ship: ZBT == Ports =========================================================== data in: inAddrRead data in: inAddrWrite data in: inDataWrite data out: out percolate up: sram_adv_ld_b 1 percolate up: sram_bw0 1 percolate up: sram_bw1 1 percolate up: sram_bw2 1 percolate up: sram_bw3 1 percolate up: sram_clk 1 percolate up: sram_cs_b 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a0 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a1 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a2 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a3 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a4 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a5 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a6 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a7 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a8 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a9 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a10 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a11 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a12 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a13 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a14 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a15 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a16 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a17 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a18 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a19 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a20 1 percolate up: sram_flash_a21 1 percolate up: sram_flash_we_b 1 percolate up: sram_mode 1 percolate up: sram_oe_b 1 percolate inout: sram_d16 1 percolate inout: sram_d17 1 percolate inout: sram_d18 1 percolate inout: sram_d19 1 percolate inout: sram_d20 1 percolate inout: sram_d21 1 percolate inout: sram_d22 1 percolate inout: sram_d23 1 percolate inout: sram_d24 1 percolate inout: sram_d25 1 percolate inout: sram_d26 1 percolate inout: sram_d27 1 percolate inout: sram_d28 1 percolate inout: sram_d29 1 percolate inout: sram_d30 1 percolate inout: sram_d31 1 percolate inout: sram_dqp0 1 percolate inout: sram_dqp1 1 percolate inout: sram_dqp2 1 percolate inout: sram_dqp3 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d0 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d1 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d2 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d3 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d4 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d5 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d6 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d7 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d8 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d9 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d10 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d11 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d12 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d13 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d14 1 percolate inout: sram_flash_d15 1 == TeX ============================================================== == Fleeterpreter ==================================================== public void service() { } == FleetSim ============================================================== == FPGA ============================================================== zbt_top my_zbt_top( .clk(clk), .reset(rst), .sram_clk(clk), .sram_mode(sram_mode), .sram_cs_b(sram_cs_b), .sram_oe_b(sram_oe_b), .sram_flash_we_b(sram_flash_we_b), .sram_adv_ld_b(sram_adv_ld_b), .SRAM_BW0(sram_bw0), .SRAM_BW1(sram_bw1), .SRAM_BW2(sram_bw2), .SRAM_BW3(sram_bw3), // SRAM_FLASH_A0 : out STD_LOGIC; --not connected to SRAM! .SRAM_FLASH_A1(sram_flash_a1), .SRAM_FLASH_A2(sram_flash_a2), .SRAM_FLASH_A3(sram_flash_a3), .SRAM_FLASH_A4(sram_flash_a4), .SRAM_FLASH_A5(sram_flash_a5), .SRAM_FLASH_A6(sram_flash_a6), .SRAM_FLASH_A7(sram_flash_a7), .SRAM_FLASH_A8(sram_flash_a8), .SRAM_FLASH_A9(sram_flash_a9), .SRAM_FLASH_A10(sram_flash_a10), .SRAM_FLASH_A11(sram_flash_a11), .SRAM_FLASH_A12(sram_flash_a12), .SRAM_FLASH_A13(sram_flash_a13), .SRAM_FLASH_A14(sram_flash_a14), .SRAM_FLASH_A15(sram_flash_a15), .SRAM_FLASH_A16(sram_flash_a16), .SRAM_FLASH_A17(sram_flash_a17), .SRAM_FLASH_A18(sram_flash_a18), .SRAM_FLASH_D0(sram_flash_d0), .SRAM_FLASH_D1(sram_flash_d1), .SRAM_FLASH_D2(sram_flash_d2), .SRAM_FLASH_D3(sram_flash_d3), .SRAM_FLASH_D4(sram_flash_d4), .SRAM_FLASH_D5(sram_flash_d5), .SRAM_FLASH_D6(sram_flash_d6), .SRAM_FLASH_D7(sram_flash_d7), .SRAM_FLASH_D8(sram_flash_d8), .SRAM_FLASH_D9(sram_flash_d9), .SRAM_FLASH_D10(sram_flash_d10), .SRAM_FLASH_D11(sram_flash_d11), .SRAM_FLASH_D12(sram_flash_d12), .SRAM_FLASH_D13(sram_flash_d13), .SRAM_FLASH_D14(sram_flash_d14), .SRAM_FLASH_D15(sram_flash_d15), .SRAM_D16(sram_d16), .SRAM_D17(sram_d17), .SRAM_D18(sram_d18), .SRAM_D19(sram_d19), .SRAM_D20(sram_d20), .SRAM_D21(sram_d21), .SRAM_D22(sram_d22), .SRAM_D23(sram_d23), .SRAM_D24(sram_d24), .SRAM_D25(sram_d25), .SRAM_D26(sram_d26), .SRAM_D27(sram_d27), .SRAM_D28(sram_d28), .SRAM_D29(sram_d29), .SRAM_D30(sram_d30), .SRAM_D31(sram_d31), .SRAM_DQP0(sram_dqp0), .SRAM_DQP1(sram_dqp1), .SRAM_DQP2(sram_dqp2), .SRAM_DQP3(sram_dqp3), .wb_adr_i(), // : in std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); .wb_we_i(), // : in std_logic; .wb_dat_i(), // : in std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); .wb_sel_i(), // : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); .wb_dat_o(), // : out std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); .wb_cyc_i(), // : in std_logic; .wb_stb_i(), // : in std_logic; .wb_cti_i(), // : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); .wb_bte_i(), // : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); .wb_ack_o(), // : out std_logic; .wb_err_o(), // : out std_logic; .wb_tga_i() // in std_logic := '0' --'0' to mean last (or single) 4 words burst ); /* // custom code ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reg [37:0] out_d; assign out_d_ = out_d; // grossly inefficient -- always uses only the first word of a burst! always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin `reset app_wdf_wren <= 0; app_af_wren <= 0; read_waiting <= 0; burst_count <= 0; end else begin `cleanup mask <= 8'b11111111; if (burst_count == 0 || burst_count == 1) begin app_wdf_wren <= 0; app_af_wren <= 0; end else if ((burst_count > 1) && (app_af_cmd == 3'b000)) begin app_af_wren <= ~burst_count[0]; end if (burst_count > 0) begin