ship: Memory == Ports =========================================================== data in: inCBD data in: inAddrRead data in: inAddrWrite data in: inDataWrite data in: inStride data in: inCount data out: out == Fleeterpreter ==================================================== private long[] mem = new long[0]; public long readMem(int addr) { return mem[addr]; } public void writeMem(int addr, long val) { if (addr >= mem.length) { long[] newmem = new long[addr * 2 + 1]; System.arraycopy(mem, 0, newmem, 0, mem.length); mem = newmem; } mem[addr] = val; } public void dispatch(int addr, int size) { for(int i=addr; i> 6); base = base & ~(0xffffffff << 18); int size = (int)launch; size = size & ~(0xffffffff << 6); dispatch(base, size); } private long stride = 0; private long count = 0; private long addr = 0; private boolean writing = false; public void service() { if (box_inCBD.dataReadyForShip()) { long val = box_inCBD.removeDataForShip(); long addr = val >> 6; long size = val & 0x3f; dispatch((int)addr, (int)size); } if (count > 0 && writing) { if (box_inDataWrite.dataReadyForShip() && box_out.readyForDataFromShip()) { writeMem((int)addr, box_inDataWrite.removeDataForShip()); box_out.addDataFromShip(0); count--; addr += stride; } } else if (count > 0 && !writing) { if (box_out.readyForDataFromShip()) { box_out.addDataFromShip(readMem((int)addr)); count--; addr += stride; } } else if (box_inAddrRead.dataReadyForShip() && box_out.readyForDataFromShip()) { Packet packet = box_inAddrRead.peekPacketForShip(); if (packet.destination.getDestinationName().equals("read")) { box_out.addDataFromShip(readMem((int)box_inAddrRead.removeDataForShip())); } else if (packet.destination.getDestinationName().equals("write") && box_inDataWrite.dataReadyForShip()) { writeMem((int)box_inAddrRead.removeDataForShip(), box_inDataWrite.removeDataForShip()); box_out.addDataFromShip(0); } else if (packet.destination.getDestinationName().equals("writeMany") && box_inStride.dataReadyForShip() && box_inCount.dataReadyForShip()) { addr = box_inAddrRead.removeDataForShip(); stride = box_inStride.removeDataForShip(); count = box_inCount.removeDataForShip(); writing = true; } else if (packet.destination.getDestinationName().equals("readMany") && box_inStride.dataReadyForShip() && box_inCount.dataReadyForShip()) { addr = box_inAddrRead.removeDataForShip(); stride = box_inStride.removeDataForShip(); count = box_inCount.removeDataForShip(); writing = false; } } } == FleetSim ============================================================== == FPGA ============================================================== `include "macros.v" `define BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH 14 `define BRAM_DATA_WIDTH `INSTRUCTION_WIDTH `define BRAM_NAME some_bram /* */ module `BRAM_NAME(clk, we, a, dpra, di, spo, dpo); input clk; input we; input [(`BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] a; input [(`BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] dpra; input [(`BRAM_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] di; output [(`BRAM_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] spo; output [(`BRAM_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] dpo; reg [(`BRAM_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] ram [((1<<(`BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH))-1):0]; reg [(`BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] read_a; reg [(`BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] read_dpra; always @(posedge clk) begin if (we) ram[a] <= di; read_a <= a; read_dpra <= dpra; end assign spo = ram[read_a]; assign dpo = ram[read_dpra]; endmodule /* */ module memory (clk, cbd_r, cbd_a_, cbd_d, in_addr_r, in_addr_a_, in_addr_d, write_addr_r, write_addr_a_, write_addr_d, write_data_r, write_data_a_, write_data_d, stride_r, stride_a_, stride_d, count_r, count_a_, count_d, out_r_, out_a, out_d_, preload_r, preload_a_, preload_d, ihorn_r_, ihorn_a, ihorn_d_, dhorn_r_, dhorn_a, dhorn_d_ ); input clk; `input(in_addr_r, in_addr_a, in_addr_a_, [(2+`DATAWIDTH-1):0], in_addr_d) `input(write_addr_r, write_addr_a, write_addr_a_, [(2+`DATAWIDTH-1):0], write_addr_d) `input(write_data_r, write_data_a, write_data_a_, [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0], write_data_d) `input(stride_r, stride_a, stride_a_, [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0], stride_d) `input(count_r, count_a, count_a_, [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0], count_d) `output(out_r, out_r_, out_a, [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0], out_d_) `input(preload_r, preload_a, preload_a_, [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0], preload_d) `input(cbd_r, cbd_a, cbd_a_, [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0], cbd_d) `output(ihorn_r, ihorn_r_, ihorn_a, [(`PACKET_WIDTH-1):0], ihorn_d_) `defreg(ihorn_d_, [(`PACKET_WIDTH-1):0], ihorn_d) `output(dhorn_r, dhorn_r_, dhorn_a, [(`PACKET_WIDTH-1):0], dhorn_d_) `defreg(dhorn_d_, [(`PACKET_WIDTH-1):0], dhorn_d) reg