE /* so says Solaris */ #include "rtsdefs.h" #include "LLC.h" #ifdef __STDC__ #include #else #include #endif \end{code} Then some miscellaneous functions. @GetOpName@ returns the character-string name of any opcode. \begin{code} char *UserPEOpNames[] = { PEOP_NAMES }; char * GetOpName(op) unsigned op; { if (op >= MIN_PEOPS && op <= MAX_PEOPS) return (UserPEOpNames[op - MIN_PEOPS]); else return ("Unknown PE Opcode"); } void NullException(STG_NO_ARGS) { fprintf(stderr,"Null_Exception: called"); } void (*ExceptionHandler)() = NullException; \end{code} @trace_SendOp@ handles the tracing of messages at the OS level. If tracing is on (as specified by @PETrace@, @SystemTrace@ and @ReplyTrace@), then a message is printed. The opcode and address word of the previous PE opcode is recorded in the variables @lastSendOp@ and @lastPEaddress@. @PElastop@ is a Boolean which records whether the last message sent was for a PE or an IMU. \begin{code} rtsBool PETrace = rtsFalse, IMUTrace = rtsFalse, SystemTrace = rtsFalse, ReplyTrace = rtsFalse; static void trace_SendOp(OPCODE op, GLOBAL_TASK_ID dest, unsigned int data1, unsigned int data2) { char *OpName; if (!ReplyTrace && op == REPLY_OK) return; OpName = GetOpName(op); /* fprintf(stderr, " %s [%x,%x] sent from %x to %x\n", OpName, data1, data2, mytid, dest);*/ } \end{code} @SendOp@ sends a 0-argument message with opcode {\em op} to the global task {\em task}. \begin{code} void SendOp(op, task) OPCODE op; GLOBAL_TASK_ID task; { trace_SendOp(op, task,0,0); pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw); pvm_send( task, op ); } \end{code} @SendOp1@ sends a 1-argument message with opcode {\em op} to the global task {\em task}. \begin{code} void SendOp1(op, task, arg1) OPCODE op; GLOBAL_TASK_ID task; StgWord arg1; { trace_SendOp(op, task, arg1,0); pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw); PutArg1(arg1); pvm_send( task, op ); } \end{code} @SendOp2@ is used by the FP code only. \begin{code} void SendOp2(op, task, arg1, arg2) OPCODE op; GLOBAL_TASK_ID task; StgWord arg1; StgWord arg2; { trace_SendOp(op, task, arg1, arg2); pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw); PutArg1(arg1); PutArg2(arg2); pvm_send( task, op ); } \end{code} @SendOpV@ takes a variable number of arguments, as specified by {\em n}. For example, \begin{verbatim} SendOpV( PP_STATS, StatsTask, 3, start_time, stop_time, sparkcount); \end{verbatim} \begin{code} void SendOpV(OPCODE op, GLOBAL_TASK_ID task, int n, ...) { va_list ap; int i; StgWord arg; va_start(ap, n); trace_SendOp(op, task, 0, 0); pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { arg = va_arg(ap, StgWord); PutArgN(i, arg); } va_end(ap); pvm_send(task, op); } \end{code} @SendOpNV@ takes a variable-size datablock, as specified by {\em nelem} and a variable number of arguments, as specified by {\em narg}. N.B. The datablock and the additional arguments are contiguous and are copied over together. For example, \begin{verbatim} SendOpNV(PP_RESUME, tsoga.pe, 6, nelem, data, (W_) ga.weight, (W_) ga.loc.gc.gtid, (W_) ga.loc.gc.slot, (W_) tsoga.weight, (W_) tsoga.loc.gc.gtid, (W_) tsoga.loc.gc.slot); \end{verbatim} Important: The variable arguments must all be StgWords. \begin{code} void SendOpNV(OPCODE op, GLOBAL_TASK_ID task, int nelem, StgWord *datablock, int narg, ...) { va_list ap; int i; StgWord arg; va_start(ap, narg); trace_SendOp(op, task, 0, 0); /* fprintf(stderr,"SendOpNV: op = %x, task = %x, narg = %d, nelem = %d\n",op,task,narg,nelem); */ pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw); for (i = 0; i < narg; ++i) { arg = va_arg(ap, StgWord); /* fprintf(stderr,"SendOpNV: