\section[storage-manager-init]{Initialising the storage manager} To initialise the storage manager, we pass it: \begin{itemize} \item An @argc@/@argv@ combo, which are the command-line arguments that have been deemed to belong to the runtime system. The initialisation routine can slurp around in there for information of interest to it. \item A filehandle to which any storage-manager statistics should be written. \end{itemize} \begin{code} #define NULL_REG_MAP #include "SMinternal.h" \end{code} \section[storage-manager-exit]{Winding up the storage manager} \begin{code} rtsBool exitSM (smInfo *sm_info) { #ifndef PAR int rc; /* Upon closing down the storage manager, we free all foreign objects */ rc = freeForeigns(sm_info->ForeignObjList); #endif /* Return code ignored for now */ stat_exit(sm_info->hp - hp_start); return rtsTrue; /* I'm happy */ } \end{code}