# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $Id: ghcprof.prl,v 1.1 2000/04/05 10:06:36 simonmar Exp $ # # (c) The GHC Team 2000 # # needs: INSTALLING, FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS, libdir, TARGETPLATFORM, TMPDIR # if ($ENV{'DAVINCIHOME'}) { $davincihome = $ENV{'DAVINCIHOME'}; $davinci = $davincihome . "/daVinci"; } else { print STDERR "ghcprof: DAVINCIHOME environment variable not set"; exit(1); } $machname = ${TARGETPLATFORM}; $bsp_s = 10.0; $bsp_l = 12; $bsp_g = 13; $MaxNoNodes = 1900; $icondir = ( $INSTALLING ? "$libdir/icons" : "$FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS/ghc/utils/prof/icons" ); $xmlparser = ( $INSTALLING ? "$libexecdir/xmlparser" : "$FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS/ghc/utils/prof/xmlparser/xmlparser" ); $cgprof_dir = ( $INSTALLING ? "$libexecdir" : "$FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS/ghc/utils/prof/cgprof" ); # where to make tmp file names? if ( $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) { $Tmp_prefix = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} . "/ghcprof"; } else { $Tmp_prefix ="${TMPDIR}/ghcprof"; $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = "${TMPDIR}"; # set the env var as well } # Create an new temporary filename. $i = $$; $tempfile = ""; while (-e ($tempfile = "$Tmp_prefix" . "$i")) { $i++; }; # Delete temp. file if script is halted. sub quit_upon_signal { if ($tempfile ne "") { print STDERR "Deleting $tempfile .. \n"; unlink "$tempfile"; } } $SIG{'INT'} = 'quit_upon_signal'; $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'quit_upon_signal'; sub tidy_up_and_die { if ($tempfile ne "") { print STDERR "Deleting $tempfile .. \n"; unlink "$tempfile"; } exit($?); } select(STDERR); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); # no STDERR buffering, please. ($Pgm = $0) =~ s|.*/||; $Version = "v2.1 10-3-2000"; $bug_reports_to = 'stephen.jarvis@dcs.warwick.ac.uk'; $ShortUsage = "\n$Pgm usage: for basic information, try the `-help' option\n"; $Usage = <0) { print STDERR $ShortUsage; exit(1); } print STDERR "$Pgm: ($Version)\n" if $Verbose; # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse the XML # ToDo: use the real xmlparser # system("$xmlparser < $InputFile > $tempfile"); # if ($? != 0) { tidy_up_and_die(); } # Stehpen's hacky replacement for xmlparser: $cc_write = 1; $ccs_write = 1; $scc_write = 1; open(INPUT, "<$InputFile") || tidy_up_and_die(); open(TEMPFILE, ">$tempfile") || tidy_up_and_die(); while () { if (/^1 (\d+) (.*)$/) { if ($cc_write) { print TEMPFILE ">>cost_centre\n"; $cc_write = 0; } $cc_id = $1; $name = $2; $module = $3; print TEMPFILE "$cc_id $name $module\n"; } if (/^2 (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)$/) { if ($ccs_write) { print TEMPFILE ">>cost_centre_stack\n"; $ccs_write = 0; } $ccs_id = $1; $ccptr = $2; $ccsptr = $3; print TEMPFILE "$ccs_id $ccptr $ccsptr\n"; } elsif (/^2 (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)$/) { if ($ccs_write) { print TEMPFILE ">>cost_centre_stack\n"; $ccs_write = 0; } $ccs_id = $1; $type = $2; $ccptr = $3; $ccsptr = $4; print TEMPFILE "$ccs_id $type $ccptr $ccsptr\n"; } if (/^5 (\d+) (.*)$/) { if ($scc_write) { print TEMPFILE ">>scc_sample\n"; $scc_write = 0; } $_ = $2; while (/^1 (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (.*)$/) { $rg1 = $1; $rg2 = $2; $rg3 = $3; $rg4 = $4; print TEMPFILE "$rg1 $rg2 $rg3 $rg4\n"; $_ = $5; } } } print TEMPFILE ">>\n"; close(INPUT); close(TEMPFILE); &readProfileHeader(); $cmd = sprintf("%s -startappl %s 'cgprof %s %d \"%s\" ". "\"%s\" %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %d %d %d %d %d'", $davinci,$cgprof_dir,$tempfile,$nprocs,$machname,$date, $bsp_s,$bsp_l,$bsp_g,$hide,$Verbose,$Logo,$Colour, $DeltaNormalise,$MaxNoNodes); $cmd = "env DAVINCI_ICONDIR=$icondir TCL_LIBRARY=$davincihome/lib/tcl ". "TK_LIBRARY=$davincihome/lib/tk DAVINCIHOME=$davincihome " . $cmd; print STDERR "$Pgm: exec $cmd\n" if $Verbose; exec $cmd; exit(0); sub readProfileHeader { local($found); if (!open(PROFILE,$tempfile)) { printf STDERR "$Pgm: unable to open profile file \"$tempfile\".\n"; $? = 1; tidy_up_and_die(); } $found=0; while() { if (/^F/) { if (/-prof/ && /-flibrary-level\s+(\d+)/) { $libtype = "P$1"; } elsif (/-flibrary-level\s+(\d+)/) { $libtype = "O$1"; } $found++; } elsif (/^P\s*/) { $nprocs = int($'); $found++; } elsif (/^D\s*/) { chop($date = $'); $found++; } elsif (/^X\s*/) { chop($device = $'); } last if ($found>=3); } close(PROFILE); }