arg = %d\n",arg); */ PutArgN(i, arg); } arg = (StgWord) nelem; PutArgN(narg, arg); /* for (i=0; i < nelem; ++i) fprintf(stderr, "%d ",datablock[i]); */ /* fprintf(stderr," in SendOpNV\n");*/ PutArgs(datablock, nelem); va_end(ap); pvm_send(task, op); } \end{code} @SendOpN@ take a variable size array argument, whose size is given by {\em n}. For example, \begin{verbatim} SendOpN( PP_STATS, StatsTask, 3, stats_array); \end{verbatim} \begin{code} void SendOpN(op, task, n, args) OPCODE op; GLOBAL_TASK_ID task; int n; StgWord *args; { long arg; trace_SendOp(op, task, 0, 0); pvm_initsend(PvmDataRaw); arg = (long) n; PutArgN(0, arg); PutArgs(args, n); pvm_send(task, op); } \end{code} @WaitForPEOp@ waits for a packet from global task {\em who} with the opcode {\em op}. Other opcodes are handled by the standard exception handler. \begin{code} PACKET WaitForPEOp(op, who) OPCODE op; GLOBAL_TASK_ID who; { PACKET p; int nbytes; OPCODE opcode; GLOBAL_TASK_ID sender_id; rtsBool match; do { /* fprintf(stderr,"WaitForPEOp: op = %x, who = %x\n",op,who); */ while((p = pvm_recv(ANY_TASK,ANY_OPCODE)) < 0) pvm_perror("WaitForPEOp: Waiting for PEOp"); pvm_bufinfo( p, &nbytes, &opcode, &sender_id ); match = (op == ANY_OPCODE || op == opcode) && (who == ANY_TASK || who == sender_id); if(match) return(p); /* Handle the unexpected opcodes */ HandleException(p); } while(rtsTrue); } \end{code} \begin{code} OPCODE Opcode(p) PACKET p; { int nbytes; OPCODE opcode; GLOBAL_TASK_ID sender_id; pvm_bufinfo( p, &nbytes, &opcode, &sender_id ); return(opcode); } GLOBAL_TASK_ID Sender_Task(p) PACKET p; { int nbytes; OPCODE opcode; GLOBAL_TASK_ID sender_id; pvm_bufinfo( p, &nbytes, &opcode, &sender_id ); return(sender_id); } void get_opcode_and_sender(p,popcode,psender_id) PACKET p; OPCODE *popcode; GLOBAL_TASK_ID *psender_id; { int nbytes; pvm_bufinfo( p, &nbytes, popcode, psender_id ); } \end{code} @PEStartUp@ does the low-level comms specific startup stuff for a PE. It initialises the comms system, joins the appropriate groups, synchronises with the other PEs. Finally it receives from Control the array of Global Task Ids. \begin{code} GLOBAL_TASK_ID * PEStartUp(nPEs) unsigned nPEs; { int i; PACKET addr; long *buffer = (long *) stgMallocBytes(sizeof(long) * nPEs, "PEStartUp (buffer)"); GLOBAL_TASK_ID *PEs = (GLOBAL_TASK_ID *) stgMallocBytes(sizeof(GLOBAL_TASK_ID) * nPEs, "PEStartUp (PEs)"); mytid = _my_gtid; /* Initialise PVM and get task id into global * variable */ /* fprintf(stderr,"PEStartup, No. PEs = %d \n", nPEs); */ checkComms(pvm_joingroup(PEGROUP), "PEStartup"); /* fprintf(stderr,"PEStartup, Joined PEGROUP\n"); */ checkComms(pvm_joingroup(PECTLGROUP), "PEStartup"); /* fprintf(stderr,"PEStartup, Joined PECTLGROUP\n"); */ checkComms(pvm_barrier(PECTLGROUP, nPEs + 1), "PEStartup"); /* fprintf(stderr,"PEStartup, Passed PECTLGROUP barrier\n"); */ addr = WaitForPEOp(PP_PETIDS, ANY_GLOBAL_TASK); GetArgs(buffer, nPEs); for (i = 0; i < nPEs; ++i) { PEs[i] = (GLOBAL_TASK_ID) buffer[i]; /* fprintf(stderr,"PEs[%d] = %x \n", i, PEs[i]); */ } free(buffer); return PEs; } \end{code} @PEShutdown@ does the low-level comms-specific shutdown stuff for a single PE. It leaves the groups and then exits from pvm. \begin{code} void PEShutDown(STG_NO_ARGS) { checkComms(pvm_lvgroup(PEGROUP),"PEShutDown"); checkComms(pvm_lvgroup(PECTLGROUP),"PEShutDown"); checkComms(pvm_exit(),"PEShutDown"); } \end{code} @heapChkCounter@ tracks the number of heap checks since the last probe. Not currently used! We check for messages when a thread is resheduled. \begin{code} int heapChkCounter = 0; \end{code} \begin{code} #endif /* PAR -- whole file */ \end{code}