================================================================================ Typechecked: {- nonrec -} bitRsh{-r3h,x-} = _/\_ a{-r3f-} -> \ tpl_B1 -> case tpl_B1 of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} tpl_B1 tpl_B2 -> tpl_B1;} bitLsh{-r3g,x-} = _/\_ a{-r3f-} -> \ tpl_B1 -> case tpl_B1 of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} tpl_B1 tpl_B2 -> tpl_B2;} {- nonrec -} AbsBinds [a{-anm-}] [d.Bits_anf] [([a{-anm-}], $mbitRsh{-rnw,x-}, bitRsh_anh)] AbsBinds [] [] [([], bitRsh_anh, bitRsh_anj)] bitRsh_anj = GHCerr.noDefaultMethodError{-8k,p-} (a{-anm-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> a{-anm-}) "Class Bits Method bitRsh" AbsBinds [a{-anm-}] [d.Bits_anp] [([a{-anm-}], $mbitLsh{-rnx,x-}, bitLsh_anr)] AbsBinds [] [] [([], bitLsh_anr, bitLsh_ant)] bitLsh_ant = GHCerr.noDefaultMethodError{-8k,p-} (a{-anm-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> a{-anm-}) "Class Bits Method bitLsh" {- nonrec -} ghc: module version changed to 1; reason: no old .hi file _interface_ Word 1 _instance_modules_ ArrBase IO PrelNum _exports_ Word Bits(bitRsh bitLsh); _fixities_ infixl 8 bitLsh; infixl 8 bitRsh; _declarations_ 1 $mbitLsh _:_ _forall_ [a] {Bits a} => a -> PrelBase.Int -> a ;; 1 $mbitRsh _:_ _forall_ [a] {Bits a} => a -> PrelBase.Int -> a ;; 1 class Bits r3f where {bitRsh :: r3f -> PrelBase.Int -> r3f; bitLsh :: r3f -> PrelBase.Int -> r3f} ;