burst_count <= burst_count - 1; end else if ((~read_waiting) && rd_data_valid) begin // wait end else if (read_waiting) begin if (rd_data_valid) begin read_waiting <= 0; out_d <= { 1'b0, rd_data_fifo_out[36:0] }; `fill_out end end else if (app_wdf_afull || app_af_afull) begin // wait end else if (`inAddrWrite_full && `inDataWrite_full) begin `drain_inDataWrite `drain_inAddrWrite app_wdf_data <= inDataWrite_d; app_af_addr <= { inAddrWrite_d, 2'b00 }; app_af_cmd <= 3'b000; app_af_wren <= 1; app_wdf_wren <= 1; burst_count <= 7; out_d <= { phy_init_done //1'b1 , 37'b0 }; mask <= 8'b00000000; `fill_out end else if (`inAddrRead_full) begin `drain_inAddrRead app_af_addr <= { inAddrRead_d, 2'b00 }; app_af_cmd <= 3'b001; app_af_wren <= 1; burst_count <= 3; read_waiting <= 1; end end end */ == UCF ============================================================== NET sram_adv_ld_b LOC="H8"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_bw0 LOC="D10"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_bw1 LOC="D11"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_bw2 LOC="J11"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_bw3 LOC="K11"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_clk LOC="AG21"; # Bank 4, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI NET sram_clk LOC="G8"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_cs_b LOC="J10"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d16 LOC="N10"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d17 LOC="E13"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d18 LOC="E12"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d19 LOC="L9"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d20 LOC="M10"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d21 LOC="E11"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d22 LOC="F11"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d23 LOC="L8"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d24 LOC="M8"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d25 LOC="G12"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d26 LOC="G11"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d27 LOC="C13"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d28 LOC="B13"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d29 LOC="K9"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d30 LOC="K8"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_d31 LOC="J9"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_dqp0 LOC="D12"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_dqp1 LOC="C12"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_dqp2 LOC="H10"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_dqp3 LOC="H9"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_flash_a0 LOC="K12"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a1 LOC="K13"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a2 LOC="H23"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a3 LOC="G23"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a4 LOC="H12"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a5 LOC="J12"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a6 LOC="K22"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a7 LOC="K23"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a8 LOC="K14"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a9 LOC="L14"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a10 LOC="H22"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a11 LOC="G22"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a12 LOC="J15"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a13 LOC="K16"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a14 LOC="K21"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a15 LOC="J22"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a16 LOC="L16"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a17 LOC="L15"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a18 LOC="L20"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a19 LOC="L21"; # Bank 1, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a20 LOC="AE23"; # Bank 2, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_a21 LOC="AE22"; # Bank 2, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_d0 LOC="AD19"; # Bank 2, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_d1 LOC="AE19"; # Bank 2, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_d2 LOC="AE17"; # Bank 2, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_d3 LOC="AF16"; # Bank 2, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_d4 LOC="AD20"; # Bank 2, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_d5 LOC="AE21"; # Bank 2, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_d6 LOC="AE16"; # Bank 2, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_d7 LOC="AF15"; # Bank 2, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_flash_d8 LOC="AH13"; # Bank 4, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI NET sram_flash_d9 LOC="AH14"; # Bank 4, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI NET sram_flash_d10 LOC="AH19"; # Bank 4, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI NET sram_flash_d11 LOC="AH20"; # Bank 4, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI NET sram_flash_d12 LOC="AG13"; # Bank 4, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI NET sram_flash_d13 LOC="AH12"; # Bank 4, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI NET sram_flash_d14 LOC="AH22"; # Bank 4, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI NET sram_flash_d15 LOC="AG22"; # Bank 4, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI NET sram_flash_we_b LOC="AF20"; # Bank 2, Vcco=3.3V NET sram_mode LOC="A13"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors NET sram_oe_b LOC="B12"; # Bank 20, Vcco=3.3V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors == Test ============================================================== #expect 20 #expect 16 #expect 12 #ship debug : Debug #ship ddr : DDR2 set ilc=*; recv, deliver; ddr.out: set ilc=3; collect; send token to ddr.inAddrRead; set ilc=3; collect, send to; ddr.inAddrWrite: set word= 0x1; deliver; set word= 0x10; deliver; set word=0x100; deliver; ddr.inDataWrite: set word=20; deliver; set word=16; deliver; set word=12; deliver; ddr.inAddrRead: recv token; set word= 0x1; deliver; set word= 0x10; deliver; set word=0x100; deliver; == Constants ======================================================== == Contributors ========================================================= Adam Megacz