ship: CarrySaveAdder == Ports =========================================================== in: in out: out == TeX ============================================================== The Carry-Save Adder computes the carry-save sum of three input values, provided sequentially at {\tt in}, and produces. == Fleeterpreter ==================================================== public void service() { if (box_in.dataReadyForShip() && box_out.readyForDataFromShip()) { } } == FPGA ============================================================== reg [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0] temp; reg [(`DATAWIDTH):0] out_d; reg [1:0] state; initial state = 0; assign out_d_ = out_d; wire [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0] majority; wire [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0] xors; genvar i; generate for(i=0; i<`DATAWIDTH; i=i+1) begin : OUT assign majority[i] = (temp[i] & out_d[i]) | (in_d[i] & out_d[i]) | (temp[i] & in_d[i]); assign xors[i] = temp[i] ^ out_d[i] ^ in_d[i]; end endgenerate always @(posedge clk) begin if (!rst) begin `reset state <= 0; end else begin if (!in_r && in_a) in_a <= 0; if (out_r && out_a) out_r <= 0; if (!out_r && !out_a && state==3) begin out_d <= { 1'b0, temp }; out_r <= 1; state <= state + 1; end else if (in_r && !in_a && !out_r && !out_a) begin if (state == 0) begin out_d <= { 1'b0, in_d }; end else if (state == 1) begin temp <= in_d; end else if (state == 2) begin out_d <= { majority[`DATAWIDTH-1:0], 1'b0 }; temp <= xors; out_r <= 1; end state <= state + 1; in_a <= 1; end end end == Test ============================================================== // expected output #expect 0x3c4bc6 #expect 0x1796d2 #expect 0x24b4f4 #expect 0x3c4bc6 // ships required in order to run this code #ship debug : Debug #ship csa : CarrySaveAdder #ship alu : Alu #ship fifo : Fifo set word=1018217; deliver; set word=771820; deliver; set word=2161521; deliver; fifo.out: collect, send to; send to alu.in1; collect, send to; send to alu.in2; collect, send to; send to alu.in2; alu.in1: set ilc=4; recv, deliver; alu.in2: set ilc=4; recv, deliver; alu.inOp: set word=Alu.inOp[ADD]; set ilc=4; deliver; alu.out: collect, send to alu.in1; collect; send to; recv token; collect; send to; set ilc=*; recv, deliver; csa.out: recv token; collect, send to; send to alu.in1; collect, send to; send to alu.in2; recv, deliver; send token to csa.out; set ilc=2; recv, deliver; send token to alu.out; recv, deliver; == Contributors ========================================================= Adam Megacz