Only have cost centres etc if @PROFILING@ defined \begin{code} /* Some of the code in here is pretty hairy for the compiler to deal with after we've swiped all of the useful registers. I don't believe any STG registers are live here, but I'm not completely certain. Any specific routines that require the preservation of caller-saves STG registers should be pulled out into another file and compiled with the the appropriate register map. (Presumably one of the GC register mappings?) --JSM */ #define NULL_REG_MAP #include "../storage/SMinternal.h" /* for ???? */ #if defined (PROFILING) \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[heap-profiling]{Heap Profiling} %* * %************************************************************************ The heap profiling reports the amount of heap space occupied by live closures pressent in the heap during a garbage collection. This profile may be broken down in a number of ways: \begin{itemize} \item {\bf Cost Centre:} The cost centres responsible for building the various closures in the heap. \item {\bf Module:} Aggregation of all the cost centres declared in a module. \item {\bf Group:} Aggregation of all the cost centres declared in a group. \item {\bf Closure Description:} The heap occupied by closures with a particular description (normally the data constructor). \item {\bf Type Description:} The heap occupied by closures with a particular type (normally the type constructor). \item {\bf Production time stamp:} The heap occupied by closures of produced during a particular time interval. \end{itemize} Relevant closures may be selected by the Cost Centre (label, module and group), by Closure Category (description, type, and kind) and/or by age. A cost centre will be selected if its label, module or group is selected (default is all). A closure category will be selected if its description, type or kind is selected (default is all). A closure will be selected if both its cost centre, closure category and age are selected. When recording the size of the heap objects the additional profiling etc words are disregarded. The profiling itself is considered an idealised process which should not affect the statistics gathered. \begin{code} #define MAX_SELECT 10 static char heap_profiling_char[] /* indexed by RTSflags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile */ = {'?', CCchar, MODchar, GRPchar, DESCRchar, TYPEchar, TIMEchar}; static I_ cc_select = 0; /* are we selecting on Cost Centre */ static I_ clcat_select = 0; /* are we selecting on Closure Category*/ static I_ cc_select_no = 0; static char *cc_select_strs[MAX_SELECT]; static char *ccmod_select_strs[MAX_SELECT]; static I_ mod_select_no = 0; static char *mod_select_strs[MAX_SELECT]; static I_ grp_select_no = 0; static char *grp_select_strs[MAX_SELECT]; static I_ descr_select_no = 0; static char *descr_select_strs[MAX_SELECT]; static I_ type_select_no = 0; static char *type_select_strs[MAX_SELECT]; static I_ kind_select_no = 0; static I_ kind_selected[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; static char *kind_select_strs[] = {"","CON","FN","PAP","THK","BH",0}; I_ *resid = 0; /* residencies indexed by hashed feature */ /* For production times we have a resid table of time_intervals */ /* And a seperate resid counter stuff produced earlier & later */ I_ resid_earlier = 0; I_ resid_later = 0; I_ resid_max = 0; /* Max residency -- used for aux file */ I_ earlier_ticks = 0; /* No of earlier ticks grouped together */ hash_t time_intervals = 18; /* No of time_intervals, also earlier & later */ static hash_t earlier_intervals; /* No of earlier intervals grouped together + 1*/ hash_t dummy_index_time(STG_NO_ARGS) { return time_intervals; } hash_t (* init_index_fns[])() = { 0, init_index_cc, init_index_mod, init_index_grp, init_index_descr, init_index_type, dummy_index_time }; static char heap_filename[STATS_FILENAME_MAXLEN]; /* heap log