ihorn_full; initial ihorn_full = 0; reg dhorn_full; initial dhorn_full = 0; reg command_valid; initial command_valid = 0; reg [(`BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] preload_pos; reg [(`BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] preload_size; initial preload_size = 0; reg [(`BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] current_instruction_read_from; reg [(`BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] temp_base; reg [(`CODEBAG_SIZE_BITS-1):0] temp_size; reg [(`BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] cbd_base; reg [(`CODEBAG_SIZE_BITS-1):0] cbd_size; reg [(`CODEBAG_SIZE_BITS-1):0] cbd_pos; reg [(`INSTRUCTION_WIDTH-1):0] command; reg [(`BRAM_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] ram [((1<<(`BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH))-1):0]; reg send_done; reg send_read; reg [(`INSTRUCTION_WIDTH-(2+`DESTINATION_ADDRESS_BITS)):0] temp; reg [(`DATAWIDTH-1):0] data; reg write_flag; reg [(`BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] in_addr; reg [(`BRAM_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] write_data; wire [(`BRAM_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] ramread; reg command_valid_read; initial command_valid_read = 0; reg launched; initial launched = 0; some_bram mybram(clk, write_flag, in_addr, current_instruction_read_from, write_data, not_connected, ramread); assign out_d_ = ramread; always @(posedge clk) begin write_flag <= 0; if (!in_addr_r && in_addr_a) in_addr_a = 0; if (!write_data_r && write_data_a) write_data_a = 0; if (!write_addr_r && write_addr_a) write_addr_a = 0; if (command_valid_read) begin command_valid_read <= 0; command_valid <= 1; end else if (send_done) begin `onwrite(out_r, out_a) send_done <= 0; end end else if (send_read) begin `onwrite(out_r, out_a) send_read <= 0; end end else if (in_addr_r) begin in_addr_a = 1; send_read <= 1; current_instruction_read_from <= in_addr_d[(`DATAWIDTH-1):0]; end else if (write_addr_r && write_data_r) begin write_addr_a = 1; write_data_a = 1; send_done <= 1; write_flag <= 1; in_addr <= write_addr_d[(`DATAWIDTH-1):0]; write_data <= write_data_d; end else if (ihorn_full && launched) begin `onwrite(ihorn_r, ihorn_a) ihorn_full <= 0; end end else if (dhorn_full) begin `onwrite(dhorn_r, dhorn_a) dhorn_full <= 0; end end else if (command_valid) begin command_valid <= 0; command = ramread; ihorn_full <= 1; `packet_data(ihorn_d) <= `instruction_data(command); `packet_dest(ihorn_d) <= `instruction_dest(command); end end else if (cbd_pos < cbd_size) begin current_instruction_read_from <= cbd_base+cbd_pos; command_valid_read <= 1; cbd_pos <= cbd_pos + 1; end else begin `onread(cbd_r, cbd_a) cbd_pos <= 0; cbd_size <= cbd_d[(`CODEBAG_SIZE_BITS-1):0]; cbd_base <= cbd_d[(`INSTRUCTION_WIDTH-1):(`CODEBAG_SIZE_BITS)]; end else begin `onread(preload_r, preload_a) if (preload_size == 0) begin preload_size <= preload_d; end else if (!launched) begin write_flag <= 1; write_data <= preload_d; in_addr <= preload_pos; if (preload_pos == 0) begin temp_base = preload_d[(`INSTRUCTION_WIDTH-(3+`DESTINATION_ADDRESS_BITS)):(`CODEBAG_SIZE_BITS)]; temp_size = preload_d[(`CODEBAG_SIZE_BITS-1):0]; end if ((preload_pos+1) == preload_size) begin cbd_pos <= 0; cbd_base <= temp_base; cbd_size <= temp_size; launched <= 1; end preload_pos <= preload_pos + 1; end end end end end endmodule == Test ============================================================== // expected output #expect 12 #expect 13 #expect 14 // ships required in order to run this code #ship debug : Debug #ship memory : Memory // instructions not in any codebag are part of the "root codebag" // which is dispatched when the code is loaded memory.inCBD: literal BOB; deliver; BOB: { literal 12; deliver; literal 13; deliver; literal 14; deliver; } == Constants ======================================================== == TeX ============================================================== \begin{verbatim} TODO: count/stride TODO: multiple interfaces to a single memory \end{verbatim} == Contributors ========================================================= Adam Megacz