# # (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996 # # Perl script expect bindings for the following variables to be prepended # # TMPDIR libdir # # without them, not much success :-( # $debug = 0; # first line of script, builds confidence :-) $outsuffix = ".resid.ps"; # change as appropriate if ( $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) { # where to make tmp file names $tmpfile = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} . "/$$.resid.data"; } else { $tmpfile ="${TMPDIR}/$$.resid.data"; $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = ${TMPDIR}; # set the env var as well } @INC = ( ${libdir} ); require('parse-gcstats.prl') || die "Can't load parse-gcstats.prl!\n"; require('process-gcstats.prl') || die "Can't load process-gcstats.prl!\n"; if ($#ARGV < 0) { $infile = "-"; $outfile = ""; # gnuplot: set output } elsif ($#ARGV == 0) { $infile = $ARGV[0]; if ($infile =~ /^(.*)\.stat$/) { $base = $1; } else { $base = $infile; $infile = "$base.stat"; }; $outfile = "\"$base$outsuffix\""; # gnuplot: set output "outfile" } elsif ($#ARGV == 1) { $infile = $ARGV[0]; $outfile = "\"$ARGV[1]\""; } else { die "Usage: command [infile[.stat] [outfile]]"; }; %gcstats = &parse_stats($infile); &print_stats(">&STDERR", %gcstats) if $debug; if ($gcstats{"collector"} eq "APPEL") { die "APPEL stats: no residency plot possible\n"; } # # stats are now loaded into %gcstats -- write out info # open(DATAFILE, ">$tmpfile") || die "Cant open >$tmpfile \n"; $i = -1; $user = 0; printf DATAFILE "%4.2f %d\n", $user, 0; while (++$i < $gcstats{"gc_no"}) { $user += $gcstats{"mut_user_$i"}; printf DATAFILE "%4.2f %d\n", $user, $gcstats{"live_$i"}; }; printf DATAFILE "%4.2f %d\n", $gcstats{"mut_user_total"}, 0; close(DATAFILE); open(PLOTFILE, "|gnuplot") || die "Cant pipe into |gnuplot \n"; print PLOTFILE "set data style linespoints\n"; print PLOTFILE "set function style lines\n"; print PLOTFILE "set nokey\n"; print PLOTFILE "set xlabel \"Mutator Time (secs)\"\n"; print PLOTFILE "set ylabel \"Heap Residency (bytes)\" 0,-1\n"; print PLOTFILE "set term post eps \"Times-Roman\" 20\n"; printf PLOTFILE "set title \"%s %s (%s)\"\n", $gcstats{"command"}, $gcstats{"args"}, $infile; print PLOTFILE "set output $outfile\n" ; print PLOTFILE "plot \"$tmpfile\"\n"; close(PLOTFILE); unlink($tmpfile); exit 0;