tcfail067.hs:65: Warning: no explicit method nor default method for `abs' in an instance declaration for `Num' tcfail067.hs:65: Warning: no explicit method nor default method for `signum' in an instance declaration for `Num' tcfail067.hs:1: Context `{Ord ta19s}' required by inferred type, but missing on a type signature `Ord ta19s' arising from use of `SubRange' at tcfail067.hs:76 When checking signature(s) for: `numSubRangeBinOp' tcfail067.hs:65: Context `{Ord ta1aY}' required by inferred type, but missing on a type signature `Ord ta1aY' arising from use of `numSubRangeNegate' at tcfail067.hs:61 When checking methods of an instance declaration Compilation had errors