ship: BitFifo == Ports =========================================================== in: in in: inOp constant lsbFirst: ....................................1 constant msbFirst: ....................................0 constant drop: .............................uuuuuu.. constant take: .......................uuuuuu........ out: out in: outOp constant lsbFirst: ....................................1 constant msbFirst: ....................................0 constant signExtend: ...................................1. constant drop: .............................uuuuuu.. constant take: ......................0uuuuuu........ constant copy: ......................1uuuuuu........ == TeX ============================================================== The BitFifo internally stores some number of bits in a fifo structure. Its capacity is guaranteed to be at least two full machine words or more. \subsection*{Enqueueing} Bits are enqueued by providing a word at the {\tt in} port and a code word at the {\tt inOp} port (ports are named this way to take advantage of the switch fabric opcode mechanism \cite{am25}). As shown in the constant diagram, this code word has fields {\tt lsbFirst}, {\tt msbFirst}, {\tt drop}, and {\tt take}. When a word is consumed from {\tt in}, it is ``oriented'' in either Most Significant Bit First ({\tt msbFirst}) or Least Significant Bit First ({\tt lsbFirst}) depending on whether or not these flags are set. Based on this orientation, the first {\tt drop} bits are discarded. Then the next {\tt take} bits are enqueued into the fifo. Any remaining bits are discarded. Attempting to drop or take beyond the end of a word produces undefined results. \subsection*{Dequeueing} Bits are dequeued by providing a code word at the {\tt outOp} port (despite its name, this is actually an {\it input port}). As shown in the constant diagram, this code word has fields {\tt lsbFirst}, {\tt msbFirst}, {\tt signExtend}, {\tt drop}, {\tt take}, and {\tt copy} fields. Before additional processing, {\tt drop} bits are discarded from the head of the fifo. Next, bits are dequeued into an empty word-width register. If the {\tt msbFirst} flag is set, bits will be deposited into this register starting with the most significant bit of the register and working towards the least significant bit. If the {\tt lsbFirst} flag is set, bits will be deposited into this register starting with the {\it least} significant bit of the register and working towards the {\it most} significant bit. The number of bits dequeued is specified by the {\tt take} field. If the {\tt copy} field is specified instead, the bits will be {\it copied} out of the fifo rather than being removed. Finally, if the {\tt signExtend} bit is set, all bits in the register which were not filled by bits dequeued from the fifo will be filled with a copy of {\it the last bit dequeued from the fifo}. As a final addendum to the above, whenever a request arrives at {\tt outOp} which requires more bits than are available in the fifo, the operation will wait until enough bits are present. \subsection*{To Do} The text above regarding sign extending and dequeueing msbFirst/lsbFirst is wrong. == Fleeterpreter ==================================================== // Internal storage static class BitStorage { long[] bits; int numbits = 0; int start = 0; BitStorage(int size) { bits = new long[size / 64 + (size % 64 != 0 ? 1 : 0)]; } int size() { return numbits; } boolean hasSpace(int num) { return bits.length * 64 - numbits >= num; } boolean peekTailBit() { int entry = (((numbits-1) + start) / 64) % bits.length; int off = ((numbits-1) + start) % 64; int maxadd = 64 - off; long mask = maxadd < 64 ? (-1L >>> maxadd) : 0L; return (bits[entry] & ~mask) != 0; } boolean add(long data, int num) { if (!hasSpace(num)) return false; int entry = ((numbits + start) / 64) % bits.length; int off = (numbits + start) % 64; int maxadd = 64 - off; long mask = maxadd < 64 ? (-1L >>> maxadd) : 0L; bits[entry] = (bits[entry] & mask) | (data << off); if (num > maxadd) { numbits += maxadd; return add(data >>> maxadd, num - maxadd); } else { numbits += num; return true; } } long get(int num) { assert size() >= num : "too few bits in