Digraph.hs:19: A type signature is more polymorphic than the inferred type Can't for-all the type variable(s) `taWg' in the inferred type `[Edge taWg]' When checking signature for `reversed_edges' In an equation for function `stronglyConnComp': `stronglyConnComp es vs = PrelTup.snd (span_tree (new_range reversed_edges) (PrelBase.[], (PrelBase.[])) (PrelTup.snd (dfs (new_range es) (PrelBase.[], (PrelBase.[])) vs))) where span_tree r (vs, ns) PrelBase.[] = (vs, (ns)) span_tree r (vs, ns) (x PrelBase.: xs) | x PrelList.elem vs = span_tree r (vs, (ns)) xs | PrelBase.otherwise = span_tree r (vs', ((x PrelBase.: ns') PrelBase.: ns)) xs where (vs', ns') = dfs r (x PrelBase.: vs, (PrelBase.[])) (r x) new_range PrelBase.[] w = PrelBase.[] new_range ((x, y) PrelBase.: xys) w = if x PrelBase.== w then (y PrelBase.: (new_range xys w)) else (new_range xys w) swap (x, y) = (y, (x)) reversed_edges :: _forall_ [v] (PrelBase.Eq v) => [Edge v] reversed_edges = PrelBase.map swap es' Compilation had errors