\section[SM-extensions]{Storage Manager Extensions} ToDo ADR: Maybe this should be split between SMcopying.lc and SMcompacting.lc? This is a collection of C functions use in implementing the stable pointer and foreign object extensions. The motivation for making this a separate file/section is twofold: 1) It let's us focus on one thing. 2) If we don't do this, there will be a huge amount of repetition between the various GC schemes --- a maintenance nightmare. The second is the major motivation. There are three main parts to this file: 1) Code which is common to all GC schemes. 2) Code for use in a compacting collector used in the 1-space, dual mode and for collecting old generations in generational collectors. 3) Code for use in a copying collector used in the 2-space, dual mode and for collecting young generations in generational collectors. When debugging, it is incredibly helpful to trash part of the heap (say) once you're done with it. Remembering that @sm->hp@ points to the next word to be allocated, a typical use is \begin{pseudocode} #ifdef DEBUG TrashMem(sm->hp+1, sm->hplim); #endif \end{pseudocode} \begin{code} #if defined(GC1s) #define SCAN_REG_DUMP #include "SMinternal.h" REGDUMP(ScanRegDump); #else /* GC2s, GCdu, GCap, GCgn */ #define SCAV_REG_MAP #include "SMinternal.h" REGDUMP(ScavRegDump); #endif #include "SMextn.h" #ifdef DEBUG void TrashMem(from, to) P_ from, to; { /* assertion overly strong - if free_mem == 0, sm->hp == sm->hplim */ /* ASSERT( from <= to ); */ if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace) printf("Trashing from 0x%lx to 0x%lx inclusive\n", (W_) from, (W_) to); while (from <= to) { *from++ = DEALLOCATED_TRASH; } } #endif /* DEBUG */ \end{code} \begin{code} #if !defined(PAR) /* To end of the file */ \end{code} \downsection \section[SM-extensions-common-code]{Code common to all GC schemes} \begin{code} EXTDATA(EmptySPTable_closure); void initExtensions( sm ) smInfo *sm; { sm->ForeignObjList = NULL; #if defined(GCap) || defined(GCgn) sm->OldForeignObjList = NULL; #endif sm->StablePointerTable = (P_) EmptySPTable_closure; } \end{code} \begin{code} #if defined(DEBUG) \end{code} When a Foreign Object is released, there should be absolutely no references to it. To encourage and dangling references to show themselves, we'll trash its contents when we're done with it. \begin{code} #define TRASH_ForeignObj_CLOSURE( mptr ) Trash_ForeignObj_Closure(mptr) void Trash_ForeignObj_Closure(mptr) P_ mptr; { int i; for( i = 0; i < ForeignObj_SIZE + _FHS; i++ ) { mptr[ i ] = DEALLOCATED_TRASH; } } \end{code} Also, every time we fiddle with the ForeignObj list, we should check it still makes sense. This function returns @0@ if the list is sensible. (Would maintaining a separate Foreign Obj count allow better testing?) \begin{code} void Validate_ForeignObjList( ForeignObjList ) P_ ForeignObjList; { P_ FOptr; for(FOptr = ForeignObjList; FOptr != NULL; FOptr = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr) ) { CHECK_ForeignObj_CLOSURE(FOptr); } } \end{code} \begin{code} #else /* !DEBUG */ #define TRASH_ForeignObj_CLOSURE( mp ) /* nothing */ #endif /* !DEBUG */ \end{code} \begin{code} #ifdef DEBUG #define TRACE_ForeignObj(FOptr) Trace_ForeignObj( FOptr ) #define TRACE_FOdies(FOptr) Trace_FOdies() #define TRACE_FOlives(FOptr) Trace_FOlives() #define TRACE_FOforwarded(FOptr, newAddress) Trace_FOforwarded( FOptr, newAddress ) void Trace_ForeignObj( FOptr ) P_ FOptr; { if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) { printf("DEBUG: ForeignObj(%0x)=<%0x,%0x,%0x,%0x>\n", (W_) FOptr, (W_) FOptr[0], (W_) FOptr[1], (W_) FOptr[2], (W_) FOptr[3]); printf(" Data = %0x, Finaliser = %0x, Next = %0x\n", (W_) ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(FOptr), (W_) ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(FOptr), (W_) ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr) ); } } void Trace_FOdies() { if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) { printf(" dying\n"); } } void Trace_FOlives() { if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) { printf(" lived to tell the tale\n"); } } void Trace_FOforwarded( FOPtr, newAddress ) P_ FOPtr, newAddress; { if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) { printf(" forwarded to %lx\n", (W_) newAddress); } } #else #define TRACE_ForeignObj(FOptr) /* nothing */ #define TRACE_FOdies(FOptr) /* nothing */ #define TRACE_FOlives(FOptr) /* nothing */ #define TRACE_FOforwarded(FOptr, newAddress) /* nothing */ #endif /* DEBUG */ \end{code} \section[SM-extensions-compacting-code]{Compacting Collector Code} \begin{code} #if defined(_INFO_COMPACTING) /* Sweep up the dead ForeignObjs */ /* Note that this has to happen before the linking phase trashes the stable pointer table so that the finaliser functions can safely call freeStablePointer. */ void sweepUpDeadForeignObjs( ForeignObjList, base, bits ) P_ ForeignObjList; P_ base; BitWord *bits; { P_ FOptr, temp; I_ ForeignObj_deaths = 0; long _hp_word, bit_index, bit; /* At this point, the ForeignObjList is in an invalid state (since some info ptrs will have been mangled) so we can't validate it. ADR */ DEBUG_STRING("Reporting Dead Foreign objects:"); FOptr = ForeignObjList; while ( FOptr != NULL ) { TRACE_ForeignObj(FOptr); _hp_word = FOptr - base; bit_index = _hp_word / BITS_IN(BitWord); bit = 1L << (_hp_word & (BITS_IN(BitWord) - 1)); if ( !