storage"; int entry = start / 64; int off = start % 64; int max = 64 - off; int n = num > max ? max : num; long mask = n > 0 ? (-1L >>> (64 - n)) : 0L; long res = (bits[entry] >>> off) & mask; int oldstart = start; if (n < num) { int n2 = num - n; long mask2 = n2 > 0 ? (-1L >>> (64 - n2)) : 0L; res |= (bits[(entry + 1) % bits.length] & mask2) << n; } start = (start + num) % (64 * bits.length); numbits -= num; return res; } int capacity() { return 64 * bits.length; } // Test code for BitStorage static void test3(String[] args) { BitStorage bs = new BitStorage(37); Random rand = new Random(); Vector ins = new Vector(); Vector ret = new Vector(); StringBuffer sbi = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer sbr = new StringBuffer(); System.out.println("==== Test #3 ===="); System.out.println("inserting..."); long data = rand.nextLong(); bs.add(data, 0); ins.add(new Integer(0)); data = rand.nextLong(); int num = rand.nextInt(37); int s = bs.size(); bs.add(data, num); assert bs.size() - s == num : "bad size: " + s + " + " + num + " != " + bs.size(); ins.add(new Integer(num)); add(sbi, data, num); print(data, num); System.out.println("\nretrieving..."); num = bs.size(); data = bs.get(num); ret.add(new Integer(num)); add(sbr, data, num); print(data, num); System.out.println("\ninsertion sequence:"); for (int i = 0; i < ins.size(); i++) { System.out.print(" " + ins.get(i)); } System.out.println("\nretrieval sequence:"); for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { System.out.print(" " + ret.get(i)); } System.out.println(); check(sbi, sbr); } static void test2(String[] args) { int iters = (args.length > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : 10); BitStorage bs = new BitStorage(37 * iters); Random rand = new Random(); Vector ins = new Vector(); Vector ret = new Vector(); StringBuffer sbi = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer sbr = new StringBuffer(); System.out.println("==== Test #2 ===="); for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++) { long data = rand.nextLong(); int num = rand.nextInt(37); int s = bs.size(); bs.add(data, num); assert bs.size() - s == num : "bad size: " + s + " + " + num + " != " + bs.size(); ins.add(new Integer(num)); add(sbi, data, num); num = rand.nextInt(Math.min(37, bs.size())); s = bs.size(); data = bs.get(num); assert s - bs.size() == num : "bad size: " + s + " - " + num + " != " + bs.size(); ret.add(new Integer(num)); add(sbr, data, num); } //for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++) { while (bs.size() > 0) { int num = Math.min(rand.nextInt(37), bs.size()); //int num = Math.min(33, bs.size()); int s = bs.size(); long data = bs.get(num); assert s - bs.size() == num : "bad size: " + s + " - " + num + " != " + bs.size(); ret.add(new Integer(num)); add(sbr, data, num); } System.out.println("inserted:"); System.out.println(sbi); System.out.println("retrieved:"); System.out.println(sbr); System.out.println("insertion sequence:"); for (int i = 0; i < ins.size(); i++) { System.out.print(" " + ins.get(i)); } System.out.println("\nretrieval sequence:"); for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { System.out.print(" " + ret.get(i)); } System.out.println(); check(sbi, sbr); } static void test1(String[] args) { int iters = (args.length > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : 10); BitStorage bs = new BitStorage(37 * iters); Random rand = new Random(); Vector ins = new Vector(); Vector ret = new Vector(); StringBuffer sbi = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer sbr = new StringBuffer(); System.out.println("==== Test #1 ===="); System.out.println("inserting..."); for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++) { long data = rand.nextLong(); int num = rand.nextInt(37); int s = bs.size(); bs.add(data, num); assert bs.size() - s == num : "bad size: " + s + " + " + num + " != " + bs.size(); ins.add(new Integer(num)); add(sbi, data, num); print(data, num); } System.out.println("\nretrieving..."); //for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++) { while (bs.size() > 0) { int num = Math.min(rand.nextInt(37), bs.size()); //int num = Math.min(33, bs.size()); int s = bs.size(); long data = bs.get(num); assert s - bs.size() == num : "bad size: " + s + " - " + num + " != " + bs.size(); ret.add(new Integer(num)); add(sbr, data, num); print(data, num); } System.out.println("\ninsertion sequence:"); for (int i = 0; i < ins.size(); i++) { System.out.print(" " + ins.get(i)); } System.out.println("\nretrieval sequence:"); for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { System.out.print(" " + ret.get(i)); } System.out.println(); check(sbi, sbr); } static void print(long data, int num) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { System.out.print((data >>> i) & 0x1); } } static void add(StringBuffer sb, long data, int num) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { sb.append((int) ((data >>> i) & 0x1)); } } static void check(StringBuffer sb1, StringBuffer sb2) { int len = sb2.length(); if (len > sb1.length()) { System.out.println("error: retrieval sequence is longer than insertion sequence"); len = sb1.length(); } for (int i = 0; i < sb2.length(); i++) { if (sb1.charAt(i) != sb2.charAt(i)) { System.out.println("error: bit at position " + i + " does not match"); } } } } // Run BitStorage tests public static void main(String[] args) { BitStorage.test1(args); BitStorage.test2(args); BitStorage.test3(args); } // Ship implementation private Packet selector; private static final int MAXBITS = 128; private static final int WORDSIZE = 37; private Queue bits = new LinkedList(); boolean last = false; // dummy routine used for Alu3 test -- FIXME later but keep this functionality somehow! private void add(boolean bit) { bits.add(bit); last = bit; } private boolean get() { return ((Boolean)bits.remove()); } boolean haveBoxOutOp; long boxOutOp; public void service() { if (box_inOp.dataReadyForShip() && box_in.dataReadyForShip()) { long op = box_inOp.removeDataForShip(); long data = box_in.removeDataForShip(); boolean rev = (op & 1) != 0; int drop = (int)((op >> 2) & (~(0xffffffffL << 6))); int take = (int)((op >> 8) & (~(0xffffffffL << 6))); if (take==0) { add(last); return; } if (!rev) for(long i=take-1-drop; i>=0; i--) add( (data & (1L<> 2) & (~(0xffffffffL << 6))); int take = (int)((op >> 8) & (~(0xffffffffL << 6))); if (bits.size() >= take+drop) { // FIXME: copy for(int i=0; i=0; i--) if (get()) ret |= 1L< 0) begin if (dequeue_remaining <= outOp_d[`OP_COUNT]) begin if (outOp_d[`OP_LSBFIRST]) begin out_d[`DATAWIDTH-1-(dequeue_remaining-1)] <= bitstorage[0]; end else begin out_d[ dequeue_remaining-1 ] <= bitstorage[0]; end end bitstorage[(`BITSTORAGE_SIZE-2):0] <= bitstorage[(`BITSTORAGE_SIZE-1):1]; bitstorage_count <= bitstorage_count - 1; if (dequeue_remaining == 1) begin out_r <= 1; outOp_a <= 1; end dequeue_remaining <= dequeue_remaining - 1; end else if (enqueue_remaining > 0) begin bitstorage[bitstorage_count] <= inOp_d[`OP_LSBFIRST] ? in_d[`DATAWIDTH-1-(inOp_d[`OP_DROP]+enqueue_remaining-1)] : in_d[ inOp_d[`OP_DROP]+enqueue_remaining-1 ]; bitstorage_count <= bitstorage_count + 1; if (enqueue_remaining == 1) begin in_a <= 1; inOp_a <= 1; end enqueue_remaining <= enqueue_remaining - 1; end else if (in_r && !in_a && inOp_r && !inOp_a && `BITSTORAGE_SIZE > bitstorage_count + inOp_d[`OP_COUNT]) begin // FIXME: zero count => lockup enqueue_remaining <= inOp_d[`OP_COUNT]; end else if (!out_r && !out_a && outOp_r && !outOp_a && (bitstorage_count >= (outOp_d[`OP_COUNT]+outOp_d[`OP_DROP]))) begin dequeue_remaining <= outOp_d[`OP_COUNT] + outOp_d[`OP_DROP]; out_d <= (outOp_d[`OP_SIGNEXT] && bitstorage[outOp_d[`OP_DROP]]) ? 37'b1111111111111111111111111111111111111 : 0; end end == Test ============================================================== // FIXME: this test case is woefully inadequate!!!!! // expected output #expect 1 #expect 68719476736 //#expect 12 //#expect 13 // ships required in order to run this code #ship debug : Debug #ship bitfifo : BitFifo bitfifo.outOp: literal BitFifo.outOp[take=37]; [*] deliver; bitfifo.out: [*] take, sendto; [*] take, deliver; literal 1; [2] deliver; bitfifo.inOp: literal BitFifo.inOp[take=37]; deliver; literal BitFifo.inOp[take=37,lsbFirst]; deliver; == Contributors ========================================================= Amir Kamil Adam Megacz