#expect 14 #expect 14 #expect 14 #expect 14 #expect 14 #expect 14 #ship debug0 : Debug #ship fifo0 : Fifo #ship fifo1 : Fifo #ship alu20 : Alu2 #ship alu21 : Alu2 fifo0.out: set olc=1; fifo0.out: [Rq] collect; debug0.in: set ilc=*; debug0.in: recv, deliver, send token to alu21.out; fifo0.in: set word= 12; fifo0.in: set ilc=*; fifo0.in: deliver; alu21.inOp: set word= 2; alu21.inOp: set ilc=6; alu21.inOp: deliver; alu21.in1: set ilc=*; alu21.in1: recv, deliver, send token to fifo0.out; fifo0.out: [Rq] send to alu21.in1; fifo0.out: [Rq] recv token; alu21.in2: set word= 2; alu21.in2: set ilc=*; alu21.in2: deliver; fifo0.out: tail; alu21.out: send token to alu21.out; alu21.out: set olc=1; alu21.out: [Rq] collect; //alu21.out: [Rq] set flags a=a, b=b; // uncommenting this line will mask the bug alu21.out: [Rq] send to debug0.in; alu21.out: [Rq] recv token; alu21.out: tail;