ship: Alu2 == Ports =========================================================== data in: in1 data in: in2 data in: inOp data out: out == Constants ======================================================== ADD: add the two arguments; treat link as carry SUB: subtract the two arguments; treat link as carry MUL: DIV: MOD: REM: MAX: MIN: SORT: output min(in1,in2) followed by max(in1,in2) (FIXME: redundant?) == TeX ============================================================== This ship is a two-input arithmetic unit. It features several opcodes, such as {\tt ADD} and {\tt SUB}. In my opinion, it is niftycool. FIXME: implement all the link bit stuff Use carry-in bit to create a selector? Perhaps a waste of an ALU. Carry-save / carry completion stuff. Flags: zero, negative, overflow, ? == Fleeterpreter ==================================================== public void service() { if (box_in1.dataReadyForShip() && box_in2.dataReadyForShip() && box_inOp.dataReadyForShip() && box_out.readyForItemFromShip()) { int a = box_in1.removeDataForShip(); int b = box_in2.removeDataForShip(); int op = box_inOp.removeDataForShip(); switch(op) { case 0: box_out.addDataFromShip(a+b); // ADD break; case 1: box_out.addDataFromShip(a-b); // SUB break; case 2: box_out.addDataFromShip(a*b); // MUL break; case 3: box_out.addDataFromShip(a/b); // DIV break; case 4: box_out.addDataFromShip(a%b); // REM break; default: box_out.addDataFromShip(0); break; } } } == FleetSim ============================================================== == FPGA ============================================================== `include "macros.v" module alu2 (clk, a_r, a_a_, a_d, b_r, b_a_, b_d, op_r, op_a_, op_d, out_r_, out_a, out_d_); input clk; `input(a_r, a_a, a_a_, [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0], a_d) `input(b_r, b_a, b_a_, [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0], b_d) `input(op_r, op_a, op_a_, [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0], op_d) `output(out_r, out_r_, out_a, [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0], out_d_) `defreg(out_d_, [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0], out_d) reg have_a; reg [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0] reg_a; reg have_b; reg [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0] reg_b; reg have_op; reg [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0] reg_op; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!have_a) begin `onread(a_r, a_a) have_a = 1; reg_a = a_d; end end if (!have_b) begin `onread(b_r, b_a) have_b = 1; reg_b = b_d; end end if (!have_op) begin `onread(op_r, op_a) have_op = 1; reg_op = op_d; end end if (have_a && have_b && have_op) begin case (reg_op) 0: out_d = reg_a + reg_b; 1: out_d = reg_a - reg_b; //2: out_d = reg_a * reg_b; // will not synthesize --AM //3: out_d = reg_a / reg_b; // will not synthesize --AM //4: out_d = reg_a % reg_b; // will not synthesize --AM default: out_d = 0; endcase `onwrite(out_r, out_a) have_a = 0; have_b = 0; have_op = 0; end end end endmodule == Contributors ========================================================= Adam Megacz