X-Git-Url: http://git.megacz.com/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=src%2FGeneral.v;h=3c8252849faa7cbca0b3e22963216901e25adaef;hb=8efffc7368b5e54c42461f45a9708ff2828409a4;hp=b58bb96035057bbbf7a12b47b9ef351c03699266;hpb=bcb16a7fa1ff772f12807c4587609fd756b7762e;p=coq-hetmet.git diff --git a/src/General.v b/src/General.v index b58bb96..3c82528 100644 --- a/src/General.v +++ b/src/General.v @@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ Class EqDecidable (T:Type) := Coercion eqd_type : EqDecidable >-> Sortclass. +Class ToString (T:Type) := { toString : T -> string }. +Instance StringToString : ToString string := { toString := fun x => x }. +Notation "a +++ b" := (append (toString a) (toString b)) (at level 100). + (*******************************************************************************) (* Trees *) @@ -525,6 +529,50 @@ Inductive IList (I:Type)(F:I->Type) : list I -> Type := Implicit Arguments INil [ I F ]. Implicit Arguments ICons [ I F ]. +Notation "a :::: b" := (@ICons _ _ _ _ a b) (at level 20). + +Definition ilist_head {T}{F}{x}{y} : IList T F (x::y) -> F x. + intro il. + inversion il. + subst. + apply X. + Defined. + +Definition ilist_tail {T}{F}{x}{y} : IList T F (x::y) -> IList T F y. + intro il. + inversion il. + subst. + apply X0. + Defined. + +Definition ilmap {I}{F}{G}{il:list I}(f:forall i:I, F i -> G i) : IList I F il -> IList I G il. + induction il; intros; auto. + apply INil. + inversion X; subst. + apply ICons; auto. + Defined. + +Lemma ilist_chop {T}{F}{l1 l2:list T}(v:IList T F (app l1 l2)) : IList T F l1. + induction l1; auto. + apply INil. + apply ICons. + inversion v; auto. + apply IHl1. + inversion v; auto. + Defined. + +Lemma ilist_chop' {T}{F}{l1 l2:list T}(v:IList T F (app l1 l2)) : IList T F l2. + induction l1; auto. + apply IHl1. + inversion v; subst; auto. + Defined. + +Fixpoint ilist_to_list {T}{Z}{l:list T}(il:IList T (fun _ => Z) l) : list Z := + match il with + | INil => nil + | a::::b => a::(ilist_to_list b) + end. + (* a tree indexed by a (Tree (option X)) *) Inductive ITree (I:Type)(F:I->Type) : Tree ??I -> Type := | INone : ITree I F [] @@ -567,9 +615,24 @@ Lemma extensionality_composes : forall t1 t2 t3 (f f':t1->t2) (g g':t2->t3), + + +CoInductive Fresh A T := +{ next : forall a:A, (T a * Fresh A T) +; split : Fresh A T * Fresh A T +}. + + + + + Definition map2 {A}{B}(f:A->B)(t:A*A) : (B*B) := ((f (fst t)), (f (snd t))). +(* string stuff *) +Variable eol : string. +Extract Constant eol => "'\n':[]". + (* the Error monad *) Inductive OrError (T:Type) := @@ -586,6 +649,18 @@ Definition orErrorBind {T:Type} (oe:OrError T) {Q:Type} (f:T -> OrError Q) := end. Notation "a >>= b" := (@orErrorBind _ a _ b) (at level 20). +Open Scope string_scope. +Definition orErrorBindWithMessage {T:Type} (oe:OrError T) {Q:Type} (f:T -> OrError Q) err_msg := + match oe with + | Error s => Error (err_msg +++ eol +++ " " +++ s) + | OK t => f t + end. + +Notation "a >>=[ S ] b" := (@orErrorBindWithMessage _ a _ b S) (at level 20). + +Definition addErrorMessage s {T} (x:OrError T) := + x >>=[ s ] (fun y => OK y). + Inductive Indexed {T:Type}(f:T -> Type) : ???T -> Type := | Indexed_Error : forall error_message:string, Indexed f (Error error_message) | Indexed_OK : forall t, f t -> Indexed f (OK t)