// FIXME // Copyright 2004 Adam Megacz, see the COPYING file for licensing [GPL] package org.ibex; // FEATURE: reflow before allowing js to read from width/height // FEATURE: fastpath for rows=1/cols=1 // FEATURE: mark to reflow starting with a certain child // FEATURE: separate mark_for_reflow and mark_for_resize // FEATURE: make all methods final // FEATURE: use a linked list for the "frontier" when packing // FEATURE: or else have a way to mark a column "same as last one"? // FEATURE: reintroduce surface.abort import java.util.*; import org.ibex.js.*; import org.ibex.util.*; import org.ibex.translators.*; /** *

* Encapsulates the data for a single Ibex box as well as all layout * rendering logic. *

* *

The rendering process consists of four phases; each requires * one DFS pass over the tree

  1. repacking: children of a box are packed into columns * and rows according to their colspan/rowspan attributes and * ordering. *
    1. reconstraining: Minimum and maximum sizes of columns are computed. *
    2. resizing: width/height and x/y positions of children * are assigned, and PosChange/SizeChanges are triggered. *
    3. repainting: children draw their content onto the PixelBuffer. *
    * * The first three passes together are called the reflow phase. * Reflowing is done in a seperate pass since PosChanges and * SizeChanges trigger an Surface.abort; if rendering were done in the same * pass, rendering work done prior to the Surface.abort would be wasted. */ public final class Box extends JSScope implements Scheduler.Task { // Macros ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#define LENGTH int //#define MARK_REPACK for(Box b2 = this; b2 != null && !b2.test(REPACK); b2 = b2.parent) b2.set(REPACK); //#define MARK_REPACK_b for(Box b2 = b; b2 != null && !b2.test(REPACK); b2 = b2.parent) b2.set(REPACK); //#define MARK_REPACK_parent for(Box b2 = parent; b2 != null && !b2.test(REPACK); b2 = b2.parent) b2.set(REPACK); //#define MARK_REFLOW for(Box b2 = this; b2 != null && !b2.test(REFLOW); b2 = b2.parent) b2.set(REFLOW); //#define MARK_REFLOW_b for(Box b2 = b; b2 != null && !b2.test(REFLOW); b2 = b2.parent) b2.set(REFLOW); //#define MARK_RESIZE for(Box b2 = this; b2 != null && !b2.test(RESIZE); b2 = b2.parent) b2.set(RESIZE); //#define MARK_RESIZE_b for(Box b2 = b; b2 != null && !b2.test(RESIZE); b2 = b2.parent) b2.set(RESIZE); //#define CHECKSET_SHORT(prop) short nu = (short)toInt(value); if (nu == prop) break; prop = nu; //#define CHECKSET_INT(prop) int nu = toInt(value); if (nu == prop) break; prop = nu; //#define CHECKSET_FLAG(flag) boolean nu = toBoolean(value); if (nu == test(flag)) break; if (nu) set(flag); else clear(flag); //#define CHECKSET_BOOLEAN(prop) boolean nu = toBoolean(value); if (nu == prop) break; prop = nu; //#define CHECKSET_STRING(prop) if ((value==null&&prop==null)||(value!=null&&JS.toString(value).equals(prop))) break; prop=JS.toString(value); protected Box() { super(null); } static Hash boxToCursor = new Hash(500, 3); // FIXME memory leak public static final int MAX_LENGTH = Integer.MAX_VALUE; static final Font DEFAULT_FONT; static { Font f = null; try { f = Font.getFont((Stream)Main.builtin.get("fonts/vera/Vera.ttf"), 10); } catch(JSExn e) { Log.info(Box.class, "should never happen: "+e); } DEFAULT_FONT = f; } // FIXME update these // box properties can not be trapped static final String[] props = new String[] { "shrink", "hshrink", "vshrink", "x", "y", "width", "height", "cols", "rows", "colspan", "rowspan", "align", "visible", "packed", "globalx", "globaly", "minwidth", "maxwidth", "minheight", "maxheight", "indexof", "thisbox", "clip", "numchildren", "redirect", "cursor", "mouse" }; // FIXME update these // events can have write traps, but not read traps static final String[] events = new String[] { "Press1", "Press2", "Press3", "Release1", "Release2", "Release3", "Click1", "Click2", "Click3", "DoubleClick1", "DoubleClick2", "DoubleClick3", "Enter", "Leave", "Move", "ChildChange", "KeyPressed", "KeyReleased", "SizeChange", "Focused", "Maximized", "Minimized", "Close" }; // Flags ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static final int MOUSEINSIDE = 0x00000001; static final int VISIBLE = 0x00000002; static final int PACKED = 0x00000004; static final int HSHRINK = 0x00000008; static final int VSHRINK = 0x00000010; static final int BLACK = 0x00000020; // for red-black code static final int FIXED = 0x00000040; static final boolean ROWS = true; static final boolean COLS = false; static final int ISROOT = 0x00000080; static final int REPACK = 0x00000100; static final int REFLOW = 0x00000200; static final int RESIZE = 0x00000400; static final int RECONSTRAIN = 0x00000800; static final int ALIGN_TOP = 0x00001000; static final int ALIGN_BOTTOM = 0x00002000; static final int ALIGN_LEFT = 0x00004000; static final int ALIGN_RIGHT = 0x00008000; static final int ALIGNS = 0x0000f000; static final int CURSOR = 0x00010000; // if true, this box has a cursor in the cursor hash; FEATURE: GC issues? static final int CLIP = 0x00020000; static final int STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION = 0x00040000; static final int MOVED = 0x00080000; // Instance Data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Box parent = null; Box redirect = this; int flags = VISIBLE | PACKED | REPACK | REFLOW | RESIZE | FIXED /* ROWS */ | STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION | CLIP | MOVED; private String text = null; private Font font = DEFAULT_FONT; private Picture texture = null; private short strokewidth = 1; public int fillcolor = 0x00000000; private int strokecolor = 0xFF000000; private int aspect = 0; // specified directly by user public LENGTH minwidth = 0; public LENGTH maxwidth = MAX_LENGTH; public LENGTH minheight = 0; public LENGTH maxheight = MAX_LENGTH; private short rows = 1; private short cols = 0; private short rowspan = 1; private short colspan = 1; // computed during reflow private short row = 0; private short col = 0; public LENGTH x = 0; public LENGTH y = 0; public LENGTH ax = 0; // FEATURE: roll these into x/y; requires lots of changes public LENGTH ay = 0; // FEATURE: roll these into x/y; requires lots of changes; perhaps y()? public LENGTH width = 0; public LENGTH height = 0; private LENGTH contentwidth = 0; // == max(minwidth, textwidth, sum(child.contentwidth)) private LENGTH contentheight = 0; /* private VectorGraphics.VectorPath path = null; private VectorGraphics.Affine transform = null; private VectorGraphics.RasterPath rpath = null; private VectorGraphics.Affine rtransform = null; */ // Instance Methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public final int fontSize() { return font == null ? DEFAULT_FONT.pointsize : font.pointsize; } /** invoked when a resource needed to render ourselves finishes loading */ public void perform() throws JSExn { if (texture == null) { Log.warn(Box.class, "perform() called with null texture"); return; } if (texture.isLoaded) { setMinWidth(max(texture.width, maxwidth)); setMinHeight(max(texture.height, maxheight)); } else { JS res = texture.stream; texture = null; throw new JSExn("image not found: "+res.unclone()); } } // FEATURE: use cx2/cy2 format /** Adds the intersection of (x,y,w,h) and the node's current actual geometry to the Surface's dirty list */ public void dirty() { dirty(0, 0, width, height); } public void dirty(int x, int y, int w, int h) { for(Box cur = this; cur != null; cur = cur.parent) { // x and y have a different meaning on the root box if (cur.parent != null && cur.test(CLIP)) { w = min(x + w, cur.width) - max(x, 0); h = min(y + h, cur.height) - max(y, 0); x = max(x, 0); y = max(y, 0); } if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return; if (cur.parent == null && cur.getSurface() != null) cur.getSurface().dirty(x, y, w, h); x += cur.x; y += cur.y; } } // Reflow //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static Box[] frontier = new Box[65535]; /** pack the boxes into rows and columns, compute contentwidth */ void pack() { for(Box child = getChild(0); child != null; child = child.nextSibling()) child.pack(); int frontier_size = 0; contentwidth = 0; contentheight = 0; //#repeat COLS/ROWS rows/cols cols/rows col/row row/col colspan/rowspan rowspan/colspan \ // contentheight/contentwidth contentwidth/contentheight if (test(FIXED) == COLS) { rows = 0; for(Box child = getChild(0); child != null; child = child.nextSibling()) { if (!child.test(PACKED) || !child.test(VISIBLE)) continue; if (cols == 1) { child.row = rows; rows += child.rowspan; child.col = 0; continue; } child.col = (short)(frontier_size <= 0 ? 0 : (frontier[frontier_size-1].col + frontier[frontier_size-1].colspan)); child.row = (short)(frontier_size <= 0 ? 0 : frontier[frontier_size-1].row); if (child.col + min(cols,child.colspan) > cols) { child.col = 0; child.row++; } for(int i=0; ichild.col) { child.col = (short)(frontier[i].col + frontier[i].colspan); if (child.col + min(cols,child.colspan) > cols) { child.row = (short)(frontier[i].row + frontier[i].rowspan); for(i--; i>0; i--) child.row = (short)min(row, frontier[i].row + frontier[i].rowspan); child.col = (short)0; } i = -1; } else break; frontier[frontier_size++] = child; } for(int i=0; i 0 && cols > 1) do { computeRegions(); // priority 0: (inviolable) honor minwidths // priority 1: sum of columns no greater than parent // priority 2: honor maxwidths // priority 3: equalize columns float targetColumnSize = target == 0 ? 