file name = .hp */ static FILE *heap_file = NULL; I_ heap_profile_init(argv) char *argv[]; { char *cc_select_str = RTSflags.ProfFlags.ccSelector; char *mod_select_str = RTSflags.ProfFlags.modSelector; char *grp_select_str = RTSflags.ProfFlags.grpSelector; char *descr_select_str = RTSflags.ProfFlags.descrSelector; char *type_select_str = RTSflags.ProfFlags.typeSelector; char *kind_select_str = RTSflags.ProfFlags.kindSelector; hash_t count, max, first; W_ heap_prof_style; if (! RTSflags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile) return 0; /* for now, if using a generational collector and trying to heap-profile, just force the GC to be used in two-space mode. WDP 94/07 */ #if defined(GCap) || defined(GCgn) RTSflags.GcFlags.force2s = rtsTrue; #endif heap_prof_style = RTSflags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile; /* process select strings -- will break them into bits */ if (cc_select_str) { char *comma, *colon; while (cc_select_str && cc_select_no < MAX_SELECT) { if ((comma = strchr(cc_select_str, ',')) != 0) { *comma = '\0'; } if ((colon = strchr(cc_select_str, ':')) != 0) { *colon = '\0'; ccmod_select_strs[cc_select_no] = cc_select_str; cc_select_strs[cc_select_no++] = colon + 1; } else { ccmod_select_strs[cc_select_no] = (char *)0; cc_select_strs[cc_select_no++] = cc_select_str; } if (comma) { cc_select_str = comma + 1; } else { cc_select_str = (char *)0; } } if (cc_select_str && cc_select_no >= MAX_SELECT) { fprintf(stderr, "heap_profile_init: Too many Cost Centres selected\n %ld used %s remaining\n", cc_select_no, cc_select_str); return 1; } cc_select |= cc_select_no > 0; } if (mod_select_str) { char *comma; while ((comma = strchr(mod_select_str, ',')) && mod_select_no < MAX_SELECT) { mod_select_strs[mod_select_no++] = mod_select_str; *comma = '\0'; mod_select_str = comma + 1; } if (mod_select_no < MAX_SELECT) { mod_select_strs[mod_select_no++] = mod_select_str; } else { fprintf(stderr, "heap_profile_init: Too many Modules selected\n %ld used %s remaining\n", mod_select_no, mod_select_str); return 1; } cc_select |= mod_select_no > 0; } if (grp_select_str) { char *comma; while ((comma = strchr(grp_select_str, ',')) && grp_select_no < MAX_SELECT) { grp_select_strs[grp_select_no++] = grp_select_str; *comma = '\0'; grp_select_str = comma + 1; } if (grp_select_no < MAX_SELECT) { grp_select_strs[grp_select_no++] = grp_select_str; } else { fprintf(stderr, "heap_profile_init: Too many Groups selected\n %ld used %s remaining\n", grp_select_no, grp_select_str); return 1; } cc_select |= grp_select_no > 0; } if (descr_select_str) { char *comma; while ((comma = strchr(descr_select_str, ',')) && descr_select_no < MAX_SELECT) { descr_select_strs[descr_select_no++] = descr_select_str; *comma = '\0'; descr_select_str = comma + 1; } if (descr_select_no < MAX_SELECT) { descr_select_strs[descr_select_no++] = descr_select_str; } else { fprintf(stderr, "heap_profile_init: Too many Closure Descriptions selected\n %ld used %s remaining\n", descr_select_no, descr_select_str); return 1; } clcat_select |= descr_select_no > 0; } if (type_select_str) { char *comma; while ((comma = strchr(type_select_str, ',')) && type_select_no < MAX_SELECT) { type_select_strs[type_select_no++] = type_select_str; *comma = '\0'; type_select_str = comma + 1; } if (type_select_no < MAX_SELECT) { type_select_strs[type_select_no++] = type_select_str; } else { fprintf(stderr, "heap_profile_init: Too many Closure Types selected\n %ld used %s remaining\n", type_select_no, type_select_str); return 1; } clcat_select |= type_select_no > 0; } if (kind_select_str) { char *comma; while ((comma = strchr(kind_select_str, ',')) != 0) { *comma = '\0'; for (count = 1; kind_select_strs[count]; count++) { if (strcmp(kind_select_strs[count],kind_select_str) == 0) { kind_selected[count] = 1; kind_select_no++; break; } } if (! kind_select_strs[count]) { fprintf(stderr, "heap_profile_init: Invalid Kind: %s\n", kind_select_str); return 1; } kind_select_str = comma + 1; } for (count = 1; kind_select_strs[count]; count++) { if (strcmp(kind_select_strs[count],kind_select_str) == 0) { kind_selected[count] = 1; kind_select_no++; break; } } if (! kind_select_strs[count]) { fprintf(stderr, "heap_profile_init: Invalid Kind: %s\n", kind_select_str); return 1; } clcat_select |= kind_select_no > 0; } /* open heap profiling log file */ sprintf(heap_filename, HP_FILENAME_FMT, argv[0]); if ( (heap_file = fopen(heap_filename,"w")) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open heap log file %s\n", heap_filename); return 1; } /* write start of log file */ fprintf(heap_file, "JOB \"%s", argv[0]); fprintf(heap_file, " +RTS -h%c", heap_profiling_char[heap_prof_style]); if (heap_prof_style == HEAP_BY_TIME) { fprintf(heap_file, "%ld", time_intervals); if (earlier_ticks) { fprintf(heap_file, ",%3.1f", earlier_ticks / (StgFloat)TICK_FREQUENCY); } } if (cc_select_no) { fprintf(heap_file, " -c{%s:%s", ccmod_select_strs[0], cc_select_strs[0]); for (count = 1; count < cc_select_no; count++) { fprintf(heap_file, ",%s:%s", ccmod_select_strs[count], cc_select_strs[count]); } fprintf(heap_file, "}"); } if (mod_select_no) { fprintf(heap_file, " -m{%s", mod_select_strs[0]); for (count = 1; count < mod_select_no; count++) fprintf(heap_file, ",%s", mod_select_strs[count]); fprintf(heap_file, "}"); } if (grp_select_no) { fprintf(heap_file, " -g{%s", grp_select_strs[0]); for (count = 1; count < grp_select_no; count++) fprintf(heap_file, ",%s", grp_select_strs[count]); fprintf(heap_file, "}"); } if (descr_select_no) { fprintf(heap_file, " -d{%s", descr_select_strs[0]); for (count = 1; count < descr_select_no; count++) fprintf(heap_file, ",%s", descr_select_strs[count]); fprintf(heap_file, "}"); } if (type_select_no) { fprintf(heap_file, " -y{%s", type_select_strs[0]); for (count = 1; count < type_select_no; count++) fprintf(heap_file, ",%s", type_select_strs[count]); fprintf(heap_file, "}"); } if (kind_select_no) { fprintf(heap_file, " -k{"); for (count = 1, first = 1; kind_select_strs[count]; count++) if (kind_selected[count]) { fprintf(heap_file, "%s%s", first?"":",", kind_select_strs[count]); first = 0; } fprintf(heap_file, "}"); } fprintf(heap_file, " -i%4.2f -RTS", interval_ticks/(StgFloat)TICK_FREQUENCY); for(count = 1; argv[count]; count++) fprintf(heap_file, " %s", argv[count]); fprintf(heap_file, "\"\n"); fprintf(heap_file, "DATE \"%s\"\n", time_str()); fprintf(heap_file, "SAMPLE_UNIT \"seconds\"\n"); fprintf(heap_file, "VALUE_UNIT \"bytes\"\n"); fprintf(heap_file, "BEGIN_SAMPLE 0.00\n"); fprintf(heap_file, "END_SAMPLE 0.00\n"); /* initialise required heap profiling data structures & hashing */ earlier_intervals = (earlier_ticks / interval_ticks) + 1; max = (* init_index_fns[heap_prof_style])(); resid = (I_ *) stgMallocBytes(max * sizeof(I_), "heap_profile_init"); for (count = 0; count < max; count++) resid[count] = 0; return 0; } \end{code} Cost centre selection is set up before a heap profile by running through the list of registered cost centres and memoising the selection in the cost centre record. It is only necessary to memoise the cost centre selection if a selection profiling function is being called. Category selection is determined when each closure is encountered. It is memoised within the category record. We always have to check that the memoisation has been done as we do not have a list of categories we can process before hand. Age selection is done for every closure -- not memoised. \begin{code} void set_selected_ccs(STG_NO_ARGS) /* set selection before we profile heap */ { I_ x; CostCentre cc; if (cc_select) { for (cc = Registered_CC; cc != REGISTERED_END; cc = cc->registered) { for (x = 0; ! cc->selected && x < cc_select_no; x++) cc->selected = (strcmp(cc->label, cc_select_strs[x]) == 0) && (strcmp(cc->module, ccmod_select_strs[x]) == 