( bits[bit_index] & bit ) ) { /* dead */ TRACE_FOdies( FOptr ); (*(void (*)(StgAddr))((StgAddr)ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(FOptr)))((StgAddr)ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(FOptr)); ForeignObj_deaths++; temp = FOptr; FOptr = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr); /* Now trash the closure to encourage bugs to show themselves */ TRASH_ForeignObj_CLOSURE( temp ); } else { TRACE_FOlives(FOptr); FOptr = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr); } } } #endif /* _INFO_COMPACTING */ \end{code} \section[SM-extensions-copying-code]{Copying Collector Code} \begin{code} #if defined(_INFO_COPYING) /* ToDo: a possible optimisation would be to maintain a flag that told us whether the SPTable had been updated (with new pointers) and so needs to be GC'd. A simple way of doing this might be to generalise the MUTUPLE closures to MUGEN closures. */ void evacSPTable( sm ) smInfo *sm; { DEBUG_STRING("Evacuate Stable Pointer Table:"); { P_ evac = sm->StablePointerTable; sm->StablePointerTable = EVACUATE_CLOSURE(evac); } } /* First attempt at Foreign Obj hackery... Later versions might do something useful with the two counters. [ADR] */ #if defined(DEBUG) #if defined(GCgn) EXTDATA_RO(Forward_Ref_New_info); EXTDATA_RO(Forward_Ref_Old_info); EXTDATA_RO(OldRoot_Forward_Ref_info); #else EXTDATA_RO(Forward_Ref_info); #endif #endif /* Call ForeignObj finalising routine on any dead FOs in oldFOList, add the remainder to new sticking the result into newFOList. */ void reportDeadForeignObjs(oldFOList, new, newFOList) P_ oldFOList; P_ new; P_ *newFOList; { P_ FOptr, temp; I_ FO_no = 0, FO_deaths = 0; /* At this point, the ForeignObjList is in an invalid state (since some info ptrs will have been mangled) so we can't validate it. ADR */ DEBUG_STRING("Updating Foreign Objects List and reporting casualties:"); FOptr = oldFOList; while ( FOptr != NULL ) { TRACE_ForeignObj(FOptr); if ((P_) INFO_PTR(FOptr) == ForeignObj_info ) { /* can't have been forwarded - must be dead */ TRACE_FOdies(FOptr); (*(void (*)(StgAddr))(ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(FOptr)))((StgAddr)ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(FOptr)); FO_deaths++; temp = FOptr; FOptr = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr); /* Now trash the closure to encourage bugs to show themselves */ TRASH_ForeignObj_CLOSURE( temp ); } else { /* Must have been forwarded - so it must be live */ P_ newAddress = (P_) FORWARD_ADDRESS(FOptr); #if defined(GCgn) ASSERT( ( (P_) INFO_PTR(FOptr) == Forward_Ref_New_info ) || ( (P_) INFO_PTR(FOptr) == Forward_Ref_Old_info ) || ( (P_) INFO_PTR(FOptr) == OldRoot_Forward_Ref_info ) ); #else ASSERT( (P_) INFO_PTR(FOptr) == Forward_Ref_info ); #endif TRACE_FOforwarded( FOptr, newAddress ); ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(newAddress) = new; new = newAddress; FO_no++; FOptr = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr); } } VALIDATE_ForeignObjList( new ); *newFOList = new; } #endif /* _INFO_COPYING */ \end{code} @freeForeigns@ summarily calls the finaliser routines for all live foreign objects, done when closing down. (code is just a rip off of the above). \begin{code} #if defined(_INFO_COPYING) #if defined(DEBUG) # if defined(GCgn) EXTDATA_RO(Forward_Ref_New_info); EXTDATA_RO(Forward_Ref_Old_info); EXTDATA_RO(OldRoot_Forward_Ref_info); # else EXTDATA_RO(Forward_Ref_info); # endif #endif /* Call the ForeignObj finalising routine on all the live FOs, used when shutting down. */ int freeForeigns(foList) P_ foList; { P_ FOptr, temp; I_ FO_deaths = 0; /* At this point, exitSSM() has been calledthe ForeignObjList is in an invalid state (since some info ptrs will have been mangled) so we can't validate it. ADR */ DEBUG_STRING("Freeing all live Foreign Objects:"); FOptr = foList; while ( FOptr != NULL ) { /* I'm not convinced that the situation of having indirections linked into the FO list can ever occur, but chasing indirections doesn't hurt. */ while(IS_INDIRECTION(INFO_PTR(FOptr))) { FOptr = (P_) IND_CLOSURE_PTR(FOptr); } if ((P_) INFO_PTR(FOptr) == ForeignObj_info ) { TRACE_ForeignObj(FOptr); TRACE_FOdies(FOptr); (*(void (*)(StgAddr))(ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(FOptr)))((StgAddr)ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(FOptr)); FO_deaths++; temp = FOptr; FOptr = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr); /* Now trash the closure to encourage bugs to show themselves */ TRASH_ForeignObj_CLOSURE( temp ); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Foreign object list contained unexpected element, bailing out of FO cleanup.\n"); return 1; } } return 0; } #endif /* _INFO_COPYING */ \end{code} \upsection \begin{code} #endif /* !PAR */ \end{code}