0 : this.targetColumnSize; float last_columnsize = ((float)target) / cols; float last_total = contentwidth; float total; while(true) { total = (float)0.0; for(int r=0; r= min(child.col+child.colspan,cols)) { minregion = r; break; } total -= sizes[r]; if (sizes[r] <= (float)(targetColumnSize*(regions[r+1]-regions[r]))) if ((child.colspan * targetColumnSize) > (child.maxwidth + (float)0.5)) sizes[r] = (float)Math.min(sizes[r], (regions[r+1]-regions[r])*(child.maxwidth/child.colspan)); if ((child.colspan * targetColumnSize) < (child.contentwidth - (float)0.5)) sizes[r] = (float)Math.max(sizes[r], (regions[r+1]-regions[r])*(child.contentwidth/child.colspan)); total += sizes[r]; } System.out.println("total="+ total + " goal=" + width); float save = targetColumnSize; if (Math.abs(total - target) <= (float)1.0) break; if (Math.abs(total - last_total) <= (float)1.0) break; if (total < target) targetColumnSize += Math.abs((last_columnsize - targetColumnSize) / (float)2.0); else if (total > target) targetColumnSize -= Math.abs((last_columnsize - targetColumnSize) / (float)2.0); last_columnsize = save; last_total = total; } if (findMinimum) contentwidth = Math.round(total); else this.targetColumnSize = targetColumnSize; } while(false); //#end } private float targetColumnSize = (float)0.0; private float targetRowSize = (float)0.0; void place() { solve(false); for(Box child = getChild(0); child != null; child = child.nextSibling()) { if (!child.test(VISIBLE)) continue; int child_width, child_height, child_x, child_y; if (!child.test(PACKED)) { child_width = child.test(HSHRINK) ? child.contentwidth : min(child.maxwidth, width - Math.abs(child.ax)); child_height = child.test(VSHRINK) ? child.contentheight : min(child.maxheight, height - Math.abs(child.ay)); child_width = max(child.minwidth, child_width); child_height = max(child.minheight, child_height); int gap_x = width - child_width; int gap_y = height - child_height; child_x = child.ax + (child.test(ALIGN_RIGHT) ? gap_x : !child.test(ALIGN_LEFT) ? gap_x / 2 : 0); child_y = child.ay + (child.test(ALIGN_BOTTOM) ? gap_y : !child.test(ALIGN_TOP) ? gap_y / 2 : 0); } else { int diff; //#repeat col/row colspan/rowspan contentwidth/contentheight width/height colMaxWidth/rowMaxHeight \ // child_x/child_y x/y HSHRINK/VSHRINK maxwidth/maxheight cols/rows minwidth/minheight x_slack/y_slack \ // child_width/child_height ALIGN_RIGHT/ALIGN_BOTTOM ALIGN_LEFT/ALIGN_TOP lp_h/lp \ // numregions/numregions_v regions/regions_v targetColumnSize/targetRowSize sizes/sizes_v child_x = 0; if (cols == 1) { child_width = width; } else { child_width = 0; for(int r=0; r 0) child.place(); } // Rendering Pipeline ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Renders self and children within the specified region. All rendering operations are clipped to xIn,yIn,wIn,hIn */ void render(int parentx, int parenty, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2, PixelBuffer buf, VectorGraphics.Affine a) { if (!test(VISIBLE)) return; int globalx = parentx + (parent == null ? 0 : x); int globaly = parenty + (parent == null ? 0 : y); // intersect the x,y,w,h rendering window with ourselves; quit if it's empty if (test(CLIP)) { cx1 = max(cx1, globalx); cy1 = max(cy1, globaly); cx2 = min(cx2, globalx + width); cy2 = min(cy2, globaly + height); if (cx2 <= cx1 || cy2 <= cy1) return; } if ((fillcolor & 0xFF000000) != 0x00000000 || parent == null) buf.fillTrapezoid(cx1, cx2, cy1, cx1, cx2, cy2, (fillcolor & 0xFF000000) == 0 ? 0xffffffff : fillcolor); // FIXME: do aspect in here if (texture != null && texture.isLoaded) for(int x = globalx; x < cx2; x += texture.width) for(int y = globaly; y < cy2; y += texture.height) buf.drawPicture(texture, x, y, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2); if (text != null && !text.equals("") && font != null) { int gap_x = width - font.textwidth(text); int gap_y = height - font.textheight(text); int text_x = globalx + (test(ALIGN_RIGHT) ? gap_x : !test(ALIGN_LEFT) ? gap_x/2 : 0); int text_y = globaly + (test(ALIGN_BOTTOM) ? gap_y : !test(ALIGN_TOP) ? gap_y/2 : 0); font.rasterizeGlyphs(text, buf, strokecolor, text_x, text_y, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2); } for(Box b = getChild(0); b != null; b = b.nextSibling()) b.render(globalx, globaly, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, buf, null); } // Methods to implement org.ibex.js.JS ////////////////////////////////////// public Object callMethod(Object method, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object[] rest, int nargs) throws JSExn { switch (nargs) { case 1: { //#switch(method) case "indexof": Box b = (Box)a0; if (b.parent != this) return (redirect == null || redirect == this) ? N(-1) : redirect.callMethod(method, a0, a1, a2, rest, nargs); return N(b.getIndexInParent()); case "distanceto": Box b = (Box)a0; JS ret = new JS(); ret.put("x", N(b.localToGlobalX(0) - localToGlobalX(0))); ret.put("y", N(b.localToGlobalY(0) - localToGlobalY(0))); return ret; //#end } } return super.callMethod(method, a0, a1, a2, rest, nargs); } protected boolean isTrappable(Object key, boolean isRead) { if (key == null) return false; else if (key instanceof String) { // not allowed to trap box properties, and no read traps on events String name = (String)key; for (int i=0; i < props.length; i++) if (name.equals(props[i])) return false; if (isRead) for (int i=0; i < events.length; i++) if (name.equals(events[i])) return false; } return true; } public Object get(Object name) throws JSExn { if (name instanceof Number) return redirect == null ? null : redirect == this ? getChild(toInt(name)) : redirect.get(name); //#switch(name) case "surface": return parent == null ? null : parent.getAndTriggerTraps("surface"); case "indexof": return METHOD; case "distanceto": return METHOD; case "text": return text; case "path": throw new JSExn("cannot read from the path property"); case "fill": return colorToString(fillcolor); case "strokecolor": return colorToString(strokecolor); case "textcolor": return colorToString(strokecolor); case "font": return font == null ? null : font.stream; case "fontsize": return font == null ? N(10) : N(font.pointsize); case "strokewidth": return N(strokewidth); case "align": return alignToString(); case "thisbox": return this; case "shrink": return B(test(HSHRINK) || test(VSHRINK)); case "hshrink": return B(test(HSHRINK)); case "vshrink": return B(test(VSHRINK)); case "aspect": return N(aspect); case "x": return (parent == null || !test(VISIBLE)) ? N(0) : test(PACKED) ? N(x) : N(ax); case "y": return (parent == null || !test(VISIBLE)) ? N(0) : test(PACKED) ? N(y) : N(ay); case "cols": return test(FIXED) == COLS ? N(cols) : N(0); case "rows": return test(FIXED) == ROWS ? N(rows) : N(0); case "colspan": return N(colspan); case "rowspan": return N(rowspan); case "width": return N(width); case "height": return N(height); case "minwidth": return N(minwidth); case "maxwidth": return N(maxwidth); case "minheight": return N(minheight); case "maxheight": return N(maxheight); case "clip": return B(test(CLIP)); case "visible": return B(test(VISIBLE) && (parent == null || (parent.get("visible") == T))); case "packed": return B(test(PACKED)); case "globalx": return N(localToGlobalX(0)); case "globaly": return N(localToGlobalY(0)); case "cursor": return test(CURSOR) ? boxToCursor.get(this) : null; case "mouse": if (getSurface() == null) return null; if (getSurface()._mousex == Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new JSExn("you cannot read from the box.mouse property in background thread context"); return new Mouse(); case "numchildren": return redirect == null ? N(0) : redirect == this ? N(treeSize()) : redirect.get("numchildren"); case "redirect": return redirect == null ? null : redirect == this ? T : redirect.get("redirect"); case "Minimized": if (parent == null && getSurface() != null) return B(getSurface().minimized); default: return super.get(name); //#end throw new Error("unreachable"); // unreachable } private class Mouse extends JS.Cloneable { public Object get(Object key) { //#switch(key) case "x": return N(globalToLocalX(getSurface()._mousex)); case "y": return N(globalToLocalY(getSurface()._mousey)); // this might not get recomputed if we change mousex/mousey... case "inside": return B(test(MOUSEINSIDE)); //#end return null; } } public void setMinWidth(int minwidth) { if (this.minwidth == minwidth) return; MARK_RESIZE; MARK_REFLOW; MARK_REPACK; this.minwidth = minwidth; } public void setMinHeight(int minheight) { if (this.minheight == minheight) return; MARK_RESIZE; MARK_REFLOW; MARK_REPACK; this.minheight = minheight; } public void setMaxWidth(Object value) { do { CHECKSET_INT(maxwidth); MARK_RESIZE; } while(false); if (parent == null && getSurface() != null) getSurface().pendingWidth = maxwidth; } public void setMaxHeight(Object value) { do { CHECKSET_INT(maxheight); MARK_RESIZE; } while(false); if (parent == null && getSurface() != null) getSurface().pendingHeight = maxheight; } public void put(Object name, Object value) throws JSExn { if (name instanceof Number) { put(toInt(name), value); return; } //#switch(name) case "text": CHECKSET_STRING(text); MARK_RESIZE; dirty(); case "strokecolor": value = N(stringToColor((String)value)); CHECKSET_INT(strokecolor); MARK_RESIZE; dirty(); case "textcolor": value = N(stringToColor((String)value)); CHECKSET_INT(strokecolor); MARK_RESIZE; dirty(); case "text": CHECKSET_STRING(text); MARK_RESIZE; dirty(); case "strokewidth": CHECKSET_SHORT(strokewidth); dirty(); case "shrink": put("hshrink", value); put("vshrink", value); case "hshrink": CHECKSET_FLAG(HSHRINK); MARK_RESIZE; case "vshrink": CHECKSET_FLAG(VSHRINK); MARK_RESIZE; case "width": put("maxwidth", value); put("minwidth", value); MARK_RESIZE; case "height": put("maxheight", value); put("minheight", value); MARK_RESIZE; case "maxwidth": setMaxWidth(value); case "minwidth": CHECKSET_INT(minwidth); MARK_RESIZE; if (parent == null && getSurface() != null) getSurface().setMinimumSize(minwidth, minheight, minwidth != maxwidth || minheight != maxheight); case "maxheight": setMaxHeight(value); case "minheight": CHECKSET_INT(minheight); MARK_RESIZE; if (parent == null && getSurface() != null) getSurface().setMinimumSize(minwidth, minheight, minwidth != maxwidth || minheight != maxheight); case "colspan": if (toInt(value) <= 0) return; CHECKSET_SHORT(colspan); MARK_REPACK_parent; case "rowspan": if (toInt(value) <= 0) return; CHECKSET_SHORT(rowspan); MARK_REPACK_parent; case "rows": CHECKSET_SHORT(rows); if (rows==0){set(FIXED, COLS);if(cols==0)cols=1;} else set(FIXED, ROWS); MARK_REPACK; case "cols": CHECKSET_SHORT(cols); if (cols==0){set(FIXED, ROWS);if(rows==0)rows=1;} else set(FIXED, COLS); MARK_REPACK; case "clip": CHECKSET_FLAG(CLIP); if (parent == null) dirty(); else parent.dirty(); case "visible": CHECKSET_FLAG(VISIBLE); dirty(); MARK_RESIZE; dirty(); case "packed": CHECKSET_FLAG(PACKED); MARK_REPACK_parent; case "aspect": CHECKSET_INT(aspect); dirty(); case "globalx": put("x", N(globalToLocalX(toInt(value)))); case "globaly": put("y", N(globalToLocalY(toInt(value)))); case "align": clear(ALIGNS); setAlign(value == null ? "center" : value); MARK_RESIZE; case "cursor": setCursor(value); case "fill": setFill(value); case "mouse": int mousex = toInt(((JS)value).get("x")); int mousey = toInt(((JS)value).get("y")); getSurface()._mousex = localToGlobalX(mousex); getSurface()._mousey = localToGlobalY(mousey); case "Minimized": if (parent == null && getSurface() != null) getSurface().minimized = toBoolean(value); // FEATURE case "Maximized": if (parent == null && getSurface() != null) getSurface().maximized = toBoolean(value); // FEATURE case "Close": if (parent == null && getSurface() != null) getSurface().dispose(true); case "redirect": if (value == null) { redirect = null; return; } for(Box cur = (Box)value; cur != null; cur = cur.parent) if (cur == redirect) { redirect = (Box)value; return; } JS.error("redirect can only be set to a descendant of its current value"); case "font": if(!(value instanceof Stream)) throw new JSExn("You can only put streams to the font property"); font = value == null ? null : Font.getFont((Stream)value, font == null ? 10 : font.pointsize); MARK_RESIZE; dirty(); case "fontsize": font = Font.getFont(font == null ? null : font.stream, toInt(value)); MARK_RESIZE; dirty(); case "x": if (parent==null && Surface.fromBox(this)!=null) { CHECKSET_INT(x); } else { if (test(PACKED) && parent != null) return; dirty(); CHECKSET_INT(ax); dirty(); MARK_RESIZE; dirty(); } case "y": if (parent==null && Surface.fromBox(this)!=null) { CHECKSET_INT(y); } else { if (test(PACKED) && parent != null) return; dirty(); CHECKSET_INT(ay); dirty(); MARK_RESIZE; dirty(); } case "titlebar": if (getSurface() != null && value != null) getSurface().setTitleBarText(JS.toString(value)); super.put(name,value); case "Press1": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "Press2": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "Press3": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "Release1": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "Release2": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "Release3": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "Click1": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "Click2": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "Click3": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "DoubleClick1": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "DoubleClick2": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "DoubleClick3": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "KeyPressed": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "KeyReleased": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "Move": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, value); case "HScroll": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, N(((Number)value).floatValue() * ((float)parent.fontSize()) / ((float)fontSize()))); case "VScroll": if (!test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION) && parent != null) parent.putAndTriggerTraps(name, N(((Number)value).floatValue() * ((float)parent.fontSize()) / ((float)fontSize()))); case "_Move": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_Press1": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_Press2": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_Press3": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_Release1": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_Release2": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_Release3": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_Click1": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_Click2": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_Click3": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_DoubleClick1": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_DoubleClick2": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_DoubleClick3": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_KeyPressed": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_KeyReleased": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_HScroll": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "_VScroll": propagateDownward(name, value, false); case "SizeChange": return; case "ChildChange": return; case "Enter": return; case "Leave": return; case "thisbox": if (value == null) removeSelf(); default: super.put(name, value); //#end } private String alignToString() { switch(flags & ALIGNS) { case (ALIGN_TOP | ALIGN_LEFT): return "topleft"; case (ALIGN_BOTTOM | ALIGN_LEFT): return "bottomleft"; case (ALIGN_TOP | ALIGN_RIGHT): return "topright"; case (ALIGN_BOTTOM | ALIGN_RIGHT): return "bottomright"; case ALIGN_TOP: return "top"; case ALIGN_BOTTOM: return "bottom"; case ALIGN_LEFT: return "left"; case ALIGN_RIGHT: return "right"; case 0: return "center"; default: throw new Error("invalid alignment flags: " + (flags & ALIGNS)); } } private void setAlign(Object value) { //#switch(value) case "center": clear(ALIGNS); case "topleft": set(ALIGN_TOP | ALIGN_LEFT); case "bottomleft": set(ALIGN_BOTTOM | ALIGN_LEFT); case "topright": set(ALIGN_TOP | ALIGN_RIGHT); case "bottomright": set(ALIGN_BOTTOM | ALIGN_RIGHT); case "top": set(ALIGN_TOP); case "bottom": set(ALIGN_BOTTOM); case "left": set(ALIGN_LEFT); case "right": set(ALIGN_RIGHT); default: JS.log("invalid alignment \"" + value + "\""); //#end } private void setCursor(Object value) { if (value == null) { clear(CURSOR); boxToCursor.remove(this); return; } if (value.equals(boxToCursor.get(this))) return; set(CURSOR); boxToCursor.put(this, value); Surface surface = getSurface(); if (surface != null) { String tempcursor = surface.cursor; propagateDownward(null, null, false); if (surface.cursor != tempcursor) surface.syncCursor(); } } private void setFill(Object value) throws JSExn { if (value == null) { // FIXME: Check this... does this make it transparent? texture = null; fillcolor = 0; } else if (value instanceof String) { // FIXME check double set int newfillcolor = stringToColor((String)value); if (newfillcolor == fillcolor) return; fillcolor = newfillcolor; } else if(value instanceof JS) { texture = Picture.load((JS)value, this); if (texture != null && texture.isLoaded) perform(); } else { throw new JSExn("fill must be null, a String, or a stream, not a " + value.getClass()); } dirty(); } // FIXME: mouse move/release still needs to propagate to boxen in which the mouse was pressed and is still held down /** * Handles events which propagate down the box tree. If obscured * is set, then we merely check for Enter/Leave. */ private void propagateDownward(Object name_, Object value, boolean obscured) { String name = (String)name_; if (getSurface() == null) return; int x = globalToLocalX(getSurface()._mousex); int y = globalToLocalY(getSurface()._mousey); boolean wasinside = test(MOUSEINSIDE); boolean isinside = test(VISIBLE) && inside(x, y) && !obscured; if (!wasinside && isinside) { set(MOUSEINSIDE); putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions("Enter", T); } if (isinside && test(CURSOR)) getSurface().cursor = (String)boxToCursor.get(this); if (wasinside && !isinside) { clear(MOUSEINSIDE); putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions("Leave", T); } boolean found = false; if (wasinside || isinside) for(Box child = getChild(treeSize() - 1); child != null; child = child.prevSibling()) { boolean save_stop = child.test(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION); Object value2 = value; if (name.equals("_HScroll") || name.equals("_VScroll")) value2 = N(((Number)value).floatValue() * ((float)child.fontSize()) / (float)fontSize()); if (obscured || !child.inside(x - child.x, y - child.y)) { child.propagateDownward(name, value2, true); } else