0); for (x = 0; ! cc->selected && x < mod_select_no; x++) cc->selected = (strcmp(cc->module, mod_select_strs[x]) == 0); for (x = 0; ! cc->selected && x < grp_select_no; x++) cc->selected = (strcmp(cc->group, grp_select_strs[x]) == 0); } } else { for (cc = Registered_CC; cc != REGISTERED_END; cc = cc->registered) cc->selected = 1; /* true if ! cc_select */ } } I_ selected_clcat(ClCategory clcat) { I_ x; if (clcat->selected == -1) { /* if not memoised check selection */ if (clcat_select) { clcat->selected = 0; for (x = 0; ! clcat->selected && x < descr_select_no; x++) clcat->selected = (strcmp(clcat->descr, descr_select_strs[x]) == 0); for (x = 0; ! clcat->selected && x < type_select_no; x++) clcat->selected = (strcmp(clcat->type, type_select_strs[x]) == 0); if (kind_select_no) clcat->selected |= kind_selected[clcat->kind]; } else { clcat->selected = 1; } } return clcat->selected; /* return memoised selection */ } \end{code} Profiling functions called for each closure. The appropriate function is stored in @heap_profile_fn@ by @heap_profile_setup@. @heap_profile_fn@ is called for each live closure by the macros embedded in the garbage collector. They increment the appropriate resident space counter by the size of the closure (less any profiling words). \begin{code} #define NON_PROF_HS (FIXED_HS - PROF_FIXED_HDR - TICKY_FIXED_HDR) void profile_closure_cc(P_ closure, I_ size) { CostCentre cc = (CostCentre) CC_HDR(closure); resid[index_cc(cc)] += size + NON_PROF_HS; return; } void profile_closure_cc_select(P_ closure, I_ size) { CostCentre cc; ClCategory clcat; cc = (CostCentre) CC_HDR(closure); if (! cc->selected) /* selection determined before profile */ return; /* all selected if ! cc_select */ clcat = (ClCategory) INFO_CAT(INFO_PTR(closure)); if (clcat_select && ! selected_clcat(clcat)) /* selection memoised during profile */ return; resid[index_cc(cc)] += size + NON_PROF_HS; return; } void profile_closure_mod(P_ closure, I_ size) { CostCentre cc = (CostCentre) CC_HDR(closure); resid[index_mod(cc)] += size + NON_PROF_HS; return; } void profile_closure_mod_select(P_ closure, I_ size) { CostCentre cc; ClCategory clcat; cc = (CostCentre) CC_HDR(closure); if (! cc->selected) /* selection determined before profile */ return; clcat = (ClCategory) INFO_CAT(INFO_PTR(closure)); if (clcat_select && ! selected_clcat(clcat)) /* selection memoised during profile */ return; resid[index_mod(cc)] += size + NON_PROF_HS; return; } void profile_closure_grp(P_ closure, I_ size) { CostCentre cc = (CostCentre) CC_HDR(closure); resid[index_grp(cc)] += size + NON_PROF_HS; return; } void profile_closure_grp_select(P_ closure, I_ size) { CostCentre cc; ClCategory clcat; cc = (CostCentre) CC_HDR(closure); if (! cc->selected) /* selection determined before profile */ return; clcat = (ClCategory) INFO_CAT(INFO_PTR(closure)); if (clcat_select && ! selected_clcat(clcat)) /* selection memoised during profile */ return; resid[index_grp(cc)] += size + NON_PROF_HS; return; } void profile_closure_descr(P_ closure, I_ size) { ClCategory clcat = (ClCategory) INFO_CAT(INFO_PTR(closure)); resid[index_descr(clcat)] += size + NON_PROF_HS; return; } void profile_closure_descr_select(P_ closure, I_ size) { CostCentre cc; ClCategory clcat; cc = (CostCentre) CC_HDR(closure); if (! cc->selected) /* selection determined before profile */ return; /* all selected if ! cc_select */ clcat = (ClCategory) INFO_CAT(INFO_PTR(closure)); if (clcat_select && ! selected_clcat(clcat)) /* selection memoised during profile */ return; resid[index_descr(clcat)] += size + NON_PROF_HS; return; } void profile_closure_type(P_ closure, I_ size) { ClCategory clcat = (ClCategory) INFO_CAT(INFO_PTR(closure)); resid[index_type(clcat)] += size + NON_PROF_HS; return; } void profile_closure_type_select(P_ closure, I_ size) { CostCentre cc; ClCategory clcat; cc = (CostCentre) CC_HDR(closure); if (! cc->selected) /* selection