% % (c) The Parade/AQUA Projects, Glasgow University, 1995 % Kevin Hammond, February 15th. 1995 % % This is for GUM only. % %************************************************************************ %* * \section[Pack.lc]{Packing closures for export to remote processors} %* * %************************************************************************ This module defines routines for packing closures in the parallel runtime system (GUM). \begin{code} #ifdef PAR /* whole file */ #include "rtsdefs.h" \end{code} Static data and code declarations. \begin{code} static W_ *PackBuffer = NULL; /* size: can be set via option */ static W_ packlocn, clqsize, clqpos; static W_ unpackedsize; static W_ reservedPAsize; /*Space reserved for primitive arrays*/ static rtsBool RoomInBuffer; static void InitPacking(STG_NO_ARGS), DonePacking(STG_NO_ARGS); static rtsBool NotYetPacking PROTO((int offset)), RoomToPack PROTO((W_ size, W_ ptrs)); static void AmPacking PROTO((P_ closure)); static void PackClosure PROTO((P_ closure)); static void Pack PROTO((W_ data)), PackPLC PROTO((P_ addr)), PackOffset PROTO((int offset)), GlobaliseAndPackGA PROTO((P_ closure)); static int OffsetFor PROTO((P_ closure)); \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[PackNearbyGraph]{Packing Sections of Nearby Graph} %* * %************************************************************************ @PackNearbyGraph@ packs a closure and associated graph into a static buffer (@PackBuffer@). It returns the address of this buffer and the size of the data packed into the buffer (in its second parameter, @packbuffersize@). The associated graph is packed in a depth first manner, hence it uses an explicit queue of closures to be packed rather than simply using a recursive algorithm. Once the packet is full, closures (other than primitive arrays) are packed as FetchMes, and their children are not queued for packing. \begin{code} P_ PackNearbyGraph(closure, packbuffersize) P_ closure; W_ *packbuffersize; { /* Ensure enough heap for all possible RBH_Save closures */ ASSERT(RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize > 0); if (SAVE_Hp + PACK_HEAP_REQUIRED > SAVE_HpLim) return NULL; InitPacking(); QueueClosure(closure); do { PackClosure(DeQueueClosure()); } while (!QueueEmpty()); /* Record how much space is needed to unpack the graph */ PackBuffer[0] = unpackedsize; /* Set the size parameter */ ASSERT(packlocn <= RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize); *packbuffersize = packlocn; DonePacking(); return (PackBuffer); } \end{code} @PackTSO@ and @PackStkO@ are entry points for two special kinds of closure which are used in the parallel RTS. Compared with other closures they are rather awkward to pack because they don't follow the normal closure layout (where all pointers occur before all non-pointers). Luckily, they're only needed when migrating threads between processors. \begin{code} W_ * PackTSO(tso,packbuffersize) P_ tso; W_ *packbuffersize; { *packbuffersize = 0; PackBuffer[0] = PackBuffer[1] = 0; return(PackBuffer); } W_ * PackStkO(stko,packbuffersize) P_ stko; W_ *packbuffersize; { *packbuffersize = 0; PackBuffer[0] = PackBuffer[1] = 0; return(PackBuffer); } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[PackClosure]{Packing Closures} %* * %************************************************************************ @PackClosure@ is the heart of the normal packing code. It packs a single closure into the pack buffer, skipping over any indirections and globalising it as necessary, queues any child pointers for further packing, and turns it into a @FetchMe@ or revertible black hole (@RBH@) locally if it was a thunk. Before the actual closure is packed, a suitable global address (GA) is inserted in the pack buffer. There is always room to pack a fetch-me to the closure (guaranteed by the RoomToPack calculation), and this is packed if there is no room for the entire closure. Space is allocated for any primitive array children of a closure, and hence a primitive array can always be packed along with it's parent closure. \begin{code} void PackClosure(closure) P_ closure; { W_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs; int i, clpacklocn; while (IS_INDIRECTION(INFO_PTR(closure))) { /* Don't pack indirection closures */ #ifdef PACK_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Shorted an indirection at %x", closure); #endif closure = (P_) IND_CLOSURE_PTR(closure); } clpacklocn = OffsetFor(closure); /* If the closure's not already being packed */ if (NotYetPacking(clpacklocn)) { P_ info; /* * PLCs reside on all of the PEs already. Just pack the * address as a GA (a bit of a kludge, since an address may * not fit in *any* of the individual GA fields). Const, * charlike and small intlike closures are converted into * PLCs. */ switch (INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(closure))) { case INFO_CHARLIKE_TYPE: #ifdef PACK_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Packing a charlike %s\n", CHARLIKE_VALUE(closure)); #endif PackPLC((P_) CHARLIKE_CLOSURE(CHARLIKE_VALUE(closure))); return; case INFO_CONST_TYPE: #ifdef PACK_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Packing a const %s\n", CONST_STATIC_CLOSURE(INFO_PTR(closure))); #endif PackPLC(CONST_STATIC_CLOSURE(INFO_PTR(closure))); return; case INFO_STATIC_TYPE: case INFO_CAF_TYPE: /* For now we ship indirections to CAFs: They are * evaluated on each PE if needed */ #ifdef PACK_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Packing a PLC %x\n", closure); #endif PackPLC(closure); return; case INFO_INTLIKE_TYPE: { I_ val = INTLIKE_VALUE(closure); if ((val <= MAX_INTLIKE) && (val >= MIN_INTLIKE)) { #ifdef PACK_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Packing a small intlike %d as a PLC\n", val); #endif PackPLC(INTLIKE_CLOSURE(val)); return; } else { #ifdef PACK_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Packing a big intlike %d as a normal closure\n", val); #endif break; } } default: #ifdef PACK_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Not a PLC: "); #endif } /* Switch */ /* Otherwise it's not Fixed */ info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs); if (INFO_TYPE(info) == INFO_FETCHME_TYPE || IS_BLACK_HOLE(info)) size = ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0; /* * Now peek ahead to see whether the closure has any primitive array * children */ for (i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i) { P_ childInfo; W_ childSize, childPtrs, childNonPtrs, childVhs; childInfo = get_closure_info(((PP_) (closure))[i + FIXED_HS + vhs], &childSize, &childPtrs, &childNonPtrs, &childVhs); if (IS_BIG_MOTHER(childInfo)) { reservedPAsize += PACK_GA_SIZE + FIXED_HS + childVhs + childNonPtrs + childPtrs * PACK_FETCHME_SIZE; } } /* Record the location of the GA */ AmPacking(closure); /* Pack the global address */ GlobaliseAndPackGA(closure); /* * Pack a fetchme to the closure if it's a black hole, or the buffer is full * and it isn't a primitive array. N.B. Primitive arrays are always packed * (because their parents index into them directly) */ if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(info) || !(RoomToPack(PACK_GA_SIZE + FIXED_HS + vhs + nonptrs, ptrs) || IS_BIG_MOTHER(info))) { ASSERT(packlocn > PACK_HDR_SIZE); /* Just pack as a FetchMe */ info = FetchMe_info; for (i = 0; i < FIXED_HS; ++i) { if (i == INFO_HDR_POSN) Pack((W_) FetchMe_info); else Pack(closure[i]); } unpackedsize += FIXED_HS + FETCHME_CLOSURE_SIZE(dummy); } else { /* At last! A closure we can actually pack! */ if (IS_MUTABLE(info) && (INFO_TYPE(info) != INFO_FETCHME_TYPE)) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Replicated a Mutable closure!\n"); for (i = 0; i < FIXED_HS + vhs; ++i) Pack(closure[i]); for (i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i) QueueClosure(((PP_) (closure))[i + FIXED_HS + vhs]); for (i = 0; i < nonptrs; ++i) Pack(closure[i + FIXED_HS + vhs + ptrs]); unpackedsize += FIXED_HS + (size < MIN_UPD_SIZE ? MIN_UPD_SIZE : size); /* * Record that this is a revertable black hole so that we can fill in * its address from the fetch reply. Problem: unshared thunks may cause * space leaks this way, their GAs should be deallocated following an * ACK. */ if (IS_THUNK(info) && IS_UPDATABLE(info)) { #ifdef DEBUG P_ rbh = #else (void) #endif convertToRBH(closure); ASSERT(rbh != NULL); } } } /* Pack an indirection to the original closure! */ else PackOffset(clpacklocn); } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[simple-pack-routines]{Simple Packing Routines} %* * %************************************************************************ @Pack@ is the basic packing routine. It just writes a word of data into the pack buffer and increments the pack location. \begin{code} static void Pack(data) W_ data; { ASSERT(packlocn < RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize); PackBuffer[packlocn++] = data; } \end{code} If a closure is local, make it global. Then, divide its weight for export. The GA is then packed into the pack buffer. \begin{code} static void GlobaliseAndPackGA(closure) P_ closure; { globalAddr *ga; globalAddr packGA; if ((ga = LAGAlookup(closure)) == NULL) ga = MakeGlobal(closure, rtsTrue); splitWeight(&packGA, ga); ASSERT(packGA.weight > 0); #ifdef PACK_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Packing (%x, %d, %x)\n", packGA.loc.gc.gtid, packGA.loc.gc.slot, packGA.weight); #endif Pack((W_) packGA.weight); Pack((W_) packGA.loc.gc.gtid); Pack((W_) packGA.loc.gc.slot); } \end{code} @PackPLC@ makes up a bogus GA for a PLC. Weight 0 implies that a PLC address follows instead of PE, slot. \begin{code} static void PackPLC(addr) P_ addr; { Pack(0L); /* weight */ Pack((W_) addr); /* address */ } \end{code} @PackOffset@ packs a special GA value that will be interpreted as an offset to a closure in the pack buffer. This is used to avoid unfolding the graph structure into a tree. \begin{code} static void PackOffset(offset) int offset; { #ifdef PACK_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Packing Offset %d at pack location %u\n",offset,packlocn); #endif Pack(1L); /* weight */ Pack(0L); /* pe */ Pack(offset); /* slot/offset */ } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[pack-offsets]{Offsets into the Pack Buffer} %* * %************************************************************************ The offset hash table is used during packing to record the location in the pack buffer of each closure which is packed. \begin{code} static HashTable *offsettable; \end{code} @InitPacking@ initialises the packing buffer etc. \begin{code} void InitPackBuffer(STG_NO_ARGS) { if (PackBuffer == NULL) { /* not yet allocated */ PackBuffer = (W_ *) stgMallocWords(RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize+PACK_HDR_SIZE, "InitPackBuffer"); InitPendingGABuffer(RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize); AllocClosureQueue(RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize); } } static void InitPacking(STG_NO_ARGS) { /* InitPackBuffer(); now done in ParInit HWL_ */ packlocn = PACK_HDR_SIZE; unpackedsize = 0; reservedPAsize = 0; RoomInBuffer = rtsTrue; InitClosureQueue(); offsettable = allocHashTable(); } \end{code} @DonePacking@ is called when we've finished packing. It releases memory etc. \begin{code} static void DonePacking(STG_NO_ARGS) { freeHashTable(offsettable,NULL); offsettable = NULL; } \end{code} @AmPacking@ records that the closure is being packed. Note the abuse of the data field in the hash table -- this saves calling @malloc@! \begin{code} static void AmPacking(closure) P_ closure; { #ifdef PACK_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Packing %#lx (IP %#lx) at %u\n", closure, INFO_PTR(closure), packlocn); #endif insertHashTable(offsettable, (W_) closure, (void *) (W_) packlocn); } \end{code} @OffsetFor@ returns an offset for a closure which is already being packed. \begin{code} static int OffsetFor(P_ closure) { return (int) (W_) lookupHashTable(offsettable, (W_) closure); } \end{code} @NotYetPacking@ determines whether the closure's already being packed. Offsets $<$ @PACK_HDR_SIZE@ (e.g. 0) mean no. \begin{code} static rtsBool NotYetPacking(offset) int offset; { return(offset < PACK_HDR_SIZE); } \end{code} @RoomToPack@ determines whether there's room to pack the closure into the pack buffer based on o how full the buffer is already, o the closures' size and number of pointers (which must be packed as GAs), o the size and number of pointers held by any primitive arrays that it points to It has a *side-effect* in assigning RoomInBuffer to False. \begin{code} static rtsBool RoomToPack(size, ptrs) W_ size, ptrs; { if (RoomInBuffer && (packlocn + reservedPAsize + size + ((clqsize - clqpos) + ptrs) * PACK_FETCHME_SIZE >= RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize)) { #ifdef PACK_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Buffer full\n"); #endif RoomInBuffer = rtsFalse; } return (RoomInBuffer); } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[pack-closure-queue]{Closure Queues} %* * %************************************************************************ These routines manage the closure queue. \begin{code} static W_ clqpos, clqsize; static P_ *ClosureQueue = NULL; /* HWL: init in main */ \end{code} @InitClosureQueue@ initialises the closure queue. \begin{code} void AllocClosureQueue(size) W_ size; { ASSERT(ClosureQueue == NULL); ClosureQueue = (P_ *) stgMallocWords(size, "AllocClosureQueue"); } void InitClosureQueue(STG_NO_ARGS) { clqpos = clqsize = 0; if ( ClosureQueue == NULL ) { AllocClosureQueue(RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize); } } \end{code} @QueueEmpty@ returns @rtsTrue@ if the closure queue is empty; @rtsFalse@ otherwise. \begin{code} rtsBool QueueEmpty(STG_NO_ARGS) { return(clqpos >= clqsize); } \end{code} @QueueClosure@ adds its argument to the closure queue. \begin{code} void QueueClosure(closure) P_ closure; { if(clqsize < RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize) ClosureQueue[clqsize++] = closure; else { fprintf(stderr,"Closure Queue Overflow (EnQueueing %lx)\n", (W_)closure); EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE); } } \end{code} @DeQueueClosure@ returns the head of the closure queue. \begin{code} P_ DeQueueClosure(STG_NO_ARGS) { if(!QueueEmpty()) return(ClosureQueue[clqpos++]); else return(NULL); } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[pack-ga-types]{Types of Global Addresses} %* * %************************************************************************ These routines determine whether a GA is one of a number of special types of GA. \begin{code} rtsBool isOffset(ga) globalAddr *ga; { return (ga->weight == 1 && ga->loc.gc.gtid == 0); } rtsBool isFixed(ga) globalAddr *ga; { return (ga->weight == 0); } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[pack-print-packet]{Printing Packet Contents} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} #ifdef DEBUG void PrintPacket(buffer) P_ buffer; { W_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs; globalAddr ga; W_ bufsize; P_ parent; W_ pptr = 0, pptrs = 0, pvhs; W_ unpacklocn = PACK_HDR_SIZE; W_ gastart = unpacklocn; W_ closurestart = unpacklocn; P_ info; int i; InitClosureQueue(); /* Unpack the header */ bufsize = buffer[0]; fprintf(stderr, "Packed Packet size %u\n\n--- Begin ---\n", bufsize); do { gastart = unpacklocn; ga.weight = buffer[unpacklocn++]; if (ga.weight > 0) { ga.loc.gc.gtid = buffer[unpacklocn++]; ga.loc.gc.slot = buffer[unpacklocn++]; } else ga.loc.plc = (P_) buffer[unpacklocn++]; closurestart = unpacklocn; if (isFixed(&ga)) { fprintf(stderr, "[%u]: PLC @ %#lx\n", gastart, ga.loc.plc); } else if (isOffset(&ga)) { fprintf(stderr, "[%u]: OFFSET TO [%d]\n", gastart, ga.loc.gc.slot); } /* Print normal closures */ else { fprintf(stderr, "[%u]: (%x, %d, %x) ", gastart, ga.loc.gc.gtid, ga.loc.gc.slot, ga.weight); info = get_closure_info((P_) (buffer + closurestart), &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs); if (INFO_TYPE(info) == INFO_FETCHME_TYPE || IS_BLACK_HOLE(info)) size = ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0; if (IS_THUNK(info)) { if (IS_UPDATABLE(info)) fputs("SHARED ", stderr); else fputs("UNSHARED ", stderr); } if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(info)) { fputs("BLACK HOLE\n", stderr); } else { /* Fixed header */ fprintf(stderr, "FH [%#lx", buffer[unpacklocn++]); for (i = 1; i < FIXED_HS; i++) fprintf(stderr, " %#lx", buffer[unpacklocn++]); /* Variable header */ if (vhs > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "] VH [%#lx", buffer[unpacklocn++]); for (i = 1; i < vhs; i++) fprintf(stderr, " %#lx", buffer[unpacklocn++]); } fprintf(stderr, "] PTRS %u", ptrs); /* Non-pointers */ if (nonptrs > 0) { fprintf(stderr, " NPTRS [%#lx", buffer[unpacklocn++]); for (i = 1; i < nonptrs; i++) fprintf(stderr, " %#lx", buffer[unpacklocn++]); putc(']', stderr); } putc('\n', stderr); } /* Add to queue for processing */ QueueClosure((P_) (buffer + closurestart)); } /* Locate next parent pointer */ pptr++; while (pptr + 1 > pptrs) { parent = DeQueueClosure(); if (parent == NULL) break; else { (void) get_closure_info(parent, &size, &pptrs, &nonptrs, &pvhs); pptr = 0; } } } while (parent != NULL); fprintf(stderr, "--- End ---\n\n"); } #endif \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[pack-get-closure-info]{Closure Info} %* * %************************************************************************ @get_closure_info@ determines the size, number of pointers etc. for this type of closure -- see @SMInfoTables.lh@ for the legal info. types etc. [Can someone please keep this function up to date. I keep needing it (or something similar) for interpretive code, and it keeps bit-rotting. {\em It really belongs somewhere else too}. KH @@ 17/2/95] \begin{code} P_ get_closure_info(closure, size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs) P_ closure; W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs; { P_ ip = (P_) INFO_PTR(closure); switch (INFO_TYPE(ip)) { case INFO_SPEC_U_TYPE: case INFO_SPEC_S_TYPE: case INFO_SPEC_N_TYPE: *size = SPEC_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = SPEC_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = SPEC_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = 0 /*SPEC_VHS*/; break; case INFO_GEN_U_TYPE: case INFO_GEN_S_TYPE: case INFO_GEN_N_TYPE: *size = GEN_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = GEN_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = GEN_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = GEN_VHS; break; case INFO_DYN_TYPE: *size = DYN_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = DYN_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = DYN_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = DYN_VHS; break; case INFO_TUPLE_TYPE: *size = TUPLE_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = TUPLE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = TUPLE_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = TUPLE_VHS; break; case INFO_DATA_TYPE: *size = DATA_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = DATA_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = DATA_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = DATA_VHS; break; case INFO_IMMUTUPLE_TYPE: case INFO_MUTUPLE_TYPE: *size = MUTUPLE_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = MUTUPLE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = MUTUPLE_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = MUTUPLE_VHS; break; case INFO_STATIC_TYPE: *size = STATIC_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = STATIC_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = STATIC_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = STATIC_VHS; break; case INFO_CAF_TYPE: case INFO_IND_TYPE: *size = IND_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = IND_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = IND_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = IND_VHS; break; case INFO_CONST_TYPE: *size = CONST_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = CONST_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = CONST_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = CONST_VHS; break; case INFO_SPEC_RBH_TYPE: *size = SPEC_RBH_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = SPEC_RBH_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = SPEC_RBH_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); if (*ptrs <= 2) { *nonptrs -= (2 - *ptrs); *ptrs = 1; } else *ptrs -= 1; *vhs = SPEC_RBH_VHS; break; case INFO_GEN_RBH_TYPE: *size = GEN_RBH_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = GEN_RBH_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = GEN_RBH_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); if (*ptrs <= 2) { *nonptrs -= (2 - *ptrs); *ptrs = 1; } else *ptrs -= 1; *vhs = GEN_RBH_VHS; break; case INFO_CHARLIKE_TYPE: *size = CHARLIKE_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = CHARLIKE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = CHARLIKE_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = CHARLIKE_VHS; break; case INFO_INTLIKE_TYPE: *size = INTLIKE_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = INTLIKE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = INTLIKE_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = INTLIKE_VHS; break; case INFO_FETCHME_TYPE: *size = FETCHME_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = FETCHME_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = FETCHME_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = FETCHME_VHS; break; case INFO_FMBQ_TYPE: *size = FMBQ_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = FMBQ_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = FMBQ_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = FMBQ_VHS; break; case INFO_BQ_TYPE: *size = BQ_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = BQ_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = BQ_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = BQ_VHS; break; case INFO_BH_TYPE: *size = BH_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); *ptrs = BH_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); *nonptrs = BH_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); *vhs = BH_VHS; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "get_closure_info: Unexpected closure type (%lu), closure %lx\n", INFO_TYPE(ip), (W_) closure); EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE); } return ip; } \end{code} @AllocateHeap@ will bump the heap pointer by @size@ words if the space is available, but it will not perform garbage collection. \begin{code} P_ AllocateHeap(size) W_ size; { P_ newClosure; /* Allocate a new closure */ if (SAVE_Hp + size > SAVE_HpLim) return NULL; newClosure = SAVE_Hp + 1; SAVE_Hp += size; return newClosure; } void doGlobalGC(STG_NO_ARGS) { fprintf(stderr,"Splat -- we just hit global GC!\n"); EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE); fishing = rtsFalse; } \end{code} \begin{code} #endif /* PAR -- whole file */ \end{code}