try { found = true; child.clear(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION); if (name != null) child.putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions(name, value2); else child.propagateDownward(name, value2, obscured); } finally { if (save_stop) child.set(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION); else child.clear(STOP_UPWARD_PROPAGATION); } if (child.inside(x - child.x, y - child.y)) if (name != null && name.equals("_Move")) obscured = true; else break; } if (!obscured && !found) if ("_Move".equals(name) || name.startsWith("_Release") || wasinside) if (name != null) putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions(name.substring(1), value); } private static int stringToColor(String s) { // FIXME support three-char strings by doubling digits if (s == null) return 0x00000000; else if (SVG.colors.get(s) != null) return 0xFF000000 | toInt(SVG.colors.get(s)); else if (s.length() == 7 && s.charAt(0) == '#') try { // FEATURE alpha return 0xFF000000 | (Integer.parseInt(s.substring(1, 3), 16) << 16) | (Integer.parseInt(s.substring(3, 5), 16) << 8) | Integer.parseInt(s.substring(5, 7), 16); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.info(Box.class, "invalid color " + s); return 0; } else return 0; // FEATURE: error? } private static String colorToString(int argb) { if ((argb & 0xFF000000) == 0) return null; String red = Integer.toHexString((argb & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); String green = Integer.toHexString((argb & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); String blue = Integer.toHexString(argb & 0x000000FF); if (red.length() < 2) red = "0" + red; if (blue.length() < 2) blue = "0" + blue; if (green.length() < 2) green = "0" + green; return "#" + red + green + blue; } /** figures out what box in this subtree of the Box owns the pixel at x,y relitave to the Surface */ public static Box whoIs(Box cur, int x, int y) { if (cur.parent != null) throw new Error("whoIs may only be invoked on the root box of a surface"); int globalx = 0; int globaly = 0; // WARNING: this method is called from the event-queueing thread -- it may run concurrently with // ANY part of Ibex, and is UNSYNCHRONIZED for performance reasons. BE CAREFUL HERE. if (!cur.test(VISIBLE)) return null; if (!cur.inside(x - globalx, y - globaly)) return cur.parent == null ? cur : null; OUTER: while(true) { for(int i=cur.treeSize() - 1; i>=0; i--) { Box child = cur.getChild(i); if (child == null) continue; // since this method is unsynchronized, we have to double-check globalx += child.x; globaly += child.y; if (child.test(VISIBLE) && child.inside(x - globalx, y - globaly)) { cur = child; continue OUTER; } globalx -= child.x; globaly -= child.y; } break; } return cur; } // Trivial Helper Methods (should be inlined) ///////////////////////////////////////// void mark_for_repack() { MARK_REPACK; } public Enumeration keys() { throw new Error("you cannot apply for..in to a " + this.getClass().getName()); } public Box getRoot() { return parent == null ? this : parent.getRoot(); } public Surface getSurface() { return Surface.fromBox(getRoot()); } Box nextPackedSibling() { Box b = nextSibling(); return b == null || (b.test(PACKED | VISIBLE)) ? b : b.nextPackedSibling(); } Box firstPackedChild() { Box b = getChild(0); return b == null || (b.test(PACKED | VISIBLE)) ? b : b.nextPackedSibling(); } public int globalToLocalX(int x) { return parent == null ? x : parent.globalToLocalX(x - this.x); } public int globalToLocalY(int y) { return parent == null ? y : parent.globalToLocalY(y - this.y); } public int localToGlobalX(int x) { return parent == null ? x : parent.globalToLocalX(x + this.x); } public int localToGlobalY(int y) { return parent == null ? y : parent.globalToLocalY(y + this.y); } static short min(short a, short b) { if (ab) return a; else return b; } static int max(int a, int b) { if (a>b) return a; else return b; } static float max(float a, float b) { if (a>b) return a; else return b; } static int min(int a, int b, int c) { if (a<=b && a<=c) return a; else if (b<=c && b<=a) return b; else return c; } static int max(int a, int b, int c) { if (a>=b && a>=c) return a; else if (b>=c && b>=a) return b; else return c; } static int bound(int a, int b, int c) { if (c < b) return c; if (a > b) return a; return b; } final boolean inside(int x, int y) { return test(VISIBLE) && x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height; } void set(int mask) { flags |= mask; } void set(int mask, boolean setclear) { if (setclear) set(mask); else clear(mask); } void clear(int mask) { flags &= ~mask; } boolean test(int mask) { return ((flags & mask) == mask); } // Tree Handling ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public final int getIndexInParent() { return parent == null ? 