From: (Sam Waugh) Message-Id: <> Subject: "Bug" in 0.22 -- order of magnitude slower than hbc To: Date: Mon, 10 Oct 1994 17:13:41 +1000 (EETDT) Hi. I've come up with what you might consider to be a bug with ghc-0.22 (unless I've done something obviously wrong). I wrote some code to perform a simple backpropagation neural network simulator (just to see how it would go), and I have just recompiled it using hbc version 0.999.4. The ghc executable was much slower -- even when "optimised". I've included at the bottom of this message a uuencoded gzipped tar file (took a while to make) which includes the following documents: *.lhs -- actual code makefile -- makefile for ghc (hbc was compiled by producing object files and linking them together. The optimised hbc code used -O. The optimised ghc code was generated with the extra options in the makefile). temp -- machine and gcc compiler details. compile -- standard ghc compilation with -v out.0.22 -- output from all trials err.* -- the timings of the different trials (ignore the .2 on the .999.4.2 files -- it was a second try). Hopefully that is all the files I've included and all the files you need. Let me know if you have any problems. On a final note -- when compiling using all the optimisations for ghc there were an awful lot of warnings. Is there anyway you can get rid of these (like by fixing the problems)? It might be obscuring something important. Thanks for your time. Sam. -- Sam Waugh Phone: +61 02 202962 Department of Computer Science Fax: +61 02 202913 University of Tasmania Email: GPO Box 252C, Hobart Tasmania 7001, Australia [snip snip]