determined before profile */ return; /* all selected if ! cc_select */ clcat = (ClCategory) INFO_CAT(INFO_PTR(closure)); if (clcat_select && ! selected_clcat(clcat)) /* selection memoised during profile */ return; resid[index_type(clcat)] += size + NON_PROF_HS; return; } void profile_closure_time(P_ closure, I_ size) { return; } void profile_closure_time_select(P_ closure, I_ size) { return; } \end{code} @heap_profile_setup@ is called before garbage collection to initialise for the profile. It assigns the appropriate closure profiling function to @heap_profile_fn@ and memoises any cost centre selection. If no profile is required @heap_profile_fn@ is assigned NULL. On completion of garbage collection @heap_profile_done@ is called. It produces a heap profile report and resets the residency counts to 0. \begin{code} void (* heap_profile_fn) PROTO((P_,I_)) = NULL; void (* profiling_fns_select[]) PROTO((P_,I_)) = { NULL, profile_closure_cc_select, profile_closure_mod_select, profile_closure_grp_select, profile_closure_descr_select, profile_closure_type_select, profile_closure_time_select }; void (* profiling_fns[]) PROTO((P_,I_)) = { NULL, profile_closure_cc, profile_closure_mod, profile_closure_grp, profile_closure_descr, profile_closure_type, profile_closure_time }; void heap_profile_setup(STG_NO_ARGS) /* called at start of heap profile */ { W_ heap_prof_style; if (! RTSflags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile) return; heap_prof_style = RTSflags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile; if (cc_select || clcat_select) { set_selected_ccs(); /* memoise cc selection */ heap_profile_fn = profiling_fns_select[heap_prof_style]; } else { heap_profile_fn = profiling_fns[heap_prof_style]; } } void heap_profile_done(STG_NO_ARGS) /* called at end of heap profile */ { CostCentre cc; ClCategory clcat; hash_t ind, max; StgFloat seconds; W_ heap_prof_style; if (! RTSflags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile) return; heap_prof_style = RTSflags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile; heap_profile_fn = NULL; seconds = (previous_ticks + current_ticks) / (StgFloat)TICK_FREQUENCY; fprintf(heap_file, "BEGIN_SAMPLE %0.2f\n", seconds); max = (* init_index_fns[heap_prof_style])(); switch (heap_prof_style) { case HEAP_BY_CC: for (ind = 0; ind < max; ind++) { if ((cc = index_cc_table[ind]) != 0 && ! cc_to_ignore(cc)) { fprintf(heap_file, " %0.11s:%0.16s %ld\n", cc->module, cc->label, resid[ind] * sizeof(W_)); } resid[ind] = 0; } break; case HEAP_BY_MOD: for (ind = 0; ind < max; ind++) { if ((cc = index_mod_table[ind]) != 0 && ! cc_to_ignore(cc)) { fprintf(heap_file, " %0.11s %ld\n", cc->module, resid[ind] * sizeof(W_)); } resid[ind] = 0; } break; case HEAP_BY_GRP: for (ind = 0; ind < max; ind++) { if ((cc = index_grp_table[ind]) != 0 && ! cc_to_ignore(cc)) { fprintf(heap_file, " %0.11s %ld\n", cc->group, resid[ind] * sizeof(W_)); } resid[ind] = 0; } break; case HEAP_BY_DESCR: for (ind = 0; ind < max; ind++) { if ((clcat = index_descr_table[ind]) != 0 && ! cc_to_ignore(cc)) { fprintf(heap_file, " %0.28s %ld\n", clcat->descr, resid[ind] * sizeof(W_)); } resid[ind] = 0; } break; case HEAP_BY_TYPE: for (ind = 0; ind < max; ind++) { if ((clcat = index_type_table[ind]) != 0 && ! cc_to_ignore(cc)) { fprintf(heap_file, " %0.28s %ld\n", clcat->type, resid[ind] * sizeof(W_)); } resid[ind] = 0; } break; } fprintf(heap_file, "END_SAMPLE %0.2f\n", seconds); fflush(heap_file); } void heap_profile_finish(STG_NO_ARGS) /* called at end of execution */ { StgFloat seconds; if (! RTSflags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile) return; seconds = (previous_ticks + current_ticks) / (StgFloat)TICK_FREQUENCY; fprintf(heap_file, "BEGIN_SAMPLE %0.2f\n", seconds); fprintf(heap_file, "END_SAMPLE %0.2f\n", seconds); fclose(heap_file); return; } \end{code} \begin{code} #endif /* PROFILING */ \end{code}