0 : parent.indexNode(this); } public final Box nextSibling() { return parent == null ? null : parent.getChild(parent.indexNode(this) + 1); } public final Box prevSibling() { return parent == null ? null : parent.getChild(parent.indexNode(this) - 1); } public final Box getChild(int i) { if (i < 0) return null; if (i >= treeSize()) return null; return (Box)getNode(i); } // Tree Manipulation ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void removeSelf() { if (parent != null) { parent.removeChild(parent.indexNode(this)); return; } Surface surface = Surface.fromBox(this); if (surface != null) surface.dispose(true); } /** remove the i^th child */ public void removeChild(int i) { Box b = getChild(i); MARK_REFLOW_b; b.dirty(); b.clear(MOUSEINSIDE); deleteNode(i); b.parent = null; MARK_REFLOW; putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions("ChildChange", b); } public void put(int i, Object value) throws JSExn { if (i < 0) return; if (value != null && !(value instanceof Box)) { if (Log.on) JS.warn("attempt to set a numerical property on a box to a non-box"); return; } if (redirect == null) { if (value == null) putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions("ChildChange", getChild(i)); else JS.warn("attempt to add/remove children to/from a node with a null redirect"); } else if (redirect != this) { if (value != null) putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions("ChildChange", value); redirect.put(i, value); if (value == null) { Box b = (Box)redirect.get(new Integer(i)); if (b != null) putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions("ChildChange", b); } } else if (value == null) { if (i < 0 || i > treeSize()) return; Box b = getChild(i); removeChild(i); putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions("ChildChange", b); } else { Box b = (Box)value; // check if box being moved is currently target of a redirect for(Box cur = b.parent; cur != null; cur = cur.parent) if (cur.redirect == b) { if (Log.on) JS.warn("attempt to move a box that is the target of a redirect"); return; } // check for recursive ancestor violation for(Box cur = this; cur != null; cur = cur.parent) if (cur == b) { if (Log.on) JS.warn("attempt to make a node a parent of its own ancestor"); if (Log.on) Log.info(this, "box == " + this + " ancestor == " + b); return; } if (b.parent != null) b.parent.removeChild(b.parent.indexNode(b)); insertNode(i, b); b.parent = this; // need both of these in case child was already uncalc'ed MARK_REFLOW_b; MARK_REFLOW; b.dirty(); putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions("ChildChange", b); } } void putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions(Object name, Object val) { try { putAndTriggerTraps(name, val); } catch (JSExn e) { JS.log("caught js exception while putting to trap \""+name+"\""); JS.log(e); } catch (Exception e) { JS.log("caught exception while putting to trap \""+name+"\""); JS.log(e); } } } /* offset_x = 0; if (path != null) { if (rpath == null) rpath = path.realize(transform == null ? VectorGraphics.Affine.identity() : transform); if ((flags & HSHRINK) != 0) contentwidth = max(contentwidth, rpath.boundingBoxWidth()); if ((flags & VSHRINK) != 0) contentheight = max(contentheight, rpath.boundingBoxHeight()); // FIXME: separate offset_x needed for the path } // #repeat x1/y1 x2/y2 x3/y3 x4/y4 contentwidth/contentheight left/top right/bottom int x1 = transform == null ? 0 : (int)transform.multiply_px(0, 0); int x2 = transform == null ? 0 : (int)transform.multiply_px(contentwidth, 0); int x3 = transform == null ? contentwidth : (int)transform.multiply_px(contentwidth, contentheight); int x4 = transform == null ? contentwidth : (int)transform.multiply_px(0, contentheight); int left = min(min(x1, x2), min(x3, x4)); int right = max(max(x1, x2), max(x3, x4)); contentwidth = max(contentwidth, right - left); offset_x = -1 * left; // #end */ /* if (path != null) { if (rtransform == null) rpath = null; else if (!rtransform.equalsIgnoringTranslation(a)) rpath = null; else { rpath.translate((int)(a.e - rtransform.e), (int)(a.f - rtransform.f)); rtransform = a.copy(); } if (rpath == null) rpath = path.realize((rtransform = a) == null ? VectorGraphics.Affine.identity() : a); if ((strokecolor & 0xff000000) != 0) rpath.stroke(buf, 1, strokecolor); if ((fillcolor & 0xff000000) != 0) rpath.fill(buf, new VectorGraphics.SingleColorPaint(fillcolor)); } */ /* VectorGraphics.Affine a2 = VectorGraphics.Affine.translate(b.x, b.y); if (transform != null) a2.multiply(transform); a2.multiply(VectorGraphics.Affine.translate(offset_x, offset_y)); a2.multiply(a); */